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The following videos are provided to help users get started with ThingWorx:     ThingWorx Installation ThingWorx PostgreSQL Setup for Windows ThingWorx PostgreSQL for RHEL   ThingWorx Data Storage Introduction to Streams Introduction to Value Streams Introduction to DataTables Introduction to InfoTables     ThingWorx Concepts & Functionality Introduction to Media Entities Using State Formatting in a Mashup Configuring Properties     ThingWorx REST API REST API (Part 1) REST API (Part 2)     ThingWorx Edge SDK Configuring File Transfer with the .NET SDK     ThingWorx Analytics Getting Started with ThingWorx Analytics Part 1 Getting Started with ThingWorx Analytics Part 2 Installing ThingWorx Analytics Builder Part 1 of 3 Installing ThingWorx Analytics Builder Part 2 of 3 Installing ThingWorx Analytics Builder Part 3 of 3 Creating Signals in the Analytics Builder How to Access the ThingWorx Analytics Interactive API Guide  
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The ThingWorx EMS and SDK based applications follow a three step process when connecting to the Platform: Establish the physical websocket:  The client opens a websocket to the Platform using the host and port that it has been configured to use.  The websocket URL exposed at the Platform is /Thingworx/WS.  TLS will be negotiated at this time as well. Authenticate:  The client sends a AUTH message to the platform, containing either an App Key (recommended) or username/password.  The AUTH message is part of the Thingworx AlwaysOn protocol.  If the client attempts to send any other message before the AUTH, the server will disconnect it.  The server will also disconnect the client if it does not receive an AUTH message within 15 seconds.  This time is configurable in the WSCommunicationSubsystem Configuration tab and is named "Amount of time to wait for authentication message (secs)." Once authenticated the SDK/EMS is able to interact with the Platform according to the permissions applied to its credentials.  For the EMS, this means that any client making HTTP calls to its REST interface can access Platform functionality.  For this reason, the EMS only listens for HTTP connections on localhost (this can be changed using the setting in your config.json). At this point, the client can make requests to the platform and interact with it, much like a HTTP client can interact with the Platform's REST interface.  However, the Platform can still not direct requests to the edge. Bind:  A BIND message is another message type in the ThingWorx AlwaysOn protocol.  A client can send a BIND message to the Platform containing one or more Thing names or identifiers.  When the Platform receives the BIND message, it will associate those Things with the websocket it received the BIND message over.  This will allow the Platform to send request messages to those Things, over the websocket.  It will also update the isConnected and lastConnection time properties for the newly bound Things. A client can also send an UNBIND request.  This tells the Platform to remove the association between the Thing and the websocket.  The Thing's isConnected property will then be updated to false. For the EMS, edge applications can register using the /Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/Services/AddEdgeThing service (this is how the script resource registers Things).  When a registration occurs, the EMS will send a BIND message to the Platform on behalf of that new resource.  Edge applications can de-register (and have an UNBIND message sent) by calling /Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/RemoveEdgeThing.
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Recently a customer from the ThingWorx Academic Program sent in a sample program they were having problems with. They were trying to post data from a Raspberry PI using Python to their ThingWorx server. It turns out that their program did work just fine and was also a great example of posting data from a PI using REST. Here is how to set up this example. 1. Import the attached "Things_TempAndHumidityThing.xml" entity file. 2. from the PI run 'sudo pip install requests' 3. from the PI run 'sudo pip install logging' 4. from the PI run 'sudo pip install http_client' 5. Create a python file call that contains this example code: #!/usr/bin/python import requests import json import logging import sys # These two lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->http.client) # You will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA. # The only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged. try:     import http.client as http_client except ImportError:     # Python 2     import httplib as http_client http_client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 # You must initialize logging, otherwise you'll not see debug output. logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log.propagate = True #NYP Webserver URL in Thingworx NYP_Webhost = sys.argv[1] App_Key = sys.argv[2] ThingName = 'TempAndHumidityThing' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'appKey': App_Key } payload = { 'Prop_Temperature': 45, 'Prop_Humidity': 33 } response = requests.put(NYP_Webhost + '/Thingworx/Things/' + ThingName + '/Properties/*', headers=headers, json=payload, verify=False) 6. From the command line run, './ http://twhome:8080 e9274d87-58aa-4d60-b27f-e67962f3e5c4' except substitute your server and your app key. 7. A successful response should look like: INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): twhome send: 'PUT /Thingworx/Things/TempAndHumidityThing/Properties/* HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: twhome:8080\r\nappKey: e9274d87-58aa-4d60-b27f-e67962f3e5c4\r\nContent-Length: 45\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.8.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{"Prop_Temperature": 45, "Prop_Humidity": 33}' reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' header: Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 header: Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=E7436D2E6AE81C84EC197D406E7E365A; Path=/Thingworx/; HttpOnly header: Expires: 0 header: Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache header: Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0 header: Pragma: no-cache header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked header: Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2015 12:39:24 GMT DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"PUT /Thingworx/Things/TempAndHumidityThing/Properties/* HTTP/1.1" 200 None My thanks to the customer who sent in the simple example.
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Javascript, everyone knows it, at least a little bit. What if I told you that you could do serious data acquisition with just a little bit of Javascript and you may already have the tools to do it, right now on your "Off the Shelf" device. Node.js is a command line implementation of Javascript that can be run on common, credit card sized devices like the Raspberry PI or the Intel Edison. I suspect that if you already know about Node.js, you may have encountered its non-blocking asynchronous, "Call back", style of programming which can be a little different that most other languages which block or wait for commands to complete. While this can be a benefit for increasing performance, it can also be a barrier to entry for new users. This is the problem that Node Red really solves. Node Red is a web based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that turns the "Call Back" style Javascript programming of Node.js into a series of interconnected Nodes, each Node of which represents a Javascript function which is connected by a callback to another node/function. A simple hello world program in Node Red would look something like this ( with annotations in red) : You can re-create this program using the Node Red IDE yourself. Here is a brief video (with no sound) which should familiarize you with how to create your own hello world flow. Video Link : 1333 How can you install Node Red on your own system to try it out? The good news is, if you have a Raspberry PI 2 with a NOOBS installed on it, Node.js and Node Red come pre-installed. If you do not already have it installed, or want to install it on your own system it is still pretty simple. Here are the steps: 1. Download and install Node.js ( 2. Run the command:  sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red     Omit the sudo on windows (see  for more info) 3. You now have Node Red. To run it, just type: node-red  on your command line. 4. Using your web browser goto http://localhost:1880 and the Node Red IDE will appear in your browser. How about a real hardware integration example? Node Red comes with many built in Nodes and many more nodes you can add to connect to specific peripherals you may have on your device. Rather than provide a complete tutorial on Node Red, I will focus on discussing using this IDE to re-create a hardware integration that I created in the past using the Java SDK, The Raspberry PI, AM2302 Weather Station (see Weather Applications with Raspberry Pi | ThingWorx)​. This example contains detailed specifics on the attachment of the AM2302 Temperature/Humidity sensor to your Raspberry PI. I am going to assume you have the hardware already attached to your Raspberry PI as described in this tutorial ( ). I am also assuming that you have installed the python based sample program described in this tutorial as well and you now have a python script called "" installed on your PI that produces the following output when it is run. pi@raspberrypi:~/projects/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples $ sudo ./ 2302 4 Temp=22.3*  Humidity=30.6% pi@raspberrypi:~/projects/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples $ If you don't have any of this hardware installed, you can still proceed with this example and just create your own temperature and humidity values manually. We are going to connect the output of this python script directly to ThingWorx and sample its output value every 5 seconds. I will start assuming you do not have the Am2302 hardware and create simulated values. I will then replace them with the actual output of the python script as a final step. Polling versus Interrupt Driven Data Collection In the Java SDK version of this example, we are polling for changes in data. Every so many seconds our device will wake up and take a reading. How do we recreate the same effect in Node Red without having to push an inject button every 5 seconds. No. We need an input node that activates on its own every 5 seconds. The Inject Node will do this. Drag out an inject node and configure it as shown below. This is an input node so it will be starting a new flow. It will fire off every 5 seconds from the minute this sheet is deployed. Simulate Data Collection Lets generate a random humidity and temperature value before getting the actual data. For this node we will use a Function node. Drag one out and configure it as shown below. Here is the Javascript for this node so you can cut and paste it into this dialog. var tempF = Math.random() * 40 + 60; var tempC = (tempF-32)/1.8; var humidity = Math.random() * 80 + 20; msg.payload = {     "tempF":tempF,     "tempC":tempC,     "humidity":humidity     }; return msg;                                    Remember that the returned message is the message that the next node will receive. The payload property is the standard or default property of a message that most nodes use to pass data between each other. Here, our payload is an object with all of our simulated data in it. Lets Test it Out Connect the two nodes together and add a debug output node and deploy your sheet. The completed flow will look like this. As soon as you deploy you should see the following output in your debug tab and every five seconds another data sample will be generated. So how does this data get to ThingWorx? What we need to do is take this data and deliver it to ThingWorx in the form of a REST web service call. This is easier to do than it sounds. First off, lets create a Thing on your ThingWorx server that looks like this. Now give it these properties. Next, create an Application Key in the application keys section of the composer. Assign it to the "Administrator" user. Your keyId will of course be different. This key will be the credential you need to post your data. Installing the ThingRest Node Red Node To simplify the process of posting the data to ThingWorx, I have created my own custom node to post data. To install a custom node into your Node Red installation you have to find the directory Node Red is using to store your sheets in. By default this is a directory called ".node-red" in your home directory. On a Raspberry PI this directory would be /home/pi/.node-red. If you are running Node Red now, quit it by hitting control-c and cd into the .node-red directory. Below is the sequence of commands you would issue on your PI to install the ThingRest node. cd ~/.node-red npm install git+ node-red                     The node package manager (npm) will install this new node automatically into your .node-red directory. Now re-run node-red and go back to your browser and refresh your Node Red IDE. You should now have a "REST Thing" node. Adding a REST Thing node to your flow Drag a REST Thing output node into your flow and