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Timers and schedulers can be useful tool in a Thingworx application.  Their only purpose, of course, is to create events that can be used by the platform to perform and number of tasks.  These can range from, requesting data from an edge device, to doing calculations for alerts, to running archive functions for data.  Sounds like a simple enough process.  Then why do most platform performance issues seem to come from these two simple templates? It all has to do with how the event is subscribed to and how the platform needs to process events and subscriptions.  The tasks of handling MOST events and their related subscription logic is in the EventProcessingSubsystem.  You can see the metrics of this via the Monitoring -> Subsystems menu in Composer.  This will show you how many events have been processed and how many events are waiting in queue to be processed, along with some other settings.  You can often identify issues with Timers and Schedulers here, you will see the number of queued events climb and the number of processed events stagnate. But why!?  Shouldn't this multi-threaded processing take care of all of that.  Most times it can easily do this but when you suddenly flood it with transaction all trying to access the same resources and the same time it can grind to a halt. This typically occurs when you create a timer/scheduler and subscribe to it's event at a template level.  To illustrate this lets look at an example of what might occur.  In this scenario let's imagine we have 1,000 edge devices that we must pull data from.  We only need to get this information every 5 minutes.  When we retrieve it we must lookup some data mapping from a DataTable and store the data in a Stream.  At the 5 minute interval the timer fires it's event.  Suddenly all at once the EventProcessingSubsystem get 1000 events.  This by itself is not a problem, but it will concurrently try to process as many as it can to be efficient.  So we now have multiple transactions all trying to query a single DataTable all at once.  In order to read this table the database (no matter which back end persistence provider) will lock parts or all of the table (depending on the query).  As you can probably guess things begin to slow down because each transaction has the lock while many others are trying to acquire one.  This happens over and over until all 1,000 transactions are complete.  In the mean time we are also doing other commands in the subscription and writing Stream entries to the same database inside the same transactions.  Additionally remember all of these transactions and data they access must be held in memory while they are running.  You also will see a memory spike and depending on resource can run into a problem here as well. Regular events can easily be part of any use case, so how would that work!  The trick to know here comes in two parts.  First, any event a Thing raises can be subscribed to on that same Thing.  When you do this the subscription transaction does not go into the EventProcessingSubsystem.  It will execute on the threads already open in memory for that Thing.  So subscribing to a timer event on the Timer Thing that raised the event will not flood the subsystem. In the previous example, how would you go about polling all of these Things.  Simple, you take the exact logic you would have executed on the template subscription and move it to the timer subscription.  To keep the context of the Thing, use the GetImplimentingThings service for the template to retrieve the list of all 1,000 Things created based on it.  Then loop through these things and execute the logic.  This also means that all of the DataTable queries and logic will be executed sequentially so the database locking issue goes away as well.  Memory issues decrease also because the allocated memory for the quries is either reused or can be clean during garbage collection since the use of the variable that held the result is reallocated on each loop. Overall it is best not to use Timers and Schedulers whenever possible.  Use data triggered events, UI interactions or Rest API calls to initiate transactions whenever possible.  It lowers the overall risk of flooding the system with recourse demands, from processor, to memory, to threads, to database.  Sometimes, though, they are needed.  Follow the basic guides in logic here and things should run smoothly!
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Error: Failed to load SQL Modules into database Cluster. This error is usually seen during initializing the database cluster phase (in the setup as shown below). To resolve this issue, follow below steps: Create a PostgreSQL data folder before you start the installation (c:\postgres-data) and give full control for the user. Select the newly created data directory during the setup. After the successful installation, you can follow the remaining procedure for configuring it with ThingWorx from the respective installation document.
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Hello!   We will host a live Expert Session: "Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting" on Sept 3rdh at 09:00 AM EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session as well as the link to register .   Expert Session: Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting Date and Time: Thursday, Sept 3rd, 2020 09:00 am EST Duration: 1 hour Description: How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we will cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support Registration: here   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’   You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.
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Large files could cause slow response times. In some cases large queries might cause extensively large response files, e.g. calling a ThingWorx service that returns an extensively large result set as JSON file.   Those massive files have to be transferred over the network and require additional bandwidth - for each and every call. The more bandwidth is used, the more time is taken on the network, the more the impact on performance could be. Imagine transferring tens or hundreds of MB for service calls for each and every call - over and over again.   To reduce the bandwidth compression can be activated. Instead of transferring MBs per service call, the server only has to transfer a couple of KB per call (best case scenario). This needs to be configured on Tomcat level. There is some information availabe in the offical Tomcat documation at Search for the "compression" attribute.   Gzip compression   Usually Tomcat is compressing content in gzip. To verify if a certain response is in fact compressed or not, the Development Tools or Fiddler can be used. The Response Headers usually mention the compression type if the content is compressed:     Left: no compression Right: compression on Tomcat level   Not so straight forward - network vs. compression time trade-off   There's however a pitfall with compression on Tomcat side. Each response will add additional strain on time and resources (like CPU) to compress on the server and decompress the content on the client. Especially for small files this might be an unnecessary overhead as the time and resources to compress might take longer than just transferring a couple of uncompressed KB.   In the end it's a trade-off between network speed and the speed of compressing, decompressing response files on server and client. With the compressionMinSize attribute a compromise size can be set to find the best balance between compression and bandwith.   This trade-off can be clearly seen (for small content) here:     While the Size of the content shrinks, the Time increases. For larger content files however the Time will slightly increase as well due to the compression overhead, whereas the Size can be potentially dropped by a massive factor - especially for text based files.   Above test has been performed on a local virtual machine which basically neglegts most of the network related traffic problems resulting in performance issues - therefore the overhead in Time are a couple of milliseconds for the compression / decompression.   The default for the compressionMinSize is 2048 byte.   High potential performance improvement   Looking at the Combined.js the content size can be reduced significantly from 4.3 MB to only 886 KB. For my simple Mashup showing a chart with Temperature and Humidity this also decreases total load time from 32 to 2 seconds - also decreasing the content size from 6.1 MB to 1.2 MB!     This decreases load time and size by a factor of 16x and 5x - the total time until finished rendering the page has been decreased by a factor of almost 22x! (for this particular use case)   Configuration   To configure compression, open Tomcat's server.xml   In the <Connector> definitions add the following:   compression="on" compressibleMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,text/javascript,application/javascript,application/json"     This will use the default compressionMinSize of 2048 bytes. In addition to the default Mime Types I've also added application/json to compress ThingWorx service call results.   This needs to be configured for all Connectors that users should access - e.g. for HTTP and HTTPS connectors. For testing purposes I have a HTTPS connector with compression while HTTP is running without it.   Conclusion   If possible, enable compression to speed up content download for the client.   However there are some scenarios where compression is actually not a good idea - e.g. when using a WAN Accelerator or other network components that usually bring their own content compression. This not only adds unnecessary overhead but is compressing twice which might lead to errors on client side when decompressing the content.   Especially dealing with large responses can help decreasing impact on performance. As compressing and decompressing adds some overhead, the min size limit can be experimented with to find the optimal compromise between a network and compression time trade-off.
