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Error: Failed to load SQL Modules into database Cluster. This error is usually seen during initializing the database cluster phase (in the setup as shown below). To resolve this issue, follow below steps: Create a PostgreSQL data folder before you start the installation (c:\postgres-data) and give full control for the user. Select the newly created data directory during the setup. After the successful installation, you can follow the remaining procedure for configuring it with ThingWorx from the respective installation document.
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The AddStreamEntries​ snippet does not offer too much information, except that it needs an InfoTable as input. It is however based on the InfoTable for the AddStreamEntity service.     To use the AddStreamEntries table, an InfoTable based on sourceType, values, location, source, timestamp​ and ​tags​ must be used.   In this example, I started with a new Thing based on a ​Stream​ template and the following DataShape:     This DataShape must be converted into an InfoTable with is used as the ​values​ parameter. It's important that the ​timestamp​ parameter has distinct values! Otherwise values matching the same timestamp will be overwritten!   We don't really need the sourceType​ as ThingWorx will automatically determine the type by knowing the source and which kind of Entity Type it is.   I created a new ​MyStreamThing​ with a new service, filling the InfoTable and the Stream. The result is the following code which will add 5 rows to the Stream:     // *** SET UP META DATA FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create a new InfoTable based on AddStreamEntries parameters (timestamp, location, source, sourceType, tags, values)   var myInfoTable = { dataShape: { fieldDefinitions : {} }, rows: [] };   myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['timestamp']  = { name: 'timestamp', baseType: 'DATETIME' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['location']  = { name: 'location', baseType: 'LOCATION' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['source']    = { name: 'source', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['sourceType'] = { name: 'sourceType', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['tags']      = { name: 'tags', baseType: 'TAGS' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['values']    = { name: 'values', baseType: 'INFOTABLE' };   // *** SET UP ACTUAL VALUES FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create new meta data   var tags = new Array(); var timestamp = new Date(); var location = new Object(); location.latitude = 0; location.longitude = 0; location.elevation = 0; location.units = "WGS84";   // add rows to InfoTable (~5 times)   for (i=0; i<5; i++) {       // create new values based on Stream DataShape       var params = {           infoTableName : "InfoTable",           dataShapeName : "Cxx-DS"     };       var values = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);       // add something to the values to make them unique       // create and add new row based on Stream DataShape     // only a single line allowed!       var newValues = new Object();     newValues.a = "aaa" + i; // STRING - isPrimaryKey = true     newValues.b = "bbb" + i; // STRING     newValues.c = "ccc" + i; // STRING       values.AddRow(newValues);       // create new InfoTable row based on meta data & values     // add 10 ms to each object, to make it's timestamp unique     // otherwise entries with the same timestamp will be overwritten       var newEntry = new Object();     newEntry.timestamp = new Date( + (i * 10));     newEntry.location = location;     newEntry.source =;     newEntry.tags = tags;     newEntry.values = values;       // add new Info Table row to Info Table           myInfoTable.rows = newEntry;       }       // *** ADD myInfoTable (HOLDING MULITPLE STREAM ENTRIES) TO STREAM       // add stream entries in the InfoTable       var params = {           values: myInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */     };       // no return       Things["MyStreamThing"].AddStreamEntries(params);   To verify the values have been added correctly, call the ​GetStreamEntriesWithData​ service on the ​MyStreamThing​
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If you ever tested mashup rendering on mobile phones, you probably experienced that the mashup was not sizing to fit your mobile display. This "MobileHeader" extension enables to auto adapt the mashup to mobile displays.   It adds the following parameters to the HTML header: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">   In the composer just drop the "MobileHeader" extension into a section of the mashup.   This extension was tested until version 7.4.
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The ThingWorx Platform is fully exposed using the REST API including every property, service, subsystem, and function.  This means that a remote device can integrate with ThingWorx by sending correctly formatted Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests. Such an application could alter thing properties, execute services, and more. To help you get started using the REST API for connecting your edge devices to ThingWorx, our ThingWorx developers put together a few resources on the Developer Portal: New to developing with ThingWorx? Use our REST API Quickstart guide that explains how to: create your first Thing, add a property to your Thing, then send and retrieve data. Advanced ThingWorx user? This new REST API how-to series features instructions on how to use REST API for many common tasks, incl. a troubleshooting section. Use ThingWorx frequently but haven’t learned the syntax by heart? We got you covered. The REST API cheat sheet gives details of the most frequently used REST API commands.
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This Blog presents a simple Java utility to validate the deployment of ThingWatcher. It is important to note that the utility used is not a real life situation, the intent was to keep it as simple as possible in order to achieve its aim: validation of the deployment. An understanding of Java IDE (such as Eclipse) is necessary in order to run the utility with relevant dependency and classpath setup. Those are beyond the scope of this posting. We will cover the following points: Pre-Requisites Using the sample utility Code walk through Validate training job creation Validate model job creation Update for ThingWorx Analytics 8.0 Pre-requisites A strict adherence to the ThingWatcher deployment guide is recommended in order to first deploy training and model microservices as well as to familiarize yourself with ThingWatcher APIs. Prior to testing ThingWatcher, both the training and model microservices should be up and running The media for ThingWatcher (including model and training micro-service) should be downloaded from PTC Software Download page . The commands to deploy the micro-services will vary depending on the platform used and are presented in the ThingWatcher deployment guide. As a reference example, on Windows the command will be similar to the following: Start Docker: Start > Program > Docker > Docker Quick Start Terminal Load model micro service tar $ docker load < "D:\PTC\MED-61147-CD-522_F000_ThingWorx-Analytics-ThingWatcher-52-2\components\ModelService\ModelService\model-service.tar"     3. Install model service: $ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v '/d/TWatcherStorage/model:/data/models' -v '/d/TWatcherStorage/db:/tmp/' twxml/model-service:1.0 -jar maven/model-1.0.jar server maven/standalone-evaluator.yml     4. Load training micro service tar file                         $ docker load < "D:\PTC\MED-61147-CD-522_F000_ThingWorx-Analytics-ThingWatcher-52-2\components\TrainingService\TrainingService\training-service.tar"     5. Install training service                         $ docker run -d -p 8090:8080  twxml/training-service:1.0.0  -Dmodel.destination.uri=model:// -jar maven/training-standalone-1.0.0-bin.jar server /maven/training-standalone-single.yml Note: the -Dmodel.destination.uri points here to the model micro-service host. To find the ip address, enter docker-machine ip on the model micro-service docker machine.     6. Validate micro-services deployment: Execute docker ps  and confirmed that both services are up, as in the following example: CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                      CREATED            STATUS              PORTS NAMES 5b6a29b95611        twxml/training-service:1.0.0  "java -Dmodel.destina"  13 days ago        Up 44 minutes      8081/tcp,>8080/tcp  modest_albattani 8c13c0bc910e        twxml/model-service:1.0        "java"      2 weeks ago        Up 44 minutes>8080/tcp, 8081/tcp  thirsty_ptolemy   Using the sample utility Download the attachment Import into Eclipse (or IDE of choice) with the ThingWatcher dependencies added in classpath. Update the trainingBaseURI (see below) to points to the training micro-services. The utility should be ready to execute. Code walk through The code declares a thingwatcher in the following snippet: ThingWatcher thingwatcher = new ThingWatcherBuilder() .certainty(90.0) .trainingDataDuration(60) .trainingDataDurationUnit(DurationUnit.SECOND) .trainingBaseURI("") .getThingWatcher(); In the above code it is important to update the trainingBaseURI argument with the correct ip address and port for the training micro-service host. The code then loops 10000 times and sends a new value, which simulates the sensor data, at a simulated 100 ms interval. The value is computed as Math.sin(i) for the whole calibrating phase and most of the monitoring phase too. We artificially introduce an anomaly by sending a value of Math.incremetExact(i) between the 9000 th and 9900 th iterations. During the Monitoring phase, the code logs the value, the anomalous status and the thingwatcher state. It is advised to save the output to a file in order to review the logging once the utility has run. In Eclipse this can be done by selecting the with right mouse button > Run As… > Run Configuration > Common and tick Output File under the Standard Input and Output, and specify a location for the output file. A review of the output log file will shows that somewhere between timestamp 900000 and 990000, the isAnomalousValue is true. Note that this does not starts and ends exactly at 900000 and 990000, as ThingWatcher needs a few occurrences before reporting it as anomaly. Sample output indicating an anomalous state: [main] INFO - Value = 901700,9017.0,-9016.403802019577 [main] INFO - isAnomalousValue = true [main] INFO - ThingWatcherStat = MONITORING As part of validating the successful deployment of ThingWatcher, it is recommended to validate the correct creation of a training and model job. Validate training job creation In order to validate the successful creation of a training job, execute a GET request to the training micro service : (update the ip address to the one on your system) This should return a COMPLETED job whose body starts with something similar to: Validate model job creation In order to validate the successful creation of a model job, execute a GET request to (update the ip address to the one on your system) to see all the models that have been created. For example: Alternatively, click (or use) the URI reported in the training job output, here, to see the complete model definition. The output will be similar to: When this sample test runs correctly, the ThingWatcher deployment has been validated. Update for ThingWorx Analytics 8.0 Deploying the microservices, see Video Link : 1937 Updated Java code: see Does anyone know how to use java api to achieve anomaly detection with Thingwatcher8.0? To Note: The utility provided is for testing purpose only. The code does not represent any kind of best practice and is not meant to be a perfect java coding example. It is provided as is with no guarantee.
