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IoT Tips

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By Tim Atwood and Dave Bernbeck, Edited by Tori Firewind Adapted from the March 2021 Expert Session Produced by the IoT Enterprise Deployment Center The primary purpose of monitoring is to determine when your application may be exhausting the available resources. Knowledge of the infrastructure limits help establish these monitoring boundaries, determining straightforward thresholds that indicate an app has gone too far. The four main areas to monitor in this way are CPU, Memory, Networking, and Disk.   For the CPU, we want to know how many cores are available to the application and potentially what the temperature is for each or other indicators of overtaxation. For Memory, we want to know how much RAM is available for the application. For Networking, we want to know the network throughput, the available bandwidth, and how capable the network cards are in general. For Disk, we keep track of the read and write rates of the disks used by the application as well as how much space remains on those.   There are several major infrastructure categories which reflect common modes of operation for ThingWorx applications. One is Bare Metal, which relies upon the traditional use of hardware to connect directly between operating system and hardware, with no intermediary. Limits of the hardware in this case can be found in manufacturing specifications, within the operating system settings, and listed somewhere within the IT department normally. The IT team is a great resource for obtaining these limits in general, also keeping track of such things in VMware and virtualized infrastructure models.   VMware is an intermediary between the operating system and the hardware, and often its limits are determined based on the sizing of the application and set by the IT team when the infrastructure is established. These can often be resized as needed, and the IT team will be well aware of the limits here, often monitoring some of the performance themselves already. This is especially so if Cloud Providers are used, given that these are scaled up virtualizations which are configured in easy-to-use cloud portals. These two infrastructure models can also be resized as needed.   Lastly Containers can be used to designate operating system resources as needed, in a much more specific way that better supports the sharing of resources across multiple systems. Here the limits are defined in configuration files or charts that define the container.   The difficulties here center around learning what the limits are, especially in the case of network and disk usage. Network bandwidth can fluctuate, and increased latency and network congestion can occur at random times for seemingly no reason. Most monitoring scenarios can therefore make due with collecting network send and receive rates, as well as disk read and write rates, performed on the server.   Cloud Providers like Azure provide VM and disk sizing options that allow you to select exactly what you need, but for network throughput or network IO, the choices are not as varied. Network IO tends to increase with the size of the VM, proportional to the number of CPU cores and the amount of Memory, so this may mean that a VM has to be oversized for the user load, for the bulk of the application, in order to accommodate a large or noisy edge fleet. The next few slides list the operating metrics and common thresholds used for each. We often use these thresholds in our own simulations here at PTC, but note that each use case is different, and each situation should be analyzed individually before determining set limits of performance.   Generally, you will want to monitor: % utilization of all CPU cores, leaving plenty of room for spikes in  activity; total and used memory, ensuring total memory remains constant throughout and used memory remains below a reasonable percentage of the total, which for smaller systems (16 GB and lower) means leaving around 20% Memory for the OS, and for larger systems, usually around 3-4 GB.    For disks, the read and write rates to ensure there is ample free space for spikes and to avoid any situation that might result in system down time;  and for networking, the send and receive rates which should be below 70% or so, again to leave room for spikes.   In any monitoring situation, high consistent utilization  should trigger concern and an investigation into  what’s happening. Were new assets added? Has any recent change caused regression or other issues?    Any resent changes should be inspected and the infrastructure sizing should be considered as well. For ThingWorx specific monitoring, we look at max queue sizes, entries performed, pool sizes, alerts, submitted task counts, and anything that might indicate some kind of data loss. We want the queues to be consistently cleared out to reduce the risk of losing data in the case of an interruption, and to ensure there is no reason for resource use to build up and cause issues over time. In order for a monitoring set-up to be truly helpful, it needs to make certain information easily accessible to administrative users of the application. Any metrics that are applicable to performance needs to be processed and recorded in a location that can be accessed quickly and easily from wherever the admins are. They should quickly and easily know the health of the application from a glance, without needing to drill down a lot to be made aware of issues. Likewise, the alerts that happen should be  meaningful, with minimal false alarms, and it is best if this is configurable by the admins from within the application via some sort of rules engine (see the DGIS guide, soon to be released in version 9.1). The  monitoring tool should also be able to save the system history and export it for further analysis, all in the name of reducing future downtime and creating a stable, enterprise system.     This dashboard (above) is a good example of how to  rollup a number of performance criteria into health indicators for various aspects of the application. Here there is a Green-Yellow-Red color-coding system for issues like web requests taking longer than 30s, 3 minutes, or more to respond.   Grafana is another application used for monitoring internally by our team. The easy dashboard creation feature and built-in chart modes make this tool  super easy to get started with, and certainly easy to refer to from a central location over time. Setting this up is helpful for load testing and making ready an application, but it is also beneficial for continued monitoring post-go-live, and hence why it is a worthy investment. Our team usually builds a link based on the start and end time of tests for each simulation performed, with all of the various servers being monitored by one Grafana server, one reference point.   Consider using PTC Performance Advisor to help monitor these kinds of things more easily (also called DynaTrace). When most administrators think of monitoring, they think of reading and reacting to dashboards, alerts, and reports. Rarely does the idea of benchmarking come to mind as a monitoring activity, and yet, having successful benchmarks of system performance can be a crucial part of knowing if an application is functioning as expected before there are major issues. Benchmarks also look at the response time of the server and can better enable  tracking of actual end user experience. The best  option is to automate such tests using JMeter or other applications, producing a daily snapshot of user performance that can anticipate future issues and create a more reliable experience for end users over time.   Another tool to make use of is JMeter, which has the option to build custom reports. JMeter is good for simulating the user load, which often makes up most of the server load of a ThingWorx application, especially considering that ingestion is typically optimized independently and given the most thought. The most unexpected issues tend to pop up within the application itself, after the project has gone live.   Shown here (right) is an example benchmark from a Windchill application, one which is published by PTC to facilitate comparison between optimized test systems and real life performance. Likewise, DynaTrace is depicted here, showing an automated baseline (using Smart URL Detection) on Response Time (Median and 90th percentile) as well as Failure Rate. We can also look at Throughput and compare it with the expected value range based on historical throughput data. Monitoring typically increases system performance  and availability, but its other advantage is to provide faster, more effective troubleshooting. Establish a systematic process or checklist to step through when problems occur, something that is organized to be done quickly, but still takes the time to find and fix the underlying problems. This will prevent issues from happening again and again and polish the system periodically as problems occur, so that the stability and integrity of the system only improves over time. Push for real solutions if possible, not band-aids, even if more downtime is needed up front; it is always better to have planned downtime up front than unplanned downtime down the line. Close any monitoring gaps when issues do occur, which is the valid RCA response if not enough information was captured to actually diagnose or resolve the issue.   PTC Tech Support developed a diagnostic data gathering query for Oracle that customers can use, found in our knowledgebase. This is an example of RCA troubleshooting that looks at different database factors, reporting on which queries perform the worst  based on inputted criteria. Another example of troubleshooting is for the Java JVM, where we look at all of the things listed here (below) in an automated, documented process that then generates a report for easy end user consumption.   Don’t hesitate to reach out to PTC Technical Support in advance to go over your RCA processes, to review benchmark discrepancies between what PTC publishes and what your real-life systems show, and to ensure your monitoring is adequate to maintain system stability and availability at all times.  
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Thingworx provides the capability to use JDBC to connect to Relational Databases. What would be the steps to take? 1. Find the proper JDBC JAR file, this can be easily located by keeping in mind your database and its version and doing an online search. 2. Download the JDBC Extension Creator from the Marketplace 3. Follow the instructions to create the actual JDBC extension you will be using 4. Create a Thing based on the ThingTemplate from the JDBC extension - This represents your actual connection to the database 5. Set up the configuration:      a. Connection String - Usually I use to find that      b. Validation String - This has to be a VALID SQL statement within the context of the database you are connecting to (Like SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL for Oracle)      c. Proper User Name and Password as defined in the database you are connecting to 6. SAVE 7. To check if you are properly connected, go back into Edit mode and go to Services, create a new SQL Query or Command and check Tables and Columns Tab. Actual Tables should show up now. 8. If it doesn't work, check your application log.
