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Vuforia Studio and Chalk Tech Tips

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Vuforia Studio Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Compatibility with ThingWorx 9.0 Bug fixes and minor improvements
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In the post “How to select model components in a 3d model without explicit definition of model Items”  there is one point where we  require a list of component items. Often we have the  case where we get a Creo View .pvz file which was published by Creo Illustrate.  In this case Creo Illustrate will  do additional changes for  the occurrence Id path  so that if we have a bom list coming from Creo Parametric then this data  will be not usable. So the question here is :  Is it possible to extract a bom list for any *.pvz files? The answer is Yes.  We can do this  using the Creo View Toolkit API ( this is one possible option). Creo View API Toolkit consist of many different moduls : Java Toolkit , Web Toolkit (only Internet Explorer related) Office Toolkit and  the new one introduced since 5.1 release module WebGL Toolkit.  We can extract BOM list  with Java Toolkit but it requires more complex programming environment. Therefore I think it is the most easily way to use Creo View WebGL toolkit   The Toolkit WebGl is based on the Thingview.js library. When we install Creo View Toolkit we will find the following directory structure:     In the web-application-examples  directory we can find some sample files which could be a good introduction how to use this API. The documentation is the WebGLToolkitDevGuide_en.pdf  and also in html(doxygen) in the documentation sub directory:     The CreoWebGL Toolkit requires a node.js environment. So  when we want to start it we have first to start the Toolkit server: >>>node http_server.js [port]   The port parameter is optional and if we do not use it then it takes by default 8080 :     The next step is to open the localhost:port/ ExtractBomPVZ.html which implements  here our program For example a simple version which will print the components with some properties  to the chrome console  could  looks like:   <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="height: 100%"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="author" content="PTC"> <title>Creo View WebGL Viewer</title> </head> <script src="js/ptc/thingview/thingview.js"></script> <body style="height: 100%; margin: 0px"> <div id="TITLE" style="width: 100%;height: 20%;border:2; float: left"></div> <div id="CreoViewWebGLDiv" style="width: 100%;height: 80%;border:0; float: left"></div> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var thingview; var session; var model; var model1; var model2; var MODELPATH = "sample-data/thingview_test/Machine-complete-CV.PVZ"; var MODELNAME = ""; var global_number_generated = false; var BOM_LIST = []; var USE_LOG = false; var CUR_MODELPATH = getAllUrlParams().modpath ? decodeURIComponent(getAllUrlParams().modpath) : MODELPATH; document.getElementById('TITLE').innerHTML = "<h3>Extract Bom List </h3><hr><h4>"+CUR_MODELPATH+"</h4><hr>"; window.onload = function() { //return; ThingView.init("js/ptc/thingview", function() { // ThingView should only be initialised once per frame BOM_LIST = new Array(); console.log("Creo View WebGL Viewer is now initialised"); global_number_generated = false; GLOBAL_COUNT = 0; session = ThingView.CreateSession("CreoViewWebGLDiv"); //---------------------------------- model = session.MakeModel(); ////================= Selecton Call back function definition model.SetSelectionCallback(function(type, si, idPath, selected, selType) { var JSON_OBJ = new Object; var shapeInst = session.GetShapeInstanceFromIdPath(idPath) var color = shapeInst.GetColor() var instId = shapeInst.GetIdPath(); //the shape instance instId now contains a prefix "SI_" which is bug //or at least not wanted - here remove it var instId_corrected = instId.replace(/SI_/g, ''); var instIdPath = shapeInst.GetInstanceIdPath(); console.log("idPath=" + idPath) //contains the id path e.g /1/23/3 var description = model.GetPropertyValue(idPath, "PROE Parameters", "DESCRIPTION") if (!(description == null)) console.log("description=" + description); else desciption = "---"; var sBOMPath = instId; var sBOMPath = instId_corrected; //replaced with the corrected string var sBOMIDPath = instIdPath; var sBOMID = sBOMIDPath.substring(sBOMIDPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) var sBOMName = sBOMPath.substring(sBOMPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) var sBOMDepth = instIdPath.split("/").length - 1; { console.log("NAME=part&VALUE=" + sBOMName); console.log("NAME=sBOMDepth&VALUE=" + sBOMDepth); console.log("NAME=sBOMID &VALUE=" + sBOMID); console.log("NAME=sBOMIDPath&VALUE=" + sBOMIDPath); console.log("NAME=PARTPATH&VALUE=" + sBOMName); console.log("NAME=DESCRIPTION&VALUE=" + description); console.warn("color (a=" + color.a + " b=" + color.b + " g=" + color.g + " r=" + color.r + ")"); } }); ////==================LoadFromURL with Callback model.LoadFromURLWithCallback(CUR_MODELPATH, true, true, false, function(success, isStructure, errorStack) { console.log("Model(2) LoadFromURLWithCallback - success: " + success + ", isStructure: " + isStructure); if (success) { ////============= session.SelectAllInstances() var num = session.GetSelectionCount() console.log("Number of selections =" + num) } }); ///model load from URL funciton end ///////////// }); // ThingView.init( ) end }; //window onload function end //// URL parameter handling found in the WWW Overflow and works quite good function getAllUrlParams(url) { // get query string from url (optional) or window var queryString = url ? url.split('?')[1] :; // we'll store the parameters here var obj = {}; // if query string exists if (queryString) { // stuff after # is not part of query string, so get rid of it queryString = queryString.split('#')[0]; // split our query string into its component parts var arr = queryString.