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  Step 6: Record Data   Now that we have a place to permanently store the values coming from the EMS engine simulator, we'll write a Service to take samples and place them within the Info Table.   Part of that Service, though, will be incrementing the identifier, so we'll need to create one last Property.   Ensure that you're on the Properties and Alerts tab of EdgeThing. At the top-left, click + Add.     In the Name field of the slide-out on the right, type identifier. Change the Base Type to NUMBER. Click Persistent. Click Has Default Value. In the Has Default Value field, type 0.   At the top-right, click the "Check" button for Done. At the top, click Save.   Store the Property Values   With all the pieces in place, we can now create our Service to add entries to our Info Table Property.   At the top of EdgeThing, click Services.   At the top-left, click + Add.   On the "+ Add" drop-down, select Local (JavaScript). In the Service Info > Name field, type recordService.     Expand Me/Entities > Properties.     Click the arrow beside infoTableProperty.     Type .AddRow({ after me.infoTableProperty to being the process of calling the "AddRow()" function.     We now have called the function which will add a row of information to the Info Table Property, one entry for each column of the formatting Data Shape.   We just need to specify which values go into which column.   Add the following lines to store the individual Identifier count into the first column of the Info Table Property: identifier:me.identifier, Because we want the identifier in the stored data to increment on each run, and we want to start the count at 1 (and the Default Value is 0), add the following line to the top of the Service: me.identifier=me.identifier+1;       Add the low_grease value with the following line: low_grease:me.low_grease, Add the following lines to store the five frequency bands of the first sensor: s1_fb1:me.s1_fb1, s1_fb2:me.s1_fb2, s1_fb3:me.s1_fb3, s1_fb4:me.s1_fb4, s1_fb5:me.s1_fb5, Add the final lines to store the five frequency bands of the second sensor and close out the AddRow() function: s2_fb1:me.s2_fb1, s2_fb2:me.s2_fb2, s2_fb3:me.s2_fb3, s2_fb4:me.s2_fb4, s2_fb5:me.s2_fb5 }); You completed Service should look like the following: me.identifier=me.identifier+1; me.infoTableProperty.AddRow({ identifier:me.identifier, low_grease:me.low_grease, s1_fb1:me.s1_fb1, s1_fb2:me.s1_fb2, s1_fb3:me.s1_fb3, s1_fb4:me.s1_fb4, s1_fb5:me.s1_fb5, s2_fb1:me.s2_fb1, s2_fb2:me.s2_fb2, s2_fb3:me.s2_fb3, s2_fb4:me.s2_fb4, s2_fb5:me.s2_fb5 });     At the top, click Done. At the top, click Save.       Run the Service   With our Service completed, let's run it to store a sampling of the data coming from our EMS Engine Simulator.   Under the Execute column in the center, on the recordService row, click the "Play" icon for Execute service. At the bottom-right, click Execute.     At the bottom-right, click Done. At the top, click Properties and Alerts.   Under the Value column, on the infoTableProperty row, click the "Pencil" icon for Set value of property.   Note that the Service has captured a snap-shot of the vibration data and grease condition and permanently stored it within the Info Table Property. You now have not only an Engine Simulator that is constantly sending data from a remote EMS, but a way to permanently record data at points that you deem significant.   Feel free to return to the Service and call it several more times. Each time, the values coming from the Engine Simulator will be stored in another entry in the Info Table Property.       Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Use the EMS to Create an Engine Simulator guide, and learned how to:   Modify an EMS Template Provision Thing Properties and Values from an EMS rather than Foundation Send information from an EMS to Foundation Store large amounts of data in an InfoTable Property Create a simulator for testing   The next guide in the Vehicle Predictive Pre-Failure Detection with ThingWorx Platform learning path is Engine Simulator Data Storage. Learn More We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability Guide Build Engine Simulator Data Storage Build Implement Services, Events and Subscriptions Additional Resources If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to: Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Analytics Builder Help Center  
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    Step 5: Create InfoTable   Now that we have connected values coming from our EMS engine simulator, we want a method of permanent storage whenever we feel it's appropriate to take a sample.   From repeated sampling, we'll be able to build up a historical record usable for both manual inspection, as well as automatic analysis via ThingWorx Analytics (though ThingWorx Analytics is beyond the scope of this guide).   To hold these records, we'll use an Info Table Property.   But any time that you create an Info Table, you first need a Data Shape to format the columns.   Click Browse > MODELING > Data Shapes.     At the top-left, click + New.   In the Name field, type esimDataShape.     If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. At the top, click Field Definitions.     We now want to add a separate Field Definition for each entry of our engine simulator data, i.e. low_grease, s1_fb1 through s1_fb5, and s2_fb1 through s2_fb5.   In addition, we'll add an additional field named identifier which simply keeps a rolling count of the current log entry number.   Click + Add.     In the Name field on the right slide-out, type identifier Change the Base Type to NUMBER. Check Is Primary Key   At the top-right, click the "Check with a +" button for Done and Add.     Repeatedly add additional definitions as per the chart below: Note that you will NOT check the "Is Primary Key" box, as you only need one, i.e. identifier. Name Base type low_grease NUMBER s1_fb1 NUMBER s1_fb2 NUMBER s1_fb3 NUMBER s1_fb4 NUMBER s1_fb5 NUMBER s2_fb1 NUMBER s2_fb2 NUMBER s2_fb3 NUMBER s2_fb4 NUMBER Create one additional entry for s2_fb5 and NUMBER, but click the "Check" button for DONE. At the top, click Save.     Create Info Table   Now that we have a Data Shape we can add an Info Table Property to EdgeThing. Return to the Properties and Alerts tab of EdgeThing.   At the top-left, click + Add.   In the Name field of the slide-out on the right, type infoTableProperty.   Change the Base Type to INFOTABLE.   In the new Data Shape field, search for and select esimDataShape.   Check the Persistent checkbox.   At the top-right, click the "Check" button for Done. At the top, click Save.     Click here for Part 4 of this guide.
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  Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to simulate an engine with vibration sensors.   GUIDE CONCEPT   The Edge MicroServer (EMS) facilitates connectivity from Edge devices to ThingWorx Foundation.   It’s often easier, though, to start development with simulated Edge values rather than hooking up sensors.   This guide will show you how to simulate vibration values of an engine using the EMS.     YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Modify an EMS Template Provision Thing Properties and Values from an EMS rather than Foundation Send information from an EMS to Foundation Store large amounts of data in an InfoTable Property Create a simulator for testing   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete all parts of this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Scenario   MotorCo manufactures, sells, and services commercial motors.   Recently, MotorCo has been developing a new motor, and they already have a working prototype.   However, they’ve noticed that the motor has a chance to FAIL CATASTROPHICALLY if it’s not properly serviced to replace lost grease on a key moving part.     In order to prevent this type of failure in the field, MotorCo has decided to instrument their motors with sensors which record vibration.   The hope is that these sensors can detect certain vibrations which indicate required maintenance before a failure occurs.   In this guide, you’ll begin this monitoring process by using ThingWorx Foundation to monitor and record vibration data from the prototype motor. In particular, you will learn how to provision Thing Properties and Values from an EMS, as well as how to permanently store these values for analysis in an Info Table Property.   These types of modifications to an EMS can be extremely helpful for the automotive segment in particular. For instance, each car that comes off the factory line could have custom, auto-generated EMS scripting that would dynamically create Foundation information for each car in the fleet. This could be a massive time-savings versus manually generating Thing Properties directly within Foundation.   Because the motor is still in the process of being instrumented with sensors, you’ll get all the functionality in-place beforehand by constructing a motor simulator using the Edge MicroServer (EMS).     Step 2: Modify config.lua   In the previous Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to Connect to ThingWorx  guide, you installed the EMS on a Windows PC, configured it to talk to ThingWorx Foundation, and then created an EdgeThing on Foundation to complete the connectivity.   This guide assumes that you have already completed that Windows EMS guide and have an active EMS connection to the EdgeThing.   Perform the following steps to modify this connection to increase the task rate of the EMS, which we'll use in the following steps to update Properties more quickly.   On your Windows PC, select the Windows PowerShell window where the luaScriptResource.exe program is running.   Type Ctrl-C to close the luaScriptResource.exe operation, i.e. hold the Control key and hit the C key.   Minimize the luaScriptResource.exe PowerShell window, and activate the wsemse.exe PowerShell window.   Type Ctrl-C to close the wsems.exe operation.   Return to Foundation, and note that EdgeThing is not connected.   Navigate to the C:\CDEMO_EMSE\etc directory.   Open config.lua in your prefered text-editor.   Change scanRate to 1000. Add the following line below the scanRate line: taskRate = 1000,   The final code of config.lua should be the following Note that the EMS may have slightly modified your config.lua file, such as adding a data_security_key line. Leave these EMS-generated modifications alone. scripts.log_level = "WARN" scripts.script_resource_ssl = false scripts.script_resource_authenticate = false scripts.EdgeThing = { file = "thing.lua", template = "YourEdgeThingTemplate", scanRate = 1000, taskRate = 1000, sw_update_dir = "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\updates" } Save the config.lua file.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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  Step 5: Java - Events   While connected to the server, you can trigger an event on a remote Thing. The code snippet from the Simple Thing example below shows how to use a ValueCollection to specify the payload of an event, and then trigger a FileEvent on a remote Thing.   