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Thread Safe Coding, Part 1: The Java Extension Approach Written by Desheng Xu and edited by @vtielebein    Overview Time and again, customers report that one of their favorite ThingWorx features is using However, the Javascript language doesn't have a built-in semaphore locker mechanism, nothing to enable thread-safe concurrent processing, like you find in the Java language. This article demonstrates why thread safe coding is necessary and how to use the Java Extension for this purpose. Part 2 presents an alternative approach using database lockers.   Demo Use Case Let's use a highly abstracted use case to demo thread-safe code practices: There are tens of machines in a factory, and PLC will emit a signal to indicate an issue happens during run-time. The customer expects to have a dashboard that shows today's total count of issues from all machines in real-time. The customer is also expecting that a timestamp of each issue can be logged (regardless of the machine). Similar use cases might be to: Show the total product counts from each sub-line in the current shift. Show the total rentals of bicycles from all remote sites. Show the total issues of distant cash machines across the country.   Modeling Thing: DashboardCounter, which includes: 1 Property: name:counter, type:integer, logged:true, default value:0 3 services: IncreaseCounter(): increase counter value 1 GetCounter(): return current counter value ResetCounter(): set counter value to 0 1 Subscription: a subscription to the data change event of the property counter, which will print the new value and timestamp to the log.   GetCounter var result = me.counter;   IncreaseCounter me.counter = me.counter + 1; var result = me.counter;   ResetCounter me.counter = 0; var result = 0;   Subscription MonitorCounter":"+eventData.newValue.time.getTime());   ValueStream For simplicity, the value stream entity is not included in the attachment. Please go ahead and assign a value stream to this Thing to monitor the property values.   Test Tool A small test tool mulreqs is attached here, along with some extensions and ThingWorx entities that are useful. The mulreqs tool uses a configuration file from the OS variable definition MULTI_REQUEST_CONFIG.   In Linux/MacOS: export MULTI_REQUEST_CONFIG="./config.json" in config.json file, you can use the following configuration:       { "host":"", "port":443, "protocol":"https", "endpoint":"/Thingworx/Things/DashboardCounter/services/IncreaseCounter", "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "AppKey":"5cafe6eb-adba-41df-a7d6-4fc8088125c1" }, "payload":{}, "round_break":50000, "req_break":0, "round_size":50, "total_round":20 }       host, port, protocol, headers are very identical to define a ThingWorx server. endpoint defines which service is called during the test. payload is not in use at this moment but you have to keep it here. total_round is how many rounds of the test you want to run. round_size defines how many requests will be sent simultaneously during each round. round_break is the pause time during each round in Microseconds, so 50000 in the above example means 50ms. req_break is 0, this is the delay between requests. "0" means requests to the server will happen simultaneously.   The expectation from the above configuration is service execution a total of 20*50 times, 1000 times. So, we can expect that if the initial value is 0, then counter should be 1000 at the end, and if the value stream is clean initially, then the value stream should have a history from 1 to 1000.   Run Test Use the following command to perform the test: .<your path>/mulreqs Execution output will look like:   Check Result You will be surprised that the final value is 926 instead of 1000. (Caution: this value will be different in different tests and it can be any value in the range of 1 and 1000). Now, look at the value stream by using QueryPropertyHistory. There are many values missing here, and while the total count can vary in different tests, it is unlikely to be exactly the last value (926). Notice that the last 5 values are: 926, 925, 921, 918. The values 919, 920, 922, and 923 are all missing. So next we check if there are any errors in the script log, and there are none. There are only print statements we deliberately placed in the logs. So, we have observed two symptoms here: The final value from property counter doesn't have the expected value. The value stream doesn't have the expected history of the counter property changes. What's the reason behind each symptom, and which one is a thread-safe issue?   Understanding Timestamp Granularity ThingWorx facilitates the collection of time series data and solutions centered around such data by allowing for use of the timestamp as the primary key. However, a timestamp will always have a minimal granularity definition when you process it. In ThingWorx, the minimal granularity or unit of a timestamp is one millisecond.   Looking at the log we generated from the subscription again, we see that several data points (922, 923, 924, 925) have the same timestamp (1596089891147), which is GMT Thursday, July 30, 2020, 6:18:11.147 AM. When each of these data points is flushed into the database, the later data points overwrite the earlier ones since they all have the same timestamp. So, data point 922 went into the value stream first, and then was overwritten by data point 923, and then 924, and then 925. The next data point in the value stream is 926, which has a new timestamp (1596089891148), 1ms behind the previous one. Therefore, data points 925 and 926 are stored while 922, 923, 924 are not. These lost data points are therefore NOT a thread-safe issue.   The reason why some of these data points have the same timestamp in this example is because multiple machines write to the same value stream. The right approach is to log data points at the individual machine level, with a different value stream per machine.   However, what happens if one machine emits data too frequently? If data points from the same machine still have a timestamp clash issue, then the signal frequency is too high. The recommended approach would be to down-sample the update frequency, as any frequency higher than 1000Hz will result in unexpected results like these.   Real Thread Safe Issue from Demo Use Case The final value of the counter being an arbitrary random number is the real thread-safe coding issue. if we take a look at the code again: me.counter = me.counter + 1; This piece of code can be split into three-piece: Step 1: read current value of me.counter Step 2: increase this value Step 3: set me.counter with new value. In a multi-threaded environment, not performing the above three steps as a single operation will lead to a race issue. The way to solve this issue is to use a locking mechanism to serialize access to the property, which will acquire the lock, perform the three operations, and then release the lock. This can be done using either the Java Extension or the database thing to leverage the database lock mechanism.   Use Java Extension to Handle Thread Safe Challenge This tutorial assumes that the Eclipse plug-in for ThingWorx extension development is already installed. The following will guide you through creating a simple Java extension step by step: Create a Java Extension Project Choose the minimal ThingWorx version to support and select the corresponding SDK. Let's name it JavaExtLocker, though it’s best to use lower-case in the project name. Add a ThingWorx Template in the src Folder Right-click the src folder and a a Thing Template. Add a Thing property Right click on the Java source file created in the above step and click the menu option called Thingworx Source, then select Add Property. Add Three Services: IncreaseCounter, GetCounter, ResetCounter Right click the Java source file and select the menu option called Thingworx source, then select Add Service. See above for the IncreaseCounter service details. Repeat these same steps to add GetCounter and ResetCounter: (Optionally) Add a Generated Serial ID Add Code to the Three Services @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "IncreaseCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer IncreaseCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: IncreaseCounter"); int current_value = ((IntegerPrimitive (this.getPropertyValue("Counter"))).getValue(); current_value ++; this.setPropertyValue("Counter", new IntegerPrimitive(current_value)); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: IncreaseCounter"); return current_value; } @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "GetCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer GetCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: GetCounter"); int current_value = ((IntegerPrimitive)(this.getPropertyValue("Counter"))).getValue(); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: GetCounter"); return current_value; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "ResetCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer ResetCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: ResetCounter"); this.setPropertyValue("Counter", new IntegerPrimitive(0)); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: ResetCounter"); return 0; }​ The key here is the synchronized modifier, which is what allows for Java to control the multi-threading to prevent data loss. Build the Application Use 'gradle build' to generate a build of the extension. Import the Extension into ThingWorx Create Thing Based on New Thing Template Check the New Thing Property and Service Definition Use the Same Test Tool to Run the Test Again { "host":"", "port":443, "protocol":"https", "endpoint":"/Thingworx/Things/DeoLockerThing/services/IncreaseCounter", "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "AppKey":"5cafe6eb-adba-41df-a7d6-4fc8088125c1" }, "payload":{}, "round_break":50000, "req_break":0, "round_size":50, "total_round":20 } ​ Just change the endpoint to point to the new thing.  Check the Test Result Repeat the same test several times to ensure the results are consistent and expected (and don't forget to reset the counter between tests). Summary of Java Extension Approach The Java extension approach shown here uses the synchronized keyword to thread-safe the operation of several actions. Other options are to use a ReentryLock or Semaphore locker for the same purpose, but the synchronized keyword approach is much cleaner.   However, the Java extension locker will NOT work in 9.0 horizontal architecture since Java doesn't a have distributed locker. IgniteLocker wouldn't work in the current horizontal architecture, either. So if using a thread-safe counter in version 9.0+ horizontal architecture, then leverage the database thing, as discussion below.
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Hello Developer Community, We are pleased to announce pre-release availability of the ThingWorx Edge SDK for Android! The Android SDK beta is built off the Java SDK code base, but replaces the Netty websocket client with Autobahn for compatibility with Android OS.  Those familiar with the Java SDK API will feel very much at home in the Android SDK.  We recommend beginning with the included sample application.  Please watch this thread for upcoming beta releases.  b4 adds file transfers between the ThingWorx platform and Android devices and an example application. We welcome your questions and comments in the thread below!  Happy coding! Regards, ThingWorx Edge Products Team
