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IoT Tips

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Getting Started on the ThingWorx Platform Learning Path   Learn hands-on how ThingWorx simplifies the end-to-end process of implementing IoT solutions.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 210 minutes.   Get Started with ThingWorx for IoT   Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Data Model Introduction Configure Permissions Part 1 Part 2 Build a Predictive Analytics Model  Part 1 Part 2
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We will host a live Expert Session: "Windchill & Thingworx Navigate Authentication" on November 10th at 10:30 AM EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session and the registration link .   Expert Session: Windchill & Thingworx Navigate Authentication Date and Time: Tuesday, November 10th, 2020 10:30 am EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Arshad Imam, PLM Product Technology Lead   Description: This in Expert Session will take you through a step-by-step approach for configuring authentication between Windchill and Navigate with SSL. Plus, you can take advantage of a unique opportunity to ask questions in a live Q&A following the presentation.   Register here   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’.   You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.   Here are some recorded sessions that might be of your interest. You can find recordings for the full library of webinars using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’ in PTC support portal search   Navigate 9.0 – What’s New? This session is the intro of a series that will cover new capabilities of the recent Navigate 9 release and the value that each can bring to your implementation. Then we will have further sessions covering the details of some of them   Recoding Link Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support   Recording Link Thingworx 9.0 Component Based App Development Following the series of new capabilities released with Navigate 9.0, this session will focus in the details of Navigate Component Based app development and how to leverage this to your use cases Recording Link Thingworx Navigate 3D Viewer Following the series of new capabilities released with Navigate 9.0, this session focus in the details of Navigate 3D Viewer leverage this to your use cases Recording Link
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Connectors allow clients to establish a connection to Tomcat via the HTTP / HTTPS protocol. Tomcat allows for configuring multiple connectors so that users or devices can either connect via HTTP or HTTPS.   Usually users like you and me access websites by just typing the URL in the browser's address bar, e.g. "". By default browsers assume that the connection should be established with the HTTP protocol. For HTTPS connections, the protocol has to be specified explictily, e.g. ""   However - Google automatically forwards HTTP connections automatically as a HTTPS connection, so that all connections are using certificates and are via a secure channel and you will end up on "" anyway.   To configure ThingWorx to only allow secure connections there are two options...   1) Remove HTTP access   If HTTP access is removed, users can no longer connect to the 80 or 8080 port. ThingWorx will only be accessible on port 443 (or 8443).   If connecting to port 8080 clients will not be redirected. The redirectPort in the Connector is only forwarding requests internally in Tomcat, not switching protocols and ports and not requiring a certificate when being used. The redirected port does not reflect in the client's connection but only manages internal port-forwarding in Tomcat.   By removing the HTTP ports for access any connection on port 80 (or 8080) will end up in an error message that the client cannot connect on this port.   To remove the HTTP ports, edit the <Tomcat>\conf\server.xml and comment out sections like       <!-- commented out to disallow connections on port 80 <Connector port="80" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="443" /> -->     Save and restart Tomcat. If opening Tomcat (and ThingWorx) in a browser via http://myServer/ the connection will fail with a "This site can’t be reached", "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" error.   2) Forcing insecure connections through secure ports   Alternatively, port 80 and 8080 can be kept open to still allow users and devices to connect. But instead of only internally forwarding the port, Tomcat can be setup to also forward the client to the new secure port. With this, users and devices can still use e.g. old bookmarks and do not have to explicitly set the HTTPS protocol in the address.   To configure this, edit the <Tomcat>\conf\web.xml and add the following section just before the closing </web-app> tag at the end of the file:     <security-constraint>        <web-resource-collection>              <web-resource-name>HTTPSOnly</web-resource-name>              <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>        </web-resource-collection>        <user-data-constraint>              <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>        </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint>     In <Tomcat>\conf\web.xml ensure that all HTTP Connectors (port 80 and 8080) have their redirect port set to the secure HTTPS Connector (usually port 443 or port 8443).   Save and restart Tomcat. If opening Tomcat (and ThingWorx) in a browser via http://myServer/ the connection will now be forwarded to the secure port. The browser will now show the connection as https://myServer/ instead and connections are secure and using certificates.   What next?   Configuring Tomcat to force insecure connection to actually secure HTTPS connection just requires a simple configuration change. If you want to read more about certificates, encryption and how to setup ThingWorx for HTTPS in the first place, be sure to also have a look at   Trust & Encryption - Theory Trust & Encryption - Hands On
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The system user can become a vital point for properly yet conveniently securing your application. From the ThingWorx helpcenter: The system user is a system object in ThingWorx. With the System User, if a service is called from within a service or subscription (a wrapped service call), and the System User is permitted to execute the service, the service will be permitted to execute regardless of the User who initially triggered the sequence of events, scripts, or services. A few important notes to remember: It is not possible to log in as a system user Adding a system user to the Administrators group will not grant it the administrator permissions Adding a system user to the Everyone organization will not grant it the same visibility As an option, one of the posts on our community provides a script to assign all of the permissions to the system user for a one time set up: Example: 1. Create a new template T1, several things Thing1, Thing2, Thing3 2. Create a new thing NewThing and a new user BlankUser 3. Create a service within NewThing that uses ThingTemplates[“T1"].GetImplementingThings() and give all the permissions to the new non-admin user, BlankUser Now the service on the template T1 can be accessed through the NewThing without explicit permissions for the BlankUser but rather through the system user. When manipulating with data (involving read/write and access to persistence provider), the BlankUser would require more than  just visibility permissions. For example, for a Stream, the following permissions would need to be set up: 1. Visibility on Stream template,StreamProcessingSubsystem, PersistenceProvider 2. Read/write permission on the Stream thing in the use case, created with the Stream template. Similarly, for other sources of data, things, templates and resources involved need visibility and, depending on the scenario, read/write permissions on the specific template.