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // separate the keys and the values var a = arr[i].split('='); // set parameter name and value (use 'true' if empty) var paramName = a[0]; var paramValue = typeof(a[1]) === 'undefined' ? true : a[1]; // (optional) keep case consistent paramName = paramName.toLowerCase(); if (typeof paramValue === 'string') paramValue = paramValue.toLowerCase(); // if the paramName ends with square brackets, e.g. colors[] or colors[2] if (paramName.match(/\[(\d+)?\]$/)) { // create key if it doesn't exist var key = paramName.replace(/\[(\d+)?\]/, ''); if (!obj[key]) obj[key] = []; // if it's an indexed array e.g. colors[2] if (paramName.match(/\[\d+\]$/)) { // get the index value and add the entry at the appropriate position var index = /\[(\d+)\]/.exec(paramName)[1]; obj[key][index] = paramValue; } else { // otherwise add the value to the end of the array obj[key].push(paramValue); } } else { // we're dealing with a string if (!obj[paramName]) { // if it doesn't exist, create property obj[paramName] = paramValue; } else if (obj[paramName] && typeof obj[paramName] === 'string') { // if property does exist and it's a string, convert it to an array obj[paramName] = [obj[paramName]]; obj[paramName].push(paramValue); } else { // otherwise add the property obj[paramName].push(paramValue); } } } } return obj; } </script> </html>   When we start the  ExtractBomPVZ.html and open the chrome debugging console (Ctrl-Shift-I)     We can call the Creo View WebGl Toolkit program above in chrome with a parameter which will specify a path of the .pvz model –> example:   http://localhost:8080/ExtractBomPVZ.html?modpath=sample-data/Brake/worldcar-brake-multi-figure.pvz   The program will selects all visible components and will print to the console the idPah, partname , color etc… One problem we have here is that we could not print it to a local file because of the security restriction of the browser. A possible solution is to send the data back to the server e.g. as Json object and save the data to the server root directory. Later we can download these file if required e.g. calling the json:   http://localhost:8080/worldcar-brake-multi-figure.pvz-bomlist.json   To implement the creation of the json file we need  to change the CreoWeb.Toolkit html file. So our program  should send data to the server.  Additionaly we  also need to modify/extend the server - http.createServer() callback function to handle also the received data.     Also as next step we will extend  the Creo View Toolkit  program file by adding a XMLHttpRequest() . This request  will send the modelname and the generated json object to the http server     The call of the Toolkit html file with a start parameter was here directly in chrome via the URL but we can also call  it from a javascript or other html file:   <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="height: 100%"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="author" content="PTC"> <title>Creo View WebGL Viewer</title> </head> <script> function callBomPVZ(path) { //window.location.href = "http://localhost:8080/ExtractBomPVZ.html?modpath="+path; var myWindow ="http://localhost:8080/ExtractBomPVZ.html?modpath="+path, "_blank", "height=600,width=500",false); //setTimeout(function(){ browser.refresh(); }, 1500); } </script> <body> <hr><p> <button type="button" onclick="callBomPVZ('sample-data/thingview_test/Machine-complete-CV.PVZ')">callBomPVZ:: Machine-complete-CV.PVZ</button> <hr><p><hr> <button type="button" onclick="callBomPVZ('sample-data/Brake/worldcar-brake-multi-figure.pvz')">callBomPVZ:: worldcar-brake-multi-figure.pvz</button> </body>  
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Vuforia Studio Support for ThingWorx 9.3 Support for sequences created with Creo Illustrate 8.1 Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Bug fixes and minor improvements
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In this article  we have the same start point/state as described in “How to read sensors via Rest API call in and display it Vuforia Studio experience project?”… but with one significant difference ->the sensors URLs are not visible for the Thingworx service. The problem is that the sensors values should be requested via Rest API calls in a local intranet. This means that the end devices are connected to a local router and have IP valid only in the local WLAN. Othersides the router   have also internet access. The end devices could connect to  the Experience Server and could download e.g.  the experience. The sensor URL and rest API call should be some thing like:   var url="";   So, it means the IP address of the device, where the value should be requested via Rest API calls is not visible from outside of the local WLAN and the Rest API call could done only inside the local network. So here we can use a node.js program (service)  which will request the sensors and will send the values to Thingworx. So the main loop is an interval callback function “requestFunction” which is called - here in example  every 5 seconds. It will read the sensors data via Rest API fetch call . In this example the data is called from  a local test web server (it simulates an edge device) . For the test I used 2 server URLs  wich require parametrs 1.) here the the user_id is random value 1...10 and  the resonse returns a json object  with some properties 2.) here the the id is random value 1...200 and the response  returns also a  json object  with some properties   var http = require('http') var https = require('https') const fetch = require('node-fetch') var request = require("request") var userId = 1 //could be from 1 to 10 var todosId = 1 //could be 1 -200 function requestFunction() { userId = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) todosId = Math.floor((Math.random() * 200) + 1) fetch('' + userId) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => { console.log(JSON.stringify(json)) setPropValue("profession", json["profession"]) setPropValue("userName", json["name"]) setPropValue("userId", json["id"]) setPropValue("userPassword", json["password"]) }) fetch('' + todosId) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => { console.log(JSON.stringify(json)) setPropValue("message", json["title"]) }) } // ============================================== setInterval(requestFunction, 