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When to Include InfluxDB in the ThingWorx Development Lifecycle (this article is also available for download as a PDF attached)   The Short Answer InfluxDB is a time series database designed specifically for data ingestion. Historically, InfluxDB has been viewed as a high-scale expansion option for ThingWorx: a way to ensure the application works as intended, even when scaled up to the enterprise level. This is certainly one way to view it, because when there are many, many remote things, each with a lot of properties writing to the Platform at short intervals, then InfluxDB is a sure choice. However, what about in smaller applications? Is there still a benefit to using an optimized data ingestion tool in any case? The short answer is: yes, there is!   Using InfluxDB for optimized data ingestion is a good idea even in smaller-sized applications, especially if there are plans to scale the application up in the future. It is far better to design the application around InfluxDB from the start than to adjust the data model of the application later on when an optimized data ingestion process is required. PostgreSQL and InfluxDB simply handle the storage of data in different ways, with the former functioning better with many Value Streams, and the latter with fewer Value Streams. Switching the way data is retained and referenced later, when the application is already on the larger side, causes delays in growing the application larger and adding more devices. Likewise, if the Platform reaches its ingestion limits in a production environment, there can be costly downtime and data loss while a proper solution (which likely involves reworking the application to work optimally with InfluxDB) is implemented.   Don’t think that InfluxDB is for expansion only; it is an optimized ingestion database that has benefits at every level of the application development lifecycle. From the end to end, InfluxDB can ensure reliable data ingestion, reduced risk of data loss, and reduced memory and CPU used by the deployment overall. Preliminary sizing and benchmark data is provided in this article to explain these recommendations. Consider how ThingWorx is ingesting data now, how much CPU and other resources are used just for acquiring the data, and perhaps InfluxDB would seem a benefit to improve application performance.   The Long Answer In order to uncover just how beneficial InfluxDB can be in any size application, the IoT Enterprise Deployment Center has run some simulations with small and medium sized applications. The use case in the simulation is simple with user requests coming from a collection of basic mashups and data ingestion coming from various numbers of things, each with a collection of “fast” and “slow” properties which update at different rates. This synthetic load of data does not include a more complete application scenario, so the memory and CPU usage shown here should not be used as sizing recommendations. For those types of recommendations, stay tuned for the soon-to-release ThingWorx 9.0 Sizing (or check out the current 8.5 Sizing Guide).   Comparing Runs When determining the health of the ThingWorx Platform, there are several categories to inspect: Value Stream Queue Rate and Queue Size, HTTP Requests, and the overall Memory and CPU use for each server. Using Grafana to store the metrics results in charts like those below which can easily be compared and contrasted, and used to evaluate which hardware configuration results in the best performance. The size of the numbers on the vertical axis indicate total numbers of resources used for that metric, while the slope or trend of each chart indicates bottlenecks and inadequate resource allocation for the use case.   In this case, all darker charts represent data from PostgreSQL ONLY configurations, while the lighter charts represent the InfluxDB instances. Because this is not a sizing guide, whether each of these charts comes from the small or medium run is unimportant as long as they match (for valid comparisons between with Influx and without it). The smaller run had something like 20k Things, and the larger closer to 60k, both with 275 total Platform users (25 Admins) and 3 mashups, which were each called at various refresh rates over the course of the 1-hour testing period. Note that in the PostgreSQL ONLY instances, there were more Thing Templates and corresponding Value Streams. This change is necessary between runs because only with fewer Value Streams does InfluxDB begin to demonstrate notable improvements.   The most important thing to note is that the lighter charts clearly demonstrate better performance for both size runs. Each section below will break down what the improvement looks like in the charts to show how to use Grafana to verify the best performance.   Value Stream Queue The vertical axis on the Value Stream Queue Rate chart shows how many total writes per minute (WPS) the Platform can handle. The average is 10 WPS higher using InfluxDB in both scenarios, and InfluxDB is also much more stable, meaning that the writes happen more reliably. The Value Stream Queue Size chart demonstrates how well the writes within the queue are processed. Both of these are necessary to determine the health of data ingestion.   If the queue size were to increase and trend upward in the lighter Queue Size chart, then that would mean the Platform couldn’t handle the higher ingestion rate. However, since the Queue Size is stable and close to 0 the entire time, it is clear that the Platform is capable of clearing out the Value Stream Queue immediately and reliably throughout the entire test. FIGURE 1 – THESE REPRESENT THE DATA GETTING STORED INTO THE DATA PROVIDER. NOTE: THE FORMER IS MUCH LOWER THAN THE LATTER.   FIGURE 2 – NOTE THE DATA LOSS IN THE NON-INFLUX INSTANCE (THE QUEUE IN GREEN REACHES THE MAX IN YELLOW). THE INFLUX INSTANCE HAS LESS TROUBLE CLEARING OUT THE QUEUE, AS DEMONSTRATED BY THE CONSISTENTLY LOW QUEUE SIZE.   HTTP Requests Taking the strain of ingestion off of the Platform’s primary database frees its resources up for other activities. This in turn improves the performance and reliability of the Platform to respond to HTTP requests, those which in a typical application are used to aggregate data into smaller data stores (depending on the use case) and which render the mashups for the end users. The business logic and mashups can be more complex when there is one database designated for ingestion (InfluxDB) and one for everything else (PostgreSQL). FIGURE 3 – THE DARKER CHART SHOWS A LOT OF CHOPPINESS, MEANING THAT WHILE THE PLATFORM WAS RESPONDING THE WHOLE TIME, IT WAS NOT DOING SO RELIABLY. THE SMOOTHER SECOND CHART SHOWS HOW MUCH EASIER THE PLATFORM CAN HANDLE THESE REQUESTS WHEN THE LOAD IS DISTRUBITED INTELLIGENTLY ACROSS MULTIPLE SERVERS, EACH OPTIMIZED FOR THE TYPE OF DATA THEY RECEIVE. THE “STAIRCASE” SHAPE OCCURS BECAUSE THE SIMULATOR INCREASES THE WORK LOAD EVERY 10 MINUTES UNTIL IT BREAKS.   Likewise, the nature of Postgres lends well towards this differentiation, given that there are many more database tables required for supporting the HTTP requests, something Postgres does well. That leaves Influx to handle the time-series data and ingestion, and those are the primary strengths of that software as well. So, splitting the load across multiple servers in this way results in smaller server sizes overall, each which is stream-lined and optimized to handle exactly what it is given by the Platform.   Note that in both of these charts, there are no bad requests, so both would seem to be successful runs. However, as future charts will demonstrate more clearly, there is a catastrophic failure when the load is increased around 12:30p. The simulation ends before the server begins to show any real symptoms of the issue, and that is why there are no bad requests. The maximum Operations Per Second (OPS) in the Hardware Specifications and Performance section is taken from before the failure begins.   Clearly the InfluxDB instance has better performance given that the average Operations Per Second (OPS) is substantially higher, nearly 4 times what is seen in the PostgreSQL ONLY instance. Obviously how well the Platform manages the business logic and mashup loading will depend on a lot of factors. In this test scenario, the OPS was increased by increasing the mashup refresh rate on the InfluxDB instances (which could handle over double the operations). Likewise, the number of Stream writes to the PostgreSQL database could be double what it was when PostgreSQL was the only database. Therefore, configuring InfluxDB for the data ingestion and leaving Postgres for the rest of the application certainly makes the load much easier on the Platform, and the same would be true even in a much more complex scenario.   Memory and CPU The important thing here is to keep the memory use low enough that any spikes in usage won’t cause a server malfunction. CPU Usage should stay at or below around 75%, and Memory should never exceed around 80% of the total allocated to the server. The sizing guides can help determine what this allocation of memory needs to be.   Of note in these charts is the slight, upward slope of the CPU usage in the darker chart, indicating the start of a catastrophic failure, and the difference in the total memory needed for the ThingWorx Platform and Postgres servers when Influx is used or not. As is apparent, the servers use much less memory when the database load is split up intelligently across multiple servers.   FIGURE 4 – THE THINGWORX CPU IS ABOUT THE SAME HERE AS IN THE INFLUXDB CONFIGURATION BELOW BUT LOOK AT HOW MUCH MORE MEMORY BOTH THE PLATFORM AND THE POSTGRES DATABASE NEED ALLOCATED TO THEM IN THIS CONFIGURATION (64 GB A PIECE). ALSO NOTE THE JUMP IN CPU AND MEMORY USAGE AFTER 12:30P. THIS IS REFERENCED IN THE PREVIOUS SECTION, AND THE SLOPE UPWARD OF THE USAGE AFTER THAT POINT INDICATES THE START OF A CATASROPHIC FAILURE. THE TEST ENDS TOO SOON TO SEE ANY SYMPTOMS OF FAILURE, BUT IT IS A SURE THING AFTER THE INCREASE IN LOAD AROUND 12:30P. FIGURE 5 – INFLUX NEEDS AN EXTRA SERVER, BUT THE SIZE OF THE INFLUX AND POSTGRES SERVERS TOGETHER IS LESS THAN HALF THE SIZE AS THAT REQUIRED FOR THE SINGLE POSTGRES DATABASE IN THE POSTGRES ONLY CONFIGURATION (8 GB). THINGWORX IS SMALLER TOO (32 GB).     Hardware Specifications and Performance These are the exact specifications for each simulated instance, broken down by size and whether InfluxDB is configured or not. Note that some of the hardware specifications may be more than is necessary real-world use case depending. As stated previously, this document is not a sizing guide (use the official ThingWorx Sizing Guide). Note that the maximum number of WPS and OPS are shown here. The maximums are higher in the InfluxDB scenarios, meaning that even with smaller-sized servers, the InfluxDB configurations can handle much greater loads.   Summary In conclusion, if InfluxDB may at some point be needed in the lifecycle of an application, because the expected number of things or the number of properties on each thing is large enough that it will max the limitations of the Platform otherwise, then InfluxDB should be used from the very start. There are benefits to using InfluxDB for data ingestion at every size, from performance to reliability, and of course the obviously improved scalability as well.   Reworking the application for use with InfluxDB later on can be costly and cause delays. This is why the benefits and costs associated with an InfluxDB-centric hardware configuration should be considered from the start. More servers are required for InfluxDB, but each of these servers can be sized smaller (depending on the use case), and all of this will affect the overall cost of hosting the ThingWorx application. The benefits of InfluxDB are especially pronounced when used in conjunction with clusters, which will be demonstrate fully in the 9.0 Sizing Guide (soon to be released). If InfluxDB is used to interface with the clusters, then there are even more resources to spare for user requests.   It is considered ThingWorx best practice for high ingestion customers to make use of InfluxDB in applications of any size. Note, though, that this will mean the number of Value Streams per Influx Database will need to be limited to single digits. We hope this helps, and from everyone here at the EDC, happy developing!