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Since it's somewhat unclear on how to set up the reset password feature through the login form, these steps might be a little more helpful. Assuming the mail extension has already been imported into the Thingworx platform and properly configured - say, PassReset - (test with SendMessage service to verify), let's go ahead and create a new user - Blank, and a new organization that will have that user assigned as a member - Test. Let's open the configuration tab for the organization, assign the PassReset mail thing as the mail server, assign login image, style, prompt (optional), check the Allow Password Reset, then the rest looks like this: Onto the Email content part, it is not possible to save the organization as is at the moment: Clicking on the question mark for the Email content will provide the following requirements: Now this is when it might not be too clear. The tokens [[:user:]], [[:organization:]], [[:url:]] can be used in the email body and at the runtime will be replaced with the actual Usernames, organization, and the reset password url. Out of those fiels, only [[:url:]] token is required. So, it is sufficient to place only [[:url:]] in the body and save the organization: Then, when going to the FormLogin, at <your thingworx host:port>/Thingworx/FormLogin/<organization name>, a password reset button is available: Filling out the User information in the reset field, the email gets sent to the user address specified and the proper message appears: Since in this example only the [[:url:]]  token has been used in the email content, the email received will look like this: To troubleshoot any errors that might be seen in the process of retrieving the password reset link, it's helpful to check your browser developer tools and Thingworx application log for details.
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In this video we cover the installation of the UploadThing module. This video applies to ThingWorx Analytics 52.2 till 8.0. This is no longer applicable with ThingWorx Analytics 8.1   Useful links: How to copy files from Windows to Linux Updated Link for access to this video:  Installing Thingworx Analytics Builder: Part 3 of 3  
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Introduction to Digital Performance Management (DPM) Written by: Tori Firewind, IoT EDC   “Digital Performance Management (DPM) is a closed-loop, problem solving solution that helps manufacturers identify, prioritize, and solve their biggest loss challenges, resulting in reduced cost, increased revenue, and improved service levels.” – DPM Help Center What is DPM? Digital Performance Manager (DPM) is an application which improves factory efficiency across a variety of different areas, namely “the four P’s” of Digital Transformation: products, processes, places, and people. Each performance issue in a factory can be mapped to at least one of these improvement categories in a new strategy for Continuous Improvement (CI) founded by PTC.   Figure 1 – Each performance issue in a factory can be mapped to at least one of 4 fundamental improvement categories: products, processes, places, and people. PTC’s new, industry-leading strategy for continuous improvement (CI) in factories is a “best practice” approach, taking the collective knowledge of many customers to form a focused, prescriptive path for success. 11 Closing the Loop Across Products, Processes, People, and Places, Manufacturing Leadership Journal   At PTC, CI in factories is driven by a “best practice”  approach, with years of experience in manufacturing solutions combining with the collective knowledge of the many diverse use cases PTC has encountered, to generate a focused, prescriptive path for improvement in any individual factory. Figure 2 – DPM is a closed loop for continuous improvement, a strategy built around industry standard best practices and years of experience.  PTC is also defining new industry standards for OEE analysis by using time as a currency within DPM. This standardization technique improves intuitive impact assessment and allows for direct comparison of metrics (see the Help Center for details on how each metric is calculated).   DPM creates a closed loop for CI, from the monitoring phase performed both automatically and through manual operator input, to the prioritization and analyzation phases performed by plant managers. DPM helps plant managers by tracking metrics of factory performance that often go overlooked by other systems. With Analytics, DPM can also do much of the analysis automatically, finding the root causes much more rapidly. Figure 3 – All levels of the company are involved in solving the same problems effectively and efficiently with DPM. Instead of 100 people working on 100 different problems, some of which might not significantly improve OEE anyway, these same 100 people can tackle the top few problems one at a time, knocking out barriers to continuous improvement together. Production supervisors who manage the entire production line then know which less-than-effective components on the line need help. They can quickly design and redesign solutions for specific production issues. Task management within DPM helps both the production manager and the maintenance engineer to complete the improvement process. Using other PTC tools like Creo and Vuforia make the path to improvement even faster and easier, requiring less expert knowledge from the front-line workers and empowering every level of participation in the digital transformation process to make a direct, measurable impact on physical production.       How Does DPM Work? DPM as an IoT application sits on top of the ThingWorx Foundation server, a platform for IoT development that is extensible and customizable. Manufacturers therefore find they rarely have to rip and replace existing systems and assets to reap the benefits of DPM, which gathers, aggregates, and stores production data (both automatically and through manual input on the Production Dashboard), so that it can be analyzed using time as a currency. DPM also manages the process of implementing improvements (using the Action Tracker) based on the collected data, and provides an easy way to confirm that the improvements make a real difference in the overall OEE (through the Performance Analysis Dashboard). Because the analysis occurs before and after the steps to improve are taken, manufacturers can rest assured that any resources invested on the improvements aren’t done so in vain; DPM is a predictive and prescriptive analysis process.   DPM makes use of an external SQL Server to run queries against collected data and perform aggregation and analysis tasks in the background, on a separate server location than the thing model and ingestion database. This ensures that use cases involving real-time alerts and events, high-capacity ingestion, or others are still possible on the ThingWorx Foundation server.   The IoT EDC is focusing in on DPM alone for a series of  technical briefs which provide insight and expert level recommendations regarding DPM usage and configuration.  Stay tuned into the PTC Community for more updates to come.
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Thingworx provides the capability to use JDBC to connect to Relational Databases. What would be the steps to take? 1. Find the proper JDBC JAR file, this can be easily located by keeping in mind your database and its version and doing an online search. 2. Download the JDBC Extension Creator from the Marketplace 3. Follow the instructions to create the actual JDBC extension you will be using 4. Create a Thing based on the ThingTemplate from the JDBC extension - This represents your actual connection to the database 5. Set up the configuration:      a. Connection String - Usually I use to find that      b. Validation String - This has to be a VALID SQL statement within the context of the database you are connecting to (Like SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL for Oracle)      c. Proper User Name and Password as defined in the database you are connecting to 6. SAVE 7. To check if you are properly connected, go back into Edit mode and go to Services, create a new SQL Query or Command and check Tables and Columns Tab. Actual Tables should show up now. 8. If it doesn't work, check your application log.
