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Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X

IoT Tips

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ThingWorx Manufacturing Tips & Tricks Webinar is a weekly opportunity to hear PTC Subject Matter Experts present on various topics related to the manufacturing space and applications.   Agenda for this week's recorded session - - Overview and demo of the MFG Apps - Aron Semle, Solution Manager - Licensing Options - Serge Romano, VP Manufacturing -Installation Options and configuration of the apps - Varathan Ranganathan, SME - Q&A  
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Distributed Timer and Scheduler Execution in a ThingWorx High Availability (HA) Cluster Written by Desheng Xu and edited by Mike Jasperson    Overview Starting with the 9.0 release, ThingWorx supports an “active-active” high availability (or HA) configuration, with multiple nodes providing redundancy in the event of hardware failures as well as horizontal scalability for workloads that can be distributed across the cluster.   In this architecture, one of the ThingWorx nodes is elected as the “singleton” (or lead) node of the cluster.  This node is responsible for managing the execution of all events triggered by timers or schedulers – they are not distributed across the cluster.   This design has proved challenging for some implementations as it presents a potential for a ThingWorx application to generate imbalanced workload if complex timers and schedulers are needed.   However, your ThingWorx applications can overcome this limitation, and still use timers and schedulers to trigger workloads that will distribute across the cluster.  This article will demonstrate both how to reproduce this imbalanced workload scenario, and the approach you can take to overcome it.   Demonstration Setup   For purposes of this demonstration, a two-node ThingWorx cluster was used, similar to the deployment diagram below:   Demonstrating Event Workload on the Singleton Node   Imagine this simple scenario: You have a list of vendors, and you need to process some logic for one of them at random every few seconds.   First, we will create a timer in ThingWorx to trigger an event – in this example, every 5 seconds.     Next, we will create a helper utility that has a task that will randomly select one of the vendors and process some logic for it – in this case, we will simply log the selected vendor in the ThingWorx ScriptLog.     Finally, we will subscribe to the timer event, and call the helper utility:     Now with that code in place, let's check where these services are being executed in the ScriptLog.     Look at the PlatformID column in the log… notice that that the Timer and the helper utility are always running on the same node – in this case Platform2, which is the current singleton node in the cluster.   As the complexity of your helper utility increases, you can imagine how workload will become unbalanced, with the singleton node handling the bulk of this timer-driven workload in addition to the other workloads being spread across the cluster.   This workload can be distributed across multiple cluster nodes, but a little more effort is needed to make it happen.   Timers that Distribute Tasks Across Multiple ThingWorx HA Cluster Nodes   This time let’s update our subscription code – using the PostJSON service from the ContentLoader entity to send the service requests to the cluster entry point instead of running them locally.       const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "appKey": "INSERT-YOUR-APPKEY-HERE" }; const url = ""; let result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostJSON({ proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */, headers: headers /* JSON */, ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, workstation: undefined /* STRING */, useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */, url: url /* STRING */, content: {} /* JSON */, timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */, proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */, password: undefined /* STRING */, domain: undefined /* STRING */, username: undefined /* STRING */ });   Note that the URL used in this example - - is the entry point of the ThingWorx cluster.  Replace this value to match with your cluster’s entry point if you want to duplicate this in your own cluster.   Now, let's check the result again.   Notice that the helper utility TimerBackend_Service is now running on both cluster nodes, Platform1 and Platform2.   Is this Magic?  No!  What is Happening Here?   The timer or scheduler itself is still being executed on the singleton node, but now instead of the triggering the helper utility locally, the PostJSON service call from the subscription is being routed back to the cluster entry point – the load balancer.  As a result, the request is routed (usually round-robin) to any available cluster nodes that are behind the load balancer and reporting as healthy.   Usually, the load balancer will be configured to have a cookie-based affinity - the load balancer will route the request to the node that has the same cookie value as the request.  Since this PostJSON service call is a RESTful call, any cookie value associated with the response will not be attached to the next request.  As a result, the cookie-based affinity will not impact the round-robin routing in this case.   Considerations to Use this Approach   Authentication: As illustrated in the demo, make sure to use an Application Key with an appropriate user assigned in the header. You could alternatively use username/password or a token to authenticate the request, but this could be less ideal from a security perspective.   App Deployment: The hostname in the URL must match the hostname of the cluster entry point.  As the URL of your implementation is now part of your code, if deploy this code from one ThingWorx instance to another, you would need to modify the hostname/port/protocol in the URL.   Consider creating a variable in the helper utility which holds the hostname/port/protocol value, making it easier to modify during deployment.   Firewall Rules: If your load balancer has firewall rules which limit the traffic to specific known IP addresses, you will need to determine which IP addresses will be used when a service is invoked from each of the ThingWorx cluster nodes, and then configure the load balancer to allow the traffic from each of these public IP address.   Alternatively, you could configure an internal IP address endpoint for the load balancer and use the local /etc/hosts name resolution of each ThingWorx node to point to the internal load balancer IP, or register this internal IP in an internal DNS as the cluster entry point.
