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This groovy script creates an xml output of the audit log filtered by the User Access category, so dates of when users logged in or logged out. Parameter: days - number of days to search import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategoryList import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategory import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditEntryFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.SortType import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditEntry import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder /* * AuditEntryList.groovy * * Creates an xml output of the audit log filtered by the User Access category, so dates of when users logged in or logged out. * * @param days        -   (REQ):Str number of days to search. * * @author Sara Streeter <> */ def writer = new StringWriter() def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer) try {     def ctx = Context.getUserContext()     ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(ctx, new Identifier(1))     Model model = modelFinder.find()     DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(ctx, new Identifier(1))     Device device = deviceFinder.find()     AuditCategoryList acl = new AuditCategoryList()     acl.add(AuditCategory.USER_ACCESS)     long now = System.currentTimeMillis()     Date today = new Date(now)     def paramdays = parameters.days ? parameters.days: 5     long days = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * Integer.valueOf(paramdays)     AuditEntryFinder aef = new AuditEntryFinder(ctx)     aef.setCategories(acl)     aef.setToDate(today)     aef.setFromDate(new Date(now - (days)))     aef.setSortType(SortType.DATE)     aef.sortDescending()     List<AuditEntry> audits = aef.findAll() // assemble the response     xml.Response() {         audits.each { AuditEntry audit ->                   Audit() {                 id(audit?.id.value)                 user(audit?.user?.username)                 date(audit?.date)                 category(audit?.category?.bundleKey)                 message(audit?.message)             }         }     } } catch (def ex) {     xml.Response() {         Fault {             Code('Groovy Exception')             Message(ex.getMessage())             StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();             PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);             ex.printStackTrace(pw);             Detail(sw.toString())         }     } } return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()]
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These code snippets illustrate parsing CSV files and populating the Axeda Enterprise with data, locations and organizations.  These files are incoming to the Axeda Platform. Note:  These snippets do NOT handle null values in the CSV due to the lack of a CSV parsing library.  Workaround is to populate empty values with an empty or null signifier (such as a blank space) and test for these on the Groovy side. Code Snippets: CSV file to Data Items CSV file to Location Organization Script Name: CSV file to Data Items Description: Executed from an expression rule with file hint "datainsert", takes a CSV file and adds data based on values. Parameters: OPTIONAL - only needed for debugging modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem import import java.util.regex.Pattern import groovy.json.* import import net.sf.json.JSONObject /** * CSVToData.groovy * ----------------------- * * Executed from an expression rule with file hint "datainsert", takes a CSV file and adds data based on values. * * @note  There must be a column with "model" and one with "serial".  The rest of the columns should be data item names with values * in the rows. DOES NOT handle null values in CSV.  Workaround is to insert blank spaces in null values and test for those on the Groovy side. * Solution would be to add a library for CSV parsing such as open csv. * * @params - only needed if NOT executed from expression rule - primarily for debugging * modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model * serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number * * */ /** * initialize our global variables * json = the contents of our response * infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script * contentType = the content type we will return * scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places */ def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def infoString = new StringBuilder() def contentType = "application/json" def scriptName = "CSVToData.groovy" def root = ["result":["items":[]]] def columns = [] try {   Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()   def modelIndex   def serialIndex   // initialize Model and Device Finders   ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)   DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)   // implicit object compressedFile   File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile() /* //begin non-expression rule code, useful for debugging     File file     modelFinder.setName(Request.parameters.modelname)               def model1 = modelFinder.find()     deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(Request.parameters.serialNumber)     deviceFinder.setModel(model1)     def d = deviceFinder.find()      UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(CONTEXT)     uff.device = d     def ufiles = uff.findAll()     UploadedFile ufile     if (ufiles.size() > 0) {         ufile = ufiles[0]         file = ufile.extractFile()     }          */ //end non-expression rule code   file.eachLine {line ->       def row = line.tokenize(',')          // set the column headings       if (columns.size() == 0){         columns = row              // find model and serial index, assumes there's a column that has "model" and "serial", otherwise take columns 0 and 1         def modelpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}model[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         def serialpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}serial[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         modelIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } : 0         serialIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } : 1            }       // otherwise populate data       else {                  modelFinder.setName(row.get(modelIndex))           def model = modelFinder.find()                  deviceFinder.setModel(model)           deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(row.get(serialIndex))                  def device = deviceFinder.find()                  def assetInfo = [                     "model":,                     "serial": device.serialNumber,                     "data":[]                     ]                  row.eachWithIndex{ item, index ->               if (index != modelIndex && index != serialIndex){                 def dataItemName = columns[index].replace(" ","")                 DataItemFinder dif = new DataItemFinder(CONTEXT);                 