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  Quickly Build Mashup Widget Extensions and Extend Application Functionality with the Eclipse Plugin.   GUIDE CONCEPT   Extensions enable you to quickly and easily add new functionality to an IoT solution. Mashup widget extensions can be utilized to enhance a user's experience, your ability to develop robust applications, and make development easier as you move forward with your IoT development.   The Eclipse Plugin for ThingWorx Extension Development (Eclipse Plugin) is designed to streamline and enhance the creation of extensions for the ThingWorx Platform. The plugin makes it easier to develop and build extensions by automatically generating source files, annotations, and methods as well as updating the metadata file to ensure the extension can be imported.   These features allow you to focus on developing functionality in your extension, rather than spend unnecessary time getting the syntax and format of annotations and the metadata file correct.     YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Utilized the Eclipse Plugin and Extension SDK Create and configure an Extension project Create A mashup Widget Extension Build and import an Extension   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL parts of this guide is 60 minutes.     Step 1: Completed Example   Download the completed files for this tutorial: Download the Eclipse Plugin. Download Extensions SDK.   The file provided to you contains a completed example of a simple Widget project and examples of more advanced widget source code. Utilize this file to see a finished example and return to it as a reference if you become stuck during this guide and need some extra help or clarification.   Keep in mind, this download uses the exact names for Entities used in this tutorial. If you would like to import this example and also create Entities on your own, change the names of the Entities you create.     Step 2: Create Mashup Widget Extension Project   First, let's get our tools installed and set. If you haven't created an extension before, see the Create An Extension guide on how to entirely configure your setup.   Download Eclipse ThingWorx SDK. Download Eclipse ThingWorx Plugin.   To create a new extensions project in the ThingWorx Extension Perspective, follow the steps below to get started:   Go to File->New->Project. Click ThingWorx->ThingWorx Extension Project.   Click Next. Enter the Project Name (for example, MyAwesomeExtension). Select Ant as your build framework. Gradle can be used if you are using a version of Eclipse that supports Gradle STS. Enter the SDK location by browsing to the directory where the Extension SDK zip is stored. Enter the Vendor information (for example, ThingWorx Labs). Change the default package version from 1.0.0 to support extension dependency. Click Next then click Finish. Your newly created project is added to the Package Explorer tab.   Creating Widgets   The ThingWorx Extensions SDK allows for easier development and in a shorter timeframe. The SDK provides steps for creating widgets, starting with an initial setup. Follow the steps below to get started on your own widget creation.   Choose the ThingWorx menu and select New Widget.   Select the parent project, in this case MyAwesomeExtension. Enter SimpleWidget for the name and A simple example of Widget creation. for description.   Click Finish.   A new folder under the /ui folder is created and contains the JavaScript and CSS files for the widget. The metadata.xml file under the configfiles directory is updated automatically. The generated JavaScript files contain a minimal implementation of the functions needed to produce a working widget.   Adding Third-Party JAR Files   There are scenarios in which a 3rd party JAR file might be required. None will be needed for this scenario, but take note of how to do it below.   Choose the Widget menu and select New Jar Resource. Select the parent project. Browse to and select the JAR file you want to add, and enter a description. Click Finish. The JAR file is added to the /lib folder and the metadata.xml file is updated automatically.   Adding Third-Party Resources and JavaScript Libraries   Third-party libraries, images, and other web artifacts needed for the widget should be placed in the /ui/<widgetname> folder or subfolders of that location. The *.ide.js and *.runtime.js files can then reference any of those artifacts via the relative path of: …/Common/extensions/<extensionname>/ui/<widgetname>/   For example, to include a third-party JavaScript library and CSS into your widget code, one would do the following: if (!jQuery().qtip) { $("body").append('<script type="text/javascript" src="../Common/extensions/MyAwesomeExtension/ui/SimpleWidget/include/qtip/jquery.qtip.js"></script>'); $("head").append('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=" ../Common/extensions/MyAwesomeExtension/ui/SimpleWidget/include/qtip/jquery.qtip.css" />'); }     Step 3: Widget Lifecycle in the Mashup Builder   A widget has the following lifecycle stages within the Mashup Builder. During each lifecycle stage, the specified functions on the widget are called by the Mashup Builder.   Discovered   The widget is being loaded into index.html and added to the Widget toolbar/palette.   widgetProperties() - Called to get information about each widget (such as display name and description)   widgetEvents() - Called to get information about the events each widget exposes   widgetServices() - Called to get information about the services each widget exposes   Created   The widget is dragged onto a Mashup panel.   afterload() - Called after your object is loaded and properties have been restored from the file, but before your object has been rendered   Appended   The widget is appended to the workspace DOM element.   renderHtml() - Called to get an HTML fragment that will be inserted into the Mashup DOM element   afterRender() - Called after the HTML fragment representing the widget has been inserted into the Mashup DOM element and a usable element ID has been assigned to the DOM element holding the widget content. The DOM element is then ready to be manipulated.   Updated   The widget is resized or updated in the Widget property window.   beforeSetProperty() - Called before any property is updated   afterSetProperty() - Called after any property is updated   Destroyed   The widget is deleted from the mashup.   beforeDestroy() - Called right before the widget’s DOM element is removed and the widget is detached from its parent widget and deallocated. You should clean up resources (such as plugins and event handlers) acquired during the lifetime of the widget.     Step 4: Widget Coding Examples   The [widgetname].ide.js file must implement several functions to work correctly in the Mashup Builder using its API. Widgets can declare widget properties, services, and events in functions.   