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This video builds upon the mashup created in the basic session, and strives to create a more polished, user-friendly interface that is ready for deployment. In part 1, we’ll take a look at advanced layout designs and include a more varied set of widgets to help draw attention to some of the more pertinent properties being captured within the mashup.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls. Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.  
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Database backups are vital when it comes to ensure data integrity and data safety. PostgreSQL offers simple solutions to generate backups of the existing ThingWorx database instance and recover them when needed.   Please note that this does not replace a proper and well-defined disaster recovery plan. Export and Import are part of this strategy, but are not reflecting the complete strategy. The commands used in this post are for Windows, but can be adjusted to work on Linux-based systems as well.   Backup   To create a Backup, the export / dump functionality of PostgreSQL can be used.     pg_dump -U postgres -C thingworx > thingworxDump.sql     The -C option will include the statement to create the database in the .sql file and map it to the existing tablespace and user (e.g. 'thingworx' and 'twadmin'). The tablespace and user can be seen in the .sql file in the line with "ALTER DATABASE <dbname> OWNER TO <user>;"   In the above example, we're backing up the thingworx database schema and dump it into the thingworxDump.sql file   Tablespace, username & password are also included in the platform_settings.json   Restore   To restore the database, we just assume an empty PostgreSQL installation. We need to create the DB schema user first via the following commandline:     psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER twadmin WITH PASSWORD 'ts';"     With the user created, we can now re-generate the tablespace and grant permissions to the twadmin user:   psql -U postgres -c "CREATE TABLESPACE thingworx OWNER twadmin LOCATION 'C:\ThingWorx\ThingworxPostgresqlStorage';" psql -U postgres -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLESPACE thingworx TO twadmin;" Finally the database itself can be restored by using the following commandline:   psql -U postgres < thingworxDump.sql This will create the database and populate it with tables, functions and sequences and will also restore the data from the .sql file.   It is important to have database, username and tablespace match with the original system - otherwise granting permissions and re-creating data might fail on recovery. User and tablespace can also be reused, so only the database has to be deleted before restoring it.   Part of the strategy   Part of the backup and recovery strategy should be to actually test the backup as well as the recovery part of the procedure. It should be well tested on a test-environment before deployed to any production environments. Take backups on a regular basis and test for disaster recovery once or twice a year, to ensure the procedure is still valid.   Data is the most important source in your application - protect it!  
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The purpose of this document is to see how you can setup an MXChip IoT DevKit and also how send the readings of this microprocessor to ThingWorx through an Azure cloud server. You will also learn how to view the values that are being sent.
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Help Center link on how to control file transfers from the edge client using the EdgeControlled ThingShape.   The EdgeControlled ThingShape is a default entity included with ThingWorx that allows you to manage the amount of egress being sent from the platform to the Edge.   At the time of writing this post, the available 'When Disconnected' settings for a remotely bound property in ThingWorx are 'Fold' and 'Ignore'. Setting a property to 'Fold' while using this EdgeControlled ThingShape is necessary whether the device is connected all the time or only for brief updates.   To use this ThingShape in a real world scenario you might code your edge client to invoke the DequeueEgress REST API function available through this ThingShape. The parameter you pass in is then the number of messages you would like the client to receive. The result of this function is how many messages the platform then actually sent.   A quick setup: 1. Create a RemoteThing entity in ThingWorx 2. Create an ApplicationKey entity in ThingWorx 3. Setup an edge client to bind to that RemoteThing using the specified ApplicationKey 4. Manage Bindings on the Properties page of the RemoteThing, and pull in a few properties you would like to send property updates to 5. Set the 'When Disconnected' value to 'Fold' for each property you want to queue messages for   5a. Set any other settings on the properties you'd like; ie. persistence, logged 6. Save the Thing 7. Add the EdgeControlled ThingShape to the Thing 8. Save the Thing 9. Update property values, see exceptions thrown, but the value will be queued 10. Invoke DequeueEgress on the RemoteThing, with the number of messages to send to the edge client passed in as the parameter value   10a. Notice 'Fold' means only the last value set for a property will be sent to the edge client. There is currently no retention available for any values previously set to the property and stored as the message to be sent. Those values are lost upon a new value coming in before it's dequeued. 11. Verify the edge client has received the expected egress, and the return result of the DequeueEgress function was the expected # of messages sent.
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Underneath, video is about ThingWorx Analytics and walks through following functions: Upload a Dataset. Create a Training Model. Create a Scoring Job.
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Underneath video walks through how to Publish a Model from Analytics Builder into Analytics Manager using the connector named TW.AnalysisServices.AnalyticsServer.AnalyticsServerConnector.