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  Hi everyone,   In anticipation of ThingWorx 9.0’s biggest feature, active-active clustering, we’d like to provide an architectural overview of a sample active-active configuration and its underlying components. If you haven’t already seen it, we invite you to read our previous Community tech tip, where we introduce the concept of active-active clustering for ThingWorx Foundation, which enables you to: significantly reduce unplanned downtime for your mission-critical services and apps support horizontal scalability of the ThingWorx Server where you can scale your services up and down based on your requirements easily run, package, deploy, and operate advanced apps and services with the help of intuitive browser-based navigation, interactive monitoring and debugging tools, and more deploy anywhere - public cloud, private datacenter, on-premise, hybrid, or even locally on your laptop with deep optimizations for Azure Now, before we go too deep, we’d like to let you know that you can continue to seamlessly upgrade from previous versions of ThingWorx releases to upcoming ThingWorx 9.0  releases. Previously, you could deploy ThingWorx Foundation in a “single server” mode, and, for a high availability in “active-passive cluster” mode (see here for details). In the ThingWorx 9.0 release and onwards, you’ll be able to continue to deploy ThingWorx Foundation in a “single server” mode and for high availability scenarios via our new “active-active cluster” mode. Please note that active-passive clustering configuration will no longer be supported in ThingWorx 9.0 or onwards.   Let’s start with a quick recap on how the ThingWorx Foundation 9.0 release would look like in single server deployment.   ThingWorx 9.0 Deployed in a "Single-Server" Architecture Below is a high-level diagram depicting the main architectural layers and components of ThingWorx Foundation deployed in a single server mode.   Deployment Components Below is a brief summary of all major architectural components and their purpose in the deployment architecture:   The Client Layer This layer is comprised of everything that connects with, sends data to, and receives content from the ThingWorx platform. It be broken down into two groups: Devices/Things: Things, devices, agents, and other assets. Users/Clients: People and the respective products (primarily web browsers) they use to access ThingWorx.   The Application Layer This layer is where ThingWorx Foundation and other applications deployed with ThingWorx Foundation reside, such as ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Connection Server, ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector and others. This layer provides connectivity to the client layer, performs authentication and authorization checks, ingests/processes/analyzes content, and reacts to conditions by sending alerts. For a specific ThingWorx Foundation deployment that needs basic device data ingestion, processing and storage, you can setup only ThingWorx Foundation server. In some cases, with large number of device connections, you may want to setup ThingWorx Connection Server with ThingWorx Foundation in a single server for further scalable connectivity. ThingWorx Foundation: ThingWorx Foundation is a java-based application that serves as a rapid, model-based application development platform. Shared File Storage: Shared Disk space to contain ThingWorx Storage repositories, store and archive log files accessed by all ThingWorx Foundation servers. A NAS file storage, AWS Elastic File System, or Azure Files and others could be used for this purpose.   The Data Layer ThingWorx Foundation includes several persistence provider implementations that enable you to choose a database option that best fits your use case. A persistence provider enables the connection to a data store and the ability to perform a CRUD operation on that data. See here for more information. Currently, there are two basic variations of persistence providers: Model Provider – Responsible for ThingWorx model metadata and system data. Data Provider – Responsible for runtime data ingested against the model elements, including streams, value streams, data tables, etc. ThingWorx supports H2 (in-memory Database), PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and AzureSQL as both model and data providers, and InfluxDB as only a data provider. Please see here for model and data best practices.   ThingWorx 9.0 Deployed in an Active-Active Clustering Reference Architecture Below is a reference architecture diagram for ThingWorx 9.0 with multiple ThingWorx Foundation servers configured in an active-active cluster deployment. Please note that this is only one reference example of how ThingWorx 9.0 can be deployed in an active-active clustered environment. There could be other architectural configurations dependent upon the needs of the specific deployment. Deployment Components Once you have developed an understanding of the basic architectural components in a single server mode, below are the additional components required to run ThingWorx in active-active cluster mode.   The Client Layer This will be similar to what has been mentioned in the above single server configuration.   The Application Layer In this layer, if you’re familiar with ThingWorx active-passive cluster configuration, then you may be aware of most of the components used below—with the exception of a new component: Apache Ignite that provides Distributed Caching for the horizontally scalable ThingWorx Foundation servers. Load Balancer: A third-party device that receives network traffic and distributes requests among available servers. In active-active cluster configuration, the load balancer is used to direct WebSocket-based traffic to the ThingWorx Connection Servers while user requests (http/https) traffic is directly distributed to the ThingWorx Foundation servers. Users can continue to use a load balancer with ThingWorx 9.0 that they might already be using for their existing active-passive or single server deployments with ThingWorx 8.X or previous releases.  Some example load balancers include, but are not limited to: HAProxy, Azure Application Gateway, and AWS Application Load Balancer. ThingWorx Connection Services: These services handle all messages routing to and from devices, providing scalable connectivity to the ThingWorx Foundation Server. With the ThingWorx 9.0 release, ThingWorx Connection Services have been upgraded with many additional features to support active-active clustering of the ThingWorx Foundation servers, where now they route all WebSocket traffic in a round robin fashion to the connected ThingWorx Foundation servers. Depending upon the various use cases, one could use multiple ThingWorx Connection Services available, such as ThingWorx Connection Server, ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector, and ThingWorx Protocol Adapter Toolkit. Please see here for further details. Please note that for ThingWorx 9.0 releases, ThingWorx Connection Server would be required in an active-active configuration to support all the WebSocket-based traffic routing, including egress of files and device messages from multiple ThingWorx Foundation servers back to the devices, and it would also serve as WebSocket communication from ThingWorx Mashup-based applications to ThingWorx Composer. ThingWorx Foundation: With ThingWorx 9.0 and onwards, you can set up ThingWorx Foundation servers in an N-active-active cluster model to provide higher availability to your applications and horizontally scale the Foundation server nodes up and down based on your scalability needs. Apache Zookeeper: Apache ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information and naming as well as providing distributed synchronization and group services. It is a coordination service for distributed applications that enables synchronization across a cluster. Specific to ThingWorx, ZooKeeper is used for distributed locking, selecting a singleton server during the server initialization, service discovery for Apache Ignite, allowing it to find instances of ThingWorx Foundation servers. Apache Ignite: This offers a distributed cache for the active-active cluster setup. It is used by ThingWorx Foundation Servers to share state. It may be embedded with each ThingWorx instance or can be run as a standalone cluster for larger scale. In this configuration, Ignite is set up in a standalone cluster but can be run embedded within the ThingWorx Foundation. Running Ignite in a standalone cluster is more ideal for larger scale, as it supports higher vertical scale of memory in the deployment setup.   The Data Layer ThingWorx is largely database agnostic. You can continue to use officially supported persistence providers that you may already be using in your existing deployments based off of ThingWorx 8.X or previous releases. Please look out for an upcoming ThingWorx update as well as enhanced installation documents to help with your upgrade and migration questions with the general availability of ThingWorx 9.0. Please note that this diagram does not make the distinction between model and data providers; depending on your data ingestion needs, separate model and data providers can be used. As a reminder, all databases should be deployed in a high-availability configuration to help eliminate any single point of failure.   In closing, we can't wait to launch active-active clustering in 9.0 to help you: dramatically further reduce application downtime scale your deployments and more efficiently manage your apps, regardless of where they’re deployed   If you have any questions about active-active clustering or its architecture, please do not hesitate to reach out!   Stay connected! Kaya
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There have been a number of questions from customers and partners on when they should use different tools for calculation of descriptive analytics within ThingWorx applications. The platform includes two different approaches for the implementation of many common statistical calculations on data for a property: descriptive services and property transforms. Both of these tools are easy to implement and orchestrate as part of a ThingWorx application. However, these tools are targeted for handling different scenarios and also differ in utilization of compute resources. When choosing between these two approaches it is important to consider the specific use case being implemented along with how the implemented approach will fit into the overall design and architecture of the ThingWorx environment. This article will provide some guidance on scenarios to use each of these approaches in ThingWorx applications and things to consider with each approach.   Let's look at the two different approaches and some guidelines for when they should be used.   Descriptive services (click for more details) provide a set of ThingWorx services to analyze a data set and perform many common data transformations.  These services are targeted for performing calculations and transformations on recent operating history of a single property.  Descriptive services are called on demand to perform batch calculations. Scenarios to use descriptive services: On demand calculations performed within a mashup, a service call or an event to determine action and calculation results are not (always) stored Regular occurring calculations on logged property values or generated datasets (batch calculations) Calculations are done regularly in minutes, hours or days on a discrete set of data.  Examples: average value in last hour, median value in last day, or max value in last half hour.  Time between data creation and analysis is minutes or hours.  Some latency in the calculation result is acceptable for the use case. Input data set has 10s to 100s to 1000s of values.  Keep the size of the input data at 10,800 values or less.  If larger data sizes are required, then break them into micro batches if possible or use other tools to handle the processing. Multiple calculations need to be done from the same set of input data.  Examples: average value in last hour, max value in the last hour and standard deviation value in the last hour are all required to be calculated. Things to consider when using descriptive services Requires input dataset to be in the specific datashape format that is used by descriptive services.  If property values are logged in a value stream, there is a service to query the values and prepare the dataset for processing.  If scenarios where the data is not for a logged property, then another service or sql query can be used to prepare the dataset for processing. Requires javascript development work to implement.   This includes creation of a service to execute the descriptive services and usage of subscriptions and events to orchestrate calculations. An example of the javascript to execute descriptive services is available in the help center (here) Typically retrieval of the input data from value stream (QueryTimedValuesForProperty) is slowest part of the process. The input data is sent to an out of process platform analytics service for all calculations. Broader set of calculation services available (see table at the end of this article) Remember that these services are not meant to be used for big data calculations or big data preparation.  Look for other approaches if the input data sets grow larger than 10,800 values Property Transforms (click for more details) provide a set of transformation services for streaming data as it enters ThingWorx.   Property transforms are targeted for performing continuous calculations on recent values in the stream of a single property and delivering results in (near) real-time.  Since property transforms are continuous calculations, they are always running and using compute resources. Before implementing property transforms review the information in the property transform sizing guide to better understand factors that impact the scaling of property transforms. Scenarios to use: Continuous calculations on a stream for a single property as new data comes into ThingWorx New values enter the stream faster than one value per minute (as a general guideline) Calculations required to be done in seconds or minutes.  Examples: average electrical current in last 10 seconds, median pressure in the last 10 readings,  or max torque in last minute Time between data creation and analysis is small (in seconds).  Results of property transform is required for rapid decisions and action so reducing latency is critical Data sets used for calculation are small and contain 10s to 100s of values.  