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IoT Tips

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Thing Subscription This post is intended for novice ThingWorx users who wants to understand what the definition of Thing Subscription is and the overall purpose of using Thing Subscriptions.   Definition of a Thing Subscription? A Thing subscription is a script(JavaScript) that is called each time an event occurs. Events are property states which are of end users interest (e.g. temperature) and therefore indicators to kick off some functionality in a Thing subscription when any action needed. Events can e.g. be triggered by an Alert that detects a change or an anomaly in property values. The Thing subscription is explicitly linked to an event and when the event is fired the data is being passed to the subscriber.    Why Use a Thing Subscription? Imagine your machine is running 24 hours 7 days a week with supervised human interaction. If a pump temperature exceeds accepted value it needs to be regulated by the manufacturing department. But no one in the department knows when the temperature will exceed accepted value or drop suddenly therefore, the machines is always sporadically physically supervised by humans which leads to heavy costs for the manufacture. With a Thing Subscription a notification alert email can be sent directly to the department manager who acts based on the email notification.   Thing Subscription must have A Thing subscription must have defined a rule which gets executed when an event occurs. The definition of the rule may accommodate any appropriate business logic.   Thing Subscription example process In this scenario Thing subscription is using a predictive analytics model to detect Data Change or any anomaly values going through a Thing Property. So, based on historical data including failure information, a predictive analytics model begins to analyze run-time values from individual Things/properties to the analytics server. The predictive analytics model detects a pattern which detects past failures, when the analytics model predicts a failure/event based on the analyzed patterns an action is being fired via a Thing subscription. That action could be for ThingWorx to create a service ticket or send a notification email to the service department.   Example of a simple Thing Subscription set-up without using Analytics model to analyze data but instead a build-in ThingWorx alert Below example of Thing Subscription will send a notification email when temperature exceeds defined values from ThingWorx alert configuration. Prerequisites; it is necessary to have a mail server extension imported into the ThingWorx Composer this enables the service department to receive the email notification when an event have occurred. The extension can be downloaded from the marketplace. 1. Create a Thing with the MailServer[i] as the Base Thing template.     2. Create a new Thing and add Properties together with an alert that is triggered when the value exeeds user defined temerature.   3. Enable the Thing Subcriptions by Select Subscription and click +Add Make sure to mark the checkbox Enabled Selecting your Event name and your Property name In the right side of the screen you can enter your script/function that will notify ThingWorx email service to create the email notification Select Done and Save   4. Enable Email notification by selecting Services Provide an name Select Me/Entities Mark Other entity Find your Thing where the MailServer is the Thing Template   5. Then find the SendMessage snippet/script and fill out the snippet with your personal information.   [i] View this blog for more information on how to install the MailServer
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Large files could cause slow response times. In some cases large queries might cause extensively large response files, e.g. calling a ThingWorx service that returns an extensively large result set as JSON file.   Those massive files have to be transferred over the network and require additional bandwidth - for each and every call. The more bandwidth is used, the more time is taken on the network, the more the impact on performance could be. Imagine transferring tens or hundreds of MB for service calls for each and every call - over and over again.   To reduce the bandwidth compression can be activated. Instead of transferring MBs per service call, the server only has to transfer a couple of KB per call (best case scenario). This needs to be configured on Tomcat level. There is some information availabe in the offical Tomcat documation at Search for the "compression" attribute.   Gzip compression   Usually Tomcat is compressing content in gzip. To verify if a certain response is in fact compressed or not, the Development Tools or Fiddler can be used. The Response Headers usually mention the compression type if the content is compressed:     Left: no compression Right: compression on Tomcat level   Not so straight forward - network vs. compression time trade-off   There's however a pitfall with compression on Tomcat side. Each response will add additional strain on time and resources (like CPU) to compress on the server and decompress the content on the client. Especially for small files this might be an unnecessary overhead as the time and resources to compress might take longer than just transferring a couple of uncompressed KB.   