Create Event   The two implementations of the VirtualThing.defineEvent method are used to create an event definition ThingWorx Platform. @ThingworxEventDefinitions(events = { @ThingworxEventDefinition(name = "SteamSensorFault", description = "Steam sensor fault", dataShape = "SteamSensor.Fault", category = "Faults", isInvocable = true, isPropertyEvent = false) }) public void defineEvent(String name, String description, String dataShape, AspectCollection aspects) { EventDefinition eventDefinition = new EventDefinition(name, description); eventDefinition.setDataShapeName(dataShape); if (aspects != null) { eventDefinition.setAspects(aspects); } this.getThingShape().getEventDefinitions().put(name, eventDefinition); } public void defineEvent(EventDefinition eventDefinition) { this.getThingShape().getEventDefinitions().put(eventDefinition.getName(), eventDefinition); }   Queue Event   To queue an event, create a ValueCollection instance, and load it with the necessary fields for the DataShape of that event. ValueCollection eventInfo = new ValueCollection(); eventInfo.put(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_MESSAGE, new StringPrimitive("Temperature at " + temperature + " was above limit of " + temperatureLimit)); super.queueEvent("SteamSensorFault",, eventInfo); super.updateSubscribedEvents(60000);   Fire Event   You can send the client a request to fire the event with the collected values, the event, and information to find the entity the event belongs to as shown below. In order to send the Event to the ThingWorx Platform, use the VirtualThing.updateSubscribedEvents method. ValueCollection eventInfo = new ValueCollection(); eventInfo.put(CommonPropertyNames.PROP_MESSAGE, new StringPrimitive("Temperature at " + temperature + " was above limit of " + temperatureLimit)); super.queueEvent("SteamSensorFault",, eventInfo); super.updateSubscribedEvents(60000);     Step 6: Java - Services   Create Services   Simply use the ThingworxServiceDefinition and ThingworxServiceResult anotations to create a service. Then, you can define the service as shown in this code: @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "GetSteamSensorReadings", description = "Get SteamSensor Readings") @ThingworxServiceResult(name = CommonPropertyNames.PROP_RESULT, description = "Result", baseType = "INFOTABLE", aspects = { "dataShape:SteamSensorReadings" }) public InfoTable GetSteamSensorReadings() { InfoTable table = new InfoTable(getDataShapeDefinition("SteamSensorReadings")); ValueCollection entry = new ValueCollection(); DateTime now =; try { // entry 1 entry.clear(); entry.SetStringValue(SENSOR_NAME_FIELD, "Sensor Alpha"); entry.SetDateTimeValue(ACTIV_TIME_FIELD, now.plusDays(1)); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_FIELD, 50); entry.SetNumberValue(PRESSURE_FIELD, 15); entry.SetBooleanValue(FAULT_STATUS_FIELD, false); entry.SetBooleanValue(INLET_VALVE_FIELD, true); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_LIMIT_FIELD, 150); entry.SetNumberValue(TOTAL_FLOW_FIELD, 87); table.addRow(entry.clone()); // entry 2 entry.clear(); entry.SetStringValue(SENSOR_NAME_FIELD, "Sensor Beta"); entry.SetDateTimeValue(ACTIV_TIME_FIELD, now.plusDays(2)); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_FIELD, 60); entry.SetNumberValue(PRESSURE_FIELD, 25); entry.SetBooleanValue(FAULT_STATUS_FIELD, true); entry.SetBooleanValue(INLET_VALVE_FIELD, true); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_LIMIT_FIELD, 150); entry.SetNumberValue(TOTAL_FLOW_FIELD, 77); table.addRow(entry.clone()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return table; }   NOTE: This service will be callable by the ThingWorx Platform.   Call Services   The are two types of service calls that can be made. The first type belongs to the ConnectedThingClient class. This client has methods for processing information where only the parameters for the method is necessary. The other type of call is based on services located on an Entity. For these calls, you must create a ValueCollection instance, and load it with the necessary parameters of the service.   After loading the ValueCollection instance, send the client the request to execute the service with the:   Parameter values Service name Timeout setting (in milliseconds) for the service to finish executing Information to find the entity the service belongs to   The first type of call can be seen in InfoTable result = client.readProperty(ThingworxEntityTypes.Things, ThingName, "name", 10000); String name = result.getFirstRow().getStringValue("name");   The second type of call can be seen below: ValueCollection payload = new ValueCollection(); payload.put("name", new StringPrimitive("Timothy")); InfoTable table = handleServiceRequest("ServiceName", payload);   TIP: Put the code for creating the service and event in the constructor of the extended VirtualThing (or a method called from the constructor). Also, the service code examples will work as long as the actual service is defined. We recommend the annotation method as shown in the examples because it is much cleaner.       Click here to view Part 5 of this guide.  
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  Step 5: Import Extension   Now that we have a valid dataset, we want to export it as a .csv file, which can be imported into ThingWorx Analytics in a future guide to generate an analytical model.   An easy way to do this is with the CSV Parser Extension, which you’ll now import.       1. Download the CSV Parser Extension from our third party provider IQNOX.   Note:  An account is required but the download is free.     2. At the bottom-left, click Import/Export.       3. On the drop-down, click Import.       4. For Import Option, select Extension.       5. Click Browse and navigate to the extension you downloaded above.       6. Click Open.       7. Click Import.       8. Click Close.       9. On the Refresh Composer? pop-up, click Yes.      Step 6: Create File Repository   ThingWorx Foundation uses File Repositories to read and write files from disk (including .csv files created by the CSV Parser Extension).   In this step, we’ll create a File Repository Entity.       1. Return to Browse > All.       2. Click MODELING > Things.       3. Click + New.       4. In the Name field, type ESDS_File_Repository.       5. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.       6. In the Base Thing Template field, search for and select FileRepository.      7. At the top, click Save.        Step 7: Create .csv Export Service   We have imported an Extension which gives us tools to manipulate .csv files. We have created a File Repository to which the export can save the file. We'll now make use of some of this new functionality.    We’ll do so by creating a Service which calls built-in functions of the CSV Parser Extension.       1. Return to EdgeThing.       2. Click Services.       3. Click + Add.       4. On the drop-down, select Local (JavaScript).       5. In the Name field, type exportCSVservice.       6. In the blank JavaScript field, copy-and-paste the following code:           var sFile = "vibrationCSVfile.csv"; var paramsCSV = { path: sFile, data: me.infoTableProperty, fileRepository: "ESDS_File_Repository", withHeader: true }; Resources["CSVParserFunctions"].WriteCSVFile(paramsCSV);               7. Click Save and Continue. Note that you should NOT click the top Save button, as that will erase your Service.         Step 8: Export the Engine Data   We now have all the tools in place to export the infoTableProperty as a .csv file to our new File Repository.   All that’s left is to call the appropriate functions.       1. Ensure that you’re still on the Services tab of EdgeThing, and have the exportCSVservice open.       2. At the bottom, click Execute.       3. Return to ESDS_File_Repository.       4. Click Services.       5. Scroll down and find the GetFileListingsWithLinks Service.       6. Click the “Play” icon for Execute service.       7. At the bottom-right, click Execute.       8. On the right, click Thingworx/FileRepositories/ESDS_File_Repository/vibrationCSVfile.csv.     9. The .csv export of the vibration data will now be in your local folder to which your browser saves downloads.       Step 9: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've completed the Engine Simulator Data Storage guide, and learned how to:   Create a Timer Subscribe to a Timer to Trigger a Service Generate Mass Amounts of Test Data Import the CSV Parser Extension Create a File Repository Export the Test Data as a Comma-Seperated Values (.csv) file Download from a File Repository   The next guide in the Vehicle Predictive Pre-Failure Detection with ThingWorx Platform learning path is Build an Engine Analytical Model   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Analyze Build a Predictive Analytics Model Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:        Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Analytics Builder Help Center
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    Step 5: Verify Connectivity    The EMS is now attempting to talk to the ThingWorx platform.   However, ThingWorx does not have detailed information about the Edge device that is attempting to connect to it, so it will show up in the Unbound category.   Open ThingWorx Composer.     On the left, click Monitoring.     Click STATUS > Remote Things.     Click Unbound.     Confirm that you see the EdgeThing listed in the Unbound section. NOTE: The name EdgeThing comes from the config.lua script. EdgeThing is simply the name that is in that script, hence the name that you see in ThingWorx. To change the name of the device, you could stop both wsems.exe and luaScriptResource.exe, edit config.lua to use a different Thing name other than EdgeThing, and then restart both of the WSEMS programs. At that point, the Thing showing up in Remote Things -> Unbound would be whatever name you changed to in config.lua.   Create a Remote Thing   Now that the EMS is communicating with Foundation, let's create a Remote Thing to which Foundation can tie said connection.   In ThingWorx Composer, click Browse > MODELING > Things, + New.     In the Name field, enter EdgeThing. Note that the name must match the spelling and capitalization of the Thing's name that you entered in the EMS's config.lua for it to auto-connect.  If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template field, search for and select RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer.   At the top, Click Save. Note the status-indication pop-up indicating that EdgeThing is now connected.   Use Services to Explore EMS Files   Now that your Remote Thing is Saved and Connected, we can use some of the built-in Services to explore the EMS folders and files which we previously created for testing purposes.   At the top of EdgeThing, click Services.   Under the Execute column, click the Play Symbol for BrowseDirectory.   In the top-left path field, type / and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the other and tw folders which we previously created for testing.     In the top-left path field, type /tw and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the tw_test_01.txt file which we previously created for testing.     As the tw_test_01.txt file (and its parent folder) were items which we custom-created for this guide, you should now be 100% convinced that connectivity between Foundation and the EMS is dynamically working.   If so desired, you could explore into other folders (or even add additional files to these folders), run the BrowseDirectory Service again, and confirm that Foundation is now aware of the EMS and actively communicating.     Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulation! You've completed the Install the Edge MicroServer (EMS) guide.   In this guide, you learned how to:   Install the EMS Configure the EMS Connect the EMS to ThingWorx Foundation   The next guide in the Medical Device Service learning path is Setup a Raspberry Pi as an IoT Device.    The next guide in the Vehicle Predictive Pre-Failure Detection with ThingWorx Platform learning path is Use the EMS to Create an Engine Simulator.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Connect Connect Industrial Devices and Systems   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to the:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum
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    Step 3: Configure EMS   Now that you have "installed" (i.e. downloaded, unzipped, and moved to an appropriate location) the EMS on your Windows computer, it needs to be configured.   The primary method of doing so is via the config.json and config.lua files.   In this step, we'll create these files and paste some JSON / Lua configuration into them.   Navigate to the C:\CDEMO_EMS\etc directory.     Right-click inside the folder’s white-space and select New -> Text Document.     Change the name of New Text Document.txt to config.json. Here are instructions on how to configure your computer to display file extensions if you are not currently doing so.   Click Yes in the Rename Popup to confirm the file extension change.   Open config.json in your preferred text editor. NOTE: You will need a text editor of some type to modify the config.json file. Notepad++ is one such editor. However, the default Windows text editor, Notepad, is sufficient.     