5000) //every 5 sec   If we need information about what  the  syntax of the Rest API is  to   set/ change the value of the thing property - for this  we can  check  the  REST API Reference Guide: Property values access:    When we review the code above we can see that there is function “setPropValue” which should set a value to a particular property. Here the twx server:port is The Thingname is  “REST_API_EDGE”   function setPropValue(propName, propValue) { var options = { method: 'PUT', url: '', headers: { // use here the user appKey who created the Thing /here REST_API_EDGE appKey: 'fxxx7x4a-19x4-4xx3-bxxxa-9978a8xxxx17x', //appkey for the user 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: { PROPNAME: 'XXXXXXX' }, json: true }; //this will make a string from the option json and will replace the // place holder “PROPNAME” by function argument propName var str_temp = JSON.stringify(options).replace(/PROPNAME/g, propName) //this will replace place placeholder XXXXXXX by function argument propVaule // and will convert the string back to json options = JSON.parse(str_temp.replace(/XXXXXXX/g, propValue)) console.log("option in setPropValue:") console.warn(options) request(options, function(error, response, body) { //print the return code – success is 200 console.log("response.statusCode=" + response.statusCode) if (error) { console.log("error in request"); throw new Error(error); } console.log("response") }); } // =================================================   The code was generated with the REST API client POSTMAN. We can use this tool to test some Rest API calls in the POSTMAN GUI , where we could use some more confortable functionality for testing and debugging . When the call is working in the POSTMAN UI we can export it to different programming formats (javaScript, nodeJs etc. - means it  will  generate here a  javaScript code for postprocessing. When we start the script (above) we can verify that the property values will change every 5 seconds.     The best way now to bind the data in Vuforia studio is via the External DATA panel     Afterwards  we can test in the Preview and later on the end device:    
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Vuforia Studio New 3D Video widget for 3D Eyewear projects Bug fixes and improvements Vuforia View Camera widget for mobile now supported on Windows devices iOS 12 will no longer be supported as of December Support for Vuzix M400 Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10.14 Bug fixes and minor improvements
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How to create a custom button pressable on HoloLens device? We can create a customer button/button panel on HoloLens performing the following steps: Create a model with button and panel / it could be a panel with more buttons. In this example I used Creo Parametric for the 3d model creation – I estimated for this sample model I needed  30 – 60 Minutes .   The assembly above consist of 3 parts, panel and button. The panel is a part with a pattern of hole feature - in case that we need a circular button. If we need a button with other shape we could use a pattern of cut features     Here in this example I created a button which is circular and has a text which is a cut of the top surface. To have a different button’s I created a family table where a parameter for the text was added. I used the parameter in a relation to change the text in the cut.     Later I added the panel in a new component as default placement and added to each hole feature a button as repeat component. After all components are added to the assembly (the generic part)  we can replace each component (the generic part - the part which defines the family table) by the family table instance - so to have a buttons with different texts. Above we can see in the picture that in the instance "BUTTON3D_15" we have the value “BN15” for the parameter BNTTXT  which is displayed in the button text.     I attached the assembly (created in Creo Parametric 6.0). You can open the button part (button3d.prt) and edit the family table - the values of the parameter BNTTXT - to have other text values for the different buttons. Then you need to verify and to regenerate the part. Please, pay attention, that the text should be should be not so long , because the button top surface is small The last point here is to export /save as / the assembly to pvz format   2.) Create a Vuforia Studio project for HoloLens device. For the button panel we need to add a new modelWidget and for each button we can define a modelItem widget:     To make the project now to work we need to define a JavaScript code. Here the code is define in the Home.js define the callback function for the click on a button event/action: //============================================================ $ function(target) //work of ModelItem widgets { var zDelta=0.035 var buttonReactionTime=1.2 if($scope.view.wdg[target.toString()].opacity==0.8) return; //ignorre the double click if(!target.toString().startsWith("bnt")) {console.log("not bnt button");return;} //extracts only the number of the string var btnNr= parseInt(target.toString().replace(/bnt/g,'')); console.log("btnNr="+btnNr) var currZvalue=$scope.view.wdg[target.toString()].z +zDelta console.log("1.).currZvalue="+currZvalue) $scope.setWidgetProp( target,"z",currZvalue) $scope.setWidgetProp( target, 'color', "rgba(255,0,0,1.0)") $scope.setWidgetProp( target, 'opacity', 0.8) $scope.$applyAsync(); $timeout(()=>{ currZvalue=$scope.view.wdg[target.toString()].z -zDelta console.log("2.).currZvalue="+currZvalue) $scope.setWidgetProp( target,"z",currZvalue) $scope.setWidgetProp( target, 'color', "rgba(3,255,22,1.0)") $scope.setWidgetProp( target, 'opacity',0.4 ) $scope.setWidgetProp( "3DLabel-1", 'text', $scope.view.wdg["3DLabel-1"].text+btnNr) $scope.