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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.4   Description:   Strategy and tools for Thingworx application backups Backup Terminology and concepts Drivers to define a backup strategy Tips for executing backup in a Thingworx instance: Tomcat, certificates, Configuration and file system data, application specific files, database     Neo4J database mentioned in the session is no longer supported For more information check Best Practices for ThingWorx Backup
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Before we start Create a new Project called "RootCausePopups" and save it. In the New Composer set the Project Context (top left box) to the "RootCausePopups" project. This will automatically add all of our new Entities into our project. Otherwise we would have to add each Entity manually on creation.
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Create Entities AlertStateDefinition Create a new StateDefinition called "rcp_AlertStateDefinition" In the State Information tab, select Apply State: Numeric from the list on the right hand side Create a new State: Less than or equal to "1" Display Name: "Something good" Style: a new custom style with text color #f5b83d (orange) Create a new State: Less than or equal to "2" Display Name: "Something bad" Style: a new custom style with text color #f55c3d (red) Create a new State: Less than or equal to "3" Display Name: "Something ugly" Style: a new custom style with text color #ad1f1f (red) with a Font Bold Edit the "Default" State Set the Style: a new custom style with text color #36ad1f (green) We will not use this style, but in case we need a default configuration it will blend into the color schema Save the StateDefinition ValueStream Create a new ValueStream called "rcp_ValueStream" (choose a default ValueStream, not a RemoteValueStream) Save the ValueStream AlertThing Create a new Thing called "rcp_AlertThing" Based on a Generic Thing Base Thing Template Using the rcp_ValueStream Value Stream In the Properties and Alerts tab create the following Properties Name: "trigger" Base Type: BOOLEAN With a Default Value of "false" Check the "Persistent" checkbox Name: "selectedReason" BaseType: NUMBER Check the "Persistent" checkbox Check the "Logged" checkbox Advanced Settings: Data Change Type: ALWAYS In the Services tab create a new Service Name: "clearTrigger" No Inputs and no Outputs Service code me.trigger = false; When this service is executed, it will set the trigger Property to false Click Done to complete the Service creation Save the Thing
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Required Entities In this simplified example we'll just use a Thing to set a status triggering the popup. This Thing will have two properties and one service: Properties trigger (Boolean) - to indicate if an error status is present or not, if so - trigger the popup selectedReason (Number) - to indicate the selected reason / root cause chosen in the modal popup Service clearTrigger - to reset the trigger to "false" once a reason has been selected The selectedReason will be logged into a ValueStream. In addition to the Thing and the ValueStream we will need a StateDefinition to pre-define potential root causes to be displayed in the popup. We will use three states to be used in a traffic-light fashion to indicate the severity of the issue in a custom color schema. To display the monitoring Mashup and the popup we will need two Mashups.
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This post is part of the series Forced Root Cause Monitoring via Mashups and Modal Popups To not feel lost or out of context, it's recommended to read the main post first. Required Logic The following logic will help us realizing this particular use case: The trigger property on the AlertThing switches from false to true. The MashupMain will receive dynamic Property updates via the AlertThing.GetProperties service. It will validate the value of the trigger Property and if it's true the MashupMain will show the MashupPopup as a modal popup. A modal popup will be exclusively in the foreground, so the user cannot interact with anything else in the Mashup except the modal popup. In the modal popup the user chooses one of the pre-defined AlertStateDefinitions. When a State is selected, the popup will set the State as a Mashup Parameter, pass this to the MashupMain and the popup close itself. When the MashupPopup is closed, the MashupMain will read the Mashup Parameter The MashupMain will set the selectedReason in the AlertThing to the selected value. It will also reset the trigger property to false. This allows the property to be set to true again to trigger another forced popup. On any value change the AlertThing will store the selectedReason State in a ValueStream to capture historic information on which root causes were selected at which time. The ValueStream information will be displayed as a table in a GridWidget in the MashupMain once the new properties have been set.