Mashup Builder Code   Below is sample code for a widget named SimpleWidget with a bindable string property named DisplayText. TW.IDE.Widgets.simplewidget = function () { this.widgetIconUrl = function() { return "../Common/extensions/MyAwesomeExtension/ui/simplewidget/SimpleWidget.ide.png"; }; this.widgetProperties = function () { return { name : "SimpleWidget", description : "A simple example of Widget creation.", category : ["Common"], properties : { DisplayText: { baseType: "STRING", defaultValue: "Hello, Awesome User!", isBindingTarget: true } } } }; this.renderHtml = function () { var mytext = this.getProperty('SimpleWidget Property'); var config = { text: mytext } var widgetTemplate = _.template( '<div class="widget-content widget-simplewidget">' + '<span class="DisplayText"><%- text %></span>' + '</div>' ); return widgetTemplate(config); }; this.afterSetProperty = function (name, value) { return true; }; };   Runtime Coding   To handle the widget at runtime, you need methods to do the following: Render the HTML at runtime Set up bindings after rendering the HTML Handle property updates Below is sample code of what the [widgetname].runtime.js may look like: TW.Runtime.Widgets.simplewidget = function () { var valueElem; this.renderHtml = function () { var mytext = this.getProperty('SimpleWidget Property'); var config = { text: mytext } var widgetTemplate = _.template( '<div class="widget-content widget-simplewidget">' + '<span class="DisplayText"><%- text %></span>' + '</div>' ); return widgetTemplate(config); }; this.afterRender = function () { valueElem = this.jqElement.find(".DisplayText"); valueElem.text(this.getProperty("DisplayText")); }; this.updateProperty = function (updatePropertyInfo) { if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "DisplayText") { valueElem.text(updatePropertyInfo.SinglePropertyValue); this.setProperty("DisplayText", updatePropertyInfo.SinglePropertyValue); } }; };   Advanced Examples   If you have a local installation of the ThingWorx Composer, you can find examples of widgets in the Tomcat_Installation_Folder/webapps/Thingworx/Common/thingworx/widgets directory. DO NOT EDIT THESE FILES!. You will be able to mimic widgets you like to use them as a basis for new widgets. Or, just take notes on these items which will be covered more in-depth later in this guide.   Additional Features   You can incorporate the following features into your widgets: Services that can be bound to events (such as Click of a Button, Selected Rows Changed, or Service Completed) Events that can be bound to various services (for example, invoke a service and navigate to a mashup) Properties that can be bound out You can access the full power of JavaScript and HTML in your widget code at runtime. Anything that can be accomplished using HTML and JavaScript is available in your widget.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.  
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Original Post Date:     June 6, 2016   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating a DataTable with a DataShape, and adding and retrieving an entry.  
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Video Author:                    Christophe Morfin Original Post Date:            June 9, 2017 Applicable Releases:        ThingWorx Analytics 8.0   Description: In this video we go through the steps to install ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.0.    
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Initial Objective statements This post is about getting D3 connected as an extension to Thingworx. There are a number of existing extensions using D3 but I wanted to explore a simple use case to make it easier to get into and bring out 2 additional points Using an infotable as data input Resize The output looks like the image below and the data was generated by a Timer based random value generator that set the values on a Thing every minute. The data into the Widget is from a core service QueryHistory (a wrapped service that uses QueryProperyHistory) In this example I will use temp as the variable in focus If you have never created an extension take a look at Widget Extensions Introduction which provides a start to understanding the steps defined below, which are the core points to keep it relatively short. The extension will be called d3timeseries and will use the standard design pattern Create a folder called d3timeseries and create a subfolder ui and a add a metadata.xml file to the d3timeseries From there create the files and folder structure define the metadata.xml using CDN url for D3 url url="" legend url = "" Also check out which provides documentation and examples for D3 For the initial set of Properties that control the D3 will use DataAsINFOTABLE (Data coming into d3) Title XLegendTitle YLegendTitle TopMargin BottomMargin LeftMargin RightMargin Note: we are not using Width and Height as in previous articles but setting 'supportsAutoResize': true, Below shows the general structure will use for the d3timeseries.ide.js properties After deploying the extension  (take look at Widget Extensions Introduction to understand the how) we can see its now possible to provide Data input and some layout controls as parameters From there we can work in the d3timeseries.runtime.js file to define how to consume and pass data to D3. There a 4 basic function that need to be defined this.renderHtml this.afterRender this.updateProperty this.resize renderHtml afterRender updateProperty resize The actual D3 worker is drawChart which I will break down the highlights I use an init function to setup where the SVG element will be placed The init is called inside drawChart Next inside drawChart the rowData incoming parameter is checked for any content we can consume the expected rows object Next the x and y ranges need to be defined and notice that I have hardcoded for d.timestamp and d.temp these 2 are returned in the infotable rows The last variable inputs are the layout properties Now we have the general inputs defined the last piece is to use D3 to draw the visualization (and note we have chosen a simple visualization timeseries chart) Define a svg variable and use D3 to select the div element defined in the init function. Also remove any existing elements this helps in the resize call. Get the current width and height as before Now do some D3 magic (You will have to read in more detail the D3 documentation to get the complete understanding) Below sets up the x and y axis and labels Next define x and y scale so the visualization fits in the area available and actually add the axis's and ticks, plus the definition for the actual line const line = d3.line() Now we are ready for the row data which gets defined as data and passed to the xScale and yScale using in the const line = d3.line() After zipping up and deploying and using in a mashup you should get a D3 timeseries chart. Code for the QueryHistory logger.debug("Calling "+ + ":QueryHistory"); // result: INFOTABLE var result = me.QueryPropertyHistory({ maxItems: undefined /* NUMBER */, startDate: undefined /* DATETIME */, endDate: undefined /* DATETIME */, oldestFirst: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, query: undefined /* QUERY */ }); Thing properties example Random generator code me.hum = Math.random() * 100; me.temp = Math.random() * 100; message = message + "Hum=" + me.hum+ " "; message = message + "Temp=" +me.temp+ " "; logger.debug( + "  RandomGenerator values= " + message ); result = message; Previous Posts Title Widget Extensions Using AAGRID a JS library in Developer Community Widget Extensions Google Bounce in Developer Community Widget Extensions Date Picker in Developer Community Widget Extensions Click Event in Developer Community Widget Extensions Introduction in Developer Community