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Previously Installing & Connecting C SDK to Federated ThingWorx with VNC Tunneling to the Edge device Installing and configuring Web Socket Tunnel Extension on ThingWorx Platform Overview     Using the C SDK Edge client configuration we did earlier, we'll now create above illustrated setup. In this C SDK Client we'll push the data to ThingWorx Publisher with servername : TW802Neo to ThingWorx Subscriber servername : TW81. Notice that the SteamSensor2 on the pulisher server is the one binding to the C SDK client and the FederatedSteamThing on subscriber is only getting data from the SteamSensor2. Let's crack on!   Content   Configure ThingWorx to publish Configure ThingWorx to subscribe Publish entities from Publisher to the Subscriber Create Mashup to view data published to the subscriber Pre-requisite Minimum requirement is to have two ThingWorx servers running. Note that both ThingWorx systems can be publisher & subscriber at the same time.   Configure ThingWorx Publisher   Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Federation subscribers this server publishes to, i.e. all the server you want to publish to from this server. Refer to the Federation Subsystem doc in the Help Center to check detail description on each configurable parameter.   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to be published   1. Navigate back to the Composer home page and select the entity which you'd like to publish 2. In this case I'm using SteamSensor2 which is created to connect to the C SDK client 3. To publish edit the entity and click on Publish checkbox, like so 4. Save the entity   Configure ThingWorx Subscriber     Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Refer to help center doc on Federation Subsystems should you need more detail on the configurable parameter If you only want to use this server as a subscriber of entities from the publishing ThingWorx Server, in that case you don't have to Configure the section Federation subscribers this server publishes to, I've configured here anyway to show that both servers can work as publishers and subscribers   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to subscribe to a published Thing 1. Subscribing to an entity is fairly straight forward, I'll demonstrate by utilizing the C SDK client which is currently pushing values to my remote thing called SteamSensor2 on server https://tw802neo:443/Thingworx 2. I have already Published the StreamSensor2, see above section Configuring a Thing to be published 3. Create a Thing called FederatedStreamThing with RemoteThingWithTunnels as ThingTemplate, 4. Browser for the Identifier and select the required entity to which binding must be done, like so   5. Navigate to the Properties section for the entity, click Manage Bindings to search for the remote properties like so for adding them to this thing:     6. Save the entity and then we can see the values that were pushed from the client C SDK     7. Finally, we can also quickly see the values pulled via a Mashup created in the subscriber ThingWorx , below a is a simple mashup with grid widget pulling values using QueryPropertyHistory service  
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Previously Installing & Connecting C SDK to Federated ThingWorx with VNC Tunneling to the Edge device   Pre-requisite Download and install Web Sockets Tunnels Widget and Library Extension from PTC Marketplace   Configuring Tunnel Subsystem   1. Logon to ThingWorx Composer > System > Tunnel Subsystem > Configuration 2. Public host name used for tunnels & Public port used for tunnels parameters require publically address FQDN or IP of the instance running ThingWorx server and the port on which its listening. 3. From the screenshot above the TW802Neo is the name of the server and 443 is the port configured for ThingWorx to listen on 4. Navigate back to the RemoteThing we created above to connect our C SDK client to on the ThingWorx platform and ensure that the Enable Tunnelling is turned on   5. Click on Configuration and click Add My Tunnel button to configure where should the tunnel be opened to   6. In the above example Host and Port parameter is from the Ubuntu machine were my C SDK client is running together with the VNC server. If you are looking for more detail on how to configure these topics refer to the Simple diagnostic utility to analyse tunneling performance in ThingWorx 7. Once done, Save the entity   Configuring Remote Access & WebSocket tunnel widgets in a Mashup   1. Navigate to the ThingWorx Composer > Visualization > Mashups > New to create a Mashup 2. From the list of Widgets drag and drop following two widgets that are added as part of the Web Socket Tunnel Widget and Library extension Remote Access Web Socket Tunnel AcceptSelfSignedCert (if you are configuring ThingWorx with self-signed certificate)   4. Since I have my C SDK client binding to SteamSensor2 (remember it was created with RemoteThingWithTunnel ThingTemplate) I have that selected that as RemoteThingName 5. TunnelName is the vnc as configured in the SteamSensor2 configuration 6. For Web Socket Tunnel Widget following configuration is required RemoteThingName TunnelName VNCPassword 7. Parameters defined in a & b point are exactly the same as already done for the Remote Access Widget parameter above, the VNCPassword is the same password with which you have configured your VNC server with   8. Once done Save the mashup and View it   9. Click on the Remote Access to download the websocket adapter plugin, once downloaded click on it to initiate the websocket you will be prompted with following     Accept and Run   This will open the Remote tunnel with following confirmation, Don't click on OK else it will close   You can now utilize this tunnel to perform required action. Note that if in case there is no connection through this opened tunnel it will time out and will close automatically. 10. For doing remote desktop to the edge device I will use the Remote Device button , which will open a new browser window like so 11. Click on Connect to initiate the remote desktop session, like so 12. I can now start the terminal on the edge device and navigate through    Up Next Configuring ThingWorx Federation for Fetching data from the C SDK client from Publisher to subscriber ThingWorx entity