$applyAsync(); },buttonReactionTime*1000) } //============================================================ In this function we have as input the target / this is the modelItem widget clicked - here the button/. The function will move the button in Z direction , will change it's color and will add the button text to a label /some kind as input/. After some delay it will move the button back and will set the color to the old value The next definition is the definition of the listener which will handle the button click and will call the button callback function for the clicked item: //============================================================ $scope.userpickDef= function() { // define the button action document.addEventListener('userpick', function (ev) { var widget ='twx-widget'); if (widget) { console.log('*->the widget clicked is ', widget.getAttribute('widget-id')); $'widget-id').toString()) } else { var widget =; if (widget) { console.log('**->the widget clicked is ', widget._widgetId, widget); $ (widget._widgetId).toString()) } } }); }; //============================================================   finally we need to add a setup code which we could call e.g. on modelLoad event:   $rootScope.$on("modelLoaded", function() { $scope.view.wdg['btnPanel'].shader = "xray"; $scope.view.wdg['btnPanel'].occlude = 0.2; for(var i=1 ; i<=15; i++) { var wdgName = "bnt"+i.toString(); $scope.setWidgetProp( wdgName, 'color', "rgba(3,255,22,1.0)") $scope.setWidgetProp( wdgName, 'opacity', 0.4) } $scope.$applyAsync(); $scope.userpickDef(); }); Here we could set the opacity and the color of all buttons and define the button click listener. I added to this post the Creo Parametric Assembly model, the panel model as pvz and the demo project. 
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Vuforia Studio Improvements to Model Targets when both Static Object and Car Mode are selected to provide more accurate tracking NOTE: In particular, this affects more challenging reflective objects with less features Improved memory usage, in particular, for projects using large models with multiple views Mac: macOS Big Sur is now supported OS X El Capitan is no longer supported Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Model Targets have been improved to provide more accurate tracking, in particular for more challenging reflective objects with less features Android: If not already installed, Vuforia View will prompt you to install Google Play Services for AR (ARCore) to enable better AR performance iOS Vuforia View is no longer supported on iOS 13 Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Bug fixes and minor improvements
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Vuforia Studio 2D Rendering Updated from AngularJS to LitElement The 2D rendering in Vuforia Studio has been updated to use LitElement instead of AngularJS. Vuforia View RealWear RealWear has announced that RealWear HMT-1 devices are at end-of-life, and will no longer receive firmware or security updates beyond v12.6. As a result, we will be unable to fully support HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 devices beginning in the upcoming 9.21.0 release. We encourage you to upgrade to RealWear’s Navigator series for continued device support from PTC. For more information, see RealWear’s RealWear HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 End of Security Update support notice and Firmware Update and Support Policy. Bug Fixes See Bug Fixes for additional information on bugs resolved in this release
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Vuforia Studio Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View RealWear: With the Vuforia Studio 9.2.2 release, you will need to update your RealWear firmware to 12.1, as we are discontinuing support for RealWear 11.2 and 12.0. Updating to RealWear 12.1 will provide access to the most up-to-date features and support. Once you've updated to 12.1, republish your 2D eyewear projects with the latest release of Vuforia Studio - version 9.2.2. This update to RealWear firmware and republishing your projects will resolve the known issues with voice commands and widgets. HoloLens: Resolved issues with sequence order and coloring Improvements to text size and display of 3D buttons Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Bug fixes and security improvements
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Vuforia Studio Area Targets are now supported! Area Targets bring Vuforia-powered environment tracking into your Experiences enabling you to track and augment areas and spaces. Area Targets allow users to easily navigate to the appropriate content using spatial clues, ultimately improving operational efficiency and work safety. Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Italian and Spanish languages now supported for HoloLens 2 voice commands RealWear: Fixes to provide better support and performance for RealWear OS 12; in order to leverage these enhancements, projects will need to be republished. There are a few known issues that have been reported to RealWear. For more information, see Article - CS345904 Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Bug fixes and minor improvements
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Vuforia Studio Support for Creo Illustrate 6.1 Decals Ability to select multiple 3D widgets on the canvas or in the project tree using the CTRL key Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Official support for Simplified Chinese and German languages on HoloLens 2 NOTE: Other languages are available, but are not officially supported yet.  See our Help Center for more information on available and supported languages. Support for Microsoft Surface Pro 7 Support for Trimble XR10 Support for RealWear Firmware version 11.2 Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Support for ThingWorx 9.1 Bug fixes and minor improvements   In an effort to improve the 3D Eyewear authoring experience, we are developing a 3D Panel container widget. However, it was mistakenly included with the 9.0.0 release, and should not be used, as it is not functional. 
