mathcad is not plotting. last page.
please help
You have not defined Tau above the plot in the worksheet
@terryhendicott wrote:
You have not defined Tau above the plot in the worksheet
I have defined Tau above the plot and it still didn't work.
In fact I didn't define the above plots and it still plotted if you look at the above plots.
By default if you have not defined fully the X axis variable Mathcad plots -10 to +10.
This is how all your other plots work. Was not sure that without tau this default range was applicable.
Will have a closer look.
@prajendran wrote:
mathcad is not plotting. last page.
please help
Not plotting?
Have you ever tried to evaluate the functions you'd like to plot just for in single position?
Try omega.1(pi/6,1)=
How long does it take? It will take twice as long for every single point in your plot. How long would it take for the whole plot?
Your sheet is too confusing for me to further investigate, but you sure will have to speed things up significantly if you want to make it work without hassle.
Just look how long the calculation of sigma.1 alone takes.
If it is loading up a solution, i would see an orange swirl on the bottom right.
I don't see it.
Scan your file from the start, and find the region ABOVE the plot where it is calculating.
That's not a scan, that's the varey same file again that you posted two days ago.
You have to go through your sheet and observe where it is calculating an awefull lot of time.
I agree with Werner. The sheet is too messy and unclear to warrant spending any further time by me.
was there an orange swirly on the bottom right hand corner?