dif.setDataItemName(dataItemName);                 dif.setModel(model);                 DataItem dataItem = dif.find();                              if (dataItem){                     if (item.isNumber()){                        item = Double.valueOf(item)                     }                     DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(CONTEXT, device, dataItem, item)                            }                 else {                     DataItem newDataItem                     if (item.isNumber()){                         newDataItem = new DataItem(CONTEXT, model,DataItemType.ANALOG, dataItemName)                         item = Double.valueOf(item)                     }                     else {                        newDataItem = new DataItem(CONTEXT, model,DataItemType.STRING, dataItemName)                     }                              DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(CONTEXT, device, newDataItem, item)                            }        << [                         "name": dataItemName,                         "value": item                     ]                            }               root.result.items << assetInfo           }              }   } } catch (Exception e) {     processException(scriptName,json,e) } //return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)] /*     Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection     @param json The markup builder */ private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {     // catch the exception output     def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()     e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))     logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")     /*         Construct the error response         - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum         - errorMessage The text of the exception      */     json.errors  {         error {             message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()             timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"         }     }     return json } Script Name: CSV file to Location Organization Description: Executed from an expression rule with file hint "locorginsert", takes a CSV file and adds orgs and locations based on values. Parameters: OPTIONAL - only needed for debugging modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem import import java.util.regex.Pattern import groovy.json.* import import net.sf.json.JSONObject import import import import import import /** * CSVToLocOrg.groovy * ----------------------- * * Executed from an expression rule with file hint "locorginsert", takes a CSV file and adds orgs and locations based on values. * * @note  There must be a column with "model" and one with "serial".  The rest of the columns should be either parts of a * location or an organization.  The location parts columns should be prefixed with the org# that they correspond to. * DOES NOT handle null values in CSV.  Workaround is to insert blank spaces in null values and test for those on the Groovy side. * Solution would be to add a library for CSV parsing such as open csv. * * @params - only needed if NOT executed from expression rule - primarily for debugging * modelName - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the model * serialNumber - (OPTIONAL) Str - name of the serial number * * * */ /** * initialize our global variables * json = the contents of our response * infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script * contentType = the content type we will return * scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places */ def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def infoString = new StringBuilder() def contentType = "application/json" def scriptName = "CSVToLocOrg.groovy" def root = ["result":["items":[]]] def columns = [] try {   Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext()   def modelIndex   def serialIndex   def locIndices = [:]   def locKeys = ["line1","line2", "address1", "address2", "city","state","zip","country", "org"]   // initialize Finders   ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)   DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)   LocationFinder locationFinder = new LocationFinder(CONTEXT)   OrganizationFinder organizationFinder = new OrganizationFinder(CONTEXT)   // implicit object compressedFile   File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile()   /* //begin non-expression rule code, useful for debugging     File file     modelFinder.setName(Request.parameters.modelname)               def model1 = modelFinder.find()     deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(Request.parameters.serialNumber)     deviceFinder.setModel(model1)     def d = deviceFinder.find()      UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(CONTEXT)     uff.device = d     def ufiles = uff.findAll()     UploadedFile ufile     if (ufiles.size() > 0) {         ufile = ufiles[0]         file = ufile.extractFile()     }           */ //end non-expression rule code   file.eachLine {line ->       def row = line.tokenize(',')       // set the column headings       if (columns.size() == 0){         columns = row         // find model and serial index, assumes there's a column that has "model" and "serial", otherwise take columns 0 and 1         def modelpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}model[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         def serialpatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}serial[A-Za-z_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)         modelIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ modelpatt } : 0         serialIndex = columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } > -1 ? columns.findIndexOf{ it ==~ serialpatt } : 1               locKeys.each{ key ->             // construct a regex for each key and create a map for finding/creating             def locPatt = Pattern.compile(/[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{0,}${key}[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{0,}/, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)             def colIndex = columns.findIndexOf{                     def match = it =~ locPatt                     if (match){                         return match?.getAt(0)                     }                 }                       if (colIndex > -1){                 locIndices[colIndex] = key             }         }       }       // otherwise populate data       else {           modelFinder.setName(row.get(modelIndex))           def model = modelFinder.find()           deviceFinder.setModel(model)           deviceFinder.setSerialNumber(row.get(serialIndex))           def device = deviceFinder.find()           def assetInfo = [                     "model":,                     "serial": device.serialNumber,                     "locs":[]                     ]                   def locMap = [:]           def orgName           def locKey           def locBool = false // make sure we get some criteria           