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  Step 8: Call Custom Service   In order to execute a Service of a specific Thing with the REST API, you can use the POST verb.   Required Parameters:   AppKey created by your ThingWorx server Name of the Thing that implements a custom Service Name of the custom Service Names of inputs, if any, required by the Service Request   Construct the URL. To call a custom Service of an existing Thing, make an HTTP POST to this endpoint: <server_ip:port>/Thingworx/Things/<name of Thing>/Services/<name of Service> Substitute <name of Thing> with the actual name of a Thing that exists on the ThingWorx server, and <name of Service> with an existing Service. Send request parameters The names of the inputs along with their values are sent in the body of the POST as a JSON object. For example, the JSON object below will send a parameter named 'firstNumber' with a value of 35 and a parameter named secondNumber with a value of 711. { "firstNumber": "35", "secondNumber": "711" } NOTE: The full request must include a header with the appKey for your specific ThingWorx server.   Response   A successful call to a Service will return a JSON object in the body of the response containing both a DataShape object and an array named rows. Inside the array, an object named result will have the value returned by the custom Service. Here is an example response:   { "dataShape": { "fieldDefinitions": { "result": { "aspects": {}, "baseType": "NUMBER", "description": "", "name": "result", "ordinal": 0 } } }, "rows": [ { "result": 746.0 } ] } WARNING for other HTTP clients: Most HTTP clients do not set a Content-Type header by default, without this header set the server will return an error message. The POST request to the Service endpoint has a JSON body so the header must be set to match the format of the request body.   Step 9: Import and Export Entities   Collections of Entities that perform a function can be grouped then shared by exporting from a server. These entity collections are called Extensions and can be uploaded using the REST API. You can create custom Extensions or download Extensions created by other developers. You can use the REST API to automate the process of uploading an Extension to a ThingWorx server.   Required Parameters   AppKey created by your Foundation server Path to properly formatted zip file containing extension Entities Request   Construct the URL. Upload an Extension by making an HTTP POST to the endpoint: <Server IP:port〉Thingworx/ExtensionPackageUploader Send request parameters. The zip file that contains the extension entities is uploaded as a multi-part POST. The name of the file parameter is upload. Use a library to properly format the multi-part POST request You must also send this header: X-XSRF-TOKEN:TWX-XSRF-TOKEN-VALUE Authenticate the Request. All API requests to the ThingWorx server must be authenticated either with a username and password or with an appKey. For this example we will authenticate by passing the appKey as a URL query string parameter. The parameter appKey is recognized by the ThingWorx server as an authentication credential in requests, it can be passed either as a URL query string parameter .../CreateThing?appKey=64b87... , or as request header appKey: 64b87...   Response   A successful call to upload an Extension will return a description of the Entities that were successfully uploaded in the body of the response.   HTTPie example: http -f POST upload@/home/ec2-user/ X-XSRF-TOKEN:TWX-XSRF-TOKEN-VALUE appKey:d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26bb645 cURL example: curl -v --header X-XSRF-TOKEN:TWX-XSRF-TOKEN-VALUE --header appKey:d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26bb645 -F     Download Things By Name   The REST API can be used to export a file representation of Things on a ThingWorx Foundation server. The downloaded file can be imported to another ThingWorx server making the Thing available for use.   Required Parameters   AppKey created by your Foundation server Name of the Thing Request   Construct the URL. Retrieve the components of a Thing by making an HTTP GET to the endpoint. Substitute <name of Thing> with the actual name of a Thing that exists on the ThingWorx server that wil be downloaded. <Server IP:port>/Thingworx/Exporter/Things/<name of Thing> Send request parameters. No parameters are sent. Authenticate the Request. All API requests to the ThingWorx server must be authenticated either with a username and password or with an appKey. For this example we will authenticate by passing the appKey as a URL query string parameter. The parameter appKey is recognized by the ThingWorx server as an authentication credential in requests, it can be passed either as a URL query string parameter .../CreateThing?appKey=64b87... , or as request header appKey: 64b87...   Response   It is possible for the content to be returned in two different formats by sending an Accept header with the request.   Desired Response Type  Accept Header Values JSON application/json XML text/xml HTML text/html (or omit Accept Header) CSV text/csv   A successful call to download a Thing will return a file in the body of the response suitable for importing into a ThingWorx Foundation server.   HTTPie example:   http -v GET appKey==d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26bb645 Accept:text/xml     Download Things By Tag   The REST API can be used to export a file representation of Things on a ThingWorx Foundation server. This file can be imported to another ThingWorx server making the Thing available for use.   Required Parameters   AppKey created by your Foundation server Name of the Tag Request   Construct the URL. Retrieve the components of a Thing by making an HTTP GET to the endpoint <Server IP:port〉/Thingworx/Exporter/Things Send request parameters. The Tag name is sent as a request parameter named: searchTags Authenticate the Request. All API requests to the ThingWorx server must be authenticated either with a username and password or with an appKey. For this example we will authenticate by passing the appKey as a URL query string parameter. The parameter appKey is recognized by the ThingWorx server as an authentication credential in requests, it can be passed either as a URL query string parameter .../CreateThing?appKey=64b87... , or as request header appKey: 64b87...   Response   It is possible for the content to be returned in two different formats by sending an Accept header with the request.   Desired Response Type  Accept Header Values JSON application/json XML text/xml HTML text/html (or omit Accept Header) CSV text/csv   A successful call to download a Thing will return a file in the body of the response suitable for importing into a ThingWorx Foundation server   HTTPie example:   http -v GET searchTags==Applications:Raspberry_light appKey==d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26bb645 Accept:text/xml     Step 10: Authentication Tags   A Tag is composed of two parts: a Vocabulary, and a specific vocabulary term. A Tag is shown as Vocabulary:VocabularyTerm. Almost every ThingWorx entity can be tagged. Tags can be used to create a relationship between many different ThingWorx Entities.   Create New Tag   You can use the REST API to create a new dynamic Tag vocabulary.   Required Parameters   AppKey created by your Foundation server Name of Tag Vocabulary   Request   Construct the URL. Create a new Tag Vocabulary by making an HTTP PUT to this endpoint: 〈Server IP:port〉/Thingworx/ModelTags Send Request Parameters. The name of the new DataShape and the name of the base DataShape that the new DataShape extends are sent in the body of the POST as a JSON object. For example, the JSON object below will create a new DataShape named SomeTestDataShape using the system template GenericThing. { "name": "SecondTest", "isDynamic": "true" } Authenticate Request. All API requests to the ThingWorx server must be authenticated either with a username and password or with an appKey. For this example we will authenticate by passing the appKey as a URL query string parameter. The parameter appKey is recognized by the ThingWorx server as an authentication credential in requests, it can be passed either as a URL query string parameter .../CreateThing?appKey=64b87... , or as request header appKey: 64b87...   Response   A successful call to the ModelTag Service does not return any content in the body of the response, only an HTTP 200 is returned.   HTTPie example:   http -v -j PUT name=SecondTest isDynamic=true appKey==64b879ae-2455-4d8d-b840-5f5541a799ae     Warning for other HTTP clients: Most HTTP clients do not set a Content-Type header by default, without this header set the server will return an error message. The PUT request to the ModelTags endpoint has a JSON body so the header must be set to match the format of the request body. The Content-Type header does not appear in the sample HTTPie call because HTTPie sets the Accept and Content-type request headers to application/json by default. Below is an example cURL call that explicitly sets the Content-Type header to application/json.   curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"name": "SecondTest", "isDynamic":"true"}'   Add Tag to Thing   You can use the REST API to add a Tag to a Thing. There must be a Thing and a Dynamic Tag Vocabulary already created on your Foundation Server before you can add a Tag.   Required Parameters   AppKey created by your Foundation server Name of the Thing to be tagged Name of Dynamic Tag Vocabulary Name of for Tag to be assigned to Thing Request   Construct the URL. Substitute 〈name of Thing〉 with the actual name of a Thing that exists on the ThingWorx server that will have the Tag added. Add a new Tag to an existing Thing by making an HTTP POST to this endpoint: 〈Server IP:port〉/Thingworx/Things/〈name of Thing〉/Services/AddTags Send request parameters. The name of the new field to be added and type of the field are sent in the body of the POST as a JSON object. For example, the JSON object below will create a new field named SomeNumber using the ThingWorx base type NUMBER. Some other commonly used types are STRING, INTEGER, and BOOLEAN. Include a header in the full request with the appKey for your specific ThingWorx server. { "tags" : "SecondlightTest:RaspberryTest", }   Response   A successful call to the AddTags Service does not return any content in the body of the response. Only an HTTP 200 is returned.   HTTPie example:   http -v -j appKey==64b879ae-2455-4d8d-b840-5f5541a799ae tags=SecondTest:RaspberryTest curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"tags": "SecondlightTest:RaspberryTest"}' Warning for other HTTP clients: Most HTTP clients do not set a Content-Type header by default, without this header set the server will return an error message. The POST request to the AddPropertyDefinition endpoint has a JSON body so the header must be set to match the format of the request body. The Content-Type header does not appear in the sample HTTPie call because HTTPie sets the Accept and Content-type request headers to application/json by default. Below is an example cURL call that explicitly sets the Content-Type header to application/json.   curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"tags": "SecondlightTest:RaspberryTest"}'      Click here to view Part 4 of this guide.  