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Want to do a REST call from ThingWorx Want to use REST to send request to External System. Want to get data from other system using REST Here is how you can do this.... ThingWorx has ContentLoaderFunctions API which provides services to load or post content to and from other web applications. One can issue an HTTP request using any of the allowed actions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). List of available ContentLoaderFunctions: Delete GetCookies GetJSON GetText GetXML LoadBinary LoadImage LoadJSON LoadMediaEntity LoadText LoadXML PostBinary PostImage PostJSON PostMultipart PostText PostXML PutBinary PutJSON PutText PutXML Example: Using LoadXML snippet in a custom service to retrieve an XML document from a specific URL Insert the LoadXML snippet into a custom service var params = {     proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,     headers: "{ 'header1':'value1','header2':'value2'}" /* JSON */,     ignoreSSLErrors: false /* BOOLEAN */,     useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,     proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,       url: "http://some_url/sampleXMLDocument.xml" /* STRING */,     timeout: 30000 /* NUMBER */,     proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,     password: "fakePassword" /* STRING */,     username: "Administrator"/* STRING */ }; var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].LoadXML(params); The snippet above contains an example of how to format any headers in JSON that need to be passed in, the URL that points directly to some XML document, a password, username, timeout, and ignoreSSLErrors set to false When LoadXML is exercised it will retrieve the XML document, and this can then be parsed or handled however is necessary To see the XML document that is returned from this service the service can be called from a third-party client, such as Postman Note: If a proxy or username and password are required to connect to the URL, those parameter MUST be specified Using the PostXML snippet in a custom service to send content to another URL, in this example, another service in Composer Insert the PostXML snippet into a custom service var content = "<xml><tag1>NAME</tag1><tag2>AGE</tag2></xml>"; var params = {  url: "http://localhost/Thingworx/Things/thingName/Services/serviceName?postParameter=parameterName" /* STRING */, content: content /* STRING */, password: "admin" /* STRING */, username: "Administrator" /* STRING */ }; var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostXML(params); When posting XML content to another ThingWorx service the postParameter header must be defined in the url parameter for the PostXML snippet  The postParameter header, in the url parameter, is set equal to the name of the input parameter for the service we are POSTing to Change the parameterName variable in the url to the name of the input parameter defined for the service The content parameter is set to the XML content that will be passed into the function or manually specified Note: When declaring namespace URLs in an element make sure that there is a white space in between each declaration ex: <root xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="">
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This Best Practices document should offer some guidelines and tips & tricks on how to work with Timers and Schedulers in ThingWorx. After exploring the configuration and creation of Timers and Schedulers via the UI or JavaScript Services, this document will also highlight some of the most common performance issues and troubleshooting techniques.   Timers and Schedulers can be used to run jobs or fire events on a regular basis. Both are implemented as Thing Templates in ThingWorx. New Timer and Scheduler Things can be created based on these Templates to introduce time based actions. Timers can be used to fire events in a certain interval, defined in the Timer's Update Rate (default is 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute). Schedulers can be used to run jobs based on a cron pattern (such as once a day or once an hour). Schedulers will also allow for a more detailed time based setup, e.g. based on seconds, hours, days of week or days months etc. Events fired by both Timers and Schedulers can be subscribed to with Subscriptions which can be utilized to execute custom service scripts, e.g. to generate "fake" or random demo data to update Remote Things in a test environment. In general subscriptions and scripts can be used to e.g. run regular maintenance tasks or periodically required functions (e.g. for data aggregation) For more information about setting up Timers and Schedulers it's recommended to also have a look at the following content:   How to set up and configure Timers How to set up and configure Schedulers How to create and configure Timers and Schedulers via JavaScript Services Events and Subscriptions for Timers and Schedulers   Example   The following example will illustrate on how to create a Timer Thing updating a Remote Thing using random values. To avoid any conflicts with permissions and visibility, use the Administrator user to create Things.   Remote Thing   Create a new Thing based on the Remote Thing Template, called myRemoteThing. Add two properties, numberA and numberB - both Integers and marked as persistent. Save myRemoteThing. Timer Thing   Create a new Thing based on the Timer Template, called myTimerThing. In the Configuration, change the Update Rate to 5000, to fire the Event every 5 seconds. User Context to Administrator. This will run the related services with the Administrator's user visibility and permissions. Save myTimerThing. Subscriptions   To update the myRemoteThing properties when the Timer Event fires, there are two options: Configure a Subscription on myRemoteThing and listen to Timer Events on the myTimerThing. Configure a Subscription on myTimerThing and listen to Timer Events on itself as a source. In this example, let's go with the first option and Edit myRemoteThing. Create a new Subscription pointing to myTimerThing as a Source. Select the Timer Event Note that if no source is selected, the Timer Event is not availabe, as myRemoteThing is based on the Remote Thing Template and not the Timer Template Enable the Subscription. In the Script area use the following code to assign two random numbers to the Thing's custom properties: me.numberA = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); me.numberB = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); Save myRemoteThing. Validation   The Subscription will be enabled and active on saving it. Switch to the myRemoteThing Properties Refreshing the Values will show updates with random numbers between 0 and 99 every 5 seconds (Timer Update Rate).   Performance considerations   Timers and Schedulers are handled via the Event Processing Subsystem. Metrics that impact current performance can be seen in Monitoring > Subsystems > Event Processing Implementing Timers and Schedulers on a Thing Template level might flood the system with services executions originating from Subscriptions to Timer / Scheduler triggered Events. Subscribing to another Thing's Events will be handled via the Event Processing Subsystem. Subscribing to an Event on the same Thing will not be handled via the Event Processing Subsystem, but rather execute on the already open in memory Thing. If Timers and Schedulers are not necessarily needed, the Services can be triggered e.g. via Data Change Events, UI Interactions etc. Recursion can be a hidden performance contributer where a Subscription to a certain Event executes a service, triggering another Event with recursive dependencies. Ensure there are no circular dependencies and service calls across Entities. If possible, reads for each and every action from disk should be avoided. Performance can be increased by storing relevant information in memory and using Streams or Datatables or for persistence. If possible, call other Services from within the Subscription instead of handling all code within the Subscription itself. For full details, see also Timers and Schedulers - Best Practice   How to identify and troubleshoot technical issues   Check the Event Processing Subsystem for any spikes in queued Events (tasks submitted) while the total number of tasks completed is not or only slowly increasing. For a historical overview, search the ApplicationLog for "Thingworx System Metrics" to get system metrics since the server has been (re-) started. In the ApplicationLog the message "Subsystem EventProcessingSubsystem is started" indicates that the Subsystem is indeed started and available. Use custom loggers in Services to get more context around errors and execution in the ScriptLog Custom Loggers can be used to identify if Events have fired and Subscriptions are actually triggered Example: logger.debug("myThing: executing subscribed service") For issues with Service execution, see also CS268218 Infinite loops in Services could render the server unresponsive and might flood the system with various Events To change the timing for a Timer, restarting the Thing is not enough. The Timer must be disabled and enabled at the desired start time. Schedulers will allow for a much more flexible timing and setting / changing execution times in advance. For further analysis it's recommended to generate Thread Dumps to get more information about the current state of Threads in the JVM. The ThingWorx Support Tools Extension can help in generating those. See also CS245547 for more information and usage.