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The purpose of this post is to provide some ideas and help diagnosing issues in mashup. First, check if the problem occurs at mashup runtime or in design(edit) mode. Runtime: Is the issue visual or related to improper service execution? (e.g, "my data is displaying correctly but the styling or formatting is wrong" -- visual, "my data is displayed incorrectly but the styling and formatting is right" -- improper service execution) For visual/styling/formatting issues, return to the edit mode of mashup, and ensure the proper style definitions were set up. Ensure the logic behind the connections is correct. Check configuration of the widget(s) involved. Were there any changes made to the styles after the mashup was saved and run the first time? If so, try - clearing the browser cache;  -reconnecting the dependent entity with the style involved in the issue. If the problem persists, contact technical support to raise a cosmetic defect ticket. For improper service execution, return to the composer and use the "test" button on the service to execute and validate the output. If the outputs are incorrect, check the code inside of the service. If the outputs come out as expected, try reconnecting the service in the mashup design mode and clearing the browser cache. If the issue is related to the data from the user database not displaying  -- ensure the database connectivity and proper credentials. If the problem persists, reach out to the technical support to raise a defect.    2.   Design/edit mode: If the widgets are not displaying correctly or not appearing in the list: Check the extensions involved are appearing under the extension manager. Re-upload if needed and restart the composer. If the Google Maps widget is not showing in the mashup the first time of being used, allow up to 2 hrs to load and cache. Submit a ticket to technical support, including the screenshots of the issue. For other styling, formatting, or improper display issues at design time: document the observation and supply the screenshots to the technical support team for investigation. Note: See Tools and approaches used in troubleshooting Twx issues.
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One of the killer features of the Axeda Platform is the Axeda Console, a browser-based online portal where developers and business users alike can browse information in an out-of-the-box graphical user interface.  The Axeda Console is functional, re-brandable and extensible, and can easily form the foundation for a customized connected product experience. Let's take a tour of the Axeda Console and explore what it means to have a full-featured connected app right at the start of your development. What this tutorial covers This tutorial discusses the landscape of the online browser-based suite of tools accessible to Axeda customers.  It does not do a deep dive into each of the available applications, but rather serves as an introduction to the user interface. Sections of the Axeda Applications Console that are discussed: Landing Page (Home) User Preferences Asset Dashboard Axeda Help Note: This article features screenshots from Axeda 6.5 which is the current release as of July 1, 2013.  In prior versions the Axeda Applications Console has also been referred to as ServiceLink.  Stay tuned for Axeda 6.6! What can I do from here? From the landing page for the Axeda Console, you can access recent assets in your right sidebar or search for assets in the left sidebar.  Each of the links in the main Welcome text corresponds to a main tab. Troubleshoot, Monitor, and Service Assets - (Service tab) An Overview of the status of assets, filterable by a search on fields such as serial number, model, organization, etc. Access and Control Remote Assets - (Access tab) If you are familiar with Windows Remote Desktop, this will seem familiar.  This allows you to log into and control an asset as if you were typing from a physical keyboard directly into it without having to be on the same network or in the same location.  This is particularly useful when the asset is behind a firewall or other controlled network. Install and Deploy Software Updates - (Software tab) This tool provides the ability to create, view, configure, delete and deploy software packages (like a file that contains an update) to assets. View Usage Data and Asset Charts - (Usage tab) You can use the Axeda Usage application to track and analyze asset usage. Add New Assets, Organizations and Models - (Configuration tab) Find tools here for creating, updating and deleting domain objects. Administrator Users, Groups and Assets - (Administration tab) Manage users, groups, auditing, and system-setup tasks The remaining tabs that are not linked from the Home page are either custom tabs or less frequently used tabs (depending on use case). The custom tabs are examples of custom applications that are not distributed out of the box with an Axeda instance. Wireless - (custom tab) an integration with the Jasper API that allows the user to monitor SIMs activated in their assets Maintenance - track information about the operation of machines against service cycles Case - manage the resolutions of asset issues Report - (requires an additional license) provides a suite of standard reports, custom reports may also be added Dashboard - allows you to create a landing page that displays information that is interesting to you Simulator - (custom tab) an app that allows you to set data items, alarms, mobile locations, and geofences on an asset For more details on Custom Tabs and the Extended UI, please take a look at [Extending the UI - Custom Tabs and Modules]. (Coming soon) User Preferences Each user in an Axeda instance has a certain set of privileges and visibility, which determine what actions she can take and what information she can see.  A user also has control over certain aspects of her own use of the Axeda Console, which are configurable from the yellow Preferences link, located in the top right corner of the page. This opens up the User Preferences page. The User Preferences link allows you to set defaults for your user only.  