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From the documentation, a SOLR node is only needed in case of using DataTables.  If the SOLR configuration field left blank, the extension will request to provide an input. Are SOLR nodes required or optional in order to use DSE with TW (in the hypothetical case of not using DataTables)?      -- As for functionality of the Thingworx, a Solr node is not required. However, the extension does try to validate the configuration, and hence, at this point, a SOLR node is mandatory to properly configure the extension. This will be fixed in the future. When there are 2 entries for addresses, one for a Cassandra Cluster and one for a Solr Cluster, are they the same Cluster, or different Clusters?      -- They could be either. There can be one machine with SOLR enabled and using the same IP for both Cassandra and Solr. However, it's not recommend for production workloads. It would be perfectly fine for development or test environments. In a Cluster, in order to have Solr and Cassandra nodes, use of Datacenters is required. Even if a Datacenter isn't explicitlydefined, a default install of DSE will create two data centers called "Cassandra" and "Solr" which is what would be seen see in the default "Cassandra Keyspace Settings" property in the configuration. If the user does create Datacenters with specific names then they will have to update the "Cassandra Keyspace Settings" property to reflect the same. I.e. replication = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'Cassandra':1, 'Solr':1} The number in front (1 being the default) represents the replication factor ( depending on the number of nodes in each data center
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Create the Main Mashup Create a new Mashup called "rcp_MashupMain" as Page and Responsive Save and switch to the Design tab Design Add a Layout with two Columns In the right Column add another Layout (vertical) with a Header and one Row Add a Grid to the Row Add a Panel to the Header Add a Panel into the Panel (we will use a Panel-In-Panel technique for a better design experience) Set "Width" to 200 Set "Height" to 50 Set "Horizontal Anchor" to "Center" Set "Vertical Anchor" to "Middle" Delete its current "Style" and add a new custom style - all values to default (this will create a transparent border around the panel) Add a Label to the inner Panel Set "Text" to "Historic data of what went wrong" Set "Alignment" to "Center Aligned" Set "Width" to 200 Set "Top" to 14 Add a Panel to the left Column Add a Navigation Widget to the Panel This will call the Popup Window when its Navigate service is invoked (by a Validator) Set "MashupName" to "rcp_MashupPopup" Set "TargetWindow" to "Modal Popup" Set "ShowCloseButton" to false Set "ModalPopupOpacity" to 0.8 (to make the background darker and give more visual focus to the popup) Set "FixedPopupWidth" to 500 Set "FixedPopupHeight" to 300 Set "PopupScrolling" to "Off" Set "Visible" to false, so it will not be shown to the user during runtime Add a Textbox to the Panel This will show the numeric value corresponding to the State selected in the modal popup This will just be used for displaying with no other functionality - so that we can verify the actual values chosen Set "Read Only" to true Set "Label" to "Selected Reason (numeric value)" Add a Checkbox to the Panel This will be used an input for the Validator to determine if an error state is present or not Set "Prompt" to "Set this box to 'true' to trigger the popup. Set the value via the Thing to simulate a service. Once the value is set, the trigger is set to 'false' as the popup has been dealt with. A new historic entry will be created." Set "Disabled" to true Set "Width" to 250 Add a Validator to the Panel This will determine if the checkbox (based on the trigger / error state) is true or false. If the checkbox switches to true then the validator will call the Navigate service on the Navigation Widget. Otherwise it will do nothing. Click on Configure Validator Add Parameter Name: "Input" Base Type: BOOLEAN Click Done Set "Expression" to "Input" (the Parameter we just created) Set "AutoEvaluate" to true Save the Mashup Data In the Data panel on the right hand side, click on Add entity Choose the "rcp_AlertThing" and select the following services GetProperties (execute when Mashup is loaded) SetProperties QueryPropertyHistory (execute when Mashup is loaded) clearTrigger Click Done and the services will appear in the Data panel Connections After configuring the UI elements and the Data Sources we now have to connect them to implement the logic we decided on earlier GetProperties service Drag and drop the trigger property to the Checkbox and bind it to State Set the Automatically update values when able to true SetProperties service From the Navigation Widget drag and drop the selectedState property and bind it to the SetProperties service selectedReason property From the Navigation Widget drag and drop the PopupClosed event and bind it to the SetProperties service From the SetProperties service drag and drop the ServiceInvokeCompleted event and bind it to the clearTrigger service From the SetProperties service drag and drop the ServiceInvokeCompleted event and bind it to the QueryPropertyHistory service QueryPropertyHistory service Drag and drop the Returned Data's All Data to the Grid and bind it to Data On the Grid click on Configure Grid Columns Switch the position of the timestamp and selectedReason fields with their drag and drop handles For the selectedReason Set the "Column Title" to "Reason for Outage" Switch to the Column Renderer & State Formatting tab Change the format from "0.00" to "0" (as we're only using Integer values anyway) Choose the State-based Formatting Set "Dependent Field" to "selectedReason" Set "State Definition" to "rcp_AlertStateDefinition" Click Done clearTrigger service There's nothing more to configure for this service As the properties will automatically be pushed via the GetProperties service, there's no special action required after the service invoke for the clearTrigger service has been completed Validator Widget Drag and drop the Validator's TRUE event to the Navigation Widget and bind it to the Navigate service Drag and drop the Checkbox State to the Validator and bind it to the Input parameter Navigation Widget Drag and drop the Navigation Widget's selectedState to the Textbox and bind it to the Text property Save the Mashup
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First of all wishing everyone a blessed 2017 So here is a little something that hopefully can be helpful for all you Thingworx developers! This is a 'Remote Monitoring Application Starter' Mainly this is created around Best Practices for Security and provides a lot of powerful Modeling and Mashup techniques. Also has some cool Dashboard techniques Everything is documented in accompanying documents also in the zip (sorry went through a few steps to get this up properly. Install instructions: Thingworx Remote Monitoring Starter Application – Installation Guide Files All files needed are in a Folder called: RemoteMonitoringStarter, this is an Export to ThingworxStorage Extensions Not included, but the application uses the GoogleWidgetsExtension (Google Map) Steps Import Google Map extension. Place RemoteMonitoringStarter folder in the ThingworxStorage exports folder. From Thingworx do an Import from ThingworxStorage – Include Data, Use Default Persistence Provider, do NOT ignore Subsystems. After the import has finished, go to Organizations and open Everyone. In the Organization remove Users from the Everyone organization unit. Go to DataTables and open PTC.RemoteMonitoring.Simulation.DT Go to Services and execute SetSimulationValues Go to the UserManagementSubsystem In the Configuration section add PTC.RemoteMonitoring.Session.TS to the Session. Note: This step may already be done. Note: Screen shots provided at the end. Account Passwords FullAdmin/FullAdmin All other users have a password of: password. NOTE: You may have to Reset your Administrator password using the FullAdmin account. I also recommend changing the passwords after installing.