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Thread Safe Coding, Part 1: The Java Extension Approach Written by Desheng Xu and edited by @vtielebein    Overview Time and again, customers report that one of their favorite ThingWorx features is using However, the Javascript language doesn't have a built-in semaphore locker mechanism, nothing to enable thread-safe concurrent processing, like you find in the Java language. This article demonstrates why thread safe coding is necessary and how to use the Java Extension for this purpose. Part 2 presents an alternative approach using database lockers.   Demo Use Case Let's use a highly abstracted use case to demo thread-safe code practices: There are tens of machines in a factory, and PLC will emit a signal to indicate an issue happens during run-time. The customer expects to have a dashboard that shows today's total count of issues from all machines in real-time. The customer is also expecting that a timestamp of each issue can be logged (regardless of the machine). Similar use cases might be to: Show the total product counts from each sub-line in the current shift. Show the total rentals of bicycles from all remote sites. Show the total issues of distant cash machines across the country.   Modeling Thing: DashboardCounter, which includes: 1 Property: name:counter, type:integer, logged:true, default value:0 3 services: IncreaseCounter(): increase counter value 1 GetCounter(): return current counter value ResetCounter(): set counter value to 0 1 Subscription: a subscription to the data change event of the property counter, which will print the new value and timestamp to the log.   GetCounter var result = me.counter;   IncreaseCounter me.counter = me.counter + 1; var result = me.counter;   ResetCounter me.counter = 0; var result = 0;   Subscription MonitorCounter":"+eventData.newValue.time.getTime());   ValueStream For simplicity, the value stream entity is not included in the attachment. Please go ahead and assign a value stream to this Thing to monitor the property values.   Test Tool A small test tool mulreqs is attached here, along with some extensions and ThingWorx entities that are useful. The mulreqs tool uses a configuration file from the OS variable definition MULTI_REQUEST_CONFIG.   In Linux/MacOS: export MULTI_REQUEST_CONFIG="./config.json" in config.json file, you can use the following configuration:       { "host":"", "port":443, "protocol":"https", "endpoint":"/Thingworx/Things/DashboardCounter/services/IncreaseCounter", "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "AppKey":"5cafe6eb-adba-41df-a7d6-4fc8088125c1" }, "payload":{}, "round_break":50000, "req_break":0, "round_size":50, "total_round":20 }       host, port, protocol, headers are very identical to define a ThingWorx server. endpoint defines which service is called during the test. payload is not in use at this moment but you have to keep it here. total_round is how many rounds of the test you want to run. round_size defines how many requests will be sent simultaneously during each round. round_break is the pause time during each round in Microseconds, so 50000 in the above example means 50ms. req_break is 0, this is the delay between requests. "0" means requests to the server will happen simultaneously.   The expectation from the above configuration is service execution a total of 20*50 times, 1000 times. So, we can expect that if the initial value is 0, then counter should be 1000 at the end, and if the value stream is clean initially, then the value stream should have a history from 1 to 1000.   Run Test Use the following command to perform the test: .<your path>/mulreqs Execution output will look like:   Check Result You will be surprised that the final value is 926 instead of 1000. (Caution: this value will be different in different tests and it can be any value in the range of 1 and 1000). Now, look at the value stream by using QueryPropertyHistory. There are many values missing here, and while the total count can vary in different tests, it is unlikely to be exactly the last value (926). Notice that the last 5 values are: 926, 925, 921, 918. The values 919, 920, 922, and 923 are all missing. So next we check if there are any errors in the script log, and there are none. There are only print statements we deliberately placed in the logs. So, we have observed two symptoms here: The final value from property counter doesn't have the expected value. The value stream doesn't have the expected history of the counter property changes. What's the reason behind each symptom, and which one is a thread-safe issue?   Understanding Timestamp Granularity ThingWorx facilitates the collection of time series data and solutions centered around such data by allowing for use of the timestamp as the primary key. However, a timestamp will always have a minimal granularity definition when you process it. In ThingWorx, the minimal granularity or unit of a timestamp is one millisecond.   Looking at the log we generated from the subscription again, we see that several data points (922, 923, 924, 925) have the same timestamp (1596089891147), which is GMT Thursday, July 30, 2020, 6:18:11.147 AM. When each of these data points is flushed into the database, the later data points overwrite the earlier ones since they all have the same timestamp. So, data point 922 went into the value stream first, and then was overwritten by data point 923, and then 924, and then 925. The next data point in the value stream is 926, which has a new timestamp (1596089891148), 1ms behind the previous one. Therefore, data points 925 and 926 are stored while 922, 923, 924 are not. These lost data points are therefore NOT a thread-safe issue.   The reason why some of these data points have the same timestamp in this example is because multiple machines write to the same value stream. The right approach is to log data points at the individual machine level, with a different value stream per machine.   However, what happens if one machine emits data too frequently? If data points from the same machine still have a timestamp clash issue, then the signal frequency is too high. The recommended approach would be to down-sample the update frequency, as any frequency higher than 1000Hz will result in unexpected results like these.   Real Thread Safe Issue from Demo Use Case The final value of the counter being an arbitrary random number is the real thread-safe coding issue. if we take a look at the code again: me.counter = me.counter + 1; This piece of code can be split into three-piece: Step 1: read current value of me.counter Step 2: increase this value Step 3: set me.counter with new value. In a multi-threaded environment, not performing the above three steps as a single operation will lead to a race issue. The way to solve this issue is to use a locking mechanism to serialize access to the property, which will acquire the lock, perform the three operations, and then release the lock. This can be done using either the Java Extension or the database thing to leverage the database lock mechanism.   Use Java Extension to Handle Thread Safe Challenge This tutorial assumes that the Eclipse plug-in for ThingWorx extension development is already installed. The following will guide you through creating a simple Java extension step by step: Create a Java Extension Project Choose the minimal ThingWorx version to support and select the corresponding SDK. Let's name it JavaExtLocker, though it’s best to use lower-case in the project name. Add a ThingWorx Template in the src Folder Right-click the src folder and a a Thing Template. Add a Thing property Right click on the Java source file created in the above step and click the menu option called Thingworx Source, then select Add Property. Add Three Services: IncreaseCounter, GetCounter, ResetCounter Right click the Java source file and select the menu option called Thingworx source, then select Add Service. See above for the IncreaseCounter service details. Repeat these same steps to add GetCounter and ResetCounter: (Optionally) Add a Generated Serial ID Add Code to the Three Services @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "IncreaseCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer IncreaseCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: IncreaseCounter"); int current_value = ((IntegerPrimitive (this.getPropertyValue("Counter"))).getValue(); current_value ++; this.setPropertyValue("Counter", new IntegerPrimitive(current_value)); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: IncreaseCounter"); return current_value; } @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "GetCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer GetCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: GetCounter"); int current_value = ((IntegerPrimitive)(this.getPropertyValue("Counter"))).getValue(); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: GetCounter"); return current_value; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "ResetCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer ResetCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: ResetCounter"); this.setPropertyValue("Counter", new IntegerPrimitive(0)); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: ResetCounter"); return 0; }​ The key here is the synchronized modifier, which is what allows for Java to control the multi-threading to prevent data loss. Build the Application Use 'gradle build' to generate a build of the extension. Import the Extension into ThingWorx Create Thing Based on New Thing Template Check the New Thing Property and Service Definition Use the Same Test Tool to Run the Test Again { "host":"", "port":443, "protocol":"https", "endpoint":"/Thingworx/Things/DeoLockerThing/services/IncreaseCounter", "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "AppKey":"5cafe6eb-adba-41df-a7d6-4fc8088125c1" }, "payload":{}, "round_break":50000, "req_break":0, "round_size":50, "total_round":20 } ​ Just change the endpoint to point to the new thing.  Check the Test Result Repeat the same test several times to ensure the results are consistent and expected (and don't forget to reset the counter between tests). Summary of Java Extension Approach The Java extension approach shown here uses the synchronized keyword to thread-safe the operation of several actions. Other options are to use a ReentryLock or Semaphore locker for the same purpose, but the synchronized keyword approach is much cleaner.   However, the Java extension locker will NOT work in 9.0 horizontal architecture since Java doesn't a have distributed locker. IgniteLocker wouldn't work in the current horizontal architecture, either. So if using a thread-safe counter in version 9.0+ horizontal architecture, then leverage the database thing, as discussion below.