configure it as shown below. Remember, your Application Key will be different than the one shown here. Also, your ThingWorx server URL may be different if your server is not on the same machine you are working on. Now connect it as shown below. When you deploy this sheet, you will be posting data to ThingWorx. Go back to your WeatherStation1 Thing in ThingWorx and use the Refresh button shown below to see your data changing. Wait, that is? Thats the whole data collection program? Yes. The flow above is the equivalent of the Java SDK code from the Java weather station example. Now for Some Real Data As promised, we will now replace the simulated data in the Generate Data node with real data obtained from the "~/projects/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 2302 4" python command on your Raspberry PI using an Exec node. The exec node can be found at the very bottom of your node palette. It executes a command and returns the results as msg.payload to the next node in the flow. You may have noticed it has three outputs instead of one. In order these outputs are your Standard output, Standard Error and the integer return code of the process. Use the first output node to get the results of this command. Now Connect this in place of the Generate Data Node as shown below. At this point, we can't connect the collected data to the WeatherStation1 Thing because it is in the wrong format. It is console output and we need it in the form of a Javascript object. We are going to need a function to parse the console output into a Javascript object. Add the function node shown below. Here is the Javascript for cut and paste convenience. var temphumidArray=msg.payload.split(" "); var tempC = parseFloat(temphumidArray[0].replace("*","").split('=')[1]); var tempF = tempC *1.8 + 32; var humidity = parseFloat(temphumidArray[2].replace("%","").replace("\n","").split('=')[1]); msg.payload = {     "humidity":humidity,     "tempF":tempF,     "tempC":tempC   }; return msg;   Now msg.payload contains a javascript object identical to the one we were generating at random but now it is using real data. Connect up your nodes so they appear as shown below but when you deploy, don't expect it to work yet because there is still one problem you will have to get around. This python script expects to be run as the root user. How to run Node Red as Root You can start Node Red as root with the following command sudo node-red -u /home/pi/.node-red   Note that the -u argument is required to make sure you keep using the pi user's .node-red directory. If you loose your REST Thing node, you are not using the pi user's .node-red directory, but root's instead. If you see any error messages in your debug window, try re-attaching the the debug node to the Collect Data node and see what is being produced by the exec node. Don't forget to verify that your tempC,tempF and humidity properties are updating in ThingWorx. Lets Add a GPS Location You may have noticed that there is a stationLocation property on the WeatherStation1 Thing. Lets set that to a fixed location to complete this example of 40.0568764,-75.6720953,18. Below is the modified Javascript to update in the Parse Data node to add this location. var temphumidArray=msg.payload.split(" "); var tempC = parseFloat(temphumidArray[0].replace("*","").split('=')[1]); var tempF = tempC *1.8 + 32; var humidity = parseFloat(temphumidArray[2].replace("%","").replace("\n","").split('=')[1]); msg.payload = {     "humidity":humidity,     "tempF":tempF,     "tempC":tempC,     "stationLocation":"40.0568764,-75.6720953,18" }; return msg; What's Next? Node Red has many more nodes that you can add to your project through the use of the npm command. There is a GPIO node library you can install at which will give you input and output nodes for the GPIO pins on your PI as well, This library also supports accessing Arduino's attached to the PI over a USB cable which expand the possibilities for data collection and peripheral control.Hopefully this article has exposed you to the many other possibilities for connecting devices to your ThingWorx Server. The Rest Thing node is using the HTTP REST protocol to talk to ThingWorx. In the near future, with the Introduction of the ThingWorx Javascript SDK, a Node Red library can be created that uses ThingWorx AlwaysOn WebSockets protocol to communicate with your ThingWorx server which will offer even more capabilities and better performance.
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Hi Community,   I've recently had a number of questions from colleagues around architectures involving MQTT and what our preferred approach was.  After some internal verification, I wanted to share an aggregate of my findings with the ThingWorx Architect and Developer Community.   PTC currently supports four methods for integrating with MQTT for IoT projects. ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector ThingWorx MQTT Extension ThingWorx Kepware Server Choice is nice, but it adds complexity and sometimes confusion.  The intent of this article is to clarify and provide direction on the subject to help others choose the path best suited for their situation.   ThingWorx MQTT Extension The ThingWorx MQTT extension has been available on the marketplace as an unsupported “PTC Labs” extension for a number of years.  Recently its status has been upgraded to “PTC Supported” and it has received some attention from R&D getting some bug fixes and security enhancements.  Most people who have used MQTT with ThingWorx are familiar with this extension.  As with anything, it has advantages and disadvantages.  You can easily import the extension without having administrative access to the machine, it’s easy to move around and store with projects, and can be up and running quite quickly.  However it is also quite limited when it comes to the flexibility required when building a production application, is tied directly to the core platform, and does not get feature/functionality updates.   The MQTT extension is a good choice for PoCs, demos, benchmarks, and prototypes as it provides MQTT integration relatively quickly and easily.  As an extension which runs with the core platform, it is not a good choice as a part of a client/enterprise application where MQTT communication reliability is critical.   ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector Although Azure IoT Hub is not a fully functional MQTT broker, Azure IoT does support MQTT endpoints on both IoT Hub and IoT Edge.  This can be an interesting option to have MQTT devices publish to Azure IoT and be integrated to ThingWorx using the Azure IoT Hub Connector without actually requiring an MQTT broker to run and be maintained.  The Azure IoT Hub Connector works similarly to the PAT and is built on the Connection Server, but adds the notion of device management and security provided by Azure IoT.   When using Azure IoT Edge configured as a transparent gateway with buffering (store and forward) enabled, this approach has the added benefit of being able to buffer MQTT device messages at a remote site with the ability to handle Internet interruptions without losing data.   This approach has the added benefit of having far greater integrated security capabilities by leveraging certificates and tying into Azure KeyVault, as well as easily scaling up resources receiving the MQTT messages (IoT Hub and Azure IoT Hub Connector).  Considering that this approach is build on the Connection Server core, it also follows our deployment guidance for processing communications outside of the core platform (unlike the extension approach).   ThingWorx Kepware Server As some will note, KepWare has some pretty awesome MQTT capabilities: both as north and southbound interfaces.  The MQTT Client driver allows creating an MQTT channel to devices communicating via MQTT with auto-tag creation (from the MQTT payload).  Coupled with the native ThingWorx AlwaysOn connection, you can easily connect KepWare to an on-premise MQTT broker and connect these devices to ThingWorx over AlwaysOn.   The IoT Gateway plug-in has an MQTT agent which allows publishing data from all of your KepWare connected devices to an MQTT broker or endpoint.  The MQTT agent can also receive tag updates on a different topic and write back to the controllers.  We’ve used this MQTT agent to connect industrial control system data to ThingWorx through cloud platforms like Azure IoT, AWS, and communications providers.   ThingWorx Product Segment Direction A key factor in deciding how to design your solution should be aligned with our product development direction.  The ThingWorx Product Management and R&D teams have for years been putting their focus on scalable and enterprise-ready approaches that our partners and customers can build upon.  I mention this to make it clear that not all supported approaches carry the same weight.  Although we do support the MQTT extension, it is not in active development due to the fact that out-of-platform microservices-based communication interfaces are our direction forward.   The Azure IoT Hub Connector, being built on the Connection Server is currently the way forward for MQTT communications to the ThingWorx Foundation.   Regards,   Greg Eva
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The Protocol Adapter Toolkit (PAT) is an SDK that allows developers to write a custom Connector that enables edge devices to connect to and communicate with the ThingWorx Platform.   In this blog, I will be dabbling with the MQTT Sample Project that uses the MQTT Channel introduced in PAT 1.1.2.   Preamble All the PAT sample projects are documented in detail in their respective This post is an illustrated Walk-thru for the MQTT Sample project, please review its for in depth information. More reading in Protocol Adapter Toolkit (PAT) overview PAT 1.1.2 is supported with ThingWorx Platform 8.0 and 8.1 - not fully supported with 8.2 yet.   MQTT Connector features The MQTT Sample project provides a Codec implementation that service MQTT requests and a command line MQTT client to test the Connector. The sample MQTT Codec handles Edge initiated requests read a property from the ThingWorx Platform write a property to the ThingWorx Platform execute a service on the ThingWorx Platform send an event to the ThingWorx Platform (also uses a ServiceEntityNameMapper to map an edgeId to an entityName) All these actions require a security token that will be validated by a Platform service via a InvokeServiceAuthenticator.   This Codec also handles Platform initiated requests (egress message) write a property to the Edge device execute a service without response on the Edge device  Components and Terminology       Mqtt Messages originated from the Edge Device (inbound) are published to the sample MQTT topic Mqtt Messages originated from the Connector (outbound) are published to the mqtt/outbound MQTT topic   Codec A pluggable component that interprets Edge Messages and converts them to ThingWorx Platform Messages to enable interoperability between an Edge Device and the ThingWorx Platform. Connector A running instance of a Protocol Adapter created using the Protocol Adapter Toolkit. Edge Device The device that exists external to the Connector which may produce and/or consume Edge Messages. (mqtt) Edge Message A data structure used for communication defined by the Edge Protocol.  An Edge Message may include routing information for the Channel and a payload for Codec. Edge Messages originate from the Edge Device (inbound) as well as the Codec (outbound). (mqtt) Channel The specific mechanism used to transmit Edge Messages to and from Edge Devices. The Protocol Adapter Toolkit currently includes support for HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT, and custom Channels. A Channel takes the data off of the network and produces an Edge Message for consumption by the Codec and takes Edge Messages produced by the Codec and places the message payload data back onto the network. Platform Connection The connection layer between a Connector and ThingWorx core Platform Message The abstract representation of a message destined for and coming from the ThingWorx Platform (e.g. WriteProperty, InvokeService). Platform Messages are produced by the Codec for incoming messages and provided to the Codec for outgoing messages/responses.   