row.eachWithIndex{ item, index ->                            if (index != modelIndex && index != serialIndex && item && item != ""){                   locKey = locIndices[index]                                   if (locKey){                       locBool = true                       if (locKey == "address1"){                         locKey = "line1"                       }                       if (locKey == "address2"){                         locKey = "line2"                       }                       if (locKey == "org"){                             orgName = item                       }                       // don't execute if we've got an organization key                       else {                           // for finding                           locationFinder[locKey] = item                           // for creating (if needed)                           locMap[locKey] = item                       }                   }                               }           }                    Organization org                   if (orgName){               organizationFinder.setName(orgName)               org = organizationFinder.find()                           if (!org){                 org = new Organization(CONTEXT, orgName)                         }                       }                  Location loc           if (locBool){     "with bool")             loc = locationFinder.find()              }                   if (!loc){                          def line1 = locMap["line1"]                           def name = line1?.replace(" ","")?.replace(/\./,"")?.replace("_","") + "_Loc"                           def line2 = locMap["line2"]               def city = locMap["city"]               def state = locMap["state"]               def zip = locMap["zip"]               def country = locMap["country"]                           if (line1 && city){                loc = new Location(CONTEXT,name,line1,line2,city,state,zip,country)                                               }                           if (loc && org){                   org.addLocation(loc)                        }                       }                   assetInfo.locs << [                    "name":,                     "line1": loc.line1,                     "line2": loc.line2,                     "city":,                     "state": loc.state,                     "zip":,                     "country":                                      ]           = [                         "name":                                       ]           root.result.items << assetInfo       }   } } catch (Exception e) {     processException(scriptName,json,e) } //return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)] /*     Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection     @param json The markup builder */ private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e) {     // catch the exception output     def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()     e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))     logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")     /*         Construct the error response         - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum         - errorMessage The text of the exception      */     json.errors  {         error {             message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()             timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"         }     }     return json }
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This article explains how to monitor concurrent user logins on the Axeda Platform. Its going to do this by creating an asset to monitor the solution. This asset will have a dataitem that tracks the users logged in. You can use this dataitem to trend usage during the day, or calculate the max per day. Or you could alarm if the number of users goes over some limit. The following needs to be created on your Platform : A model named “Monitor”, containing an analog DataItem named “userlogins” and an asset named “Metrics” This asset will receive the values. Expression Rule: Create two expression rules that update the number of users, triggered on user login or logout: Name : UserLoginMonitor Type: Userlogin and Userlogout (two rules required) IF:     true THEN: ExecuteCustomObject(“getUserLogins”, This calls a script and passes in  = The total number of users that are logged into the system (Concurrently). Groovy Script (Custom Object) Now, the next step is to write a Groovy Script (Custom Object) You can copy and paste the following code into your Groovy script. Give the script a name : getUserLogins This script also has a parameter named logins import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItemFinder; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder; import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model; import; import; def logins= parameters.logins def ctx = Context.create() def mod = loadModel("Monitor",ctx) def dev = loadDevice("Metrics",mod,ctx) DataItemFinder dif = new DataItemFinder(ctx) dif.setModel(mod) dif.setDataItemName("userlogins") DataItem di = dif.find() DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(ctx, dev, di, logins)     public void setDataItem(String dataItemName, Integer dataItemValue, Device device, Context context)     {         DataItemFinder dif = new DataItemFinder(ctx);         dif.setDataItemName(dataItemName);         dif.setModel(device.getModel());         DataItem di = dif.find();         DataValueEntry dve = new DataValueEntry(ctx, dev, di, newValue)     }     public DataValue findCurrentDataItemValue(Device device, String dataItemName,Context ctx)     {         CurrentDataFinder cdFinder =  new CurrentDataFinder(ctx,device);         DataValue dv = cdFinder.find(dataItemName);         return dv;     }     public DataItem loadDataItem(Model model,String dataItemName, Context ctx)      {         DataItemFinder iFinder = new DataItemFinder(ctx);         iFinder.setDataItemName(dataItemName);         iFinder.setModel(model);         return iFinder.find();     }     public Model loadModel(String modelNumber, Context ctx)     {         ModelFinder mf = new ModelFinder(ctx);         mf.setName("Monitor");         return mf.find();     }     public Device loadDevice(String serialNumber,Model model, Context context ) {         DeviceFinder df = new DeviceFinder(context);         df.setSerialNumber(serialNumber);         df.setModel(model);         return df.find();     } Whenever a user logs into the Axeda Platform, the Metrics asset will show the concurrent number of logged in users in the Platform. This dataitem can be graphed to see the pattern of usage. If you wanted to take action based on the number of users, create an expression rule to alarm when a threshold is reached. This rule should be associated with the model "Monitor". Name : LoginsCheck Type: Data IF:     userlogins > 40 THEN: CreateAlarm("Login limit", 100, str(userlogins)+" users") Now an alarm is created each time too many users are logged in. An alarm can be used for notifications or viewed on the Monitor asset.
