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Creo Parametric Tips

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Hello, Is there a config setting that controls where versioned file backups are saved using a relative file path?   Ideally, when I hit ctrl-S, a new file without a version number would be saved in the working directory, and the versioned file would be saved to ./archive. I'm always purging the versioned files to keep my working directory cleaned up, but then if I need them, they're already gone. If I could automatically keep them in an archive folder, that would help my workflow.
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Created and rendered with Creo Parametric 1.0     More pictures:   Unable to play video. Please try again later. (view in My Videos)
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Generate a set of Creo 3D models, parts list, drawings and 3D visualization with MS Excel and PTC Creo.      
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This is a document so please edit it and add, correct, &/or clarify how you see fit.  Then we can all use this as a point of reference when dealing with Repeat Regions/BOM programming.  If you don't want to edit it but still want to contribute, then just leave a comment.  Thanks!   List of System Parameters and Model Parameters used in model/drawing (Document - CS133915):…   List of Operators and Functions: Type Name syntax Explanation eg: Input   Eg: output Assignment Operator = MyVar="string" Defines, or assigns, a variable as a # or string       MyVar="H123" MyVar=10     = = No Output but defines the variable MyVar to be: H123 10 String Operators/Functions   Comparison Operators ==     == A==B     #A==#B Compares strings as equal.     Compares #s as equal "456"=="123" "456"=="456"   7==1 7==7 = =   = = NO YES   NO YES String Operators/Functions     Comparison Operators !=, <>, ~= A!=B A<>B A~=B   #A!=#B #A<>#B #A~=#B   Compares strings as unequal. (checks to see if not equal or not)     Compares #s as unequal. (checks to see if not equal or not)   "456"<>"123" "456"<>"456"     7!=1 7<>1 7~=1 7!=7 7<>7 7~=7 = =     = = = = = = YES NO     YES YES YES NO NO NO String Operators/Functions Arithmetic Operators +   + A+B   #A+#B For Strings: Concatenate strings. For Numbers: Add #s (Addition, Plus) "456"+"123"   7+7 =   = 456123 (returns a string e.g. "456123"*1="ERROR") 14 Arithmetic Operators - #A-#B Subtract #s (Subtraction, Take away, Minus) 3-2 = 1 Arithmetic Operators / #A/#B Divide #s (Division) 6/2 = 3 Arithmetic Operators * #A*#B Multiply #s (Multiplication) 6*2 = 12 Arithmetic Operators ^ #A^#B A to the Power of B (Exponent, Powers, Raised to) 2^3 = 8 Arithmetic Operators () (#A-#B)*#C Parentheses for grouping, Priority, and order of operations (3-2)*4 4*(3-2) = = 4 4 Comparison Operators ==   <See String Operators above>       Comparison Operators > #A>#B Greater than       Comparison Operators >= #A>#B Greater than or equal to       Comparison Operators !=, <>,~=   <See String Operators above>       Comparison Operators < #A<#B Less than       Comparison Operators <= #A<#B Less than or equal to       Comparison Operators | #A | #B | #C OR       Comparison Operators & #A & #B & #C AND       Comparison Operators ~,! #A == !B     #A!=B #A~=B NOT (i.e. Reverse a statement, Opposite) (                         Tilde ~ doesn't work for NOT next to a #.  Only next to operator = 7 == 7 7 == !7 7 == !4 7> 4 7>!4       7 != 7 7>=3 7!