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  Guidelines for selecting the optimal method for connecting to ThingWorx   GUIDE CONCEPT   In the world of IoT application development, connectivity refers to the infrastructure and protocols which connect devices to the cloud or network. Edge devices handle the interface between the physical world and the cloud.   ThingWorx provides you with several different tools for connecting to the Thingworx platform.   This guide is designed as an introduction to these tools, and will help you determine which to choose based on your specific requirements.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Pros and cons of different connection methods The connection method best suited for some typical applications Where to find detailed information about any connection method   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes   Step 1: Connectivity Method Options   There are many factors that will influence your decision about the ideal mechanism to connect to ThingWorx. On this page we compare and contrast different methods and give examples for where each one is a natural fit.   Connectivity Method Developer Benefit REST API Integrate seamlessly using dynamically-generated API calls Azure IoT Hub Connector Connect devices that use Azure IoT Hub Edge SDKs Build full-featured integrations for any platform ThingWorx Kepware Server Connect out-of-the-box with over 150 protocol drivers for industrial equipment Edge MicroServer Establish bi-directional connectivity with this complete, ready-to-run agent   REST API   Pros Cons Typical use case Skills Required Connection Type  Web developer can easily create integration ThingWorx cannot trigger action on the edge Push data from small devices to ThingWorx REST API development Request/Response   Using the ThingWorx REST API is an easy way for low-capability devices to connect with a ThingWorx platform. Any edge device that can make an HTTP POST can read and update properties or execute services on a ThingWorx platform. The disadvantage of this method is that it is one way from edge to platform. There is no way for the platform to initiate a service on the remote device and properties are only updated when the edge device initiates a connection with ThingWorx.   Learn more about the ThingWorx REST API:   Use REST API to Access ThingWorx Using the Connect an Arduino Developer Board tutorial REST API Documentation   Azure IoT Hub Connector   Pros Cons Typical use Case Skills Required Connection Type  Easily connect devices that use Azure IoT Hub Adds dependency and cost to application Add ThingWorx for devices connected with the Azure cloud Azure edge development AlwaysOn™   The diagram illustrates device-to-cloud integration with the Azure IoT Hub.   The ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector establishes network connections to both ThingWorx Foundation and the Azure IoT Hub. Data flows in from devices, through the Azure IoT Hub hosted in the cloud, to the ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector configured for a specific ThingWorx instance. The ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector translates messages from the Azure IoT Hub format, to the native ThingWorx format and uses an established AlwaysOn connection to forward the information to ThingWorx Foundation.   Azure IoT Hub   Connect Azure IoT Devices   Edge SDKs   Pros Cons Typical Use case Skill Required Connection Type  Fully integrate device or remote system with ThingWorx platform Most developer flexibility All functionality must be developed by programmer Full customization or tight integration required Application development in Java, C, or .Net AlwaysOn™   These SDKs are developer tools that wrap the protocol used to connect to the ThingWorx Platform. There are SDK's available for Java, C, and .Net languages. The Edge MicroServer uses the C SDK internally. All SDKs use the ThingWorx AlwaysOn binary protocol together with the HTTP WebSocket protocol for transport. WebSocket connections can operate through a firewall allowing two-way, low latency communication between the device and server. The SDKs support the following key concepts that allow a Thing developed with an SDK to be a full-fledged entity in the ThingWorx environment:   Remote properties — Entities that define the types, identities, and values from a device or remote system Services — Actions that can be performed on demand by a device or remote system Events — Data that is sent to a subscribed device or remote system whenever the Event is triggered   You can choose from any of the SDK's to create a custom application that meets their exact requirements.   C SDK   The C SDK is the most lightweight of all the SDKs and will result in an application that uses the least amount of RAM, frequently requiring less than 200kB. It is the only SDK that is distributed as source code, allowing compilation of C SDK applications on any platform even those without an operating system.   Learn more about the C SDK:   C SDK Tutorial C SDK Documentation   Java SDK   The Java SDK is designed for portability and simplicity to ease connecting any Java-enabled device or system to ThingWorx. The Java SDK is provided as .jar files and sample Java source code. Any system that can run Java 1.7.51 or later should be able to build and run the example applications.   Learn more about the Java SDK:   Java SDK Tutorial Java SDK Documentation   .Net SDK   The .Net SDK is provided as .dll files with sample Visual C# project files and source code. Any system that can run Microsoft NET 3.5 SP1 Framework development environment should be able to build and run the example applications.   Learn more about the .Net SDK:   .Net SDK Documentation   ThingWorx Kepware Server   Pros Cons Typical Use case Skill Required Connection Type  Easily connect to hundreds of different types of industrial equipment Requires computer running Windows physically connected to device Adding ThingWorx to an industrial setting Configure settings AlwaysOn™   The ThingWorx Kepware Server Windows client lets users quickly and easily connect real-time, bi-directional industrial controls data to the ThingWorx IoT Platform via the ThingWorx AlwaysOn protocol. ThingWorx services enable users to browse, read, write, and interact with ThingWorx Kepware Server, and includes intuitive tools that simplify the modeling of industrial things.   Learn more about the ThingWorx Kepware Server:   Connect Industrial Devices and Systems ThingWorx Kepware Server Documentation ThingWorx Kepware Server Manual   Edge MicroServer   Pros Cons Typical Use case Skill Required Connection Type  Easily connect with simple scripting Requires a device running Windows or Linux Customization with Lua scripting Connecting gateway router to ThingWorx Configure settings AlwaysOn™   The ThingWorx Edge MicroServer is a binary executable available for Windows and Linux running on either ARM or x86 processors. The EMS establishes an AlwaysOn, bi-directional connection to a destination ThingWorx platform when it is started. The EMS is configured by editing a json text file to specify the target platform and credentials. The EMS uses the always on connection to provide a local HTTP server that is a reflection of the platform REST API. This local copy of the platform API allows devices that are not capable of making encrypted connections across the open internet to securely interact with the platform. The EMS package also includes the Lua Script Resource application. This application extends the ThingWorx Foundation server by connecting through the EMS HTTP server and provides a Lua interpreter that can be used to connect local resources to the ThingWorx server.   Learn more about the ThingWorx Edge MicroServer:   Connect a Raspberry Pi to ThingWorx using the Edge MicroServer Edge MicroServer Documentation   Step 2: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Choose a Connectivity Method guide.   At this point, you can make an educated decision regarding which connection methods are best suited for your application and infrastructure.   The next guide in the Connect and Configure Industrial Devices and Systems learning path is Use REST API to Access ThingWorx   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Connect ThingWorx Application Development Reference Build Get Started with ThingWorx for IoT Experience Create Your Application UI   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support ThingWorx Connectors Help Center
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  Step 7: Set-up and Run Demo   The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector download includes a Java application that simulates a device connecting to your Azure IoT Hub. A ThingTemplate is also included and can be imported into ThingWorx.   Import Demo Templates   In ThingWorx Composer, click Import/Export menu, then click From File and browse to ../demo/edgedevice- demo/platform/entities/CPUDemo_AllEntities.xml   Click Import then click Close when the import successful message is displayed. Create a new Thing using the imported template azureDemo1, enter a name for your Thing and click Save. NOTE: You will enter this name in the demo config file in the next step. Configure Demo Application   In the ../demo/edge-device-demo/conf subdirectory, open the edge-device.conf file with a text editor. Edit the deviceId to be the name of the Thing you created in step 3. Edit the iotHubHostName to use the name of your hub plus the domain: For example, Edit the registryPolicyKey property to use the Primary Key for the registryReadWrite policy in the Azure IoT Hub. Below is an example configuration: azure-edge-device { deviceId = "alstestedgething" iotHubHostname = "" registryPolicyName = "registryReadWrite" registryPolicyKey = "pzXAi2nonYWsr3R7KVX9WuzV/1234567NZVTuScl/Kg=" }   Run Demo Script   Open a shell or Command Prompt, set the EDGE_DEVICE_DEMO_OPTS environment variable to refer to the file you just edited: Linux - export EDGE_DEVICE_DEMO_OPTS="-Dconfig.file=../conf/edge-device.conf" Windows - set EDGE_DEVICE_DEMO_OPTS="-Dconfig.file=../conf/edge-device.conf" Launch the demo from the ../demo/edge-device-demo/bin subdirectory, using the edge-device-demo command. Return to the ThingWorx Composer and open the Properties page of the Azure Thing that you created previously. Click the refresh button to see the properties change every five seconds. Open the azure-iot-demo Mashup and view the Load Average and CPU gauges, and the increases in the values of the Cycle and Uptime fields. NOTE: If the edgedevice-demo is running on Windows, the Load Average does not register.   Step 8: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect Azure IoT Hub to ThingWorx Quickstart. By following the steps in this lesson, you imported a device created in Azure into ThingWorx and saw how data from an Azure device could be used in a ThingWorx Mashup.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   If you're following the Azure MXChip Development Kit learning path, the next guide is Create a Thing Shape.    Capability     Guide Connect Choose a Connectivity Method Build Design Your Data Model Experience Create Your Application UI   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:  Resource       Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Getting Started with ThingWorx        