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Vuforia Studio New Camera widget for mobile and 2D eyewear projects NOTE: This widget is not supported on Windows devices Ability to access and incorporate CAD metadata into an Experience using JavaScript See the Studio Help Center for more information on utilizing this feature New Car Mode checkbox when setting detection configuration properties for a Model Target Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Support for Car Mode capability for Model Targets Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Support for Windows Server 2019 Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 (RHEL 8.0) Bug fixes and minor improvements
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Vuforia Studio Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service An 8.5.12 version of Experience Service was not released
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Vuforia Studio Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service (On-premises) Support for single sign-on (SSO) authentication for on-premises installations NOTE: Requires Vuforia Studio and Vuforia View 8.5.5 Bug fixes and minor improvements   For more information on configuring Vuforia Experience Service with single sign-on (SSO), see the Experience Service Installation and Deployment Guide. 
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Vuforia Studio New 3D Audio Widget Improvements to the 3D Video Widget for 3D Eyewear projects Ability to change the color of the buttons and panel Vuforia View iOS 12 is no longer supported Bug fixes and minor improvements   Experience Service Bug fixes and minor improvements 
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Getting Orientation of Mobile Device via Javascript and detecting of device rotation on runtime. In some cases it could be a goal to get change the text of a widget based on the mobile devices orientation. This could be done  via Javascript and css. Follwong possible solutions:  In CSS. More details here In Javascript with various method: Here is some documentation :   As we can read, it is not supported in Safari web browser for iOS.   In a new Project, in 2D canevas, I have added one Button and one Label named label-Result. In home.js, we can create this function very similar to the one provided in documentation above.   $scope.screenOrientation = function() { var orientation = screen.msOrientation || (screen.orientation || screen.mozOrientation || {}).type; if (orientation === "landscape-primary" || orientation === "landscape-secondary") { $scope.setWidgetProp("label-Result", "text", "landscape"); console.log("landscape"); } else if (orientation === "portrait-primary" || orientation === "portrait-secondary") { $scope.setWidgetProp("label-Result", "text", "portrait"); console.log("portrait"); } else if (orientation === undefined) { $scope.setWidgetProp("label-Result", "text", "The orientation API isn't supported in this browser"); console.log("The orientation API isn't supported in this browser :("); } } The following observation when we test it :   In Preview, in Chrome web browser, in my workstation in Windows when clicking the button, result is always landscape on Samsung S7 and S9+, in Vuforia View when clicking the button, result is always portrait. Vuforia View doesn't change screen position and rotating the mobile In iPad 6 generation, in Vuforia View when clicking the button, result is The orientation API isn't supported in this browser. Vuforia View screen is changing when rotating tablet So the JavaScript solution above has some problems which we can try to fix using another approach: As mentioned the previous solution could be used only on start- but it will not detect a dyncamic change - e.g. rotate the device.This solution  was tested and working in preview and on android. It seems that it does not work on IOS.  ON HoloLens we have  only landscape mode- so that this has no relvance. For Preview mode and Android devices the  following code is working fine: //============================================ angular.element(document).ready(function() { angular.element(window).on('resize', function(evt) { //console.log("resized window evnt :");console.warn(evt); var message = '' var win = evt.path[0]; if(win.innerWidth > win.innerHeight){ // LANDSCAPE -> do something here call your landscapeFunc() message = "current orientation is Landscape!" } else { // PORTRAIT -> do something here your PortraitFunc() message = "current orientation is Portrait!" },"twLogo"); }); }) //////////////////////  We need to pay attion here that we are in angular js environment and  the windows variable seems to  be static an is passed on system start - therefore it will not update dynamicaly. There is also an soluton for IOS which was verfied in a tests - e.g.  it works fine (IPad 6 generation).  Possibly this solution will work also on window -need to be testet. Following code: function readDeviceOrientation() { //only for IOS var orient="unknown" switch (window.orientation) { case 0: orient= "Portrait" break; case 180: orient= "Portrait Upside-down"// Portrait (Upside-down) break; case -90: orient= "Landscape (Clockwise)"// Landscape (Clockwise) break; case 90: orient= "Landscape (Counterclockwise)"// Landscape (Clockwise)// Landscape (Counterclockwise) break; }"IOS Orientation: "+orient,"twLogo"); } And register the event on orientation change: angular.element(document).ready(function () { if(${ $scope.setWidgetProp('label-3', 'text', "called on IOS Device");"called on IOS Device","twLogo"); window.onorientationchange = readDeviceOrientation;} } }); Here is a function for testing of the current device -> please, check for more details this post( How to define functions to check the different mobile platforms ). So, to go deeper, we can see this thread in : IOS Reference:,%3D%20%22LANDSCAPE%20%22%20%2B%20window.