In the end it's a trade-off between network speed and the speed of compressing, decompressing response files on server and client. With the compressionMinSize attribute a compromise size can be set to find the best balance between compression and bandwith.   This trade-off can be clearly seen (for small content) here:     While the Size of the content shrinks, the Time increases. For larger content files however the Time will slightly increase as well due to the compression overhead, whereas the Size can be potentially dropped by a massive factor - especially for text based files.   Above test has been performed on a local virtual machine which basically neglegts most of the network related traffic problems resulting in performance issues - therefore the overhead in Time are a couple of milliseconds for the compression / decompression.   The default for the compressionMinSize is 2048 byte.   High potential performance improvement   Looking at the Combined.js the content size can be reduced significantly from 4.3 MB to only 886 KB. For my simple Mashup showing a chart with Temperature and Humidity this also decreases total load time from 32 to 2 seconds - also decreasing the content size from 6.1 MB to 1.2 MB!     This decreases load time and size by a factor of 16x and 5x - the total time until finished rendering the page has been decreased by a factor of almost 22x! (for this particular use case)   Configuration   To configure compression, open Tomcat's server.xml   In the <Connector> definitions add the following:   compression="on" compressibleMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json"     This will use the default compressionMinSize of 2048 bytes. In addition to the default Mime Types I've also added application/json to compress ThingWorx service call results.   This needs to be configured for all Connectors that users should access - e.g. for HTTP and HTTPS connectors. For testing purposes I have a HTTPS connector with compression while HTTP is running without it.   Conclusion   If possible, enable compression to speed up content download for the client.   However there are some scenarios where compression is actually not a good idea - e.g. when using a WAN Accelerator or other network components that usually bring their own content compression. This not only adds unnecessary overhead but is compressing twice which might lead to errors on client side when decompressing the content.   Especially dealing with large responses can help decreasing impact on performance. As compressing and decompressing adds some overhead, the min size limit can be experimented with to find the optimal compromise between a network and compression time trade-off.
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The Squeal functionality has been discontinued with ThingWorx 8.1, see ThingWorx 8.1.0 Release Notes   There might be scenarios where it should be disabled in earlier versions as well. This can be achieved e.g. with Tomcat Security Constraints. To add such a constraint, open <Tomcat>\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\web.xml At the end of the file add a new constraint just before closing the </web-app> tag:   <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Forbidden</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/Squeal/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint/> <user-data-constraint> <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint> Save the file and restart Tomcat. Accessing the /Thingworx/Squeal resource now will result in an error message:   HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied   One scenario to be aware of is when the web.xml changes, e.g. due to updating ThingWorx or other manual changes. In such a case, ensure that the filter is still present in the file and taken into account.
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Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path   Learn how to connect and monitor equipment that is used at a processing plant or on a factory floor.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 180 minutes.   Create An Application Key  Install ThingWorx Kepware Server Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Part 1 Part 2 Create Industrial Equipment Model Build an Equipment Dashboard Part 1 Part 2
