I just wanted to try out ThingWorx Performance Advisor according to https://www.ptc.com/en/support/article/CS262960
But the Performance Advisor Homepage is not available: https://performance-advisor.ptc.com/Thingworx
Does the ThingWorx Performance Advisor have a new Homepage?
Thank you for your post on community. Have you tried the given steps in the article? Is there any challange.
Yes i can access this.
Could you try it in Incognito mode or clearing the browser cache.
In incognito mode a login form is shown. How to I retrieve credentials for this?
Could you please try with your PTC credentials which you have given while setting up the utilities.
Thanks for this hint. But I have not been prompted to enter credentials as described in the article. When I enable the checkbox for Metrics Reporting I am not asked for any credentials.
Currently the configuration looks like this:
The customer number is filled. Also an application key is shown.
You must have PTC credentials, to login on PTC support portal. Enter those.
I just tried the same thing in incognito window and its working.
I also tried the credentials of my PTC account. I also modified the password to be more complex (14 characters, ...)
But that does not work either. But still I ask myself why I am not prompted for credentials in ThingWorx when I enable the Metrics Reporting.
I have tried that with two different ThingWorx installations (8.5.4-b222) now with different browsers. I have not been prompted to enter credentials.
Additional information:
In the tutorial (https://www.ptc.com/en/support/article/CS262960) you can see that there is a possibility to enter PTC user account and password. In none of the ThingWorx installations available to me this is available.
Screenshot from the article:
Screenshot from my ThingWorx instance:
As you can see there is no "PTC Username" and no "PTC Password" field.
Why are they missing?
Logging in to the homepage failed for me. In my account the access to ThingWorx performance advisor has not been enabled. It is now. I can access the performance advisor homepage.
No. I am not able to enter my credentials since there are no input fields for PTC Username and PTC password. But I think that changed in recent versions of Thingworx. Those fields are not mentioned in the documentation of the platform subsystem either (see http://support.ptc.com/help/thingworx_hc/thingworx_8_hc/en/#page/ThingWorx%2FHelp%2FComposer%2FSystem%2FSubsystems%2FPlatformSubsystem.html ). So I still could not find out how to connect Thingworx to PTC Performance Advisor correctly. If I login to Performance Advisor I can see that no Thingworx server is connected. It looks like this:
Which Thinworx version you are using, I have tested it on 8.4.5 and 8.5.2 and its working fine. As per the document no need give credentials.
For me there is no server connectivity issue.
I am using 8.5.4-b222