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  Step 11: Users   Access to functions and information on the ThingWorx Foundation server is controlled by Users. The REST API can be used to create, list, and delete Users.   Get Usernames of all Users   The REST API exposes the ability to retrieve collections of Entities so that a UI can be dynamically updated with current data.   Required Parameters   AppKey created by your Foundation server Request   Construct the URL. Include the hostname and authentication credentials for your specific ThingWorx server as described below. The Usernames of all Users can be returned by making a GET request to this endpoint: 〈Server IP:port〉/Thingworx/Users Authenticate Request. All API requests to the ThingWorx server must be authenticated either with a username and password or with an appKey. For this example we will authenticate by passing the appKey as a URL query string parameter. The parameter appKey is recognized by the ThingWorx server as an authentication credential in requests, it can be passed either as a URL query string parameter .../CreateThing?appKey=64b87... , or as request header appKey: 64b87... Send request parameters. Other than authentication, no other parameters are used in this GET request. Response   It is possible for the content to be returned in four different formats by sending an Accept header with the request.   Desired Response Type  Accept Header Values JSON application/json XML text/xml HTML text/html (or omit Accept Header) CSV text/csv   HTTPie example:   http -v -j appKey==64b879ae-2455-4d8d-b840-5f5541a799ae Accept:text/csv       Step 12: Troubleshooting   You should expect to get back the status code of 200 - OK either with or without content. In the case of an error, you will receive an error message. You can use the following table to diagnose the issue.   Response Code Definition  401 - Unauthorized appKey is incorrect or missing 403 - Forbidden Content-Type request header is not set to application/json Sometimes returned instead of a 404 A Property with that name already exists on the platform 404 - Not Found Incorrect URL or API endpoint Thing or Property has not been created Incorrect ThingTemplate name Required parameter missing from request 405 - Invalid Request Incorrect request verb; for example a GET was used instead of PUT or POST 406 - Not Acceptable Invalid JSON in PUT or POST request Thing [ Thing name ] already exists: A Thing with that name already exists on the platform 500 - Internal Server Error Content-Type request header is not set for a service execution POST, required even without a POST body Content-Type request header is not set for DELETE request, required despite the fact that DELETE does not send any content 503 - Service Unavailable Thing [] is not running RestartThing endpoint must be called Thing [] is not enabled EnableThing endpoint must be called       Step 13: Authentication Tags   There are different ways to authorize requests.   AppKey in HTTP Request Header   We recommend you place the appKey in the HTTP request header rather than passing the appKey as a URL parameter. This prevents the appKey from being written into server log files that may be seen by someone who is not authorized to modify the ThingWorx server.   HTTPie example:   http -v -j appKey:d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26 Full request headers:   GET /Thingworx/Things/AllenTestThingFour/Properties/CurrentTemp HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/json Host: appKey: d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26bb   AppKey In URL as Parameter   To send an appkey in a URL request string parameter, check the Allow Application Key as URL Parameter checkbox in the PlatformSubsystem Configuration. If the ThingWorx server is using HTTPS, the parameter will be encrypted in transit, however the appKey may be comprised because full request URLs are often written to server log files.   HTTPie example:   http -v -j appKey==d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26bb645 Full request headers:   GET /Thingworx/Things/aTestThing/Properties/CurrentTemp?appKey=d0a68eff-2cb4-4327-81ea-7e71e26 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/json Host:   HTTP Basic Auth   We do not recommend Basic Auth, because the username and password used are NOT encrypted and could be used to log into the ThingWorx platform. To demonstrate that username and password are not encrypted, copy the string in the Authorization line after Basic to Base64 Decode then click DECODE.   HTTPie example:   http -v -j -a Administrator:password1 Full request headers:   GET /Thingworx/Things/AllenTestThingFour/Properties/CurrentTemp HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Authorization: Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZDE= Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/json Host:     Step 14: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Use REST API to Access ThingWorx guide. You learned how to use the REST API to:   Create new Things on a ThingWorx Foundation Server Add Properties to Things Access Property values Execute custom Services   The next guide in the Connect and Configure Industrial Devices and Systems learning path is Java SDK Tutorial.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:      Capability Guide Build Data Model Introduction   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource    Link Community Developer Community Forum Support REST API Help Center    
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    Send data from an MXChip Developer kit to your Azure IoT Hub   GUIDE CONCEPT   Users of the MXChip IoT DevKit (a.k.a. MXChip), follow these quick steps to send temperature and humidity data from built-in IoT DevKit sensors to the Azure IoT Hub.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Connect the IoT DevKit to a wireless access point Create an Azure IoT Hub and register a device for the IoT DevKit Connect IoT Devkit to Azure IoT Hub   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 80 minutes   Step 1: Create an Azure IoT Hub   Choose +Create a resource, then choose Internet of Things. Click Iot Hub from the list on the right. You see the first screen for creating an IoT hub.   Fill in the fields.   Subscription: Select the subscription to use for your IoT hub.   Resource Group: You can create a new resource group or use an existing one. To create a new one, click Create new and fill in the name you want to use. To use an existing resource group, click Use existing and select the resource group from the dropdown list.   Region: This is the region in which you want your hub to be located. Select the location closest to you from the dropdown list.   IoT Hub Name: Put in the name for your IoT Hub. This name must be globally unique. If the name you enter is available, a green check mark appears.         3. Click Next: Size and scale to continue creating your IoT hub.     On this screen, you can take the defaults and just click Review + create at the bottom.   Pricing and scale tier: You can choose from several tiers depending on how many features you want and how many messages you send through your solution per day. The free tier is intended for testing and evaluation. It allows 500 devices to be connected to the IoT hub and up to 8,000 messages per day. Each Azure subscription can create one IoT Hub in the free tier.   IoT Hub units: The number of messages allowed per unit per day depends on your hub’s pricing tier. For example, if you want the IoT hub to support ingress of 700,000 messages, you choose two S1 tier units.   Advanced / Device-to-cloud partitions: This property relates the device-to-cloud messages to the number of simultaneous readers of the messages. Most IoT hubs only need four partitions.               4. Click Review + create to review your choices. You see something similar to this screen.           5. Click Create to create your new IoT hub. Creating the hub takes a few minutes.     Step 2: Create IoT device   Navigate to the IoT Hub created and in the IoT Devices page, click + New.   2. Enter the device ID used by the demo MXChip application MyNodeDevice. Use the default settings for auto-generating authentication keys and connecting the new device to your hub. Click Save.   3. Navigate to the device created and make a note of the device connection string, which looks like: HostName={YourIoTHubName};DeviceId=MyNodeDevice;SharedAccessKey={YourSharedAccessKey}.   Create Azure Storage   The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector we will install in the next guide requires an Azure Storage Account. Follow the Microsoft documentation to create an Azure Storage account. NOTE: Select Blob storage as the account type and the Hot Access Tier.     Step 3: Connect to Azure IoT Hub   Download the latest version of GetStarted firmware for IoT DevKit. Connect IoT DevKit to your computer via USB. In Windows you see a new USB mass storage device in Windows Explorer called AZ3166. Drag and drop the .bin file you downloaded from step 1 into the disk named AZ3166 and wait for IoT Devkit to restart. Internet connectivity is required to connect to Azure IoT Hub. Use AP Mode on the DevKit to configure and connect to Wi-Fi.Hold down button B, push and release the Reset button, and then release button B. Your IoT DevKit enters AP mode for configuring the Wi-Fi connection. The screen displays the service set identifier (SSID) of the DevKit and the configuration portal IP address:     5. Use a Web browser on a different Wi-Fi enabled device (computer or mobile phone) to connect to the IoT DevKit SSID displayed in the previous step. If it asks for a password, leave it empty.     6. Open in the browser. Select or input the Wi-Fi network that you want the IoT DevKit to connect to, type the password for the Wi-Fi conection and input the device connection string you made notge of in step 1. Then click Connect.     7. The WiFi credentials and device connection string will be saved in the IoT DevKit even after power cycliong. The following page will be displayed in the browser:     8. The IoT DevKit reboots in a few seconds. You then see the assigned Wi-Fi IP address on the screen of the IoT DevKit:     9. Wait for the IoT DevKit to connect to Azure IoT Hub and you will see it sending telemetry data including temperature and humidity value to Azure IoT Hub. The screen of the IoT Devkit would show message count and temperature/humidity data.       Step 4: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect MXChip to Azure IoT guide. By following the steps in this lesson, you created an Azure IoT Hub and device.     The next guide in the Azure MXChip Development Kit learning path is Create an Application Key.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Analyze Build a Predictive Analytics Model Build Get Started with ThingWorx for IoT   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Azure Support Page    