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There are a lot of new and exciting changes included in ​ThingWorx 8.0.0, which is due out today, and no doubt, you'll want to get a test environment set up to try them out.  But there are a few changes that could impact your ability to get up and running with a new server that I wanted to share with everyone. IMPORTANT – Changes to Licensing in ThingWorx 8.0.0 In ThingWorx 7.4.0, a new Licensing Subsystem was introduced, and the license file required was provided as part of the ThingWorx 7.4.0 platform download.  As of ThingWorx 8.0.0, the license.bin file will no longer be provided with the platform download, but will instead need to be downloaded from the PTC Licensing Tool on the PTC eSupport Portal. As part of the operating system specific Installing ThingWorx (OS) sections in the Installing ThingWorx 8.0 guide, additional steps have been added that outline how to use the PTC Licensing Tool to download and install the ThingWorx license file for your organization. The license file downloaded from the ThingWorx Licensing Tool must be renamed to license.bin and copied to the /ThingworxPlatform directory prior to starting ThingWorx for the first time.  The server will fail to start if it cannot find this license file. For more information:      KCS Article 264374 - ThingWorx 8.0.0 Licensing IMPORTANT – Default Administrator Password for ThingWorx Composer is Changing in 8.0.0 In order to help encourage the use of secure passwords for the Administrator account on ThingWorx servers, the default Administrator account password will be changing in version 8.0 and above.  The new Administrator password is a complex password containing mixed case and special characters. This will encourage administrators to change their default, fully-privileged account password to one that is more secure and conforms to their organizational security standards. Information about the new default password can be found in each of the operating system specific Installing ThingWorx (OS) sections of the Installing ThingWorx 8.0 guide. PTC strongly advises against the use of any default password on any product, and encourages administrators to immediately change any default password to a proper, complex password. For more information: KCS Article 264270​ - ​Unable to log into ThingWorx 8.0 Composer using the default Administrator login Application Key Usage is Changing in 8.0.0 As part of an effort to better secure the ThingWorx Platform, the use of Application Keys as URL parameters (through the ‘appkey’ parameter) is being deprecated in ThingWorx 8.0.0. For example, the following URL uses the now deprecated ‘appkey’ parameter to pass in an application key:      When included in the URL, the ‘appkey’ parameter becomes a browser-cacheable, clear-text rendition of a usable application key.  A knowledgeable user could retrieve this application key from their browser history and use it to perform unauthorized actions against a ThingWorx server. For full security, GET and POST requests that are run against a ThingWorx server should be performed over an HTTPS connection and should include the required application key in the request’s headers.  Query string parameters are visible in both HTTP and HTTPS contexts, and by moving the application key into the request headers, the application key itself is encrypted as part of the HTTPS request. (Note that the application key in a header is still visible for plaintext HTTP connections though!) By default, new installations of ThingWorx 8.0.0 will have the Allow Application Key as URL Parameter option disabled.  Upgrades from previous versions of ThingWorx will retain the ability to use the ‘appkey’ query string parameter, but PTC strongly encourages customers to promptly update any solutions that are dependent on sending the appkey using a URL parameter to move to request headers instead.  Please note that a future release of ThingWorx may completely disable the use of application keys as URL parameters. The Allow Application Key as URL Parameter option can be enabled or disabled on the ThingWorx PlatformSubsystem’s configuration page, accessible at System > Subsystems > PlatformSubsystem > Configuration. For more information: KCS Article 264349 - ThingWorx Appkey URL Parameter is Deprecated as of ThingWorx 8.0.0 Changes to Default Visibility (Organizations) in ThingWorx 8.0.0 Starting in ThingWorx 8.0.0, the Everyone organization will no longer be granted default visibility across all entity collections.  Only users who are a member of the Administrator group will be able to see ThingWorx entities on a newly installed server; any additional visibility permissions will need to be explicitly granted by the Administrator. This is a change in behavior from the previous ThingWorx releases where the Everyone organization (of which the all-encompassing Users group was a member) was granted visibility access by default to all entity collections. Visibility permissions had to explicitly be removed by the Administrator during solution development, which could be overlooked. For more information: KCS Article 264351 - Changes to Default Visibility (Organizations) in ThingWorx 8.0.0
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This blog post has been written in collaboration with nexiles GmbH, a PTC Software Partner   The Edge Micro Server (EMS) and the LUA Scripting Resource (LSR) allow for an easy connection of sensors and / or data to the ThingWorx Platform.   Connections are usually established through the HTTP protocol and a REST API which sends unencrypted data and user specific credentials or ThingWorx application keys. This could be fine for a non-production environment. However in a more secure environment or in production, encryption and authentication should be used wherever and whenever possible to ensure the safety and integrity of the data.       In this scenario a user, client machine or remote device can utilize the LUA endpoints via the REST APIs endpoints. For this an authentication mechanism with credentials is required to only allow authenticated sessions. Invokation of services etc. are all protected and encrypted via HTTPS. A default HTTP connection would transfer the credentials as clear text which is most likely not desired.   The LSR then communicates via HTTPS to the EMS.   The EMS communicates to the ThingWorx platform via the AlwaysOn protocol using an encrypted websocket on the platform side.   Prerequisite   ThingWorx is already fully configured for HTTPS. See Trust & Encryption Theory and Hands On for more information and examples   Securing the EMS   EMS to ThingWorx connection   The config.json holds information on the complete EMS configuration. To add a trusted and secure connection to the ThingWorx platform, the servers, connection type and certificates have to be adjusted.   Check the config.json.complete for more information and individual settings.   As an example the following configuration could be a rough outline.   Switch the websocket server port to 443 in ws_servers Declare the connection to the websocket as SSL / TLS in wc_connection Declare the certificate used by the ThingWorx platform in certificates Validate the certificate In case you're using a self-signed certificate, allow using it - otherwise just say "false" If not using a self-signed certificate, but a certificate based on a chain of trust, point to the full chain of trust in the cert_chain parameter I used the client certifcate in X509 (PEM) formatted .cer file I used the client certificate's private key as PKCS #8 (PEM) and encrypted it with the super-secure password "changeme" (no really, change it!)   