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This is a collection of methods for working with ExtendedObjects based on the functions used in Fleetster. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import import import import import import import import java.text.DecimalFormat import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceDataFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User import import import import import import groovy.time.* /* ************************************* */ /* HelperFunctionsExtendedObjects.groovy * Extended Object retrieval/manipulation functions. * * A collection of methods for working with ExtendedObjects. * * author: sara streeter <> ************************************* */     def eoSvc = new ServiceFactory().getExtendedObjectService()     def fetchFirstExtendedObject(DataItem dataItem, Map searchcriteria) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = 'com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem'         criteria.internalObjectId =         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         def eo       if (searchcriteria != null){             criteria.propertySearchCriteria = advancedPropertySearch(searchcriteria)         }        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         if (queryResult.size() > 0 ){         eo = queryResult.first()         }        return eo     }    def addOrFetchExtendedDataItem(DataItem dataItem, Map searchcriteria) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = 'com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem'         criteria.internalObjectId =         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         def eo       if (searchcriteria != null){             criteria.propertySearchCriteria = advancedPropertySearch(searchcriteria)         }        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)        if (queryResult.size() == 0 || queryResult == null){               eo = new ExtendedObject()               eo.internalObjectId =               eo.extendedObjectType = eoSvc.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname('com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem')               eo.externalClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"               eo = eoSvc.createExtendedObject(eo)             searchcriteria += [eotype: "ExtendedObject"]             createProperties(eoSvc, eo, searchcriteria)          }         else eo = queryResult.first()        return eo     }    def fetchExtendedDataItem(DataItem dataItem) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem"         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         criteria.internalObjectId =        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         return queryResult     }    def fetchExtendedObjectsAdvancedCriteria(DataItem dataItem, Map searchcriteria, String classname, String uniqueKey) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem"         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedDataItem!${}"         criteria.internalObjectId =        if (searchcriteria != null){             criteria.propertySearchCriteria = advancedPropertySearch(searchcriteria)         }        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         return queryResult     }    def fetchExtendedObject(User user, Map searchcriteria) {         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         criteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User"         criteria.extendedClientKey = "ExtendedObject!${user.username}"         criteria.internalObjectId =         criteria.propertySearchCriteria = exactdatePropertySearch(searchcriteria)         def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria, -1, -1, null)         return queryResult     }    def addExtendedObject(String eoTypeName, Long referenceId, String referenceName, Map objectProperties) {       def eo = new ExtendedObject()       eo.internalObjectId = referenceId       eo.extendedObjectType = eoSvc.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname(eoTypeName)       eo.externalClientKey = referenceName       eo = eoSvc.createExtendedObject(eo)       eo = createProperties(eoSvc, eo, objectProperties)        return eo     }    def updateExtendedObject(ExtendedObject ExtendedObject, ExtendedObject ExtendedObject) {                 def ExtendedObjectprop = getProperties(ExtendedObject)                 def ExtendedObjectprop = getProperties(ExtendedObject)                 def newproperties = [:]                 if (ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp != null){                 def ExtendedObjecttype = ExtendedObjectprop.lasttype                 def ExtendedObjecttime = ExtendedObjectprop.lasttime                 if (ExtendedObjecttype == null){                     newproperties["lasttype"] = ExtendedObjectprop.type                     newproperties["lasttime"] = ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp                 }                 else {                     def oldtime = Long.valueOf(ExtendedObjecttime)                     def total = (Long.valueOf(ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp) - oldtime)/1000                     // illustrating getPropertyByName /                     def lasttype = ExtendedObject.getPropertyByName("lasttype")                     lasttype.setValue(ExtendedObjectprop.type)                     def lasttime = ExtendedObject.getPropertyByName("lasttime")                     lasttime.setValue(ExtendedObjectprop.timestamp)                     updateProperty(lasttype)                     updateProperty(lasttime)                     if (ExtendedObjectprop.containsKey(ExtendedObjecttype + "_total")==false)                         {                             newproperties[ExtendedObjecttype + "_total"] = total                         }                     else {                         def totalprop = ExtendedObject.getPropertyByName(ExtendedObjecttype + "_total")                         def lasttotal = Double.valueOf(totalprop.value)                         totalprop.setValue(String.valueOf(Double.valueOf(total) + lasttotal))                         updateProperty(totalprop)                     }                 }                 if (newproperties.size() > 0){                     ExtendedObject = createProperties(eoSvc, ExtendedObject, newproperties)                 }         }         return ExtendedObject    }     def getProperties(ExtendedObject object){         def result =[:]) { target, property ->               target += [( castPropertyValueToDefinedType(property)]             }         return result     }     def formatProperties(Map properties){         def result = properties.collect { property, value ->                [type: property, time: value]             }         return result     } def updateProperty(Property property){         eoSvc.updateProperty(property)         return property }     //default string version     def createProperties (ExtendedObjectService eoSvc, ExtendedObject object, Map properties) {         return createProperties(eoSvc, object, properties, PropertyDataType.String)     }     //WARNING: PDT may not work if it's a Date; it hasn't been tested.     def createProperties (ExtendedObjectService eoSvc, ExtendedObject object, Map properties, PropertyDataType PDT) {        //         PDT = PDT?:PropertyDataType.String         properties.each { k , v ->             def property = new             def propertytype = object.extendedObjectType.getPropertyTypeByName(k.toString())             if (propertytype == null){                 def newPropertyType = new PropertyType()        = k                 newPropertyType.dataType = PDT                 newPropertyType.extendedObjectType = object.extendedObjectType                 eoSvc.createPropertyType(newPropertyType)                 property.propertyType = newPropertyType             } else { property.propertyType = propertytype }             property.value = (PDT == PropertyDataType.Date && v instanceof Date?v.format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"):v.toString())             eoSvc.createPropertyOnExtendedObject(object, property)         }         object = findExtendedObjectById(         return object     }     def findExtendedObjectById(Long id){         def criteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria() = id         def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(criteria,  -1, -1, null)         return queryResult.first() }     def findObjectByNextPropertyValue (ExtendedObject object, Map criteria, PropertySearchCriteria psCriteria){        Property prop = object.getPropertyByName(criteria.incrementName)        def incrementedProp = prop.value.toInteger() + criteria.incrementValue.toInteger()            psCriteria.setPropertyExpression(            PropertyExpressionFactory.and(                     psCriteria.propertyExpression,                     PropertyExpressionFactory.eq(criteria.incrementName, incrementedProp.toString())                    )             )        def eoCriteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()         eoCriteria.extendedObjectClassName = "com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User"         eoCriteria.internalObjectId = object.internalObjectId         eoCriteria.propertySearchCriteria = psCriteria        def queryResult = eoSvc.findExtendedObjects(eoCriteria,  -1, -1, null)        return queryResult.first()     }     def advancedPropertySearch (Map searchcriteria){           def propCriteria = new PropertySearchCriteria()        propCriteria.setPropertyExpression(            PropertyExpressionFactory.and(                PropertyExpressionFactory.eq("year", searchcriteria.year),                     PropertyExpressionFactory.and(                         PropertyExpressionFactory.eq("month", searchcriteria.month),                                     PropertyExpressionFactory.eq("date",                             )                    )             )         return propCriteria     }   static def extendedObjectToMap(ExtendedObject object) {     Map result = [:]     result.extendedObjectType = object?.extendedObjectType?.className     result.extendedObjectTypeId = object?.extendedObjectTypeId = object?.id     result.externalClientKey = object?.externalClientKey     result.internalObjectId = object?.internalObjectId     // build up the properties of the ExtendedObject. = object?.properties.inject([:]) { target, property ->       target += [(property?.propertyType?.name): castPropertyValueToDefinedType(property)]     }     return result   }       static def extendedObjectTypeToMap(ExtendedObjectType objectType) {         Map result = [:]         result.className = objectType.className =         result.displayName  = objectType.displayName         result.userDefined = objectType.userDefined         result.description = objectType.description = objectType.propertyTypes.inject([]) { List list, PropertyType propertyType ->           list << [                   name:,                   id:,                   description: propertyType.description,                   dataType: propertyType.dataType.toString(),                   extendedObjectType: propertyType.extendedObjectType.className           ]         }         return result       }       private static def castPropertyValueToDefinedType(Property property) {         switch(property.propertyType.dataType) {           case PropertyDataType.Boolean:             return property.value as Boolean           case PropertyDataType.Date:             Calendar calendar = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(property.value)             return calendar.getTime()           case PropertyDataType.Double:             return property.value as Double           case PropertyDataType.Integer:             return property.value as Long           case PropertyDataType.String:           default:             return property.value         }       }       static def removeExtendedObject(Long itemId) {         def eoSvc = new ServiceFactory().getExtendedObjectService()         eoSvc.deleteExtendedObject(itemId)       }       def removeUserExtendedObjects(User user) {         def queryresult = fetchUserExtendedObjects(user)         queryresult.each{                 eoSvc.deleteExtendedObject(         }       }      ExtendedObjectType findExtendedObjectType(String typeName) {     ExtendedObjectType userObjType = eoSvc.