From here you can change the following settings: User Attributes (email and password) Locale - Change the locale which also sets the display language Time Zone - Change the time zone as displayed in the Applications Console (note that this does NOT affect individual asset time zone.  Asset time zone is reported by the agent) Notification Styles - Specify which contact methods are appropriate for you and for what severity of triggered alert Default Application - Set which tab should open up when you log into the Axeda Console Items Per Page (Long Table) - For longer listings of items, how many rows should be displayed Items Per Page (Short Table) - For shorter listings of items, how many rows should be displayed Asset Dashboard As the asset is the center of the Axeda universe, so the Asset Dashboard could be considered the central feature of the Axeda Console.  You can open up the dashboard for any particular asset by clicking it in the Service tab or in the Recent Assets shortcuts. You can also add modules within the Asset Dashboard that are either a custom application or the output of an Extended UI Module type custom object.  From the Asset Dashboard you have an at-a-glance view of this asset's current data, alarms, uploaded files, and location to name a few. The Asset Dashboard is built for viewing information about the asset.  To perform create/read/update/delete functions on the asset, you will need to search using the Configuration tool instead. To view a list of models or any domain object available for configuration, click the drop down arrow next to the View sub-tab and select the object name. Once you have the list of models displayed, click the Preferences link on the model to access a Model Preferences Dashboard that allows you to configure the model image, the modules displayed, and other features of the Asset Dashboard. Axeda Help As part of learning more about the Axeda Console, make use of the documentation available to you by clicking the Help link in the top right corner of the page. This will open a pop-up which contains information about the page you have open.  It allows you to do a deep dive into any aspect of the Axeda Console, and includes search and a browsable index on Axeda topics. Make sure to research topics in the Help section while troubleshooting your assets and applications.
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Navigate 1.6.0 to 1.7.0   Description:   Covers how to configure ThingWorx Navigate to use Windchill Authentication: Background and Prerequisites X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKIX) Brief Introduction Steps to configure Thingworx Navigate with Windchill Authentication: Windchill Integration Runtime Thingworx Navigate     Additional Information Navigate SSL Configuration for Windchill Authentication General Checklist
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I've had a lot of questions over the years working with Azure IoT, Kepware, and ThingWorx that I really struggled getting answers to. I was always grateful when someone took the time to help me understand, and now it is time to repay the favour.   People ask me many things about Azure (in a ThingWorx context), and one of the common ones has been about MQTT communications from Kepware to ThingWorx using IoT Hub. Recently the topic has come up again as more and more of the ThingWorx expert community start to work with Azure IoT. Today, I took the time to build, test, validate, and share an approach and utilities to do this in cases where the Azure Industrial IoT OPC UA integration is overkill or simply a step later in the project plan. Enjoy!   End to end Integration of Kepware to ThingWorx using MQTT over Azure IoT (YoutTube 45 minute deep-dive)   ThingWorx entities for import (ThingWorx 9.0)   This approach can be quite good for a simple demo if you have a Kepware Integrator or Kepware Enterprise license, but the use of IoT Gateway for many servers and tags can be quite costly.   Those looking to leverage Azure IoT Hub for MQTT integration to ThingWorx would likely also find this recorded session and shared utilities quite helpful.   Cheers, Greg
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Presentation for MFG Apps Tips & Tricks Session #3 - PTC IoT Starter Kit, Presented by Serge Romano 1DEC2017
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Since the marketplace extension is no longer supported and the drivers may be outdated, you may build your own jdbc package/extension: Download the Extension Metadata file Here Download the appropriate JDBC driver Build the extension structure by creating the directory lib/common Place the JAR file in this directory location: lib/common/<JDBC driver jar file> Modify the name attribute of the ExtensionPackage entity in the metadata.xml file as needed Point the file attribute of the FileResource entity to the name of the JDBC JAR file The metadata also contains a ThingTemplate the name is set to MySqlServer, but can be modified as needed Select the lib folder and metadata.xml file and send to a zip archive Tip: The name of the zip archive should match the name given in the name attribute of the ExtensionPackage entity in the metadata.xml file Import the newly created extension as usual To the JDBC extension, simply create a new thing and assign it the new ThingTemplate that was imported with the JDBC extension Configuration Field Explanation: JDBC Driver Class Name ​Depends on the driver being used Refer to documentation JDBC Connection String ​Defines the information needed to establish a connection with the database Connection string examples can be found in the ThingWorx Help Center ConnectionValidationString ​A simple query that will work regardless of table names to be executed to verify return values from the database   Alternatively, you may download the jdbc connector creator from the marketplace here Then you may just view the mashup and use it to package your jdbc jar into an extension (which can be later imported into ThingWorx).  