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Those who have been working with ThingWorx for many years will have noticed the work done around ingress stress testing and performance optimization.  Adding InfluxDB as a time-series data persistence provider really helped level up these capabilities while simultaneously decreasing the overall resources required by the infrastructure.  However with this ease comes a hidden challenge: query and data processing performance to work it into something useful.   Often It's Too Much Data In general most customers that I work with want to collect far too much data -- without knowing what it will be used for, or what processing will be required in order to make it usable and useful.  This is a trap in general with how many people envision IoT projects, being told by infrastructure providers that cloud storage and compute resources are abundant and cheap and that they should get as much data as possible.  This buildup of data means that more effort needs to be spent working it into something useful (data engineering/feature extraction) and addressing common data issues (quality, gaps, precision, etc.).  This might be fine for mature companies with large data analytics teams; however this is a makeup that I've only seen in the largest of our customers.  Some advice - figure out what you need and how you'll use it, and then collect that.  Work on extracting value today rather than hoping that extra data collected  now will provide some insights years from now.   Example - Problem Statement You got your Thing Model designed, and edge devices connected.  Now you've got data flowing in and being stored every 5 seconds in InfluxDB.  Great progress!  Now on to building the applications which cover the various use cases. The raw data is most likely going to need to be processed and potentially even significantly transformed into other information in order to make it useful.  Turning a "powered on and running" BOOLEAN to an "hour meter" INTEGER is a simple example.  Then you may need to provide a report showing equipment run time hours by day over a month.  The maintenance team may also have asked to look for usage patterns which lead to breakdowns, requiring extracting other data points from the initial one like number of daily starts, average daily run time, average time between restarts. The problem here is that unless you have prepared these new data points and stored them as well (say in a Stream), you are going to have to build these data sets on the fly, and that can be time and resource intensive and not give you the response time expected.  As you can imagine, repeatedly querying and processing large volumes of unchanging raw data is going to have resource and time implications - so this is why data collection and data use need to be thought about separately.   Data Engineering In the above examples, the key is actually creating new data points which are calculated progressively throughout normal operation.  This not only makes the information that you want available when you need it - in the right format - but it also significantly reduces resource requirements by constantly reprocessing raw data.  It also helps managing data purging, because as you create and store usable insights, you can eventually just archive away your old raw data streams.   Direct Database Queries vs. Thingworx Data Services Despite the above being a rule of thumb, sometimes a simple well structured database query can get you exactly what you need and do so quite quickly.  This is especially true for InfluxDB when working with extremely large time-series datasets.  The challenge here is that ThingWorx persistence providers abstract away the complexity of writing ones own database queries, so we can't easily get at the databases raw power and are forced to query back more data than needed and work it into a usable format in memory (which is not fast).   Leveraging the InfluxDB API using the ContentLoader Technique As InfluxDBs API is 100% REST, we can access it using in-built ThingWorx Content Loader services.  Check out this demonstration and explanation video where I talk about how to interact directly with InfluxDB in order to crush massive time-series data and get back much more usable and manageable data sets.  It is important to note here that you should use a read-only database user here, as you should never modify the ThingWorx databases to avoid untested scenarios which may lead to data corruption.   Optimizing ThingWorx query performance with the InfluxDB REST API - YouTube InfluxToolBox ThingWorx demo project (by T. Wobben)      
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…to ENTERPRISE Increase company profit and revenue along with customer value Achieve sustainable competitive advantage …to SERVICE ORGANIZATION Understand your equipment performance and condition through remote monitoring Improve first-time fix rates by incorporating connected product data Reduce onsite service visits Increase service profitability …to CUSTOMER Improve product and service outcomes Increase equipment uptime Increased customer satisfaction 20% Improvement in equipment uptime 15-25% Reduction in onsite service visits 5-20% Improvement on first time fix rate
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Video Author:                     Stefan Taka Original Post Date:            June 6, 2016   Description: This tutorial video will walk you through the installation process for the Neo4j based version of the ThingWorx Platform in a Windows environment.  All required software components will be covered in this video.      
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Often times to set up our environment securely, we will assign Entity Type permissions, which is much easier then to remember to assign it to every single ThingShape, ThingTemplate, Thing etc. However did you know that these security settings only export when doing an Export to ThingworxStorage? So you either must maintain a list of these settings and re-apply them when starting on a new environment or: 1. Set up your Groups (and Users although hopefully all permissions you set up are assigned to Groups as a Best Practice) 2. Set up your Entity Type Permissions 3. Create an Export using Export to ThingworxStorage and export everything Now you have an import ready any time you need to deploy Thingworx anew. NOTE: Obviously this means you need to maintain that export any time changes are made to those permissions, unfortunately that also means another export of ALL which can be less desirable, since it can include Test objects unfinished items etc. As such one may have to maintain some local instance to keep a clean Import/Export.