Installation and Build  Protocol Adapter Toolkit installation The media is available from PTC Software Downloads : ThingWorx Connection Server > Release 8.2 > ThingWorx Protocol Adapter Toolkit Just unzip the media on your filesystem, there is no installer The MQTT Sample Project is available in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt Eclipse Project setup Prerequisite : Eclipse IDE (I'm using Neon.3 release) Eclipse Gradle extension - for example the Gradle IDE Pack available in the Eclipse Marketplace Import the MQTT Project : File > Import > Gradle (STS) > Gradle (STS) Project Browser to <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt, then [Build Model] and select the mqtt project     Review the sample MQTT codec and test client Connector : mqtt > src/main/java > com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.codec.MqttSampleCodec decode : converts an MqttEdgeMessage to a PlatformRequest encode (3 flavors) : converts a PlatformMessage or an InfoTable or a Throwable to a MqttEdgeMessage Note that most of the conversion logic is common to all sample projects (websocket, rest, mqtt) and is done in an helper class : SampleProtocol The SampleProtocol sources are available in the <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\connector-api-sample-protocol project - it can be imported in eclipse the same way as the mqtt. SampleTokenAuthenticator and SampleEntityNameMapper are also defined in the <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\connector-api-sample-protocol project. Client : mqtt > src/client/java > com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.MqttClient Command Line MQTT client based on Eclipse Paho that allows to test edge initiated and platform initiated requests. Build the sample MQTT Connector and test client Select the mqtt project then RMB > Gradle (STS) > Task Quick Launcher > type Clean build +  [enter] This creates a distributable archive (zip+tar) in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\build\distributions that packages the sample mqtt connector, some startup scripts, an xml with sample entities to import on the platform and a sample connector.conf. Note that I will test the connector and the client directly from Eclipse, and will not use this package. Runtime configuration and setup MQTT broker I'm just using a Mosquitto broker Docker image from Docker Hub​   docker run -d -p 1883:1883 --name mqtt ncarlier/mqtt  ThingWorx Platform appKey and ConnectionServicesExtension From the ThingWorx Composer : Create an Application Key for your Connector (remember to increase the expiration date - to make it simple I bind it to Administrator) Import the and extensions available in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\requiredExtensions  Connector configuration Edit <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\src\main\dist\connector.conf Update the highlighted entries below to match your configuration :   include "application" cx-server {   connector {     active-channel = "mqtt"     bind-on-first-communication = true     channel.mqtt {       broker-urls = [ "tcp://localhost:1883" ]       // at least one subscription must be defined       subscriptions {        "sample": [ "com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.codec.MqttSampleCodec", 1 ]       }       outbound-codec-class = "com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.codec.MqttSampleCodec"     }   }   transport.websockets {     app-key = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"     platforms = "wss://thingWorxServer:8443/Thingworx/WS"   }   // Health check service default port (9009) was in used on my machine. Added the following block to change it.   health-check {      port = 9010   } }  Start the Connector Run the Connector directly from Eclipse using the Gradle Task RMB > Run As ... > Gradle (STS) Build (Alternate technique)  Debug as Java Application from Eclipse Select the mqtt project, then Run > Debug Configurations .... Name : mqtt-connector Main class:  com.thingworx.connectionserver.ConnectionServer On the argument tab add a VM argument : -Dconfig.file=<protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\src\main\dist\connector.conf Select [Debug]  Verify connection to the Platform From the ThingWorx Composer, Monitoring > Connection Servers Verify that a Connection Server with name protocol-adapter-cxserver-<uuid> is listed  Testing  Import the ThingWorx Platform sample Things From the ThingWorx Composer Import/Export > From File : <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\src\main\dist\SampleEntities.xml Verify that WeatherThing, EntityNameConverter and EdgeTokenAuthenticator have been imported. WeatherThing : RemoteThing that is used to test our Connector EdgeTokenAuthenticator : holds a sample service (ValidateToken) used to validate the security token provided by the Edge device EntityNameConverter : holds a sample service (GetEntityName) used to map an edgeId to an entityName  Start the test MQTT client I will run the test client directly from Eclipse Select the mqtt project, then Run > Run Configurations .... Name : mqtt-client Main class:  com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.MqttClient On the argument tab add a Program argument : tcp://<mqtt_broker_host>:1883 Select [Run] Type the client commands in the Eclipse Console  Test Edge initiated requests     Read a property from the ThingWorx Platform In the MQTT client console enter : readProperty WeatherThing temp   Sending message: {"propertyName":"temp","requestId":1,"authToken":"token1234","action":"readProperty","deviceId":"WeatherThing"} to topic: sample Received message: {"temp":56.3,"requestId":1} from topic: mqtt/outbound Notes : An authToken is sent with the request, it is validated by a platform service using the SampleTokenAuthenticator (this authenticator is common to all the PAT samples and is defined in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\connector-api-sample-protocol) EntityNameMapper is not used by readProperty (no special reason for that) The PlatformRequest message built by the codec is ReadPropertyMessage   Write a property to the ThingWorx Platform In the MQTT client console enter : writeProperty WeatherThing temp 20   Sending message: {"temp":"20","propertyName":"temp","requestId":2,"authToken":"token1234","action":"writeProperty","deviceId":"WeatherThing"} to topic: sample Notes : An authToken is sent with the request, it is validated by a platform service using the SampleTokenAuthenticator EntityNameMapper is not used by writeProperty The PlatformRequest message built by the codec is WritePropertyMessage No Edge message is sent back to the device   Send an event to the ThingWorx Platform   In the MQTT client console enter : fireEvent Weather WeatherEvent SomeDescription   Sending message: {"requestId":5,"authToken":"token1234","action":"fireEvent","eventName":"WeatherEvent","message":"Some description","deviceId":"Weather"} to topic: sample Notes : An authToken is sent with the request, it is validated by a platform service using the SampleTokenAuthenticator fireEvent uses a EntityNameMapper (SampleEntityNameMapper) to map the deviceId (Weather) to a Thing name (WeatherThing), the mapping is done by a platform service The PlatformRequest message built by the codec is FireEventMessage No Edge message is sent back to the device   Execute a service on the ThingWorx Platform ... can be tested with the GetAverageTemperature on WeatherThing ... Test Platform initiated requests     Write a property to the Edge device The MQTT Connector must be configured to bind the Thing with the Platform when the first message is received for the Thing. This was done by setting the bind-on-first-communication=true in connector.conf When a Thing is bound, the remote egress messages will be forwarded to the Connector The Edge initiated requests above should have done the binding, but if the Connector was restarted since, just bind again with : readProperty WeatherThing isConnected From the ThingWorx composer update the temp property value on WeatherThing to 30 An egress message is logged in the MQTT client console :   Received message: {"egressMessages":[{"propertyName":"temp","propertyValue":30,"type":"PROPERTY"}]} from topic: mqtt/outbound   Execute a service on the ThingWorx Platform ... can be tested with the SetNtpService on WeatherThing ...
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In this blog I will be testing the SAPODataConnector using the SAP Gateway - Demo Consumption System.   Overview   The SAPODataConnector enables the connection to the SAP Netweaver Gateway through the ODdata specification. It is a specialized implementation of the ODataConnector. See Integration Connectors for documentation.   It relies on three components : Integration Runtime : microservice that runs outside of ThingWorx and has to be deployed separately, it uses Web Socket to communicate with the ThingWorx platform (similar to EMS). Integration Subsystem : available by default since 7.4 (not extension needed) Integration Connector : SAPODataConnector available by default in 8.0 (not extension needed)   ThingWorx can use OAuth to access SAP, but in this blog I will just use basic authentication.   SAP Netweaver Gateway Demo system registration   1. Create an account on the Gateway Demo system (credentials to be used on the connector are sent by email) 2. Verify that the account has access to the basic OData sample service :   Integration Runtime microservice setup   1. Follow WindchillSwaggerConnector hands-on (7.4) - Integration Runtime microservice setup Note: Only one Integration Runtime instance is required for all your Integration Connectors (Multiple instances are supported for High Availability and scale).   SAPODataConnector setup   Use the New Composer UI (some setting, such as API maps, are not available in the ThingWorx legacy composer)     1. Create a DataShape that is used to map the attributes being retrieved from SAP SAPObjectDS : Id (STRING), Name (STRING), Price (NUMBER) 2. Create a Thing named TestSAPConnector that uses SAPODataConnector as thing template 3. Setup the SAP Netweaver Gateway connection under TestSAPConnector > Configuration Generic Connector Connection Settings Authentication Type = fixed HTTP Connector Connection Settings Username = <SAP Gateway user> Password = < SAP Gateway pwd> Base URL : Relative URL : /opu/odata/IWBEP/GWSAMPLE_BASIC/ Connection URL : /opu/odata/IWBEP/GWSAMPLE_BASIC/$metadata 4. Create the API maps and service under TestSAPConnector > API Maps (New Composer only) Mapping ID : sap EndPoint : getProductSet Select DataShape : SAPObjectDS (created at step 1) and map the following attributes : Name <- Name Id <- ProductID Price <- Price Pick "Create a Service from this mapping"     Testing our Connector   Test the TestSAPConnector::getProductSet service (keep all the input parameters blank)
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  Part I – Securing connection from remote device to Thingworx platform The goal of this first part is to setup a certificate authority (CA) and sign the certificates to authenticate MQTT clients. At the end of this first part the MQTT broker will only accept clients with a valid certificate. A note on terminology: TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the new name for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).  Requirements The certificates will be generated with openssl (check if already installed by your distribution). Demonstrations will be done with the open source MQTT broker, mosquitto. To install, use the apt-get command: $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients Procedure NOTE: This procedure assumes all the steps will be performed on the same system. 1. Setup a protected workspace Warning: the keys for the certificates are not protected with a password. Create and use a directory that does not grant access to other users. $ mkdir myCA $ chmod 700 myCA $ cd myCA 2. Setup a CA and generate the server certificates Download and run the script to create the certificate authority (CA) files, generate server certificates and use the CA to sign the certificates. NOTE: Open the script to customize it at your convenience. $ wget . $ bash ./ The script produces six files: ca.crt, ca.key,, myhost.crt,  myhost.csr,  and myhost.key. There are: certificates (.crt), keys (.key), a request (.csr a serial number record file (.slr) used in the signing process. Note that the myhost files will have different names on your system (ubuntu in my case) Three of them get copied to the /etc/mosquitto/ directories: $ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ $ sudo cp myhost.crt myhost.key /etc/mosquitto/certs/ They are referenced in the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file like this: After copying the files and modifying the mosquitto.conf file, restart the server: $ sudo service mosquitto restart 3. Checkpoint To validate the setup at this point, use mosquitto_sub client: If not already installed please install it: Change folder to ca_certificates and run the command : The topics are updated every 10 seconds. If debugging is needed you can add the -d flag to mosquitto_sub and/or look at /var/logs/mosquitto/mosquitto.log. 4. Generate client certificates The following openssl commands would create the certificates: $ openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048 $ openssl req -new -out client.csr  -key client.key -subj "/CN=client/" $ openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt  -CAkey ca.key -CAserial ./ -out client.crt  -days 3650 -addtrust clientAuth The argument -addtrust clientAuth makes the resulting signed certificate suitable for use with a client. 5. Reconfigure Change the mosquitto configuration file To add the require_certificate line to the end of the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file so that it looks like this: Restart the server: $ sudo service mosquitto restart 6. Test The mosquitto_sub command we used above now fails: Adding the --cert and --key arguments satisfies the server: $ mosquitto_sub -t \$SYS/broker/bytes/\# -v --cafile ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key To be able to obtain the corresponding certificates and key for my server (named ubuntu), use the following syntax: And run the following command: Conclusion This first part permit to establish a secure connection from a remote thing to the MQTT broker. In the next part we will restrict this connection to TLS 1.2 clients only and allow the websocket connection.