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Video Author:                     Polina Osipova Original Post Date:            June 10, 2016   Description: This is a video tutorial on configuring properties for a Thing, and using "Manage Bindings" to bind properties to a Thing.      
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Aron Semle, Manufacturing Apps Solution Manager discusses and demonstrates new capabilities in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps 8.1 release.
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.5   Description:   Main concepts and best practices for devops methodology such as Naming Conventions Setup and management of environments for development and testing Import/Export process and application deployment Use of Tags and Project to control your development Coding Standards Validation best practices         For project packaging and deployment, make sure to check the content about Solution Central created after this session was released
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.4   Description:   A practical example of how to build a data model in ThingWorx following a pre-defined design Following topics are covered: Review existing Design Plan Build all required entities in ThingWorx Composer Test the model and review scalability and reusability         The session was recorded using the old ThingWorx Composer, but the concepts are still applicable Related Success Service - Principles of Thingworx Modeling Related Service - Design your Thingworx Model
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Check our expert session recorded library! The recordings will also be published in our Customer events library, posted on each event. Stay tunned!   Your feedback is very important to us! After watching the recordings, please take 2 min to complete this survey   Thingworx Foundation Session Name Link Duration Thingworx Mashup 101 - Do's and Don'ts Recording link 00:33:41 Thingworx Active Active Clustering (High Availability Recording link 00:26:24 Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts Recording link 00:27:02 Thingworx Flow Overview Recording link 00:43:40 Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting Recording link 00:26:55 ThingWorx DEVOPS QuickStart Guide Recording link 00:45:05 ThingWorx Backup And Recovery Recording Link 00:20:14 Expert Session - Designing your Data Model in Thingworx Recording link 00:26:45 ThingWorx Installation Recording link 00:15:07 Expert Session - Introduction To Edge Connectivity Recording link 00:15:56 Expert Session - Basic Mashup Design in Thingworx Recording link 00:36:31 Expert Session - Extensions101 Recording Link 00:30:08 Expert Session – Developing your Data Model in Thingworx Recording link 00:39:19 Thingworx Scalability Recording link 00:09:18 Expert Sessions - ThingWorx Patch Upgrade Recording link 00:03:19   Thingworx Navigate Session Name Link Duration Understanding license requirements for Thingworx Navigate Recording link 00:32:40 Navigate SSL and Authentication Recording Link 00:34:30 Navigate 3D Viewer Recording Link 00:43:25 Component Based App Development Recording Link 00:24:07 Navigate 9.0 – What’s new Recording link 00:27:07 Overview of SSO Implementation for ThingWorx Navigate and Windchill with PingFederate Recording link 00:18:36 Identifying the right SSO mix for Navigate 1 6 Recording link 00:57:56 Navigate Configuration - PingFederate Automation Script Recording link 00:51:07 Expert Session - Navigate Configuration/Windchill Authentication Recording link 00:23:07 What’s new with Navigate 1.8 and the new Navigate 1.8 installer Recording link 01:05:26 Creating an I*E task for use in Navigate Recording link 00:05:36   Vuforia Expert Capture Session Name Link Duration VEC In a Nutshell Video Link 00:31:39
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While working with the Axeda Platform you will come across guard rails that limit sizes, recurrence, and duration of certain actions.  When you run into these limitations, it may be an opportunity to re-examine the architecture of your solution and improve efficiency. What this tutorial covers This tutorial discusses the kinds of limits exist across the Platform, however it does not include the exact values of the limits as these may vary across instances.  Skip to the last section on System Configuration to see how to determine the read-only properties of your Axeda Instance.  You can also contact your Axeda Support technician to find out more about how these properties are configured. Types of Limits discussed: Rule Sniper Domain Object Field Length Constraints File Store Limits System Configuration Avoiding Rule Sniper Issues There are two ways a rule can be sniped from statistics (recursive rules are done differently) – frequency count and execution time. When a rule is killed, an email will be sent explaining the statistics behind the event. So what these numbers actually mean… CurrentAverageExecTime = loadExecTime / frequencyCount This determines which rule is sniped... This is the longest running rule on average, NOT the most running per time period. FrequencyCount = how many times this rule ran in this period This is for the rule in general - not this period TotalExecTime = total time this rule has executed for in a time MaxExecTime = longest time this rule has ever taken to run ExecCount = number of times this rule has ever run MaxFrequencyCount = max number of times this rule has ever run in a period The Rule Sniper monitors all the rules as a unit. When the entire system is beyond the “load point” it chooses the heaviest hitting rule and kills it. Some definitions: Execution count Execution count is how many time the rule has ran since it was last enabled. Maximum execution time Maximum execution time is the max time a rule can run. This is controlled by the setting of the following in your com.axeda.drm.rules.statistics.rule-time-threshold Total execution time Total execution is the time that the rule actually ran. Frequency count Frequency is how many times the same expression rule runs in a set period of time. The period of time is set in by: com.axeda.drm.rules.statistics.rule-frequency-period Maximum frequency count Max frequency is the maximum times the expression can run Recursive expression Rules could be triggered from actions such as file uploads, device registration and data item changes.  