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  Design Your Data Model Guide Part 3   Step 7: Prioritize     The first step in the design process is to use the Thing-Component Matrix to identify and prioritize groups of Components that are shared across multiple Things. These groups will be prioritized by number of shared Components, from highest to lowest, enabling is to break out the most commonly used groups of Components and package them into reusable pieces. Let’s examine our example Thing-Component Matrix to identify and prioritize groups. In the table below, we have done this and recognized that there are FOUR groups.   NOTE: Each item in our unique Thing-Component Matrix would also count as a group on its own. This can be dealt with almost separately from our process, though, because there is no overlap between different Things. The "Templates for Unique Components" and "Adding Components Directly to Things" sections in the Iterate step of this guide covers these "one-offs."     Step 8: Largest Group     The base building block we use most often is the Thing Template. To start the design process, the first step is to create a Thing Template for the largest Component group. Applying this to our Smart Factory scenario, we'll take the largest group ("Group 1") and turn it  into a Thing Template using the Entity Relationship Diagram schematic.   Since every item on our production line shares these Components, we will name this Thing Template Line Asset. Now, let's build this using our Entity Relationship Diagram.   The result is a ThingWorx Thing Template with five Properties, one Event, and one Subscription.     Step 9: Iterate     Once an initial base template has been created for the largest group, the rest of the groups can be added by selecting the appropriate entity type (Thing Template, Thing Shape, or directly-instantiated Thing). The following Entity Decision Flowchart explains which entity type is used in which scenario:   Now that we have established our "Line Asset" Thing Template for our largest group, the next step is to iterate through each of our remaining groups. Following the flowchart, we will identify what entity type it should be and add it to our design.   Group 2 - "System Connector"   The second group represents connectors into both of our internal business systems. We will call them System Connectors.   If we look at Group 2 versus our "Largest Group" Thing Template, we can see that there is no overlap between their Components. This represents the third branch of the Entity Decision Flowchart, which means we want to create a new Thing Template.   Following this rule, here is the resulting template:   Group 3 - "Hazardous Asset"   The third group represents line assets that require emergency shutdown capabilities because under certain conditions, the machinery can become dangerous. We will call these Hazardous Assets.   If we look at our two previous Thing Templates, we can see that there is full overlap of these Components with our previous largest group, the "Line Asset" Thing Template. This represents the fourth branch of the Entity Decision Flowchart, which means we want to create a CHILD Thing Template.   Following this rule, here is the resulting Thing Template:   Group 4 - "Inventory Manager"   The fourth group represents line assets that keep track of inventory count, to ensure the number of assembled-products is equal to the number of checked-products for quality.   If we look at our existing Thing Templates, we can see that there is some overlap of the Components in our "Hazardous Asset" and "Line Asset" Thing Templates. This represents the second branch of the Entity Decision Flowchart, which means we want to create a Thing Shape.   Following this rule, here is the resulting Thing Shape:   Templates for Unique Components   Now that we have handled all our shared component groups, we also want to look at the unique component groups. Since we have already established that each group in our Unique Thing-Component Matrix does not share its Components with other Things, we can create Child Thing Templates for these line assets.   NOTE: Refer to the finished design at the bottom to reference all of the inherited Thing Templates and Thing Shapes for these Child Thing Templates.   Adding Components Directly to Things   In many cases, we will have Components that only exist for a single Thing. This frequently occurs when there will be only one of something in a system. In our case, we will only need one "System Connector" for each of the Maintenance System and the Production Order System.   Instantiate Your Things   At this point, the Data Model is fully built. All we need to do now is instantiate the actual Things which represent our real-world machines and digital-connections.     Step 10: Validate     The final step of the model breakdown design process is validation through instantiation. This is the process by which we take our designed Thing Templates / Thing Shapes / Things and actually create them on the ThingWorx platform to ensure they meet all of our requirements. This is done by tracing back through the chain of inheritance for all the Things in the data model to ensure they contain all of the required Components from the Thing-Component Matrix. Once we have verified that each Thing contains all of its requirements, the data model is complete.   Using this technique on each of your Things, you can explicitly prove that all of the requirements have been met.   Step 11: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Design Your Data Model Guide covering the first three steps of the proposed data model design strategy for ThingWorx. This guide has given you the basic tools to: Create user stories Identify endpoints in your system Break down your data model using an Entity Relationship Diagram Decide when to use Thing Templates vs. Thing Shapes vs. directly-instantiated Things     The next guide in the Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics learning path is Data Model Implementation.