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Content Configuring ThingWorx C SDK Configuring C SDK client example for Tunneling Accepting Self Signed certificate Installing and configuring VNC Extension on ThingWorx Platform Configuring Tunnel Subsystem Configuring Remote Access & WebSocket tunnel widgets in a Mashup Setting up Federated ThingWorx   NOTE : For sake of brevity I'll divide this blog in sub blogs and will link them where ever needed.   Configuring ThingWorx C SDK   Pre-requisite Ensure that following two utilities are installed Cmake Make For linux platform both will likely be pre-installed Have ThingWorx configured with self-signed certificate (optional), refer to this article ThingWorx setup SSL / HTTPS on Tomcat with Self-Signed Certificate Create a Thing to which you want to bind to from the csdk example, e.g. create SteamSensor2 with ThingTemplate RemoteThingWithTunnels (below screenshot shows ThingTemplate RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer - this is not must for this blog we just need RemoteThingWithTunnels as we want to have our thing connected to receive property updates and also do tunneling)   Create an Application key with user that has sufficient access rights to work with remote entities Install and configure VNC server for tunneling using this blog Tunneling with ThingWorx and an Edge Device Note : Above mentioned blog is done using ThingWorx Edge Microserver, however we are only interested in installation and configuration related to the VNC server. You don't need to configure the edge device for tunneling from the above mentioned blog as we will do this later in this blog for C SDK.   Installing, configuring and launching the C SDK based client on Linux platform   To begin with ensure that you have downloaded the ThingWorx C SDK from PTC Marketplace or PTC Software Download page. Let's configure the CSDK 1. Navigate to the C SDK root directory and create a directory e.g. /csdk/cmake 2. Change directory into cmake/ 3. Check for the available compilers on the platform, with command cmake -G list   4. Choose as per your requirement, for our example here 'll pick "Unix Makefiles" Note : I'm compiling on Ubuntu 16 OS 5. Execute following command from csdk/cmake/ , eg. cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..   This will result in following compilation details : 6. Cmake folder now have some build files created  7. Configure the example SteamSensor for tunneling and for accepting self-signed certificate, as my ThingWorx is currently configured with HTTPS 8. Navigate to root directory and edit the main.c for SteamSensor, e.g. sudo gedit main.c Note: Feel free to use any editor of your choice, I'm using gedit Add following to enable tunneling and accepting self-signed certificates     #define ENABLE_TUNNELING 1 void twApi_SetSelfSignedOK();   9. Save the file and close 10. Make the solution to create executable out of the example SteamSensor we edited 11. Navigate to the SteamSensor example under the cmake e.g. 12. Key in command make and press enter, e.g. ~/csdk/cmake/examples/SteamSensor$ make This will build the solution and once finished it will put some new files and an executable file in the /csdk/cmake/examples/SteamSensor       Once the build is finished,    Great! now then, let's crack on with the SteamSensor executable.   13. To launch the executable it requires following syntax ./SteamSensor <hostname> <port> <appKey> <thingname> , e.g. ./SteamSensor tw802neo 443 11c784ab-dde7-400f-b244-fd7c4b217869 SteamSensor2 14. Once launched & if its successfully connected you can check the remote entity created in ThingWorx Composer, as we can see below entity as connected. Notice that in below screenshot there are some sample properties that are being pushed from the C SDK based client. You may not have them at first   15. In case you see isConnected as true but no property listed for your Thing, edit the Thing and click on Manage Bindings     Click on Remote tab to see which properties are pushed, then you have the option to either click on Add All Above Properties on the right side, which will automatically create properties under the Thing, or you can drag and drop properties on the right to bind with if you are using properties with different name. Ensure that the data type matches with the remote properties.     Done and Save.   So far C SDK installed and configured VNC server installed A Thing created with RemoteThingWithTunnel ThingTemplate An Application key to connect C SDK based client to RemoteThing in ThingWorx Bound remote properties from the C SDK client built above to the Remote Thing on ThingWorx Up Next Installing and configuring Web Socket Tunnel Extension on ThingWorx Platform Configuring ThingWorx Federation
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Disclaimer: This post does of course not express any political views.   Pie Chart Coloring   In ThingWorx Pie Charts use a default color schema based on the DefaultChartStyle Definitions. These schemas are using fixed numbering and coloring systems, e.g. 1 is blue, 2 is green, 3 is red and so on. All Pie Charts will be rendered with these colors in the same order, no matter which data the chart is using. Visualization of data with the default colors might not necessarily help in creating an easy to read chart.   Just take a look at the following example with the default color schema. Let's just take political parties - as they are usually associated with a distinct color - to illustrate how the default color schema will fail depending on the data displayed.         In the first example, just by sheer coincidence the colors are perfectly matching the parties. When introducing a new party to the pool suddenly the blues are rendered green and the yellows rendered light-blue etc. This can be quite confusing, especially on election night 😉   Custom Color Schema   PoliticalParties Thing   To test a custom color schema, we first need to create a new Thing: PoliticalParties as a GenericThing Add a dataset property with the following PoliticalParties DataShape.         Save the Thing and set the InfoTable to:   Key Value The Purples 20 The Blues 20 The Greens 20 The Reds 20 The Yellows 20 Others 20   Number values don't actually matter too much, as the Pie Chart will automatically distribute them according to their percentage.   PoliticalParties Mashup   Create a new Mashup and add a PieChart to the canvas. Bind the PoliticalParties > GetPropertyValues > dataset to the Data input of the Widget. Ensure to set the LabelField to key and the ValueField to value for a correct mapping.     Save the Mashup and preview it.   It should show a non-matching color for each party listed in the InfoTable.   Custom Styles and States   Create new custom Style Definitions for each political party. As the Pie Chart is only using the Background Color other properties can stay on the default. I chose to go with a more muted version of the colors to make the chart easier to look at.         With the newly defined colors we can now generate a new State Definition as follows:       The States allow to evaluate the key-Strings in the Thing's InfoTable and assign a Style Definition depending on the actual value. In this definition we map a color schema based on the InfoTable's key-value to create a 1:1 mapping for the Strings.   This means, no matter where a certain party is positioned in the chart it will be tinted with its associated color.   Refining the Mashup   Back in the Mashup, select the PieChart. In the ColorFormat property choose the newly created State Definition.     Save the Mashup and preview it. With the States and Styles applies, colors are now displayed correctly.       Even when changing positions and numbers in the original InfoTable of the PoliticalParties Thing, the chart now considers the mapping of Strings and still displays the colors correctly.  