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  Send voice and text messages with Twilio.   GUIDE CONCEPT   This project will demonstrate how you can create applications that provide information to users, even when they are away from their computer. Users who are on the go can benefit from your application by receiving text and voice messages.   Following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to configure and use the Twilio Widget and explore it’s ability to send messages.   We will teach you how data can be used to send pertinent information to any cell phone.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Download and import the Twilio Widget extension Create a Thing using the Twilio Thing Template Configure the Twilio Thing to use your Twilio account Send text messages using a Service   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Install Twilio Extension   Download the Twilio Extension from Note:  IQNOX is a PTC Partner and will be maintaining and supporting specific extensions going forward.  It will be necessary to create an account on the IQNOX website, but the ThingWorx extensions are free. In the lower-left side of Composer, click Import/Export, then Import.   In the Import From File pop-up, under Import Option select Extension from the drop-down, then click Browse. Navigate to the .zip file you downloaded.   Click Import in the Import From File pop-up, then click Close after file is successfully imported.     Step 2: Create Twilio Thing   In this step, you will create a Thing that represents a connection with the Twilio service.   Start on the Browse, folder icon tab on the far left of ThingWorx Composer.  Under the Modeling tab, hover over Things then click the + button. Type twilio-connector in the Name field.   NOTE: This name, with matching capitalization, is required for the example code which will be entered in a later step. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template text box, click the + and select Twilio.     Click Save.     Step 3: Configure Twilio Thing   Now that we have created a Thing to represent the Twilio connection, we will configure it with your Twilio account credentials.   When the Twilio Extension is installed, it does not include the Twilio account credentials required to send messages.   You will need Twilio account credentials to complete this step. If you do not already have a Twilio account, you can click on this link to create a Twilio account.   Open the twilio-connection Thing if it is not already open. Click on the Configuration tab. Click the pencil icon next to the authToken field.   Copy your AUTH TOKEN from your Twilio account dashboard.   Paste your AUTH TOKEN into the New Password and Confirm Password fields under authToken.   Click the pencil icon next to the accountSID field. Copy your ACCOUNT SID from your Twilio account dashboard, and paste it into the New Password and Confirm Password fields under accountSID. Follow the steps in your Twilio account dashboard to get a trial phone number.   Copy your PHONE NUMBER from your Twilio account dashboard, and paste it into the callerID field.   Click Save.     Step 4: Test Twilio Thing   Now that we have created a Thing to represent the Twilio connection and configured it with Twilio account credentials, we will confirm that everything is working.   Click the Services tab at the top of the twilio-connector Thing.     Click the link to the SendSMSMessage Service in the Services Name column. Enter a phone number in the to field. Enter a test message in the text field.   Click the Execute button to send the SMS message. The service should execute without any errors within a couple of seconds and the phone number will receive your message. Click Close to end testing the service.     Step 5: Sample Alerting App   At this point, you have created and tested a Thing that can send text messages. This step will demonstrate sending a message when a Property Value is out of the desired range.   Import Simulated Freezer Thing   Download and unzip the attached sample In Composer, click the Import/Export icon at the lower-left of the page.   Click Import. Leave all default values and click Browse to select the Things_freezer.twx file that you just downloaded. Click Open, then Import. When you see the success message, click Close.   Explore Imported Entities   Navigate to the freezer Thing by using the search bar at the top of the screen. Click the Subscriptions tab.   Click reportFreezer under Name. Open the Subscription Info tab. Select the Enabled checkbox.   Click Done then Save to save any changes.   Verify Data Simulation   Open the freezer Thing and click Properties and Alerts tab. Click the Set value in the alertedPhone Property row, in the Value column.   Enter a phone number to receive the SMS alert, then click the Check icon above where you entered the phone number. Click the pencil icon in the temp Property row, in the Value column. Enter a value for the temp property that is greater than 30, and click the Check icon. In a couple seconds, the phone number you entered will receive an alert that includes the value you entered.      Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations!   In this guide, you learned how to:   Create a Thing using the Twilio Thing Template Configure the Twilio Thing to use your Twilio account Send text messages using a Service   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Twilio Extension Help Center
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    Step 12: Connect to Temperature Sensor   This step is optional. Additional instructions are provided for developers who are interested in interfacing with sensors.   The DHT11 and DHT22 digital temperature and humidity sensors are inexpensive and available from several sources: Adafruit Sparkfun SeeedStudio The Raspberry Pi does not come with any built-in analog to digital conversion capability and because these sensors are digital they can be interfaced easily with a Raspberry Pi. We will be using a Python library developed by Adafruit that simplifies interfacing with these sensors.   Install Adafruit Python Library for Sensors   We will use Git to download the Adafruit DHT11 Python from GitHub. Check if Git is already installed by opening a command window and typing the command: git If you see a "command not found" error message use this command to install Git: sudo apt-get install git-core If you get an error installing Git, run the command: sudo apt-get update then try to install Git again. Change into the EMS directory: cd microserver Download the Adafruit library with this command: git clone Change into the directory that was just downloaded: cd Adafruit_Python_DHT Install Python build libraries: sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev Build and install the library with this command: sudo python install   Connect Sensor to Raspberry Pi Power down the Raspberry Pi before making any wire connections. To prevent any flash memory corruption, enter the command shutdown -h now then wait a few seconds for it to complete before disconnecting the power supply. Use female-to-female jumper wires to connect the sensor as shown below. The black wire is connected to ground, the red wire is 5v or VCC, and the yellow wire carries is the digital signal. WARNING: Double check your connections before applying power. Mistakes can destroy the sensor and the Raspberry Pi!   3. Apply power and boot the Raspberry Pi. 4. Change into the EMS directory:   cd microserver 5. Test the sensor with this commmand:   ./Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 11 4   In a few a seconds the current temperature and humidity will be displayed. Change the 11 parameter to 22 if you are using the DHT22 sensor. The 4 parameter is the GPIO pin number of the Raspberry Pi that is conneCted to the sensor's signal pin. This command is the same command the luaScriptResource will use to get temperature and humidity readings.   Modify Lua template file A dozen lines need to be added to the file PiTemplate.lua file in the /microserver/etc/custom/templates directory.   After the line: properties.cpu_volt = { baseType="NUMBER", pushType="ALWAYS", value=0 } Add the two lines: properties.temp = { baseType="NUMBER", pushType="ALWAYS", value=0 } properties.humidity = { baseType="NUMBER", pushType="ALWAYS", value=0 } After the line: local voltCmd = io.popen("vcgencmd measure_volts core") Add the line: local sensorCmd = io.popen("./Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 11 4") After the line: properties.cpu_volt.value = s Add these 9 lines: -- set property temp and humidity local sensor = sensorCmd:read("*a") log.debug("[PiTemplate]",string.format("raw sensor %s", sensor)) s = string.match(sensor,"Temp=(%d+\.%d+)"); log.debug("[PiTemplate]",string.format("scaled temp %.1f", s)) properties.temp.value = s s = string.match(sensor,"Humidity=(%d+\.%d+)"); log.debug("[PiTemplate]",string.format("scaled humidity %.1f", s)) properties.humidity.value = s Stop and then restart luaScriptResource by using the following commands. ps -efl Will list all running processes, note the number in the PID column for ./lusScriptResource kill -9 PID# Replace PID# with number noted above and the process will be ended. Run LuaScriptResource by executing the following command: sudo ./luaScriptResource   Update Properties of PiThing   Log onto ThingWorx Foundation server. Click on the Home icon in Composer then broswse to Things > PiThing > Properties and click Manage Bindings button.   Click on the Remote tab, then drag and drop the temp and humidity Properties one at a time to the green plus sign next to Create new Properties. Click Done to close the binding window, then click Save. NOTE: The temp and humidity Properties will be updated every 30 seconds.     Step 13: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect Raspberry Pi to ThingWorx guide, and learned how to:   Set up Raspberry Pi Install, configure and launch the EMS Connect a remote device to ThingWorx   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Manage Data Model Introduction Build Get Started with ThingWorx for IoT   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer (WS EMS) Help Center External Raspberry Pi Documentation  
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Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path   Learn how to connect and monitor equipment that is used at a processing plant or on a factory floor.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 180 minutes.   Create An Application Key  Install ThingWorx Kepware Server Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Part 1 Part 2 Create Industrial Equipment Model Build an Equipment Dashboard Part 1 Part 2
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  Step 5: Bind Industrial Tag   Now that you've established a connection, you can use ThingWorx Foundation to inspect all available information on ThingWorx Kepware Server.   ThingWorx Kepware Server includes some information by default to assist you with verifying a valid connection with ThingWorx Foundation.   Create New Thing   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Modeling > Industrial Connections.   Click IndConn_Server. At the top, click Discover. The Discover option is exclusive to Things inheriting the IndustrialGateway Thing Template and displays information coming from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   Expand Channel1. Click Device1. On the right, you’ll see Tag1 and Tag2, which are pre-defined Tags to assist with connectivity testing.   Click the checkbox next to Tag1. Click Bind to New Entity.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select RemoteThing and click OK.   Finalize New RemoteThing   You’ll now be in an interface to create a new Thing with a predefined Property based on ThingWorx Kepware Server Tag1.   Type IndConn_Tag1 in the Name field. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Thing with a property fed from an Kepware Server Tag. The Base Thing Template has been automatically set to RemoteThing. The Implemented Shapes has been automatically set to IndustrialThingShape.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.   Click Save.   Test Connection   The IndConn_Tag1 Thing you created now has a Property with a value that will change with each update from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   The Tag1 we utilized is a 'ramp' and therefore, the value will increase at regular intervals.   At the top, click Properties and Alerts. Under Inherited Properties, you will see entries for both RemoteThing and IndustrialThingShape. The Property isConnected is checked, indicating a connection from Foundation to ThingWorx Kepware Server. The Property IndustrialThing has been automatically set to IndConn_Server. Notice the predefined Property named Channel1_Device1_Tag1.   Click Refresh repeatedly. You’ll see the value increase with each Refresh. This represents data being simulated in ThingWorx Kepware Server.   Step 6: Log to Value Stream   Now that you have explored the Properties of IndConn_Tag1, you’ve seen how ThingWorx Kepware Server feeds information to ThingWorx Foundation.   To get an even better indication of changes and confirm continued connectivity, we will log the changes to a Value Stream in order to record the values with a TimeStamp.   Create Value Stream   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Data Storage > Value Streams.   