Copy and Paste the following code into the empty config.json file: { "ws_servers": [{ "host": "YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE", "port": 443 }], "appKey": "YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE", "logger": { "level": "INFO", "publish_directory": "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\logs", "publish_level": "INFO", "max_file_storage": 2000000, "auto_flush": true }, "http_server": { "ssl": false, "authenticate": false }, "ws_connection": { "encryption": "ssl" }, "certificates": { "validate": false, "disable_hostname_validation": true }, "tunnel": { "buffer_size": 8192, "read_timeout": 10, "idle_timeout": 300000, "max_concurrent": 4 }, "file": { "buffer_size": 8192, "max_file_size": 8000000000, "virtual_dirs": [ {"other": "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\other"}, {"tw": "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\tw"}, {"updates": "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\updates"} ], "staging_dir": "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\staging" } } When the EMS runs, the config.json file will answer the following questions: Code Section Question Answered ws_servers At what IP address / port is the ThingWorx Server located? appKey What is your Application Key? logger Where, and at what level, should we log errors? http_server What port should the WSEMS use to setup an HTTP server? ws_connection Should we use encryption? certificates Are we using Security Certificates? tunnel What are the configuration parameters for remote-tunneling? file What are the configuration parameters for file-transfer? We pre-defined the parameters for everything that we could, but you will still need to tell the WSEMS the IP address where the ThingWorx instance is located and a valid Application Key you either created earlier or may create now. TIP: You may have noticed the pre-existing config.json.complete and config.json.minimal files. These are example files that come with the WSEMS and are provided as an aid. The code above which you copied into your own config.json file is simply a customization of these aids. In particular, you may wish to look through the config.json.complete file, as it shows every available option which you might want to configure if you choose to make a custom application with the WSEMS. The config.json.complete file also contains comments for each of these options. However, a functional config.json file may NOT contain comments of any kind, so you would need to remove all comments if you choose to copy/paste some code from that file into a functional config.json of your own making.   Modify config.json to point to ThingWorx Foundation   Change YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE to the IP address of your hosted ThingWorx instance. Note that you may use a URL, such as "". Either way, the IP or URL must be enclosed in quotation marks (""). Also, Port 443 is the appropriate port for the hosted ThingWorx trial. Other Ports may be needed for local installs. Change YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE to an Application Key which you have previously created. Or create a new Application Key now... and remember to set the Expiration Date far enough into the future.     Save and exit the file.   Create a config.lua file   Navigate to the C:\CDEMO_EMS\etc directory. Right-click inside the folder’s white-space and select New -> Text Document. Change the name of New Text Document.txt to config.lua . Click Yes on whether you want to change the filename extension. Open config.lua in your preferred text editor. Copy and Paste the following code into the empty config.lua file: scripts.log_level = "WARN" scripts.script_resource_ssl = false scripts.script_resource_authenticate = false scripts.EdgeThing = { file = "thing.lua", template = "YourEdgeThingTemplate", scanRate = 120000, sw_update_dir = "C:\\CDEMO_EMS\\updates" } Save and exit the file.   Create a Custom Template for the EdgeThing   Navigate to C:\CDEMO_EMS\etc\custom\templates. Right-click inside the folder’s white-space and select New -> Text Document. Change the name of New Text Document.txt to YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua. Click Yes on whether you want to change the filename extension. Open YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua in your preferred text editor. Copy and Paste the following code into the empty YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua file: require "shapes.swupdate" module ("templates.YourEdgeThingTemplate", thingworx.template.extend) Save and exit the file.     Step 4: Connect EMS   In this step, you'll launch the EMS so that it can communicate with your ThingWorx Foundation platform.   Navigate to the C:\CDEMO_EMS directory. Hold Shift and right-click in the white space of the folder to open an options menu.     Click Open PowerShell window here. Note that this guide assumes Windows 10, but older versions of Windows have similar command-line interfaces.     In the PowerShell window, enter the command .\wsems.exe and press the Enter key. Note: Do not close this window, or the connection to the ThingWorx platform will close. Also, please look through the output in the wsems.exe window. The final line should indicate Successfully connected. Saving .booted config file. If you do not see the Saving .booted comment, then you likely have an error in your config.json file. Close the wsems.exe application with a Ctrl+C and delete any .booted file before making further changes.     Open another PowerShell window as per the above instructions. In the second PowerShell window, enter the command .\luaScriptResource.exe and press the Enter key. Note: Do not close this second PowerShell window, or the connection to the ThingWorx platform will close.     NOTE: When the scripts start running, the WSEMS attempts to talk to the ThingWorx platform. However, at this point in the tutorial, ThingWorx does not have detailed information about the Edge device that is attempting to connect to it so you will see an error message. This is the expected behavior which we will resolve in the next step. The wsems.exe program runs through the config.json file in order to extract the basic connectivity information to reach the ThingWorx platform. The luaScriptResource.exe runs through the config.lua file to extract to which Thing the WSEMS should be connecting. Both .exes must be running in order to achieve connectivity with ThingWorx. Program File Accessed Purpose wsems.exe config.json Extracts basic connectivity information to reach the ThingWorx platform. luaScriptResource.exe config.lua Determines to which Thing the WSEMS should connect. NOTE: Since the luaScriptResource.exe file which we created above has a reference to a custom template, it goes also accesses the YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua file to extend the base functionality. Both .exes must be running in order to achieve connectivity with ThingWorx.       Click here to view Part 3 of this guide.
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    Use a Timer to record mass amounts of test data, and then export it as a Comma-Separated Values file.   GUIDE CONCEPT   Having an Edge MicroServer (EMS) Engine Simulator has allowed you to begin work on using ThingWorx Foundation for instrumenting a prototype engine.   However, the end goal is not to inspect the data manually, but to have ThingWorx Analytics perform an automatic notification for any issues.   In this guide, you’ll create a Timer to generate thousands of data points, and then export the dataset as a Comma-Separated Values (.csv) file for future use in building an analytical model of the engine.     YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Create a Timer Subscribe to a Timer to Trigger a Service Generate Mass Amounts of Test Data Import the CSV Parser Extension Create a File Repository Export the Test Data as a Comma-Separated Values (.csv) file Download from a File Repository   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete all parts of this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Scenario   In this guide, we're finishing up with the MotorCo scenario where an engine can fail catastrophically in a low-grease condition.   In previous guides, you've gathered and exported engine vibration-data from an Edge MicroServer (EMS) and used it to build an engine analytics model. You've even put that analytical model into service to give near-immediate results from current engine-vibration readings.   The goal of this guide is to create a GUI to visualize those predicted "low grease" conditions to facilitate customer warnings.     This is a necessary step, as the end-goal is to automate failure analysis by utilizing ThingWorx Analytics, which builds an analytical model by importing a .csv file with several thousand data points.   Data storage, export, and formatting in this manner can be extremely helpful for the automotive segment in particular. For instance, each car that comes off the factory line could have an EMS constantly sending data from which an analytical model could automatically detect engine trouble.   This could enable your company to offer an engine monitoring subscription service to your customers.   But to enable automatic comparison of engine data to an analytical model, you must first generate and format sample data to build said model, and this guide will show you exactly how to do that.     Step 2: Create a Timer   In the previous Use the EMS to Create an Engine Simulator guide, you ended up with an EMS engine simulator from which Foundation could capture individual readings and store them in an Info Table Property.   But for ThingWorx Analytics, we need thousands of data points, if not tens-of-thousands.   Manually triggering the Service to generate that many data points would be tedious.   Instead, we'll create a Timer Thing off which we can trigger the automatic calling of the data-capture Service.   This guide assumes that you have already completed the Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to Connect to ThingWorx and Use the EMS to Create an Engine Simulator guides and have a working, active connection from the EMS Engine Simulator to ThingWorx Foundation.       1. Return to the ThingWorx Foundation Browse > All navigation.          2. Click MODELING > Timers.       3, Click + New.       4. On the Choose Template pop-up, select Timer and click OK.     5. In the Name field, type ESDS_Timer.       6. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.        7. In the Run As User field, search for and select Administrator.       8. On the Warning pop-up, click Yes.   Note that the Administrator user should only be utilized for testing and never in a production system.       9. Set the Update Rate to 2000.   The EMS updates values around every second, i.e. 1000ms, so we want a time longer than that.     10. At the top, click Save.       Step 3: Subscribe to the Timer   Now that we have a Timer, we can use its 2000ms (two seconds) Event generation to trigger something else.   In this case, we’ll use it to trigger the data-capture Service we created in the previous guide.      1. Click Browse > MODELING > Things.      2. Open EdgeThing and click Properties and Alerts.      3. Scroll down past the custom Properties to the Inherited Properties.      4. Under the Value column, ensure that isConnected is checked. If not, return to the previous guides and confirm that your EMS engine simulator is running.     Having ensured that the EMS engine simulator is still providing values to ThingWorx Foundation, we now want to create a Subscription, which will trigger off our earlier timer.      1. At the top, click Subscriptions.      2. Click + Add.      3. In the Name field, type ESDS_Timer_Subscription.      4. Under Source, select the Other entity radio-button.      5. In the Search Entities field, search for and select ESDS_Timer.      6. Check the Enabled box.      7. Expand the Inputs section.      8. In the Select an Event field, search for and select Timer.      9. Expand the Me/Entities section.      10. Expand the Services sub-section.      11. Scroll down until you find the custom recordService, and click the right-arrow beside it.      12. Click Save and Continue. Note that you should NOT click the top “Save”, as that will erase the Subscription.                     Step 4: Data Acquisition   With the progress so far, another entry is captured and added to the Info Table Property ever two seconds. We'll confirm that now.   The longer that you let the Subscription run, the more entries will be automatically captured in the infoTableProperty. ThingWorx Analytics can use this information to build an analytical model.   To do so, though, it needs thousands of entries. For example, we’ve gotten good model results with 30,000 data points. In general, more is better.   As such, your Subscription would need to run until you have gathered 30,000 entries in the infoTableProperty. Unfortunately, this can take roughly 15-16 hours.   You can simply let the timer run for a short time and then continue with this guide immediately.       1. At the top, click Properties and Alerts.       2. Click the Refresh button several times. Note that both the identifier Property and the count of the number of entries in the infoTableProperty are continually increasing.       3. Under the Value column, click the “pencil icon” for infoTableProperty to select Set value of property. It may take a few moments for the pop-up to load.         4. Note that various values coming from the EMS engine simulator.       5. At the top-right of the pop-up, click the X button.   Stop Data Gathering After achieving the dataset size you desire, you should stop gathering to prevent your dataset from growing arbitrarily large.        1. At the top of EdgeThing, click Subscriptions.       2. If it is not already expanded, click ESDS_Timer_Subscription.       3. Expand Subscription Info.       4. Uncheck the Enabled box.        5. Click Save and Continue.       Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.    