A scenario may occur in which an Expression Rule initiates a Then or Else action that triggers itself, such as a Data type Expression Rule setting a data item.  This scenario has led to the existence of the Rule Sniper, which disables Expression Rules that are triggered several times in quick succession.  At times an Expression Rule may be sniped simply for being triggered too many times in too short a period of time, even though the rule was not recursive. Setting a Data Item from a Data type Rule In one scenario, one data item comes in, say Temperature, and you need to set a different data item of Climate based on the value of Temperature.  Without any checking, a Data type Rule that sets a Data Item Value will trigger itself, leading to a recursive rule execution that will be shut down by the Rule Sniper.  A way to do this without the rule being sniped is to check in the If expression that the data item change triggering the rule is the one we are interested in, as opposed to the data item that is changed because it was set by the Rule. If:  Temperature.changed && Temperature.value > 75 Then: SetDataItem("Climate", "Hot")   Since it was the Climate that changed as a result of the Then statement, the rule will not be triggered again. ***Update:  In an ironic twist of fate, it turns out that the solution above only works for data items that are set to be stored On Change rather than Stored data items.  Stored data items are updated whenever a new value is entered, even if it is the same value. In this case, Temperature.changed would not trigger because the value would be the same, only the timestamp would be different.  This would matter if you had the possibility of the same value happening twice consectively and needed the rule to trigger both times, but not on any other data item. The correct solution is the following: If: (!Temperature.changed || Temperature.changed) && Temperature.value > 75 Then: SetDataItem("Climate", "Hot") Admittedly inelegant, this works because if any other data item is passed in, Temperature will not be passed in so there will be no value for Temperature.changed.  If Temperature is passed in, it will trigger either one of the cases (not changed if the value is the same, changed if it isn't). An alternate solution is to make use of the consecutive property of the Expression Rule. "Execute action each time rule evaluates to true" corresponds to the consecutive property, which determines whether the rule will fire every time the If expression evaluates to true.  If the consecutive property is true, it will fire every time.  If it is false, the rule will trigger one time when the If expression evaluates to true, and then it won't be triggered again until the If expression evaluates to false, and then to true again. With the consecutive property set to true, in our scenario above whenever the Temperature changes and is over 75, it will set Climate to Hot.  With consecutive set to false, the rule will set Climate to Hot once, and then Temperature will have to fall below 75 and then rise above 75 again to trigger the rule again. Recurring Actions Sometimes you may need a recurring action to take place.  An example would be if you don't need to evaluate a temperature in real time as it changes, but can check its status periodically.  If the recurrence either requires or can tolerate a set delay, the best practice is to use a Rule Timer.  A Rule Timer allows you to execute an Expression Rule on a schedule much like a cron job.  In fact, the Rule Timer syntax is expressed in crontab format. In order to use a Rule Timer, create an Expression Rule of type System Timer or Asset Timer.  The Asset Timer allows you to scope the rule to a certain set of assets like other rules, while a System Timer is not scoped to assets.  This makes a System Timer more appropriate for a rule that would execute a Custom Object, as opposed to one that creates an alarm directly on an asset. Then create the Timer itself, which will allow you to set the schedule. Navigate to Configuration > New > Rule Timer With a Rule Timer, you can set a rule to run automatically with a preset delay and avoid the recurrence limit on the rule. For more information on the Rule Sniper, there is a Salesforce Knowledgebase Solution article available to Axeda customers called What are the Rule Sniper and Rule Executor Monitor Features For and How Do They Work? as well as the Rules Design and Best Practices Guide. Domain Object Field Length Constraints Every stored object has limits on the length of its fields, such as name and value.  