Calculated results are stored in a new property in the ThingModel Things to consider when using property transforms Codeless process to create new property transforms on a single property in the ThingModel Does not require input property values to be logged as calculations are performed on streaming data as it enters ThingWorx Unlike descriptive services which only execute when called, each property transform creates a continuously running job that will always be using compute resources.  Resource allocations for property transforms must be included in the overall system architecture.  Before selecting the property transform approach, refer to the Property Transform Sizing Guide for more information about how different parameters affect the performance of Property Transforms and results of performance load test scenarios. Let’s apply these guidelines to a few different use cases to determine which approach to select. 1. Mashup application that allows users to calculate and view median temperature over a selected time window In this scenario, the calculation will be executed on-demand with a user defined time window. Descriptive services are the only option here since there is not a pre-defined schedule and the user can select which data to use for the calculation.   2. Calculate the max torque (readings arriving one per second) on a press over each minute without storing all of the individual readings. In this scenario, the calculation will be executed without storing the individual readings coming from the machine. The transformation is made to the data on its way into ThingWorx and continuously calculating based on new values. Property transforms are the only option here since the individual values are not being stored.   3. Calculation of average pressure value (readings arriving one per second) over a five minute window to monitor conditions and raise an alert when the median value is more than two standard deviations from expected. In this scenario, both descriptive services and property transforms can perform the calculation required. The calculation is going to occur every 5 minutes and each data set will have about 300 values. The selection of batch (descriptive services) or streaming (property transforms) will likely be determined by the usage of the result. In this case, the calculation result will be used to raise an alert for a specific five minute window which likely will require immediate action. Since the alert needs to be raised as soon as possible, property transforms are the best option (although descriptive services will handle this case also with less compute resource requirements).   4, Calculation of median temperature (readings each 20 seconds) over 48 hour period to use as input to predict error conditions in the next week. In this scenario, the calculation will be performed relatively infrequently (once every 48 hours) over a larger data set (about 8,640 values). Descriptive services are the best option in this case due to the data size and calculation frequency. If property transforms were used, then compute resources would be tied up holding all of the incoming values in memory for an extended period before performing a calculation. With descriptive services, the calculation will only consume resource when needed, or once every 48 hours.   Hopefully this information above provides some more insight and guidelines to help choose between property transforms and descriptive services. The table below provides some additional comparisons between the two approaches.     Descriptive Services Property Transforms Purpose Provide a set of ThingWorx services to analyze a data set and perform many common data transformations. Provide a set of prescribed transformation services for streaming data as it enters ThingWorx. Processing Mode Batch Streaming / Continuous Delivery API / Service Composer interface API / Service Input Data Discrete data set Must be logged Single property Configurable by time or lookback Rolling data set on property X Persistence is optional Single property Configurable by time or lookback Output Data Return object handled programmatically Single output for discrete data set New property f_X in the input model Continuous output at configurable frequency Output time aligned with input data Available Services Statistics (min, max, mean, median, mode, std deviation) SPC calculations (# continuous data points: above threshold, in / out of range, increasing / decreasing, alternating) Data distribution: count by bins (histogram) Five numbers (min, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, max) Confidence interval Sampling frequency Frequency transform (FFT) Statistics (min, max, mean, median, mode, std deviation) SPC calculations (# continuous data points: above threshold, in / out of range, increasing / decreasing, alternating)
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NOTE: Even though I have tried on ODataConnector and SwaggerConnector, these steps below should be working for all the Thingworx Integration Connectors viz. GenericConnector, HTTPConnector, ODataConnector, SAPODataConnector, SwaggerConnector, WindchillSwaggerConnector.   This document guides you to add a custom header in any Thingworx Integration connector. Step 1. Create a Datashape say "CustomHeadersDataShape" and add a string field with Name the same as the header name you want to add. In this case, I want to add a header called "Prefer" so it will look something like              Step 2: Go to the Integration Connector which you want to add this custom header. Navigate to "Services". Under the "Inherited Services", edit/overwrite the "GetCustomHeaderParameters" service by clicking on the edit (pencil) icon. Step 3: In the JavaScript Code sniped section add below code snipped   var params = { infoTableName : "InfoTable", dataShapeName : "CustomHeadersDataShape" }; var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); var preferValue = "odata.maxpagesize=50"; var newRow = {"Prefer" : preferValue }; result.AddRow(newRow);   Step 4: Save the service and execute "GetCustomHeaderParameters". You should see something like         Now your custom header "Prefer: odata.maxpagesize=50" is set. further execution of your connector services will consider this header until it is reset.
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Today we're going to learn how to use the Axeda Platform SDK v2 APIs to upload a file to the platform and create a software package.  This document is a work in progress, but we're going to show you everything you need to get started.  In my case I am using the very useful and easy to use Postman REST Client app available from the Chrome Store.  I'll be using some terms below (API Object Names) that can be found in the documents listed in the bibliography at the end of this article. Assumptions (Replace these with your own versions): username:  joe, password: password1! platform instance: First things first, we need to authenticate to the platform and get a session id (header x_axeda_wss_sessionid). (Note: Postman does not automatically URL encode query parameters - this can be especially important for the password) GET:! You'll receive a response like this following: <ns1:WSSessionInfo xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:WSSessionInfo">     <ns1:created>2015-06-02T15:16:49 +0000</ns1:created>     <ns1:expired>false</ns1:expired>     <ns1:sessionId>1a5XXXXX-d9aa-47f2-ac4f-28765ce5dbc5</ns1:sessionId>     <ns1:sessionTimeout>1800</ns1:sessionTimeout> </ns1:WSSessionInfo>                Excellent, now we have a session id! For the rest of the API calls (unless otherwise indicated), all of the following headers are set to the following: x_axeda_wss_sessionid: 1a5XXXXX-d9aa-47f2-ac4f-28765ce5dbc5 Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml The next step is to get our ModelReference: POST: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ModelCriteria xmlns=""> <modelNumber>MyModelName</modelNumber> </ModelCriteria>          Which will return output like: <v2:Model xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi=""         id="MyModelName" systemId="6141" label="managed" detail="MyModelName"         restUrl="">     <v2:name>MyModelName</v2:name>     <v2:modelNumber>MyModelName</v2:modelNumber>     <v2:autoRegisterAssets>false</v2:autoRegisterAssets>     <v2:type>MANAGED</v2:type> ... </v2:Model>          The key piece of information we need from that request is the systemId. A little bit about our file (lorem-ipsum.txt): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. File-size: 307 MD5 Sum: 22b229c7ecc49cfa11255beb06c7f4fe The next step is to create a FileUploadSession and upload our file.  This will create for us the FileInfoReference we need to create our SoftwarePackage. PUT: BODY: <?xml version="1.0"?> <FileUploadSession xmlns=''>   <files>     <file xmlns:xsi='' xsi:type='FileInfo'>       <filename>lorem-ipsum.txt</filename>       <md5>22b229c7ecc49cfa11255beb06c7f4fe</md5>       <filesize>307</filesize>       <contentType>application/text</contentType>     </file>   </files>   <expirationDate/>   <status/>   <updatedDate/>   <username/>   <version/> </FileUploadSession>              And our response if all goes OK (HTTP 200) looks like the following: <v2:ExecutionResult xmlns:v2=""         xmlns:xsi="" successful="true" totalCount="1">     <v2:succeeded>         <v2:success xsi:type="v2:FileUploadSessionSuccessfulOperation">             <v2:ref>16265</v2:ref>             <v2:id>16265</v2:id>             <v2:uploadUri>sftp://DISABLED</v2:uploadUri>             <v2:session systemId="16265" label="16265" detail="16265"                 restUrl="">                 <v2:files>                     <v2:file xsi:type="v2:FileInfo" id="1068731" systemId="1068731"                         label="lorem-ipsum.txt" detail="1068731"> ... </v2:success> </v2:succeeded> </v2:ExecutionResult>         In this case, we just need the value of <v2:file systemId>, which is 1068731. TIME TO UPLOAD THE FILE CONTENTS!!! PUT: Extra Headers: X-File-Name: lorem-ipsum.txt X-File-Size: 307 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW BODY:  There needs to be a mime-part called 'file-content' that contains the contents or lorem-ipsum.txt ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-content"; filename="cfk-lorem-ipsum.txt" Content-Type: text/plain ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW         Note:  If using Postman, SoapUI or other automated tool, this will be handled automatically for you - do not specify a Content-Type header in this case. And our response, assuming an HTTP 200: <v2:ExecutionResult xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi="" successful="true" totalCount="1">     <v2:succeeded>         <v2:success>             <v2:ref>1068731</v2:ref>             <v2:id>1068731</v2:id>         </v2:success>     </v2:succeeded>     <v2:failures /> </v2:ExecutionResult>        This is just confirming our success!  Excellent.  Now we come to the SoftwarePackage.  We need two key pieces of information, the ModelReference (6141) and the FileInfoReference (1068731): POST: Headers: Our defaults, Content-Type and x_axeda_wss_sessionid BODY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SoftwarePackage xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">   <name>TEST-REST-PACKAGE</name>   <model systemId="6141" />   <version></version>   <primaryAgentsOnly>true</primaryAgentsOnly>   <retriesEnabled>true</retriesEnabled>   <instructions>     <instruction xsi:type="DownloadFileInstruction">       <file xsi:type="FileInfo" systemId="1068731"/>       <destinationDirectory>C:\temp</destinationDirectory>       <compressed>false</compressed>       <executable>false</executable>       <pathRelative>false</pathRelative>       <overwriteExistingEnabled>true</overwriteExistingEnabled>     </instruction>   </instructions> </SoftwarePackage>        And our results: <v2:ExecutionResult xmlns:v2=""          xmlns:xsi="" successful="true" totalCount="1">     <v2:succeeded>         <v2:success>             <v2:ref>TEST-REST-PACKAGE||</v2:ref>             <v2:id>45863</v2:id>         </v2:success>     </v2:succeeded>     <v2:failures /> </v2:ExecutionResult>        And PROOF! I hope this helps you in your projects, and helps demystify the Axeda Platform REST API a little for you. Regards, -Chris Bibliography (Documents available from Support Portal): Axeda v2 API/Services Developer's Reference Guide_6.8 Axeda Platform Web Services Developer Reference v2REST_6.8 Change History: 2015-09-24 : Change HTTP Methods of session create and content send to PUT from POST
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In this post I show how to use Federation in ThingWorx to execute services on a different ThingWorx platform instance. In the use case below I set up one ThingWorx instance in the Factory and another instance in the Cloud, whereby the latter is executing a service which is actually running on the former.   Please find the document in attachment.   HTH, Alessio Marchetti  
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Developing Great IoT Solutions Brought to you once again by your EDC team, find attached here a brand-new, comprehensive overview of ThingWorx best practices! This guide was crafted by combining all available feedback, from support cases to PTC Community threads, and tapping all internal resources. Let this guide serve to bridge the knowledge gaps ThingWorx developers most commonly see.    The Developing Great IoT Solutions (DGIS) Guide is a great way to inform both business and technically minded folks about the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform. Learn how to design good solutions from a high-level, an overview designed specifically with the business audience in mind. Or, learn how to implement good IoT designs through a series of technical examples. Start from very little knowledge of the Platform and end up understanding data structures and aggregation, how to use the collection widget, and how to build a fully functional rules engine for sending and acknowledging alerts in ThingWorx.   For the more advanced among us, check out the Appendix. Find here a handy list of do's and don'ts surrounding ThingWorx best practice in development, with links to KCS, Help Center, and Community content.   Reinforce your understanding of the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform with this guide, today!   A big thanks to all who were involved on this project! Happy developing!