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Design Your Data Model Guide Part 2   Step 4: Data Sources – Component Breakout   Component Breakout     Once you have a full list of Things in your system (as well as requirements for each user), the next step is to identify the information needed from each Thing (based on the user's requirements). This involves evaluating the available data and functionality for each Thing. You then align the data and functionality with the user's requirements to determine exactly what you need, while eliminating that which you do not. This is important, as there can be cost and security benefits to only collecting data you need, and leaving what you don't. NOTE: Remember from the Data Model Introduction that a Thing's Components include Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions.   Factory Example   Using the Smart Factory example, let’s go through the different Things and break down each Thing's components that are needed for each of our users.   Conveyor Belts   The conveyor belt is simple in operation but could potentially have a lot of available data. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the belt and if it has any alerts emergency shutdown (service) machine state (on/off) (property) serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date(property) power consumption (property) belt speed (property) belt motor temp (property) belt motor rpm (property) error notification (event) auto-generated maintenance requests (subscription) Operator - needs to know if the belt is working as intended belt speed (property) alert status (event) Production Manager - wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Robotic Arm   The robotic arm has 3 axes of rotation as well as a clamp hand. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the arm and if it has any alerts time since last pickup (property): how long it has been since the last part was picked up by this hand? product count (property): how many products the hand has completed emergency shutdown (service) machine state (on/off) (property) serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date (property) power consumption (property) arm rotation axis 1 (property) arm rotation axis 2 (property) arm rotation axis 3 (property) clamp pressure (property) clamp status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) maintenance requests (subscription) Operator - needs to know if the robotic arm is working as intended clamp status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) product count (property): How many products has the hand completed? Production Manager - wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Pneumatic Gate   The pneumatic gate has two states, open and closed. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the gate and if it has any alerts emergency shutdown (service) machine state (on/off) (property) serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date (property) power consumption (property) gate status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) auto-generated maintenance requests (subscription) Operator - needs to know if the pneumatic gate is working as intended. gate status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) The Production Manager wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Quality Control Camera   The QC camera uses visual checks to make sure a product has been constructed properly. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the camera and if it has any alerts machine state (property): on/off serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date (property) power consumption (property) current product quality reading (property) images being read (property) settings for production quality assessment (property) error notification (event) auto-generated maintenance requests (subscription) product count (property): how many products the camera has seen Operator - needs to keep track of the quality check results and if there are any problems with the camera setup settings for production quality assessment (property) error notification (event) bad quality flag (event) product count (property): how many products the camera has seen Production Manager - wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Maintenance Request System Connector   Determining the data needed from the Maintenance Request System is more complex than from the physical components, as it will be much more actively used by all of our users. It is important to note that the required functionality already exists in our system as is, but it needs bridges created to connect it to a centralized system. Maintenance Engineer - needs to receive and update maintenance requests maintenance engineer credentials (property): authentication with the maintenance system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) get unfiltered list of maintenance requests (service) update description of maintenance request (service) close maintenance request (service) Operator - needs to create and track maintenance requests operator credentials (property): authentication with the maintenance system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) create maintenance request (service) get filtered list of maintenance requests for this operator (service) Production Manager - needs to monitor the entire system - both the creation and tracking of maintenance requests; needs to prioritize maintenance requests to keep operations flowing smoothly production manager credentials (property): authentication with the maintenance system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) create maintenance request (service) get unfiltered list of maintenance requests (service) update priority of maintenance request (service)   Production Order System Connector   Working with the Production Order System is also more complex than the physical