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Create a Popup Mashup Create a new Mashup called "rcp_MashupPopup" as Page and Static Save and switch to the Design tab Design Edit the Mashup Properties Set "Width" to 500 Set "Height" to 300 Add a new Label Set "Text" to "Something went wrong - what happend?" Set "Alignment" to "Center Aligned" Set "Width" to 230 Set "Top" to 55 Set "Left" to 130 Add a new Radio Button Set "Button States" to "rcp_AlertStateDefinition" Set "Top" to 145 Set "Left" to 25 Set "Width" to 450 Set "Height" to 100 In the Workspace tab, select the "Mashup" Click on Configure Mashup Parameters Add Parameter Name: "selectedState" BaseType: NUMBER Click Done Save the Mashup Connections Select the Radio Button Drag and drop its Selected Value property to the Mashup and bind it to the selectedState Mashup Parameter Drag and drop its SelectionChanged event to the Mashup and bind it to the CloseIfPopup service Save the Mashup
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Help Center link on how to control file transfers from the edge client using the EdgeControlled ThingShape.   The EdgeControlled ThingShape is a default entity included with ThingWorx that allows you to manage the amount of egress being sent from the platform to the Edge.   At the time of writing this post, the available 'When Disconnected' settings for a remotely bound property in ThingWorx are 'Fold' and 'Ignore'. Setting a property to 'Fold' while using this EdgeControlled ThingShape is necessary whether the device is connected all the time or only for brief updates.   To use this ThingShape in a real world scenario you might code your edge client to invoke the DequeueEgress REST API function available through this ThingShape. The parameter you pass in is then the number of messages you would like the client to receive. The result of this function is how many messages the platform then actually sent.   A quick setup: 1. Create a RemoteThing entity in ThingWorx 2. Create an ApplicationKey entity in ThingWorx 3. Setup an edge client to bind to that RemoteThing using the specified ApplicationKey 4. Manage Bindings on the Properties page of the RemoteThing, and pull in a few properties you would like to send property updates to 5. Set the 'When Disconnected' value to 'Fold' for each property you want to queue messages for   5a. Set any other settings on the properties you'd like; ie. persistence, logged 6. Save the Thing 7. Add the EdgeControlled ThingShape to the Thing 8. Save the Thing 9. Update property values, see exceptions thrown, but the value will be queued 10. Invoke DequeueEgress on the RemoteThing, with the number of messages to send to the edge client passed in as the parameter value   10a. Notice 'Fold' means only the last value set for a property will be sent to the edge client. There is currently no retention available for any values previously set to the property and stored as the message to be sent. Those values are lost upon a new value coming in before it's dequeued. 11. Verify the edge client has received the expected egress, and the return result of the DequeueEgress function was the expected # of messages sent.
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Thingworx Analytics is offered through the User interface called Analytics Builder with some pre-configured functionality. However, should you want to create your own jobs and mashups, all features from Analytics Builder and some more are available through the Thingworx Services.  Running most functionality requires that you provide some data to run the Analytics Services. This is where the datasetRef parameter is required.        Data uploaded through Analytics Builder Any dataset uploaded through builder will require have a datasetUri as shown in the image above and format will be parquet (all small letters) datasetUri can be obtained from the list of datasets in builder Passing data as an in-body Dataset If data isn't uploaded through Analytics Builder, data can be supplied as an Infotable in the data parameter of the datasetRef. Metadata will also need to be supplied if a new dataset is being created (create Job of the AnalyticsServer_DataThing) If this data is being supplied for a scoring job, as long as the column names match up to what the model is expecting, TWX Analytics will inference them appropriately. The filter parameter is for parquet datasets already uploaded into TWXA and will take an ANSI SQL statement format to add conditions to reduce number of rows. Exclusions is an single column infotable list of the columns you wish to remove from the job you are trying to submit Example: If you want Profiles to only run on 5 out of 10 columns, you would give a list of 5 columns that you don't want to include in this exclusions infotable. Data may also be supplied as a csv file in the file repo in some cases, in which case you would give the dataseturi parameter the location of the file on the TWX File repo (of the format thingworx://UseCaseFileRepo/tempdata.csv) and the format which would be csv