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Vuforia Studio Scan widget is now available in a 3D eyewear project Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Support for bar code scanning within HoloLens Experiences Improved detection and tracking for Model Targets and Spatial Targets iOS: iOS 11 is no longer supported Android: Android 5.0 will no longer be supported as of February 2020 Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Bug fixes and minor improvements
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Vuforia Studio New widgets for 3D Eyewear projects: 3D Press Button We recommend using a 3D Press Button in place of the 3D Button, as the 3D Button widget will be deprecated in a future release. A few things to keep in mind: In May, the 3D Button widget will no longer available for new projects. This will not immediately affect existing projects that contain 3D Button widgets, and you will still be able to edit and re-publish projects that contain them. In the future (TBD) all existing 3D Buttons will be transitioned to 3D Press Buttons. More information on this transition will be forthcoming. 3D Image Button 3D Toggle Button 3D Checkbox 3D Panel Ability to pin and unpin 3D Audio and 3D Video widgets in runtime German and Simplified Chinese now fully supported for HoloLens 2 voice commands If your HoloLens was set to English when you installed Vuforia View, you'll need to delete it and reinstall after you've changed your language setting to Simplified Chinese or German Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Support for PostgreSQL 11.6 and 12.4 Bug fixes and minor improvements
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Vuforia Studio Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View Improved detection and tracking for Model Targets and Spatial Targets (all platforms) HoloLens 2: Improved QR code scanning performance Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service Bug fix for the Trust Proxy setting Other bug fixes and minor improvements
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1.) The first point  here is to clarify : is it possible to extract model data of 3d models in Vuforia Studio?  ( data could be extracted by Creo View Toolkit apps but here is considered only the Vuforia Studio environment) Supposing , we have a model widget for an assembly model without explicit modelitem  widget definitions. The question is: Can we extract data for the components and if yes,  then what data we can extract? In Vuforia Studio Environment Extracting of data is possible only in Preview mode, because we have in preview mode the method tml3dRenderer.GetObject() where we can access a model object (a component) example:   let comp_widget=tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget()   where the selection is some thing like "<modelname>-<compPath>" e.g. : "model-1-/0/0/3/2"   Then from the widget we can extract data:   var loc=tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetLocation() console.error("DEBUG getObj.GetWidget()") console.warn(tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget())   When we   explore  the different methods in the crome debugging console,  we will find methods to  get or  to set  properties. To extract data, we can use the get... methods.   The methods of  tml3dRenderer.GetObject() seems currently not to work in Vuforia View on end devices (the tml3dRenderer object is a handle of the cordova vuforia plug in and it has a different implementation on the different end devices.In preview mode so far I know, the graphic is based on WebGL and Three.js)  Therefore we will be not able for example to get the data of a component selection on the end device. So means we need a way to extract data in Preview mode and make it available in the Vuforia view on the end device.  Here I did not find a methods to extract the original component name but I was able to create a list (json) with the position data ( I did not add color but this is possible to access it - e.g. tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetColor()) We can create a json  e.g. of  following data:   {"model-1-/0/0/0":{"valid":false,"orientation":{"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}, "size":{"x":1,"y":1,"z":1},"scale":{"x":1,"y":1,"z":1}, "position":{"x":9.999999998199587e-24,"y":9.999999998199587e-24,"z":9.999999998199587e-24}}, "model-1-/0/0":{"valid":false,"orientation":{"x":0,"y":0,"z":0},"size":{"x":1,"y":1,"z":1}, "scale":{"x":1,"y":1,"z":1},"position":{"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}}, "model-1-/0/0/2":{"valid":false,"orientation":{"x":0,"y":90,"z":0},"size":{"x":1,"y":1,"z":1}, "scale":{"x":1,"y":1,"z":1},"position":{"x":0,"y":0.029500000178813934,"z":-5.51091050576101e-18}}, ...}   we can  assign the json to a variable e.g. $scope.COMP_LOCs So later we can read the current position data on end device:   var selection_location=$scope.COMP_LOCs[l_currentSelection] //read the location data from json varible console.log("selection:"+l_currentSelection+"->X= "+ selection_location.position.x); //print it to console selection_location.position.x= round(parseFloat(selection_location.position.x) + 0.005,4) //add 0.005 shift and round to 4 dec   2.)In point 1.)  we checked how to  extract the data of an compoent (a selection) .But Actually  we have a couple of methods to extract the data but what we do not have is a valid  selection of an assembly  component . This is required to obtain a valid modelitem widget (temporar) via tml3dRenderer.GetObject(). For the selection generation we have the model widget name e.g. “model-1” but   we do not have the component ID paths. To be able to construct a selection handle we need to construct the ID path of a component and then we need to check if it exist. This is some kind of graph search where we have an assembly with a components tree.  