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    Step 8: Verify Connectivity   The EMS is now attempting to talk to ThingWorx Foundation.   However, ThingWorx does not have detailed information about the Edge device that is attempting to connect to it, so it will show up in the Unbound category of Remote Things.   Open ThingWorx Composer.     On the left, click Monitoring.   Click Status -> Remote Things.     Click Unbound.     Confirm that you see the PiThing listed in the Unbound section. NOTE: The name PiThing comes from the config.lua script. PiThing is simply the name that is in that script, hence the name that you see in ThingWorx. To change the name of the device, you could stop both wsems and luaScriptResource, edit config.lua to use a different Thing name other than PiThing, and then restart both of the EMS programs. At that point, the Thing showing up in Remote Things -> Unbound would be whatever name you changed to in config.lua.   Create a Remote Thing   Now that the EMS is communicating with ThingWorx Foundation, let's create a Remote Thing to which Foundation can tie said connection.   In ThingWorx Composer, click Browse > Modeling > Things.     At the top-left, click + New.       In the Name field, enter PiThing. Note that the name must match the spelling and capitalization of the Thing's name that you entered in the EMS's config.lua for it to auto-connect.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template field, search for remotethingwith.     Select RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer. At the top, Click Save. Note the status-indication pop-up indicating that PiThing is now connected.       Use Services to Explore EMS Files   Now that your Remote Thing is Saved and Connected, we can use some of the built-in Services to explore the EMS folders and files which we previously created for testing purposes.   At the top of PiThing, click Services.   Under the Execute column, click the Play Symbol for BrowseDirectory.   In the top-left path field, type / and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the other and tw folders which we previously created for testing.   In the top-left path field, type /tw and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the tw_test_01.txt file which we previously created for testing.     As the tw_test_01.txt file (and its parent folder) were items which we custom-created for this guide, you should now be 100% convinced that connectivity between Foundation and the EMS is dynamically working.   If so desired, you could explore into other folders (or even add additional files to these folders), run the BrowseDirectory Service again, and confirm that Foundation is now aware of the EMS and actively communicating.     Step 9: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Setup a Raspberry Pi as an IoT Device guide, and learned how to:   Set up Raspberry Pi Install, configure, and launch the EMS Connect a remote device to ThingWorx   The next guide in the Medical Device Service learning path is Medical Data Storage and Display.    Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Manage Data Model Introduction Connect Connect Industrial Devices and Systems   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support ThingWorx Edge MicroServer (EMS) Help Center External Raspberry Pi Documentation
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    Step 4: Connect Peripherals and Initial Configuration   Connect Peripherals   Now that we have a working microsdhc flash card with the Raspbian OS, we want to insert it into the Pi, as well as connect our other peripherals and power.   Remove the microsdhc card from the adapter.       With the power supply NOT connected, insert the microsdhc card into the Pi. Note that it may help to turn the Pi over.     With the power supply NOT connected to a wall-socket, connect the power, monitor, USB keyboard, and USB mouse.       Plug-in the power-supply to a wall-socket and wait for the Pi to boot.     Pi Initial Configuration   The Raspbian OS needs some initial configuration to set things such as your location and to connect to a WiFi network.   Click Next on the initial Raspbian start pop-up. Set your Country, Language, TimeZone, Use English language (if applicable), and Use US keyboard (if applicable), then click Next.       Enter and Confirm a new password, then click Next. If applicable, check the This screen shows a black border around the desktop checkbox, and click Next.     Select an appropriate WiFi network, and click Next.   Enter the WiFi password, and click Next.     On the Update Software screen, it is recommended to click Skip. If you have a microsdhc card with 16GB or more, then you may click Next to peform an OS update. Note that this process may be time-intensive... 30+ minutes.     If you performed an OS update, and it has completed with a System is up to date pop-up, click OK.     When the Setup is complete, click Restart. After the reboot, you will be automatically re-logged into Raspbian.       Step 5: Install EMS   Now that the Pi is fully setup, you want to download the Edge MicroServer (EMS) onto the Pi. On the Raspberry Pi, open a web browser and navigate to this guide, then download   Click the download's options drop-down, and select Show in folder.       Right-click on the .zip file and select Extract Here.       Navigate into the newly-extracted /microserver folder.     The primary executables which enable the EMS functionality are the following: File Name Description wsems An executable file that runs the Edge MicroServer. luascriptresource The Lua utility that is used to run Lua scripts, configure remote things, and integrate with the host system.     Create Additional Directories   New folders may be added to the /microserver directory for various purposes. Some of these will be utilized within this guide, while others may be utilized in future guides using the EMS.   In the /microserver folder, create a /logs directory. Create a /other directory. Create a /staging directory. Create a /tw directory. Create a /updates directory.   Create Test Files   It can also be helpful during testing to have some small files in these folders to further demonstrate connectivity.   As these files were custom-created for the guide, seeing them within ThingWorx Foundation ensures that the connection between Foundation and the EMS is real and current.   In the /tw directory, create a text file named tw_test_01.txt. In the /other directory, create a text file named other_test_01.txt.     Click here to view Part 3 of this guide.
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    Step 6: Configure EMS   The EMS consists of two distinct components that perform slightly different operations and communicate with each other.   The first is the EMS itself which creates an AlwaysOn™ connection to ThingWorx Foundation. It binds Things to the platform and automatically provides features like file transfer and tunneling.   The second is the Lua Script Resource (LSR). It is used as a scripting language so that you can add Properties, Services, and Events to the Things that you create in the EMS.     Now that you have "installed" (i.e. downloaded, unzipped, and moved to an appropriate location) the EMS on your Raspberry Pi, it needs to be configured.   The primary method of doing so is via the config.json and config.lua files.   In this step, we'll create these files and paste some JSON / Lua configuration into them.   Navigate to the /etc directory.       Right-click inside the folder’s white-space and select New File.... Enter config.json and click OK.   Right-click on the new config.json file and select Text Editor.     Copy and Paste the following code into the empty config.json file: Note that the backslashes (\) in the JSON below are escape characters necessary to properly address special characters, such as the forward-slashes (/) indicating path directories. { "ws_servers": [{ "host": "YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE", "port": 443 }], "appKey": "YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE", "logger": { "level": "INFO", "publish_directory": "\/home\/pi\/Downloads\/microserver\/logs", "publish_level": "INFO", "max_file_storage": 2000000, "auto_flush": true }, "http_server": { "ssl": false, "authenticate": false }, "ws_connection": { "encryption": "ssl" }, "certificates": { "validate": false, "disable_hostname_validation": true }, "tunnel": { "buffer_size": 8192, "read_timeout": 10, "idle_timeout": 300000, "max_concurrent": 4 }, "file": { "buffer_size": 8192, "max_file_size": 8000000000, "virtual_dirs": [ {"other": "\/home\/pi\/Downloads\/microserver\/other"}, {"tw": "\/home\/pi\/Downloads\/microserver\/tw"}, {"updates": "\/home\/pi\/Downloads\/microserver\/updates"} ], "staging_dir": "\/home\/pi\/Downloads\/microserver\/staging" } } When the EMS runs, the config.json file will answer the following questions: Code Section Questions Answered ws_servers At what IP address / port is the ThingWorx Server located? appKey What is your Application Key? logger Where, and at what level, should we log errors? http_server What port should the WSEMS use to setup an HTTP server? ws_connection Should we use encryption? certificates Are we using Security Certificates? tunnel What are the configuration parameters for remote-tunneling? file What are the configuration parameters for file-transfer? We pre-defined the parameters for everything that we could, but you will still need to tell the WSEMS the IP address where the ThingWorx instance is located and a valid Application Key you either created earlier or may create now.   TIP: You may have noticed the pre-existing config.json.complete and config.json.minimal files. These are example files that come with the WSEMS and are provided as an aid. The code above which you copied into your own config.json file is simply a customization of these aids. In particular, you may wish to look through the config.json.complete file, as it shows every available option which you might want to configure if you choose to make a custom application with the WSEMS. The config.json.complete file also contains comments for each of these options. However, a functional config.json file may NOT contain comments of any kind, so you would need to remove all comments if you choose to copy/paste some code from that file into a functional config.json of your own making.     Modify config.json to point to ThingWorx Foundation   Change YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_HERE to the IP address of your hosted ThingWorx instance. You may wish to e-mail yourself the Foundation IP address using a web-mail account so that you can copy/paste on the Pi from your e-mail to the config.json file. Note that you may use a URL, such as "". Either way, the IP or URL must be enclosed in quotation marks (""). Also, Port 443 is the appropriate port for the ThingWorx hosted server. Ports for local-install may vary. 2. Change YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE to an Application Key which you have previously created. Or create a new Application Key now. You may wish to e-mail yourself the Application Key using a web-mail account so that you can copy/paste on the Pi from your e-mail to the config.json file.   3. Save and exit the file.   Create a config.lua file   Navigate to the /etc directory. Right-click inside the folder’s white-space and select New File.... Enter config.lua and click OK. Right-click on the new config.lua file and select Text Editor. Copy and Paste the following code into the empty config.lua file: scripts.log_level = "WARN" scripts.script_resource_ssl = false scripts.script_resource_authenticate = false scripts.PiThing = { file = "thing.lua", template = "YourEdgeThingTemplate", scanRate = 120000, sw_update_dir = "\/home\/pi\/Downloads\/microserver\/updates" } Save and exit the file.   Create a Custom Template for the EdgeThing   Navigate to /etc/custom/templates. Right-click inside the folder’s white-space and select New File.... Enter YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua and click OK. Right-click on the new YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua file and select Text Editor. Copy and Paste the following code into the empty YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua file: require "shapes.swupdate" module ("templates.YourEdgeThingTemplate", thingworx.template.extend) Save and exit the file.      Step 7: Connect EMS   In this step, you'll launch the EMS so that it can communicate with your ThingWorx Foundation platform.   On the Raspberry Pi , open a Terminal by clicking the Terminal icon in the top-left.   Navigate to the EMS's root folder, i.e. /home/pi/Downloads/microserver , by issuing the following command and then pressing Enter : cd /home/pi/Downloads/microserver   In the Terminal window, enter the command sudo ./wsems and press Enter . Note: Do not close this window, or the connection to the ThingWorx platform will close. Also, look through the output in the wsems window. Near the end, you should see Successfully connected. Saving .booted config file . If you do not see the Saving .booted comment, then you likely have an error in your config.json file... especially with either the address or Application Key .   Open another Terminal window as per the above instructions.   In this second Terminal window, Navigate to the EMS's root directory, i.e. /home/pi/Downloads/microserver , by issuing the following command and pressing Enter : cd /home/pi/Downloads/microserver In the second Terminal window, enter the command sudo ./luaScriptResource and press Enter . Note: Do not close this second Terminal window, or the connection to the ThingWorx platform will close.   NOTE: When the scripts start running, the EMS attempts to talk to the ThingWorx platform. However, at this point in the tutorial, ThingWorx does not have detailed information about the Edge device that is attempting to connect to it, so you will see an error message. This is the expected behavior which we will resolve in the next step. The wsems program runs through the config.json file in order to extract the basic connectivity information to reach the ThingWorx platform. The luaScriptResource program runs through the config.lua file to extract to which Thing the WSEMS should be connecting. Both programs must be running in order to achieve connectivity with ThingWorx. Program File Accessed Purpose wsems config.json Extracts basic connectivity information to reach the ThingWorx platform. luaScriptResource config.lua Determines to which Thing the WSEMS should connect. NOTE : Since the config.lua file which we previously created has a reference to a custom template, it also accesses the YourEdgeThingTemplate.lua file to extend the base functionality. Both programs must be running in order to achieve connectivity with ThingWorx. Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues   If the websocket does not connect successfully, check the following:   Issue Solution WEBSOCKET CLOSED - Warning seen immediately after Websocket gets connected. Ensure that the host IP address, port, and appKey of the ThingWorx composer instance are accurately set. If, in config.json, you have selected the option to validate certification, then make sure the path to the certificate file is correctly set. twWs_Connect - Error trying to connect. Ensure that the host IP address and port running the ThingWorx Composer is accurately set. Check if the certification parameter is set or not. By default, the WS EMS validates certificates. To ensure that the validation is performed correctly without errors, ensure that the certificates configuration parameters are set accurately with the correct path to the certificate file. If you do not wish to validate the certificate, you may explicitly set the validate parameter in certificates parameter set to false. twTlsClient_Connect - Error intializing TLS connection. Invalid certificate. Check if the ws_encryption parameter is present in your config.json file. By default, WS EMS enables TLS connection to the ThingWorx Platform. Ensure that the certificate file mentioned in config.json is valid and stored in the path specified. For debugging purposes, you can set the ssl parameter to none in ws_encryption configuration parameter. [WARN ] ... Main - Unable to connect to server. Trying .booted config file. Ensure that the host is up and running at the IP address and port number mentioned in the config.json file. Ensure that ThingWorx is running on the host address at the correct port number. Ensure that all necessary ports are open for communication.     Click here to view Part 4 of this guide.