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Testing the Mashups Open the rcp_MashupMain in a new browser window For this test I find it easier to have the rcp_AlertThing and the Mashup in two windows side-by-side to each other The Mashup should be completely empty right now Nothing in the historic table (Grid) The Selected Reason is blank The Checkbox is false In the rcp_AlertThing switch the trigger to false The following will now happen The new value will be automatically pushed to Mashup The checkbox will switch to true The validator now throws the TRUE Event, as the condition is met and the trigger is indeed true The TRUE Event will invoke the Navigation Widget's Navigate service and the modal popup will be opened The user now only has the option to select one of the three states offered by the Radio Button selector, everything else will be greyed out After choosing any option, the SelectionChanged Event will be fired and trigger setting the selectedState as well as closing the popup The PopupClosed Event in our MashupMain will then be fired and populate the selectedState parameter into the textbox (just for display) and will also call the SetProperties service on our Thing, updating the selectedReason with the selectedState parameter value Once the property is set and persisted into the ValueStream via the SetProperties' ServiceInvokeCompleted Event, we clear the trigger (back to false) and update the Grid with the new data In the AlertThing, refresh the properties to actually see the trigger false and the selectedReason to whatever the user selected Note: When there is a trigger state and the trigger is set to true the popup will always be shown, even if the user refreshes the UI or the browser window. This is to avoid cheating the system by not entering a root cause for the current issue. As the popup is purely depending on the trigger flag, only clearing the flag can unblock this state. The current logic does not consider to close the popup when the flag is cleared - this could however be implemented using the Validator's FALSE Event and adding additional logic
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Is your team operating an effective DevOps pipeline? DevOps is an important part of a mature, enterprise ready application, but the process isn’t simple.   This expert session will focus on how a full DevOps pipeline looks like and how PTC can help to build a seamless pipeline. Join us for our upcoming Expert Session to learn how to create a Docker image, integrate Azure with Docker and Git, and set up a seamless DevOps pipeline.   When? Thursday, September 30th 2021 | 11 AM EST Host: Tori FIrewind, Senior Engineer in PTC IOT Enterprise Deployment Center Registration link: 
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Presentation associated with Recording of the Friday, November 17, 2017 ThingWorx Manufacturing Tips & Tricks Web Session. Agenda: - Overview & Application Demo - Aron Semle - Architecture Overview - Varathan Ranganathan - Q&A
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I got this excellent question and I thought it worthwhile to put my answer here as well.   There are two ways to segregate information between clients. By default we use a ‘software’ approach to segregation by using Organizations. This allows you to designate a Client to an Organization/Organizational nodes and give those nodes ‘visibility’ to specific entities within the software. This will mean that ‘through software logic’ users can only see what they’ve been given visibility to see. This mainly applies to all the client’s equipment (Thingworx Things). They can only see their own equipment. This would also apply to a specific set of their data which is ValueStream data because that can only be retrieved from the perspective of a Thingworx Thing   Blog/Wiki/DataTable/Streams can store data across clients and do not utilize visibility on a row basis, in this case appropriate queries would need to be created to allow retrieval for only a specific client. In this case we use a construct for security that utilizes what we call the ‘system user’ and wrapper routines that work of the CurrentUser context, this allows you to create enforced validated queries against the data that will allow a user to only retrieve their specific data.   In regards to the data itself, if you need to, you can provide actual ‘physical’ segregation by using multiple persistence provider and mapping Blog/Wiki/DataTable/Streams/ValueStreams to different persistence providers. Persistence providers are basically additional database schemas (in one and the same database or different database) of the Thingworx data storage schema, allowing you to completely separate the location of where data is stored between clients. Note that just creating unique Blog/Wiki/DataTable/Streams/ValueStreams per client and using visibility is still only a logical / software way of providing segregation because the data will be stored in one and the same database schema also known as the Thingworx data persistence provider.
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Joint Study by Cognizant and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) - Making products smart can deliver game-changing innovation,enriched customer experiences and new, across-the board levels of efficiency. From R&D and manufacturing, through distribution and after-sales support, product data is changing how products are built, sold and cared for. Our latest research reveals practical steps business leaders can take to benefit from this quickly intensifying and accelerating trend.