>=3 7~=7 7~=4   7 == ~7 7 == ~4 "ABC" == !"ABC" = = = = =       = = = = =   = = = YES NO NO YES YES (I guess even mathematically this is strange)   NO YES NO NO YES   ERROR ERROR ERROR Mathematical Functions abs abs(#) Returns the absolute value of a number abs(-2) = 2 Mathematical Functions acos acos(#º) Returns the arccosine of a number ACOS(0.125) = 1.445468496 Mathematical Functions asin asin(#º) Returns the arcsine of a number ASIN(0.125) = 0.125327831 Mathematical Functions atan atan(#º) Returns the arctangent of a number ATAN(0.125) = 0.124354995 Mathematical Functions atan2 atan2(#º) Returns the arctangent (inverse tangent), of the specified x- and y-coordinates ATAN2(2,3) = 0.982793723 Mathematical Functions bound bound(#x,#lo,#hi) Forces #x to be within the range of #lo to #hi. If x ≤ lo,        then output = lo. If lo ≤ x ≥ hi, then output = x If x ≥ hi,        then output = hi   (kind of the opposite as DEAD(), but not exactly)     bound(0,5,15) bound(7.25,5,15) bound(100.2,5,15)     = = =     5.0 7.25 15.0   cable_len       =   Mathematical Functions ceil ceil(#) Round # up ceil(3.25) = 4.0000   comparegraphs       =   Mathematical Functions cos cos(#º) Returns the Cosine of a # cos(2) = -0.416146837 Mathematical Functions cosh cosh(#º) Returns the hyperbolic Cosine of a # cosh(2) = 3.762195691   dbl_in_tol  dbl_in_tol (#x, #y, #r) Checks to see if x and y are within the tolerance of ± r #x, #y, #r are all real numbers Returns TRUE if abs(x-y) ≤ r Returns FALSE if abs(x-y) > r dbl_in_tol (2, 1, 1) dbl_in_tol (2,1,0.5) dbl_in_tol (10,20,9) dbl_in_tol (10,20,10) dbl_in_tol (10,20,11) = = = = = YES NO NO YES YES Mathematical Functions dead dead(#x,#lo,#hi) "Defines a range of values for x, for which the result of the function is 0." If x < lo,        then output = x–lo If lo ≤ x ≥ hi, then output = 0 If x > hi,         then output = x–hi   (kind of the opposite as BOUND(), but not exactly)     bound(0,5,15) bound(7.25,5,15) bound(100.2,5,15)     = = =     -5.0 (0-5) 0 85.2 (100.2-15) Cabling, Case Study Functions eang  eang(e_ID1, e_ID2)  Angle in radians between two entities, e_ID1 and e_ID2, of a case study   =   Cabling, Case Study Functions ecoordx  ecoordx(e_ID1)  x coordinate of the e_ID1 entity of a case study   =   Cabling, Case Study Functions ecoordy  ecoordy(e_ID1)  y coordinate of the e_ID1 entity of a case study   =   Cabling, Case Study Functions edistk  edistk(e_ID1, e_ID2) Distance between two entities, e_ID1 and e_ID2   =   Cabling, Case Study Functions elen  elen(e_ID1)   Length of the e_ID1 entity of a case study   =   Graph Evaluation Function evalgraph  evalgraph("graph_name", x) Graph evaluation function enables you to use graph features to drive dimensions through relations. The dimensions can be section, part, or assembly dimensions. graph_name—the name of a graph. x—the value along the x-axis of the graph for which the y value is returned.   =   Strings as Arguements exists  exists("x") Test if a parameter, variable, or dimension exists or not   x is a string EXISTS("ASM_MBR_NAME") EXISTS("ASM_MBR_NAME_") EXISTS("test03") = = = YES NO YES (note test03 is a defined variable in my relations) Mathematical Functions exp exp(#) e3 Returns e raised to the power of a number, where e = Euler's number = 2.718…  exp(3)=e3 =  20.085537 String Operators/Functions extract extract(#1,#2,#3) Extracts pieces of strings. #1=string analyzing #2=starting position #3=length (how many char to extract)   e.g. looking at the entire string (4324870B) Starting with the first character (4) Extract 7 characters (4324870) extract("4324870B",1,7)   Extract("4324870B",8,1) =   = 4324870   B Logical Functions False* false() false False function Returns "No" (For some reason doesn't return "False"!) False() False = = NO FALSE Mathematical Functions floor floor(#) Round # down Floor(3.25) = 3.0000 Mathematical Functions if IF(c,x,y) Similar to IF() function in Excel: c= condition statement x = what to do if true y= what to do if false (PTC documentation calls this a switching function but to me is too  basic to earn this title) IF(10==9,2,10) = 10.0 Conditional Statements if, Else, Endif IF <condition>    <what to do if condition is met>   ELSE <what to do if condition is not met> (optional)   ENDIF If--Starts the if statement Else--says what to do if statement is not bet (and is optional) Endif--(closes the if statement)   Can have IF without ELSE Can't have IF with more than one ELSE (E.g. IF ELSE ELSE ENDIF Can't have IF without ENDIF Can have nested IF statements.  