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Continuing our series of Troubleshooting ThingWorx Analytics installations, in this IoT Tech Tip we will cover two items have been appearing for many users.   Error 1069 Encountered with Native Windows Installation of ThingWorx Analytics 8.2   In some instances, when a user successfully installs ThingWorx Analytics (TWAS) to a Windows Server operating system, they will encounter an error where TWAS will report an Error 1069: The Service did not start due to logon failure.   This can occur with any individual Service that is created by the installation, the following fix should work in addressing the issue.   Primary Reason This Happens:   This error can be encountered when the user provides incorrect credentials for associating the Services to an account during installation. In TWAS 8.2, there is a utility that will enable to the user to change the associated user on the Services. It is important the user provides the password for the User Account on Windows, and not the user/password combination for ThingWorx Foundation Platform Server.   Steps to Fix Issue   Solution 1:   Open a Command Prompt as Administrator, via Start Menu à Run à type CMD. Then right click on cmd.exe and Run As Administrator.   In the elevated command prompt, change your directory to the ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/bin directory, for example in the default installation path would be: cd C:\Program Files (x86)/ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/bin Then execute the changeServiceUserAccount.bat <username>, for example: changeServiceUserAccount.bat user1   You will be prompted to change the password for the user.   Solution 2:   If Solution 1 does not resolve the issue, alternately you can manually change the Log On properties for each of the services. The changeServiceUserAccount.bat would do this via script, but on occasion this may work. Open the Control Panel and navigate to Services, for example: Control Panel à All Control Panel Items à Administrative Tools   You will have to right click each individual service and go to Properties à Log On tab and enter the account name and password for the local account. Note: Local System account will not resolve this issue.   This issue was resolved in the ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.3 release, where all Services are associated with the Network Service account.     More information can be found in this Knowledge Article   Uploading of a Dataset hangs or does not complete in ThingWorx Analytics 8.3   On occasion, after a fresh installation of ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.3 on a Windows Server operating system, a dataset will not complete its upload. Typically no error message is displayed, and the upload wizard UI will just hang on the upload progress after:   Creating copy of Configuration File... Submitting Create Dataset request... Creating copy of Data File...   Primary Reason This Happens:   This is caused by twas-zookeeper service being stuck in a PAUSED state. This means that in the post installation, twas-zookeeper did not start.   Steps to Fix Issue   You will have to double check that the JAVA_HOME variable was defined as a System Variable. In the ThingWorx Analytics Installation guide, pages 12-14 outline the steps required as pre-requisites. You can change this in Control Panel > System > Advanced Settings > Environment Variables, and ass a new variable named JAVA_HOME under System Variables. The value location should be the location of your deployment of JAVA software.   Typically this is located in C:\Program Files\Java\<jre or jdk>_<version number>     More information can be found in this Knowledge Article
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Key Functional Highlights Changes to the Free Trial for Manufacturing Merged Manufacturing apps and DevKit downloads into one Free Trial  120 day free trial Access to ThingWorx Foundation  Includes manufacturing accelerator Controls Advisor, Asset Advisor (supported apps) Production KPI's (demo app within SCO accelerator) Available via ThingWorx Developer Portal Asset Advisor Merged Manufacturing and Service Apps into a single deliverable Merged ThingWorx Utilities Capabilities into Asset Advisor Equipment Export/Import via Excel Added console links for workflow, composer and SCM Utilities customers can easily migrate to Asset Advisor Support of Quality of Data for assets and lines Building Blocks Additional connectors can be configured in Controls Advisor Edge Microserver (EMS) and Azure IoT can be configured as a data source Operator Advisor Beta     Compatibility - ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps ThingWorx 8.3.x KEPServerEX 6.2 and later Earlier Version of KEPServerEX and 3rd party OPC will be supported via Aggregator All other TWX supported data sources but specifically: NI, EMS and Azure IOT Hub Upgrade Support 8.0.1 and later National Instruments TestStand 1.1.0 and later     Compatibility – ThingWorx Manufacturing Operator Advisor Beta ThingWorx 8.2.x and later MPMLink 11.1 with WRS 1.2     Documentation What’s New in ThingWorx Apps ThingWorx Apps Setup and Configuration Guide ThingWorx Apps Customization Guide Operator Advisor Beta Guide     Additional information The National Instruments Connector can be found on PTC Marketplace, link below     Download ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps & Operator Advisor Beta Extensions National Instruments TestStand Connector
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Precision and Recall are the evaluation matrices that are used to evaluate the machine learning algorithm used. This post needs some prior understanding of the confusion matrix and would recommend you to go through it here.   Example of Animal Image Recognition Consider the below Confusion Matrix for the input of the animal images and algorithm trying to identify the animal correctly: ANIMALS Cat Dog Leopard Tiger Jaguar Puma Cat 62 2 0 0 1 0 Dog 1 50 1 0 4 0 Leopard 0 2 98 4 0 0 Tiger 0 0 10 78 2 0 Jaguar 0 1 8 0 46 0 Puma 2 0 0 1 1 42   Explaining Few Random Grids: [Cat, Cat]: The grid is having the value 62. It means the image of a cat was identified as a cat for 62 times. [Cat, Dog]: The grid is having the value 2. It means the image of a cat was identified as dog twice. [Leopard, Tiger]: The grid is having the value 4. It means the image of Leopard was identified as Tiger for 4 times.   Questions To Find Some Answers    Q.How many times our algorithm predicted the image to be Tiger? A. Looking at the Tiger column: 0+0+4+78+0+1 = 83   Q.What is the probability that Puma will be classified correctly? A. Looking at the matrix above, we can see that we 42 times Puma was classified correctly. But twice it was classified as Cat, once as Tiger and once as Jaguar. So the probability will come down as: 42/(42+2+1+1)= 42/46 = 0.91      This concept is called as RECALL. It is the fraction of correctly predicted positives out of all actual positives. So we can say that Recall = (True Positives) / (True Positives + False Negatives)   Q. What is the probability that when our algorithm is identifying the image as Cat, it is actually Cat? A. Looking at the matrix above, we can see that once our algorithm has identified a Dog as a Cat, twice Puma as Cat and 62 times Cat as Cat. So the probability will come down as: 62/(62+1+2) = 0.95      This concept is called as PRECISION. It is the fraction if correctly predicted positives out of all predicted positives. So we can say that Precision = (True Positives) / (True Positives + False Positives)
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Saw this great question in the Developers forum Answered it there, copying it to here: Question Hi, I have a few of questions regarding the permissions model in Thingworx. I can't find any documentation that explains it clearly. Hoping someone can help, or point me in the right direction for more in depth documentation.   My understanding is that permissions can be set at a number of different levels.  Collection Level Template Level Instance Level Thing level My question is, how do these levels interact with one another. Do they all get 'AND'ed together, or do those at the lower levels supersede the ones set at higher levels. e.g.  If I set some visibility at collection level would this overridden by me setting a different visibility at say the Template instance level, or would both visibility permissions be valid. At each of level there is the ability to override (e.g. for a particular property or service). How does that fit in the hierarchy. I have read that in Thingworx 'deny' always supersedes an 'allow' permission. Is this still the case if I set deny at collection level and then at a lower level I gave 'allow' permissions would the deny take precedence. As far as I can tell 'Create' permissions can only be set at collection level. Does this mean that I am unable to restrict one set of users to create things of one template, and a different set of users to create another type of thing. Thanks in advance for any replies   Answer: Great question Thing/Entity level permissions always take precedence So if you set on Collection then on Template then on Entity it will first look at Entity then fill in with Template and Permission So if Collection says can't do Service Execute Template says Can execute Service 1 but not Service 2 Entity says Can execute Service 2 and leaves Service 1 as inherited the end result is that the user can execute service 1 and 2   In Template and Entity you can find the Override ability, that is to specifically allow or disallow the execution of a Service or read/write of a Property   What is a BEST PRACTICE? 1. Give the System user all service execute on collection level 2. Give User Groups 'blanket' permissions to Property Read/Write on ThingTemplate Level 3. Give User Groups only Override permission to execute Services on ThingTemplate Level 4. Override User Group permission to DENY property read on potential properties they are not supposed to read on the ThingTemplate Level   Generally most properties all users can access fully and the blanket permission on a ThingTemplate is fine It is very BAD to give user groups blanket permission to Service execute and should always be done by Override   Entity Hierarchy overrides the Allow Deny hierarchy, but within a single level (Collection / Template / Entity) Deny wins over Allow.   Create is indeed only set on the Collection Level, however the way to secure this is to give the System user the Create ability and create Wrapper services that use the CreateThing service which you can then secure for specific Groups. So you could create a CreateNewThingType1 and CreateNewThingType2 for example and give User Group 1 permission to Type 1 creation and User Group 2 permission to Type 2 creation.   Hope that helps.