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Recording of the Friday, November 17, 2017 ThingWorx Manufacturing Tips & Tricks Web Session. Agenda: - Overview & Application Demo - Aron Semle - Architecture Overview - Varathan Ranganathan - Q&A
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The RabbitMQ Management plugin provides a web-based interface into the inner workings of the messaging bus behind ThingWorx Flow. It is installed by the Flow installers but is an HTTP service by default and is a totally different web server than the NGINX used to front-end ThingWorx Flow. This will describe how to integrate it into the NGINX on your ThingWorx Flow server. This is necessitated by some recent browser behavior changes that make it very hard to get to the http port once you've used an https service on the same machine from the same browser.   First - let's find the user name and password for the RabbitMQ Management plugin. On a Linux server, the file /etc/rabbitmq/definitions.json will hold the name and password for the plugin's UI:         "users": [{                 "name": "flowuser",                 "password": "1780edc6b8628ace2ace72465cdc7b048c88",                 "tags": "administrator"         }],   On a Windows server, the definitions.json file can be found under [flow install location]\modules\RabbitMQ.   Of course, access to these directories should be limited.   Second - let's integrate the plugin into NGINX The best way to integrate the plugin into Flow is to let NGINX reverse proxy to the other http server running the UI for the plugin, which is exactly what happens for Thingworx itself. That way, only NGINX has to be configured for https and no other ports need to be opened to allow access to the plugin.   You need to find the file vhost-flow.conf on your system. On Linux, this will be /etc/nginx/conf.d/vhost-flow.conf. On Windows, it will be at C:\Program Files\nginx-[version]\conf\conf.d\vhost-flow.conf by default. Add the following fragment after the last location xxx {…} segment in the file:       # deal with the rabbitMQ admin tool     location ~* /rabbitmq/api/(.*?)/(.*) {         proxy_pass$1/%2F/$2?$query_string;         proxy_buffering                    off;         proxy_set_header Host              $http_host;         proxy_set_header X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;     }       location /rabbitmq {         rewrite ^/rabbitmq$ /rabbitmq/ permanent;      }       location ~* /rabbitmq/(.*) {         rewrite ^/rabbitmq/(.*)$ /$1 break;         proxy_pass;         proxy_buffering                    off;         proxy_set_header Host              $http_host;         proxy_set_header X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;     }   This makes the request for /rabbitmq get pushed over to the web server at port 15672 on the Flow server.   Test the updated config file with (nginx may not exist in your normal path): nginx -t   Restart the NGINX service: Linux (one of these will work depending upon your Linux version): systemctl restart nginx service nginx restart Windows: Net stop ThingWorxOrchestrationNginx Net start ThingWorxOrchestrationNginx -or- use the Services app to restart the service   Thanks to!topic/rabbitmq-users/l_IxtiXeZC8 for the needed config changes.   You can now use https://yourserver/rabbitmq to get to the login page for the management plugin. Login with the user and password from the definitions.json file on your system and you can now monitor the behavior of your RabbitMQ environment.
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While it is not a requirement, it is a best practice to install KEPServerEX (v6.2 or higher) before installing ThingWorx (v8.0.1 or higher). If ThingWorx is already installed, close the application and complete the install of KEPServerEX by following these install instructions: How do I download and install KEPServerEX? Now, when you attempt to launch ThingWorx, if you are presented with a "null pointer exception" error, follow this workaround: 1. Navigate to the 'PostgreSQL\installer' directory, within the directory where the Manufacturing Apps are installed. By default this will be: <ThingWorx install path>\ThingWorxManufacturingApps\PostgreSQL\installer 2. Run the 'vcredist.exe' located there. This application should re-install the conflicting redistributables, and you should be able to launch ThingWorx again normally.
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This blog addresses a few points that are related to scoring with ThingWorx Analytics. It, particularly, brings a clearer understanding of the concepts behind the values of the scores that are generated when performing a scoring job.   Scoring Outputs:   It is important to note that when training an analytics model, the method is to create a generalizable model from a relatively small training dataset.   By its nature, we expect the training process to see a limited subset and not an exhaustive list of all possible values for many constraints, especially for time and practicality.   As such, these generalized models will be expected to handle unseen data in the form of new combinations or values outside of previously observed ranges (more on this below).   One common way to see scores that exceed the observed ranges in training, under the assumption that the goals are continuous, is to use prescriptive scoring.   Prescriptive scoring attempts to find optimal values for a lever, meaning tunable, features in order to maximize or minimize score values. See the prescriptive scoring documentation and functionality for more information.   min/max constraints: these are constraints that are placed upon the inputs for training and expected inputs for scoring.   •          For training: If theses ranges were provided as part of the upload process, then training will raise exceptions regarding invalid data. However, if the ranges are not provided - they will be inferred from the data and, as such, training will not see values outside of observed ranges.   •          For scoring: Validation of the ranges will only be performed on the inputs - not the outputs. It is very important to note that the handling of these "constraints" is dependent upon the data type.   For categorical (e.g. colors) and ordinal data (e.g. shirt sizes), the constraints are strict and data that was not observed in training will raise exceptions during scoring.   However, for continuous values (e.g. temperature ranges) these constraints are more informational in nature. For predictive scoring, our code will accept records with values outside of those ranges.   The rule of thumb is that values slightly outside these ranges are acceptable and that as the values stray farther from the ranges, the accuracy of the model degrades very quickly.   For prescriptive scoring, these constraints are used to determine the acceptable ranges of values to try when determining the optimal values. Values outside of these constraints will NOT be tried.
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