Eg. IF ELSE IF ELSE IF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF asm_mbr_name = 4564870B IF string_length(asm_mbr_name) > 7    Test01 = extract(asm_mbr_name,1,8) ELSE    Test01 = extract(asm_mbr_name,1,7) ENDIF = 4564870B String Operators/Functions itos itos(#) Integer to String-- Reads in an integer and returns a string.  If the input number is a # that is not an integer, itos rounds up, than converts to a string. itos(6) itos(6.7) = = 6 7 Mathematical Functions ln ln(#) Returns the natural log (base e) of a # ln(2) = 0.693147181 Mathematical Functions log log(#) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a # log(2) = 0.301029996   lookup_inst lookup_inst ("generic_name", match_mode, "param_name_1", match_value_1, "param_name_2", match_value_2,...) Used in ProPROGRAM Used to automatically replace the given Family Table instance with another FT instance: •generic name—Name of the generic model with a prt or asm extension •match_mode—One of the following values: –1 (find closest instance with param values less than or equal to supplied values) 0 (find instance with param values that match supplied values exactly) 1 (find closest instance with param values greater than or equal to supplied values) •param_name_1—Family table parameter name •match_value_1—Value to match against INPUT END INPUT RELATIONS INST_NAME = LOOKUP_INST ("PEG.PRT", 0, "D2", D6:0, "D1", D5:0 + 1) END RELATIONS ADD PART BLOCK INTERNAL COMPONENT ID 1 END ADD ADD PART (INST_NAME) INTERNAL COMPONENT ID 2 PARENTS = 1 (#1) END ADD MASSPROP END MASSPROP Example: Replacing Family Table-Driven Components --> "In this way, the instance of peg.prt being assembled to blockpeg.asm is controlled, based on the dimensions of the hole in block.prt."     massprop_param       =     material_param       =   Mathematical Functions max max(#) Compares 2 #s and returns the larger one max(6.2,4) = 6.2 Mathematical Functions min min(#) Compares 2 #s and returns the smaller one min(6.2,4) = 4 Mathematical Functions mod  mod(#n,#d) Modulus function.  Also known as Remainder function because gives just the remainder. e.g. n/d (numerator/denominator): 10/2=5 Remainder=0 (10/2+0/2) 10/3=3 Remainder=1 (9/3+1/3) 10/4=2 Remainder=2 (8/4+2/4)   In Programming Modulus can be useful to do many things. e.g. Determine if Number is Odd/Even [if mod(n,2)=0 then n is even] Clock arithmetic [mod(9+5,12)=2pm] Truncating decimal values Wrapping values into a certain range [given mod(n,360) to determine what quadrant a particular angle falls in for the unit circle) if Remainder       0-90, then Quad.1 if Remainder   90-180, then Quad.2 if Remainder 180-270, then Quad.3 If Remainder 270-360, then Quad.4]       Mod(10,2) Mod(10,3) Mod(10,4)           Mod(9+5) Mod(9+8,12)     Mod(400,360)   Mod(2300,360)       = = =           = =     =   =       0 1 2           2 (e.g. 9am+5hrs =2pm) 5 (e.g. 9am+8hrs = 5pm)     40 (40º is in quadrant 1)   140 (140º is in quadrant 2)   mp_assigned_mass       =     mp_cg_x       =     mp_cg_y       =     mp_cg_z       =     mp_mass       =     mp_surf_area       =     mp_volume       =   Mathematical Functions near near(#y,#y,#delta) determines if the numbers x and y are within delta of each other near(5,8,3) near(5,8,1) = = 1.0 (i.e. when true) 0.0 (i.e. when false) Logical Functions No* no() no No Function Returns "No" No() No = = NO FALSE Mathematical Functions pi pi() Returns the number for PI PI() = 3.141592654 Mathematical Functions pow pow(#x,#y) x^y Raising x to the Power of y #1=Base value #2=Exponent Pow(1,2) Pow(2,2) Pow(2,4) = = = 1.0 (i.e. 1^2) 4.0 (i.e. 2^2) 16.0 (i.e. 2^4) Strings as Arguements rel_model_name rel_model_name   or   rel_model_name()     Passing Strings as Arguments in Relations rel_model_name   rel_model_name()   =   501234 (when done on 501234.drw table repeat region relations) Strings as Arguements rel_model_type   rel_model_type   or   rel_model_type() Returns the current model type.  If you are working in Assembly mode, rel_model_type() is equal to assembly.   (note you can use with or without parenthesis) Passing Strings as Arguments in Relations rel_model_type   rel_model_type()     = DRAWING (when used in table repeat region relations) String Operators/Functions search search(string, substring) Searches for substrings. The resulting value is the position of the substring in the string (0 if not found). You can specify substrings with single or double quotes. search(asm_mbr_name,"501234") = 2 (Given asm_mbr_name is 05012340.prt) Mathematical Functions sign  sign(x,y)  Sign Transfer of y to x If y<0, the result is –abs(x) if y>=0, the result is abs(x). sign(-2,3) sign(2,3) sign(2,-3) sign(-2,-3) = = = = 2.0 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 Mathematical Functions sin sin(#º) Returns the sine of a number sin(2) = 0.909297427 Mathematical Functions sinh sinh(#º) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number sinh(2) = 3.626860408   smt_def_ben_rad       =     smt_thickness       =   Mathematical Functions sqrt sqrt(#) Take the square root of a number sqrt(4) = 2 String Operators/Functions string_ends string_ends (string1, string2) Check to see if string1 ends with string2 Case Sensitive ("H" <NOT => "h") string_ends("h456","56") string_ends("h456H","56h") string_ends("h456H","56H") = = = YES NO YES Strings as Arguements string_length string_length(string)   string_length(<param>) Returns the number of characters in a string or parameter. string_length("als23fj") string_length(asm_mbr_name) = = 7.0 6.0 (when done on 501234.prt table repeat region relations) String Operators/Functions string_match string_match(string1, string2) Check to see if 2 strings are exactly the same or not Case insensitive ("H"="h") string_match("456","456") string_match("456","4560") string_match("h456","H456") = = = YES NO YES String Operators/Functions string_starts string_starts(string1, string2) Check to see if string1 starts with string2 Case Sensitive ("H" <NOT => "h") string_starts("h456","h4") string_starts("h456","H4") string_starts("h456","asd4") = = = YES NO NO Mathematical Functions tan tan(#º) Returns the tangent of a number tan(2) = -2.185039863 Mathematical Functions tanh tanh(#º) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number tanh(2) = 0.96402758   trajpar   "Trajectory Parameter" Returns a system of numbers that varies from 0 to 1 across the length of a given path sin(trajpar*8*pi()) = creates an undulating wave Composite Curve Trajectory Function trajpar_of_pnt trajpar_of_pnt("trajname", "pointname") The trajectory parameter of a composite curve, trajpar_of_pnt, can be used in relations. The following function returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0:   =   Logical Functions True* true() true True function Returns "YES" (For some reason doesn't return "True"!) True() True = = YES TRUE Logical Functions Yes* yes() yes Yes function Returns "Yes" Yes() Yes = = YES TRUE     *Relations containing conditional statements are not sorted. A condition is an expression that is either TRUE (or YES) or FALSE (or NO). These values can be used interchangeably in the conditional statement. For example, the following statements can all be evaluated the same way: From <>     Pro/ENGINEER, Creo Elements/Pro and Creo Parametric
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Check out this video on Creo "Resolving Geometry Issues" from PTC Application Engineers Presenters: Mark DeCraene (Solution Consultant) and Ryan Butcher (Solution Consultant, Fellow) Original Date Presented: July 23, 2024  
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How to perform installation How to install  using install-from-web How to install a node locked license The drag and drop of the license does not work How to install software Unable to install by adding SON under simple license entry
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Workflow for creating a 2D repeat region to display family table information.  Covers an alternate method using simple repeat regions to allow the use of relations and filters.  Discusses creation of filters in alternate method, and some related drawing setup options are also covered in addition to column sorting to match the family table display order.    