components of the lines, as it will be more actively used by two of the three users. It is important to note that the required functionality already exists in our existing production order system as is, but it needs bridges created to connect to a centralized system. Maintenance Engineer - will not need to know anything about production orders, as it is outside the scope of their job needs Operator - needs to know which production orders have been set up for the line, and needs to mark orders as started or completed operator credentials (property): authentication with the production order system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) mark themselves as working a specific production line (service) get a list of filtered production orders for their line (service) update production orders as started/completed (service) Production Manager - needs to view the status of all production orders and who is working on which line production manager credentials (property): authentication with the production order system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) get a list of production lines with who is working them (service) get the list of production orders with filtering options (service) create new production orders (service) update existing production orders for quantity, and priority (service) assign a production order to a production line (service) delete production orders (service)   Step 5: Data Sources – Thing-Component Matrix     Now that you have identified the Components necessary to build your solution (as well as the Things involved in enabling said Components), you are almost ready to create your Data Model design. Before moving onto the design, however, it is very helpful to get a good picture of how these Components interact with different parts of your solution. To do that, we recommend using a Thing-Component Matrix. A Thing-Component Matrix is a grid in which you will list Things in rows and Components in columns. This allows you to identify where there are overlaps between Components. From there, you can break those Components down into reusable Groups. Really, all you're doing in this step is taking the list of individual Things and their corresponding Components and organizing them. Instead of thinking of each item's individually-required functionality, you are now thinking of how those Components might interact and/or be reused across multiple Things.   Sample Thing-Component Matrix   As a generic example, look at the chart presented here.   You have a series of Things down the rows, while there are a series of Components (i.e. Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions) in the columns. This allows you to logically visually identify how some of those Components are common across multiple Things (which is very important in determining our recommendations for when to use Thing Templates vs. Thing Shapes vs. directly-instantiated Things). If we were to apply this idea to our Smart Factory example, we would create two sections of our Thing-Component Matrix, i.e. the Overlapping versus Unique Components. NOTE: It is not necessary to divide your Thing Component Matrix between Overlapping vs Unique if you don't wish to do so. It is done here largely for the sake of readability.   Overlapping Matrix   This matrix represents all the overlapping Components that are shared by multiple types of Things in our system:   Unique Matrix   This matrix represents the Components unique to each type of Thing:     Step 6: Model Breakdown         Breaking down your use case into a Data Model is the most important part of the design process for ThingWorx. It creates the basis for which every other aspect of your solution is overlaid. To do it effectively, we will use a multi-step approach. This will allow us to identify parts we can group and separate, leading to a more modular design.   Entity Relationship Diagram   To standardize the represention of Data Models, it is important to have a unified view of what a representation might look like. For this example, we have developed an Entity Relationship Diagram schematic used for Data Model representation. We will use this representation to examine how to build a Data Model.   Breakdown Process   ThingWorx recommends following an orderly system when building the specifics of your Data Model. You've examined your users and their needs. You've determined the real-world objects and systems you want to model. You've broken down those real-world items by their Component functionality. Now, you will follow these steps to build a specific Data Model for your application. Step Description 1 Prioritize the Groups of Components from your Thing-Component Matrix by each Group's Component quantity. 2 Create a base Thing Template for the largest group. 3 Iterate over each Group deciding which entity type to create. 4 Validate the design through instantiation. In the next several pages, we'll examine each of these steps in-depth.   Click here to view Part 3 of this guide.   
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Design Your Data Model Guide Part 1   Overview   This project will introduce the process of taking your IoT solution from concept to design. Following the steps in this guide, you will create a solution that doesn’t need to be constantly revamped, by creating a comprehensive Data Model before starting to build and test your solution. We will teach you how to utilize a few proposed best practices for designing the ThingWorx Data Model and provide some prescriptive methods to help you generate a high-quality framework that meets your business needs. NOTE: This guide’s content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 3 parts of this guide is 60 minutes. All content is relevant but there are additional tools and design patterns you should be aware of. Please go to this link for more details.    