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname(typeName)     return userObjType   }   ExtendedObjectType findOrCreateExtendedObjectType(String typeName) {     ExtendedObjectType type = findExtendedObjectType(typeName)     if (type == null) {       type = new ExtendedObjectType()       type.className = typeName       type.displayName = typeName       type.description = "Autocreated type for $typeName"       type = eoSvc.createExtendedObjectType(type)     }     return type   }
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This script will return, in XML format, all models for a particular user. It is designed to be called as a web service, in which case the username parameter will be supplied by the platform from the user authentication information passed in the web service call. You should define this script as a Custom Object of type Action. You can test this script in the Groovy development environment on the platform by explicitly supplying the username parameter (i.e., your email address). import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.*; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.model.*; import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.StringQuery; import java.util.*; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.* import; def writer def xml try {   String username = parameters.username   Context ctx = Context.create(username);   ModelFinder mf = new ModelFinder(ctx);   List dList = mf.findAll();   Context.create();   writer = new StringWriter()   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)   xml.Response() {     for (d in dList) Model('name': d.getName());   } } catch (Exception ex) {   writer = new StringWriter()   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)   xml.Response() {     Fault {       Code('Groovy Exception')       Message(ex.getMessage())       StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();       PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);       ex.printStackTrace(pw);       Detail(sw.toString())     }   } } //; return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()]
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This script will return, in XML format, the alarms, location information and some data for a particular asset, identified by serial number. It is designed to be called as a web service, in which case the username parameter will be supplied by the platform from the user authentication information passed in the web service call, and the devicename parameter will be passed as an argument to the call. You can test this script in the Groovy development environment on the platform by explicitly supplying the username and devicename parameters (i.e., your email address and "asset1"). The code below will filter data items and return values for the data item "value1". import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device; import; import; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.MobileLocation; import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.StringQuery; import; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; try { "parameters: " + parameters   if (! {     throw new Exception(" required");   }   // operate in the context of the user calling the service   Context ctx = Context.create(parameters.username);   // setup the finders   DeviceFinder df = new DeviceFinder(ctx); = new Identifier(Long.parseLong(;   // find the device and its data "Finding asset"   Device device = df.find();   if (!device) {     throw new Exception("Unable to find asset with id "+;   }   AlarmFinder af = new AlarmFinder(ctx);   af.device = device;   // generate the XML   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.Alarms() {     af.findAll().each() { Alarm alarm ->       xml.Alarm('id' {         xml.DataItemName(alarm.dataItemName);         xml.DataItemValue(alarm.dataItemValue);         xml.Date(;         xml.Description(alarm.description);         xml.MobileLocation() {           MobileLocation ml = alarm.mobileLocation;           if (ml) {             xml.BeginTimeStamp(ml.beginTimeStamp);             xml.EndTimeStamp(ml.endTimeStamp);             xml.Lat(;             xml.Lng(ml.lng);             xml.Alt(ml.alt);             xml.IsCurrentLocation(ml.isCurrentLocation());           }         }         xml.Name(;         xml.Note(alarm.note);         xml.Severity(alarm.severity);         xml.State(alarm.state);       }     }   }   // return the results   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] } catch (Exception ex) {   // return the exception   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.error() {     faultcode("ErrorType.Exception");     faultstring(ex.message);   }   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] }