With this the EMS can connect securely to the ThingWorx platform websocket.   EMS as HTTP(S) server   To secure incoming connections to the EMS, it first of all needs to act as a HTTP server which is then configured to use a custom certificate.   In config.json add the http_server section Define the host and port as well and set SSL to true The full path of the certificate (.cer file) must be provided   With this the EMS can receive client requests from the LSR through a secure interface, protecting the (meta) data sent from the LSR to the EMS.   For my tests I'm using a self-signed certificate - created in the Keystore Explorer and exported as X509 (PEM) formatted .cer file. The private key is not required for this part.   Authentication   To further secure the connection to the EMS acting as HTTP(S) server, it's recommended to use user and password for authentication.   With this, only connections are accepted, that have the configured credentials in the HTTP header.   config.json   {      "ws_servers": [ { "host": "", "port": 443 } ],        "appKey": "<#appKey>",        "http_server":  {           "host": "localhost",           "port": 8000,           "ssl": true,           "certificate": "C:\\ThingWorx\\ems.cer",           "authenticate": true,           "user": "EMSAdmin",           "password": "EMSAdmin",           "content_read_timeout": 20000      },        "ws_connection": { "encryption": "ssl" },        "certificates": {           "validate": true,           "allow_self_signed": true,           "client_cert": "C:\\ThingWorx\\twx70.cer",           "key_file": "C:\\ThingWorx\\twx70.pkcs8",           "key_passphrase": "changeme"      }   }   Securing the LSR   LSR to EMS connection   All connections going from the LSR to the EMS are defined in the config.lua with the rap_ parameters.   To setup a secure connection to the EMS, we need to provide the server as defined in the config.json in the http_server section (e.g. the default localhost:8000). Define the usage of SSL / TLS as well as the certificate file.   Client to LSR connection   All connection going to the LSR from any client are defined in the config_lua witht the script_resource_ parameters.   To ensure that all requests are done via authenticated users, setup a userid and password. Configure the usage of SSL / TLS to encrypt the connection between clients and the LSR. A custom certificate is not necessarily required - the LSR provideds its own custom certificate by default.   Now opening https://localhost:8001 (default port for the LSR) in a browser will open an encrypted channel forcing authentication via the credentials defined above.   Of course this needs to be considered for other calls implementing e.g. a GET request to the LSR. This GET request also needs to provide the credentials in its header.   Authentication   It's recommended to also configure the LSR for using a credential based authentication mechanism.   When setting up the LSR to only accept incoming requests with credentials in the header, the script_resource_userid and script_resource_password can be used for authentication.   When connecting to an EMS using authentication, the rap_userid and rap_password can be used to authenticate with the credentials configured in the config.json   config.lua   The following configuration can be posted anywhere in config.lua - best place would be just below the log_level configuration.   scripts.rap_host = "localhost" scripts.rap_port = 8000 scripts.rap_ssl = true scripts.rap_deny_selfsigned = false scripts.rap_cert_file = "C:\ThingWorx\ems.cer" scripts.rap_server_authenticate = true scripts.rap_userid = "EMSAdmin" scripts.rap_password = "EMSAdmin" scripts.script_resource_userid = "admin" scripts.script_resource_password = "admin" scripts.script_resource_ssl = true   EMS specific configuration: rap LSR specific configuration: script_resource   Other considerations   When configuring the EMS and LSR for authentication and encrypted traffic, the configuration files hold information that not everyone should have access to.   Therefore the config.json and config.lua must be also protected from an Operating System point of view. Permissions should only be granted to the (process) user that is calling the EMS / LSR. Ensure that no one else can read / access the properties and certificates to avoid password-snooping on an OS level.   It's best to grant restricted access to the whole microserver directory, so that only privileged users can gain access.   You're next...   This blog should have given some insight on what's required and how it's configured to achieve a more secure and safer EMS / LSR integration in a real-life production environment. Of course it always depends on the actual implementation, but use these steps as a guideline to secure and protect your (Internet of) Things!
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A user can make a direct REST call to Thingworx platform, but when it comes to a website trying to make a REST call. The platform server blocks the request as it is a Cross-Origin request. To enable this feature, the platform server needs to allow Cross-Origin request from all/specific websites. Enabling Cross-Origin request can be done by adding CORS filter to the server. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) specification enables the cross-origin requests from other websites deployed in a different server. By enabling CORS filter, a 3rd party tool or a website can retrieve the data from Thingworx instance. Follow the below steps inorder to update the CORS filter: Update web.xml file (located in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml) For Minimal Configurations, add the below code: <filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>   <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping>   <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>         // "*" opens platform to all URL patterns, recommended to use limited patterns. </filter-mapping> NOTE: the url-pattern - /* opens the Thingworx application to every domain. For advanced configuration, follow the below code: <filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value> </param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.allowed.methods</param-name> <param-value>GET,POST,HEAD,OPTIONS,PUT</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.allowed.headers</param-name> <param-value>Content-Type,X-Requested-With,accept,Origin,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Access-Control-Allow-Credentials</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.preflight.maxage</param-name> <param-value>10</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/* </url-pattern>   // "*" opens platform to all URL patterns, recommended to use limited patterns. </filter-mapping> NOTE: update the cors.allowed.origin parameter with the desired web address Save web.xml file Restart tomcat For additional information, please follow the official tomcat reference document: Tested this using an online Javascript editor (jsfiddle) and executing the below script <script> var data = null; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://localhost:8080/Thingworx/Things", true); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.send(); </script> The request was successful and list of things are returned.