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This document attached to this blog entry actually came out of my first exposure to using the C SDK on a Raspberry PI. I took notes on what I had to do to get my own simple edge application working and I think it is a good introduction to using the C SDK to report real, sampled data. It also demonstrates how you can use the C SDK without having to use HTTPS. It demonstrates how to turn off HTTPS support. I would appreciate any feedback on this document and what additions might be useful to anyone else who tries to do this on their own.
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Modbus is a commonly used communications protocol that allows data transfer between computers and PLCs. This is intended to be a simple guide on setting up and using a Modbus PLC Simulator with ThingWorx. ThingWorx provides Modbus packages for Windows, Linux and Linux ARM. The Modbus Package contains libraries and lua files intended to be used along with the Edge Microserver. Note: The Modbus package is not intended as an out of the box solution Requirements: ThingWorx Platform Edge Microserver Modbus Package Modbus PLC Simulator In this guide, a free Modbus PLC Simulator​ is used. Here is the direct download link for their v8.20 binary release. Configuring the EMS: The first step is to configure the EMS as a gateway. This is done via adding an auto_bind section in the config.json: "auto_bind": [ {     "name": "ModbusGateway",     "gateway": true }] This creates an ephemeral Thing that only exists when the EMS is running. The next step is to modify the config.lua to include the Modbus configuration. Copy over the contents of the etc folder of the Modbus Package over to the etc folder of the EMS. A sample config_modbus.lua is provided in the Modbus Package as a reference. The following code defines a Thing called MyPLC (which is a Remote Thing created on the Platform): scripts.MyPLC = {     file = "thing.lua",     template = "modbusExample",     identifier = "plc",     updateRate = 2000 } scripts.Thingworx = {     file = "thingworx.lua" } scripts.modbus_handler = {     file = "modbus_handler.lua",     name = "modbus_handler",     host = "localhost" } Adding 'modbusExample' to the above script enables the usage of the same located at /etc/custom/templates/. 'modbusExample' is a reference point for creating a script to add the registers of the PLC. The given template has examples for different basetypes. The different types of available registers are noted and referenced in the modbus.lua file available under /etc/thingworx/lua/. Setting up the PLC Simulator: Extract the mod_RSsim to a folder and run the executable. Since we are 'simulating' a PLC connection, set the protocol to Modbus TCP/IP. Change the I/O to Holding Registers (or any other relevant option), with the Address set to Dec. In the Simulation menu, select 'No animation' if you want to enter values manually or use 'Increment BYTES' to automatically generate values. This PLC Simulator will run at port 502. The Connection: With the EMS & luaScriptResource running, the PLC Simulator should have a connection to the platform with activity on the received/sent section. Now if you open the Remote Thing 'MyPLC' in the platform, the isConnected property (under the Properties section) should be true. (If not, go back to General Information, click on Browse in the Identifier section and select 'plc'). Go back to the Properties section, and click on Manage Bindings. Click on the Remote tab and the list of defined properties should appear. For example, the following code from the modbusExample.lua: properties.Int16HoldRegExample = {key="holding_register/1/40001?format=Int16", handler="modbus_handler", basetype="NUMBER"} denotes a property named Int16HoldRegExample at register 40001. The value at the address 40001 in the PLC Simulator should correspond with the value at the platform once this property is added and the Thing saved. If you are running into any errors when connecting with a Raspberry Pi, please take a look atDuan Gauche's follow up document/ guide - Using your Raspberry Pi with the Edge Microserver and Modbus
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Welcome to the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community! The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are easy to deploy, pre-configured role-based starter apps that are built on PTC’s industry-leading IoT platform, ThingWorx. These Apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into operational information, improved decision making, accelerated time to value, and unmatched flexibility to drive factory performance.   This Community page is open to all users-- including licensed ThingWorx users, Express (“freemium”) users, or anyone interested in trying the Apps. Tech Support community advocates serve users on this site, and are here to answer your questions about downloading, installing, and configuring the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps.     A. Sign up: ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community: PTC account credentials are needed to participate in the ThingWorx Community. If you have not yet registered a PTC eSupport account, start with the Basic Account Creation page.   Manufacturing Apps Web portal: Register a login for the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps web portal, where you can download the free trial and navigate to the additional resources discussed below.     B. Download: Choose a download/packaging option to get started.   i. Express/Freemium Installer (best for users who are new to ThingWorx): If you want to quickly install ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps (including ThingWorx) use the following installer: Download the Express/Freemium Installer   ii. 30-day Developer Kit trial: To experience the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform with the Manufacturing Apps and create your own Apps: Download the 30-day Developer Kit trial   iii. Import as a ThingWorx Extension (for users with a Manufacturing Apps entitlement-- including ThingWorx commercial customers, PTC employees, and PTC Partners): ThingWorx Manufacturing apps can be imported as ThingWorx extensions into an existing ThingWorx Platform install (v8.1.0). To locate the download, open the PTC Software Download Page and expand the following folders:   ThingWorx Platform | Release 8.x | ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Extension | Most Recent Datacode     C. Learn After downloading the installer or extensions, begin with Installation and Configuration.   Follow the steps laid out in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2   Find helpful getting-started guides and videos available within the 'Get Started' section of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal.     D. Customize Once you have successfully downloaded, installed, and configured the Manufacturing Apps, begin to explore the deeper potential of the Apps and the ThingWorx Platform.   Follow along with the discussion and steps contained in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps and Service Apps Customization Guide  8.2   Also contained within the the 'Get Started' page of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal, find the "Evolve and Expand" section, featuring: -Custom Plant Layout application -Custom Asset Advisor application -Global Plant View application -Thingworx Manufacturing Apps Technical Lab with Sigma Tile (Raspberry Pi application) -Configuring the Apps with demo data set and simulator -Additional Advanced Documentation     E. Get help / give feedback / interact Use the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community page as a resource to find documentation, peruse past forum threads, or post a question to start a discussion! For advanced troubleshooting, licensed users are encouraged to submit support tickets to the PTC My eSupport portal.