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1. Add an Json parameter Example: { ​    "rows":[         {             "email":""         },         {             "name":"Qaqa",             "email":""         }     ] } 2. Create an Infotable with a DataShape usingCreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params) 3. Using a for loop, iterate through each Json object and add it to the Infotable usingInfoTableName.AddRow(YourRowObjectHere) Example: var params = {     infoTableName: "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "jsontest" }; var infotabletest = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); for(var i=0; i<json.rows.length; i++) {     infotabletest.AddRow({,}); }
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This document is designed to help troubleshoot some commonly seen issues while installing or upgrading the ThingWorx application, prior or instead of contacting Tech Support. This is not a defined template for a guaranteed solution, but rather a reference guide that provides an opportunity to eliminate some of the possible root causes. While following the installation guide and matching the system requirements is sufficient to get a successfully running instance of ThingWorx, some issues could still occur upon launching the app for the first time. Generally, those issues arise from minor environmental details and can be easily fixed by aligning with the proper installation process. Currently, the majority of the installation hiccups are coming from the postgresql side. That being said, the very first thing to note, whether it's a new user trying out the platform or a returning one switching the database to postgresql, note that: Postgresql database must be installed, configured, and running prior to the further Thingworx installation. ThingWorx 7.0+: Installation errors out with 'failed to succeed more than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts' Platform being shut down because System Ownership cannot be acquired error ERROR: relation "system_version" does not exist Resolution: Generally, this type of error point at the security/permission issue. As all of the installation operations should be performed by a root/Administrator role, the following points should be verified: Ensure both Tomcat and ThingworxPlatform folders have relevant read/write permissions The title and contents of the configuration file in the ThingworxPlatform folder has changed from 6.x to 7.x Check if the right configuration file is in the folder Verify if the name and password provided in this configuration file matches the ones set in the Postgres DB Run the Database cleanup script, and then set up the database again. Verufy by checking the thingworx table space (about 53 tables should be created)     Thingworx Application: Blank screen, no errors in the logs, "waiting for <url> " gears running be never actually loading, eventually times out     Resolution: Ensure that Java in tomcat is pointing to the right path, should be something like this: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_101\bin\server\jvm.dll 6.5+ Postgres:   Error when executing thingworxpostgresDBSetup.bat psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:1: ERROR: could not set permissions on directory "D:/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage": Permission denied     Resolution:     The error means that the postgres user was not able to create a directory in the ‘ThingworxPostgresStorage’ directory. As it's related to the security/permission, the following steps can be taken to clear out the error: Assigning read/write permissions to everyone user group to fix the script execution and then execute the batch file: Right-click on ‘ThingworxPostgresStorage’ directory -> Share with -> specific people. Select drop-down, add everyone group and update the permission level to Read/Write. Click Share. Executing the batch file as admin. 2. Installation error message "relation root_entity_collection does not exist" is displayed with Postgresql version of the ThingWorx platform. Resolution:     Such an error message is displayed only if the schema parameter passed to script  is different than $USER or PUBLIC. To clear out the error: Edit the Postgresql configuration file, postgresql.conf, to add to the SEARCH_PATH item your own schema. Other common errors upon launching the application. Two of the most commonly seen errors are 404 and 401.  While there can be a numerous reasons to see those errors, here are the root causes that fall under the "very likely" category: 404 Application not found during a new install: Ensure Thingworx.war was deployed -- check the hard drive directory of Tomcat/webapps and ensure Thingworx.war and Thingworx folder are present as well as the ThingworxStorage in the root (or custom selected location) Ensure the Thingworx.war is not corrupted (may re-download from the support and compare the size) 401 Application cannot be accessed during a new install or upgrade: For Postgresql, ensure the database is running and is connected to, also see the Basic Troubleshooting points below. Verify the tomcat, java, and database (in case of postgresql) versions are matching the system requirement guide for the appropriate platform version Ensure the updrade was performed according to the guide and the necessary folders were removed (after copying as a preventative measure). Ensure the correct port is specified in platform-settings.json (for Postgresql), by default the connection string is jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/thingworx Again, it should be kept in mind that while the symptoms are common and can generally be resolved with the same solution, every system environment is unique and may require an individual approach in a guaranteed resolution. Basic troubleshooting points for: Validating PostgreSQL installation Postgres install troubleshooting java.lang.NullPointerException error during PostgreSQL installation ***CRITICAL ERROR: permission denied for relation root_entity_collection Error while running scripts: Could not set permissions on directory "/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage":Permission Denied Acquisition Attempt Failed error Resolution: Ensure 'ThingworxStorage', 'ThingworxPlatform' and 'ThingworxPostgresqlStorage' folders are created The folders have to be present in the root directory unless specifically changed in any configurations Recommended to grant sufficient privileges (if not all) to the database user (twadmin) Note: While running the script in order to create a database, if a schema name other than 'public' is used, the "search_path" in "postgresql.conf" must be changed to reflect 'NewSchemaName, public' Grant permission to user for access to root folders containing 'ThingworxPostgresqlStorage' and 'ThingworxPlatform' The password set for the default 'twadmin' in the pgAdmin III tool must match the password set in the configuration file under the ThingworxPlatform folder Ensure THINGWORX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS variable is set up Error: psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:14: ERROR:  could not create directory "pg_tblspc/16419/PG_9.4_201409291/16420": No such file or directory psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:16: ERROR:  database "thingworx" does not exist Resolution: Replacing /ThingworxPostgresqlStorage in the .bat file by C:\ThingworxPostgresqlStorage and omitting the -l option in the command window. Also, note the following error Troubleshooting Syntax Error when running postgresql set up scripts