If a script attempts to store a value for a field that exceeds the field length constraints, the value will be truncated to the maximum limit. The maximum size of a data item value in the database is 4000 bytes. Two additional constraints are a limit on number of lines in a custom object (typically 1000 lines) and on the size of a stored data accumulation that can be read out as a string (1MB). The Help documentation available through the Axeda Applications Console contains information regarding field constraints (such as the Help pages on String Length Constraints at http://<<yourdomain>> ). Limits on File Store Configurable quota limits exist on files that can be uploaded to the Axeda File Store via the SDK v2 FileInfoBridge.  These limits will prevent creating FileUploadSessions, creating or updating FileInfos, or uploading file data if they are exceeded. File count: maximum number of files that can be stored on the system Maximum file size: the maximum size of any one file Total stored bytes: the total bytes for all files that may be stored on the system The configuration of these limits can be found on your system by navigating to Administration > System Configuration as described below and searching for "file" in the Read-Only Properties. System Configuration The System Configuration link under the Administration tab is a useful reference for viewing Read-Only properties of how your instance is configured. Check here when troubleshooting to determine any limit that may influence your app's implementation. Common Question An expression rule has a Data Trigger and in the Then Statement it sets a data item. Why is it getting disabled? Answer:  The rule is being recursively triggered so the Rule Sniper is disabling it.
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Data is NOT free. It is easy to overlook the cost of data collection, but all data incurs some cost when it is collected. Data collection in and of itself does not bring business value. If you don’t know why you’re collecting the data, then you probably won’t use it once you have it. For a wireless product, it is felt in the cost of bytes transferred, which makes for an expensive solution, but happy Telco's. Even for wired installations, data transfer isn’t free. Imagine a supermarket with 20 checkout lanes - with only a 56K DSL line - and the connection is shared with the credit card terminals, so it is important to upload only the necessary data during business hours. For the end user, too much data leads to information clutter. Too much information increases the time necessary to locate and access critical data. All enterprise applications have some associated "Infrastructure Tax", and the Axeda Platform is no exception. This is the cost of maintaining the existing infrastructure, as well as increasing capacity through the addition of new systems infrastructure. This includes: The cost of the physical hardware The additional software licenses The cost of the network bandwidth The cost of IT staff to maintain the servers The cost of attached storage Optimizing your data profile will maximize the performance of your existing infrastructure. Scaling decisions should be based on load because 50,000 well defined Assets can yield less data than 2,000 extremely "chatty" Assets. Types of Data To develop your data profile, first identify the types of data you’re collecting. "Actionable Data": This is used to drive business logic. This is your most crucial data, and tends to be "real-time" "Informational Data": This changes at a very low rate, and represents properties of your assets as opposed to status "Historical Data": Sometimes you need to step back to appreciate a work of art. Historical data is best viewed with a wide lens to identify trends "Payload Data": Data which is being packaged and shipped to an external system Actionable Data Actionable Data controls the flow of business logic and has three common attributes: It tends to represent the status of the Asset It typically the highest priority data you will receive It usually has more frequent occurrences than other data Informational Data Informational Data is typically system or software data of which some examples include: OS Version Firmware information Geographical region Historical Data Historical Data will represent the results of long-term operations and is typically used for operational review of trends. May be sourced either from Data Items, File uploads or Web Services operations May feed the Axeda integrated business intelligence solution, or internal customer BI systems Payload Data Payload data travels through the Cloud to your system of record. In this case, the Axeda Platform is a key actor in your system, but its presence is not directly visible to the end user Data Types Key Points Understanding the nature of your data helps to inform your data collection strategy. The four primary attributes are the following: Frequency Quantity Storage Format Knowing what to store, what to process and what to pass through for storage is the first key to optimizing your data profile. The "everything first" approach is an easy choice, but a tough one from which to realize value. A "bottom up" or use-case driven approach will add data incrementally, and will reveal the subset of data you actually need to be collecting.Knowing your target audience for the data is the next step. A best practice to better understand who is trying to innovate and how they are looking to do it begins with questions such as the following: Is marketing looking for trends to highlight? Is R&D looking for areas to improve the product? Is the Service team looking to pro-actively troubleshoot assets in the field? Is Sales looking to sell more consumables? Is Finance trying to resolve a billing dispute? Answers to these questions will help determine which data contributes to solving