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  Question: What are some best practices around building IIoT solutions with ThingWorx?   Meet Ward. Ward works on the product management team for our Manufacturing Apps (i.e. Asset Advisor, Operator Advisor, Production Advisor, etc.). He’s a super cool and smart guy, and he always has an answer to my ThingWorx questions. He has so many answers, in fact, that he worked closely with other ThingWorx experts like Sangeeta to create the ThingWorx Application Development Guide.   I sat down with him to hear his top few tips from the guide. And, just in case we don’t have enough fun around here on “Ask Kaya,” we decided to list his top tips not by “1”-“2”-“3”, but by “W”-“A”-“R”-“D”.   Without further to do, here are Ward’s top tips from the ThingWorx Application Development Guide.   Whitelist your IPs for application keys. (See page 67.) Auto Refresh widget vs. GetProperties service? How should I update live data to my mashup? (See page 25.) Reuse components to increase efficiency and improve your application design. (See page 69.) Don’t use a Thing Template when you really should use a Thing Shape. (See page 10.)   To see more, check out the full ThingWorx Application Development Guide here!   Look out for our next release of the App Development Guide in July! It’ll feature our Manufacturing Apps to share even more ThingWorx best practices!   Reach out with any questions and stay connected! - Kaya
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We are excited to announce ThingWorx 8.4 is now available for download!    Key functional highlights ThingWorx 8.4 covers the following areas of the product portfolio: ThingWorx Analytics and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Connection Server and Edge capabilities.   ThingWorx Foundation Next Generation Composer: File Repository Editor added for application file management New entity Config Table Editor to enable application configurability and customization Localization support fornew languages: Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Chinese/Taiwan, Chinese/Simplified Mashup Builder: Responsive Layout with new Layout Editor 13 new and updated widgets (beta) Theming Editor (beta) New Functions Editor New Personalized Workspace Platform: Added support for AzureSQL, a relational database-as-a-service (DBaaS) as the new persistence provider A PaaS database that is always running on the latest stable version of SQL Server Database Engine and  patched OS with 99.99% availability.   Added support for InfluxData, a leading time series storage platform as the new ThingWorx persistence provider Supports ingesting large amounts of IoT data and offers high availability with clustering setup New extension for Remote Access and Control Supports VNC, RDP desktop sharing for any remote device HTTP and SSH connectivity supported An optional microservice to offload the ThingWorx server by allowing query execution to occur in a separate process on the same or on a different physical machine. Installers for Postgres versions of ThingWorx running on Windows or RHEL AzureSQL InfluxDB Thing Presence feature introduced which indicates whether the connection of a thing is “normal” based on the expected behavior of the device. Remote Access Extension Query Microservice: Click and Go Installers for Windows and Linux (RHEL) Security: Major investments include updating 3rd party libraries, handling of data to address cross-site scripting (XSS)  issues and enhancements to the password policy, including a password blacklist. A significant number of security issues have been fixed in this release. It is recommended that customers upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements. Docker Support  Added Dockerfile as a distribution media for ThingWorx Foundation and Analytics Allows building Docker container image that unlocks the potential of Dev and Ops Note:  Legacy Composer has been removed and replaced with the New Composer.   Documentation: ThingWorx 8.4 Reference Documents ThingWorx Platform 8.4 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center  
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This post covers how to build and operationalize a time series model using Thingworx Analytics. A lookback window is used to read multiple previous rows before the current one, and base the prediction on those lookback rows.   In this example we use time series data to predict water flow for different water pumps in a system.   There is a full explanation of the method attached, also all necessary resources are included in the attached files.
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  If you’ve ever wished you could see into the future, you’ve come to the right place! Put your reflective suits and sunglasses on to prepare for a glimpse into the future of our upcoming ThingWorx 8.4 release! Here are sneak peeks of the top three features you may not have known are coming in ThingWorx 8.4.   1. Thing Presence While it sounds like something from an episode of Ghost Hunters, Thing Presence provides insight into the communication state of polling or duty cycle Things (those that check in and out on a periodic basis). We’re introducing a new IsReporting state, which would be set to true when polling assets check in on time and are considered “present in the network.” This helps to bridge the gap where the traditional ThingWorx IsConnected state reports offline and does not coincide with the actual network presence of the device.   Thing Presence: New "IsReporting" State2. Data Helpers You may not know what Data Helpers are, but if you’re a longstanding ThingWorx developer you likely know about Expression and Validator widgets. These widgets were handy because they allowed you to write conditional logic or input validation to drive behaviors in the UI, but were super frustrating to use. They took up lots of room on the visual layout canvas and only had a very little textbox to edit them. In the 8.4 release, we are happy to announce that these two widgets will no longer be placed on the layout canvas. Instead, they will have a dedicated editor to work from with plenty of room for code development, parameter configuration and event definition and binding. We’re wrapping all of this functionality into a nice little feature called…Data Helpers. Data Helpers: Expression and Validator Widgets No Longer in Layout Canvas3. ThingWorx Flow In case Thing Presence and Data Helpers aren’t exciting enough, we’re also introducing ThingWorx Flow, a neat new feature set that dramatically speeds development of connected applications through integrations with business systems like Salesforce and SAP. Imagine that, when a certain alert triggers, you want to automatically create a Salesforce service ticket and even send an emergency text to an operator to prevent damage to a device. A large set of out-of-the-box system connectors (PTC Windchill, Office 365, Google Docs, Slack, Jira and more) are included, which you can drag and drop onto a canvas to visually define a workflow. In the example below, a ThingWorx-connected device element, a Salesforce “create case” action and a Twilio text message connector were dropped into the canvas to create a visual workflow. Orchestration: Example Workflow that Creates Salesforce Cases and Alerts OperatorsThing Presence, Data Helpers & Flow—get ready for these and more in ThingWorx 8.4!   Stay tuned for future posts that go into greater depth about each of these features and comment your thoughts below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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Disclaimer: Please note that, while the ThingWorx Git Backup Extension is a very useful tool, it is not a PTC product, nor is it supported by PTC.   Hi ThingWorx users,   Trying to manage your ThingWorx application artifacts in a CI process? Wondering who changed that line of code in your Thing Service? Trying to see what your Mashup looked like last release? Time to Git excited! Introducing the Git Backup Extension, an open-source tool available here to offer a stronger integration with the Git source repository. This Git feature can push or pull code and artifacts (like entities, data exports or extension dependencies) to your Git repository.   Here are some highlights of how this works within ThingWorx:   First, configure your Git repo to work with ThingWorx by creating a Git Backup Thing. Then, simply open your new Thing, navigate to the Configuration editor and enter information like your Git URL, your Git username and password, your repo and branch names, etc. See example below. Configuring your Git repoWith this configuration in place, you can now use the Home Mashup of this new Git thing to browse the repository and pull down contents to your local ThingWorx instance. For new projects, you can also push new entities to the repo as you work on your application.   As you and your team are working, you’ll want to see the differences of the files you are editing and working on collaboratively. The Git extension feature makes this easy. Just like you can see diffs clearly delineated for a file with your Git client, you can see the same with this Git integration in ThingWorx. Similar to the git status command, the Git ThingWorx extension will show you the list of files you have changed that are available to push, as well as their diffs. See an example below. Checking the Git status While working, if you want to switch branches or pull down a new project, you can check out a specific version and see all commits available on that branch (see below). Checking out a specific commit Want to learn more or try it for yourself? Find the open-source Git Backup Extension here and check out the Git Backup Extension User Guide for guidance.   Stay connected, Kaya   P.S. What do you think? Comment your thoughts below!