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Attached please find a video showing new Flexible Modeling tools in Sheet Metal that allow to recognize Sheet Metal Design Objects such as bends, bend reliefs, corner reliefs, corner seams, forms from geometry and modify them with new dedicated tools.   Note that you might want to use the respective recognition tools with the automatic option upfront to recognize all those objects on the model. The Design Object tree (secondary tree) will show the recognized objects. The new Edit tools (Edit Bend Relief, Edit Corner Relief, Edit Corner Seam, Edit Bend) then allow you modify those objects independent from how these features had been created and as such even on an imported model.   Tools that are already quite stable in this sneak-peek version are: The new recognition tools (Recognize Bends, Bend Reliefs, Corner Reliefs, Corner Seams, Forms) Edit Bend Relief Edit Corner Relief Edit Corner Seam Tools are not fully stabilized yet in this version are: Edit Bend Pull Wall Even though not fully stable, we decided to keep them in the sneak-peek version to at least allow you to try them out in basic scenarios. Note that Edit Bend and Pull Wall actually handle the adjacent conditions (reliefs and corner seams) and recreate them after the operation. Both operations also automatically transform all geometry that is attached to the modified wall/bend. Looking forward to your feedback!   Best regards…Martin
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Our weekly Did You Know series focuses on providing users with informative, “how-to” tips to help them get the most out of PTC Creo. This week’s post, provided by Director of Product Management Paul Sagar, shows users how to create family tables in PTC Creo Parametric. Users will learn how family tables enable you to create a large number of common parts quickly, based upon a generic design model.   Family tables are a collection of parts or assemblies which are similar, but deviate slightly in some aspect – such as size or included features. Bolts are a common example because they look similar and perform the same function regardless of their properties. It’s helpful to think of them as a family of part models. Parts in family tables are also known as table driven parts. In PTC Creo Parametric, you can create family tables in three easy steps.   Step 1: Identify Features Which Will Vary First, you must identify which dimensions or features will vary for your family of parts. Click on the Model Intent overflow menu and select Switch Symbols. This will show you the symbolic name of the features dimensions in your generic part (such as size or depth). From here, you will know which dimension will be altered in your family of parts. Click on the Switch Symbols command under the Model Intent drop down to understand the names of the dimensions in your part. This will help you identify what you need to change.     Step 2: Create the Family Table Go back into the Model Intent overflow and select Family Table. Click Add Columns in the family table dialog box. With Dimension selected in the Add Item section, click on a feature in the model, and then select the dimension you wish to add to the family table. From the Family table command, we can choose which parameters we want to alter in each of the instances we create.   We can also add parameters into our family table (such as descriptions). In the Add Items section, click Parameter, then choose what you want to add (description for instance), and click Insert Selected. You can see the parameter has been added to the table.  Parameters added to the table can be edited in each of the part instances. You can also add features from the model tree, which can be included or excluded in the part instances.   Step 3: Edit Instances After choosing the parameters, we can chose the number of instances we want in our family table. Simply click Add Instances until you have the desired quantity.  You can edit the parameters for each specific instance. To finish the table, click Verify instances. This will tell you if your changes can be regenerated. Finally, you can preview or open each instance by selecting the appropriate row and picking Open. In the family table menu you can edit and verify the specifications on each instance you will create. You can also preview each part.   In the family table menu you can edit and verify the specifications on each instance you will create. You can also preview each part.   In conclusion, family tables give you an easy systematic approach to creating a large number of related models.   Check out our video tutorial on the PTC University Learning Exchange (“Creating a Family Table”) to see this advice in action. We’d also love to hear your suggestions for working with family tables in PTC Creo Parametric.   For more in-depth product feature explanations, visit our Tech Tips area.   Have some ideas about what PTC Creo product features you’d like to learn more about? Send me a message or leave a comment below and we’ll write up the best ideas from the community. Thanks for reading, looking forward to all of your feedback! In case you missed it, here are our recent Did You Know posts: 1)    Tips and Tricks for Cable Design in PTC Creo Parametric Piping and Cabling Extension 2)    Creating Helical Sweeps for Springs 3)    How to Use Motion Skeletons to Quickly Design Mechanisms
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Hero Badges rendered with Creo Parametric 1.0     Unable to play video. Please try again later. (view in My Videos)
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In this video, we will learn to customize the system color set background color to display a gradient between two colors