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Welcome to the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community! The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are easy to deploy, pre-configured role-based starter apps that are built on PTC’s industry-leading IoT platform, ThingWorx. These Apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into operational information, improved decision making, accelerated time to value, and unmatched flexibility to drive factory performance.   This Community page is open to all users-- including licensed ThingWorx users, Express (“freemium”) users, or anyone interested in trying the Apps. Tech Support community advocates serve users on this site, and are here to answer your questions about downloading, installing, and configuring the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps.     A. Sign up: ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community: PTC account credentials are needed to participate in the ThingWorx Community. If you have not yet registered a PTC eSupport account, start with the Basic Account Creation page.   Manufacturing Apps Web portal: Register a login for the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps web portal, where you can download the free trial and navigate to the additional resources discussed below.     B. Download: Choose a download/packaging option to get started.   i. Express/Freemium Installer (best for users who are new to ThingWorx): If you want to quickly install ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps (including ThingWorx) use the following installer: Download the Express/Freemium Installer   ii. 30-day Developer Kit trial: To experience the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform with the Manufacturing Apps and create your own Apps: Download the 30-day Developer Kit trial   iii. Import as a ThingWorx Extension (for users with a Manufacturing Apps entitlement-- including ThingWorx commercial customers, PTC employees, and PTC Partners): ThingWorx Manufacturing apps can be imported as ThingWorx extensions into an existing ThingWorx Platform install (v8.1.0). To locate the download, open the PTC Software Download Page and expand the following folders:   ThingWorx Platform | Release 8.x | ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Extension | Most Recent Datacode     C. Learn After downloading the installer or extensions, begin with Installation and Configuration.   Follow the steps laid out in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2   Find helpful getting-started guides and videos available within the 'Get Started' section of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal.     D. Customize Once you have successfully downloaded, installed, and configured the Manufacturing Apps, begin to explore the deeper potential of the Apps and the ThingWorx Platform.   Follow along with the discussion and steps contained in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps and Service Apps Customization Guide  8.2   Also contained within the the 'Get Started' page of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal, find the "Evolve and Expand" section, featuring: -Custom Plant Layout application -Custom Asset Advisor application -Global Plant View application -Thingworx Manufacturing Apps Technical Lab with Sigma Tile (Raspberry Pi application) -Configuring the Apps with demo data set and simulator -Additional Advanced Documentation     E. Get help / give feedback / interact Use the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community page as a resource to find documentation, peruse past forum threads, or post a question to start a discussion! For advanced troubleshooting, licensed users are encouraged to submit support tickets to the PTC My eSupport portal.
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Hello, There have been some inquires about how can one use AngularJS for developing custom parts that can run in the ThingWorx environment. To address these inquires I have created a document that describes the process of integrating AngularJS with ThingWorx. The document attached comes with the source code for the examples presented throughout the document and an extension for AngularJS 1.5.8 and angular-material components. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
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Thingworx provides a library of InfoTable functions, one of the most powerful ones being DeriveFields (besides that I use Aggregate and Query a lot and ... getRowCount) DeriveFields can generate additional columns to your InfoTable and fill that with values that can be derived from ... nearly anything! Hard coded, based on a Service you call, based on a Property Value, based on other values within the InfoTable you are adding the column to. Just remember for this Service (as well as Aggregate), no spaces between different column definitions and use a , (comma) as separator. Here are some two powerful examples: //Calling another function using DeriveFields //Note that the value thingTemplate is the actual value in the row of column thingTemplate! var params = {   types: "STRING" /* STRING */,   t: AllItems /* INFOTABLE */,   columns: "BaseTemplate" /* STRING */,     expressions: "Things['PTC.RemoteMonitoring.GeneralServices'].RetrieveBaseTemplate({ThingTemplateName:thingTemplate})" /* STRING */ }; // result: INFOTABLE var AllItemsWithBase = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].DeriveFields(params); //Getting values from other Properties //to in this case is the value of the row in the column to //Note the use of , and no spaces //NOTE: You can make this even more generic with something like Things[to][propName] var params = {     types: "NUMBER,STRING,STRING,LOCATION" /* STRING */,     t: AllAssets /* INFOTABLE */,     columns: "Status,StatusLabel,Description,AssetLocation" /* STRING */,     expressions: "Things[to].Status,Things[to].StatusLabel,Things[to].description,Things[to].AssetLocation" /* STRING */ }; // result: INFOTABLE var AllAssetsWithStatus = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].DeriveFields(params);
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1. Use Postman or any other software for Rest Api call to the ThingWorx. 2. Create a query in Postman with following parameters: Type: POST URL: https://<IP>:<PORT>/Thingworx/Users/<UserName>/Services/AssignNewPassword <IP>: IP of the server where ThingWorx is installed. <PORT>: Port on which ThingWorx is running (if required). <UserName>: User Name of the user whom Password is to be reset. Headers: appkey : Your Administrator App key or App key of user having Permission for AssignNewPassword Service for the user. Content-Type: application/json Body: {     "newPassword":"NewPasswordHere",     "newPasswordConfirm":"NewPasswordHere" } 3. Send the Query. 4. Login using new Password.