Click + New.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select ValueStream. Click OK. Type IndConn_ValueStream in the Name field. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Value Stream to record changes from ThingWorx Kepware Server. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. Click Save.   Bind Value Stream   Return to the IndConn_Tag1 Thing. At the top, select General Information. In the Value Stream field, search for and select IndConn_ValueStream.   At the top, select Properties and Alerts.   Click Channel1_Device1_Tag1. A new set of options will expand from the right.   Check the box for Persistent. Check the box for Logged.   In the top-right, click the Check button to close the expanded options. Click Save.   All changes to the Tag1 Property fed from ThingWorx Kepware Server are now stored and TimeStamped to the IndConn_ValueStream.     Step 7: Visualize the Data   We'll now create a Mashup to visualize the record of information from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Visualization > Mashups.   Click +New.   In the New Mashup pop-up, leave the default selections and click OK.   In the Name field, type IndConn_Mashup. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.  At the top, click Save.   At the top, click Design.   At the top-left, ensure the Widgets tab is selected.   In the Filter Widgets field at the top-left, type line. Drag-and-drop a Line Chart onto the central canvas area.     Add Data   At the top-right, ensure the Data tab is active.   Click the + button.   In the Entity Filter field, search for and select IndConn_Tag1. In the Services Filter field, type queryprop. Click the right-arrow button beside QueryPropertyHistory. The QueryPropertyHistory Service of the IndConn_Tag1 Thing will appear on the right in the Selected Services field. Check the box under Execute on Load in the Selected Services field.   Click Done. Note that the QueryPropertyHistory Service now appears on the right side Data tab. On the top-right Data tab, expand Things_IndConn_Tag1 > QueryPropertyHistory > Returned Data.   Drag-and-drop All Data from the QueryPropertyHistory Service from the right onto the Line Chart in the center.   In the Select Binding Target pop-up, select Data.   Configure Chart Properties   Click the Line Chart to select it. In the bottom-left Properties, type xaxisfield in the filter. Expand the drop-down for XAxisField.   Select timestamp. At the top, click Save. Click View Mashup. (You may have to enable pop-ups in your browser.)   The IndConn_Mashup will show you the recorded history of Property changes that came from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   Because the Tag1 Example is a ramp, you’ll notice a slowly-increasing value in the Line Chart.   Reload the Mashup's browser-tab to see the value increase even further.   NOTE: If the Mashup visualization is blank, confirm your connection to ThingWorx Kepware Server. Return to the Test Connection section of the "Bind Industrial Tag" step.     Step 8: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect Industrial Devices and Systems guide.   You've learned how to:   Connect ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Secure the connection with an Application Key Create an IndustrialGateway Thing Map ThingWorx Kepware Server Tags to ThingWorx Foundation Thing Properties Visualize Data from connected digital assets   Learn More   Capability Resource Connect Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC   Additional Resources   For additional information on ThingWorx Kepware Server:   Resource Link Documentation Kepware documentation Support Kepware Support site
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    Step 4: Write Data to External Database You’ve connected to the database, you’re able to query the database. Now let’s handle inserting new data into the database. The update statements and data shown below are based on the table scripts provided in the download. Examples of how the ThingWorx entity should look can be seen in the SQLServerDatabaseController and OracleDatabaseController entities. Running an Insert Follow the steps below to set up a helper service to perform queries for the database. While other services might generate the query to be used, this helper service will be your shared execution service. In the DatabaseController entity, go to the Services tab.   Create a new service of type SQL (Command) called RunDatabaseCommand. Keep the Output as Integer. Add the following parameter:  Name           Base Type       Required command String True 5. Add the following code to your new service: <<command>> 6. Click Save and Continue. Your service signature should look like the below example. You now have a service that can run commands to the database. Run your service with a simple insert. There are two ways to go from here. You can either query the database using services that call this service, or you can create more SQL Command services that query the database directly. Let’s go over each method next, starting with a service to call the helper. In the Services tab of the DatabaseController entity, create a new service of type JavaScript. Name the service JavaScriptInsert_PersonsTable. Set the Output as InfoTable, but do not set the DataShape for the InfoTable. Add the following code to your new service: try { var command = "INSERT INTO Persons (person_key, person_name_first, person_name_last, person_email, person_company_name, " + "person_company_position, person_addr1_line1, person_addr1_line2, person_addr1_line3, person_addr1_city, person_addr1_state, " + "person_addr1_postal_code, person_addr1_country_code, person_addr1_phone_number, person_addr1_fax_number, person_created_by, " + "person_updated_by, person_created_date, person_updated_date) VALUES ('" + key + "', '" + name_first + "', '" + name_last + "', '" + email + "', '" + company_name + "', '" + company_position + "', '" + addr1_line1 + "', '" + addr1_line2 + "', '" + addr1_line3 + "', '" + addr1_city + "', '" + addr1_state + "', '" + addr1_postal_code + "', '" + addr1_country_code + "', '" + addr1_phone_number + "', '" + addr1_fax_number + "', '" + created_by + "', '" + updated_by + "', '" + created_date + "', '" + updated_date + "')"; logger.debug("DatabaseController.JavaScriptInsert_PersonsTable(): Query - " + command); var result = me.RunDatabaseCommand({command: command}); } catch(error) { logger.error("DatabaseController.JavaScriptInsert_PersonsTable(): Error - " + error.message); } 5. Add the following parameter:  Name                                   Base Type           Required key String True name_first String True name_last String True company_name String True company_position String True addr1_line1 String True addr1_line2 String True addr1_line3 String True addr1_city String True addr1_state String True addr1_postal_code String True addr1_country_code String True addr1_phone_number String True addr1_fax_number String True created_by String True updated_by String True created_date String True updated_date String True 6. Click Save and Continue. Any parameter, especially those that were entered by users, that is being passed into a SQL Statement using the Database Connectors should be fully validated and sanitized before executing the statement! Failure to do so could result in the service becoming an SQL Injection vector. Now, let’s utilize a second method to create a query directly to the database. You can use open and close brackets for parameters for the insert. You can also use <> as a method to mark a value that will need to be replaced. As you build your insert statement, use [[Parameter Name]] for parameters/variables substitution and <<string replacement >> for string substitution. In the Services tab of the DatabaseController entity, create a new service of type SQL (Command).   Name the service SQLInsert_PersonsTable. Add the following code to your new service: INSERT INTO Persons (person_key ,person_name_first ,person_name_last ,person_email ,person_company_name ,person_company_position ,person_addr1_line1 ,person_addr1_line2 ,person_addr1_line3 ,person_addr1_city ,person_addr1_state ,person_addr1_postal_code ,person_addr1_country_code ,person_addr1_phone_number ,person_addr1_fax_number ,person_created_by ,person_updated_by ,person_created_date ,person_updated_date) VALUES ([[key]] ,[[name_first]] ,[[name_last]] ,[[email]] ,[[company_name]] ,[[company_position]] ,[[addr1_line1]] ,[[addr1_line2]] ,[[addr1_line3]] ,[[addr1_city]]]] ,[[addr1_state]] ,[[addr1_postal_code]] ,[[addr1_country_code]] ,[[addr1_phone_number]] ,[[addr1_fax_number]] ,[[created_by]] ,[[updated_by]] ,[[created_date]] ,[[updated_date]]); 4. Add the following parameter:  Name                                  Base Type       Required key String True name_first String True name_last String True company_name String True company_position String True addr1_line1 String True addr1_line2 String True addr1_line3 String True addr1_city String True addr1_state String True addr1_postal_code String True addr1_country_code String True addr1_phone_number String True addr1_fax_number String True created_by String True updated_by String True created_date String True updated_date String True 5. Click Save and Continue. Examples of insert services can be seen in the provided downloads.   Step 5: Executing Stored Procedures There will be times when a singular query will not be enough to get the job done. This is when you'll need to incorporate stored procedures into your database design. ThingWorx is able to use the same SQL Command when executing a stored procedure with no data return and a SQL query when executing a stored procedure with an expected result set. Before executing these services or stored procedures, ensure they exist in your database. They can be found in the example file provided. Execute Stored Procedure Now, let's create the service to handle calling/executing a stored procedure. If you are expecting data from this stored procedure, use EXEC to execute the stored procedure. If you only need to execute the stored procedure and do not expect a result set, then using the EXECUTE statement is good enough. You're also able to use the string substitution similar to what we've shown you in the earlier steps. In the DatabaseController entity, go to the Services tab. Create a new service of type SQL (Command) called RunAssignStudentStoredProcedure. Add the following parameter:  Name                      Base Type        Required student_key String True course_key String True 4. Add the following code to your new service: EXECUTE AddStudentsToCourse @person_key = N'<<person_key>>', @course_key = N'<<course_key>>';   You can also perform this execute in a service based on JavaScript using the following code: try { var command = "EXECUTE AddStudentsToCourse " + " @student_key = N'" + student_key + "', " + " @course_key = N'" + course_key + "'"; logger.debug("DatabaseController.RunAssignStudentStoredProcedure(): Command - " + command); var result = me.RunDatabaseCommand({command:command}); } catch(error) { logger.error("DatabaseController.RunAssignStudentStoredProcedure(): Error - " + error.message); } 5. Click Save and Continue. Execute Stored Procedure for Data Let's create the entity you will use for both methods. This can be seen in the example below:   In the DatabaseController entity, go to the Services tab. Create a new service of type SQL (Query) called GetStudentCoursesStoredProcedure. Set the Output as InfoTable, but do not set the DataShape for the InfoTable. Add the following parameter:  Name                    Base Type        Required course_key String True 5. Add the following code to your new service: EXEC GetStudentsInCourse @course_key = N'<<course_key>>'   You can also perform this execute in a service based on JavaScript using the following code: try { var query = "EXEC GetStudentsInCourse " + " @course_key = N'" + course_key + "'"; logger.debug("DatabaseController.GetStudentCoursesStoredProcedure(): Query - " + query); var result = me.RunDatabaseQuery({query:query}); } catch(error) { logger.error("DatabaseController.GetStudentCoursesStoredProcedure(): Error - " + error.message); } 6. Click Save and Continue. You've now created your first set of services used to call stored procedures for data. Of course, these stored procedures will need to be in the database before they can successfully run. Step 6: Next Steps Congratulations! You've successfully completed the guide for External Database, and learned how to use the ThingWorx Platform to connect to database, query for data, and write new data. Learn More We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:  Capability       Guide Build Design Your Data Model Build Configure Permissions Additional Resources If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:  Resource           Link Community Developer Community Forum