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When to Include InfluxDB in the ThingWorx Development Lifecycle (this article is also available for download as a PDF attached)   The Short Answer InfluxDB is a time series database designed specifically for data ingestion. Historically, InfluxDB has been viewed as a high-scale expansion option for ThingWorx: a way to ensure the application works as intended, even when scaled up to the enterprise level. This is certainly one way to view it, because when there are many, many remote things, each with a lot of properties writing to the Platform at short intervals, then InfluxDB is a sure choice. However, what about in smaller applications? Is there still a benefit to using an optimized data ingestion tool in any case? The short answer is: yes, there is!   Using InfluxDB for optimized data ingestion is a good idea even in smaller-sized applications, especially if there are plans to scale the application up in the future. It is far better to design the application around InfluxDB from the start than to adjust the data model of the application later on when an optimized data ingestion process is required. PostgreSQL and InfluxDB simply handle the storage of data in different ways, with the former functioning better with many Value Streams, and the latter with fewer Value Streams. Switching the way data is retained and referenced later, when the application is already on the larger side, causes delays in growing the application larger and adding more devices. Likewise, if the Platform reaches its ingestion limits in a production environment, there can be costly downtime and data loss while a proper solution (which likely involves reworking the application to work optimally with InfluxDB) is implemented.   Don’t think that InfluxDB is for expansion only; it is an optimized ingestion database that has benefits at every level of the application development lifecycle. From the end to end, InfluxDB can ensure reliable data ingestion, reduced risk of data loss, and reduced memory and CPU used by the deployment overall. Preliminary sizing and benchmark data is provided in this article to explain these recommendations. Consider how ThingWorx is ingesting data now, how much CPU and other resources are used just for acquiring the data, and perhaps InfluxDB would seem a benefit to improve application performance.   The Long Answer In order to uncover just how beneficial InfluxDB can be in any size application, the IoT Enterprise Deployment Center has run some simulations with small and medium sized applications. The use case in the simulation is simple with user requests coming from a collection of basic mashups and data ingestion coming from various numbers of things, each with a collection of “fast” and “slow” properties which update at different rates. This synthetic load of data does not include a more complete application scenario, so the memory and CPU usage shown here should not be used as sizing recommendations. For those types of recommendations, stay tuned for the soon-to-release ThingWorx 9.0 Sizing (or check out the current 8.5 Sizing Guide).   Comparing Runs When determining the health of the ThingWorx Platform, there are several categories to inspect: Value Stream Queue Rate and Queue Size, HTTP Requests, and the overall Memory and CPU use for each server. Using Grafana to store the metrics results in charts like those below which can easily be compared and contrasted, and used to evaluate which hardware configuration results in the best performance. The size of the numbers on the vertical axis indicate total numbers of resources used for that metric, while the slope or trend of each chart indicates bottlenecks and inadequate resource allocation for the use case.   In this case, all darker charts represent data from PostgreSQL ONLY configurations, while the lighter charts represent the InfluxDB instances. Because this is not a sizing guide, whether each of these charts comes from the small or medium run is unimportant as long as they match (for valid comparisons between with Influx and without it). The smaller run had something like 20k Things, and the larger closer to 60k, both with 275 total Platform users (25 Admins) and 3 mashups, which were each called at various refresh rates over the course of the 1-hour testing period. Note that in the PostgreSQL ONLY instances, there were more Thing Templates and corresponding Value Streams. This change is necessary between runs because only with fewer Value Streams does InfluxDB begin to demonstrate notable improvements.   The most important thing to note is that the lighter charts clearly demonstrate better performance for both size runs. Each section below will break down what the improvement looks like in the charts to show how to use Grafana to verify the best performance.   Value Stream Queue The vertical axis on the Value Stream Queue Rate chart shows how many total writes per minute (WPS) the Platform can handle. The average is 10 WPS higher using InfluxDB in both scenarios, and InfluxDB is also much more stable, meaning that the writes happen more reliably. The Value Stream Queue Size chart demonstrates how well the writes within the queue are processed. Both of these are necessary to determine the health of data ingestion.   If the queue size were to increase and trend upward in the lighter Queue Size chart, then that would mean the Platform couldn’t handle the higher ingestion rate. However, since the Queue Size is stable and close to 0 the entire time, it is clear that the Platform is capable of clearing out the Value Stream Queue immediately and reliably throughout the entire test. FIGURE 1 – THESE REPRESENT THE DATA GETTING STORED INTO THE DATA PROVIDER. NOTE: THE FORMER IS MUCH LOWER THAN THE LATTER.   FIGURE 2 – NOTE THE DATA LOSS IN THE NON-INFLUX INSTANCE (THE QUEUE IN GREEN REACHES THE MAX IN YELLOW). THE INFLUX INSTANCE HAS LESS TROUBLE CLEARING OUT THE QUEUE, AS DEMONSTRATED BY THE CONSISTENTLY LOW QUEUE SIZE.   HTTP Requests Taking the strain of ingestion off of the Platform’s primary database frees its resources up for other activities. This in turn improves the performance and reliability of the Platform to respond to HTTP requests, those which in a typical application are used to aggregate data into smaller data stores (depending on the use case) and which render the mashups for the end users. The business logic and mashups can be more complex when there is one database designated for ingestion (InfluxDB) and one for everything else (PostgreSQL). FIGURE 3 – THE DARKER CHART SHOWS A LOT OF CHOPPINESS, MEANING THAT WHILE THE PLATFORM WAS RESPONDING THE WHOLE TIME, IT WAS NOT DOING SO RELIABLY. THE SMOOTHER SECOND CHART SHOWS HOW MUCH EASIER THE PLATFORM CAN HANDLE THESE REQUESTS WHEN THE LOAD IS DISTRUBITED INTELLIGENTLY ACROSS MULTIPLE SERVERS, EACH OPTIMIZED FOR THE TYPE OF DATA THEY RECEIVE. THE “STAIRCASE” SHAPE OCCURS BECAUSE THE SIMULATOR INCREASES THE WORK LOAD EVERY 10 MINUTES UNTIL IT BREAKS.   Likewise, the nature of Postgres lends well towards this differentiation, given that there are many more database tables required for supporting the HTTP requests, something Postgres does well. That leaves Influx to handle the time-series data and ingestion, and those are the primary strengths of that software as well. So, splitting the load across multiple servers in this way results in smaller server sizes overall, each which is stream-lined and optimized to handle exactly what it is given by the Platform.   Note that in both of these charts, there are no bad requests, so both would seem to be successful runs. However, as future charts will demonstrate more clearly, there is a catastrophic failure when the load is increased around 12:30p. The simulation ends before the server begins to show any real symptoms of the issue, and that is why there are no bad requests. The maximum Operations Per Second (OPS) in the Hardware Specifications and Performance section is taken from before the failure begins.   Clearly the InfluxDB instance has better performance given that the average Operations Per Second (OPS) is substantially higher, nearly 4 times what is seen in the PostgreSQL ONLY instance. Obviously how well the Platform manages the business logic and mashup loading will depend on a lot of factors. In this test scenario, the OPS was increased by increasing the mashup refresh rate on the InfluxDB instances (which could handle over double the operations). Likewise, the number of Stream writes to the PostgreSQL database could be double what it was when PostgreSQL was the only database. Therefore, configuring InfluxDB for the data ingestion and leaving Postgres for the rest of the application certainly makes the load much easier on the Platform, and the same would be true even in a much more complex scenario.   Memory and CPU The important thing here is to keep the memory use low enough that any spikes in usage won’t cause a server malfunction. CPU Usage should stay at or below around 75%, and Memory should never exceed around 80% of the total allocated to the server. The sizing guides can help determine what this allocation of memory needs to be.   Of note in these charts is the slight, upward slope of the CPU usage in the darker chart, indicating the start of a catastrophic failure, and the difference in the total memory needed for the ThingWorx Platform and Postgres servers when Influx is used or not. As is apparent, the servers use much less memory when the database load is split up intelligently across multiple servers.   