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This post will cover the challenges I've had while going through the setup of .NET SDK based ADO Service for SQL Server DB Connection. I'll be starting from the scratch on setting up the service for this to present full picture on the setup. Pre-requisite 1. Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Express or Enterprise edition, for testing I worked with Express edition : 2. Once installed, it's imperative that the TCP/IP Protocol is enabled in the SQL Server Configuration Manager for the SQL Server 3. Download ThingWorx Edge ADO Service from PTC Software download page What is ThingWorx ADO Service? An ActiveX Data Object service allowing connection to a Microsoft database source e.g. MS SQL Server, MS Excel or MS .NET application to the ThingWorx platform. It is based on the ThingWorx .NET SDK. Installing ADO Service Let me begin by saying this is just a summary, in a crude way of course, of ThingWorx Edge ADO Service Configuration Guide. So when in doubt it's strongly recommended to go through the guide,also provided together with the downloaded package. I'll be using the ThingWorx ADO Service v5.6.1, most recent release, for the purpose of this blog. Depending if you are on x86 or x64 Windows navigate to the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET for accessing the InstallUtil.exe You'll find the above specified file under following two locations, use the one that applies to your use case. i) For x64 : C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 ii) For x86 : C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 1. Copy over the desired InstallUtil.exe to the location where you have unzipped the ADO Service package, the one downloaded above. e.g. I've put mine at C:\Software\ThingWorxSoftware\ADOService\ 2. Start a command prompt (Windows Start Menu > Command Prompt) and execute the InstallUtil.exe ThingWorxADOService.exe 3. This should create a service and some additional info in the \\ADOService folder in the form of InstallUtil.InstallLog 4. Check the log for confirmation, you should see something similar Running a transacted installation. ...     .... The Commit phase completed successfully. The transacted install has completed. ​​5. In Windows Explorer navigate to the folder containing all the unzipped files, and edit the AdoThing.config 6. For this blog I've security disabled, though obviously in production you'd definitely want to enable it 7. Configure the ConnectionSettings as per your requirement (refer to the guide for more detail on settings), below I'm noting the settings that will require configuration in its most minimum form (I've also attached my complete AdoThing.config file for reference) "rows": [       {         "Address": "localhost",         "Port": 8080,         "Resource": "/Thingworx/WS",         "IsSecure": false,         "ThingName": "AdoThing",         "AppKey": "f7e230ac-3ce9-4d91-8560-ad035b09fc70",         "AllowSelfSignedCertificates": false,         "DisableCertValidation": true,           "DisableEncryption": true       }     ] 8. Configure the connection string for the SQL Server in following section, in the same file opened above     "rows": [       {         "ConnectionType": "OleDb",         "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=localhosts\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TWXDB;Uid=sa;Pwd=login123;",         "AlwaysConnected": true,         "QueryEnabled": true,         "CommandEnabled": true,         "CommandTimeout": 60       }     ] 9. Just to highlight what's what in ConnectionString above: "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=<Machine/ClientName>\\SQLServerInstanceName;Database=<databaseName>;Uid=<userName>;Pwd=<password>;" 10. To get correct connection string syntax for different source refer to the 11. Save the file 12. Navigate to the windows services by opening Windows Start > Run > services.msc 13. Check for the service ThingWorx .NET ADO Client as you'll have to start it if it's set to Manual, like so in my case Following message will be logged on successful connection  in the DotNETSDK -X-X-X.log : [Critical] twWs_Connect: Websocket connected! At the end of the blog I'll share some of the errors that I came across while working on this and how to go about addressing them. Creating and connecting to Remote Database Thing Now, let's navigate to the ThingWorx Composer and create a Thing with RemoteDatabase Template to consume the resource created above in the form of ADO Service. I've named my thing as AdoThing while creating it in ThingWorx Composer, which matches with the ThingName used in the AdoThing.json file. If everything went through as needed you should see the isConnected = true in the AdoThing's Properties section. Since, this is a Database thing I can now go about creating all the required services concerning the Create, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations, just like for any database for created using the RDBMS Connector. Handling errors while setting up the ADO Service Here are some of the errors that I encountered while setting up the ADO service for this blog: Error 1: com.thingworx.ado.AdoThing Cannot connect to database. : System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Login timeout expired Note: Logged in DotNetSDK-X-X-X.log Cause & Resolution: - Service is not able to successfully reach or authenticate against the SQL Server Express DB instance - Ensure that the TCP/IP is enabled for the Protocols for the SQL Express, as I have shared in the screenshot above - Make sure that the username / password used for authenticating with the database is correctly provided while configuring the settings for the OLEDB section in    AdoThing.config Error 2: com.thingworx.ado.AdoThing GetTables OleDbException error : System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Note: Logged in Application.log from ThingWorx platform Cause & Resolution - This exception is thrown when user attempts to check for the available tables, while creating the service in the ThingWorx Composer - Resolution to this is similar to that mentioned above for Error 1 Error 3: [U: SYSTEM] [O: com.thingworx.ado.AdoThing] OleDbException [code = -2147217865, message = Invalid object name 'TWXDB.DemoTable'.] executing SQL query Note: Logged in Application.log from ThingWorx platform while testing/executing the SQL service created in the ThingWorx Composer Cause & Resolution - The error is due to the usage of DB name in front of the table name, it's not required since the DB name is already selected in the connection String Error 4: [O: com.thingworx.Configuration] Could not read configuration file. : Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Bad JSON escape sequence: \S. Path 'Settings.rows[0].ConnectionString', line 656, position 71. Note: Logged in DotNetSDK-X-X-X.log Cause & Resolution - This is caused due to the "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=<machineNameOrIP>\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TWXDB;Uid=sa;Pwd=login123;", - Json requires this to be escaped thus switching to "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=<machineNameOrIP>\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TWXDB;Uid=sa;Pwd=login123;", resolved the issue - Among many other,​ is quite helpful in weeding out the issues from the JSON syntax Error 4: [O: com.thingworx.ado.AdoClient] Error while initializing new AdoThing, or opening connection to Platform. : System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.     at com.thingworx.communications.client.TwApiWrapper.twApi_Connect(UInt32 timeout, Int32 retries)     at com.thingworx.communications.client.TwApiWrapper.Connect(UInt32 timeout, Int16 retries)     at com.thingworx.communications.client.BaseClient.start()     at Note: Logged in DotNetSDK-X-X-X.log Cause & Resolution - This error is observed when using FIPS version of the  ADO Service, esp. when downloaded from the ThingWorx Marketplace - Make sure to recheck the SSL configuration - When not using SSL check that the x64 and x86 directories only contain twApi.dll as by default FIPS version contain two additional dlls i.e. libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll in both x64 & x86 directories
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Setting up the ThingWorx Server RemoteThing, ApplicationKey, and TunnelSubsystem Tunneling from the ThingWorx platform to an Edge Device can be easily done with a few preparation steps on the platform side: Create an ApplicationKey entity on the ThingWorx server so that the EMS or SDK you are using can authenticate with the platform Create a RemoteThingWithTunnels or RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer Thing for the remote device to bind to Either ThingTemplate will work, the only difference is if you want to use any native file transfer capabilities that are provided by ThingWorx In the newly created Thing, on the General Information page, click on the drop-down menu next to Enable Tunneling and select Override - Enabled ​Go to the Configuration​ section under ​Entity Information ​on the right and click on the Add My Tunnel ​button The Tunnel Name is used to identify what tunnel to use in the RemoteAccessWidget you will bind to the tunnel The Host will remain because this is from the perspective of where the vnc server is to the remote device In my example they are on the same device The Port value should be the Port that the server is listening on This is typically 5900, but my vnc server is running on port 5901 for this example The App URI can be cleared out because we do not need to reference that file Here is a link to a further explanation on what the App URI is for: ThingWorx Tunneling App URI's The # of Connections and Protocol can remain their default values unless you have a reason to change them Navigate back to Home and look for the TunnelSubsystem under the Subsystems page Click on the TunnelSubsystem Click on the Configuration option on the left Modify the Public host name used for tunnels field and the Public port used for tunnels field to the host and port of your ThingWorx server Save and close the TunnelSubsystem Configuring the Edge Device For this example I'm going to keep it simple and set up an EMS (Edge MicroServer) instead of an SDK. This EMS will be on a totally separate device (an Ubuntu machine), while my ThingWorx server is on my local machine. Download the latest EMS onto a separate machine Configure the config.json file settings to match the server's host, port, and application key The ​tunnel​ block will be necessary to add as well, see below for an example of a working config.json file: Configure the config.lua file to match the name of the RemoteThingWithTunnels we created earlier; in this instance the name of my RemoteThing is ​EdgeThing​: Run the EMS and LSR (Lua Script Resource) The LSR EdgeThing​ will bind automatically to the RemoteThingWithTunnels we created earlier To verify there is successful connection between the platform and EMS go to the ​EdgeThing​'s Properties page and check to see if the ​isConnected ​property is currently set to ​true​ If it's not, please refer to this Help Center section for further troubleshooting. There is a list of error codes here. Installing a VNC Viewer and Server The next series of steps talks about configuring a VNC Server on the EMS machine and a VNC Client on the computer you are using to connect to the server. For this example I will be using packages tightvncserver, xfce4, xfce4-goodies, and vnc4server on my Ubuntu machine that hosts the EMS, and I will be using the tightvnc viewer available for download here. The following steps describe how to configure the Ubuntu machine so that it will be ready to accept vnc requests: I want to note that I am specifically using a 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 LTS OS Run the following commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies tightvncserver Run the vncserver and you will be prompted to setup a password I used password to keep it simple, but you will want to use something relatively secure We will want to kill this instance right away so we can proceed with further configuration vncserver -kill :1 ​Make a backup of the ​xstartup​ file in case things go awry mv ~/.vnc/xstartup ~/.vnc/xstartup.bak Create a new xstartup ​file to proceed with the setup nano ~/.vnc/xstartup Insert the following commands into the file, and they will be exercised every time the server starts or is restarted: #!