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This is a follow-up post on my initial document about Edge Microserver (EMS) and Lua Script Resource (LSR) security. While the first part deals with fundamentals on secure configurations, this second part will give some more practical tips and tricks on how to implement these security measurements.   For more information it's also recommended to read through the Setting Up Secure Communications for WS EMS and LSR chapter in the ThingWorx Help Center. See also Trust & Encryption Theory and Hands On for more information and examples - especially around the concept of the Chain of Trust, which will be an important factor for this post as well.   In this post I will only reference the High Security options for both, the EMS and the LSR. Note that all commands and directories are Linux based - Windows equivalents might slightly differ.   Note - some of the configuration options are color coded for easy recognition: LSR resources / EMS resources   Password Encryption   It's recommended to encrypt all passwords and keys, so that they are not stored as cleartext in the config.lua / config.json files.   And of course it's also recommended, to use a more meaningful password than what I use as an example - which also means: do not use any password I mentioned here for your systems, they might too easy to guess now 🙂   The luaScriptResource script can be used for encryption:   ./luaScriptResource -encrypt "pword123" ############ Encrypted String AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw== ############   The wsems script can be used for encryption:   ./wsems -encrypt "pword123" ############ Encrypted String AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw== ############   Note that the encryption for both scripts will result in the same encrypted string. This means, either the wsems or luaScriptResource scripts can be used to retrieve the same results.   The string to encrypt can be provided with or without quotation marks. It is however recommended to quote the string, especially when the string contains blanks or spaces. Otherwise unexpected results might occur as blanks will be considered as delimiter symbols.   LSR Configuration   In the config.lua there are two sections to be configured:   scripts.script_resource which deals with the configuration of the LSR itself scripts.rap which deals with the connection to the EMS   HTTP Server Authentication   HTTP Server Authentication will require a username and password for accessing the LSR REST API.     scripts.script_resource_authenticate = true scripts.script_resource_userid = "luauser" scripts.script_resource_password = "pword123"     The password should be encrypted (see above) and the configuration should then be updated to   scripts.script_resource_password = "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw=="   HTTP Server TLS Configuration   Configuration   HTTP Server TLS configuration will enable TLS and https for secure and encrypted communication channels from and to the LSR. To enable TLS and https, the following configuration is required:     scripts.script_resource_ssl = true scripts.script_resource_certificate_chain = "/pathToLSR/lsrcertificate.pem" scripts.script_resource_private_key = "/pathToLSR/key.pem" scripts.script_resource_passphrase = "keyForLSR"     It's also encouraged to not use the default certificate, but custom certificates instead. To explicitly set this, the following configuration can be added:     scripts.script_resource_use_default_certificate = false     Certificates, keys and encryption   The passphrase for the private key should be encrypted (see above) and the configuration should then be updated to     scripts.script_resource_passphrase = "AES:A+Uv/xvRWENWUzourErTZQ=="     The private_key should be available as .pem file and starts and ends with the following lines:     -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----     As it's highly recommended to encrypt the private_key, the LSR needs to know the password for how to encrypt and use the key. This is done via the passphrase configuration. Naturally the passphrase should be encrypted in the config.lua to not allow spoofing the actual cleartext passphrase.   The certificate_chain holds the Chain of Trust of the LSR Server Certificate in a .pem file. It holds multiple entries for the the Root, Intermediate and Server Specific certificate starting and ending with the following line for each individual certificate and Certificate Authority (CA):     -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -----END CERTIFICATE-----     After configuring TLS and https, the LSR REST API has to be called via https://lsrserver:8001 (instead of http).   Connection to the EMS   Authentication   To secure the connection to the EMS, the LSR must know the certificates and authentication details for the EMS:     scripts.rap_server_authenticate = true scripts.rap_userid = "emsuser" scripts.rap_password = "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw=="     Supply the authentication credentials as defined in the EMS's config.json - as for any other configuration the password can be used in cleartext or encrypted. It's recommended to encrypt it here as well.   HTTPS and TLS   Use the following configuration establish the https connection and using certificates     scripts.rap_ssl = true scripts.rap_cert_file = "/pathToLSR/emscertificate.pem" scripts.rap_deny_selfsigned = true scripts.rap_validate = true     This forces the certificate to be validated and also denies selfsigned certificates. In case selfsigned certificates are used, you might want to adjust above values.   The cert_file is the full Chain of Trust as configured in the EMS' config.json http_server.certificate options. It needs to match exactly, so that the LSR can actually verify and trust the connections from and to the EMS.   EMS Configuration   In the config.lua there are two sections to be configured:   http_server which enables the HTTP Server capabilities for the EMS certificates which holds all certificates that the EMS must verify in order to communicate with other servers (ThingWorx Platform, LSR)   HTTP Server Authentication and TLS Configuration   HTTP Server Authentication will require a username and password for accessing the EMS REST API. HTTP Server TLS configuration will enable TLS and https for secure and encrypted communication channels from and to the EMS.   To enable both the following configuration can be used:   "http_server": { "host": "<emsHostName>", "port": 8000, "ssl": true, "certificate": "/pathToEMS/emscertificate.pem", "private_key": "/pathToEMS/key.pem", "passphrase": "keyForEMS", "authenticate": true, "user": "emsuser", "password": "pword123" }   The passphrase as well as the password should be encrypted (see above) and the configuration should then be updated to   "passphrase": "AES:D6sgxAEwWWdD5ZCcDwq4eg==", "password": "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw=="   See LSR configuration for comments on the certificate and the private_key. The same principals apply here. Note that the certificate must hold the full Chain of Trust in a .pem file for the server hosting the EMS.   After configuring TLS and https, the EMS REST API has to be called via https://emsserver:8000 (instead of http).   