Step 1: Data Model Methodology   We will start by outlining the overall process for the proposed Data Model Methodology.       Step Description 1 User Stories Identify who will use the application and what information they need. By approaching the design from a User perspective, you should be able to identify what elements are necessary for your system. 2 Data Sources Identify the real-world objects or systems which you are trying to model. To create a solid design, you need to identify what the “things” are in your system and what data or functionality they expose. 3 Model Breakdown Compose a representative model of modular components to enable uniformity and reuse of functionality wherever possible. Break down user requirements and data, identifying how the system will be modeled in Foundation. 4 Data Strategy Identify the sources of data, then evaluate how many different types of data you will have, what they are, and how your data should be stored. From that, you may determine the data types and data storage requirements. 5 Business Logic Strategy Examine the functional needs, and map them to your design for proper business logic implementation. Determine the business logic as a strategic flow of data, and make sure everything in your design fits together in logical chunks. 6 User Access Strategy Identify each user's access and permission levels for your application. Before you start building anything, it is important to understand the strategy behind user access. Who can see or do what? And why? NOTE: Due to the length of this subject, the ThingWorx Data Model Methodology has been divided into multiple parts. This guide focuses on the first three steps = User Stories, Data Sources, and Model Breakdown. Guides covering the last three steps are linked in the final Next Steps page.    Step 2: User Stories     With a user-based approach to design, you identify requirements for users at the outset of the process. This increases the likelihood of user satisfaction with the result. Utilizing this methodology, you consider each type of user that will be accessing your application and determine their requirements according to each of the following two categories: Category Requirement Details Functionality Determine what the user needs to do. This will define what kind of Services and Subscriptions will need to be in the system and which data elements and Properties must be gathered from the connected Things. Information What information do they need? Examine the functional requirements of the user to identify which pieces of information the users need to know in order to accomplish their responsibilities.   Factory Example   Let’s revisit our Smart Factory example scenario. The first step of the User Story phase of the design process is to identify the potential users of your system. In this example scenario, we have defined three different types of users for our solution: Maintenance Operations Management Each of these users will have a different role in the system. Therefore, they will have different functional and informational needs.   Maintenance   It is the maintenance engineer’s job to keep machines up and running so that the operator can assemble and deliver products. To do this well, they need access to granular data for the machine’s operating status to better understand healthy operation and identify causes of failure. They also need to integrate their maintenance request management system to consolidate their efforts and to create triggers for automatic maintenance requests generated by the connected machines. Required Functionality Get granular data values from all assets Get a list of maintenance requests Update maintenance requests Set triggers for automatic maintenance request generation Automatically create maintenance requests when triggers have been activated Required Information Granular details for each asset to better understand healthy asset behavior Current alert status for each asset When the last maintenance was performed on an asset When the next maintenance is scheduled for an asset Maintenance request for information, including creation date, due date, progress notes   Operations   The operator’s job is to keep the line running and make sure that it’s producing quality products. To do this, operators must keep track of how well their line is running (both in terms of speed and quality). They also need to be able to file maintenance requests when they have issues with the assets on their line. Required Functionality File maintenance request Get quality data from assets on their line Get performance data for the whole line Get a prioritized list of production orders for their line Create maintenance requests Required Information Individual asset performance metrics Full line performance metrics Product quality readings   Management   The production manager oversees the dispatch of production orders and ensures quotas are being met. Managers care about the productivity of all lines and the status of maintenance requests. Required Functional Create production orders Update production orders Cancel production orders Access line productivity data Elevate maintenance request priority Required Information Production line productivity levels (OEE) List of open maintenance requests   Step 3: Data Sources – Thing List     Thing List   Once you have identified the users' requirements, you'll need to determine what parts of your system must be connected. These will be the Things in your solution. Keep in mind that a Thing can represent many different types of connected endpoints. Here are some examples of possible Things in your system: Devices deployed in the field with direct connectivity or gateway-connectivity to Foundation Devices deployed in the field through third-party device clouds Remote databases Connections to external business systems (e.g.,,, etc.)   