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Please open your ApplicationLog located in ThingworxStorage/logs and inspect for errors. Something like the following might be observed: **********LICENSING ERROR ANALYSIS 2017-03-31 16:29:19.591+0300 [L: ERROR] [O: ] [I: ] [U: SuperUser] [S: ] [T: localhost-startStop-1] C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\bin is listed as a java.library.path but it does not exist 2017-04-12 13:51:53.515+0200 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.s.s.l.LicensingSubsystem] [I: ] [U: SuperUser] [S: ] [T: localhost-startStop-1] Failed to load FlxCore library. Ensure it's in PATH (Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH(other platforms) or set with the VM arg, -Djava.library.path. Error message : com.flexnet.licensing.DllEntryPoint.entry([B) Typically, if the license file has been downloaded and placed correcrtly, according to the 7.4 installation guide, the error in the log will specify where the file was found. If the license path was specified per the installation guide in the tomcat java path, you may try to clear it from the Tomcat java settings and keep these parameters: -Dserver -Dd64 -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 And then set up the license path in the environment variable path: Go to explorer, right click on "my computer" -> Properties -> Advanced settings -> Environment variables -> edit "PATH", add ; and then path to your tomcat extensions folder, “ ;<path to extensions folder of tomcat> “ or, for example ";C:\ptc\Thingworx\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\extensions"
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One of topics that are usually of interest when entering the ThingWorx world is integration with third-party systems. Disclaimer: the following guide is intended to be rather comprehensive and guide you in achieving the best integration with your desired system ( !=quick and dirty ). For example, from my experience, customers many times ask: -how can I connect to my hardware device -how can I connect to this device cloud so I can get data from it? -how can I connect to my ERP? With some luck, I hope that at the end of this article I will provide a generic workflow that will help you on achieving the best integration solution for your use-case. We need to write down some requirements (they are not in order; depending on the usecase might not be worth to be answered): 0. What is the usecase (detailed description) ?.      This is by far one of the most important aspects of any software development project.      Please document your usecase with all possible future uses.      For example:           - I want to send information from sensors to the ThingWorx Server, and I want to do TCP Tunnelling to the device and/or Remote Desktop. Or maybe only sending information from sensors and nothing else. Do I need in the future Software Updates or not?           - I want to read the Customer information from my CRM AND also update that information (read/write). 1. Write down system specification for the hardware or software system.           -Available RAM for user apps           -Available Disk Space for User Apps           -Does it have a TCP IP Stack?           -Operating System           -Installed runtimes (Java/.NET - which versions?) 2. Can I access the system or device directly from the ThingWorx Server?      This means answering the question: is my system directly accessible from my server? Or is there a firewall which stops incoming connections?      Another question to answer, is: can I modify my firewall to allow incoming connections? 3. What protocol is my device or system capable of supporting for data transfer?      Example: I have a device which is capable of outputting information through TCP only.                     I have a device who can only do HTTP callbacks to a HTTP server.                     I have Microsoft SQL, to which I can connect through ADO.NET or JDBC.                     I have a third party service billing provider who supports interfacing via HTTP Webservices (SOAP or REST).                     I have a device supporting CoAP.      Typically all third party software systems support communication via Webservices. 4. Can I configure and/or deploy new software to my device or system?      We need to have this question answered, because on some cases it might make more sense to write some logic on the system or device.      For example if I want to access data from an SQL server and my usecase might require some processing for which that SQL server is better suited to do, it might be much more efficient to have that logic stored as a Stored Procedure there and I just call it from ThingWorx.       Or in the case of Windchill, it might make more sense to write an InfoEngine task to do my functionality than writing that on the ThingWorx side.      Possible example answers:                     -My device is already deployed in the field and I can not modify the configuration at all.                     -My device is a new product, so I can put whatever software I want on it.                     -I only have read access to my software system, so I must do all processing externally. If you wrote down all of those it is time to determine what are the integration options for us. The typical workflow that I follow is the next one: I look for any Out-Of-The-Box supported protocol (determined at step 3) and then implement the needed functionality in the language that is best suited for my usecase (Javascript usually). The list of protocols that the platform supports is listed in different places: -PTC Help Center Link -ThingWorx Marketplace - The key point is that the list is alive and updated by both our partners and us. Usually the preferred way to write logic is by using the Javascript services. It makes it incredibly fast to write down your business logic without having the need to recompile. The elements from the ThingWorx ecosystems that we can use are the following: -the ThingWorx server itself (it has built in support for calling external Webservices) -ThingWorx Extensions. They are Java written pieces of code that can help you achieve your usecase. To be used whenever your ThingWorx server OOTB functionality (or Marketplace Extensions) does not allow you to develop your usecase. There is no actual need to write an Extension if somebody else already developed that for you and published in the ThingWorx Marketplace      A link for understanding Extension is the following: How to rapidly develop ThingWorx IIoT Extensions -ThingWorx Integration Connectors -ThingWorx Edge Micro Server: -ThingWorx Edge SDKs: Examples: -I have an third party Server which allows me to send SMS and Voice messages through it via its Rest API.      Answer: best here is to use the OOTB Webservices support from ThingWorx, which exposes the HTTP verbs, like GET, POST, PUT, via the ContentLoaderFunctions -I have a device which has a TCP stack that is capable only to do HTTP calls.      Answer: I can point that device to do calls against the REST API of ThingWorx, in order to update data directly there. -I have a fleet of 300.000 devices which are sending their data to an MQTT server.      Answer: In this case I can use the MQTT Extension that is offered by ThingWorx -I have an external SQL server that does not accept inbound connections (behind a firewall) but I must get data from it. Network will however allow outbound connections      Answer: use the ADO.NET Edge Client that must be installed in a location accessible to that server. The ADO.NET Edge Client will connect to the Server and then to the ThingWorx platform allowing use of SQL statements directly from within the platform. -I have a device who only accepts TCP connections and I want to read data from it. It sends data only after receiving a command through TCP.      Answer: Use the TCP Extension available in the ThingWorx Marketplace. It is built specifically for this usecase -I have a device which has lots of RAM and Disk Space and I must send data from it, while allowing software updates in the future.      Answer: depending on your preferred coding language you can use either the ThingWorx Edge Microserver (for which you must write code in LUA) or write an implementation in one of the ThingWorx Edge SDKs. A key point here is to understand that the coding effort is identical in theory, and is only limited by the experience you have and the functionality that may be available easier in Java, vs LUA, vs C, vs. Net. I appreciate feedback to this article in the hope of being able to continuously improve it.