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    Step 5: Limiting Composer Access   If you would like to limit a User even more, there are a few things you can do. Go back to the Administrator account and open one of the accounts we created, such as User.OtherAgencies, you will notice the Enabled and Locked checkboxes. Enabled allows you to set whether an account can be used in ThingWorx during runtime. Locked dictates whether an account can be logged into at all.     Suppose we would like for the user to only see emptiness when they try to access the Composer. Follow the below steps to limit ThingWorx Composer access even more.   1. Open one of the Users we created earlier, ie User.OtherAgencies and click on the User Profile tab.  The user profile configuration allows an administrator to control which categories and entities should be displayed for an individual User.     2. You will see various sections and checkboxes. Uncheck all of them to stop access to importing, exporting, creating new Entities, being able to see existing Entities, and much more.     3. Click Save.   Now if you attempt to log into the ThingWorx Composer, you will notice a very difference experience without the ability to see current Entities. Perform this update for all the Users we created, except for User.IT and User.AgencySuperUser.     Step 6: Creating Clearance Levels   ThingWorx does not include default security clearance levels for you. What it does include are Thing Groups. Thing Groups are a reference-able entity type in ThingWorx that allow for Things and Thing Groups as its members. They also provide ThingWorx administrators the ability to manage at scale exposure of Things to only those that require access.   Before we create out first Thing Group, let us create some Entities that will house resources. The first will be an image that is top secret (shown below). In ThingWorx, this would be of type Media. After, we will create a file repository that will contain super-secret documents, a repository for job applications, and another repository for documents that are publicly accessible.   Our Top Secret Image:     Create the Media Entity    Let us store our image in ThingWorx. This image will need extra credentials to access it. This authentication can be performed with a basic username/password setup or SSO utilizing your own configurations.   1.  In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New button in the top left.    2. In the dropdown list, click Media.   3. In the Name field, use TopSecretImage.   4. Set the Project field to an existing Project (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and click Save. 5. Click Change and add an image or use the image above.     6. Click on the Configuration tab.     7. For the Authentication Type field, select basic. You can select other types based on your Single Sign On and server level configurations, but we will keep this scenario simple.     8. Set a Username and Password that would be used to access our top secret Media.     9. Click Save.   Create the File Repositories   Let us create the setup for our repositories.   1.  In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New button in the top left.    2. In the dropdown list, click Thing.     3. In the Name field, use TopSecretDocuments and FileRepository as the Base Thing Template.     4. Click Save.  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to create two File Repositories titled JobApplications and PublicDocuments.     Security Levels and Resource Lockdown    We now have our several resources and areas for differing levels of access. We will create 3 Thing Groups to mimic security levels. Our top-secret image will exist independently on ThingWorx, but also inside of a file repository for some level of redundancy. That file repository will belong to one Thing Group, while the other two file repositories will have their own separate Thing Groups.   1. Open the TopSecretDocuments File Repository Thing.  2. Click on the Services tab.     3. Scroll down to the SaveImage and click the play button.      4. Enter a path (such as /SecretImage.png) for the image to reside on the server and click Change to add an image.     5. Click the Execute button.    You now have your image in a File Repository. Let us add this Entity to a Thing Group, then configure the permissions at the Thing Group level.   1.  In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New button in the top left.      2. In the dropdown list, click Thing Group.     3. In the Name field enter Clearance.Top.     4. Set the Project field to an existing Project (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and click Save. 5. Click the Services tab and click the play button to execute the AddMembers Service.     6. Click on the members Input Info Table and click the + Add button.      7. Enter TopSecretDocuments as the name of the member and Thing as the type. 8. Click Add and Save. Set the Project field to an existing Project (ie, PTCDefaultProject).      9. With you members set, click Execute. 10. Repeat steps 1-9 to create two more Thing Groups and add the other File Repository Entities that we created earlier. Name these Thing Groups Clearance.Public and Clearance.HumanResources. If we wanted to, we could create a Thing Group to add here as a member of another Thing Groups’ hierarchy.   Thing Group Permissions    Time to set the permissions. With the Clearance.Top Thing Group selected, follow the below instructions. As mentioned before, in a production system, you would have more Users and User Groups to completely setup this scenario.   1. Click Permissions. 2. For Visibility, enter PTCDefenseDepartment into the filter.  3. Expand the Organization and select the Agents unit and click Save. 4. Click the Run Time tab. 5. Set the permissions for the Agency.Agents User Group to have full access as shown below:  6. Click Save.  7. Repeat steps 1-6 for our other security clearance Thing Groups. Set the permissions to a department and User Group that you see fit.     Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Securing Resources and Private Data guide. In this guide, you learned how to:   Securing data and private information Use Services, Alerts, and Subscriptions to handle processes without human interaction Handling group and organization permissions   The next guide in the Utilizing ThingWorx to Secure Your Aerospace and Defense Systems learning path is Connecting External Databases and Model.    Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Build ThingWorx Solutions in Food Industry Build Design Your Data Model Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum
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  Setup user interfaces and ways to track events   GUIDE CONCEPT   Being able to view your logs is an important part of knowing what is happening in your system. You can't keep things secure if you don't know who is doing what.   These concepts and steps will allow you to focus on development of your application while still allowing the ability to utilize the power of ThingWorx!   We will teach you how to access the system in a way you might not have done much of before.     You'll learn how to   How to design and implement meaningful user interfaces View different logs and search for data NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes   Step 1: Example and Strategy   If you’d like to skip ahead, download the completed example of the Aerospace and Defense learning path attached: Import the .twx files included.   In an ever-changing world, you are going to need to protect everything that is considered private. In order to do this, you need to be able to track every bit of what is happening in your system. ThingWorx does not provide an out of the box method to log when users open a Mashup window. What if this Mashup contains secure documents? Well, we can work with you on getting that logged and tracked.   Let us start working on securing our system by adding some Mashups that are simple, but we will add complexity around them. Before designing our Mashups, we will set permissions and go from there.      Step 2: Setting Mashup Permissions We will create a Mashup, but the focus will be the security of the Mashup, not the Design and UI itself. Follow the steps below to get started. In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen. Select Mashup  in the dropdown. 3, Select Responsive for the layout option. 4. Click Ok.   5. Enter a name for the Mashup Template, such as SecureMashupExample.   6. Click Save then click the Permissions tab. 7. On the Visibility tab, in the Search Organization text box, begin typing and select PTCDefenseDepartment. This allows anyone in the organization to be able to access this Mashup.    8. On the Runtime tab, in the Search Users and User Groups text box, begin typing and select Agency.IT.  9. Set all permissions to Allow (check). This allows a User Group to run services during Runtime of your application. Keep in mind, this gives permissions to all parts of the Mashup (Events, Subscriptions, Services, Parameters). 10. If you would like to be more specific, in the Search Properties, Services, or Events text box, select a service, ie GetHomeMashup. In the text box that appears below for Users and User Groups, select Agency.HumanResources.  11. On the Design Time tab, the Search Users and User Groups text box, begin typing and select Agency.IT.  12. In the Search Users and User Groups text box, begin typing and select Agency.HumanResource. 13. For Agency.IT, set the permissions to allow Read, Update, and Delete. For the Agency.HumanResource User Groups allow Read and deny Update and Delete.   You have just begun the process to securing the application from users looking to view specific secure pages. Next, let's create a simple page and show how we can log who accesses specific pages.      Step 3: Designing Tracked Mashups We will be creating a simple Mashup with the focus of showing how to add logging to a Mashup. Let's start by opening up the Mashup we just created.   Open the SecureMashupExample Mashup and click on the Design tab. Click the Layout panel in the top left and add a Bottom Container. In the Widgets panel, drag and drop a Blog Widget to the top container.   Drag and drop a Web Frame Widget to the bottom container.   Select the Blog Widget in the top container. In the Properties panel, update the Blog property to any existing or new Blog entity (there is a Blog in the provided download).    Select the Web Frame Widget in the bottom container. In the Properties panel, update the URL field to a website you trust. In this case, I'll be using   Click Save and View Mashup.   