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This script will return, in XML format, details of all alarms for a particular asset, identified by serial number. It is designed to be called as a web service, in which case the username parameter will be supplied by the platform from the user authentication information passed in the web service call, and the id parameter will be supplied as an argument to the call. You should define this script as a Custom Object of type Action. You can test this script in the Groovy development environment on the platform by explicitly supplying the username and id parameters (i.e., your email address and "asset1"). import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device; import; import; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.MobileLocation; import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.StringQuery; import; import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder; try { "parameters: " + parameters   if (! {     throw new Exception(" required");   }   // operate in the context of the user calling the service   Context ctx = Context.create(parameters.username);   // setup the finders   DeviceFinder df = new DeviceFinder(ctx); = new Identifier(Long.parseLong(;   // find the device and its data "Finding asset"   Device device = df.find();   if (!device) {     throw new Exception("Unable to find asset with id "+;   }   AlarmFinder af = new AlarmFinder(ctx);   af.device = device;   // generate the XML   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.Alarms() {     af.findAll().each() { Alarm alarm ->       xml.Alarm('id' {         xml.DataItemName(alarm.dataItemName);         xml.DataItemValue(alarm.dataItemValue);         xml.Date(;         xml.Description(alarm.description);         xml.MobileLocation() {           MobileLocation ml = alarm.mobileLocation;           if (ml) {             xml.BeginTimeStamp(ml.beginTimeStamp);             xml.EndTimeStamp(ml.endTimeStamp);             xml.Lat(;             xml.Lng(ml.lng);             xml.Alt(ml.alt);             xml.IsCurrentLocation(ml.isCurrentLocation());           }         }         xml.Name(;         xml.Note(alarm.note);         xml.Severity(alarm.severity);         xml.State(alarm.state);       }     }   }   // return the results   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] } catch (Exception ex) {   // return the exception   writer = new StringWriter();   xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer);   xml.error() {     faultcode("ErrorType.Exception");     faultstring(ex.message);   }   return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()] }
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This Groovy script is called from an Expression Rule of type Location. For example, in an Expression rule ExecuteCustomObject("SendTweetWithLocation","user","password","Asset is on the move")   calls the script "SendTweetWithLocation" with the parameters in order. The twitterStatus is the text to send to twitter. Use the user/password for an actual twitter account.  Also, the script uses the implicit objects context and mobileLocation. Parameters Variable Name      Display Name twitterUser                twitterUser twitterPassword      twitterPassword twitterStatus            twitterStatus import import static* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.geofence.Geofence twitter = new RESTClient('') twitter.auth.basic parameters.twitterUser, parameters.twitterPassword twitter.client.params.setBooleanParameter 'http.protocol.expect-continue', false def statusText = "'${parameters.twitterStatus}' for device: ${context.device.serialNumber} on ${new Date()}" resp = 'update.xml',         requestContentType: URLENC,         body: [status: statusText, lat:, long: mobileLocation.lng]) resp.status "Posted update $statusText"  
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This Groovy script is called from an ExpressionRule of type Alarm. For example, in an Expression rule IF: Alarm.severity > 500 THEN: ExecuteCustomObject("SMSMe", "[numberToSMS]")    calls the script "SMSMe" with the parameter phoneNumber.  The ExecuteCustomObject provides a way to call from this simple two-line business rule into a modern programming environment with access to the complete Platform SDK, as well as all the features of the Groovy language.  In Groovy, it's straightforward to use the built-in httpclient library to POST an HTTP request to Twilio to send an SMS to the specified cellphone number. Groovy Scripts The groovy script named SMSMe is executed by the Expression Rule above and connects to the Twilio Server passing in a list of parameters. When you register with Twilio, you will be given an ACCOUNT SID (apiID) and an AUTH TOKEN (apiPass). These two strings need to be in the Groovy Script below: String apiID = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'  String apiPass = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'     Parameters Variable Name      Display Name phoneNumber      phoneNumber import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Credentials import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair // "Calling ${parameters.phoneNumber}" String twilioHost = '' String apiID = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' String aipPass = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' HostConfiguration hc = new HostConfiguration() hc.setHost(twilioHost, 443, "https") def url = "/2008-08-01/Accounts/$apiID/SMS/Messages" def client = new HttpClient() Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(apiID, aipPass) client.getState().setCredentials(null, null, defaultcreds) PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url); post.addParameter 'IfMachine', 'Continue' post.addParameter 'Method', 'POST' post.addParameter 'From', '[YourNumber]' post.addParameter 'To', parameters.phoneNumber post.addParameter 'Body', 'This is an SMS from Axeda' client.executeMethod(hc, post); // message = "Status:" + post.getStatusText() // post.getResponseBodyAsString() post.releaseConnection();   