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Putting this out because this is a difficult problem to troubleshoot if you don't do it right. Let's say you have an application where you have visibility permissions in effect. So you have Users group removed from the Everyone Organization Now you have a Thing "Thing1" with Properties that are being logged to a ValueStream "VS1" What do you need to make this work? Obviously the necessary permissions to Write the values to the Thing1 and read the values from Thing1 (for UI) But for visibility what you'll need is: Visibility to Thing1 (makes sense) Visibility to the Persistence Provider of the ValueStream VS1 !!!! Nope you don't need Visibility to the ValueStream itself, but you DO need Visibility to the Persistence Provider of that ValueStream The way the lack of this permission was showing in the Application Log was a message about trying to provide a Null value.
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For those of you that aren't aware - the newest version of the Eclipse Plugin for Extension Development was made available last week in the ThingWorx Marketplace here. Because of the infancy of the product, there is not an official process for supplying release notes along with the plugin.  These are not official or all encompassing, but cover the main items worked on for 7.0. New Features: Added Configuration Table Wizard for code generation SDK Javadocs now automatically linked to SDK resources on project creation When creating a Service, Trace logging statements are generated inside of it (along with appropriate initializers) ThingWorx Source actions are now available from right click menu within a .java file Bugs: Fixed problem where some BaseTypes are not uppercase in annotations when generating code Fixed error when Creating and importing Extension Projects when the Eclipse install has a space in the file path Fixed inconsistent formatting in the metadata.xml when adding new Entities We are hoping to have a more official Release Note process for the next release.  Feel free to reply with questions or concerns.
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A common issue that is seen when trying to deploy, design or scale up a ThingWorx application is performance.  Slow response, delayed data and the application stopping have all been seen when a performance problems either slowly grows or suddenly pops up.  There are some common themes that are seen when these occur typically around application model or design.  Here are a few of the common problems and some thoughts on what to do about them or how to avoid them. Service Execution This covers a wide range of possibilities and is most commonly seen when trying to scale an application.  Data access within a loop is one particular thing to avoid.  Accessing data from a Thing, other service or query may be fast when only testing it on 100 loops, but when the application grows and you have 1000 suddenly it's slow.  Access all data in one query and use that as an in memory reference.  Writing data to a data store (Stream, Datatable or ValueStream) then querying that same data in one service can cause problems as well.  Run the query first then use all the data you have in the service variables.   To troubleshoot service executions there are a few methods that can be used.  Some for will not be practical for a production system since it is not always advisable to change code without testing first. Used browser development tools to see the execution time of a service.  This is especially helpful when a mashup is slow to load or respond.  It will allow quickly identifying which of multiple services may be the issue. Addition of logging in a service.  Once a service is identified adding simple logging points in the service can narrow what code in the service cases the slow down (it may be another service call).  These logging statements show up in the script logs with time stamps ( you can also log the current time with the logging statements). Use the test button in Composer.  This is a simple on but if the service does not have many parameters (or has defaults) it's a fast and easy way to see how long a service takes to return,' When all else fails you can get thread dumps from the JVM.  ThingWorx Support created an extension that assists with this.  You can find it on the Marketplace with instructions on how to use it.  You can manually examine the output files or open a ticket with support to allow them to assist.  Just be careful of doing memory dumps, there are much larger, hard to analyse and take a lot of memory. Queries ​These of course are services too but a specific type.  Accessing data in ThingWorx storage structures or from external sources seems fairly straight forward but can be tricky when dealing with large data sets.  When designing and dealing with internal platform storage refer to this guide as a baseline to decide where to store data...  Where Should I Store My Thingworx Data?   NEVER store historical data in infotable properties.  These are held in memory (even if they are persistent) and as they grow so will the JVM memory use until the application runs out of it.  We all know what happens then.  Finally one other note that has causes occasional confusion.  The setting on a query service or standard ThingWorx query service that limits the number of records returned.  This is how many records are returned to from the service at the end of processing, not how many are processed or loaded in memory.  That number may be much higher and could cause the same types of issues. Subscriptions and Events ​This is similar to service however there is an added element frequency.  Typical events are data change and timers/schedulers.  This again is often an issue only when scaling up the number of Things or amount of data that need to be referenced.  A general reference on timers and schedulers can be found here.  This also describes some of the event processing that takes place on the platform.  Timers and Schedulers - Best Practice For data change events be very cautions about adding these to very rapidly changing property values.  When a property is updating very quickly, for example two times each second, the subscription to that event must be able to complete in under 0.5 seconds to stay ahead of processing.  Again this may work for 5-10 Things with properties but will not work with 500 due to resources, speed and need to briefly lock the value to get an accurate current read.  In these cases any data processing should be done at the edge when possible (or in the originating system) and pushed to the platform in a separate property or service call.  This allows for more parallel processing since it is de-centralized. A good practice for allowing easier testing of these types of subscription code is to take all of the script/logic and move it to a service call.  Then pass any of the needed event data to parameters in the service.  This allows for easier debug since the event does not need to fire to make the logic execute.  In fact it can essentially be stand alone by the test button in Composer. Mashup Performance This​ one can be very tricky since additional browser elements and rendering can come into play. Sometimes service execution is the root of the issue and reviewed above, other times it is UI elements and design that cause slow down. The Repeater widget is a common culprit. The biggest thing to note here is that each repeater will need to render every element that is repeated and all of the data and formatting for each of those widgets in the repeated mashup. So any complex mashup that is repeated many times may become slow to load. You can minimize this to a degree based on the Load/Unload setting of the widget and when the slowness is more acceptable (when loading or when scrolling). When a mashup is launched from Composer it comes with some debugging tools built in to see errors and execution. Using these with browser debug tools can be very helpful. Scaling an Application When initially modeling an application scale must be considered from the start. It is a challenge (but not impossible) to modify an application after deployment or design to be very efficient. Many times new developers on the ThingWorx platform fall into what I call the .Net trap. Back when .Net was released one of the quote I recall hearing about it's inefficiencies was "memory is cheap". It was more cost efficient to purchase and install more memory than to take extra development time to optimize memory use. This was absolutely true for installed applications where all of the code was complied and stored on every system. Web based applications are not quite a forgiving since most processing and execution is done on the single central web server. Keep this in mind especially when creating Shapes, Templates and Subscriptions. While you may be writing one piece of code when this code is repeated on 1,000 Things they will all be in memory and all be executing this code in parallel. You can quickly see how competition for resources, locks on databases and clean access to in memory structures can slow everything down (and just think when there are 10,000 pieces of that same code!!). Two specific things around this must be stated again (though they were covered in the above sections). Data held in properties has fast access since it is in JVM memory. But this is held in memory for each individual Thing, so hold 5 MB of information in one Thing seems small, loading 10,000 Thing mean instant use of 50 GB of memory!! Next execution of a service. When 10 things are running a service execution takes 2 seconds. Slow but not too bad and may not be too noticeable in the UI. Now 10,000 Things competing for the same data structure and resources. I have seen execution time jump to 2 minutes or more. Aside from design the best thing you can do is TEST on a scaled up structure. If you will have 1,000 Things next year test your application early at that level of deployment to help identify any potential bottlenecks early. Never assume more memory will alleviate the issue. Also do NOT test scale on your development system. This introduces edits changes and other variables which can affect actual real world results. Have a QA system setup that mirrors a production environment and simulate data and execution load. Additional suggestions are welcome in comments and will likely update this as additional tool and platform updates change.