When accessing this Mashup, nothing is logged. We'll be changing that in the next steps with a service that will be called and log who is using the Mashup.   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen.   Select Thing in the dropdown.   In the name field, enter SecureServices and select GenerticThing as the Base Thing Template. Click Save and go to the Services and Alerts tab. Click the New button. Enter LogMashupAccess as the Service name.   Click the Input section and add a required String parameter named MashupName. Click Done and Add.   Add a second String parameter named Username that is required. Click Done.   Enter the below lines of code into the canvas. It will be a simple log statement for tracking. We can add a lot more to this method if we liked. logger.trace(MashupName  +  " accessed by " + Username); Click the green Save and Continue button to save your work.   Add Log Service to Mashup   We'll now need to call this logging service to see whenever a user has logged into our secure page. Of course, this is a simplified example and much more could be done here. Go back to the SecureMashupExample Mashup. In the Data panel, click the + button to add a service. Search for our new SecureServices Entity, then add the LogMashupAccess service. Ensure the Execute on Load checkbox is checked.  Click Done. Select the LogMashupAccess service. In the Data Properties panel in the lower right. In the MashupName text box, enter SecureMashupExample.   Select the User panel in the top right. Drag and drop the name field to the Username parameter. 9. Click Save.   You now have a Mashup that will log the UI being opened and the user accessing that UI whenever it is opened. Click View Mashup and go to the ScriptLog in order to test. You filter will need to be set to All or at least Trace to see the log statement.   In the next section we'll see how we can test this and do a bit more.     Step 4: Viewing and Filtering Logs   Data logging and filtering is one of your most powerful tools not only in the ThingWorx environment, but in developing solutions. The next section of this learning path will go in depth about what each of these items in a Monitoring screen does. It will also cover tricks to help your search. For now, let's look at how we can view logs and filter them to find what we need.   No.  Item Usage  1  Search Bar  Search the log for key words and phrases. 2  Filter Button  Provides a list of options to fine tune your search. This menu is very powerful. 3  Log Configurations  Select what level of logging you'd like to see. 4  Date Range  A date range filter to help limit or set your specific date options. 5  Max Row Count  The max number of rows to search for and return. The search will continue until this number is met or your other search filters have been met (ie, date range). 6   Apply/Reset Buttons  Apply the changes for your date range and max account or reset these values to their defaults. 7  Refresh/Auto Refresh Buttons Allow the log to continue based on your filters (if any) without you having to refresh. You can also refresh it on your own. 8  Log Header and List  The logs that were found based on your filters or settings. 9  Selected Log View  After selecting a log item in the list, it will be shown here.   The are some tricks to finding what you want and need faster. We dive into that in the next guide in this learning path.     Step 5: Next Steps Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Tracking Activities and Stats guide, and learned how to use the ThingWorx Platform to help track what is happening in your application.   If you wish to return to the learning path, click Utilizing ThingWorx to Secure Your Aerospace and Defense Systems   Learn More We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability Guide Build Design Your Data Model Manage Data Model Implementation Guide Additional Resources If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to: Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support REST API Help Center  
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  Step 4: Add Data   We've added a Waterfall Chart Widget to the Mashup, but we still need to bring in backend data.   Ensure the top-right Data tab is active.   Click the green + button.   In the Entity field, search for and select TPWC_Thing. In the Services field, type getprop. Click the right arrow beside GetProperties. On the right, check Execute on Load.   In the bottom-right of the pop-up, click Done.   Under the Data tab on the right, expand GetProperties.   Drag-and-drop Things_TPWC_Thing > GetProperties > InfoTable_Property onto the Waterfall Chart.   On the Select Binding Target pop-up, click Data.     Widget Properties   With the Waterfall Chart bound to data, we now just need to configure a few of the chart's Properties. With the Waterfall Chart selected in the central Canvas area, ensure the Properties tab is active in the bottom-left.   In the Filter field, type xaxis.   In the XAxisField, search for and select month.   In the Filter field, clear the xaxis search and then start a new filter with usetrend.   Check the UseTrendColors box.   At the top, click Save.     Step 5: View Mashup   Up to this point, we've created a Data Shape to format the columns of an Info Table Property. You then created a Thing, as well as an Info Table Property formatted by the Data Shape. As a test, you added some manually-entered data to the Info Table. After creating a Mashup, you added a Waterfall Chart Widget and tied it to that backend data.   The only thing left to do is to visualize your GUI.    Ensure that you're on the Design tab of the TPWC_Mashup.   At the top, click View Mashup. The end result is a visualization of burn up/down as the project is first defined and then implemented.     Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Track Progress with Waterfall Chart guide, and learned how to: Create a Data Shape Create a Thing Create an Info Table Property Populate an Info Table with appropriate data for a Waterfall Chart Create a Mashup Utilize a Waterfall Chart to display project progress  Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability Guide Manage How to Display Data in Charts Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to: Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Waterfall Chart Help  
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    Step 2: Java Properties (cont.)   Annotation @ThingworxPropertyDefinitions(properties = { @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "Temperature", description = "Current Temperature", baseType = "NUMBER", category = "Status", aspects = { "isReadOnly:true" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "Pressure", description = "Current Pressure", baseType = "NUMBER", category = "Status", aspects = { "isReadOnly:true" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "FaultStatus", description = "Fault status", baseType = "BOOLEAN", category = "Faults", aspects = { "isReadOnly:true" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "InletValve", description = "Inlet valve state", baseType = "BOOLEAN", category = "Status", aspects = { "isReadOnly:true" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "TemperatureLimit", description = "Temperature fault limit", baseType = "NUMBER", category = "Faults", aspects = { "isReadOnly:false" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "TotalFlow", description = "Total flow", baseType = "NUMBER", category = "Aggregates", aspects = { "isReadOnly:true" }), })   NOTE: The call to VirtualThing.initializeFromAnnotations is necessary if there are properties, services, and events that are annotated.   Code //Create the property definition with name, description, and baseType PropertyDefinition property1 = new PropertyDefinition(property, "Description for Property1", BaseTypes.BOOLEAN); //Create an aspect collection to hold all of the different aspects AspectCollection aspects = new AspectCollection(); //Add the dataChangeType aspect aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DATACHANGETYPE, new StringPrimitive(; //Add the dataChangeThreshold aspect aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DATACHANGETHRESHOLD, new NumberPrimitive(0.0)); //Add the cacheTime aspect aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_CACHETIME, new IntegerPrimitive(0)); //Add the isPersistent aspect aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISPERSISTENT, new BooleanPrimitive(false)); //Add the isReadOnly aspect aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISREADONLY, new BooleanPrimitive(false)); //Add the pushType aspect aspects.put("pushType", new StringPrimitive(; //Add the defaultValue aspect aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DEFAULTVALUE, new BooleanPrimitive(true)); //Set the aspects of the property definition property1.setAspects(aspects); //Add the property definition to the Virtual Thing this.defineProperty(property1);   Update Properties   Property values can be updated using the provided Macros or using the API directly.   The VirtualThing.setPropertyVTQ and VirtualThing.setProperty methods are used to update properties connected to the ThingWorx Platform. It is often easiest to use the setProperty method because it allows the usage of values outside of IPrimitiveType. Using these methods will fire a property changed event and also look to add the update to the pending list of changes to the Platform based on your DataChangeType aspect used for the property. An example of how to use VirtualThing.setProperty can be seen below: double temperature = 400 + 40 * Math.random(); super.setProperty("Temperature", temperature);   NOTE: setPropertyVTQ and setProperty are both methods inside of the VirtualThing class. All objects you would like to have represented in the ThingWorx Platform as an Entity, must extend the VirtualThing class.   When finished with updating all property values, use the VirtualThing.updateSubscribedProperties method to send the queue of changes to the Platform. Property value updates will NOT be sent to the platform if this method is not called. An example can be seen below:   super.updateSubscribedProperties(15000);   Retrieve Properties   Property values can be retrieved using the provided Macros or using the API directly.   