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A confusion matrix is a technique for summarizing the performance of a classification algorithm. Classification accuracy alone can be misleading if you have an unequal number of observations in each class or if you have more than two classes in your data set. Calculating a confusion matrix can give you a better idea of what your classification model is getting right and what types of errors it is making. Classification Accuracy and its Limitations: ​Classification Accuracy = Correct Predictions/Total Predictions The main problem with classification accuracy is that it hides the detail you need to better understand the performance of your classification model. Below are two examples: 1.  When you are data has more than 2 classes. With 3 or more classes you may get a classification accuracy of 80%, but you don’t know if that is because all classes are being predicted equally well or whether one or two classes are being neglected by the model. 2.  When your data does not have an even number of classes. You may achieve accuracy of 90% or more, but this is not a good score if 90 records for every 100 belong to one class and you can achieve this score by always predicting the most common class value. Classification accuracy can hide the detail you need to diagnose the performance of your model. But thankfully we can tease apart this detail by using a confusion matrix. Confusion Matrix Terminology: A confusion matrix is a table that is often use to describe the performance of a classification model on a set of test data for which true values are known. Let’s start with an example for a binary classifier: N=165 Predicted no: Predicted yes: Actual no: 50 10 Actual yes: 5 100 What we can learn from Confusion Matrix? There are two possible predicted classes: "yes" and "no". If we were predicting the presence of a disease, for example, "yes" would mean they have the disease, and "no" would mean they don't have the disease. The classifier made a total of 165 predictions (e.g., 165 patients were being tested for the presence of that disease). Out of those 165 cases, the classifier predicted "yes" 110 times, and "no" 55 times. In reality, 105 patients in the sample have the disease, and 60 patients do not. Let's now define the most basic terms, which are whole numbers (not rates): True positives (TP): These are cases in which we predicted yes (they have the disease), and they do have the disease. True negatives (TN): We predicted no, and they don't have the disease. False positives (FP): We predicted yes, but they don't actually have the disease. (Also known as a "Type I error.") False negatives (FN): We predicted no, but they actually do have the disease. (Also known as a "Type II error.") N=165 Predicted No: Predicted Yes: Actual No: TN=50 FP=10 60 Actual Yes: FN=5 TP=100 105 55 110 This is a list of rates that are often computed from a confusion matrix for a binary classifier: Accuracy: Overall, how often is the classifier correct? 1. (TP+TN)/total = (100+50)/165 = 0.91 Misclassification Rate: Overall, how often is it wrong? 1. (FP+FN)/total = (10+5)/165 = 0.09 2. Equivalent to 1 minus Accuracy 3. Also known as "Error Rate" True Positive Rate: When it's actually yes, how often does it predict yes? 1. TP/actual yes = 100/105 = 0.95 2. Also known as "Sensitivity" or "Recall" False Positive Rate: When it's actually no, how often does it predict yes? 1. FP/actual no = 10/60 = 0.17 Specificity: When it's actually no, how often does it predict no? 1. TN/actual no = 50/60 = 0.83 2. Equivalent to 1 minus False Positive Rate Precision: When it predicts yes, how often is it correct? 1. TP/predicted yes = 100/110 = 0.91 Prevalence: How often does the yes condition actually occur in our sample? 1. Actual yes/total = 105/165 = 0.64
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Key Functional Highlights ThingWorx 8.0 covers the following areas of the product portfolio:  ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Utilities and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Core, Connection Server and Edge capabilities. Highlights of the release include: ThingWorx Foundation Native Industrial Connectivity: Enhancements to ThingWorx allow users to seamlessly map data from ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity to the ThingModel. With over 150 protocols supporting thousands of devices, ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity allows users to connect, monitor, and manage diverse automation devices from ThingWorx. With this new capability, users can quickly integrate industrial operations data in IoT solutions for smart, connected operations. Native AWS IoT and Azure IoT Cloud Support: ThingWorx 8 now has deeper, native integration with AWS IoT and Azure IoT Hub clouds so you can gain cost efficiencies and standardize on the device cloud provider of your choice.  This support strengthens the connection between leading cloud providers and ThingWorx. Next Generation Composer: Re-imagined Composer using modern browser concepts to improve developer efficiency including enhanced functionality, updated user interface and optimized workflows. Product Installers:  New, Docker-based product installers for Foundation and Analytics make it easy and fast for customers to get the core platform and analytics server running. Single Sign On (SSO): Provides the ability to login once and access all PTC apps and enterprise systems. License Management: Simple, automated, licensing system for collection, storage, reporting, management and auditing of licensing entitlements. Integration Connectors: Integration Connectors allow Thingworx developers and administrators quick and easy access to the data stored on external ERP, PLM, Manufacturing and other systems to quickly develop applications providing improved Contextualization and Analysis. Thingworx 8.0 delivers ‘OData’ and ‘SAP OData’ connectors plus the ability to connect to generic web services to supplement the ‘Swagger’ and ‘Windchill Swagger’ Connectors released in Thingworx 7.4. An improved mapping tool allows Business Administrators to quickly and easily transform retrieved data into a standard Thingworx format for easy consumption. Includes single sign on support for improved user experience. ThingWorx Analytics Native Anomaly Detection: ThingWorx 8 features more tightly integrated analytics capabilities, including the ability to configure anomaly alerts on properties directly from the ThingWorx Composer. ThingWatcher technology is utilized to increase machine monitoring capabilities by automatically learning normal behavior, continuously monitoring data streams and raising alerts when abnormal conditions are identified. ThingWorx Utilities Software Content Management (SCM) – Auto Retry: Provides the ability to automatically retry delivery of patches to devices if interrupted.  This ensures the ability to successfully update devices.  ThingWorx Trial Edition ThingWorx Trial Edition will be available to internal PTC resources at launch and will be made available externally on the Developer Portal shortly after launch. Developer Enablement: Enhancements have been made to the Trial Edition installation tool, providing a native installation process of the ThingWorx platform including: ThingWorx Foundation ThingWorx Utilities ThingWorx Analytics ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity Documentation ThingWorx 8.0 Reference Documents ThingWorx Analytics 8.0 Reference Documents ThingWorx Core 8.0 Release Notes ThingWorx Core Help Center ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Installation Guide ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Trial Edition User Guide Additional information ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal ThingWorx Marketplace Download The following items are available for download from the PTC Software Download site. ThingWorx Platform – Select Release 8.0 ThingWorx Utilities – Select Release 8.0 ThingWorx Analytics – Select Release 8.0 You can also read this post in the Developer Community from Jeremy Little about the technical changes in ThingWorx 8.0.