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ThingWorx 7.4 introduces a new licensing system. A license file (license.bin) needs to be placed in the ThingworxPlatform folder. A new license file is also required if you upgrade from 7.4  to a major or minor release (not service pack-level releases). For example: • If you are using version 7.3, a license is not required. • If you upgrade from version 7.4.1 to version 7.4.2, a license upgrade is not required. • If you upgrade from version 7.4.3 to version 7.5.2, a license upgrade is required. Refer to the Installing ThingWorx 7.4 guide or Upgrading ThingWorx 7.4 guide for detailed process steps. Paid customers would have unlimited use of entities for 7.4.0. As currently a license file is locked to  version rather than SCN/host and is part of download package on  PTC Support, customers can use the same downloadable for multiple instances. Developer Trial Edition provides a constrained license file (5 users, 100 things, 120 days), and the license file is part of on premise download package on Dev Portal. Developer Trial Edition for Manufacturing (Kinex) provides a constrained license file (5 users, 100 things, no Composer access), and license file is part of download package on Kepware Portal. A new Licensing Subsystem is now available. Licensing subsystem services include: -AcquireLicense– service allows for retrieval of feature entitlements in license.bin, used when new license dropped in folder (no need to instance restart) –GetCurrentLicenseInfo – returns info on current license file –GetRemainingDaysInLicense –used for trial editions –GetLicenseUsageData – returns nformation about user’s license usage –PurgeLicenseUsageData –deletes the license usage data that is two years and older
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  Part I – Securing connection from remote device to Thingworx platform The goal of this first part is to setup a certificate authority (CA) and sign the certificates to authenticate MQTT clients. At the end of this first part the MQTT broker will only accept clients with a valid certificate. A note on terminology: TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the new name for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).  Requirements The certificates will be generated with openssl (check if already installed by your distribution). Demonstrations will be done with the open source MQTT broker, mosquitto. To install, use the apt-get command: $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients Procedure NOTE: This procedure assumes all the steps will be performed on the same system. 1. Setup a protected workspace Warning: the keys for the certificates are not protected with a password. Create and use a directory that does not grant access to other users. $ mkdir myCA $ chmod 700 myCA $ cd myCA 2. Setup a CA and generate the server certificates Download and run the script to create the certificate authority (CA) files, generate server certificates and use the CA to sign the certificates. NOTE: Open the script to customize it at your convenience. $ wget . $ bash ./ The script produces six files: ca.crt, ca.key,, myhost.crt,  myhost.csr,  and myhost.key. There are: certificates (.crt), keys (.key), a request (.csr a serial number record file (.slr) used in the signing process. Note that the myhost files will have different names on your system (ubuntu in my case) Three of them get copied to the /etc/mosquitto/ directories: $ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ $ sudo cp myhost.crt myhost.key /etc/mosquitto/certs/ They are referenced in the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file like this: After copying the files and modifying the mosquitto.conf file, restart the server: $ sudo service mosquitto restart 3. Checkpoint To validate the setup at this point, use mosquitto_sub client: If not already installed please install it: Change folder to ca_certificates and run the command : The topics are updated every 10 seconds. If debugging is needed you can add the -d flag to mosquitto_sub and/or look at /var/logs/mosquitto/mosquitto.log. 4. Generate client certificates The following openssl commands would create the certificates: $ openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048 $ openssl req -new -out client.csr  -key client.key -subj "/CN=client/" $ openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt  -CAkey ca.key -CAserial ./ -out client.crt  -days 3650 -addtrust clientAuth The argument -addtrust clientAuth makes the resulting signed certificate suitable for use with a client. 5. Reconfigure Change the mosquitto configuration file To add the require_certificate line to the end of the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file so that it looks like this: Restart the server: $ sudo service mosquitto restart 6. Test The mosquitto_sub command we used above now fails: Adding the --cert and --key arguments satisfies the server: $ mosquitto_sub -t \$SYS/broker/bytes/\# -v --cafile ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key To be able to obtain the corresponding certificates and key for my server (named ubuntu), use the following syntax: And run the following command: Conclusion This first part permit to establish a secure connection from a remote thing to the MQTT broker. In the next part we will restrict this connection to TLS 1.2 clients only and allow the websocket connection.
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Saw this great question in the Developers forum Answered it there, copying it to here: Question Hi, I have a few of questions regarding the permissions model in Thingworx. I can't find any documentation that explains it clearly. Hoping someone can help, or point me in the right direction for more in depth documentation.   My understanding is that permissions can be set at a number of different levels.  Collection Level Template Level Instance Level Thing level My question is, how do these levels interact with one another. Do they all get 'AND'ed together, or do those at the lower levels supersede the ones set at higher levels. e.g.  If I set some visibility at collection level would this overridden by me setting a different visibility at say the Template instance level, or would both visibility permissions be valid. At each of level there is the ability to override (e.g. for a particular property or service). How does that fit in the hierarchy. I have read that in Thingworx 'deny' always supersedes an 'allow' permission. Is this still the case if I set deny at collection level and then at a lower level I gave 'allow' permissions would the deny take precedence. As far as I can tell 'Create' permissions can only be set at collection level. Does this mean that I am unable to restrict one set of users to create things of one template, and a different set of users to create another type of thing. Thanks in advance for any replies   Answer: Great question Thing/Entity level permissions always take precedence So if you set on Collection then on Template then on Entity it will first look at Entity then fill in with Template and Permission So if Collection says can't do Service Execute Template says Can execute Service 1 but not Service 2 Entity says Can execute Service 2 and leaves Service 1 as inherited the end result is that the user can execute service 1 and 2   In Template and Entity you can find the Override ability, that is to specifically allow or disallow the execution of a Service or read/write of a Property   What is a BEST PRACTICE? 1. Give the System user all service execute on collection level 2. Give User Groups 'blanket' permissions to Property Read/Write on ThingTemplate Level 3. Give User Groups only Override permission to execute Services on ThingTemplate Level 4. Override User Group permission to DENY property read on potential properties they are not supposed to read on the ThingTemplate Level   Generally most properties all users can access fully and the blanket permission on a ThingTemplate is fine It is very BAD to give user groups blanket permission to Service execute and should always be done by Override   Entity Hierarchy overrides the Allow Deny hierarchy, but within a single level (Collection / Template / Entity) Deny wins over Allow.   Create is indeed only set on the Collection Level, however the way to secure this is to give the System user the Create ability and create Wrapper services that use the CreateThing service which you can then secure for specific Groups. So you could create a CreateNewThingType1 and CreateNewThingType2 for example and give User Group 1 permission to Type 1 creation and User Group 2 permission to Type 2 creation.   Hope that helps.