/bin/bash xrdb $HOME/.Xresources startxfce4 & The first command in the file tells the VNC's GUI framework to reference the .Xresources file, which is where a user can change vnc settings The second command launches the XFCE -- the graphical software Ensure that the xstartup ​file has executable privileges: sudo chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup Start the server back up with vncserver For the machine that is being used to view the Mashup, install the tightvnc server from the link mentioned above. You should double-click the tightvnc-jviewer.jar file to run the viewer application now so it is up and ready for the ​Establishing a Tunnel ​section​. Creating the RemoteAccess Mashup This next portion of the tutorial covers creating the Mashup that will be asked by any user who wants to remote into the Edge device. Go to Composer Home and open the Mashup menu option on the left side of the screen Add a new Static or Dynamic Mashup Drag-and-drop a RemoteAccessWidget onto the Mashup Click on the RemoteAccessWidget and modify the RemoteThingName, TunnelName, and AcceptSelfSignedCertificates ​properties for the connection The RemoteThingName is the name of the Edge Thing the remote device is bound to The TunnelName is the name of the tunnel we added to the Edge Thing in the Configuration screen The AcceptSelfSignedCertificates is only used when using an SSL connection with self signed certs View the Mashup and the RemoteAccess Widget should have a green plus sign on it if the connection from the EMS to platform is up and connected Establishing a Tunnel The following section is the last part of the process where we actually establish a tunnel between the client, platform, and remote device. Open the Mashup with the RemoteAccess Widget if you closed it Click on the RemoteAccess Widget to being the wsadapter.jnlp download Once that has completed click on the wsadapter.jnlp file to run it Keep in mind that there is a default 90 second timeout defined in the TunnelSubsystem that will render the wsadapter.jnlp file useless and you will have to download a new one if the connection is not established within that timeframe If you receive the following error message you may need to reconfigure your TunnelSubsystem configuration options for your server because the thingworx-tunnel-launcher.jar was unable to be found at that address If you receive the following error message after you will need to modify your security settings in your Java options. This is done by opening ​Configure Java​, navigating to the ​Security ​tab, and then adding your ThingWorx server's IP and port to the site list via the ​Edit Site List...​ button You should have received a Security Warning message upon successfully finding the thingworx-tunnel-launcher.jar file that you will click the ​Run​ button on and check the I accept the risk and want to run this application​ A pop-up, like the following, will be seen and you know the tunnel is now open for tightvnc to connect through Do not click ​OK​, instead, please proceed to the next step. Clicking OK will close the tunnel if you have not connected to the EMS via the VNC Viewer yet. Open the tightvnc-jviewer.jar and type in the corresponding host and port that a vnc connection should be established to: localhost ​ and port ​16345​ are used because we have already established a connection to the EMS and it is listening for a vnc connection on port 16345 -- per the ThingWorx pop-up we just saw Click ​Connect​ and a new window should appear showing the GUI environment of your Ubuntu server like below
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I had just finished writing an integration test that needed to update a Thing on a ThingWorx server using only classes in the Java JDK with as few dependencies as possible and before I moved on, I though I would blog about this example since it makes a great starting point for posting data to ThingWorx. ThingWorx has a Java SDK which uses the HTTP Websockets protocol and you can download it from our online at the ThingWorx IoT Marketplace​ that offers great performance and far more capabilities than this example. If you are looking, however for the simplest, minimum dependency example of delivering data to ThingWorx, this is it. This examples uses the REST interface to your ThingWorx server. It requires only classes already found in your JDK (JDK 7) and optionally includes the JSON Simple jar. References to this jar can be removed if you want to create your property update JSON object yourself. Below is the Java Class. package; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Author: * Date: 4/22/16 */ public class SimpleThingworxRestPropertyUpdater {    static {    //Disable All SSL Security Testing (Not for production!)      try {       disableSSLCertificateChecking();      } catch (Exception e) {       e.printStackTrace();      }      HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier(){        public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {return true;}      });   }    public static void main(String[] args) {      // like http://localhost:8080 or https://localhost:443      String serverUrl = args[0];      // Generate one of these from the composer under Application Keys      String appKey = args[1];      String thingName = args[2];      // You don't have to use the Simple JSON class, just pass a JSON string to restUpdateProperties()      // This Thing has three properties, a (NUMBER), b (STRING) and c (BOOLEAN)      JSONObject properties = new JSONObject();      properties.put("a", new Integer(100));      properties.put("b", "My New String Value");      properties.put("c", true);      String payload= properties.toJSONString();      try {        int response = restUpdateProperties(serverUrl, appKey, thingName, payload);        System.out.println("Response Status="+response);      } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }   }    public static int restUpdateProperties(String serverUrl, String appKey, String thingName, String payload) throws IOException {     String httpUrlString = serverUrl + "/Thingworx/Things/"+thingName+"/Properties/*";     System.out.println("Performing HTTP PUT request to "+httpUrlString);     System.out.println("Payload is "+payload);     URL url = new URL(httpUrlString);     HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();     httpURLConnection.setUseCaches(false);     httpURLConnection.setDoOutput(true);     httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod("PUT");     httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/json");     httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty ("appKey",appKey);     OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(httpURLConnection.getOutputStream());     out.write(payload);     out.close();     httpURLConnection.getInputStream();     return httpURLConnection.getResponseCode();   }    /**   * Disables the SSL certificate checking for new instances of {@link HttpsURLConnection} This has been created to   * aid testing on a local box, not for use on production.   */    private static void disableSSLCertificateChecking() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {   TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {      public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {        return null;      }      public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) throws CertificateException {}      public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) throws CertificateException {}      } };      SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");      sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;      HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory());   } } When run, it prints out what the request body should look like in JSON: Performing HTTP PUT request to https://localhost:443/Thingworx/Things/SimpleThing/Properties/* Payload is  {"a":100,"b":"My New String Value","c":true} Response Status=200 I have attached the full Gradle project that builds and runs this example class as a zip file to this article. When you download it, if you have Java JDK 7 already installed an on your path, you can run the example with the command: On Linux or OSX ./gradlew simplerest Windows gradlew.bat simplerest Don't forget to edit the build.gradle file to use your server's URL and application key. You will also find the Thing used in this example in the entities folder of this project and you can import it on your server to test it out. It is a Thing that is based on GenericThing and has three properties, a (NUMBER), b (STRING) and c (BOOLEAN).
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The following power point contains some reference slides to start up with DSE/ThingWorx integration. Start with understanding DSE architecture and specifically, the differences compared to regular Relational Databases. Free online courses offered by DataStaxAcademy: – –   The following section will guide you through some of the specifics:
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In this blog post I'm covering the pratical aspects of setting up a Chain of Trust and configure ThingWorx to use it. There are already some examples available on how to do this via command line using a self-signed certificate, e.g. In this example I'll be using the KeyStore Explorer, a graphical tool for managing keystores. To learn more about the theory behind trust and encryption, see also Trust &amp; Encryption - Theory The Chain of Trust Creating a Root CA Open the KeyStore Explorer and create a new jks KeyStore File > New > JKS Via Tools > Generate Key Pair create a new key-pair. Use the RSA algorithm with a key size of 4096. This size is more than sufficient. Set a validity period of e.g. 302 days. It's important that all subsequent certificates have a lower validity period than the original signer. Leave the other defaults and fill out the Name (addressbook icon). Only the Common Name is required - usually I never use the Email field, as I want to avoid receiving more spam than necessary. Click OK and enter an alias for the Root CA (leave the default). A new password needs to be set for the private key part of the certificate. The new Root CA will now show up in the list of certificates. Creating an Intermediate CA The intermediate CA is signed by the Root CA and used to sign the server specific certificate. This is a common approach as - in case the signing CA for the server specific certificate gets corrupted, not all of the created certificates are affected, but only the ones signed by the corrupted CA. In the list right-click the Root CA and Sign > Sign New Key Pair Use the RSA algorithm with a key size of 4096 again. Ensure the validity period is less than for the Root CA, e.g. 301 days. (Because every second counts) Fill out the Name again - this time as Intermediate Certificate. A Intermediate Certificate is a Certification Authority (CA) in itself. To reflect this, a Basic Constraint must be added via Add Extensions. Mark the checkbox for Subject is a CA Confirm with OK, set the alias (or leave the default) and set the password for the private key part. The new Intermediate CA will now show up in the list of certificates. Creating a Server Specific Certificate In the list right-click the Intermediate CA and Sign > Sign New Key Pair Use the RSA algorithm with a key size of 4096 again. Ensure the validity period is less than for the Root CA, e.g. 300 days. (Because still, every second counts) Fill out the Name again - this time it's important to actually use the public servername, so that browsers can match the server identity with its name in the browser's address bar. If the servername does not match exactly, the certificates and establishing trust will not work! In addition to this, a Subject Alternative Name must be defined - otherwise the latest Chrome versions consider the certificate as invalid. Click on Add Extensions and the + sign, choose Subject Alternative Name. Add a new name with the + sign. Make it the same as the Common Name (CN) above. As before, confirm everything with OK, enter an alias and a password for the private key part. Saving the keystore All certificates should now show with their corresponding properties in the certificate list: Notice the expiry date - the higher up the chain, the sooner the expiry date. If this is not the case - the certificates and establishing trust will not work! Save the keystore via File > Save As and set a password - this time for the keystore itself. As Tomcat has a restriction the password for the keystore must be the password for the private key of the server specific certificate. It's highly recommended and (hopefully) obvious that passwords for the other private keys should be different and that the password for the keystore should be completely different as well. The keystore password will be shared with e.g. Tomcat - the private key password should never be shared with a source you do not trust! Configuring ThingWorx In ThingWorx, configure the <Tomcat>/conf/server.xml as e.g. mentioned in I'm using a connector on port 443 (as it's the default HTTPS port): <Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" maxThreads="150"           SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" enableLookups="false"           connectionTimeout="20000" keystoreFile="C:\ThingWorx\myKeystore.jks" keystorePass="changeme" redirectPort="8443" /> Restart Tomcat to consider the new configuration. ThingWorx can now be called via https://<>/Thingworx It's not yet trusted by the client - so it shows as potentially unsafe, and for me it shows in German as well *sorry* However, it's already using encrypted traffic as every HTTPS connection will use TLS. In this case we're communicating in a secure way, but do not know if the server (and its providers) can be trusted or not. Sharing credit card information or other personal details could be dodgy in such a scenario. Trusting the Root CA To trust our Root CA, we first have to export it. Every browser allows to view the certificate, e.g. in Chrome this is done via the Developer Tools > Security As we're using KeyStore Explorer, we can use it to export the Root CA. Right-click it in the certificate list and Export > Export Certificate Chain. Leave the defaults and export as .cer file. Open the Certificate Manager, by typing certmgr into the Windows search field. Open the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and right-click on the Certificates folder. Under All Tasks > Import. Choose the file you've just exported for the Root CA. The Root CA is now a trusted certificate authority. As the ThingWorx server specific certificate will fall back to the Root CA, it's now also recognized by the browser and the connection is now considered as secure and trustworthy. Congratulations!