There the edges are the ids of the components. e.g. /0/0/1/1 , /0/0/1/2, /0/0/1/4, … etc. One possible algorithm is the deep first search:     To implement this I used the following javaScript code:   ///////////////////////////// var max_asm_depth=6; //this is the max depth in Creo Parametric var max_numb_comp_asm=25; /////////////////////////// ->deep first function check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target,path,arr) { //console.warn("called check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target="+target+",path="+path+")"); var selection = target+'-'+path var path_array = path.split('/') var depth = parseInt(path_array.length) var num = parseInt(path_array[depth -1]) var prev_num = parseInt(path_array[depth -2]) var prev_path = '' for (var i=1;i < depth -1;i++) {prev_path= prev_path +'/' + path_array[i]} if( check_for_valid_selection(selection) == 1) { arr[selection]=tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetLocation() if( (depth+1) < max_asm_depth) check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target, path + '/0', arr) else { if(num +1 < max_numb_comp_asm) check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target, prev_path + '/'+(num +1), arr)} } else { var right_num = num +1 if(right_num < max_numb_comp_asm) check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target, prev_path + '/'+right_num, arr) else if(!Number.isNaN(prev_num) ) {//console.log("--2") prev_path = '' for (var i=1;i < depth -2;i++) {prev_path = prev_path +'/' + path_array[i]} prev_path = prev_path +'/' + (prev_num +1) check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target, prev_path , arr) } } } ////////////////////////// ///call of the function: $scope.compJSON_loc_Data = new Object(); var target="model-1" check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target,'/0',$scope.compJSON_loc_Data) ...   The code above has the following weak spot - I need to give the maximum depth (max_asm_depth) and the maximum possible branches (max_numb_comp_asm)  The maximum depth currently in Creo assembly is 25 so that value which > 25 will not make a sense.  The value of  max_numb_comp_asm  in a flat assembly (only one level of depth) corresponds to the number of the components - the maximum number of branches on particular level of depth   The another possible algorithm is the breadth first search:     To implement this  I used the following JavaScript code:   ///////////////////////////// var max_asm_depth=6; //this is the max depth in Creo Parametric var max_numb_comp_asm=25; /////////////////function check_comp_at_level(target,num,depth,arr) // ->breadth first function check_comp_at_level(selection,num,depth,arr) { var position =''; // console.log("call check_comp_at_level =>"+selection); try{ // console.log("====== check here ==========="); //console.warn(tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetLocation()); var loc=tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetLocation() if( (loc.scale.x == 0) || (loc.scale.y == 0) || (loc.scale.z == 0) ) return 0; // the scale could not be zero //position= tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetLocation().position //console.warn(position); //arr[selection]=position arr[selection]=loc return arr[selection]; } catch (e) {console.error("failsed with error="+e); return 0;} } /////////////////////////// function check_comp_at_level_recursively(selection,depth,arr) { //console.warn("called check_comp_at_level_recursively("+selection+",depth="+depth+")"); var num =0; if(depth >= max_asm_depth) { //console.log("maximum depth of max_asm_depth ="+max_asm_depth+" reached"); return 0;} for (num=0;num < max_numb_comp_asm; num++) { var currentSelection =selection+'/'+num if(depth <0) return 0; var pos = check_comp_at_level(currentSelection,num,depth,arr) if(pos ==0 ) { continue;} else {check_comp_at_level_recursively(currentSelection,(depth+1),arr) } } //end of for } ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// function check_for_valid_selection(selection) { //console.log(" check_for_valid_selection =>"+selection); try{ var loc=tml3dRenderer.GetObject(selection).GetWidget().GetLocation() if( (loc.scale.x == 0) || (loc.scale.y == 0) || (loc.scale.z == 0) ) return 0; return 1; } catch (e) {console.error("failsed with error="+e); return 0;} } /////////////////////////// ///call of the function: $scope.compJSON_loc_Data = new Object(); var target="model-1" check_comp_at_level_recursively(target,'/0',$scope.compJSON_loc_Data) ...     The code for the breadth first search uses also the parameters for maximum depth (max_asm_depth) and the maximum possible branches (max_numb_comp_asm)  - so means it have the mentioned  restriction. If we set a value which is large this will increase the time until the search is completed so therefore depending of the particular assembly we need to set the both parameter properly ( we need to be able to scan the whole assembly but to minimize the search time) For different assemblies the first deep or first breadth could lead to better results. For example, for flat assembly structures the better approach will be to use the first breadth algorithm  But actually the performance is not so important here, because the search will be called one time and  then the json list should be saved.  