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  Step 6: Create OPC UA Tag in ThingWorx   We will now create a Device in Kepware with a Tag whose value will be shown in ThingWorx.   Right-click on Channel1 that was just created, then click Next to accept the default name Device1       Click Next six times to accept the default settings, Then click the Select import items button.     Expand the remote OPC UA server URL, then expand OpcPlc and Telemetry.     Click SlowUint1 to select it, then click Add items >>. Click OK, Next, Finish. Return to ThingWorx Composer. Under Browse > Modeling > Industrial Connections, open IndConn_Server. Expand Channel1 > Device1 > OpcPlc, then click Telemetry.     Click the check-box next to SlowUint1. Click Bind to New Entity.     Select RemoteThing, then click OK. Enter azure-opcua-plc in the Name field, then click Save.     Click Properties and Alerts, then Click Refresh to see the property value changing every 10 seconds.     Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect to an Azure OPC UA Server guide, and learned how to:   Create an OPC UA Server in Azure Configure Kepware as on OPC UA Client Connect Kepware to ThingWorx Foundation Monitor OPC UA data in ThingWorx Composer   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability Guide Experience Create Your Application UI   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Getting Started with ThingWorx Documentation Kepware documentation Support Kepware Support site
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    Step 5: Log to Value Stream   Now that you have explored the Properties of IndConn_Tag1, you’ve seen how ThingWorx Kepware Server feeds information to ThingWorx Foundation. To get an even better indication of changes and confirm continued connectivity, we will log the changes to a Value Stream in order to record the values with a TimeStamp.   Create Value Stream   Return to the ThingWorx Foundation New Composer browser. Click Browse. Click Data Storage -> Value Streams. Click + New. In the Choose Template pop-up, select ValueStream. Click OK. Type IndConn_ValueStream in the Name field. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Value Stream to record changes from ThingWorx Kepware Server. Click Save.   Bind Value Stream   Open the IndConn_Tag1 either by clicking on the tab at the top, or by clicking on PTCDefaultProject on the left At the top, select General Information. In the Value Stream field, enter indconn. Select IndConn_ValueStream from the sorted list. At the top, select Properties and Alerts. Click Simulation_Examples_Functions_Random3. A new set of options will expand from the right. Check the box for Persistent. Check the box for Logged. Click the Check button to close the expanded options. Click Save. All changes to the Random3 Tag, fed from ThingWorx Kepware Server, are now stored and TimeStamped in the Simulation_Examples_Functions_Random3 Property.   Step 6: Visualize the Data   We'll now create a Mashup to visualize the record of information from ThingWorx Kepware Server. In ThingWorx Foundation's Browse, click Visualization -> Mashups. Click +New. In the New Mashup pop-up, leave the default selections. Click OK. In the Name field, enter IndConn_Mashup. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. At the top, click Save. At the top, click Design. In the Filter Widgets field at the top-left, enter chart. Drag-and-drop a Line Chart onto the central canvas area. Add Data   On the right-side of the Mashup Builder, click the Data tab. Click the + button on the Data tab.        3. In the Add Data pop-up, enter indconn in the Entity field, overwriting Filter. 4. Select IndConn_Tag1 from the sorted list. 5. In the Filter field below Services, enter queryprop. 6. Click the right arrow button beside QueryPropertyHistory. The QueryPropertyHistory Service of the IndConn_Tag1 Thing will appear on the right in the Selected Services field. 7. Check the box under Execute on Load in the Selected Services field.' 8. Click Done. Note that the QueryPropertyHistory Service now appears on the right side Data tab. 9. Click the arrow to expand QueryPropertyHistory, then click to expand Returned Data. 10. Drag-and-drop All Data from the QueryPropertyHistory Service from the right onto the Time Series Chart in the center. 11. In the Select Binding Target pop-up, select Data.        Configure Chart Properties   In the bottom-left Properties of timeserieschart-1, enter xaxisfield in the Filter Properties field. Expand the drop-down for XAxisField. Select timestamp. Click Save. Click View Mashup. (You may have to enable pop-ups to view the mashup.) The IndConn_Mashup will show you the recorded history of property changes that came from ThingWorx Kepware Server. NOTE: If the Mashup visualization is blank, confirm your connection to IndConn. Return to the Test Connection section of the Bind Industrial Tag step.   Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation guide. You've learned how to: Connect ThingWorx Foundation to ThingWorx Kepware Server Map Tags to Properties     The next guide in the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment learning path is Create Industrial Equipment Model. 
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Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Guide Part 1   Overview   This guide has step-by-step instructions for connecting ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation. This guide will demonstrate how easily industrial equipment can be connected to ThingWorx Foundation without installing any software on production equipment. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 2 parts of this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview     This guide explains the steps to connect ThingWorx Kepware Server with ThingWorx Foundation and is part of the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path. You can use this guide independently from the full Learning Path. If you want to learn to connect ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation, this guide will be useful to you. When used as part of the Industrial Plant Learning Path, you should have already installed ThingWorx Kepware Server and created an Application Key. In this guide, we will send information from ThingWorx Kepware Server into ThingWorx Foundation. Other guides in this learning path will use Foundation's Mashup Builder to construct a website dashboard that displays information and from ThingWorx Kepware Server. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Create Gateway   To make a connection between ThingWorx Kepware Server and Foundation Server, you must first create a Thing. WARNING: To avoid a timeout error, create a Thing in ThingWorx Foundation BEFORE attempting to make the connection in ThingWorx Kepware Server. In ThingWorx Foundation Composer, click Browse. On the left, click Modeling -> Things.   Click + NEW. In the Name field, enter IndConn_Server, including matching capitalization. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Industrial Gateway Thing to connect to ThingWorx Kepware Server.   In the Base Thing Template field, enter indus, then select the IndustrialGateway Thing template from the sorted list. Click Save.   Step 3: Connect to Foundation   Now that you’ve created an IndustrialGateway Thing and an Application Key, you can configure ThingWorx Kepware Server to connect to ThingWorx Foundation. Return to the ThingWorx Kepware Server Windows application. Right-click Project. Select Properties….       4. In the Property Editor pop-up, click ThingWorx.       5. In the Enable field, select Yes from the drop-down.       6. In the Host field, enter the URL or IP address of your ThingWorx Foundation server, Do not enter http://       7. Enter the Port number. If you are using the "hosted" Developer Portal trial, enter 443. 8. In the Application Key field, copy and paste the Application Key you just created. 9. In the Trust self-signed certificates field, select Yes from the drop-down. 10. In the Trust all certificates field, select Yes from the drop-down. 11. In the Disable encryption field, select No from the drop-down if you are using a secure port. Select Yes if you are using an http port. 12. Type IndConn_Server in the Thing name field, including matching capitalization. 13. If you are connecting with a remote instance of ThingWorx Foundation and you expect any breaks or latency in your connection, enable Store and Forward. 14. Click Apply in the pop-up. 15. Click Ok. In the ThingWorx Kepware Server Event window at the bottom, you should see a message indicating Connected to ThingWorx.   NOTE: If you do not see the "Connected" message, repeat the steps above, ensuring that all information is correct. In particular, check the Host, Port, and Thing name fields for errors.   Step 4: Bind Industrial Tag   Now that you've established a connection, you can use ThingWorx Foundation to inspect all available information on ThingWorx Kepware Server. ThingWorx Kepware Server includes some information by default to assist you with verifying a valid connection with ThingWorx Foundation. Create New Thing Return to ThingWorx Foundation. Click Browse. Click Modeling -> Industrial Connections.   Click IndConn_Server. At the top, click Discover.   The Discover option is exclusive to Things inheriting the IndustrialGateway Thing Template and displays information coming from ThingWorx Kepware Server. Expand Simulation Examples. Click Functions.   On the right, you’ll see several pre-defined Tags to assist with connectivity testing. Click the checkbox next to Random3. Click Bind to New Entity.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select RemoteThing and click OK.   Finalize New RemoteThing   You’ll now be in an interface to create a new Thing with a predefined Property based on ThingWorx Kepware Server Tag1. Type IndConn_Tag1 in the Name field. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Thing with a property fed from an Kepware Server Tag. The Base Thing Template has been automatically set to RemoteThing. The Implemented Shapes has been automatically set to IndustrialThingShape. 4. Click Save.   Test Connection   The IndConn_Tag1 Thing you created now has a Property with a value that will change with each update from ThingWorx Kepware Server. The Tag1 we utilized is a 'ramp' and therefore, the value will increase at regular intervals. At the top, click Properties and Alerts. Under Inherited Properties, you will see entries for both RemoteThing and IndustrialThingShape. The Property isConnected is checked, indicating a connection from Foundation to ThingWorx Kepware Server. The Property IndustrialThing has been automatically set to IndConn_Server. Notice the predefined Property named Simulation_Examples_Functions_Random3.   Click Refresh repeatedly. You’ll see the value increase with each Refresh. This represents data being simulated in ThingWorx Kepware Server. Click  here to view Part 2 of this guide.  