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Error: Exception: JavaException: java.lang.Exception: Import Failed: License is not available for Product: null Feature: twx_things Possible root cause: editing web.xml without further restart of the platform. In result, the product name does not pick up and the license path drops while the composer is still running, Fix: Go to LicensingSubsystem -> Services and run the AcquireLicense service. IF the issue does not get resolved, please contact the Support team, attaching your license.bin to the ticket.
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The following code snippet will retrieve a months worth of data from the system and return it as a CSV document suitable for import into your spreadsheet or reporting tool of choice. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* def ac = new AuditCriteria() ac.fromDate = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-01') ac.toDate   = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-31') def retString = '' tcount = 0 while ( (results = auditBridge.find(ac)) != null  && tcount < results .totalCount) {   results.audits.each { res ->     retString += "${res?.user?.id},${res?.asset?.serialNumber},${res?.category},${res.message},${}\n"     tcount++   }   ac.pageNumber = ac.pageNumber + 1 } return retString
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Super simple widget that embeds the HTML5 audio tag, allowing MP3 files to be played and/or triggers by another mashup event.
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Want to do a REST call from ThingWorx Want to use REST to send request to External System. Want to get data from other system using REST Here is how you can do this.... ThingWorx has ContentLoaderFunctions API which provides services to load or post content to and from other web applications. One can issue an HTTP request using any of the allowed actions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). List of available ContentLoaderFunctions: Delete GetCookies GetJSON GetText GetXML LoadBinary LoadImage LoadJSON LoadMediaEntity LoadText LoadXML PostBinary PostImage PostJSON PostMultipart PostText PostXML PutBinary PutJSON PutText PutXML Example: Using LoadXML snippet in a custom service to retrieve an XML document from a specific URL Insert the LoadXML snippet into a custom service var params = {     proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,     headers: "{ 'header1':'value1','header2':'value2'}" /* JSON */,     ignoreSSLErrors: false /* BOOLEAN */,     useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,     proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,       url: "http://some_url/sampleXMLDocument.xml" /* STRING */,     timeout: 30000 /* NUMBER */,     proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,     password: "fakePassword" /* STRING */,     username: "Administrator"/* STRING */ }; var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].LoadXML(params); The snippet above contains an example of how to format any headers in JSON that need to be passed in, the URL that points directly to some XML document, a password, username, timeout, and ignoreSSLErrors set to false When LoadXML is exercised it will retrieve the XML document, and this can then be parsed or handled however is necessary To see the XML document that is returned from this service the service can be called from a third-party client, such as Postman Note: If a proxy or username and password are required to connect to the URL, those parameter MUST be specified Using the PostXML snippet in a custom service to send content to another URL, in this example, another service in Composer Insert the PostXML snippet into a custom service var content = "<xml><tag1>NAME</tag1><tag2>AGE</tag2></xml>"; var params = {  url: "http://localhost/Thingworx/Things/thingName/Services/serviceName?postParameter=parameterName" /* STRING */, content: content /* STRING */, password: "admin" /* STRING */, username: "Administrator" /* STRING */ }; var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostXML(params); When posting XML content to another ThingWorx service the postParameter header must be defined in the url parameter for the PostXML snippet  The postParameter header, in the url parameter, is set equal to the name of the input parameter for the service we are POSTing to Change the parameterName variable in the url to the name of the input parameter defined for the service The content parameter is set to the XML content that will be passed into the function or manually specified Note: When declaring namespace URLs in an element make sure that there is a white space in between each declaration ex: <root xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="">
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Hi everyone, As everyone knows already, the main way to define Properties inside the EMS Java SDK is to use annotations at the beginning of the VirtualThing class implementation. There are some use-cases when we need to define those properties dynamically, at runtime, like for example when we use a VirtualThing to push a sensor's data from a Device Cloud to the ThingWorx server, for multiple customers. In this case, the number properties differ based on customers, and due to the large number of variations, we need to be able to define programmatically the Properties themselves. The following code will do just that: for (int i = 0; i < int_PropertiesLength; i++) {     Node nNode = device_Properties.item(i);     PropertyDefinition pd;     AspectCollection aspects = new AspectCollection();     if (NumberUtils.isNumber(str_NodeValue))     {         pd = new PropertyDefinition(nNode.getNodeName(), " ", BaseTypes.NUMBER);     }     else if (str_NodeValue=="true"|str_NodeValue=="false")     {         pd = new PropertyDefinition(nNode.getNodeName(), " ", BaseTypes.BOOLEAN);     }     else     pd = new PropertyDefinition(nNode.getNodeName(), " ", BaseTypes.STRING);     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DATACHANGETYPE,    new StringPrimitive(;     //Add the dataChangeThreshold aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DATACHANGETHRESHOLD, new NumberPrimitive(0.0));     //Add the cacheTime aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_CACHETIME, new IntegerPrimitive(0));     //Add the isPersistent aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISPERSISTENT, new BooleanPrimitive(false));     //Add the isReadOnly aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISREADONLY, new BooleanPrimitive(true));     //Add the pushType aspect     aspects.put("pushType", new StringPrimitive(;     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISLOGGED,new BooleanPrimitive(true));     //Add the defaultValue aspect if needed...     //aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DEFAULTVALUE, new BooleanPrimitive(true));     pd.setAspects(aspects);     super.defineProperty(pd); }  //you need to comment initializeFromAnnotations() and use instead the initialize() in order for this to work. //super.initializeFromAnnotations();   super.initialize(); Please put this code in the Constructor method of your VirtualThing extending implementation. It needs to be run exactly once, at any instance creation. This method relies on the manual discovery of the sensor properties that you will do before this. Depending on the implementation you can either do the discovery of the properties here in this method (too slow), or you can pass it as a parameter to the constructor (better). Hope it helps!