Certificates Configuration   The certificates configuration hold all certificates that the EMS will need to validate. If ThingWorx is configured for HTTPS and the ws_connection.encryption is set to "ssl" the Chain of Trust for the ThingWorx Platform Server Certificate must be present in the .pem file. If the LSR is configured for HTTPS the Chain of Trust for the LSR Server Certificate must be present in the .pem file.   "certificates": { "validate": true, "allow_self_signed": false, "cert_chain" : "/pathToEMS/listOfCertificates.pem" } The listOfCertificates.pem is basicially a copy of the lsrcertificate.pem with the added ThingWorx certificates and CAs.   Note that all certificates to be validated as well as their full Chain of Trust must be present in this one .pem file. Multiple files cannot be configured.   Binding to the LSR   When binding to the LSR via the auto_bind configuration, the following settings must be configured:   "auto_bind": [{ "name": "<ThingName>", "host": "<lsrHostName>", "port": 8001, "protocol": "https", "user": "luauser", "password": "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw==" }]   This will ensure that the EMS connects to the LSR via https and proper authentication.   Tips   Do not use quotation marks (") as part of the strings to be encrypted. This could result in unexpected behavior when running the encryption script. Do not use a semicolon (:) as part of any username. Authentication tokens are passed from browsers as "username:password" and a semicolon in a username could result in unexpected authentication behavior leading to failed authentication requests. In the Server Specific certificates, the CN must match the actual server name and also must match the name of the (EMS) or script_resource_host (LSR) In the .pem files first store Server Specific certificates, then all required Intermediate CAs and finally all required Root CAs - any other order could affect the consistency of the files and the certificate might not be fully readable by the scripts and processes. If the EMS is configured with certifcates, the LSR must connect via a secure channel as well and needs to be configured to do so. If the LSR is configured with certifcates, the EMS must connect via a secure channel as well and needs to be configured to do so. For testing REST API calls with resources that require encryptions and authentcation, see also How to run REST API calls with Postman on the Edge Microserver (EMS) and Lua Script Resource (LSR)   Export PEM data from KeyStore Explorer   To generate a .pem file I usually use the KeyStore Explorer for Windows - in which I have created my certificates and manage my keystores. In the keystore, select a certificate and view its details Each certificate and CA in the chain can be viewed: Root, Intermediate and Server Specific Select each certificate and CA and use the "PEM" button on the bottom of the interface to view the actual PEM content Copy to clipboard and paste into .pem file To generate a .pem file for the private key, Right-click the certificate > Export > Export Private Key Choose "PKCS #8" Check "Encrypted" and use the default algorithm; define an "Encryption Password"; check the "PEM" checkbox and export it as .pkcs8 file The .pkcs8 file can then be renamed and used as .pem file The password set during the export process will be the scripts.script_resource_passphrase (LSR) or the http_server.passphrase (EMS) After generating the .pem files I copy them over to my Linux systems where they will need 644 permissions (-rw-r--r--)
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This is going to cover one way of configuring an SSL passthrough using HAProxy.  This guide is intended to be a reference document, and administrators looking to configure an SSL passthrough should make sure the end solution meets both their company's business and security needs.   Why use SSL Passthrough instead of SSL Termination? The main reason for ThingWorx would be if a company requires encrypted communication internally, as well as externally.  With SSL Termination, the request between the load balancer and the client is encrypted.  But the load balancer takes on the role to decrypt and passes that back to the server.  With SSL Passthrough, the request goes through the load balancer as is, and the decryption happens on the ThingWorx Application server.   What you will need to continue with this guide:   HAProxy installed A working ThingWorx application server (Guide to getting one setup can be found here) Tomcat configured for ssl NOTE : Always contact your Security team and make sure you have a certificate that meets your business policy For this tutorial, I created a self-signed certificate following along with the below guide.  If you have already obtained a valid certificate, then you can just skip over the step of creating it, and follow along with the Tomcat portion Once configured, restart Tomcat and verify it is working by navigating to https://<yourServer>:<port>/Thingworx   With ThingWorx running as SSL and HAProxy installed, we just need to make sure the HAProxy configuration is setup to allow SSL traffic through.  We use 'mode tcp' to accomplish this.   On your HAProxy machine, open /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg for editing.  While most of this can be customized to fit your business needs, some variation of the highlighted portions below need to be included in your final configuration:   global         log /dev/log    local0         log /dev/log    local1 notice         chroot /var/lib/haproxy         stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin         stats timeout 30s         user haproxy         group haproxy         daemon           # Default SSL material locations         ca-base /etc/ssl/certs         crt-base /etc/ssl/private           # Default ciphers to use on SSL-enabled listening sockets.         # For more information, see ciphers(1SSL). This list is from:         #         # An alternative list with additional directives can be obtained from         #         ssl-default-bind-ciphers ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS         ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3   defaults         log global          option tcplog          mode tcp          option http-server-close          timeout connect 1s          timeout client  20s          timeout server  20s          timeout client-fin 20s          timeout tunnel 1h          errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http          errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http          errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http          errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http          errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http          errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http          errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http         frontend https          bind *:443          mode tcp          default_backend bk_app           backend bk_app          mode tcp          server TWXAPP01  <twxapp01IP>:<port>         In this example, the user would connect to https://<loadbalancer>/Thingworx and the load balancer would forward the requests to https://<twxapp01IP>:<port>/Thingworx   That’s it!   A couple of side notes:   The load balancer port the clients connect to does not need to be the same as the ThingWorx port the load balancer will forward to If working in a Highly Available configuration, each ThingWorx Application server needs to have its own certificate configured If HAProxy seems unstable, try updating to the latest release If it is on the latest release according to the Unix repository, check and see if there is a later stable release.  There have been some issues where Ubuntu's latest update in the repository is actually a few years old