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Twilio extends the ThingWorx functionality to send SMS and voice messages in variety of languages. Starting from scratch I'll cover the steps required to setup the Twilio extension and the basic account registration (trial version) and setup at Twilio allows registering with the trial account, which comes with $15 as initial account balance, something which is quite useful for testing the initial setup and testing of Twilio extension in conjunction to ThingWorx. Prerequisite 1. Sign up, if not already done, with for free trail account 2. Configure the account to setup a verified phone number to receive text and voice messages, free trial account allows setting up 1 verified phone number that can receive text and voice messages Note: See What's the difference between a verified phone number and a Twilio phone number? 3. Choose and configure a Twilio phone number capable of sending text and voice messages, free trial account allows setting up of 1 Twilio number which will be used in the Extension configuration in ThingWorx for sending the messages 4. Download Twilio Extension from ThingWorx Marketplace Note that Twilio phone number should be enabled with the send SMS or send voice message capability, depending on what your use case is. Failing to do so will lead to error while testing the sendSMS or sendVOICE service (two default services provided with the Twilio Extension when imported in ThingWorx) Signing up and setting up Twilio account 1. Sign up on with your details and emailID. When registering for the first time you'll be prompted for your personal phone number as part of the security requirement. Also with free trial account this will be the only phone number where you'll be able to send SMS or Voice message via Twilio Extension in ThingWorx 2. Next would be to setup the Twilio number with voice and text messaging, navigate to 3. Do ensure that you setup the voice or text capabilities for the new Twilio number, failing to do so will lead to error in sending message via Twilio Extension in ThingWorx 4. Different Twilio Number have different capabilities, it's quite possible that you don't find the number with required capabilities i.e. Voice, SMS - in that scenario simply search for different number, one that has the capabilities you are looking for 5. With trial account only 1 Twilio number is avilable for setup 6. While setting up the Twilio number you will be required to provide a valid local address of your country The cost of setting up the number and further sending the SMS will only be deducted from the $15 made available when you signed up for the first time. Navigate to your account details on to make note of the following information which will be used when configuring the Twilio Extension in ThingWorx: a. Account SID b. Authentication ID c. Your Verified Phone Number (will be used for receiving the messages) d. Twilio Phone number created with required capabilities, e.g. that number is capable of sending text message Here's how it shows up once you are successfully registered and logged on to the To check your Twilio Phone Number and the Verified Phone Number navigate to As it can be seen in the above screenshot, the number I have bought from Twilio is capable of sending Voice and SMS. With this all's set  and ready to configure the Twilio Extension in ThingWorx, which is pretty straight forward. Setup Twilio Extension in ThingWorx 1. Let's setup the extension by navigating to the ThingWorx Composer > Import/Export > Extensions > Import > browse to the location where you saved the Twilio Extension from ThingWorx Marketplace and click Import 2. Once imported successfully refresh the composer and navigate to Modeling > Things , to create a new Thing implementing the Twilio Template (imported with the extension) like so, in screenshot below Thing is named DemoTwilioThing 3. Navigate to the the Configuration section of that Thing, to provide the information we noted above from Twilio account Note: this demo thing is setup to send the text SMS to my verified phone number only, therefore the CallerID in the configuration above is the Twilio number I created after signing up on Twilio with text message capability. 4. Save the created the Thing 5. Finally, we can test with the 1 of the 2 default services provided with the Twilio Template i.e. SendSMSMessage service 6. While testing the SendSMSMessage service use your verified phone number in To for receiving the message Troubleshooting some setup related issues I'll try to cover some of the generic errors that came up while doing this whole setup with Twilio Extension Error making outgoing SMS: 404 / TwilioResponse 20404 Reason If the Twilio number is not enabled with SMS sending capabilities you may run into such an error when testing the service. Here's the full error stack Unable to Invoke Service SendSMSMessage on DemoTwilioThing : Error making outgoing SMS: 404 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>20404</Code><Message>The requested resource /2010-04-01/Accounts/<AccountSID>/SMS/Messages was not found</Message><MoreInfo></MoreInfo><Status>404</Status></RestException></TwilioResponse> Resolution Navigate back to the Phone Number section on Twilio's website and as highlight in screenshot above check if the Twilio number is enabled with SMS capabilities. Error making outgoing SMS:400 / TwilioResponse 21608 Reason You may encounter following error when attempting to send SMS/Voice message, here's the full error detail Wrapped java.lang.Exception: Error making outgoing SMS: 400 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>21608</Code><Message>The number <somePhoneNumber>is unverified. Trial accounts cannot send messages to unverified numbers; verify <somePhoneNumber>at, or purchase a Twilio number to send messages to unverified numbers.</Message><MoreInfo></MoreInfo><Status>400</Status></RestException></TwilioResponse> Cause: Error making outgoing SMS: 400 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>21608</Code><Message>The number <somePhoneNUmber>is unverified. Trial accounts cannot send messages to unverified numbers; verify <somePhoneNumber> at, or purchase a Twilio number to send messages to unverified numbers.</Message><MoreInfo></MoreInfo><Status>400</Status></RestException></TwilioResponse> Resolution As the error points out clearly the number used in To section while testing the SendSMSMessage service didn't have verified number. With free trial account you can only use the registered verified phone number where SMS/Voice message can be sent. If you want to use different number an account upgrade is required. Error making outgoing SMS:400 / TwilioResponse 21606 Reason Following error is thrown while testing SendSMSMessage service with different Twilio number which is either not the same as the number you bought when setting up the trial account or it doesn have SMS sending capabiltiy. Here's the full error stack Wrapped java.lang.Exception: Error making outgoing SMS: 400 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>21606</Code><Message>The From phone number <TwilioNumber>is not a valid, SMS-capable inbound phone number or short code for your account.</Message><MoreInfo></MoreInfo><Status>400</Status></RestException></TwilioResponse> Cause: Error making outgoing SMS: 400 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><TwilioResponse><RestException><Code>21606</Code><Message>The From phone number <TwilioNumber> is not a valid, SMS-capable inbound phone number or short code for your account.</Message><MoreInfo></MoreInfo><Status>400</Status></RestException></TwilioResponse> Resolution Check the configuration in the ThingWorx Composer for the Thing created out of Twilio Template whether or not the callerID is configured with correct Twilio account number