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You can control the Tracking Indicator that is used to mark the ThingMark position. The Tracking Indicator is a green hexagon, in the screenshot below the red arrow points to it. You can control the display of this tracking indicator via the Display Tracking Indicator property of the ThingMark widget: But you can also get fancier. Here is an exmaple that shows the tracking indicator for 3 seconds when the tracking has started and then hides it automatically. To achieve such a behavior you'll have to use a bit of Javascript. We'll first create a function hideIn3Sec() in the javascript section of our view and then add it to the javascript handler of the Tracking Acquired event of the ThingMark widget. Step 1: Here is the code for copy/paste convenience: $scope.hideIn3Sec=function(){   // The $timeout function has two arguments: the function to execute (defined inline here)   // and the time in msec after which the function is invoked.   $timeout( function hide(){     // you may have to change 'thingMark-1' by the id of the ThingMark in your own experience     $['Home'].wdg['thingMark-1']['trackingIndicator']=false;   },   3000); } Step 2: That's it. Have fun!
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This document contains information that should be reviewed before installing or upgrading to the latest version ThingWorx for both new and existing customers. Note that many of the links in this document require that you have created and validated an account on the PTC website. Account Creation For users who do not yet have an active maintenance agreement, an account can be created by accessing the Basic Account Creation page.  With a basic account, you will have access to the ThingWorx Community, product documentation, and support articles. Also, a basic level account will grant access to our new Developer eSupport Portal, which is a great resource for users of all levels to become more proficient with ThingWorx and the emerging world of IoT in general.  For more details on the new Developer eSupport Portal, please refer to our Getting Started with the New eSupport Portal guide. For users having an active maintenance agreement with PTC that have not yet created an account on the PTC website, a new customer account can be created by accessing the New Customer Account page.  With a customer-level account, you will have access to all basic account links listed above, plus access to download all licensed PTC products.  You will also have access to our dedicated application support team.  In order to create a customer account, you will be asked to provide your Customer Number, and one of either your Service Contract Number (SCN), Sales Order Number (SON), or Site Number.  This information will have been included in documentation sent to your company by your PTC Sales Representative. If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the account creation process, please contact us using the Web Account Case Logger. Document Structure Throughout this document, references will be made to specific documentation related to the ThingWorx Platform.  A listing of links to this supporting documentation will be provided at the end of this article for all supported releases of the ThingWorx Platform. Please reference this link to review documentation specific to the release version being installed in your local environment. Overview of Changes For a complete listing of new features and enhancements introduced in the latest version of the ThingWorx Platform, please refer to the Release notes documentation, which is included within the platform downloadable zip file. In addition to providing brief descriptions of each enhancement, this document indicates where you can find more comprehensive coverage where applicable. Release notes are also available online for review.  For a complete listing of release notes for all supported releases of ThingWorx, please refer to the link at the end of this document. Required Software The following table lists the files that are required for a complete installation of the ThingWorx Platform: Component Link Oracle JDK Oracle JDK Download Page Apache Tomcat Apache Tomcat Download Page PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Download Page Full details on installing and configuring the above files are provided in the ThingWorx Installation Guide for all supported OS environments.  Please also take note of any version requirements for the above files based on the version of the ThingWorx Platform being installed.  Version requirements are noted in the ThingWorx System Requirements guide. ThingWorx Installation Files The desired version of the ThingWorx platform can be obtained through the PTC eSupport Site (reminder: maintenance agreement required). The file is provided in a zip format, that starts with a name "MED-XXXXXX-CD...”, where X is some digit.  Once the directory is unarchived, the Tomcat-deployable file is Thingworx.war.  Release notes are included within the zip archive. Installation and Reference Documentation In addition to the listing at the end of this guide, all installation and reference documentation is also available online from the PTC Reference Documents page. To locate documentation within this link related to the latest release of ThingWorx, follow these steps. Set the Product field to ThingWorx. Set the Reported Release appropriately. Narrow the search results by setting the Document Type field if desired, or leave this set to All Document Types. Leave the User Role field set to the default All User Roles selection. It is strongly recommended to review the following documents at minimum: ThingWorx Platform System Requirements Installing ThingWorx (For new installations) Upgrading ThingWorx (For customers migrating from an older release) Upgrade Planning for Returning Customers For existing customers who are upgrading from a prior release of the ThingWorx Platform, PTC offers an Upgrade Planning Guide that can help in preparing for the upgrade process. This guide provides a checklist of activities that are critical to performing a successful upgrade to the latest version of ThingWorx. PTC recommends reviewing this guide for assistance in planning for the upgrade process. Additional References and Troubleshooting The following table lists common reference material and troubleshooting material involving the installation of the platform. General Functionality Frequently Seen Errors upon launching the ThingWorx application Link "HTTP Status 401 - Could not handle request" error when attempting to access a new PostgreSQL-based installation of ThingWorx Link Contacting Technical Support Should you have any questions about the installation process, or if you encounter any issues during the process, our qualified team of technical support engineers are available to assist you. With an active maintenance agreement for ThingWorx, you will have access to web-based technical assistance as well as live phone-based support. Contact details vary, depending on you region. For comprehensive information on how to obtain technical support, please refer to our online Customer Support Guide. Links to Documentation for Supported Releases of ThingWorx For links to supporting documentation for current and legacy releases of ThingWorx, please refer to the following article: Where to Find ThingWorx Documentation
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ThingWorx DevOps with Azure: The Comprehensive DevOps Guide Written by Tori Firewind, IoT EDC   As promised in a previous post,  attached here is a comprehensive guide to DevOps in ThingWorx, including tutorials and instructions for creating a continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD) process for application development.  There are also updated scripts and entities attached, including an entire sample application for importing, exporting, and testing an application in ThingWorx. From Docker and Github to Azure DevOps and Solution Central, this guide has it all. Learn how to perform your role in the DevOps process whether an administrator or a developer, automate your deployments and testing, and create a more efficient process  for publication changes to production.  A complete DevOps process like this really does facilitate faster and easier updates with fewer risks, fewer delays, and a better pathway to success.  