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With the release of PTC Creo 3.0, PTC Creo Parametric users now have access to an expanded library of standard parts and fasteners as well as an intuitive user interface to speed up the process of adding hardware to your assembly design. Jim Barrett Smith, Product Manager at PTC, gives an overview of the new capabilities:   To define the position of a fastener, select the datum point, axis, or a hole. You can select two aligning surfaces to define a fastener connection with a thread. Or, you can select two opposing surfaces to define a fastener and nut connection.   Next, select a fastener from the comprehensive library of fasteners. Choose the size of the thread or measure the thread size using an existing hole.     Selecting a fastener from the standard parts library   You have the option to set the length of the fastener yourself, or to have it set automatically. You can also control the hole tolerance and choose whether to have a counterbore on the top, the bottom, or both.   Setting the length of the fastener     There is a 2D preview in the dialog which updates with as you define the fastener details. Furthermore, you can click Preview to see a 3D view of the fastener in the graphics area.   You can get a 3D view of the fastener by selecting Preview     When you are satisfied, click OK to assemble the fastener.   After a fastener is assembled, you have the ability to reassemble or redefine it. Furthermore, if you reassemble an existing fastener onto a pattern, you will have the option to pattern the fastener. This saves significant time and effort.  If needed, you can choose to delete all patterned fasteners by simply selecting one and clicking Delete.     Check out our video tutorial on the PTC University Learning Exchange (“PTC Creo Intelligent Fastener (Lite)”) to learn more. Stay tuned to our “Did You Know” blog series as we cover all of the exciting, new enhancements in PTC Creo 3.0.     For more in-depth product feature explanations, visit our Tech Tips area.   Have some ideas about what PTC Creo product features you’d like to learn more about? Send me a message or leave a comment below and we’ll write up the best ideas from the community. Thanks for reading, looking forward to all of your feedback!   In case you missed it, check out our recent Did You Know posts covering PTC Creo 3.0 enhancements: Flexible Pattern Tool in the PTC Creo Flexible Modeling Extension Aligning Freestyle Geometry  
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Clay and realistic render of BMW model   (view in My Videos)
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Check out this video on DFMPro for Creo Parametric.  Presenters: Tom Van Der Auwera (HCL), Pranev Khurjekar (HCL), Steve Gerdman (HCL), Nambi Chandrasekaran (HCL) & Lino Tozzi (Solution Consultant, Fellow, PTC)
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Here's the next set of tutorials in the series of Creo tips from our expert product managers.   Below you’ll find about 15 minutes of video how-tos to help you improve your CAD proficiency—whether you just started using Creo or you've been using it for years.   Ready to get started?   Make External References Independent of Their Source, by Default   Feature dependencies can be either local or external references. Local references relate to geometry in the model in which they were created. External references (or external dependencies) occur when you reference geometry (parts, subassemblies) outside the model in which they were created.   By default, external references depend on the model containing the geometry being referenced. The external feature depends on to the assembly where it was created, and every time you regenerate the parts or the assembly involved in the external reference, Creo Parametric looks for this feature’s references in the source part of the external reference.   In the tutorial below, Arnaud van de Veerdonk, Creo Product Manager, shows you how to configure Creo Parametric so external feature references are created without a dependency on the source model.   Watch the tutorial:   Create Standard Profile Configurations in Creo AFX   Those working with Creo Advanced Framework Extension (AFX) can quickly assemble, modify, and move profiles, creating joints between profiles, as well as creating, modifying, and copying connector or equipment elements.   In this tutorial, our Creo Product Manager, shows you how to quickly place standard profile configurations into an assembly using Creo AFX.   Here's the tutorial:   Handling Annotation Elements in MBD: 2 Tips   In model-based definition (MBD), getting annotations traditionally requires careful attention. You'd rather spend that time designing. That's why you need any tricks you can find that'll improve your efficiency when you're working with annotations.   In this tutorial, Creo Product Manager, Michael Fridman, shows two tips for working more efficiently with annotation elements in annotation features.   Watch the tips:     For more tips from our experts, watch the Tips from the Creo Masters main page.    
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LiveWorx and PTC/User are now offering an entire day focused on Creo and Windchill content with the addition of CAD & PLM Technical Day on Monday, June 10. This is an additional 25 breakout sessions with all of the Creo and Windchill tips, tricks and insights necessary to get the most out of your PTC Products. Here’s what you need to know:   You can take a look at what to expect for sessions here CAD & PLM Technical Day is included with your purchase of an All Access or DeluX Pass Explorer Pass holders can add it on for an additional cost of $250 until March 27 and $350 through June 13 If you are already registered it is not too late to add this to your registration: Log In to your account Enter username and password Select “Registration” Scroll down and click “Purchase Additional Event Offerings” and add the CAD & PLM Technical Day to your account   Seats are filling fast for this dedicated content, don’t miss out on learning from some of our Creo and Windchill super users (and fellow Community members) on best practices and how other organizations are utilizing these solutions.   Please email if you have any questions.      