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Do you trust me? if (true) { why } else      { !why } Communication between client and server can be encrypted or not. Communication between client and server can be between trusted parties or not. Both statements are independant of each other. There's no need to trust a server - but still traffic can be encrypted. There's no need to encrypt traffic - but still a server can be trusted. For secure and safe communication in an IoT environment encryption as well as trust should be an integral part of exchanging data. ​ Trust Certificates and Chains of Trust Trust establishes the identity of the parties involved, e.g. is server I'm contacting really the server it pretends to be? This can be ensured with server certificates. On the other hand, client certificates ensure that the client is actual the client it pretends to be. This can be used as an authentication approach and if the identity of the server as well as the client is confirmed, this is also known as mutual authentication. Trust is usually invoked through certificates. Certificates have a subject, usually the servername that the certificate belongs to. This can also be a wildcard subject like * which will be valid for all subdomains of A certificate can be digitally signed to ensure its identity. Usually a Certificate Authority (CA) signs the certificate. This CA can in turn be signed by another CA and so an, creating a whole chain of CAs. This chain is commonly known as the Chain of Trust or the certification path. If a certificate is not signed by a CA it's called a "self-signed certificate". These are mostly used for test scenarios, but should never be used in real production environments. Certificates can also expire by using dates like "Valid From" and "Valid To" to determine if a certificate is valid or not. In case a certificate or CA is expired, all following certificates in the Chain of Trust will no longer be considered as valid. For "commercial" certificates, certificates that are signed by an official CA like Google, Let's Encrypt or VeriSign, a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is used. For this a key-pair is generated and the CSR is signed with the private key. The CSR contains the public key and is sent to and finally signed by the CA itself, returning the public certificate e.g. signed by VeriSign. This mechanism allows to generate certificates by preparing the main information and just having the CA sign it as a trusted authority. Key-pair All certificates consist of a key-pair - a private key and a public key. The private key is indeed very private to the server and MUST NOT be shared with anyone else. The public key is indeed very public and can be shared with anyone. The key-pair consists of mainly two very large prime numbers and some mathematical magic allows for a mathematical one-way function ​with a trap door. This function allows to en-crypt any message with the public key and to de-crypt this message with the private key. So by giving out the public key to anyone, anyone can en-crypt a message to the server but only the server alone can de-crypt it with its private key. Therefore it's important that the private key is not shared with anyone, otherwise messages can be de-crypted by anyone possessing the private key and secure communication can be compromised. This method is called public-key encryption, or asymmetric encryption (as the key for en- and de-crypting are different). For more information, check out This key-pair is not related to any encryption while sending data between client and server. Encryption on a transport level is accomplished by using different, random keys. It's just used to generate a unique certificate with a unique fingerprint as a public certificate. The private key part is amongst other things used for signing other certificates in the Chain of Trust. Tomcat needs access to the private key of the server specific certificate, to actually verify that the certificate is authentic. However, certificates can also be used for e.g. emails where the private key is in fact used to en- or decrypt the mail on a content level! ThingWorx ThingWorx is mainly configured for server side trust. In this case all connecting clients can ensure that the identity of the ThingWorx server is a trusted one - and not a fake server or an untrusted source. Certificates and trust are usually triggered when a secure connection is established, via TLS / SSL - e.g. by calling https://<>:443/Thingworx The default port for a HTTPS (HTTP Secure / over TLS) connection is 443. For "normal" HTTP configuration, certificates are not required. Keystore To establish trust, any client needs to know the public certificate of the ThingWorx server. This is usually stored in a keystore. In ThingWorx, Tomcat needs to be configured with the location and the password of the keystore containing the certificate. For each web-request Tomcat will then present the server certificate to the client. The client can then verify through its own keystore if the certificate is trusted or not. When operating in browsers, this is done via e.g. the Windows-Keystore. For devices a custom, e.g. a Java-Keystore is required. The keystore must contain the whole Chain of Trust as well as the server specific certificate and its key. If the Chain of Trust is not stored completely in the keystore, or the key is missing / not accessible, the certificate validation process will already fail on server side. Certificates in Windows The default Windows-Keystore is actually pre-filled with lots of Root-Certificates, which start the Chain of Trust - such as Google, VeriSign or Microsoft. Trust needs to start somewhere… If the browser can trace the CAs of certificate back to a trusted Root CA, it's indicated by a green lock and the server will be trusted. If the Root CA cannot be found, it's indicated by a red lock (not a purse) - meaning that the server is not trusted. The server can still be contacted anyway, by manually acknowleding the risks (like identity theft or credit card scams). As an example, here's the certificate for Wikipedia and its Chain of Trust, starting with the GlobalSign Root CA: Trustworthy? In the end, certificates only clarify the identity of a server. If it is trusted or not, is completely up to the user / device. This trustful relationship all comes down to the client keystore / truststore. While the presenting server holds its certificate in the keystore, the verifying client holds the trusted certificates in the truststore. Any certificate in the truststore will ensure the correct server identity. Any unknown certificate will trigger a "Are you sure?" question in the browser. And as devices usually cannot respond to such a question, communication with an untrusted server can be forbidden by default. There are also products, like PTC Navigate which will require a client certificate to not only ensure server identity, but also ensure that also specific clients are able to connect to the server. Encryption No matter if a server is trusted or not, as soon as HTTPS is used as a protocol, communication will be encrypted. The certificate plays a role, but no matter if it's in the client's truststore, TSL forces encryption. Client Hello Usually the client contacts the server and sends a Client Hello. With this it also sends a list of available cipher suites, the intended receiver (server name) and a list of available Signature Hash Algorithms to be used. Cipher suites are used to determine which algorithms are used to establish a connection. The Signature Hash Algorithms define the Hash function, like SHA256 and the key / signature, like RSA. In my environment usually the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange is used to transfer public keys between server and client. During the Client Hello information about the elliptic curves are also transferred. For more information on these topics, see (Diffie-Hellman explained) Server Hello After receiving the Client Hello, the server sends back the Server Hello. This consists of multiple handshakes. In this phase, the server sends the preferred cipher suite (intersection of client and server suites) including the Signature Hash Algorithm to be used. In the same step the server is sending off the certificate to the client for identity validation. For establishing trust and validating the certificate, the server needs to know the private key for the server specific certificate. The server also announces in the server key exchange what public key it's using for encryption to the client. This key is not related to the certificate, but a random number from a newly generated key-pair. Keys are exchanged between server and client and vice versa via the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Client Response The client now sends in the client key exchange what public key it's using for encryption to the server. This is also a random key transmitted via the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Initiating Communication After announcing the public keys, both server and client will now communicate encrypted by using their custom key-pairs for asymmetric encryption of the payloads. This can also include an additional change of the cipher specification. As the public keys have been exchanged via the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, server and client are now bi-directionally communicating using each other's public key to en-crypt a message and each's own private key to de-crypt the message again. For more information, also see Trust & Encryption - Hands On Do you trust me now? if (true) { why } else      { !why } To see how this all works in a ThingWorx enviroment, and how easy it actually set up what has been discussed above, see also Trust &amp; Encryption - Hands On
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In this blog I will be covering the initial setup of ThingWorx Android SDK with a sample app (supplied with the Android SDK) and set it up with a web based revision control system like Bitbucket's (free account plan). I'll also be covering quick information on how to enable the HTTPS connection for the ThingWorx server on Windows platform. This will allow for secured connection to the ThingWorx server from the Android application. Do note this is only a reference guide for setting it up with revision control system, you’re free to choose to setup the Android Studio without Bitbucket or with any other revision control system. It’ll be just fine to have a local Git/SVN/Perforce etc. to manage the code repository, setting Android Studio with Bitbucket is officially not supported. Pre-requisite: 1. Download and unzip the ThingWorx Android SDK from 2. An account with Bitbucket is required 3. Download and install Android Studio Project Setup 1. Unzip the downloaded Android SDK on a local drive 2. Start the Android Studio > Import project > navigate to the sample applications location provided with the ThingWorx Android SDK e.g. Thingworx-Android-SDK-X.x.x\samples 3. Select one of the sample application e.g. androidShell, with ThingWorx Android SDK X.x.x there are 3 sample applications currently available when the Android SDK is downloaded: a. Android File Brwoser b. Android Shell c. Android Steam Thing 4. For this blog I'll be setting up the androidShell Android Application 5. Do note that all the sample projects are built using Gradle, so while importing if required select Gradle as the build system for the sample application 6. Once imported successfully in Android Studio you should be able to see the Android project and its file structure like so 7. We'll need an account with Bitbucket, create one if you don't have already 8. Logon to Bitbucket and create a team and new repository under that team 9. Navigate to the repository created in Bitbucket 10. Create a local GIT code repo if you don't already have one, and copy over all the contents from the Android SDK to that location 11. On your local machine open a command prompt and navigate to the drive where the local GIT's code repository resides, i.e. the folder where you unzipped the android SDK and execute the commands as mentioned: a. git remote add origin https://<>/<teamName>/<projectName>.git b. git push -u origin master Note: This will add the contents of your local GIT repository to the empty code repository you’ve created under the team on Bitbucket. 12. You can also use SourceTree UI application on windows for creating, GIT and Mercury based code repository and connect it to your Bitbucket account 13. On successful commit following will be logged in the command prompt Enabling HTTPS on Tomcat and connecting to Android Application Securing Tomcat on Windows You can skip this section if you already have Tomcat running ThingWorx configured for HTTPS connection. 1. Execute the command in a command prompt C:\>"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore C:\KeystoreTomcat\tomcat.keystore Note: Executing above step will require you to add additional information to the keystore like, Org name, full name location, etc. 2. Edit the <tomcatInstallation>\conf\server.xml file   <Connector   port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"               maxThreads="200" SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true" keystoreFile="C:\KeystoreTomcat\tomcat.keystore" keystorePass="<giveYourPasswordHere>" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS">       <!-- <SSLHostConfig>             <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="conf/localhost-rsa.jks"                         type="RSA" />         </SSLHostConfig>-->     </Connector> 3. Restart the tomcat service Note: For detailed information on securing the Tomcat on Windows refer to SSL/TLS Configuration How-TO . Note HTTPS setup is only for the Tomcat where ThingWorx is deployed and does not involve certificate setup on the Android Application side Finally,to test if the HTTPS setup was successful or not navigate to https://<serverName/IP>:8443/Thingworx in a web browser. Port 8443 is the default HTTPS port. Starting and connecting Android Application to ThingWorx Now that we have a working secured Tomcat and Android Studio setup with the sample Android Application, androidShell. Let's build and run the application using an emulated Android device in Android Studio 1. Navigate to https://localhost:8443/Thingworx > Import/Export > Import from file and import the Thing entity which will connect to the SampleThing when you’ll run the Android application, for e.g. I imported the Thingworx-Android-SDK-X.X.X\samples\android-shell\entity\Things_AndroidSampleThing.xml because I will be running the androidShell application 2. Attempting to run the Android application without the entity created in ThingWorx first, Thing will show as unbound in RemoteThing. 