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Hi, ThingWorx users! We’re excited to share that we have partnered with InfluxData to make time series analysis in ThingWorx even easier. InfluxDB is a database by InfluxData that is “built specifically for metrics and events that empower developers to build next-generation IIoT, analytics and monitoring applications.”   Why InfluxData?  Today, application developers expect robust querying capabilities, fast response time, easy ways of aggregating and pivoting on data and leveraging results for reporting and visualization. IT and devops administrators also expect cost-effective storage and easy ways of aging data through archiving and the ability to keep large amounts of historical data to satisfy analysis requirements.   That’s why we’ve partnered with InfluxData to make it easier for developers to store, analyze and act on IIoT data in real-time. With InfluxData, developers can build connected IIoT applications more quickly while still incorporating the following capabilities: monitoring real-time alerting predictive maintenance streaming data anomaly and event detection visual and report-based analysis   We considered a few technologies for the purpose of improving ThingWorx time series analysis. Here are a few reasons we chose InfluxData: high compression of data ~45x ability to handle millions of writes per second* ability to read around thousands of rows in milliseconds* supports the standard time series functions of sampling, interpolation, time bucketing, aggregation, selector, transformation, predictor, etc.  * Query and write times will vary based on an individual ThingWorx application’s implementation with Influx. For example, as the number of concurrent reads increases, the query speed decreases. With the upcoming 8.4 release, the ThingWorx Sizing Guide will be updated to reflect representative performance for ThingWorx developers.   In addition to improved query capability, ThingWorx time series with Influx can now use less memory and CPU, giving your platform servers a bit of a break.   To start strategizing on how InfluxData can help you in your ThingWorx journey, here is a sneak preview of what it will look like:   New Features The new ThingWorx Influx Persistence Provider will make query services like ValueStream Thing QueryPropertyHistory, Stream Thing QueryStreamData and QueryStreamEntries even better. Simply create a new instance of the persistence provider, configure it to use your InfluxDB instance, create a new value stream (or stream) from the new persistence provider, and you’ll be writing, reading and analyzing your time series data like never before.   We’re also introducing a new enhancement to improve InfoTable support with time series data, including providing the ability to use a driver property. The driver property can be specified with the QueryPropertyHistoryWithDriverProperty service for time alignment and filling backward/forward in your stream queries.   Let’s walk through a driver property example where you have the properties of temperature, speed and battery level. Timestamp Temperature Speed Battery Level 1480589076592000000 80.003 5012 79 1480589077537000000 80.010 5011 79 1480589077550000000 80.010 5009 79 1480589077562000000 80.030 5011 78   Let’s say temperature is the key driver for your analysis. In other words, you are not concerned if speed or battery level changes—you only care about when temperature changes. We can specify temperature to be the driver property for that particular time and only return stream values for temperature, speed and battery level when temperature changes. If speed or battery level changes (but temperature does not change), the rows associated with those changes would not be included in the results set because neither speed nor battery level is a driver property. See chart below.  Timestamp Temperature (driver) Speed Battery Level 1480589076592000000 80.003 5012 79 1480589077537000000 80.010 5011 79 1480589077562000000 80.030 5011 78  Note that only three of the four rows are returned above because one entry in the original table did not have a change in temperature.    Stay Tuned Look out for these time series improvements and InfluxData integration in our upcoming 8.4 release. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on additional new features coming in our next release (like Orchestration and Mashup Builder 2.0), so check back shortly or subscribe to this Community so we can stay in touch. As always, if you have any questions, just ask Kaya!   Stay connected, Kaya
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Fresh look at getting started with ThingWorx in a relevant context that outlines the DEVOPS needed to kick-start your programming.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls. Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Overview This document is targeted towards covering basic PostgreSQL monitoring and health check related system objects like tables, views, etc. This allows simple monitoring of PostgreSQL database via some custom services, which I'll attach at the end of this document, from the ThingWorx Composer itself. I'll also try to cover short detail on some of the services that are included with the Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck which implements Database ThingTemplate   Pre-requisite The document assumes that the user already has ThingWorx running with PostgreSQL as a Persistence Provider.   How to install Usage for this is fairly straight forward, import the Entities.twx and it will create required Thing which implements Database ThingTemplate and some DataShapes. Each Service under the Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck has its own DataShape. Feel free edit these services / DataShapes if you are looking to use output of these services  as part of your mashup(s).   Make sure to edit the PostgeSQL's JDBC Connection String, Username & password under the configuration section in order to connect to your PostgreSQL instance under the Thing PostgreSQLHealthCheck which will be created when Entities.twx is imported (attached with this blog)   Note : Users can use these services to query non-ThingWorx related database created with PostgreSQL as part of the external JDBC connection.   Reviewing Services from Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck   1. DescribeTableStructure - Takes two inputs **Table Name** and the **Schema Name** in which the ThingWorx database tables exists both inputs have default values that can be modified to match your PostgreSQL schema setup and required table name - It provides information on a Table's structure, see below     2. GetAllPSQLConfig - Provides runtime details on all the configurations done in the postgresql.conf which are in-effect - For detail on pg_settings see Postgresql 9.4 Doc     3. GetAllPSQLConfigLimited Similar to GetAllPSQLConfig, however with limited information   4. GetAllPSQLRoles - Lists all the database roles/users - Also lists their access rights permissions together with OID - Helpful in identifying if the role is active/inactive or carries any limitation on the DB connections     5. GetPG_Stat_Activity - Part of the Statistics Collector subsystem for the PostgreSQL DB - Shows current state of the schema e.g. connections, queries, etc. - For more detail on the output refer to the PostgreSQL 9.4 doc   6. GetPSQLDBLocksInformation - Shows the kind of locks in effect on which database and on which relation (table) - Particularly useful in identifying the relations and what lock mode is enabled on them     7. GetPSQLDBStat - Shows database wide statistics - Like Commits, reads, block reads, tupples (rows) fetched, inserted, deadlocks, etc - For more detail refer to PostgreSQL 9.4 doc   8. GetPSQLLogDesitnation - Checks where the PostgreSQL server logs are directed to - I.e. stderr, csvlog or syslog - Default is stderr   9. GetPSQLLogFileName - Fetches the log PostgreSQL log file name and the filename format - E.g. postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log    10. GetPSQLLoggingLocation - Fetches the location where the logs are stored for PostgreSQL - e.g. pg_log, which is also the default location - Desired location for the logs can be done in the postgresql.conf file   11. GetPSQLRelationIndexes - Gets information on the Indexes - Information like index size, number of rows, table names on which the index is created   12. GetPSQLReplicationStat - Shows information related to the Replication on PostgreSQL DB - Applicable to the PostgreSQL DBs where replication is enabled   13. GetPSQLTablespaceInfo - Takes tablespace name as input (String DataType), service defaults to 'thingworx' - modify if needed - Fetches information like owner oid, tablespace ACL     14. GetPSQLUserIndexIO - Fetches index that are created only on the User created DB objects - Shows relations (table) vs index relations ids (index on table), together with their names - Also shows additional info like number of disk blocks read from this index & number of buffer hits in this index     15. GetPSQLUserSequencesIOStats - Fetches informtion on Sequence objects used on user defined relations (tables) - Number of disk blocks read from this sequence & buffer hits in this sequence     16. GetPSQLUserTableIOStat - Fetches disk I/O information on the user created tables     17. GetPSQLUserTables - Fetches all the user created tables, together with their name, OID Disk I/O Last auto vacuum , vacuum Also lists the amount of rows each relation (table) has   Finally The attached entity has some additional service not yet covered in this blog, as they are minor services. Therefore for brevity of this blog I've left them out for now, feel free to explore or enhance this. I will continue to look for any additional services and will enhance this document and the entities belong to this.    If you are looking to enhance this feel free to fork from twxPostgreSqlHealthCheck over Github.
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Based on Google's Spanner DB; CockroachDB is a distributed SQL DB scaling horizontally; surviving disk, machine, rack & even datacenter failures. It is built to automatically replicate, rebalance & recover with minimal configuration  See What is CockroachDB? for more.   Useful in use cases requiring: Distributed or replicated OLTP Multi-datacenter deployments Multi-region deployments Cloud migrations Cloud-native infrastructure initiatives Note: CockroachDB in current state isn't suitable for heavy analytics / OLAP.   Feature that makes it really attractive As mentioned above, scaling horizontally it requires minimal configuration out of the box allowing quick setup starting from local laptop/machine as shown below it can scale easily to single dedicated server, development/public cloud cluster. Due to easy setup, adding new nodes is as simple as starting the cockroach utility.See CockroachDB FAQ for more. To top it off, it uses PostgreSQL Wire protocol and PostgreSQL's dialect further reducing configuration and special JDBC driver requirements when a ThingWorx is configured with PostgreSQL as persistence provider.   Setting up cockroach DB cluster Download required binary or docker version from Install CockroachDB available for Mac, Linux & Windows   PS :Following setup uses Window's binary on a VM with Win10 64 bit, 6G RAM.     Starting Cluster node Open command prompt and navigate to the directory where cockroach.exe is unzipped, and launching the node with following command prompt     cockroach.exe start --insecure --host= --http-port=8082     This will start a node on defined host in insecure mode with its web based DB administration console on port 8082 and DB listening on default port 26257. Note it will log a security warning since node is started in insecure mode due to the tag --insecure, like so     * * WARNING: RUNNING IN INSECURE MODE! * * - Your cluster is open for any client that can access * - Any user, even root, can log in without providing a password. * - Any user, connecting as root, can read or write any data in your cluster. * - There is no network encryption nor authentication, and thus no confidentiality. * * Check out how to secure your cluster: * CockroachDB node starting at 2018-03-16 11:52:57.164925 +0000 UTC (took 2.1s) build: CCL v1.1.6 @ 2018/03/12 18:04:35 (go1.8.3) admin: sql: postgresql://root@ logs: C:\CockroachDb\cockroach116\cockroach-data\cockroach-data\logs store[0]: path=C:\CockroachDb\cockroach116\cockroach-data\cockroach-data status: restarted pre-existing node clusterID: 012d011e-acef-47e2-b280-3efc39f2c6e7 nodeID: 1     Ensure that the secure mode is used when deploying in production.   Starting 2 additional nodes   Starting node2 cockroach.exe start --insecure --store=node2 --host= --port=28258 --http-port=8083 --join=   Starting node 3   cockroach.exe start --insecure --store=node2 --host= --port=28259 --http-port=8084 --join=     Note: Both of these 2 nodes are joining the cluster via (port for the node 1)   Verifying the live cluster and nodes via the web based CockroachDB admin console Open a web browser with any of the above node's http-port e.g. Click on the View nodes list on the right panel   This will open the nodes list page   Connecting to ThingWorx as external datastore Good news, if your ThingWorx is running with PostgreSQL persistence provider, then no additional JDBC driver needed as CockroachDB uses the PostgreSQL wire protocol additionally, the SQL dialect is that of PostgreSQL For any other persistence provider download and install the PostgreSQL Relational Database Connector from ThingWorx Marketplace.   