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This expert session focuses on overviewing the patch and upgrade process of the Thingworx platform. It provides information on how to perform a patch upgrade for the platform as well as extensions upgrade, and when an in-place upgrade is applicable. It can be viewed as a quick reference note for upgrading your system.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Configure Permissions Guide Part 1   Overview   This project will introduce you to permissions inside of the ThingWorx platform. Permissions are used to control usage during development, runtime, and experience. Following the steps in this guide, you will be able to create Users, User Groups, Application Keys, and Organizations and tie them together. We will teach you how to create functional permission schemes in the ThingWorx platform to create a secure application and development environment.   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 2 parts of this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Completed Example   Download and unzip the completed files attached to this tutorial:   In this tutorial, we walk through security concepts within ThingWorx. Utilize this file to see a finished example and return to it as a reference if you become stuck creating your own fully flushed out application.   Keep in mind, this download uses the exact names for entities used in this tutorial. If you would like to import this example and also create entities on your own, change the names of the entities you create.   Step 2: Common Terms   It is important to understand the terminology before creating Users, Groups, and Permissions: Term Definition Entity Generic name for any of the customizable building blocks inside the ThingWorx Platform User An Entity dedicated to identifying a person or device accessing the platform User Group An Entity that defines role-based permissions for Users in bulk Tags and Projects Mechanisms used to group Entities together by marking them as similar or related Composer The ThingWorx GUI tool for building your solution Resource A collection of Services which are not stateful (i.e. they do not have Properties, Events, etc.); they can be found in Composer under the System category Organization Hierarchical structures that allow you to assign visibility to Entities in the ThingWorx Model     Step 3: Users   Users represent an individual person or connected system. They contain information such as a username, email, and password (Standard Credentials) as well as peripheral information such as Name of the actual person/system/device it was created for. Users can be created, updated, and deleted just like every other Entity.   Create User   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen. Select User in the dropdown. Name the User default_user and add a password. Set the Project field (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and click Save. User-Related Services   There are a few Services available through a resource called EntityServices, that allow you to interact with user entities programmatically.   Once a user has been created, you can interact with it through some built-in Services:     Default Users   There are two key users built into every instance of ThingWorx when initially created.   Administrator: When setting up your platform, you'll use the Administrator user first, because it is the user that will allow you to set up new users and assign them to Administrator or other roles.   NOTE: It is extremely important to reset the Administrator password after your first login. Leaving the default password could allow the system to be compromised in the future.   System User: The System User is created to allow service chaining on a given Thing when a user may not have direct permissions for every part of the chain. It exists so that access to given Services can be granted based on some previous logic instead of direct overarching permissions. For example: if the user is within the building, then trigger a Service, otherwise do not trigger the Service.     Step 4: User Groups   In many IoT solutions there will be a large scale of Users using the system. Because of this it doesn’t make sense to manually set the permissions of every User added to the system. This is why we created User Groups. User Groups provide a role-based approach to permissions and exist to give similar Users the same permissions across multiple Entities on the platform. User groups set permissions exactly the same way as Users do (see next section), but you can simply add a User to a User Group in order to set permissions at scale. For example: Creating a User group such as "Solution Architects" would allow you to do something like set all permissions for design time but limit permissions for run time. Similarly you could create a user group called "Solution Users" who have no design time permissions and specific run time permissions.   Create Group and Add Users   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen. Select User Group in the dropdown. Name your group ExampleGroup. Set the Project field (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and click Save. Click Members to view current members in the group. Filter and select the user you want to add in the Available Members section. Click the arrow on their row or drag the User to the Members section. Click Save. NOTE: Individual user permissions will override group user permissions. In other words, if you initially add a user to a group so they inherit the permissions of the group, you will still be able to customize permissions for an individual user in that group as needed.   User Group Services   There are a few Services available through a resource called EntityServices, that allow you to interact with user group entities programmatically. Service Name Description CreateGroup Creates a new User Group DeleteGroup Deletes a user Group   Once a group has been created you can interact with it through built-in services to add or remove a User. Service Name Description AddMember Adds a User or User Group to this group AssignMembers Adds a list of Users or User Groups to this group DeleteMember Removes a User or User Group from the members of this group     Default User Groups   The platform has a few User Groups included in the platform by default. These are used to set up common roles that are often associated with using the platform and have built in permissions.   Click here to view Part 2 of this guide. 