The VirtualThing.getProperty and VirtualThing.getCurrentPropertyValue methods are used to retrieve properties connected to the ThingWorx Platform. The VirtualThing.getProperties returns a PropertyCollection which provides a collection type behavior for all properties initialized within your implementation. An example of how to use VirtualThing.getProperty can be seen below:   double temperatureLimit = (Double) getProperty("TemperatureLimit").getValue().getValue();   NOTE: getProperty and getCurrentPropertyValue are both methods inside of the VirtualThing class. All objects you would like to have represented in the ThingWorx Platform as an Entity, must extend the VirtualThing class.   Synchronize Updates   The VirtualThing.synchronizeState method is called when a connect or reconnect occurs. If property values are not synced with the ThingWorx Platform on a regular basis, this method should be overridden with a call to sync properties. An example of this is shown below: public void synchronizeState() { super.synchronizeState(); super.syncProperties(); }   Scan Cycles The VirtualThing.processScanRequest method should be overridden and used to perform the tasks that should occur during a scan cycle. A scan cycle could be considered a reoccurring period in which a task is performed. This should be called and performed after a connection is made and while the application is still connected to the ThingWorx Platform. An example is as follows: while (!client.isShutdown()) { if (client.isConnected()) { for (VirtualThing thing : client.getThings().values()) { try { thing.processScanRequest(); } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("Error Processing Scan Request for [" + thing.getName() + "] : " + exception.getMessage()); } } } Thread.sleep(1000); }       Step 3: Java - Data Shapes   DataShapes are used for Events, Services, and InfoTables. In order to create a DataShape, you will use the FieldDefinitionCollection class with a FieldDefinition object to set each aspect and field type for the DataShape. The VirtualThing.defineDataShapeDefinition method adds the recently created definition to the Entities list of DataShapes. If the DataShape is located on the ThingWorx Platform, utilize the ConnectedThingClient.getDataShapeDefinition method in order to retrieve it. An example is shown below of how to create a DataShape and store it to the list of available DataShapes: // Data Shape definition that is used by the delivery stop event // The event only has one field, the message FieldDefinitionCollection fields = new FieldDefinitionCollection(); fields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(ACTIV_TIME_FIELD, BaseTypes.DATETIME)); fields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(DRIVER_NAME_FIELD, BaseTypes.STRING)); fields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(TRUCK_NAME_FIELD, BaseTypes.BOOLEAN)); fields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(TOTAL_DELIVERIES_FIELD, BaseTypes.NUMBER)); fields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(REMAIN_DELIVERIES_FIELD, BaseTypes.NUMBER)); fields.addFieldDefinition(new FieldDefinition(LOCATION_FIELD, BaseTypes.LOCATION)); defineDataShapeDefinition("DeliveryTruckShape", fields);       Step 4: Java - Info Tables   Infotables are used for storing and retrieving data from service calls.   The provided InfoTable object uses a DataShapeDefinition object to describe the name, base type, and additional information about each field within the table.   The InfoTable class is a collection of ValueCollection entries for each row based on the DataShapeDefinition. When reading values from an InfoTable or loading an InfoTable with data, you will need to use the ValueCollection class.   Create and Load   The code below shows how to utilize these classes in order to create and add data to an InfoTable: DataShapeDefinition dsd = (DataShapeDefinition) this.getDataShapeDefinitions().get("SteamSensorReadings"); InfoTable table = new InfoTable(dsd); ValueCollection entry = new ValueCollection(); DateTime now =; try { // entry 1 entry.clear(); entry.SetStringValue(SENSOR_NAME_FIELD, "Sensor Alpha"); entry.SetDateTimeValue(ACTIV_TIME_FIELD, now.plusDays(1)); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_FIELD, 50); entry.SetNumberValue(PRESSURE_FIELD, 15); entry.SetBooleanValue(FAULT_STATUS_FIELD, false); entry.SetBooleanValue(INLET_VALVE_FIELD, true); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_LIMIT_FIELD, 150); entry.SetNumberValue(TOTAL_FLOW_FIELD, 87); table.addRow(entry.clone()); // entry 2 entry.clear(); entry.SetStringValue(SENSOR_NAME_FIELD, "Sensor Beta"); entry.SetDateTimeValue(ACTIV_TIME_FIELD, now.plusDays(2)); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_FIELD, 60); entry.SetNumberValue(PRESSURE_FIELD, 25); entry.SetBooleanValue(FAULT_STATUS_FIELD, true); entry.SetBooleanValue(INLET_VALVE_FIELD, true); entry.SetNumberValue(TEMPERATURE_LIMIT_FIELD, 150); entry.SetNumberValue(TOTAL_FLOW_FIELD, 77); table.addRow(entry.clone()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }   Read   This code shows how to read a value from an InfoTable. InfoTable result = client.readProperty(ThingworxEntityTypes.Things, "SteamSensor", "name", 10000); String name = result.getFirstRow().getStringValue("name");   The example highlighted below showcases one way to get a property reading from a Thing in the ThingWorx Platform. InfoTable result = client.readProperty(ThingworxEntityTypes.Things, "SteamSensor", "name", 10000); ValueCollection entry = result.getFirstRow(); String name = entry.getStringValue("name");     Click here to view Part 4 of this guide.  
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    Step 2: Java Properties   In the ThingWorx environment, a Property represents a data point, which has a:   Name Value Timestamp Quality (optional)   Define Properties   You can define attributes, base types and other aspects of ThingWorx properties.   Attributes   The table below provides information on the different attributes that are used to define a property. Attribute Details name Specifies the name of the property that will appear in ThingWorx when users browse to bind the related Thing. description Provides additional information for the property. baseType Specifies the type of the property. For a list of base types supported by the SDK, refer to the BaseTypes chart below.   BaseTypes   The table below provides information on the different types of properties that can be created in ThingWorx. BaseType Primitive Description BOOLEAN BooleanPrimitive True or false values only DATETIME DatetimePrimitive Date and time value GROUPNAME StringPrimitive ThingWorx group name HTML StringPrimitive HTML value HYPERLINK StringPrimitve Hyperlink value IMAGE ImagePrimitive Image value IMAGELINK StringPrimitive Image link value INFOTABLE InfoTablePrimitive ThingWorx infotable INTEGER IntegerPrimitive 32–bit integer value JSON JSONPrimitive JSON structure LOCATION LocationPrimitive ThingWorx location structure MASHUPNAME StringPrimitive ThingWorx Mashup name MENUNAME StringPrimitive ThingWorx menu name NOTHING N/A No type (used for services to define void result) NUMBER NumberPrimitive Double precision value STRING StringPrimitive String value QUERY N/A ThingWorx query structure TEXT StringPrimitive Text value THINGNAME StringPrimitive ThingWorx Thing name USERNAME StringPrimitive ThingWorx user name XML XMLPrimitive XML structure   Aspects   Aspects define the ways to interact with a property. The table below provides information on frequently used Aspect attributes of a property. Attribute Description isPersistent Set to TRUE for the ThingWorx server to persist the value even if it restarts. It is extremely expensive to have persistent values, so it is recommended to set this value to FALSE unless absolutely necessary. isReadOnly Set to TRUE to inform the ThingWorx server that this value is only readable and cannot be changed by a request from the server. dataChangeType Describes how the ThingWorx server responds when the value changes in the client application. Subscriptions to these value changes can be modeled in ThingWorx Core. If nothing needs to react to the property change, set this value to NEVER. dataChangeThreshold Defines how much the value must change to trigger a change event. For example 0 (zero) indicates that any change triggers an event. A value of 10 (ten) for example would not trigger an update unless the value changed by an amount greater than or equal to 10. defaultValue The default value is the value that ThingWorx Core uses when the RemoteThing connected to the device first starts up and has not received an update from the device. The value is different based on the different value for each base type. cacheTime The amount of time that ThingWorx Core caches the value before reading it again. A value of -1 informs the server that the client application always sends its value and the server should never go and get it. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that every time the server uses the value, it should go and get it from the client application. Any other positive value indicates that the server caches the value for that many seconds and then retrieves it from the client application only after that time expired. pushType Informs ThingWorx Core how the client application pushes its values to the server.   NOTE: cacheTime and dataChangeThreshold are for subscribed (bound) properties ONLY.   DataChangeType Values   This field acts as the default value for the data change type field of the property when it is added to the remote Thing. The possible dataChangeType values are below: Value Description  ALWAYS Always notify of the value change even if the new value is the same as the last reported value. VALUE Only notify of a change when a newly reported value is different than its previous value. ON For BOOLEAN types, notify only when the value is true. OFF For BOOLEAN types only, notify when the value is false. NEVER Ignore all changes to this value.   PushType Values   This aspect works in conjunction with cacheTime. The possible pushType values are below: Value Description ALWAYS Send updates even if the value has not changed. It is common to use a cacheTime setting of -1 in this case. VALUE Send updates only when the value changes. It is common to use a cacheTime setting of -1 in this case. NEVER Never send the value, which indicates that ThingWorx server only writes to this value.It is common to use a cacheTime setting of 0 or greater in this case. DEADBAND Added to support KEPServer, this push type is an absolute deadband (no percentages). It provides a cumulative threshold, such that the Edge device should send an update if its current data point exceeds Threshold compared to the last value sent to ThingWorx Core. It follows existing threshold fields limits.     Click here to view Part 3 of this guide.