FIGURE 4 – THE THINGWORX CPU IS ABOUT THE SAME HERE AS IN THE INFLUXDB CONFIGURATION BELOW BUT LOOK AT HOW MUCH MORE MEMORY BOTH THE PLATFORM AND THE POSTGRES DATABASE NEED ALLOCATED TO THEM IN THIS CONFIGURATION (64 GB A PIECE). ALSO NOTE THE JUMP IN CPU AND MEMORY USAGE AFTER 12:30P. THIS IS REFERENCED IN THE PREVIOUS SECTION, AND THE SLOPE UPWARD OF THE USAGE AFTER THAT POINT INDICATES THE START OF A CATASROPHIC FAILURE. THE TEST ENDS TOO SOON TO SEE ANY SYMPTOMS OF FAILURE, BUT IT IS A SURE THING AFTER THE INCREASE IN LOAD AROUND 12:30P. FIGURE 5 – INFLUX NEEDS AN EXTRA SERVER, BUT THE SIZE OF THE INFLUX AND POSTGRES SERVERS TOGETHER IS LESS THAN HALF THE SIZE AS THAT REQUIRED FOR THE SINGLE POSTGRES DATABASE IN THE POSTGRES ONLY CONFIGURATION (8 GB). THINGWORX IS SMALLER TOO (32 GB).     Hardware Specifications and Performance These are the exact specifications for each simulated instance, broken down by size and whether InfluxDB is configured or not. Note that some of the hardware specifications may be more than is necessary real-world use case depending. As stated previously, this document is not a sizing guide (use the official ThingWorx Sizing Guide). Note that the maximum number of WPS and OPS are shown here. The maximums are higher in the InfluxDB scenarios, meaning that even with smaller-sized servers, the InfluxDB configurations can handle much greater loads.   Summary In conclusion, if InfluxDB may at some point be needed in the lifecycle of an application, because the expected number of things or the number of properties on each thing is large enough that it will max the limitations of the Platform otherwise, then InfluxDB should be used from the very start. There are benefits to using InfluxDB for data ingestion at every size, from performance to reliability, and of course the obviously improved scalability as well.   Reworking the application for use with InfluxDB later on can be costly and cause delays. This is why the benefits and costs associated with an InfluxDB-centric hardware configuration should be considered from the start. More servers are required for InfluxDB, but each of these servers can be sized smaller (depending on the use case), and all of this will affect the overall cost of hosting the ThingWorx application. The benefits of InfluxDB are especially pronounced when used in conjunction with clusters, which will be demonstrate fully in the 9.0 Sizing Guide (soon to be released). If InfluxDB is used to interface with the clusters, then there are even more resources to spare for user requests.   It is considered ThingWorx best practice for high ingestion customers to make use of InfluxDB in applications of any size. Note, though, that this will mean the number of Value Streams per Influx Database will need to be limited to single digits. We hope this helps, and from everyone here at the EDC, happy developing!
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Connecting to other databases seemed to be a hot desirable from our training feedback. So we've just added a video tutorial in the Wiki for connecting ThingWorx to SQL Server (or SQL Server Express). See topic 7.04 or go to the Video Appendix. In essence connecting to other databases like mySQL or Oracle will work the same way except you will have to change the Database URL and JDBC reference. Also let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed holiday season!
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One commonly asked question is what are the correct settings for the Configuration Tables tab when creating/setting up a Database Thing to connect to a SQL Server (2005 or later) database.  There are a couple of ways to do this but the tried and true settings are listed below. connectionValidationString - SELECT GetDate() jDBCConnectionURL - jdbc:sqlserver://servername;databaseName=databasename jDBCDriverClass - Max number of connections in the pool - 5 (this can be modified based on number of concurrent connections required) Database Password - databaseusername Database User Name - databaseuserpassword <br> The jdbc driver file sqljdbc4.jar is by default installed with the ThingWorx server.  It is located in TomcatDir\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\lib\
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  There are times when the raw sensor readings are not directly useful for monitoring conditions on a machine. The raw data may need to be transformed before it can provide value within your monitoring applications. For example, instead of monitoring individual pressure readings reported each second, you may only be concerned with the maximum pressure reading each minute. Or, maybe you want to monitor the median value of the electrical current pulled by a machine every five seconds to smooth out the noise of raw sub-second sensor readings. Or, maybe you want to monitor if the average hourly temperature of a machine exceeds a control limit in 2 of the past 3 hours.   Let’s take the example of monitoring the max pressure of a valve reading over the past 45 seconds for your performance dashboard. How do you do it? Today, you might add a new property (e.g. “MaxPressure”) to your valve Thing. Then, you might add a subscription that triggers when the Pressure property value changes, and then call a service FindMax() to return the maximum pressure for that time interval. Lastly, you might write that maximum result value to the new property MaxPressure to store it and visualize it in the dashboard. Admittedly, not the worst process, but also not the most efficient.   Coming in 8.4, we will now offer Property Transforms, which enable you to automatically execute common statistical calculations—like min, max, average, median, mode and standard deviation, as well as SPC calculations—directly within a property itself. These transforms are configurable to run at certain intervals of time or points collected and can also be used with our alerting subsystem to drive behavior and user action where necessary. There is no longer a need to create an elaborate subscription-based logic flow just to do simple calculations!  This is just another way that ThingWorx 8.4 offers a more productive environment for IoT developers than ever before.   Ready to see it in action? Check out this video below by our product manager Mark!   (view in My Videos)   Comment your thoughts below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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Alerts are a special type of event.  Alerts allow you to define rules for firing events.  Like events, you must define a subscription to handle a change in state.  All properties in a Thing Shape, Thing Template, or Thing can have one or more alert conditions defined.   You can even define several of the same type of alert.  When an alert condition is met, ThingWorx throws an event. You can subscribe to the event and define the response to the alert using JavaScript.  Events also fire when a property alert is acknowledged and when it goes out of alert condition.   Alert Types Alerts have conditions which describe when the alert is triggered.  The types of conditions available depend upon the property type.  For example, string alerts may be triggered when the string matches pre-set text.  A number alert may be set to trigger when the value of the number is within a range.   EqualTo: Alert is triggered when the defined Value is reached. Applies to Boolean, DateTime, Infotable (in regard to number of rows), Integer, Long, Location, Number, and String base types. NotEqualTo: Alert is triggered when the defined Value is not reached. Applies to Boolean, DateTime, Infotable (in regard to number of rows), Integer, Long, Location, Number, and String base types. Above: Alert is triggered when the defined Limit is exceeded or met (if the Limit is included).  By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Infotable, Integer, Long, and Number base types. Below: Alert is triggered when the alert value is below the defined Limit or meets it (if the Limit is included).  By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Infotable, Integer, Long, and Number base types. InRange: Alert is triggered when a value is between a defined range.  By default, the minimum value is included, but the maximum can be included as well.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, and Number base types. OutofRange: Alert is triggered when a value is outside a defined range.  By default, the minimum value is included, but the maximum can be included as well.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, and Number base types. DeviationAbove: Alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is greater than the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) > alert Limit).  If the Limit is included, the alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is greater than or equal to the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) >= alert Limit).   By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, Location, and Number base types. DeviationBelow: Alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is less than the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) < alert Limit).  If the Limit is included, the alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is less than or equal to the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) <= alert Limit). By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, Location, and Number base types. Anomaly: Alert is triggered when the property value falls outside of an expected pattern as defined by a predictive model.  Applies to Integer, Long, and Number base types.   Alert types are specific to the data type of the property.  Properties configured as the following base types can be used for alerts:   Boolean Datetime Infotable Integer Location Number String   Creating an Alert When creating an alert:   You can set it to be enabled or disabled Alerts must have a ThingWorx-compatible name and can optionally contain a description You must set the limit(s) to determine when the event fires If an Include Limit is included, the event fires when the Limit Condition is met Not including the Limit causes the event to fire when the Limit Condition is surpassed The priority is a metadata field that enables the addition of a priority. It does not impact the Event/Subscription handling or sequence because the system fires events off asynchronously.   