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The System user is pivotal in securing your application and the simplest approach is to assign the System user to ALL Collections and give it Runtime Service Execute. These Collection Permissions ONLY Export to ThingworxStorage vs. the File Export, it becomes quite painful to manage this and then roll this out to a new machine. Best and fastest solution? Script the Assignment, you can take this script which does it for the System user and extend it to include any other Collection Level permissions you might need to set, like adding Entity Create Design Time for the System user. --------------------------------------------------------- //@ThingworxExtensionApiMethod(since={6,6}) //public void AddCollectionRunTimePermission(java.lang.String collectionName, //       java.lang.String type, //       java.lang.String resource, //       java.lang.String principal, //       java.lang.String principalType, //       java.lang.Boolean allow) //    throws java.lang.Exception // //Service Category: //    Permissions // //Service Description: //    Add a run time permission. // //Parameters: //    collectionName - Collection name (Things, Users, ThingShapes, etc.) - STRING //    type - Permission type (PropertyRead PropertyWrite ServiceInvoke EventInvoke EventSubscribe) - STRING //    resource - Resource name (* = all or enter a specific resource to override) - STRING //    principal - Principal name (name of user or group) - STRING //    principalType - Principal type (User or Group) - STRING //    allow - Permission (true = allow, false = deny) - BOOLEAN //Throws: //    java.lang.Exception - If an error occurs //   var params = {     modelTags: undefined /* TAGS */,     type: undefined /* STRING */ }; // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: EntityCount var EntityTypeList = Subsystems["PlatformSubsystem"].GetEntityCount(params); for each (var row in EntityTypeList.rows) {     try {         var params = {             principal: "System" /* STRING */,             allow: true /* BOOLEAN */,             resource: "*" /* STRING */,             type: "ServiceInvoke" /* STRING */,             principalType: "User" /* STRING */,             collectionName: /* STRING */         };         // no return         Resources["CollectionFunctions"].AddCollectionRunTimePermission(params);     }     catch(err) {     } }
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ThingWorx Foundation Flow Enable customers using Azure to take advantage of Azure services Access hundreds of Azure system connectors by invoking Azure Logic Apps from within ThingWorx Flow Execute Azure functions to leverage Azure dynamic, serverless scaling and pay just for processing power needed Access Azure Cognitive AI services for image recognition, text to voice/voice to text, OCR and more Easily integrate with homegrown and commercial solutions based on SQL databases where explicit APIs or REST services are not exposed Automatically trigger business process flows by subscribing to Windchill object class and instance events Provide visibility to mature PLM content (such as when a part is released) to downstream manufacturing and supply chain roles and systems Easily add new actions by extending functionality from existing connectors to create new actions to facilitate common tasks Inherit or copy functionality from existing actions and change only what is necessary to support new custom action Azure Connector SQL Database Connector Windchill Event Trigger Custom Action Improvements Platform Composer: Horizontal tab navigation is back!  Also new Scheduler editor. Security: TLS 1.2 support by default, new services for handling expired device connections New support for InFlux 1.7 and MSSQL 2017 * New* Solution Central Package, publish and upload your app with version info and metadata to your tenancy of Solution Central in the PTC cloud Identify missing dependencies via automatic dependency management to ensure your application is packaged with everything required for it to run on the target environments Garner enterprise-wide visibility of your ThingWorx apps deployed across the enterprise via a cloud portal showcasing your company’s available apps, their versions and target environments to foster a holistic view of your entire IIoT footprint across all of your servers, sites and use cases Solution Central is a brand-new cloud-based service to help enterprises package, store, deploy and manage their ThingWorx apps Accelerate your application deployment Initially targeted at developers and admins in its first release, Solution Central enables you to: Mashup Builder 9 new widgets, 5 new functions. Theme Editor with swappable Mashup Preview Responsive Layout enhancements including new settings for fixed and range sizes New Builder for custom screen sizes, new Widget and Style editors, Canvas Zoom Migration utility available for legacy applications to help move to latest features Security 3 new built-in services for WebSocket Communications Subsystem: QueryEndpointSessions, GetBoundThingsForEndpoint, and CloseEndpointSessions Provide greater awareness of Things bound to the platform Allow for mass termination of connections, if necessary Can be configured to automatically disconnect devices with expired authentication methods Encrypting data-in-motion (using TLS 1.2) is a best practice for securely using ThingWorx For previous versions, the installer defaulted to not configuring TLS; ThingWorx 8.5 and later installers will default to configuring TLS ThingWorx will still allow customers to decline to do so, if desired Device connection monitoring & security TLS by default when using installer   ThingWorx Analytics Confidence Model Training and Scoring (ThingWorx Analytics APIs) Deepens functionality by enabling training and scoring of confidence models to provide information about the uncertainty in a prediction to facilitate human and automated decision making Range Property Transform and Descriptive Service Improves ease of implementation of data transformations required for common statistical process control visualizations Architecture Simplification Improves cost of ownership by reducing the number of microservices required by Analytics Server to reduce deployment complexity Simplified installation process enables system administrators to integrate ThingWorx Analytics Server with either (or both) ThingWorx Foundation 8.5 and FactoryTalk Analytics DataFlowML 3.0.   ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps & Operator Advisor Manufacturing common layer extension - now bundling all apps as one extension (Operator Advisor, Asset Advisor, Production KPIs, Controls Advisor) Operator Advisor user interface for work instruction delivery Shift and Crew data model & user interface Enhancements to Operator Advisor MPMLink connector Flexible KPI calculations Multiple context support for assets   ThingWorx Navigate New Change Management App, first in the Contribute series, allows a user to participate in change request reviews delivered through a task list called “My Tasks” BETA Release of intelligent, reusable components that will dramatically increase the speed of custom App development Improvements to existing View Apps Updated, re-usable 3D viewing component (ThingView widget) Support for Windchill Distributed Vaults Display of Security Labels & Values   ThingWorx Azure IOT Hub Connector Seamless compatibility of Azure devices with ThingWorx accelerators like Asset Advisor and custom applications developed using Mashup Builder. Ability to update software and firmware remotely using ready-built Software Content Management via “ThingWorx Azure Software Content Management” Module on Azure IoT Edge. Quick installation and configuration of ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector, Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Edge SCM module.   Documentation ThingWorx Platform ThingWorx Platform 8.5 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx 8.5 Platform Reference Documents ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center   ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector Help Center   ThingWorx Analytics ThingWorx Platform Analytics 8.5.0 Release Notes Analytics Server 8.5.1 Release Notes ThingWorx Analytics Help Center   ThingWorx Manufacturing & Service Apps and ThingWorx Operator Advisor ThingWorx Apps Help Center ThingWorx Operator Advisor Help Center   ThingWorx Navigate ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Release Notes Installing ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Upgrading to ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Tasks and Tailoring Customizing ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 PTC Windchill Extension Guide 1.12.x ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Product Compatibility Matrix ThingWorx Navigate 8.5 Upgrade Support Matrix ThingWorx Navigate Help Center     Additional Information Helpcenter ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal PTC Marketplace The National Instruments Connector can be found on PTC Marketplace  