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This video gives an introduction to the Descriptive Services: what they are how to install them how to configure them how to use them  
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This video shows the steps to install ThingWorx Analytics release 8.3  
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ThingWorx 8.3 covers the following areas of the product portfolio:  ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Utilities, and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Connection Server and Edge capabilities.   Highlights of the release include:   ThingWorx Foundation Next Generation Composer: Now default admin and developer interface Full Feature parity with legacy Composer New capability for User and Group administration, Authorization and permissions, Export, Monitoring and Logging. More in Helpcenter Localization support for German and French Mashup Builder: JQuery 3 upgrade Grid Advanced Extension now supports Cell Editing and Footers Platform: Active Directory (AD) Integration enhancements for larger AD forests and user extension field mapping Upgrade in-place enhancements for Java SDK developers Developer Enablement Capture the usage statics such as time taken to execute a ThingWorx service, # of times a service runs in ThingWorx using Service Utilization Statistics functionality powered by all new and efficient Utilization Subsystem. Collect ThingWorx system data such as ESAPI configuration, ThingworxStorage logs, licensing, and JVM information to better diagnose system issues Service Utilization Statistics: ThingWorx Support Package tool Administrator Password and Password Length New installations of ThingWorx will be required to supply the initial Administrator password of the installer’s choice. That password must be supplied via a new entry in the platform-settings.json file. After the initial installation, the Administrator password should then be changed to a strong password to be used going forward. Additional information. As a step toward industry best practices, the Administrator password and all new passwords will need to be at least 10 characters.  When upgrading to 8.3, passwords from older versions of the platform will not need to be modified, but any new passwords being created will need to be at least 10 characters long. See the installation instructions for complete details.   ThingWorx Analytics New Descriptive Services  Core statistics (min, max, deviation, etc.), data distribution (binning), confidence intervals, and other useful calculations. Frequency analysis and transformation (via fast Fourier transform) for troubleshooting use cases and predictive analytics applications Improves users’ ability to apply logic and derive the following insights from streaming data without constructing complex models or accessing machine learning: Enables platform developers to easily process platform data in their applications and prepare the data for predictions. Statistical Process Control (SPC) Services Provides industry-standard calculations that allow IoT developers to implement SPC “control chart rules” in their applications.  Useful in manufacturing and in monitoring equipment and processes. Supports a wide assortment of rules, including number of points continuously above / below a range, in and out of range, increasing or decreasing trends, or alternating directions. Analytics Workbench Bundles the two Analytics interfaces (Analytics Builder and Manager) into a new Analytics section in Composer. Predictive Analytics Improvements Reduces overall install and administration complexity. Improves handling of time dseries data when used in predictive scoring. Includes a new learner, Support Vector Machines, enhancing the platform’s utility in building Boolean predictions. Includes a new ensemble method, Majority Vote, that improves generated model accuracy. Provides redundancy filtering which can optionally remove redundant information to improve explanatory analytics (Signals) and predictive model training. Now supports time series lookahead configuration, simplifying this type of prediction. Replaces ThingPredictor predictive scoring in Analytics Manager with native Analytics Server scoring: Improves scalability of concurrent jobs. Axeda Compatibility Package IDM Connector Support o   ACP v1.1.0 introduces the IDM Connector which enables Axeda customers to connect their Axeda IDM agents to the ThingWorx platform.  The IDM Connector provides support for registration requests, property updates, faults, events, file uploads and downloads.  Axeda ThingWorx Entity Exporter Update o   ACP v1.1.0 also includes an updated version of Axeda-ThingWorx Entity Exporter (ATEE) which now supports exporting Axeda IDM assets from the Axeda application into a format that can be imported in the ThingWorx Platform.  eMessage Connector Improvements o   Additionally, ACP v1.1.0 includes support for instruction based Software Content Management packages for the eMessage Connector which allows you to download file(s), execute instruction(s) and optionally restart the agent.  The Axeda Compatibility Extension (ACE) has new entities to support the IDM Connector and SCM for the eMesssage Connector.  o   Finally, updated versions of the Axeda Compatibility Extensions (ACE) and the Connection Services Extension (CSE) are included in ACP v1.1.0 and provide an improved workflow for granting permissions to the eMessage and IDM Connectors. ThingWorx Extension Updates Websocket Tunnel Extension Update The Websocket Tunnel Extension was updated for 8.3 to support the upgrade to jQuery3 Grid Advanced 4.0.0 comes with 2 key features: Editing - we now have cell editing support for all basetypes. The previous version had boolean editing; 4.0.0 now includes support for all basetypes. Footers - A footer section can now be added to the Grid to display rolled-up Grid totals. You can perform client-side calculations like count, min, max and average, and it includes support for custom functions. Note - Grid Advanced 4.0.0 only supports ThingWorx 8.3 and above. Custom Charts 3.0.1 12 Bug Fixes Google Maps 3.0.1 General Bug Fixes ThingWorx Utilities With the 8.3 Release, ThingWorx Utilities functionality are being repackaged into ThingWorx Foundation and ThingWorx Asset Advisor.  ThingWorx Workflow will now be available with Foundation.  The functionality from the Asset and Alert Management Utilities will be delivered in ThingWorx Asset Advisor.  ThingWorx Software Content Management capabilities will continue to be available for customer to manage the delivery of Software to their Connected Products.  The naming of “Utilities” is being phased out of the ThingWorx Platform packaging but the key functionality formerly described as ThingWorx Utilities continues to be delivered with version 8.3.   ThingWorx 8.3 Reference Documents ThingWorx Analytics 8.3 Reference Documents ThingWorx Platform 8.3 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Installation Guide     ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal PTC Marketplace   The following items will be available for download from the PTC Software Download site on June 8, 2018. ThingWorx Platform – Select Release 8.3 ThingWorx Utilities – Select Release 8.3 ThingWorx Analytics – Select Release 8.3 ThingWorx Extensions – Select Individual Extensions for download.  Will be available with the next Marketplace refresh