Steps to create or modify an Alert:   Select an existing Property or create a new Property for a Thing, Thing Shape, or Thing Template for which to create/update the Alert Click Manage Alerts Click the New Alert drop-down and select the appropriate Alert Type Note:  The available fields will be vary depending on data type of the Property   Deselect Enabled if you do not wish to make the Alert enabled at the present time (Alert is enabled by default) Provide a Name and optional Description for the Alert Enter a Limit (numeric properties) Select Include Limit? if the value entered in the Limit field should trigger the Alert   Select the appropriate Priority. (The Priority is a metadata field for searching and categorization only.  It does not affect the order of processing, CPU or memory usage.) After defining an Alert, you can click New Alert to add additional alerts of either the same or different condition. You can also click Add New to add additional alerts of the same condition. When all Alerts have been created, click Update Click Done Once all Properties have been updated as needed, click Save   Once Alerts are defined, they appear on the Properties page (while in Edit mode).       After an Alert is defined, a Subscription to that Alert can be configured to launch the appropriate business logic, such as notifying a user of an Event through email or text message.     Monitoring Alerts   When an Alert condition is met, ThingWorx fires off an Alert. You can create a Subscription to the Alert so that you are automatically notified when an Alert is triggered.  Alerts are written to the alert history file and can be viewed through the Alert Summary and Alert History Mashups. The system tracks acknowledged and unacknowledged alerts. Alerts do not fire redundant events. For example, if a numeric property has a rule defined that generates an alert when the value is greater than 50, and a value = 51, an alert is generated and an alert event will fire. If another value comes in at 53 before the original alert is acknowledged, another event will not be fired because the current state is still greater than 50.   The Alert History and Alert Summary streams provide functionality to monitor alerts in the system.  Alert History is a comprehensive log that records all information recorded into the alert stream, where the data is stored until manually removed.   The Alert Summary provides the ability to filter by all alerts, unacknowledged alerts, or acknowledged alerts. You can also acknowledge alerts on a selected property or all alerts from a particular source (thing).   This information can be retrieved using Scripts as well, so you can create your own Alert Summary and History mashups.   From the ThingWorx header, choose Monitoring > Alert History. All Alerts are listed here. Click the Alert Summary Click the Unacknowledged tab to view alerts that have not been acknowledged. Choose to acknowledge an alert on a property or on the source. Type a message in the corresponding field. Click Acknowledge.   For each alert, the following displays: Property name. Source thing – lists the thing that contains this property with the alert. Timestamp – indicates when the alert was triggered. Name and type of alert. Duration – details how long the alert has been active. AckBy – indicates if the alert has been acknowledged and, if so, by whom and when. Message – defaults to the condition but is overwritten with the acknowledge message if one exists. Alert description.    The Alert History screen displays all Alerts that were once in an alert condition, but have moved out of that alert condition.  A Data Filter is provided at the top of the mashup to more easily find a particular Source, Property, or Alert.   The Alert History report is a Thingworx Mashup created using standard Thingworx functionality.  This means that any developer has the ability to re-create this report or a modification of this report.       Acknowledging Alerts   An acknowledgement (ack) is an indication that someone has seen the alert and is dealing with it (for example, low helium in an MRI machine and someone is filling it).  Alert History shows when alerts were acknowledged and any comments.   You can acknowledge an alert on a property or on the source. A source acknowledgment acknowledges all alerts on the source Thing for the selected alert in Monitoring > Alert Summary. A property acknowledgment (ack) only acknowledges the alerts on the property for the selected alert in Alert Summary.   For example, you create a Thing with two properties that have alerts set up. You put both properties in their alert states. View Alert Summary and select the Unacknowledged tab. You should see two alerts. Select one, and do a property acknowledgement. The alert you selected moves to the Acknowledged tab and is removed from the Unacknowledged tab. Put both properties in their alert states again, select one of the alerts on the Unacknowledged tab, and this time do a source acknowledgement. In this case, both alerts move to the Acknowledged tab, even though you only selected one of them.    For more information about Alerts, click here. To view a tutorial video on alerts, click here. Refer to this article for best practices affecting alerts.
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It's been challenging, in the absence of OOTB Software Content Management (SCM) system within ThingWorx, to track, maintain code changes in different entities or to roll back in case of any entity is wrongly edited or removed. Though there's possibility to some extent to compare the differences i.e. when importing back the entities from the Source Control repository in ThingworxStorage. However this approach itself has it's own limitations. Note : This is not an official document, rather more of a trick to help workaround this challenge. I'll be using following components in this blog to help setup a workable environment. Git VSCode ThingWorx Scheduler Thing First two components i.e. Git & VSCode is something I preferred to use due to their ease and my familiarity. However, you are free to choose your own versioning platform and IDE to review the branches, commits, diff, etc. or simply use GIT Bash to review the branches and all related changes to the code. This blog divides into following structures Installing & setting up code versioning software Installing IDE Creating a Scheduler Thing in ThingWorx Reviewing the changes 1. Installing & setting up code versioning software As mentioned you can use any code versioning platform of your choice, in this blog I'll be using Git. To download and install Git, refer to the Git- Installing Git Setting up the Git Repository Navigate to the \\ThingworxStorage as this is the folder which contains the path to the \repository folder which in turns have SystemRepository folder. Note: Of course more custom repositories could be created if preference is to separate it from the SystemRepository (available OOTB) Once Git is installed, let's initialize the repository. If you are initializing the repository in ThingworxStorage and would like only repository folder to be tracked, be sure to create .gitignore and add following to it: # folders to ignore database esapi exports extensions logs reports certificates # keystore to ignore keystore.jks Note : Simply remove the folder/file from the .gitignore file if you'd like that file/folder to be tracked within the Git repository. Following commands have been issued in the Git Bash which can be started from Windows Start > Git Bash. Then from the Git Bash navigate to the ThingworxStorage/repository folder. Git Command to initialize repository $ git init Git command to check the status of tracked/un-tracked files/folders $ git status This may or may not return list(s) of files/folders that are not tracked/un-tracked. While issuing this command for the first time, it'll show that the repository and its content i.e. SystemRepository folder is not tracked (file/folder names will likely be highlighted in red color. Git command to configure user and then add required files/folders for tracking $ git config --global "" $ git config --global "" $ git add . This will add all the folders/files that are not ignored in the .gitignore file as we created above. $ git commit -m "" This will perform first commit to the master branch, which is the default branch after the initial setup of the git repository $ git branch -a This will list all available branches within this repository $ git branch e.g. $ git branch newfeatureA This will create a new branch with that name, however to switch to that branch checkout command needs to be used. $ git checkout newfeatureA Note this will reflect the change in the command prompt e.g. it'll be switched from  MINGW64 /c/ThingworxStorage/repository (master) to MINGW64 /c/ThingworxStorage/repository (newfeatureA) If there's a warning with files/folders highlighted in Red it may mean that the files/folders are not yet staged (not yet ready for being committed under the new branch and are not tracked under the new branch). To stage them: $ git add . To add them for tracking under this branch $ git commit -m "Initial commit under branch newfeatureA" Above command will commit with the message defined with "-m" parameter 2. Installing IDE Now that the Git is installed and configured for use, there are several options here e.g. using an IDE like VSCode or Atom or any other IDE for that matter, using Git Bash to review the branches and commit