Factory Example   In our Smart Factory example, we have already identified the users of the system and listed requirements for each of those users. The next step is to identify the Things in our solution. In our example, we are running a factory floor with multiple identical production lines. Each of these lines has multiple different devices associated with it. Let’s consider each of those items to be a connected Thing. Things in each line: Conveyor belt x 2 Pneumatic gate Robotic Arm Quality Check Camera Let's also assume we already have both a Maintenance Request System and a Production Order System that are in use today. To add this to our solution, we want to build a connector between Foundation and the existing system. These connectors will be Things as well. Internal system connection Thing for Production Order System Internal system connection Thing for Maintenance Request System NOTE: It is entirely possible to have scenarios in which you want to examine more granular-level details of your assets. For example, the arm and the hand of the assembly robot could be represented separately. There are endless possibilities, but for simplicity's sake, we will keep the list shorter and more high-level. Keep in mind that you can be as detailed as needed for this and future iterations of your solution. However, being too granular could potentially create unnecessary complexity and data overload.    Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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Build an Equipment Dashboard Guide Part 2   Step 5: Display Data   Now that you have configured the visual part of your application, you need to bind the Widgets in your Mashup to a data source.   Add Services to Mashup   In the top-right, ensure the Data tab is selected. Click the green + symbol. In the Entities Filter field, search for and select MyPump. In the Services Filter field, type GetPropertyValues. Click the right-arrow beside GetPropertyValues. Note how GetPropertyValues was added to the right-side under Selected Services Check the checkbox for Execute on Load. This causes the Service to execute when the Mashup starts.        7. In the Services Filter field, type QueryPropertyHistory. 8. Click the right-arrow beside QueryPropertyHistory. 9. Check the checkbox for Execute on Load. 10. Click Done to close the pop-up. Note how the Services have been added to the Data tab in the top-right.          11. Click Save. Now that we have access to the backend data, we want to bind it to our Widgets.   Value Display   Configure the Value Display to display the SerialNumber of the pump. Under the Data tab, expand GetPropertyValues > Returned Data > All Data. Drag-and-drop GetPropertyValues > serialNumber onto the Value Display Widget in the top section. On the Select Binding Target popup, select Data. Image   We want to use an Image Widget to display a thumbnail picture of the pump for easy reference. To do that, though, you first need to upload an image to Foundation by creating a Media Entity. Right-click the image below, then click "Save image as..." to download. Click Browse > Visualization > Media. Click + New. In the Name field, type pump-thumbnail. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. Under Image, click Change. Navigate to and select the pump-image.png file you just downloaded. On the navigation pop-up, click Open to close the pop-up and confirm the image selection. At the top of Foundation, click Save. Change Image to pump   We will now update the Image Widget to display the ThingWorx Media Entity we just created. Return to the pump-dashboard Mashup. Click the Image Widget to select it, and ensure that the bottom-left Properties tab is active. In the bottom-left Properties' Filter field, type SourceURL. For the SourceURL Property, search for and select pump-thumbnail. Click Save.   Line Chart   Configure the Line Chart to display Property values changing over time. In the top-right Data tab, expand QueryPropertyHistory > Returned Data. Drag and drop QueryPropertyHistory > All Data onto the Line Chart Widget in the bottom-right Canvas section. On the Select Binding Target pop-up, select Data. Ensure the Line Chart Widget is selected. On the Line Chart's Property panel in the bottom-left, in the Filter field, type XAxisField. For the XAxisField Property, select timestamp. In the Filter field, type LegendFilter. Check the checkbox for LegendFilter. Click Save.   Verify Data Bindings   You can see the configuration of data sources bound to Widgets in the bottom-center Connections pane. In the top-right Data tab, click GetPropertyValues. Check the diagram in the bottom-center Connections window to confirm a data source is bound to the Value Display Widget.       2. Also in the top-right Data tab, click QueryPropertyHistory. Confirm that the diagram shows it is bound to the Line Chart.         3. Click Save.     Step 6: Test Application   Browse to your Mashup and click View Mashup to launch the application. NOTE: You may need to enable pop-ups in your browser to see the Mashup. 2. Confirm that data is being displayed in each of the sections. 3. Open the MyPump Thing, then click the Properties and Alerts Tab. 4. Click Set Value on the line of the serialNumber Property. 5. Enter a value for the serial number, then click the Check-mark button. 6. Click Refresh to confirm the value is changed. 7. Refresh the browser window showing the dashboard to see the new serial number value.     Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Build an Equipment Dashboard guide, and learned how to: Use Composer to create a Thing Shape and a Thing Template Make a Thing using a custom Thing Template Store Property change history in a Value Stream Create an applicaton UI with Mashup Builder Display data from connected devices Test a sample application   If you like to return to previous guides in the learning path, select Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment.    