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Official name: DataStax Enterprise, sometimes referred as Cassandra. Note: DBA skills required, free self-paced training can be found here Training | DataStax The extension package can further be obtained through Technical Support. Thingworx 6.0 introduces DSE as a backend database scaling to much greater byte count, ad Neo4j performance limitations hit at 50Gbs. Some of the main reasons to consider DSE are: 1. Elastic scalability -- Alows to easily add capacity online to accommodate more customers and more data when needed. 2. Always on architecture -- Contains no single point of failure (as with traditional master/slave RDBMS's and other NoSQL solutions) resulting in continious availability for business-critical applications that can't afford to go down. 3. Fast linear-scale performance -- Enables sub-second response times with linear scalability (double the throughput with two nodes, quadruple it with four, and so on) to deliver response time speeds. 4. Flexible data storage -- Easily accommodates the full range of data formats - structured, semi-structured and unstructured -- that run through today's modern applications. 5. Easy data distribution -- Read and write to any node with all changes being automatically synchronized across a cluster, giving maximum flexibility to distribute data by replicating across multiple datacenters, cloud, and even mixed cloud/on-premise environments. Note: Windows+DSE is currently not fully supported. Connecting Thingworx: Prerequisite: fully configured DSE database. 1. Obtain the dse_persistancePackage 2. Import as an extension in Composer. 3. In composer, create a new persistence provider. 4. Select the imported package as Persistence Provider Package. 5. In Configuration tab:      - For Cassandra Cluster Host, enter the IP address set in cassandra.yaml or localhost if hosted locally      - Enter new of existing Cassandra Keyspace name      - Enter Solr Cluster URL      - Other fields can be left at default (*) 6. Go to Services and execute TestConnectivity service to ensure True response. 7. When creating new Stream, Value Stream, or a Data Table, set Persistence Provider to the one created in previous steps. Currently all reads and writes are done through Thingworx and all Thingworx data is encoded in DSE.  Opcenter still allows to see connectes streams, datatables, valuestreams. *SimpleStrategy can be used for a single data center, or NetworkTopologyStrategy is recommended for most deployments, because it is much easier to expand to multiple data centers when required by future expansion. Is there a limit of data per node? 1 TB is a reasonable limit on how much data a single node can handle, but in reality, a node is not at all limited by the size of the data, only the rate of operations. A node might have only 80 GB of data on it, but if it's continuously hit with random reads and doesn't have a lot of RAM, it might not even be able to handle that number of requests at a reasonable rate. Similarly, a node might have 10 TB of data, but if it's rarely read from, or there is a small portion of data that is hot (so it could be effectively cached), it will do just fine. If the replication factor is above 1 and there is no reads at consistency level ALL, other replicas will be able to respond quickly to read requests, so there won't be a large difference in latency seen from a client perspective.
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Hi Community,   I've recently had a number of questions from colleagues around architectures involving MQTT and what our preferred approach was.  After some internal verification, I wanted to share an aggregate of my findings with the ThingWorx Architect and Developer Community.   PTC currently supports four methods for integrating with MQTT for IoT projects. ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector ThingWorx MQTT Extension ThingWorx Kepware Server Choice is nice, but it adds complexity and sometimes confusion.  The intent of this article is to clarify and provide direction on the subject to help others choose the path best suited for their situation.   ThingWorx MQTT Extension The ThingWorx MQTT extension has been available on the marketplace as an unsupported “PTC Labs” extension for a number of years.  Recently its status has been upgraded to “PTC Supported” and it has received some attention from R&D getting some bug fixes and security enhancements.  Most people who have used MQTT with ThingWorx are familiar with this extension.  As with anything, it has advantages and disadvantages.  You can easily import the extension without having administrative access to the machine, it’s easy to move around and store with projects, and can be up and running quite quickly.  However it is also quite limited when it comes to the flexibility required when building a production application, is tied directly to the core platform, and does not get feature/functionality updates.   The MQTT extension is a good choice for PoCs, demos, benchmarks, and prototypes as it provides MQTT integration relatively quickly and easily.  As an extension which runs with the core platform, it is not a good choice as a part of a client/enterprise application where MQTT communication reliability is critical.   ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector Although Azure IoT Hub is not a fully functional MQTT broker, Azure IoT does support MQTT endpoints on both IoT Hub and IoT Edge.  This can be an interesting option to have MQTT devices publish to Azure IoT and be integrated to ThingWorx using the Azure IoT Hub Connector without actually requiring an MQTT broker to run and be maintained.  The Azure IoT Hub Connector works similarly to the PAT and is built on the Connection Server, but adds the notion of device management and security provided by Azure IoT.   When using Azure IoT Edge configured as a transparent gateway with buffering (store and forward) enabled, this approach has the added benefit of being able to buffer MQTT device messages at a remote site with the ability to handle Internet interruptions without losing data.   This approach has the added benefit of having far greater integrated security capabilities by leveraging certificates and tying into Azure KeyVault, as well as easily scaling up resources receiving the MQTT messages (IoT Hub and Azure IoT Hub Connector).  Considering that this approach is build on the Connection Server core, it also follows our deployment guidance for processing communications outside of the core platform (unlike the extension approach).   ThingWorx Kepware Server As some will note, KepWare has some pretty awesome MQTT capabilities: both as north and southbound interfaces.  The MQTT Client driver allows creating an MQTT channel to devices communicating via MQTT with auto-tag creation (from the MQTT payload).  Coupled with the native ThingWorx AlwaysOn connection, you can easily connect KepWare to an on-premise MQTT broker and connect these devices to ThingWorx over AlwaysOn.   The IoT Gateway plug-in has an MQTT agent which allows publishing data from all of your KepWare connected devices to an MQTT broker or endpoint.  The MQTT agent can also receive tag updates on a different topic and write back to the controllers.  We’ve used this MQTT agent to connect industrial control system data to ThingWorx through cloud platforms like Azure IoT, AWS, and communications providers.   ThingWorx Product Segment Direction A key factor in deciding how to design your solution should be aligned with our product development direction.  The ThingWorx Product Management and R&D teams have for years been putting their focus on scalable and enterprise-ready approaches that our partners and customers can build upon.  I mention this to make it clear that not all supported approaches carry the same weight.  Although we do support the MQTT extension, it is not in active development due to the fact that out-of-platform microservices-based communication interfaces are our direction forward.   The Azure IoT Hub Connector, being built on the Connection Server is currently the way forward for MQTT communications to the ThingWorx Foundation.   Regards,   Greg Eva
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ThingWorx is great for storing large amounts of data coming from your devices but it can also be used like a traditional, row based database for information you would like to integrate with your thing data. Attached to this blog entry is a short example of creating an address book database using a DataTable and a DataShape. It does not focus on creating mashups but sticks with discussing the modeling and service calls you would use to create a simple database.