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One of the interesting features of ThingWorx Analytics Manager is its ability to run distributed models created in Excel (and more of course).  Most people having been tasked with understanding data have built models in Excel and have sometimes built quite complex models (or even applications) with it.   The ability to tie these models to real data coming from various systems connected through ThingWorx and operationalise their execution is a really simple way for people to leverage their existing work and I.P. on a connected analytics journey.   To demonstrate this power and ease of implementation, I created a sample data set with historical data, traffic profile, and a simple anomaly detection model to execute with Analytics Manager.  (files are attached)   The online help center was quite helpful in explaining the process of Creating the Excel Workbook, however I got stuck at the XML mapping stage.  The Analytics and Excel documentation both neglect to mention one important detail -- you must be using the Windows version of Excel in order to get the XML Source functionality (and I use Mac).  Once using Windows, it was easy to do - here is a video of the XML mapping part of the process (for the inputs and results).   
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In this IoT-AR Tech Tip, we will cover what the microservices do, and their functions overall in the ThingWorx Analytics Server Application.   With the new architecture changes introduced with ThingWorx Analytics 8.1, many users have asked for a more descriptive explanation of the purpose of the microservices that make up the Analytics Server application. In 8.3, Descriptive Microservice has been introduced, and changings in how Predictive Scoring were incorporated. ThingPredictor has been deprecated and its primary functions have been incorporated into ThingWorx Analytics Server’s Prediction microservice.   Many of these microservices can be installed as separate distinct utilities, though there some that are required for base functionality of Analytics Server. This allows custom installation by the end-user to tailor the TWA deployment to their needs.   ThingWorx Analytics Server Microservices   Analytics Microservice – Analytics Server Edge Agent acts as an integration point between the ThingWorx server and the ThingWorx Analytics server. The Edge Agent automatically registers with ThingWorx and instantiates the Things that represent the connected ThingWorx Analytics microservicers. This component is mandatory.   Clustering Microservice - The Clustering Microserver provides services that categorize dataset records into groups (clusters) based on their similarities. Clustering returns results in the form of a PMML model. This component is optional.   Data Microservice - The Data Microserver provides data-handling services. These services include creating a dataset, appending new data, viewing dataset metadata, querying and retrieving information about the distribution of data in the dataset. This component is mandatory.   Predictive Microservice - The Prediction Microserver provides both real time and asynchronous (batch) predictive scoring. The scoring process evaluates each record in a dataset against a prediction model. Each record is assigned a predictive score that reflects the model's predicted outcome for that record. This component is optional. This component replaces ThingPredictor in functionality.   Prescriptive Microservice - The Prescriptive Microserver provides real time prescriptive scoring, which examines how certain changes might affect future outcomes. Fields identified as levers can be varied to determine how specific changes might affect future outcomes. This component is optional.   Profiles Microservice - The Profiling Microserver provides services to identify distinct subpopulations (profiles) within a dataset that share similar characteristics and are different from other subpopulations in statistically significant ways.  Profiles are not required in order to make a prediction, but they contribute to a strategic understanding of the complex factors associated with specific outcomes. This component is optional.   Results Microservice – The Results Microserver provides services for working with results. It also provides services to query input and output fields for Training and Clustering results, which output in PMML format. This component is mandatory.   Training Microservice – The Training Microserver uses machine learning algorithms and techniques to identify meaningful patterns in a dataset and generate a predictive model. A number of parameters are available for tuning the type and combination of learning techniques used. The resulting model is output in PMML format. This component is optional, however, if the Validation Microserver is selected, the Training Microserver will be selected by default.   Validation Microservice – The Validation Microserver provides metrics to evaluate how well a model was able to predict outcomes for a specific goal variable in a dataset. Depending on the goal variable, validation metrics can include RMSE, Matthew's Correlation (MCC), Pearson Correlation, true and false positive rates, accuracy, or a confusion matrix. This component is optional, however if the Training Microserver is selected, the Validation Microserver will be delected by default.   Analytics Worker – The Analytics Worker does the processing work in the system. It picks up jobs from the Zookeeper system and performs the requested work. By default, only one worker is installed, but the number of workers can be scaled up after installation. Workers can process any type of submitted job request. This component is mandatory.   ThingWorx Analytics – Descriptive Analytics Microservice   Descriptive Analytics Microservice is an optional microservice included with the ThingWorx Analytics Server installation package, but can operate as a distinct and separate utility.   Descriptive Analytics provides a library of on-demand services that perform common statistical calculations and facilitate statistical monitoring on raw data. Descriptive Analytics is not required to generate prediction models, but output from these services can provide insights that improve your understanding of your data.   Update January 6, 2020   For information about ThingWorx Analytics 8.5 and newer, please refer to the HelpCenter - Analytics Server System Architecture for 8.5
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