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Build an Equipment Dashboard Guide Part 1   Overview   This project will introduce you to the principles of ThingWorx Foundation by creating an eqipment dashboard. Following the steps in this guide, you will create the building blocks of your first IoT application, including Things and Streams. We introduce the basics for creating an IoT application. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 2 parts of this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview   This guide explains the steps to create an Industrial Eqipment Dashboard, and is part of the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path. You can use this guide independently from the full Learning Path. If you want to learn the basics of creating an eqipment dashboard with ThingWorx, this guide will be useful to you.When used as part of the Industrial Plant Learning Path, you should already have ThingWorx Kepware Server installed, and it should be sending data to ThingWorx Foundation. You also need to have previously created the Thing Shape and Thing Template used for this dashboard. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Create Thing   A Thing is used to digitally represent a specific component of your application in ThingWorx. In Java programming terms, a Thing is similar to an instance of a class. In this step, you will create a Thing that represents an individual Pump using the Thing Template we created in the previous guide. Using a Thing Template allows you to increase development velocity by creating multiple Things without re-entering the same information each time. In ThingWorx Foundation, navigate to Browse > Modeling > Things. Click + New. In the Name field, type MyPump. NOTE: This name, with matching capitalization, is required for the data display created in a later step.       4. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject.       5. In the Base Thing Template field, search for and select the previously-created PumpTemplate.       6. At the top, click Save.          Manage Property Bindings At the top, click Properties and Alerts. At the top, click Manage Bindings. In the top-left Local > Search Things field, search for and select IndConn_Tag1. Drag-and-drop Simulation_Examples_Functions_Random3's + symbol onto the watts Property on the right. At the bottom-right of the pop-up, click Done. Note how the Tag from ThingWorx Kepware Server is now bound to the the watts Property. Click Save. Click Refresh repeatedly to confirm the watts Property value is changing.     Step 3: Store Data in Value Stream   Now that you have created the MyPump Thing to model your application in ThingWorx, you need a storage Entity to record changing Property values. This step shows how to save time-series data in a Value Stream already created in a previous guide. To learn more, refer to the Methods for Data Storage guide. Navigate to Browse > Modeling > Thing Templates. Click the previously-created PumpTemplate Thing Template to open it. Confirm you are on the General Information tab. If necessary, click Edit to allow changes. In the Value Stream field, search for and select IndConn_ValueStream. Click Save.   Step 4: Create Application UI   ThingWorx Foundation is used to create customized web applications that can display and interact with data from multiple sources. These web applications are called Mashups and are created using the Mashup Builder. The Mashup Builder is where you create your web application by dragging and dropping Widgets such as Grids, Charts, Maps, and Buttons onto a Canvas. All of the user interface elements in your application are Widgets. We will build a web application with three Widgets: Image showing a picture of the pump Value Display showing the pump serial number Line Chart showing the value of watts Property trend over time.   Create New Mashup   Navigate to Browse > Visualization > Mashups.   Click + New.   Keep the defaults and click OK.   In the Name field, type pump-dashboard. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. Click Save.   At the top, click Design.   Define Mashup Areas   At the top-left, ensure the Layout tab is selected. Click Add Bottom to split your UI into two halves.   Click the newly-created bottom-half to select it. Click Add Left.   Click the bottom-left container to select it. In the top-left Layout section, scroll down and select Fixed Size.   Type 200 in the Width text box that appeared, then press your keyboard’s Tab key to record your entry.   Add Widgets   In the top-left, click the Widgets tab.   In the Filter field, type image.   Drag-and-drop an Image Widget onto the lower-left area of the central Canvas. This Widget will show an image of the pump in use. 4. In a similar manner to what was just done with the Image Widget, drag-and-drop a Value Display Widget onto the top area. 5. Likewise, drag-and-drop a Line Chart Widget onto the lower-right area.   6. Click Save.          Click here to view Part 2 of this guide. 
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