With the current functionality we can read a file (json file ) from the project  upload directory , but it seems that it is  not  possible to save the information to a e.g. json file there (upload folder). To read a json file form the upload folder we can use some code like this:     target='model-1' $http.get('app/resources/Uploaded/' + jsonFile).success(function(data, status, headers, config) { $scope.compJSON_mod=data; // in this case the data is the received json object angular.forEach(data , function(color, path_id){ $scope.compJSON_Data[path_id] =position; console.log("target="+target+" --> $scope.compJSON_Data["+path_id+"] = "+$scope.compJSON_Data[path_id]); });//end of the error function ////////// finish for each path_id }) .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {console.log("problem in the http will create a new ");   When we want to save data  (the generated json list) we need to use another workaround - we can use a thingworx repository. Following functions /events could be used to save and receive an json object to/from a twx repository:   // the methods SaveJSON and LoadJSON // for the repository object should have //run permision for es-public-access user ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $scope.SaveJsonToTwxRepository = function(path, content) { $scope.$applyAsync(function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('app.mdl.CAD-Files-Repository.svc.SaveJSON', {"content": content, "path":path} );} ,500 ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $scope.GetJsonFromTwxRepository = function(path) { $scope.$applyAsync(function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('app.mdl.CAD-Files-Repository.svc.LoadJSON', {"path":path} );} ,500 ); $"after call of GetJsonFromTwxRepository") //in the modelloaded listener register // LoadJSON-complete event -> to laod the data into session rootScope.$on('modelLoaded', function() { //// $scope.$root.$on('LoadJSON-complete', function(event, args) { console.log("LoadJSON-complete event"); $ console.log(JSON.stringify( $scope.COMP_LOCs)) }); /// });   In  the code above I use the 'modelloaded' listener to register LoadJSON-complete event . Because the service is called asyncronously- we need this event to load the data into session when it is received from thingworx. Here in this example the repository object is named "CAD-Files-Repository" The Thingworx services should have run permission and it is required to be added in the external data panel :     So when we start the project in PREVIEW mode we can call the search for the assembly structure and save it then  to thingworx. In Vuforia View mode   then we can receive the previously saved json object from thingworx. To check the current mode (if Preview or End Device)  we can use    if( == true) ...   it will  check if the current mode is preview mode or Vuforia View on the end device - here an example of the workflow:   if( == true) {// preview mode //calling breadth first - test check_comp_at_level_recursively(target+'-',0,$scope.compJSON_POS_Data) //console.warn($scope.compJSON_POS_Data) //calling deep first a second test and generating a data - locations check_comp_deep_first_recursively(target,'/0',$scope.compJSON_loc_Data) console.log("========================================") console.log("$scope.compJSON_POS_Data ->breadth first") console.log("========================================") console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.compJSON_POS_Data)) console.log("========================================") console.log("") console.log("") console.log("========================================") console.log("$scope.compJSON_loc_Data ->deep first") console.log("========================================") console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.compJSON_loc_Data)) $scope.SaveJsonToTwxRepository('/CADFiles/json_lists/compJSON_loc_Data.json',$scope.compJSON_loc_Data) $scope.GetJsonFromTwxRepository('/CADFiles/json_lists/compJSON_loc_Data.json') console.log("========================================") console.log("") } else { //here is the part on mobile device $scope.GetJsonFromTwxRepository('/CADFiles/json_lists/compJSON_loc_Data.json') }   I tested all points of  the described techniques above in a  test project which I want to provide here as zip file for the HoloLens (hideComponetsHoloLens .zip):     So to be able to test it you need to create in Thingworx a repository thing - means a thing which uses  the thing template "FileRepositroy" with the name "CAD-Files-Repository" and create a folder there "/CADFiles/json_lists/" (if you use another name and another folder (e.g. "/" no folder - the root repository folder) you have to adapt the javaScript code:   ... /CADFiles/json_lists/compJSON_loc_Data.json ... app.mdl.CAD-Files-Repository.svc.SaveJSON' ... app.mdl.CAD-Files-Repository.svc.LoadJSON'    
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Vuforia Studio Bug fixes and minor improvements Vuforia View HoloLens: New swipe right action brings you to downloaded Experiences French language now supported for HoloLens 2 voice commands Bug fixes and minor improvements Experience Service New Experience Service Help Center that includes all information needed to install and deploy an Experience Service Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2 Ability to retrieve information about published projects including: Project file size Publish date Username that published the project Bug fixes and minor improvements
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