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JavaMelody is an open source (LGPL) application that measures and calculates statistical information based on application usage. The resulting data can be viewed in a variety of formats including evolution charts, which track various operations and server attributes over time. There are also robust reporting options that allow data to be exported in either HTML of PDF formats. Installation Installation is fairly simple and can be done in just a few minutes. Download the distribution from JavaMelody Wiki and extract the javamelody.jar, available at Step 1: Download the java melody file (in unix, use the following command*): wget Note: Ensure the latest version available at the link provided above before executing the unix command, modify the version accordingly. Step 2: Extract the zip file (using the following command in unix, note the version from step 1); unzip Step 3: Copy the javamelody.jar and jrobin-x.jar from the javamelody installable to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the war file deployed in the tomcat using the following command in unix: cp -pr javamelody-1.49.0 jrobin-x.jar /opt/tomcat/server/webapps/<application name>/WEB-INF/lib Step 4: Edit the web.xml file from WEB-INF directory of the war file deployed in the tomcat and add the following lines in the web.xml before the description of the mostly at the starting of the web.xml file.                 <filter> <filter-name>monitoring</filter-name>                <filter-class>net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter</filter-class>        </filter>        <filter-mapping>                <filter-name>monitoring</filter-name>                <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>        </filter-mapping>        <listener>                <listener-class>net.bull.javamelody.SessionListener</listener-class>        </listener> Step 5: Restart the tomcat server after editing the web.xml and access the javamelody page using the following url pattern: http://<hostname on which tomcat is configured>:<Port number on which the application is accessed>/<application name>/monitoring The url can be customized in the configuration file. Reports can be viewed in weekly, daily, or monthly formats. They can also be downloaded or can be sent over email in pdf format. iText library for WebApps and Java’s Mail and Activation libraries are required on the server in order to use the mail session. The report provides the same information that can be found in monitoring web page with both high-level and detailed information. CPU&Memory usage: Detailed SQL Information: SQL Statistics: Server Requests: System threads, caches: Data Caches: System Overhead ​On the JavaMelody Wiki,​ one can find a healthy discussion about system overhead. It seems that the general consensus is that  the overhead cost caused by JavaMelody is very low and that the feature is safe to enable full-time in QA environment. ->JavaMelody records only statistics and not events, so the overhead of memory is quite minimal. ->No  I/O on the wire and minimal I/O on disk. If no problem arises, it can be considered to enable JavaMelody on the production environment as well. Using a tool like JavaMelody can lead to valuable insights on how to optimize servers or uncover otherwise hidden issues, providing value that exceeds the overhead cost.
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In this part of the Troubleshooting blog series, we will review the process on how to restart individual services essential to the ThingWorx Analytics Application within the Virtual Machine Appliance.   Services have stopped, and I cannot run my Analytics jobs! In some cases, we have had users encounter issues where a system or process has halted and they are unable to proceed with their tasks. This can be due to a myriad of reasons, ranging from OS hanging issues to memory issues with certain components.   As we covered earlier in Part II, the ThingWorx Analytics Application is installed in a CentOS (Linux) Operating System. As with most Linux Operating Systems, you have the ability to manually check and restart processes as needed.   Steps to Restart Services   With how the Application is installed and configured, the services for functionality should auto start when you boot up the VM. You will have to verify that the Appliance is functional by running your desired API call.   If a system is not functioning as expected, you will receive an error in your output when you POST an API call. Some errors are very specific and you can search the Knowledge Database for any existing Knowledge Articles that may solve the issue.   For error messages that do not have an existing article, you may want to attempted the following   Method 1:   If you are encountering issues, and are unsure what process is not working correctly, we would recommend a full Application restart. This involves restarting the Virtual Machine Appliance via the command line terminal.   We would recommend that you use the following command, as root user or using SUDO, as this is known as a “Graceful restart” ​sudo reboot -h now   This will restart the virtual machine safely, and once you are back up and running you can run your API calls to verify functionality. This should resolve any incremental issues you may have faced.   Method 2:   If you want to restart an individual service, there is a particular start order that needs to be followed to make sure the Application is operating as expected.   The first step is check what services are not running, you can use the following command to check what is running and its current status: service –status-all   The services you are looking for are the following: Zookeeper PostgreSQL Server GridWorker(s) Tomcat   If a particular service is not on the running list, you will have to manually start them by using the service start command. service [name of service] start e.g. service tomcat start You may be prompted for the root password   You can verify that the services are operating by running the status check command as described above.   If you need to restart all services, we have a specific start order, this is important to do as there are some dependencies such as Postgres for the GridWorker(s) and Tomcat to use.   The start order is as follows: Zookeeper PostgreSQL Server GridWorker(s) Tomcat   After completing the restart, and verifying that the services are running, run your desired API call.
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Error: Exception: JavaException: java.lang.Exception: Import Failed: License is not available for Product: null Feature: twx_things Possible root cause: editing web.xml without further restart of the platform. In result, the product name does not pick up and the license path drops while the composer is still running, Fix: Go to LicensingSubsystem -> Services and run the AcquireLicense service. IF the issue does not get resolved, please contact the Support team, attaching your license.bin to the ticket.
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