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  Connect a Raspberry Pi to ThingWorx using the Edge MicroServer (EMS).   GUIDE CONCEPT   This project will utilize the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to connect ThingWorx Foundation to a Raspberry Pi.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Set up Raspberry Pi Install, configure, and launch the Edge MicroServer (EMS) Connect a remote device to ThingWorx Foundation   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete all parts of this guide is 60 minutes.     Step 1: Introduction   A Raspberry Pi is a small, single-board computer that utilizes an ARM processor and typically runs a variant of Linux.   Due to its small size, relatively affordable cost, and ability to run a full operating system, the Pi is a near-ideal device to utilize as a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) IoT Edge device.   In addition, there is a version of the ThingWorx Edge MicroServer (EMS) built to work on ARM processors. Therefore, this guide will explore getting the EMS running on a Raspberry Pi to connect to ThingWorx Foundation.       As stated in the Overview, you may purchase a Pi directly from the Raspberry Pi web site or from a distribution partner such as Digi-Key or RS.   You will also need an SD card (8+GB... 16+GB recommended) with the Raspbian operating system installed... though this guide will instruct you on installing the Raspbian OS on a microsdhc flash card if you prefer to purchase an SD card separately.   You may alternately wish to purchase a "Pi Canakit". Canakits, depending on the version, typically include a Pi, SD card with a version of Raspbian pre-installed, and various other items like sensors, a case, an HDMI cable, and other accessories.   To make this guide as straight-forward as possible, we'll assume a monitor, USB keyboard, USB mouse, and WiFi connectivity to interact with the Pi.   Note that the Pi has an HDMI port, so you may also need an HDMI-to-DVI convertor or similar if your monitor doesn't natively support HDMI.     Step 2: Format MicroSDHC Card   The microSDHC flash card which the Pi accepts may (or may not) come pre-installed with the Raspbian OS. If Raspbian is pre-installed and working, you may skip this step.   However, these flash cards are susceptible to corruption, especially if proper static-control guards are not followed or if the Pi is powered-down without going through a proper shutdown procedure.   As such, the steps immediately below will assume that you are installing (or re-installing) Raspbian on your microSDHC card.   Depending on your PC's ports, you may also require a microSDHC adapter to insert the flash card into your computer.   Locate your microSDHC card. Remember that 8+GB is mandatory, but 16+GB is recommended to ensure that the Pi has enough swap-space.   Locate your flash card adapter. Note that you may have a different type of adapter. Simply ensure that your PC can recognize the microSDHC card.   Insert the microSDHC card into the adapter.     Insert the adapter-plus-microsdhc card into your PC.     Assuming a Windows PC and either a pre-installed or corrupted flash card, you will receive a pop-up stating that it needs to be formatted prior to use; click Format disk.   On the following Format SDHC Card pop-up, click Start.   On the following Format Confirmation pop-up, click OK.     On the following Format Complete pop-up, click OK.   On the previous Format pop-up which is still open, click Close.   You now have a formatted microSDHC card which Windows can recognize.       Step 3: Flash MicroSDHC Card   Now that the flash card is accessible to Windows, you want to install the Raspbian OS on it.   Once again, this step assumes that you are installing (or re-installing) the Raspbian OS.   If your microSDHC card came pre-installed with Raspbian, then you may skip this step.   Download the Raspbian OS .zip file. Navigate to the download location and locate the Raspbian .zip file.   3. Right-click on the file and select Extract All....   4. On the Extract Pop-up, click Extract.   5. Download the balenaEtcher "flasher" software. 6. Navigate to the download location and locate the balenaEtcher .exe file.   7. Double-click on the balenaEtcher .exe to begin the installation process.   8. On the balenaEtcher installer pop-up, click I Agree. After the installation completes, balenaEtcher will automatically open.   9. Click Select image and navigate to the previously-extracted Raspbian OS .img file.   10. Select the .img file and click Open. Assuming the only microSDHC card currently inserted into your PC is the one for the Pi, then the SD SCSI Disk Device will be pre-selected; otherwise, choose the correct flash disk.   11. Click Flash!. Accept allowing the etcher to make changes to your computer.   12. Wait for balenaEtcher to complete the flashing process; this may take ~5-10 minutes.   13. Remove the microSDHC card and adapter from your PC.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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  Display project burn up/down via a convenient Mashup Widget.   GUIDE CONCEPT   Long term projects need to be managed. As a project is scoped, requirements get defined and delivery-timeframes are estimated. As work is done, requirements are completed.   One way to track this project progress is with a Waterfall Chart.   This guide will show you how to utilize a Waterfall Chart Widget to easily display the project workflow.        YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Create a Data Shape Create a Thing Create an Info Table Property Populate an Info Table with appropriate data for a Waterfall Chart Create a Mashup Utilize a Waterfall Chart to display project progress   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes     Step 1: Create Data Shape   In this scenario, we'll store the Waterfall Chart's data in a Property type called an Info Table.   An Info Table is a spreadsheet-like Property, but in order to define the columns of the table, we first have to define a Data Shape. We'll do that in this step.   In the left-side navigation, click Browse > Modeling > Data Shapes.   At the top, click + New.   In the Name field, type TPWC_DataShape. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject .   At the top, click Field Definitions.   At the top-left, click + Add.   On the right-side slide-out, in the Name field, type month. Note that you want to leave "Base Type" as the default of "STRING". Check Is Primary Key.   Click the "check with a plus" button for Done and Add.   In the Name field, type amount. Change Base Type, to NUMBER.   Click the "check" button for Done.   At the top, click Save .     Step 2: Create Thing   Now that we have our Data Shape, we can create a Thing to document the project progress over time.   As already mentioned, we'll use an Info Table Property, formatted by the previously-created Data Shape, to do so.   Click Browse > Modeling > Things.   Click + New.   In the Name field, type TPWC_Thing. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template field, search for and select GenericThing. At the top, click Save.   Add Info Table Property Now that we have our Thing instantiated, we want to add an Info Table Property. At the top, click Properties and Alerts.   Click + Add.   On the right-side slide-out, in the Name field, type InfoTable_Property. Change Base Type to INFOTABLE. In the Data Shape field, search for and select TPWC_DataShape. Note that the Data Shape field will not appear until you set Base Type to INFOTABLE. Check Persistent.   At the top-right, click the "check" button for Done. At the top, click Save.   Set Value of Property Now that we have a place in which to store spreadsheet-like values, we'll do so manually for testing.  On the InfoTable_Property row, under the Value column, click the "pencil" icon for Set value of property.   On the pop-up, click + Add.   Enter the following values in each field as per the table below: Field Name Value month January amount 380   Click Add.   Repeat Steps 2-4 multiples times until all of the below values have been entered. Note that amount should be left blank for both Mid-Term and Total. Note that you may enter fewer than all the values listed below if so desired, though your final Waterfall Chart will not match the following screenshots. month amount February 85 March 50 April 1000 May -300 June 0 Mid-Term   July 30 August -655 September -100 October -250 November 350 December -100 Total     On the pop-up, click Save.   At the top, click Save.   Step 3: Create Mashup   Now that we have our data in-place for testing (and could be connected to automated systems after we finish testing), we need to visualize the data.   As mentioned, we'll use a Waterfall Chart Widget, but first, we need to create a Mashup into which we can place the Widget.   Click Browse > Visualization > Mashups.   Click + New.   Leave the defaults and click OK.   In the Name field, type TPWC_Mashup. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. At the top, click Save.   At the top, click Design.   At the top-left, click the Widgets tab.   Drag-and-drop a Waterfall Chart Widget onto the central Canvas.   At the top, click Save.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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    Keys to utilizing the C and Java SDK for ThingWorx application development   GUIDE CONCEPT   This project will introduce to coding examples utilized for SDKs to be used with Java and C. You can also use the Java SDK for Android development.   Following the steps in this guide, you will be better prepared to creating your own application using one of our SDKs.   We will teach you how to handle Properties, Entities, data, make Service calls and creating Remote Services.     YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   How to create, update, and retrieve Property values Utilize Data Shapes for handling data and triggering Events Construct Info Tables for Services and retrieving data after Service calls Add key features of an edge/remote application   NOTE: The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Connection Process   he ThingWorx SDKs follows a three-step process when connecting to the ThingWorx Platform.   NOTE: In this context, Client refers to the application and the SDK running on the device and Server refers to the ThingWorx Platform.   Websocket   The client opens a Websocket to the server using the host and port. With the ThingWorx platform you can connect via HTTP and HTTPS with access to Services, Properties, Events, Entities, and Resources.   Authentication   In order to connect and access information from the server, you must utilize an authorization method. Application Keys provide a secure method for the SDK to log into the platform and perform transactions. The client sends an authentication message to the server containing an Application Key.   Binding   Binding is an optional step in the client connection process. The SDK client allows one or more VirtualThings to be associated with a Websocket connection, using their names or identifiers. Binding a property in your ThingWorx application to that of your source code provides several benefits, including being able to update properties while offline.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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    Step 5: Handling and Receiving XML Objects   Working with JSON with JavaScript can be easy and simple. Working with XML while using JavaScript can be more challenging, because XML is so tightly structured. This can affect how you setup code and how you use the Rhino JavaScript engine for your needs.   NOTE: Examples of these services can be found in the ** XMLProcessorThing** entity, which is provided in the download.   Handling XML   XML can be handled using two methods. The first method is converting the XML string to an XML object. The second methos is creating an XML object, then assigning the raw XML to that variable.   The simple XML object is as follows: <note> <to>Janice</to> <from>Billy</from> <heading>Please Remind Me</heading> <body>Take out the trash this weekend!</body> </note> First, create the entity you will use for both methods. In ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen. Select Thing in the dropdown. Name the Thing XMLProcessorThing and click Save. Click the Services tab. Click Save and let’s begin with the first method of handling XML in ThingWorx.   Parsing XML Using Method 1   Now, you will create the service to handle the first method of XML handling. This is a simple method to easily convert XML string and grabbing a field in the XML.   In the Services tab of the XMLProcessorThing Thing, create a new service called ParseXML. The service will have no parameters. Set the Output as String. Add the following JavaScript to help encode the string and return an HTML friendly string. /*jshint multistr: true */ var xml = new XML("<note> \ <to>Janice</to> \ <from>Billy</from> \ <heading>Please Remind Me</heading> \ <body>Take out the trash this weekend!</body> \ </note>"); var result = "Sending note to " + String(xml.*::to);   5. Click Save and you’re all done with this service to parse XML string and grab information from it.   Parsing XML Using Method 2   The second method will show errors and warnings, if you’re using the Lint setting in your service JavaScript code window. This method will be very helpful in handling XML responses from a service call.   In the Services tab of the XMLProcessorThing Thing, create a new service called ParseRawXML. The service will have no parameters. Set the Output as String. Add the following JavaScript to help encode the string and return an HTML friendly string. var xml = new XML(); xml = <note> <to>Janice</to> <from>Billy</from> <heading>Please Remind Me</heading> <body>Take out the trash this weekend!</body> </note> var result = "Sending note to " + String(;   5. Click Save and you’re all done.     Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Sending and Receiving JSON and XML guide, and learned how to use the ThingWorx Platform to handle REST requests and send payload for external SOAP and REST services.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Build Design Your Data Model Build Use REST API to Access ThingWorx   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support REST API Help Center
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  Step 5: Add Data   We've added a Pareto Chart Widget to the Mashup, but we still need to bring in backend data.   Ensure the top-right Data tab is active.   Click the green + button.   In the Entity field, search for and select TIPC_Thing. In the Services field, type getprop. Click the right arrow beside GetProperties. On the right, check Execute on Load.   In the bottom-right of the pop-up, click Done.   Under the Data tab on the right, expand GetProperties.   Drag-and-drop Things_TIPC_Thing> GetProperties > InfoTable_Property onto the Pareto Chart.   On the Select Binding Target pop-up, click Data.   With the Pareto Chart selected in the central Canvas area, ensure the Properties tab is active in the bottom-left.   In the Filter field, type xaxis.   In the XAxisField, search for and select month.   At the top, click Save.     Step 6: View Mashup   Up to this point, we've created a Data Shape to format the columns of an Info Table Property. You then created a Thing, as well as an Info Table Property formatted by the Data Shape. As a test, you added some manually-entered data to the Info Table. After creating a Mashup, you added a Pareto Chart Widget and tied it to that backend data.   The only thing left to do is to visualize your GUI.    Ensure that you're on the Design tab of the TIPC_Mashup.   At the top, click View Mashup.   The end result is a visualization of how each of your main issues contribute to your overall downtime.   In particular, this test data shows that excess_temperature is the primary cause of issues, regardless of month.    You could now connect the backend data-storage to live-data from the robotic welding arm to begin an actual determination of your issues.       Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Track Issues with Pareto Chart guide, and learned how to:   Create a Data Shape Create a Thing Create an Info Table Property Populate an Info Table with appropriate data for a Pareto Chart Create a Mashup Utilize a Pareto Chart to display issue-aggregation    Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability  Guide Manage How to Display Data in Charts Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to: Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Pareto Chart Help  
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