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A student in the Axeda Groovy course had some good questions. Instead of answering via email, I thought I'd answer here, so we could share the knowledge. Domain Objects - How can I customize or extend Axeda provided domain objects? (Eg., I need to store whether a user is external or internal user) How can I achieve this? This is a perfect use case for the Axeda Extended Data API. Documentation on the API can be found in the Axeda Platform v1 API Developer's Reference Guide. A good, "Getting Started," topic is available on Axeda Mentor - Getting Started With the Axeda Extended Data API. To customize/extend/decorate Axeda-provided domain objects, use Extended Objects. Extended Objects can be thought of in the abstract as a collection of custom database table rows. The analogy isn't perfect, but it helps with understanding. The use case in the question is very common. Extended Objects can stand on their own, or they can be associated with an Axeda domain object with the setInternalID() method. In the following sample code, we "decorate" an Axeda User object with two new fields, isExternalUser and companyID: private void updateAdditionalFieldsForUser(User user, boolean isExternalUser, String companyID) {   // GET OBJECT TYPE - This example assumes the ExtendedObjectType has already been created   ExtendedObjectType extObjectType = extendedObjectService.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname("com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User")   // GET PROPERTY TYPES   PropertyType isExternalUserPropertyType = findOrCreatePropertyType(extObjectType, "IS_EXTERNAL_USER")   PropertyType companyIdPropertyType = findOrCreatePropertyType(extObjectType, "COMPANY_ID")      /* GET THE EXTENDED OBJECT   * Note - the example provides a findExtendedObject() method that searches by INTERNAL ID. This linkage via the internal ID   * associates a domain object to an ExtendedObject, allowing us to "decorate" it with custom attributes   */   ExtendedObject extObject = findExtendedObject(extObjectType,   if (extObject == null)   {     extObject = new ExtendedObject()     extObject.setExtendedObjectType(extObjectType)     extObject.setInternalObjectId(     extObject.addProperty(createExtendedProperty(isExternalUserPropertyType, isExternalUser.toString()))     extObject.addProperty(createExtendedProperty(companyIdPropertyType, companyID))     extendedObjectService.createExtendedObject(extObject)   }   else   {     addOrUpdateExtendedProperty(extObject, isExternalUserPropertyType, "IS_EXTERNAL_USER", isExternalUser.toString())     addOrUpdateExtendedProperty(extObject, companyIdPropertyType, "COMPANY_ID", companyID)     extendedObjectService.updateExtendedObject(extObject)   } }  /**  * Adds or Updates an extended property.  *  * @param extendedObject the extended object to associate with the property  * @param propertyType the type of the property  * @param propertyName the name of the property  * @param propertyValue the value of the property  */ private void addOrUpdateExtendedProperty(ExtendedObject extendedObject, PropertyType propertyType, String propertyName, String propertyValue) {   Property extendedProperty = extendedObject.getPropertyByName(propertyName)   if (extendedProperty == null)   {   extendedProperty = createExtendedProperty(propertyType, propertyValue)   extendedObject.addProperty(extendedProperty)   }   else   {   extendedProperty.setValue(propertyValue)   } }  /**  * Retrieves and returns the extended object with the given type and internal id.  *  * @param extObjectType the type of the desired external object  * @param internalObjectId the internal id of the desired extended object  * @return the extended object matching the given details or <code>null</code> in case there's no match  */ private ExtendedObject findExtendedObject(ExtendedObjectType extObjectType, Long internalObjectId) {   ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()   searchCriteria.setExtendedObjectTypeId(extObjectType.getId())   searchCriteria.setInternalObjectId(internalObjectId)    List<ExtendedObject> extObjects = extendedObjectService.findExtendedObjects(searchCriteria, -1, 0, "name")    if (!extObjects?.isEmpty())   {    return extObjects[0]   }   return null }  /**  * Gets a property type given its name and the associated extended object type.  * If it cannot find the property type it will create it.  *  * @param extendedObjectType the associated extended object type for the property type  * @param propertyTypeName the property type name  * @return the property type  */  private PropertyType findOrCreatePropertyType(ExtendedObjectType extendedObjectType, String propertyTypeName)  {     PropertyType propertyType = extendedObjectType.getPropertyTypeByName(propertyTypeName)     if (propertyType == null)     {       propertyType = new PropertyType()       propertyType.setDataType(PropertyDataType.String)       propertyType.setName(propertyTypeName)       propertyType.setExtendedObjectType(extendedObjectType)       extendedObjectService.createPropertyType(propertyType)       extendedObjectType.addPropertyType(propertyType)     }     return propertyType  } By using Extended Objects, and associating them with Axeda domain objects via an internal ID, we can decorate/extend/customize those domain objects with use-case-specific attributes.