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  Create An Application Key Guide   Overview   In order for a device to send data to the Platform, it needs to be authenticated. One authentication method is to use an Application Key. Application Keys, or appKeys, are security tokens used for authentication in ThingWorx. They are associated with a given User and have all of the permissions granted to the User with which they are associated. This is one of the most common ways of assigning permission control to a connected device. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview   This guide explains the steps to create a ThingWorx Application Key, and is part of a Learning Path. You can use this guide independently from the full Learning Path. If you want to learn to create a ThingWorx Application Key, this guide will be useful to you. When used as part of the Industrial Plant Learning Path, you should already have installed ThingWorx Kepware Server. We will use the Application Key to send information from ThingWorx Kepware Server into ThingWorx Foundation. Other guides demonstrate Foundation's Mashup Builder to construct a website dashboard that displays information from ThingWorx Kepware Server. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Create Application Key   Application Keys are assigned to a specific User for secure access to the platform. Using the Application Key for the default User (Administrator) is not recommended. If administrative access is absolutely necessary, create a User and place the User as a member of the SecurityAdministrators and Administrators User groups. Create the User the Application Key will be assigned to. 1. On the Home screen of Composer click + New. 2. In the dropdown list, click Applications Key. 3. Give your application key a name (i.e. MyAppKey). 4. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. 5. Set the User Name Reference to a User you created. 6. Update the Expiration Date field, otherwise it will default to 1 day. 7. Click Save. A Key ID has been generated and can be used to make secure connections.   IP Whitelisting for Application Keys   One of the features of an Application Key is the ability to set an IP whitelist. This allows the server to specify that only certain IP addresses should be able to use a given Key ID for access. This is a great way to lock down security on the platform for anything that will maintain a static IP address. For example, connected Web-based business systems may have a static IP from which all calls should be made. Similarly, you can use wildcards to specify a network to narrow the range of IP addresses allowed while still offering some flexibility for devices with dynamic IP addresses. Extremely mobile devices should likely not attempt to implement this, however, as they will often change networks and IP addresses and may lose the ability to connect when the IP whitelist feature is used.   Interact with Application Keys Programmatically Service Name Description GetKeyID Returns the ID of this Application Key GetUserName Get the username associated with this Application Key IsExpired Returns if this Application Key is expired ResetExpirationDateToDefault Resets the expiration date of the Application Key to the default time based on configuration in the UserManagement subsystem SetClientName Sets the client name for this Application Key SetExpirationDate Sets the expiration date of this Application Key to a provided date SetIPWhiteList Sets the values for the IP whitelist for this Application Key SetUserName Sets the associated user name for this Application Key   Tip: To learn more about Application Keys, refer to the Help Center   Step 3: Next Steps   Congratulations! You have successfully created an application key. We hope you found this guide useful.     The next guide in the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment learning path is Install ThingWorx Kepware Server.    The next guide in the Azure MXChip Development Kit learning path is Connect Azure IoT Devices.   The next guide in the Medical Device Service learning path is Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to Connect to ThingWorx.   The next guide in the Using an Allen-Bradley PLC with ThingWorx learning path is Model an Allen-Bradley PLC.
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Configure Permissions Guide Part 2   Step 5: Permissions   These permissions can be accessed on any Entity created on the platform. All Entities have permission control for both design time and run time. Permission Time Control Design time Controls what Users are able to do with Entities themselves while building the solution. Run time Controls what the Users are able to do with the data for an Entity when they use the solution.   Permission Type Description Property Read Read property values Property Write Update property values Service Execute Execute Services in this Entity Event Execute Queue or fire Events in this Entity Event Subscribe Ability to subscribe to Events in this Entity   Access Type Description Allow Allow the User's access to this feature. Deny Deny the User's access to this feature. Inherit Set the User's access to this feature based on permissions in Entities this Entity is based on or the configurations at a higher level.   Add Permissions for an Entity   Once an Entity has been selected for editing, select the Permissions tab. Based on what you would like to edit, select the Visibility, Design Time or Run Time tab. The All Properties, Services, and Events section provides blanket security to all of these features for a User Group or User. The Property, Service, or Event Overrides section is used for any overrides that need to be made for specific features. In the example blow, the User a.jones has the ability to read properties, fire events, and subscribe to events. The User does not have the ability to update a property or execute a Service. In the second section, a.jones is allowed to call the GetConfigurationTable Service (even though he was restricted from doing so in the other section).   To set a permission, filter and select a User/User Group. When their name is in the table, click the Permission Type you would like for this Entity. Default permissions are added to the User or User Group you filtered and selected. This will be full access permissions unless you've changed one of the fields.   