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  Step 7: Import Extension   In the ThingWorx Composer. in the bottom left, click Import/Export, then select Import.   NOTE: The build produces a zip file in AuthenticatorExample->build->distributions folder. This zip file will be required for importing the extension.          2. For the Import Option field, select Extension.            3. Click Browse and choose the zip file in the distributions folder (located in the Eclipse Project's build directory).       4. Click Import to finalize the import.   Navigate to New Authenticator   Navigate to and select Security > Authenticators.            2. You will now see your CustomizedAuthenticator Authenticator as a option to view/edit.            3. Click Edit or View to see this new Authenticator. You wil notice the priority is 1.   Troubleshooting   If your import did not get through with the two green checks, you may want to modify your metadata.xml or java code to fix it depending on the error shown in the logs.     Issue Solution JAR Conflict arises between two similar jars JAR conflicts arise when a similar jar is already present in the Composer database. Try to remove the respective jar resources from the metadata.xml. Add these jars explicitly in twx-lib folder in the project folder inside the workspace directory. Now, build the project and import the extension in ThingWorx Composer once again. JAR is missing Add the respective jar resource in metadata.xml using the ThingWorx->New Jar Resource. Now, build the project and import the extension in ThingWorx Composer once again. Minimum Thingworx Version [ 7.2.1] requirements are not met because current version is: 7.1.3 The version of SDK you have used to build your extension is higher than the version of the ThingWorx Composer you are testing against. You can manually edit the configfiles->metadata.xml file to change the Minimum ThingWorx version to your ThingWorx Composer version.     Step 8: Integrating Custom Authentication   Integration can be handled in different methods based on your security needs and architecture. The Authenticator we created works with the demo site we provided in the download.   Create ThingWorx User   Let's create the User that we will be processing login attempts.   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + at the top left of the screen.   Select User in the dropdown.   Set the Project (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and enter the Name for this new user as TwxUser. Enter the Password for the new user to something easy to remember (ie, 2020Password2021).   Click Save.   Create Logger   Create a helpful logger for authentication attempts.   Create a Thing named AuthenticationStamper to go with the LoginHelper variable in the earlier Java source code. Ensure this new Thing inherits from the RemoteThing Match the properties for the AuthenticationStamper with the two properties in the below image.   Save the changes.   Create Login Helper   Create a stream for authentication attempts for helpful tracking. Create a ValueStream named AuthenticationStream and Save the Entity. In the Properties and Alerts section of the ValueStream, click Manage Bindings.   Setup the binding to match the below configurations. Bind the properties to the AuthenticationStamper Thing.   Save the changes made to the ValueStream.   Demo Page Login   With a browser, open the TestSite.html web page found in the Demo directory of the download. You should see a login page similar to that as the below image.   Enter the name of the user we created, TwxUser. Enter the password for the user. We suggested setting this to Password2019. Click Submit. You will now be authenticated and logged in.     Step 9: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Create An Authentication Extension tutorial, and learned how to:   Install the Eclipse Plugin and Extension SDK Create and configure an Extension project Create Authentication Application Build and import an Extension   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Build Application Development Tips & Tricks   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Extension Development Guide    
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  Step 9: File Transfer Example   To handle file transfers, a virtual directory is created in the SteamSensor1 entity and in the [C SDK HOME DIR]/examples/FileTransferExample application directory. The source code used for this example is found in [C SDK HOME DIR]/examples/FileTransferExample/src/main.c.   Inside of the [C SDK HOME DIR]/examples/FileTransferExample folder, create the folder structure shown below:   /transfer/ /transfer/incoming/ /transfer/outgoing/   Inside of the /transfer/outgoing/ directory, create and open a file with the name outgoing.txt. Once the outgoing.txt document is open, add the following text, save, and close the file: Hello. This is a file coming from the client application. Navigate to the [C SDK HOME DIR]/examples/FileTransferExample/src/main.c code and update the lines below with the appropriate information for your IP, port, and the “admin_key” Application Key’s keyId value in the ThingWorx Composer:   /* Server Details */ #define TW_HOST "" #define TW_PORT 80 #define TW_APP_KEY "ce22e9e4-2834-419c-9656-ef9f844c784c"   To support file transfers in your client application, you must use the   twFileManager_AddVirtualDir function in order to create the virtual directories in the entity with such a capability. It will also define the directories available for file operations. A virtual directory maps a unique name to an absolute path of a directory in the file system. All subdirectories of the specified directory are exposed to the server. You can define multiple virtual directories. The directories do not need to be contiguous. Staging Directory   As an optional, but recommended step, you should set the directory that the application should use for staging when performing file transfers. This can be seen in the line below and should be done before initializing the FileManager. The default directory of the FileManager is most likely owned by root and will require a change to either the location of the staging directory and the ownership of the staging directory, or running the application as a User with the correct permissions.   twcfg.file_xfer_staging_dir = "staging";   The example provided uses the TW_SHARE_DIRECTORY macro to create two virtual directories that will act as the root directories in the virtual file system of this application are added. The client is then started as follows with the necessary TW_ADD_FILE_TRANSFER_SHAPE function being called:   TW_ADD_FILE_TRANSFER_SHAPE(); TW_SHARE_DIRECTORY("in", "/transfer/incoming/"); TW_SHARE_DIRECTORY("out", "/transfer/outgoing/");   The creations of the payloads used to create the remote directories on the platform have been moved to a helper function below to make the design cleaner:   int setupSystemRepo(const char * remoteInPath, const char * remoteOutPath, const char * remoteFile);   After our remote directories and files have been setup, it is time to perform the file transfers. Normally, this would mean invoking the Copy service for a Subsystem, but two functions have been created to make this process easier:   int twFileManager_GetFile(const char * sourceRepo, const char * sourcePath, const char * sourceFile, const char * targetRepo, const char * targetPath, const char * targetFile, uint32_t timeout, char asynch, char ** tid) int twFileManager_SendFile(const char * sourceRepo, const char * sourcePath, const char * sourceFile, const char * targetRepo, const char * targetPath, const char * targetFile, uint32_t timeout, char asynch, char ** tid)   The table below displays an example of the first set of parameters:   Parameter Example Description sourceRepo SystemRepository The name of FileRepository or RemoteThing to transfer the file FROM. sourcePath outgoing The path specifying the location of the source file. sourceFile The name of the source file.   targetRepo SteamSensor1 The name of FileRepository or RemoteThing to transfer the file TO. targetPath incoming The path specifying the destination location of the file. targetFile incoming.txt The name of the file at the target. This name can differ from the sourceName. timeout 15,000 The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a synchronous transfer to complete before cancelling the transfer. async false If false, the service call will block for timeout seconds or until the transfer completes. tid incoming0123 The unique TID associated with the file.   The C SDK also provides the ability to create a FileCallback function that the FileManager will call that function when any file transfer events occur. You can provide a wildcard filter so that only file transfer Events of files that match the filter call the callback function. In addition, callbacks can be set up as “one-shots” such that the callback is unregistered automatically after it is invoked the first time.   NOTE: An optional file transfer callback is registered in the code and provided. You will see the output from the function as files are sent and received.   After running this application, you will notice a new file in the transfer/incoming folder after refreshing. This is the file that we created in the ThingWorx Composer file system for the SystemRepository Entity and was able to copy from that location to our local project. We have also sent a file to the server’s SystemRepository. The BrowseFileSystem and GetFileListing services can be used to check for the folders and files created.   twFileManager_RegisterFileCallback(fileCallbackFunc, NULL, FALSE, NULL);     Step 10: Support Other Platforms   All Websocket errors indicate some general issue communicating with the ThingWorx platform. If you experience an issue connecting, refer to the table below for a list of websocket errors, their corresponding codes, and an explanation of the issue.   Code Message Troubleshooting 200 TW_UNKNOWN_WEBSOCKET_ERROR An unknown error occurred on the websocket. 201 TW_ERROR_INITIALIZING_WEBSOCKET An error occurred while initializing the websocket. Check your websocket configuration parameters for validity. 202 TW_TIMEOUT_INITIALIZING_WEBSOCKET A timeout occurred while initializing the websocket. Check the status of the connection to ThingWorx. 203 TW_WEBSOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED The websocket is not connected to ThingWorx. The requested operation cannot be performed. 204 TW_ERROR_PARSING_WEBSOCKET_DATA An error occurred while parsing websocket data. The parser could not break down the data from the websocket. 205 TW_ERROR_READING_FROM_WEBSOCKET An error occurred while reading data from the websocket. Retry the read operation. If necessary, resend the data. 206 TW_WEBSOCKET_FRAME_TOO_LARGE The SDK is attempting to send a websocket frame that is too large. The Maximum Frame Size is set when calling twAPI_Initialize and should always be set to the Message Chunk Size (twcfg.message_chunk_size). 207 TW_INVALID_WEBSOCKET_FRAME_TYPE The type of the frame coming in over the websocket is invalid. 208 TW_WEBSOCKET_MSG_TOO_LARGE The application is attempting to send a message that has been broken up in to chunks that are too large to fit in a frame. You should not see this error. 209 TW_ERROR_WRITING_TO_WEBSOCKET An error occurred while writing to the Web socket. 210 TW_INVALID_ACCEPT_KEY The Accept key sent earlier from ThingWorx is not valid.     Step 11: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the C SDK Tutorial, and learned how to utilize the resources provided in the Edge SDK to create your own application.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Link Build Design Your Data Model Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support C Edge SDK Help Center    