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  DevOps. It’s not just a buzzword. It’s a true development methodology that can make all the difference in your application quality and release time. Today, I’ll walk you through how you can continuously integrate and deploy your ThingWorx applications to achieve CI/CD objectives as part of a DevOps-focused culture. At the end, I’ll provide you a sneak peek of what you can expect in a future release (hint: we’re working on some awesome new CI/CD functionality). Overview of ThingWorx DevOps and Common Tools I’ll start by providing an overview of the DevOps cycle, and then I’ll provide more details around each step of the cycle. Before we can start, you’ll need to define your high-level architecture and functional requirements as part of the “Plan” phase.   Now, let’s build your ThingWorx app. Ready? Here we go!   Code As with any software platform, developers can start working in any number of areas of the IoT application—from edge, to visualization, rules authoring to data modelling. For the purpose of this article, we’ll start with the UI, but much of the same steps can be applied in any order. Also, we’ll just call out high level steps of development, but for more info on building out each aspect of your application, please visit   In ThingWorx Composer, build out your user interface with Mashups. Starting with UI can help you think about the types of data you want to collect from devices and systems and how you want to solve your unique requirements for the business. Starting at this point can also help you show live POCs and functional mockups to stakeholders. Once you’ve built some starter screens and a skeleton of app navigation, you can start adding in data through configuration in Composer by creating your Things, Templates, properties and services. [Optional] We offer 65 out-of-the-box widgets for the UI in the ThingWorx platform. There are times when you have specific visualization requirements for your application and the out-of-the-box widgets don’t quite satisfy them. We have a path for that, through our custom widget extensions. If you choose to develop your own widget extensions, you can do so through other IDEs like Eclipse or WebStorm. Custom development and extensions are not just for UI. We also allow you to define Thing entities and their custom services in Java. If you are developing extensions in this way, we’d recommend you do so using Eclipse to code and Gradle to build and drive tests. For instructions on how to create your own extension, see “Creating Customized ThingWorx Widgets” on page 42 of the ThingWorx Application Development Guide posted on Ask Kaya. With a good start on the data model, business logic and UI, some quick testing and validation is in order. You’ll probably also want to save all of this work also to share with colleagues or move to other integration environments. Capture all of your entity and code artifacts (Mashups, style definitions, Thing shapes, Thing templates, JavaScript, etc.) by using the “Export to Source Control” feature from ThingWorx Composer to write entities to the file system. You can use Git or other source systems to monitor the file system and push to the remote repository of your choice (e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.). Again, if you are developing extensions outside of Composer, you’ll want to source control those items, too, from Eclipse or the file system directly. Build [Optional] You can build an application package as an extension with all entities and code from Eclipse using the ThingWorx Eclipse plugin. When you build the project, it will create an extension zip file. Again, more info in the Application Development Guide. Make your life easy by using tools like Gradle or Maven. ThingWorx is very similar to other Java development systems, so Gradle and Maven track your dependencies and create a package with all of the referenced extensions you may be using and put them into one single zip file package. Once you have a package built, you can import it into test or integration environments. For added automation, create repeatable tasks like a job in Jenkins so that every time your code is changed in the source repository (e.g. Git), it triggers a job to increment the version, build the project and create the package deliverables. Consider also configuring the Jenkins jobs to push artifacts to a central repository like Artifactory. Test Once your code has been built, we can’t forget about testing! Automation is king for DevOps! For ThingWorx apps, you should still design a test strategy for your application, and then define and create your tests. These can run in your local developer environment, as well as be triggered via build tasks/changes in the source repository. Tools like JUnit for your entities and Java-backed services or Selenium for testing the Mashup UIs can be used. You can create separate jobs in Jenkins along with the build to run the integration and unit tests against an instance of ThingWorx that has the latest artifacts deployed into it. You can also do static code analysis using tools like PMD to find bugs, check style issues or identify inefficient code paths. To round out your app also with performance and load testing, JMeter is one tool that you can leverage. Release Releasing is the culmination of the team’s great work! If the test results pass and the builds are green, you are good to go, and it’s time to establish your release build. Make sure that you consider a versioning scheme for your application and its artifacts. Semantic versioning is a pattern that can be implemented for your ThingWorx application. Correct versioning of ThingWorx packages affects your upgrade plans and is a signal to your users on the intent and content of the release. Again, see the Application Development Guide. Once a release milestone is met, you can create a source branch in Git for that milestone, which will have all the changes encompassed in that release. Configure a Jenkins job to create builds from that milestone branch for maintenance purposes. Deploy + Operate + Monitor   If you’ve tested and released your application, it’s time for production and real users! Using the build and testing infrastructure you’ve set up earlier in the development process, you can also deploy your release builds to your target staging and production ThingWorx environments with Jenkins jobs, Artifactory and automated steps. Finally, as with anything, it is important to measure success and monitor performance via KPIs, trends and logs. You can also extract application insights and recommendations from the PTC System Monitor (PSM) tool, which uses Dynatrace; here is a guide on how to install and deploy PSM.  There are many different paths through the platform and options for developers to match your local team processes and tools—this was simply a quick overview. Congrats! You’re now equipped to build ThingWorx apps while leveraging software best practices and incorporating a DevOps culture!   What can I expect in a future release of ThingWorx? Coming in a near-term release of ThingWorx, we’ll make it easier for you to continuously integrate and deploy your ThingWorx applications. How? Through new functionality that bolsters our packaging concepts, new cloud services to assist in deployment to environments and an error-proof way to integrate applications with an automated dependency awareness.   Stay tuned for more info about this exciting new deployment and application management functionality targeted for Fall 2019!   Reach out with any questions and stay connected.   -Kaya
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In case it's useful for anyone, I successfully used the Thingworx Importer to import an Entity using version 8.4.1. The import command was in a CURL script (can also be run using e.g. Cygwin on Windows) and the entity data was contained in an XML file. The XML file is attached to this post, and the CURL script is copied into the bottom of the post body.   Notes on using the script: Copy CURL code into You might need to change the line endings to UNIX, e.g. in Notepad++ menu option Edit > EOL Conversion > Unix Give permissions to run (chmod +x ./ >>>>>>>>>>>> #!/bin/bash APPKEY="2e6704c0-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a1589e387d1a" TWX_HTTP_PORT="8018" FILE_PATH_TWX="Things_testImport.xml" PROTOCOL="http://" IP="localhost" URL="$PROTOCOL""$IP"":""$TWX_HTTP_PORT""/Thingworx/Importer?purpose=import" curl -X POST -H 'appKey: '$APPKEY \ -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'x-thingworx-session: true' \ -H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: TWX-XSRF-TOKEN-VALUE' \ -F 'upload=@'$FILE_PATH_TWX \ $URL <<<<<<<<<<<<   Also TWX Importer is explained in this support article.
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Attached (as PDF) are some steps to quickly get started with the Thingworx MQTT Extension so that you can subscribe / publish topics.
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