Set Permissions Programmatically   In some cases it will be useful to set permissions using a programmable interface. This can be done through a built-in set of services which can be accessed in many different ways including: Internal service call through an entity’s service Service call using the extension framework, or REST API call to a service on the platform. The following is a list of services built into all entities on the platform. Service Name Description AddDesignTimePermission Adds a new design time permission AddRunTimePermission Adds a new run time permission CheckDesignTimePermission Checks to see if an entity has a specific design time permission for the current User CheckDesignTimePermissionForGroup Checks to see if an entity has a specific design time permission for a given User Group CheckDesignTimePermissionForUser Checks to see if an entity has a specific design time permission for a given User CheckPermission Checks to see if the entity has a specific run time permission for the current User CheckTimePermissionForGroup Checks to see if the entity has a specific run time permission for a given User Group CheckDesignTimePermissionForUser Checks to see if the entity has a specific run time permission for a given User DeleteDesignTimePermission Delete a design time permission DeleteRunTimePermission Delete a run time permission GetDesignTimePermission Get a list of design time permissions in Info Table format GetDesignTimePermissionAsJSON Get a list of design time permissions in JSON format GetPermissionsForCurrentUser Get the run time permissions for the current User GetPermissionsForGroup Get the run time permissions for a given User Group GetPermissionsForUser Get the run time permissions for a given User GetRunTimePermissions Get a list of assigned run time permissions in Info Table format GetRunTimePermissionAsJSON Get a list of assigned run time permissions in JSON form SetDesignTimePermissionAsJSON Sets all of the run time permissions for a given Entity to the given JSON list You may want to apply a set of permissions to a large group of Entities at once. This can be done using either the projects or the tags feature on the platform through the EntityServices resource. The EntityServices resource has many useful services in it, but for the purpose of this section, we will only talk about the run time permission service. This will act on all entities with the provided tags or assigned to the given project. Service Name Description SetEntityPermission Sets run time permissions for a set of Entities   Step 6: Application Keys   Application Keys   Application Keys or appKeys are security tokens used for authentication in ThingWorx when not using a standard credentials method of authentication. They are associated with a given user and have all of the permissions granted to the user to which they are associated.   Create an Application Key   Using the Application Key for the default user (Administrator) is not recommended. If administrative access is absolutely necessary, create a user and place the user as a member of the SecurityAdministrators and Administrators user groups. Create the User the Application Key will be assigned to. On the Home screen of Composer click + New. In the dropdown list, click Applications Keys. Use MyAppKey  for the name your Application Key. Set the User Name Reference to a User you created and set the Project field (ie, PTCDefaultProject). The Expiration Date field will default to 1 day. Click Save. A Key ID has been generated and can be used to make secure connections.   IP Whitelisting for Application Keys   One of the features of an Application Key is the ability to set an IP whitelist. This allows the server to specify that only certain IP addresses should be able to use a given Key ID for access. This is a great way to lock down security on the platform for anything that will maintain a static IP address. For example, connected Web-based business systems may have a static IP from which all calls should be made. Similarly, you can use wildcards to specify a network to narrow the range of IP addresses allowed while still offering some flexibility for devices with dynamic IP addresses. Extremely mobile devices should likely not attempt to implement this however as they will often change networks and IP addresses and may lose the ability to connect when the IP whitelist feature is used.   Interact with Application Keys Programmatically   Service Name Description GetKeyID Returns the ID of this application key GetUserName Get the user name associated with this application key IsExpired Returns if this application key is expired ResetExpirationDateToDefault Resets the expiration date of the application key to the default time based on configuration in the UserManagement subsystem SetClientName Sets the client name for this application key SetExpirationDate Sets the expiration date of this application key to a provided date SetIPWhiteList Sets the values for the IP whitelist for this application key SetUserName Sets the associated user name for this application key TIP: To learn more about Application Keys, refer to the Create an Application Key Guide.   Step 7: Organizations   Organizations are hierarchical structures that allow the user to assign visibility to entities in the ThingWorx Model. This model provides the top down structure from the highest level in an organization or department, to the lower levels of said entity. Each level within this structure also allows for users and groups to be added. This provides a greater level of customization to resources within the ThingWorx Composer.   Create an Organization In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen. Select Organization in the dropdown. Name your Organization Constructors. Set the Project field (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and click Save Select the Organization tab to see the hierarchy. With the top organization selected, in the Members search bar, search for the user you have created yourself and add them.   Create Organizational Units   Click the green + under the structure you would like to expand. Name your Organization unit UpperManagement. In the Members search bar, search for the user or user group you created and add it. Click Save. Repeat the steps to create the full heirarchy of the organization and its department/unit members.   Setup Entity Visibility   ThingWorx provides added security checks and access control with Entity visibility. Visibility ensures an entity is accessible to members of an organizational unit. Those members will then have access to the entity and the underlying security model determines what specific interaction any users that are members of that organization unit may have with a specific asset. If a user in the system is not granted visibility, then that asset essentially does not exist within that user’s domain. Select the Permissions tab of any custom Thing in Composer. Filter and select Constructors in the Search Organizations field. Click Save. Login Pages for Organization   Creating an Organization automatically creates a login page for you. If you would like to add more to this login screen and customize it to fit your needs, create a Mashup and set it to the Organization's Home Mashup field. If you plan to use a Login Screen, use the View Mashup URL generated from the Login Mashup you create. To view the login page of your application (whether custom or default), type the following URL: [server]/Thingworx/FormLogin/ (ie, localhost/Thingworx/FormLogin/Constructors).     Step 8: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Configure Permissions guide, and learned how to: Configure and utilize the user access system Control permissions at design time and run time   The next guide in the Getting Started on the ThingWorx Platform learning path is Build a Predictive Analytics Model.    If you are completing the Connect and Configure Industrial Devices and Systems learning path, the next guide is Choose a Connectivity Method.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability Guide Build Design Your Data Model   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to: Resource Link Support Help Center    
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Procedure to configure a secure connection between Windchill and Thingworx server. Assuming Windchill and Thingworx are already configured with SSL, this video consists of detailed steps for setting up Thingworx and Windchill to trust each other.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Procedure on how to configure Single Sign On (SSO) with Thingworx and Windchill, where users will be able to access Thingworx/Navigate with their  Windchill credentials. This video consist of demo and architecture of how SSO works.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the base EMS connections and settings, what and how the websocket connections work, security, data transfer and bandwidth.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for the multitenancy and platform security. It  discusses the available security levels, necessary basic resources, as well as provides information on the system user, and also includes several examples on how-to. It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Configuring Navigate search using Common Tailoring and configuring access permission on apps from role perspective.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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