real business problems. Most Service technicians only access a handful of pieces of information about an Asset while troubleshooting, regardless of how many they have access to. It’s important to close the information loop when finding out which data is actually being used.In addition to understanding the correct target audience and their goals, milestone events are also opportunities to revisit your strategy, specifically times like: New Model rollouts Migration to the Cloud New program launch Once your data profile has been established, the next phase of optimization is to plan the way the data will be received. Strategies Data Item vs. File Upload A decision should be made as to the best way to transfer data to the Axeda Platform, whether that is data items, events, alarms or file transfers. Here's a Best Practice approach that's fairly universal: Choose a Data Item if: (a)You are sending Actionable Data, or (b)You are sending discreet Informational Data Choose a File Upload if: (a)You are sending bulk Data which does not need to trigger an immediate response, or (b)You intend to forward the Data to an external system Agent-Side Business Logic Keep in mind that the Axeda Platform allows business logic to be implemented before transmitting any data. The Agent can be configured to determine when Data needs to be sent via numerous mechanisms: Scripts provide the ability to trigger on-demand uploads of data, either via a human UI interaction or an automated process The "Black Box" configuration allows for a rolling sample window, and will only upload the data in the window based on a configured condition Agent Rules Agent Rules allow the Agent to monitor internal data values to decide when to send data to the Cloud. Data can be continuously sampled and compared against configured thresholds to determine when a value worthy of transmission is encountered. This provides a very powerful mechanism to filter outbound data. The example below shows a graphical representation of how an Agent might monitor a data flow and transmit only when it reaches an Absolute-high value of 1200: Axeda provides a versatile platform for managing the flow of data through your Asset ecosystem. It helps to cultivate an awareness not only of what the data set is but what it represents and to whom it has value. While data is cheap, the hidden costs of data transmission make it worthwhile to do your "data profiling homework" or risk paying a high price in the longer term.
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Hi all, Here is the recording of the expert session hosted in September 3rd. For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls Your feedback is very important to us! After watching the recording, please take 2 min to complete this survey  
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We will host a live Expert Session: "Thingworx Mashup 101 - Do's and Don'ts" on February 24th, 13h30 EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session and the registration link.   Expert Session: Thingworx Mashup 101 - Do's and Don'ts Date and Time: February 24th, 13h30 EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Aanjan Ravi - Technical Product Manager Registration Here:   Description: This session covers the most common and useful tips about how to correctly use Mashup builder, Widgets and Layouts – and what to avoid -  to create applications with good principles of UI/UX and easier to maintain.   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’. You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.   Here are some recorded sessions that might be of your interest. You can find recordings for the full library of webinars using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’ in PTC support portal search Thingworx Active Active Clustering This session will cover the main aspects of the High Availability Clustering feature launched with the ThingWorx 9.0 release.   Recoding Link Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts This session highlights the key points you should evaluate to properly plan your upgrade to Thingworx 9. Recording Link Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support     Recording Link
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We will host a live Expert Session: "Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts" on January 12th 8h00 EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session and the registration link: Expert Session: Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts Date and Time: January 12th 8h00 EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Ayush Tiwari - IoT Product Manager Registration Here:    Description: This session will highlight the key points you should evaluate to properly plan your upgrade to Thingworx 9.   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’. You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.   Here are some recorded sessions that might be of your interest. You can find recordings for the full library of webinars using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’ in PTC support portal search.   Thingworx Flow Overview Flow is a powerful component of the ThingWorx platform.  This session will take the Flow discussion beyond basic applications and into more customized and complex solutions.​ This will focus on use cases, main features such as triggers, connector options, main enhancements for Thingworx 9.0 and a short demonstration   Recoding Link Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support     Recording Link
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