codes via command or to use the Git GUI. I'll be using VSCode (because apart from tracking Git repos I can also debug HTML/CSS, XML with minimum setup time and likely these are going to be the languages mostly used when working with ThingWorx entities) and will install certain extensions to simplify the access and reviewing process of the branches containing code changes, new entities those that are created or getting committed from different users, etc To install VSCode refer to the Setting up Visual Studio Code. This will cover all the platforms which you might be working on. Here are the list of extensions that I have installed within VS Code to work with the Git repository. Required Extensions Git Extension Pack Optional Extensions Markdown All in One XML Tools HTML CSS Support Once installed and done with all the above mentioned extensions simply navigate to the VSCode application's File > Open Folder > \\ThingworxStorage\repository This will open the SystemRepository folder which will also populate the GitLense section highlighting the lists of branches, which one is the active branch (marked with check icon) & what uncommitted changes are remaining in which branch see following: To view the history of all the branches we can use the extension that got installed with the Git Extension Pack by pressing keyboard key F1 and then search for Git: View History (git log) > Select all branches; this will provide overview such as this 3. Creating a Scheduler Thing in ThingWorx Now that we have the playground setup, we can either: Export ThingWorx entities manually by navigating to the ThingWorx Composer > Import/Export > Export > Source Control Entities, or Invoke the ExportSourceControlledEntities service automatically (based on a Scheduler's CRON job) available under Resources > SourceControlFunctions To invoke this service automatically, a subscription could be created to the Scheduler Thing's Event which invokes the execution of ExportSourceControlledEntities service periodically. I'm using this service with following input parameters : var params = { path: "/"/* STRING */, endDate: undefined/* DATETIME */, includeDependents: undefined/* BOOLEAN */, collection: undefined/* STRING */, repositoryName: "SystemRepository"/* THINGNAME */, projectName: undefined/* PROJECTNAME */, startDate: undefined/* DATETIME */, tags: undefined/* TAGS */}; // no return Resources["SourceControlFunctions"].ExportSourceControlledEntities(params); Service is only taking path & repositoryName as input. Of course, this can be updated based on the type of entities, datetime, collection type, etc. that you would want to track in your code's versioning system. 4. Reviewing the changes With the help of the Git tool kit installed in the VS Code (covered in section 2. Installing IDE) we can now track the changed / newly created entities immediately (as soon as they are exported to the respository ) in the Source Control section (also accessible via key combination Ctrl + Shift + G) Based on the scheduled job the entities will be exported to the specified repository periodically which in turn will show up in the branch under which that repository is being tracked. Since I'm using VS Code with Git extension I can track these changes under the tab GitLens Additionally, for quick access to all the new entities created or existing ones modified - Source Control section could be checked Changes marked with "U" are new entities that got added to the repository and are also un-tracked and the changes marked with "M" are the ones that are modified entities compared to their last commit state in the specific branch. To quickly view the difference/modifications in the entity, simply click on the modified file on the left which will then highlight the difference on the right side, like so
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To maintain a cleaner look of your ThingWorx server access URL, whether for production or convenience reasons, you may look into setting up redirection. This is a quick example on how to redirect <> to <> Go to the /<apache-tomcat-directory>/webapps/ROOT/ and find the "index.jsp" file. Copy that file for backup purposes and replace with a new one, containing the following: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Redirecting....</title>     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script type="text/javascript">          function Redirect() {                window.location="/Thingworx/";         }         setTimeout('Redirect()', 0);  </script> </head> Please note that once the URL is hit, it will still append the rest of the /Thingworx query in the address bar (i.e keep the "redirected to" address). You may also utilize this to have your <> redirect to one of the mashups. This was the user, with proper permissions in place, may access the mashup directly, bypassing the Composer.
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The following power point contains some reference slides to start up with DSE/ThingWorx integration. Start with understanding DSE architecture and specifically, the differences compared to regular Relational Databases. Free online courses offered by DataStaxAcademy: – –   The following section will guide you through some of the specifics:
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Performance and memory issues in ThingWorx often appear at the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) level. We can frequently detect these issues by monitoring JVM garbage collection logs and thread dumps. In this first of a multi-part series, let's discuss how to analyze JVM garbage collection (GC) logs to detect memory issues in our application. What are GC logs? When enabled on the Apache server, the logs will show the memory usage over time and any memory allocation issues (See: How to enable GC logging in our KB for details on enabling this logging level).  Garbage Collection logs capture all memory cleanup operations performed by the JVM.  We can determine the proper memory configuration and whether we have memory issues by analyzing GC logs. Where do I find the GC logs? When configured as per our KB article, GC logs will be written to your Apache logs folder. Check both the gc.out and the gc.restart files for issues if present, especially if the server was restarted when experiencing problems. How do I read GC logs? There are a number of free tools for GC log analysis (e.g., GCViewer). But GC logs can also be analyzed manually in a text editor for common issues. Reading GC files: Generally each memory cleanup operation is printed like this: Additional information on specific GC operations you might see are available from Oracle. A GC analysis tool will convert the text representation of the cleanups into a more easily readable graph: Three key scenarios indicating memory issues: Let's look at some common scenarios that might indicate a memory issue.  A case should be opened with Technical Support if any of the following are observed: Extremely long Full GC operations (30 seconds+) Full GCs occurring in a loop Memory leaks Full GCs: Full GCs are undesirable as they are a ‘stop-the-world’ operation. The longer the JVM pause, the more impact end users will see: All other active threads are stopped while the JVM attempts to make more memory available Full GC take considerable time (sometimes minutes) during which the application will appear unresponsive Example – This full GC takes 46 seconds during which time all other user activity would be stopped: 272646.952: [Full GC: 7683158K->4864182K(8482304K) 46.204661 secs] Full GC Loop: Full GCs occurring in quick succession are referred to as a Full GC loop If the JVM is unable to clean up any additional memory, the loop will potentially go on indefinitely ThingWorx will be unavailable to users while the loop continues Example – four consecutive garbage collections take nearly two minutes to resolve: 16121.092: [Full GC: 7341688K->4367406K(8482304K), 38.774491 secs] 16160.11: [Full GC: 4399944K->4350426K(8482304K), 24.273553 secs] 16184.461: [Full GC: 4350427K->4350426K(8482304K), 23.465647 secs] 16207.996: [Full GC: 4350431K->4350427K(8482304K), 21.933158 secs]      Example – the red triangles occurring at the end of the graph are a visual indication that we're in a full GC loop: Memory Leaks: Memory leaks occur in the application when an increasing number of objects are retained in memory and cannot be cleaned up, regardless of the type of garbage collection the JVM performs. When mapping the memory consumption over time, a memory leaks appears as ever-increasing memory usage that’s never reclaimed The server eventually runs out of memory, regardless of the upper bounds set           Example(memory is increasing steadily despite GCs until we'll eventually max out): What should we do if we see these issues occurring? Full GC loops and memory leaks require a heap dump to identify the root cause with high confidence The heap dump needs to be collected when the server is in a bad state Thread dumps should be collected at the same time A case should be opened with support to investigate available gc, stacktrace, or heap dump files