3. Create an AppKey in ThingWorx > Security > Application Keys with sufficient rights 4. Go to the Android Studio's toolbar and click on AVD Manager icon 5. This will open the Android Virtual Device Manager and lets you create a virtual Android device 6. You can of course use your own actual device to connect over USB and install and test the application on actual hardware 7. If you already have a Virtual or actual device connected to the system, click on Make Project icon in the toolbar 8. Once the Make finishes run the sample application, in my case androidShell application with the Run icon, like so 9. You may now be prompted with the options to select a device virtual or actual 10. Select as desired and click OK 11. This will now launch the application on the selected device, I have selected to launch on the virtual device which will start and emulated Android Device 12. When initiating/running the application for the first time you will be directed to the Settings screen allowing you to enter the connection URI and the Application Key to connect to the ThingWorx server 13. You have to follow one of the following two URI schemes while attempting to connect to a ThingWorx Server a. For HTTP connection use : ws://<machineIP/Name>:8080/Thingworx/WS b. For HTTPS connection use : wss://<machineIP/Name>:8443/Thingworx/WS Note: Ports may differ as these are the default ports, if you are running ThingWorx on different port enhance the URI accordingly 14. Since my ThingWorx is reachable on HTTPS connection i'll use the HTTPS connectino URI scheme and the application key that I have already created in the ThingWorx, which is bound to Administrator user 15. Once done press the back button on the screen to initiate the connection attempt 16. If all's set as it should be you will be able to see the Connected to Server option checked and the Property count for the Serial Number Property being updated every second For more detail on ThingWorx Android SDK refer to the ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebScocket based Edge MicroServer (WS EMS) Help Center
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ThingWorx 7.4 covers the following areas of the product portfolio:  ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Utilities and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Core, Connection Server and Edge capabilities. Key Functional Highlights Highlights of the release include: Source Integration: Improved integration framework making it easy to connect with external systems, including a standard Windchill connector, to retrieve data on demand. Industrial Connectivity: New Industrial Gateway and Discover navigation tool simplifying the mapping of tags to properties, including performance enhancements for data updates. Edge/CSDK: Build process improvements, Subscribed Property Manager (SPM) enhancements, asynchronous service requests and TLS updates to increase developer productivity, improve application performance and strengthen security. AWS IoT Connector: The latest version 1.2 of the Connector allows customers to more fully leverage their investment in AWS IoT. It features improved deployment automation via CloudFormation and automatic extension installation, ThingWorx Edge JavaScript SDK for use with the Connector with support for properties, services and events, and just-in-time certificate registrations. Contextualize Next Generation Composer: Re-imagined Composer using modern browser concepts to improve developer efficiency including enhanced functionality, updated user interface and optimized workflows. Engage These features will be available at the end of March 2017. Advanced Grid: New grid widget with improved design, context menu, multi-column sorting, global search and many more common grid-related features. Tree Grid: New tree-grid widget with same features as advanced grid plus ability to pre-load tree levels, dynamically load child data and auto expand all nodes to build more powerful mashups. Administer & Manage MS SQL Server: New persistence provider for model and run-time data providing customers an alternative to PostgreSQL. Security: ThingWorx worked with industry standard security scanning and auditing tools to identify and correct all non-trivial, and many trivial, vulnerabilities to ensure secure software best practices. Licensing: Link ThingWorx to PTC systems of record to manage user entitlement and provide usage information and auditing capability critical to TWX, PTC and its partners.  Documentation ThingWorx 7.4 Reference Documents ThingWorx Core 7.4 Release Notes ThingWorx Core Help Center ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Help Center Additional information ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal ThingWorx Marketplace Download ThingWorx Platform – Select Release 7.4 ThingWorx Edge C SDK 1.4 – Select Most Recent Datecode, C-SDK-1-4-0 ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector 1.2 – Select Release 7.4 ThingWorx Utilities – Select Release 7.4
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Introduction The Edge MicroServer (EMS) and Lua Script Resource (LSR) are Edge software that can be used to connect remote devices to the ThingWorx platform. Using a Gateway is beneficial because, this will allow you to run one instance of the EMS on a server and then many instances of the LSR on different devices all over the world. All communication to the platform will be handled by this one EMS Gateway server. The EMS Gateway can be set up in two different types of scenarios: Self-Identifying Remote Things and Explicitly defined Remote Things​. The scenario I'm going to discuss below will involve explicitly defined Remote Things, a ThingWorx server, an EMS, and a LSR. We will need at least 1 server to run the ThingWorx platform and EMS, but these can always be on separate servers as well. We will also need some other machine or device that will run the LSR. Visit the support downloads page to find the latest EMS releases. The LSR is contained within the EMS download. You can also navigate to the Edge Support site to read more about the EMS and LSR oif this is the first time you have ever configured one. The "ThingWorx WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Developer's Guide" is also provided inside of the zip file that contains the EMS for further information. Setting up the EMS Once we have obtained the EMS download from the support site (see the section above for links) we can begin creating our config.json file. The image below is a working config.json file for using the EMS as a Gateway. The settings in here are particular to my personal IP addresses and Application Key, but the concept remains the same, and I will go into further detail on the necessary sections, below the image. ws_servers The host and port parameters are always set to the IP address and port that the ThingWorx platform is being hosted on When the EMS and ThingWorx platform are on the same server, "localhost" can be used instead of an IP address appKey The appKey section is the value of an Application Key in the ThingWorx platform that should be used for the authentication of the EMS to the platform An Application Key will need to be created and assigned a user with proper priveledges prior to authenticating certificates The certificates section should be validating and pointing to proper certificates, but in the example above I am not validating any certificates for the sake of simplicity More can be read about the certificates sections here logger The logging section is out of scope of this article, but further reading on ​logger​ configurations can be found here The section in the example above will work for basic logging needs http_server The http_server section configuration parameters will tell the EMS what host and port to spin up a server on and if there is authentication necessary by any LSRs trying to connect The LSR has settings that will explicitly call out whatever value is set to the host and port in this section, so make sure to set these to an open port that is not in use or blocked behind a firewall Further reading on the http_server section can be found here auto_bind You can see above that there are two objects defined in the auto_bind section. One of these is binding the EMS to an EMSGateway Thing in the platform called "EdgeGateway" and the other is defined in the config.lua file for the LSR The gateway parameter is set to true only in the object, "EdgeGateway", that is being used for the EMS to bind to The host and port defined for the "OtherEdgeThing" should point to the port and IP address that the LSR is running on in the other device By default, the LSR runs on port 8001, but you can always double check the listening port by finding the Process Identification (PID) number of the luaScriptResource.exe and then matching the PID to the corresponding line item in the output of netstat -ao command in a console window The protocol can be set to "http" in an example application, but make sure to use "https" when security is of concern All further reading on the sections of the config.json file can be found in the config.json.complete file included with the EMS download and on the Edge Help Center under the "Creating a Configuration File" section and the "Viewing All Options" section. Setting up the LSR In this example, the LSR is going to run on a separate server and point to the EMS server. Below is a screenshot of two very important additions (rap_host and rap_port) to the default config.lua file: rap_host The rap_host field should be set to the IP address where the EMS is hosted rap_port The rap_port field should be set to the port parameter defined in the config.json http_server section script_resource_host The ​script_resource_host​ field must be set to ensure that the EMS will know what IP address to communicate with the LSR at scripts.OtherEdgeThing This line is necessary to identify what the name of the LSR is that will register with the EMS to bind to the platform "OtherEdgeThing" can be changed to anything, but make sure that the auto_bind section in the config.json aligns with what you've defined in the config.lua file at this line Running the EMS and LSR Now that we have configured the LSR and EMS to point to each other and the platform we can try running both of these applications to make sure we are successful. Make sure the ThingWorx platform is running Create a RemoteThing with the name given in the auto_bind section for the LSR we are connecting Create an EMSGateway with the name given in the auto_bind section for the EMS as a Gateway to bind to Start the EMS This can be done by double clicking the wsems.exe when in Windows, running it as a service, or running it directly from the command line Start the LSR This can be done by double clicking the luaScriptResource.exe when in Windows, running it as a service, or running it directly from the command line Navigate to the ThingWorx platform and make sure that the Things you have created are connected Do this by navigating to the Properties menu option and refreshing the isConnected property You should be able to browse remote properties and services for each bound RemoteThing, and this means you have successfully setup the EMS as a Gateway device to external LSR applications running on remote devices Any further questions about browsing remote properties or other configuration settings in the .config files is most likely addressed in the Edge Help Center under the EMS section​, and if not, feel free to comment directly on this document.
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A user can make a direct REST call to Thingworx platform, but when it comes to a website trying to make a REST call. The platform server blocks the request as it is a Cross-Origin request. To enable this feature, the platform server needs to allow Cross-Origin request from all/specific websites. Enabling Cross-Origin request can be done by adding CORS filter to the server. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) specification enables the cross-origin requests from other websites deployed in a different server. By enabling CORS filter, a 3rd party tool or a website can retrieve the data from Thingworx instance. Follow the below steps inorder to update the CORS filter: Update web.xml file (located in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml) For Minimal Configurations, add the below code: <filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>   <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping>   <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>         // "*" opens platform to all URL patterns, recommended to use limited patterns. </filter-mapping> NOTE: the url-pattern - /* opens the Thingworx application to every domain. For advanced configuration, follow the below code: <filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value> </param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.allowed.methods</param-name> <param-value>GET,POST,HEAD,OPTIONS,PUT</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.allowed.headers</param-name> <param-value>Content-Type,X-Requested-With,accept,Origin,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Access-Control-Allow-Credentials</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.preflight.maxage</param-name> <param-value>10</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/* </url-pattern>   // "*" opens platform to all URL patterns, recommended to use limited patterns. </filter-mapping> NOTE: update the cors.allowed.origin parameter with the desired web address Save web.xml file Restart tomcat For additional information, please follow the official tomcat reference document: Tested this using an online Javascript editor (jsfiddle) and executing the below script <script> var data = null; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://localhost:8080/Thingworx/Things", true); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.send(); </script> The request was successful and list of things are returned.
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