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I've had a lot of questions over the years working with Azure IoT, Kepware, and ThingWorx that I really struggled getting answers to. I was always grateful when someone took the time to help me understand, and now it is time to repay the favour.   People ask me many things about Azure (in a ThingWorx context), and one of the common ones has been about MQTT communications from Kepware to ThingWorx using IoT Hub. Recently the topic has come up again as more and more of the ThingWorx expert community start to work with Azure IoT. Today, I took the time to build, test, validate, and share an approach and utilities to do this in cases where the Azure Industrial IoT OPC UA integration is overkill or simply a step later in the project plan. Enjoy!   End to end Integration of Kepware to ThingWorx using MQTT over Azure IoT (YoutTube 45 minute deep-dive)   ThingWorx entities for import (ThingWorx 9.0)   This approach can be quite good for a simple demo if you have a Kepware Integrator or Kepware Enterprise license, but the use of IoT Gateway for many servers and tags can be quite costly.   Those looking to leverage Azure IoT Hub for MQTT integration to ThingWorx would likely also find this recorded session and shared utilities quite helpful.   Cheers, Greg
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.5   Description:   Covers the main topics that need to be considered when evaluating or designing a scalability strategy for the environment and applications The agenda contains the following topics: Introduction Connection Server Federation High Availability       Some of the databases mentioned in the presentation are no longer supported Please refer to the compatibility matrix to check supported databases Related Articles How to configure a Federate architecture Is high availability supported in ThingWorx  
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.5   Description:   Introduction to Edge connectivity in Thingworx Foundation: Edge concept and definition Available edge products Why use Edge products What is Edge Microserver and Lua Script Resource What are the SDKs What are connection servers AlwaysOn and HTTP protocols ThingTemplates to connect remote devices     The session was recorded in an old ThingWorx version, but all the concepts are still applicable
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Hiya,   I recently prepared a short demo which shows how to onboard and use Azure IoT devices in ThingWorx and added some usability tips and tricks to help others who might struggle with some of the things that I did.     The good news... I recorded and posted it to YouTube here.   •Connect Azure IoT Hub with ThingWorx (to be updated soon for 9.0 release) •Using the Azure IoT Dev Kit with ThingWorx •Getting the Azure IoT Hub Connector Up and Running (V3/8.5)   Enjoy, and don't hesitate to comment with your own tips and feedback.   Cheers,   Greg
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Hi Community,   Although we have reference architectures and integration paths for connecting devices to ThingWorx through Azure IoT; no one has ever written anything about doing the same from one ThingWorx to another.  I thought I’d change that and put some ideas out there around how one might go about doing this.  Although this is not officially supported or recommended by PTC; I have consulted with a number of leading SMEs on the subject, which have participated in forming the basis of my thinking outlined here.   Components Required (in order of communication path): On-premise ThingWorx Platform Protocol Adapter Toolkit* (CXS) - MQTT Azure IoT Edge Azure IoT Hub ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector (CXS) Azure Cloud-hosted ThingWorx Platform   PAT (2) with codec to encode MQTT messages publishes to on-premise IoT Edge MQTT endpoint which handles store-and-forward of messages to IoT Hub.  An Azure IoT device would exist for each Thing you wish to represent on the ThingWorx servers.  The Azure IoT Hub Connector would pick-up the incoming messages and pass them on to the cloud ThingWorx which would decode the MQTT payload and map to Thing property updates.   The only part that I presently don’t like about this approach is that you’ll need to decode the MQTT messages on the ThingWorx platform in the cloud when they are received from the IoT Hub, and this mechanism will need to also need to handle encoding and publishing back to the IoT Hub if C2D (Cloud-to-Device) messages are to be implemented (aka bi-directional).  This is required as ThingWorx only supports AlwaysOn as an application level protocol so some form of mapping needs to be done.   * Another approach would be to replace the PAT with a custom agent which implements both the ThingWorx Edge SDK and the Azure IoT device SDK   Regards,   Greg Eva
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Hi Community,   I've recently had a number of questions from colleagues around architectures involving MQTT and what our preferred approach was.  After some internal verification, I wanted to share an aggregate of my findings with the ThingWorx Architect and Developer Community.   PTC currently supports four methods for integrating with MQTT for IoT projects. ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector ThingWorx MQTT Extension ThingWorx Kepware Server Choice is nice, but it adds complexity and sometimes confusion.  The intent of this article is to clarify and provide direction on the subject to help others choose the path best suited for their situation.   ThingWorx MQTT Extension The ThingWorx MQTT extension has been available on the marketplace as an unsupported “PTC Labs” extension for a number of years.  Recently its status has been upgraded to “PTC Supported” and it has received some attention from R&D getting some bug fixes and security enhancements.  Most people who have used MQTT with ThingWorx are familiar with this extension.  As with anything, it has advantages and disadvantages.  You can easily import the extension without having administrative access to the machine, it’s easy to move around and store with projects, and can be up and running quite quickly.  However it is also quite limited when it comes to the flexibility required when building a production application, is tied directly to the core platform, and does not get feature/functionality updates.   The MQTT extension is a good choice for PoCs, demos, benchmarks, and prototypes as it provides MQTT integration relatively quickly and easily.  As an extension which runs with the core platform, it is not a good choice as a part of a client/enterprise application where MQTT communication reliability is critical.   ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector Although Azure IoT Hub is not a fully functional MQTT broker, Azure IoT does support MQTT endpoints on both IoT Hub and IoT Edge.  This can be an interesting option to have MQTT devices publish to Azure IoT and be integrated to ThingWorx using the Azure IoT Hub Connector without actually requiring an MQTT broker to run and be maintained.  The Azure IoT Hub Connector works similarly to the PAT and is built on the Connection Server, but adds the notion of device management and security provided by Azure IoT.   When using Azure IoT Edge configured as a transparent gateway with buffering (store and forward) enabled, this approach has the added benefit of being able to buffer MQTT device messages at a remote site with the ability to handle Internet interruptions without losing data.   This approach has the added benefit of having far greater integrated security capabilities by leveraging certificates and tying into Azure KeyVault, as well as easily scaling up resources receiving the MQTT messages (IoT Hub and Azure IoT Hub Connector).  Considering that this approach is build on the Connection Server core, it also follows our deployment guidance for processing communications outside of the core platform (unlike the extension approach).   ThingWorx Kepware Server As some will note, KepWare has some pretty awesome MQTT capabilities: both as north and southbound interfaces.  The MQTT Client driver allows creating an MQTT channel to devices communicating via MQTT with auto-tag creation (from the MQTT payload).  Coupled with the native ThingWorx AlwaysOn connection, you can easily connect KepWare to an on-premise MQTT broker and connect these devices to ThingWorx over AlwaysOn.   The IoT Gateway plug-in has an MQTT agent which allows publishing data from all of your KepWare connected devices to an MQTT broker or endpoint.  The MQTT agent can also receive tag updates on a different topic and write back to the controllers.  We’ve used this MQTT agent to connect industrial control system data to ThingWorx through cloud platforms like Azure IoT, AWS, and communications providers.   ThingWorx Product Segment Direction A key factor in deciding how to design your solution should be aligned with our product development direction.  The ThingWorx Product Management and R&D teams have for years been putting their focus on scalable and enterprise-ready approaches that our partners and customers can build upon.  I mention this to make it clear that not all supported approaches carry the same weight.  Although we do support the MQTT extension, it is not in active development due to the fact that out-of-platform microservices-based communication interfaces are our direction forward.   The Azure IoT Hub Connector, being built on the Connection Server is currently the way forward for MQTT communications to the ThingWorx Foundation.   Regards,   Greg Eva
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