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In this blog post I'm covering the pratical aspects of setting up a Chain of Trust and configure ThingWorx to use it. There are already some examples available on how to do this via command line using a self-signed certificate, e.g. In this example I'll be using the KeyStore Explorer, a graphical tool for managing keystores. To learn more about the theory behind trust and encryption, see also Trust &amp; Encryption - Theory The Chain of Trust Creating a Root CA Open the KeyStore Explorer and create a new jks KeyStore File > New > JKS Via Tools > Generate Key Pair create a new key-pair. Use the RSA algorithm with a key size of 4096. This size is more than sufficient. Set a validity period of e.g. 302 days. It's important that all subsequent certificates have a lower validity period than the original signer. Leave the other defaults and fill out the Name (addressbook icon). Only the Common Name is required - usually I never use the Email field, as I want to avoid receiving more spam than necessary. Click OK and enter an alias for the Root CA (leave the default). A new password needs to be set for the private key part of the certificate. The new Root CA will now show up in the list of certificates. Creating an Intermediate CA The intermediate CA is signed by the Root CA and used to sign the server specific certificate. This is a common approach as - in case the signing CA for the server specific certificate gets corrupted, not all of the created certificates are affected, but only the ones signed by the corrupted CA. In the list right-click the Root CA and Sign > Sign New Key Pair Use the RSA algorithm with a key size of 4096 again. Ensure the validity period is less than for the Root CA, e.g. 301 days. (Because every second counts) Fill out the Name again - this time as Intermediate Certificate. A Intermediate Certificate is a Certification Authority (CA) in itself. To reflect this, a Basic Constraint must be added via Add Extensions. Mark the checkbox for Subject is a CA Confirm with OK, set the alias (or leave the default) and set the password for the private key part. The new Intermediate CA will now show up in the list of certificates. Creating a Server Specific Certificate In the list right-click the Intermediate CA and Sign > Sign New Key Pair Use the RSA algorithm with a key size of 4096 again. Ensure the validity period is less than for the Root CA, e.g. 300 days. (Because still, every second counts) Fill out the Name again - this time it's important to actually use the public servername, so that browsers can match the server identity with its name in the browser's address bar. If the servername does not match exactly, the certificates and establishing trust will not work! In addition to this, a Subject Alternative Name must be defined - otherwise the latest Chrome versions consider the certificate as invalid. Click on Add Extensions and the + sign, choose Subject Alternative Name. Add a new name with the + sign. Make it the same as the Common Name (CN) above. As before, confirm everything with OK, enter an alias and a password for the private key part. Saving the keystore All certificates should now show with their corresponding properties in the certificate list: Notice the expiry date - the higher up the chain, the sooner the expiry date. If this is not the case - the certificates and establishing trust will not work! Save the keystore via File > Save As and set a password - this time for the keystore itself. As Tomcat has a restriction the password for the keystore must be the password for the private key of the server specific certificate. It's highly recommended and (hopefully) obvious that passwords for the other private keys should be different and that the password for the keystore should be completely different as well. The keystore password will be shared with e.g. Tomcat - the private key password should never be shared with a source you do not trust! Configuring ThingWorx In ThingWorx, configure the <Tomcat>/conf/server.xml as e.g. mentioned in I'm using a connector on port 443 (as it's the default HTTPS port): <Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" maxThreads="150"           SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" enableLookups="false"           connectionTimeout="20000" keystoreFile="C:\ThingWorx\myKeystore.jks" keystorePass="changeme" redirectPort="8443" /> Restart Tomcat to consider the new configuration. ThingWorx can now be called via https://<>/Thingworx It's not yet trusted by the client - so it shows as potentially unsafe, and for me it shows in German as well *sorry* However, it's already using encrypted traffic as every HTTPS connection will use TLS. In this case we're communicating in a secure way, but do not know if the server (and its providers) can be trusted or not. Sharing credit card information or other personal details could be dodgy in such a scenario. Trusting the Root CA To trust our Root CA, we first have to export it. Every browser allows to view the certificate, e.g. in Chrome this is done via the Developer Tools > Security As we're using KeyStore Explorer, we can use it to export the Root CA. Right-click it in the certificate list and Export > Export Certificate Chain. Leave the defaults and export as .cer file. Open the Certificate Manager, by typing certmgr into the Windows search field. Open the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and right-click on the Certificates folder. Under All Tasks > Import. Choose the file you've just exported for the Root CA. The Root CA is now a trusted certificate authority. As the ThingWorx server specific certificate will fall back to the Root CA, it's now also recognized by the browser and the connection is now considered as secure and trustworthy. Congratulations!
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There are Four Types of Analytics:                         Descriptive: What Happened? Descriptive analytics is a preliminary stage of data processing that creates a summary of historical data to yield useful information and possibly prepare the data for further analysis. Analytics, which use data aggregation and data mining to provide insight into the past and answer: “What has happened? Descriptive analysis or statistics does exactly what the name implies they “Describe”, or summarize raw data and make it something that is interpret-able by humans. They are analytics that describe the past. The past refers to any point of time that an event has occurred, whether it is one minute ago, or one year ago. Descriptive analytics are useful because they allow us to learn from past behaviors, and understand how they might influence future outcomes. The vast majority of the statistics we use fall into this category. (Think basic arithmetic like sums, averages, percent changes). Usually, the underlying data is a count, or aggregate of a filtered column of data to which basic math is applied. For all practical purposes, there are an infinite number of these statistics. Descriptive statistics are useful to show things like, total stock in inventory, average dollars spent per customer and Year over year change in sales. Common examples of descriptive analytics are reports that provide historical insights regarding the company’s production, financials, operations, sales, finance, inventory and customers. Note: Use Descriptive Analytics when you need to understand at an aggregate level what is going on in your company, and when you want to summarize and describe different aspects of your business.                                     Different techniques of Descriptive Analytics: Sampling Mean Mode Median Standard Deviation Range and Variance Stem and Leaf Diagram Histogram Quartiles Frequency Distributions Use of Descriptive Analytics in ThingWorx Analytics: Signal Detection: When analyzing volumes of data, it is helpful to know which data is actually useful and which data is just noise. Signals are based on a correlation algorithm that examines historical data to identify the strength of a given input in predicting future outcomes. Signals can identify meaningful correlations within the data. Signals are useful during initial analysis to determine which features you want to curate in a given data-set for predictive model generation. For example, knowing the month of the year is more important to accurately predicting tomorrow’s weather than knowing the day of the week. The month has a much stronger signal than the day of the week for this prediction. ThingWorx Analytics reports signal strength in a mutual information (MI) score that represents the probability of predicting the goal variable when a given feature is provided. It can effectively capture non-linear relationships. ThingWorx Analytics evaluates each feature, or combination of features, to identify the top signals. Cluster Analysis: Cluster analysis categorizes data into groups based on similarities relative to a goal variable. Like a clique, objects in a cluster minimize intra-distances (distances within the cluster) while maximizing inter-distances (distances between clusters). Clusters are mutually exclusive, meaning that each record can belong to only one cluster. However, ThingWorx Analytics supports a user-defined cluster hierarchy that can include sub-clusters inside other clusters. The higher the number of clusters in the data, the smaller each cluster’s population will be, but the stronger the potential insights can be. How to Access Descriptive Analysis Functionality via ThingWorx Analytics: REST API Service — Using a REST client, you can access the Signals Service and the Clusters Service. Each service includes a series of API endpoints to submit analysis requests, retrieve results, list jobs, and more. Requires installation of the ThingWorx Analytics Server. Analytics Builder — As part of the ThingWorx Analytics Extension, Analytics Builder provides a user interface for interacting with your data. In addition to generating and scoring predictive models in Analytics Builder, you can also run procedures to generate signals. How to avoid mistakes - Useful tips for Different Techniques of Descriptive Analytics: Crystallize the research problem → Operability of it! Read literature on data analysis techniques. Evaluate various techniques that can do similar things w.r.t. to research problem. Know what a technique does and what it doesn’t. Consult people, esp. supervisor.
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