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How to download FLEXnet Publisher standalone installer ? How to download License Server installer ? How to access License manager installer for Unix ? CD/DVD of the license server is not available for HP Unix/Linux How to download the PTC license server for Windows 7 x64bit ? Which PTC License Server is compatible with Windows 7 x64bit ? Where to download Flexnet ? Where to download ptc_d.exe for Windows Server ? Platform support and download page for FLEXnet Publisher standalone installer PTC License Server is not available in Mathcad Prime 3.0 installation DVD Is the Flexnet Publisher supported on Windows Server 2012 R2?
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Creating a relationship between parameters and dimensions.   Consultor Cleiton   (view in My Videos)
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Community Profile: Mike Lockwood If you spent any time in the PTC community over the past couple decades, you’ve likely found good answers to your software questions from @MikeLockwood especially in the Windchill Community! According to our system, this user has posted 2241 times! “I’ve carefully read pretty much all postings in my areas of interest daily for all these years – and can reply to many with useful info,” he says.   That explains the 41 community achievement badges!   At the same time, he’s finding answers to his own questions. “I’m grateful that so many people are willing to voluntarily provide such good info. Within a day, I generally receive many good answers to whatever problems I’m facing.” But just to be sure, he admits that sometimes creates a tech support case in parallel with posting questions to the community.   Who's behind this prolific account?     Meet Mike Lockwood. Mike earned a BSME in college, and then began a career as a mechanical engineer for various medical device companies, including a startup. He focused on complex automated machines early on, and found that programming those machines awakened his interest in the computer/software side of his profession. As you might guess, it didn’t take long for his career to turn to CAD and PLM work. “I trained on Pro/E 15 in 1993 and have been using some version of it ever since,” says Mike. “I fell in love with parametric CAD, and by 1998, I accepted the CAD admin role at my company.” He’s been administering and supporting CAD and Windchill ever since, first for Alcon and, most recently, for Edwards Lifesciences. Plus he’s been a member of the Windchill technical committee for the past 15 years. When he’s not troubleshooting an Oracle database issue or explaining the nuances of parent/child relationships to new users, Mike enjoys getting outdoors. Skiing, snowboarding, surfing, and, lately, lots of long walks and exercise. Then there’s the music. Mike plays piano and can even blast out a saxophone solo (but just for fun, he says). Lockwood is retiring from his full-time job early next year but plans to remain available for contract projects (and hopefully for community members here). My Creo wish list After all these years, Mike knows Creo’s strengths, weaknesses, and workarounds—especially as it relates to Windchill. And since everybody has a wish list, we asked to see his. “Creo is superb and keeps getting better,” he assured us. “But there are a few things I’d like to see.” Modelcheck, when configured from the UI, resets all the tabs and it’s hard to read the text files. Modelcheck should make it easy to sort / filter for those configured as Error / Warning / other. The naming of the various Creo apps that are not Creo Parametric (e.g., Creo View, Creo Illustrate) is confusing to users, especially when these are used with SolidWorks data. Family tables continue to be great for CAD but challenging for CAD in PLM (Windchill).  Would like to see more info and recommendation on alternatives (like maybe inheritance). Autonumbering with Windchill is the default and works for some.  It is of great value to have drawings and the model(s) on them share a root CAD Doc Number / filename.   On behalf of the whole community, thanks Mike for your efforts, insights, and help over the years. We wish you a long, healthy, and invigorating retirement and look forward to your next 2000 posts here on the community!
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PTC's Brian Thompson, DVP and GM CAD segment, just announced some extraordinary measures that the company is taking to help make Creo customers as productive as possible during the COVID-19 crisis.   You can now get: Extra help with accessing licenses when working remotely, so everybody can reach their software. Free online demos with our popular product managers. Free courses from PTC University for all users. And more Details here:
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How to access PTC Licensing Tool How to retrieve license file How to generate license file How to use Sales Order Number to retrieve license file
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