Creating a database in the cluster Start SQL client connecting to any of the running node, open a command prompt navigate to the directory containing cockroach.exe use following command:   cockroach sql --insecure --port=26257 This will change the prompt to root@<serverName/IP>:26257> Since above command logs in insecure mode no password is needed, default admin username is root in CockroachDb, use following to create a database   create database thingworx; show databases; root@> SHOW databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | crdb_internal | | information_schema | | pg_catalog | | system | | thingworx | | thingworxdatastore | +--------------------+ (6 rows)   This confirms thingworx database is created Creating a user to access that database CREATE USER cockroach WITH PASSWORD 'admin'; This will grant all rights to "cockroach" user on the database thingworx database   grant all on database thingworx to cockroach; Creating a Thing & connecting to CockroachDB via ThingWorx Composer For below example ThingWorx is using PostgreSQL as persistence provider. Create a Thing based of Database Thing Template Use following connection settings:   JDBC Driver Class Name : org.postgresql.Driver JDBC Connection String : jdbc:postgresql://<serverIp/name>:26257/thingworx?sslmode=disable Database User Name : cockroach Database password : <password>   Navigate to the Properties to verify the connectivity   Creating table(s) Now that the Thing is connected to the database, there are following ways DB objects can be created Via Thing based SQL Command Via SQL CockroachDB's SQL client Following command will create a small demo table CREATE TABLE demo ( id INT, demovalue STRING) Use SQLCommand as JavaScript handler when using above statement to create table directly from ThingWorx's Database Thing Verifying the Database & a table created within that DB via the web admin console of CockroachDb Under the left panel click on the Databases from the home page of one of the node's web admin consloe e.g. http://localhost:8084     Apart from other useful information about the database e.g. the database size and total number of tables, etc., clicking on the table name will also show the sql used to create it (including the defaults).   Creating couple of Database Thing services to perform bulk insert into the table from ThingWorx Composer Insert Service created as SQL Command with code snippet, service takes 2 inputs of type int and string   insert into demo values ([[id]], [[demoValue]]) JavaScript service executing bulk demo data insert by wrapping the SQL service created above   for (i=0; i<2000; i++) { var params = { id: i /* INTEGER */, demoValue: 'Insert from node 0 while node 3 is down' /* STRING */ }; // result: NUMBER var result = me.InsertDemo(params); }   At this point different users in ThingWorx with sufficient access rights can create their DB Things in ThingWorx Composer and can use any of the node address to read/write the data to the CockroachDB cluster. For the purpose of demo one node was stopped while other 2 were running and data was written to the clsuter via the test service created above. Once the 3rd node was restarted we can see the automatic replication happening between the nodes; this can be seen live via the web based admin console of any of the running node's web console.   As highlighted above at certain point in time after i.e 1500hrs all nodes were synced with the data, including the node3 ,which as mentioned above was down while data was being inserted to the cluster. All of the above replication process was done using default configuration.  
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Alerts are a special type of event.  Alerts allow you to define rules for firing events.  Like events, you must define a subscription to handle a change in state.  All properties in a Thing Shape, Thing Template, or Thing can have one or more alert conditions defined.   You can even define several of the same type of alert.  When an alert condition is met, ThingWorx throws an event. You can subscribe to the event and define the response to the alert using JavaScript.  Events also fire when a property alert is acknowledged and when it goes out of alert condition.   Alert Types Alerts have conditions which describe when the alert is triggered.  The types of conditions available depend upon the property type.  For example, string alerts may be triggered when the string matches pre-set text.  A number alert may be set to trigger when the value of the number is within a range.   EqualTo: Alert is triggered when the defined Value is reached. Applies to Boolean, DateTime, Infotable (in regard to number of rows), Integer, Long, Location, Number, and String base types. NotEqualTo: Alert is triggered when the defined Value is not reached. Applies to Boolean, DateTime, Infotable (in regard to number of rows), Integer, Long, Location, Number, and String base types. Above: Alert is triggered when the defined Limit is exceeded or met (if the Limit is included).  By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Infotable, Integer, Long, and Number base types. Below: Alert is triggered when the alert value is below the defined Limit or meets it (if the Limit is included).  By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Infotable, Integer, Long, and Number base types. InRange: Alert is triggered when a value is between a defined range.  By default, the minimum value is included, but the maximum can be included as well.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, and Number base types. OutofRange: Alert is triggered when a value is outside a defined range.  By default, the minimum value is included, but the maximum can be included as well.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, and Number base types. DeviationAbove: Alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is greater than the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) > alert Limit).  If the Limit is included, the alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is greater than or equal to the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) >= alert Limit).   By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, Location, and Number base types. DeviationBelow: Alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is less than the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) < alert Limit).  If the Limit is included, the alert is triggered when the property value minus the alert Value is less than or equal to the alert Limit ((property value - alert value) <= alert Limit). By default, the Limit is included.  Applies to DateTime, Integer, Long, Location, and Number base types. Anomaly: Alert is triggered when the property value falls outside of an expected pattern as defined by a predictive model.  Applies to Integer, Long, and Number base types.   Alert types are specific to the data type of the property.  Properties configured as the following base types can be used for alerts:   Boolean Datetime Infotable Integer Location Number String   Creating an Alert When creating an alert:   You can set it to be enabled or disabled Alerts must have a ThingWorx-compatible name and can optionally contain a description You must set the limit(s) to determine when the event fires If an Include Limit is included, the event fires when the Limit Condition is met Not including the Limit causes the event to fire when the Limit Condition is surpassed The priority is a metadata field that enables the addition of a priority. It does not impact the Event/Subscription handling or sequence because the system fires events off asynchronously.   Steps to create or modify an Alert:   Select an existing Property or create a new Property for a Thing, Thing Shape, or Thing Template for which to create/update the Alert Click Manage Alerts Click the New Alert drop-down and select the appropriate Alert Type Note:  The available fields will be vary depending on data type of the Property   Deselect Enabled if you do not wish to make the Alert enabled at the present time (Alert is enabled by default) Provide a Name and optional Description for the Alert Enter a Limit (numeric properties) Select Include Limit? if the value entered in the Limit field should trigger the Alert   Select the appropriate Priority. (The Priority is a metadata field for searching and categorization only.  It does not affect the order of processing, CPU or memory usage.) After defining an Alert, you can click New Alert to add additional alerts of either the same or different condition. You can also click Add New to add additional alerts of the same condition. When all Alerts have been created, click Update Click Done Once all Properties have been updated as needed, click Save   Once Alerts are defined, they appear on the Properties page (while in Edit mode).       After an Alert is defined, a Subscription to that Alert can be configured to launch the appropriate business logic, such as notifying a user of an Event through email or text message.     Monitoring Alerts   When an Alert condition is met, ThingWorx fires off an Alert. You can create a Subscription to the Alert so that you are automatically notified when an Alert is triggered.  Alerts are written to the alert history file and can be viewed through the Alert Summary and Alert History Mashups. The system tracks acknowledged and unacknowledged alerts. Alerts do not fire redundant events. For example, if a numeric property has a rule defined that generates an alert when the value is greater than 50, and a value = 51, an alert is generated and an alert event will fire. If another value comes in at 53 before the original alert is acknowledged, another event will not be fired because the current state is still greater than 50.   The Alert History and Alert Summary streams provide functionality to monitor alerts in the system.  Alert History is a comprehensive log that records all information recorded into the alert stream, where the data is stored until manually removed.   The Alert Summary provides the ability to filter by all alerts, unacknowledged alerts, or acknowledged alerts. You can also acknowledge alerts on a selected property or all alerts from a particular source (thing).   This information can be retrieved using Scripts as well, so you can create your own Alert Summary and History mashups.   From the ThingWorx header, choose Monitoring > Alert History. All Alerts are listed here. Click the Alert Summary Click the Unacknowledged tab to view alerts that have not been acknowledged. Choose to acknowledge an alert on a property or on the source. Type a message in the corresponding field. Click Acknowledge.   For each alert, the following displays: Property name. Source thing – lists the thing that contains this property with the alert. Timestamp – indicates when the alert was triggered. Name and type of alert. Duration – details how long the alert has been active. AckBy – indicates if the alert has been acknowledged and, if so, by whom and when. Message – defaults to the condition but is overwritten with the acknowledge message if one exists. Alert description.    The Alert History screen displays all Alerts that were once in an alert condition, but have moved out of that alert condition.  A Data Filter is provided at the top of the mashup to more easily find a particular Source, Property, or Alert.   The Alert History report is a Thingworx Mashup created using standard Thingworx functionality.  This means that any developer has the ability to re-create this report or a modification of this report.       Acknowledging Alerts   An acknowledgement (ack) is an indication that someone has seen the alert and is dealing with it (for example, low helium in an MRI machine and someone is filling it).  Alert History shows when alerts were acknowledged and any comments.   You can acknowledge an alert on a property or on the source. A source acknowledgment acknowledges all alerts on the source Thing for the selected alert in Monitoring > Alert Summary. A property acknowledgment (ack) only acknowledges the alerts on the property for the selected alert in Alert Summary.   For example, you create a Thing with two properties that have alerts set up. You put both properties in their alert states. View Alert Summary and select the Unacknowledged tab. You should see two alerts. Select one, and do a property acknowledgement. The alert you selected moves to the Acknowledged tab and is removed from the Unacknowledged tab. Put both properties in their alert states again, select one of the alerts on the Unacknowledged tab, and this time do a source acknowledgement. In this case, both alerts move to the Acknowledged tab, even though you only selected one of them.    For more information about Alerts, click here. To view a tutorial video on alerts, click here. Refer to this article for best practices affecting alerts.
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