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When an Expression Rule of type MobileLocation calls a Groovy script, the script is provided with the implicit object mobileLocation.  This example shows how the mobileLocation object can be used. This Expression Rule calls the Groovy script 'getAddress' to retrieve the location and translate it into a street address: Type:  MobileLocation IF:      some condition e.g. true THEN:  SetDataItem("location", str(ExecuteCustomObject("getAddress"))) The 'getAddress' script uses the mobileLocation object to retrieve the asset's reported location, and then calls a REST service to translate a given latitude and longitude to a street address.  The street address is returned. import String rmdHostname =  ""; if (mobileLocation != null) { rmd = new RESTClient(rmdHostname); try {       def resp = rmd.get( path: 'findNearestAddress',                       query:[ , lng:mobileLocation.lng] )        streetnum =        street =        town =        state =        postalcode =            return streetnum + " " + street + " " +  town + " " + state + " " + postalcode } catch ( e) {     e.printStackTrace();     } }
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When an Expression Rule of type File calls a Groovy script, the script is provided with the implicit object compressedFile.  This example shows how the compressedFile object can be used. This Expression Rule uses the Groovy script 'LastLine' to return the last line of the file, and sets the dataItem 'lastLine' to the returned value: Type:  File IF:      some condition e.g. File.hint=="hint" THEN:  SetDataItem("lastline", str(ExecuteCustomObject("LastLine"))) The LastLine script uses the implicit object 'compressedFile': import com.axeda.drm.sdk.scm.CompressedFile if (compressedFile != null) {     File file = compressedFile.getFiles()[0].extractFile()     def result =  file.eachLine { line ->         return line     } }
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When an Expression Rule of type Data calls a Groovy script, the script is provided with the implicit object dataItems.  This example shows how the dataItems object can be get the dataitem information (value, name, type and update time) import* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem try {         def deviceName =         // implicit object dataItems passes a list of dataItem objects         def dataItemsList = dataItems         for(dio in dataItemsList) {      "Checking " + + " Value: " + dio.value)                if( == "updateTime") {              "Found: " + + " Value: " + dio.value + " Type: " +    dio.perceptType + " Last Updated: " + new Date(dio.timeInMillis)) // perceptType = analog, digital or string                }         } } catch (Exception e) {         logger.error e.message }
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This groovy script will return a list of DeviceGroups based off a given Asset's serialnumber. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.*; import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context; Context sysContext = Context.create(); DeviceGroupFinder dgf = new DeviceGroupFinder(sysContext); DeviceFinder devFinder = new DeviceFinder(sysContext); devFinder.setSerialNumber("[your serialnumber here]"); Device myDevice= devFinder.find(); dgf.setDeviceId(myDevice.getId()); List<DeviceGroup> allGroups = dgf.findAll(); allGroups.each { group -> logger.debug(group.getName()); }
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This Groovy script gets the weather forecast for a given lat/long by calling an external web service. Use in an Expression rule like this: If: something Then: SetDataItem ("precipitation", round(ExecuteCustomObject ("GetPrecipitation", location) )) This sets the dataitem "precipitation" to the value returned by this script. Parameters: Variable Name               Display Name location                         localtion (lat, lon) import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.* import org.apache.commons.httpclient.* import java.text.SimpleDateFormat def location = parameters.location.toString() def locparts = location.split(',') def lat = locparts[0] def lon = locparts[1] def hostname = "" def url = "/forecasts/xml/sample_products/browser_interface/ndfdXMLclient.php" String ndfdElement = "pop12" // see def perceptTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); def cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date startDate = cal.getTime() cal.add(Calendar.HOUR,12) Date endDate = cal.getTime() def client = new HttpClient () HostConfiguration host = client.getHostConfiguration() host.setHost(hostname, 80, "http") GetMethod get = new GetMethod (url) NameValuePair [] params = new NameValuePair [6] params[0] = new NameValuePair ("lat", lat); params[1] = new NameValuePair ("lon", lon); params[2] = new NameValuePair ("product", 'time-series'); params[3] = new NameValuePair ("begin", perceptTimeFormat.format(startDate)); params[4] = new NameValuePair ("end", perceptTimeFormat.format(endDate)); params[5] = new NameValuePair (ndfdElement, ndfdElement); get.setQueryString(params) client.executeMethod(host, get); message = "Status:" + get.getStatusText() content = get.getResponseBodyAsString() get.releaseConnection() // parse result XML and compute average def dwml = new XmlSlurper ().parseText(content) readings ="probability-of-precipitation".value.collect { Integer.parseInt(it.toString()) } average = readings.sum() / readings.size() // "Expected precipitation for $location is $readings" return readings[0]
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This Groovy script takes any dataitem values and writes them to properties of the same name - if they exist. The rule to call this script needs to be a data trigger such as: If: some condition Then: ExecuteCustomObject("CopyParameters") The script uses the default context that contains an asset (device) and the default parameter dataItems that contains the current reported dataitems (from an agent) import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User import import groovy.lang.PropertyValue import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DevicePropertyFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Property import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.PropertyType import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceProperty "Executing groovy script for device: " + context?.device?.serialNumber if (dataItems != null) { "** Data Items **"   // show data item values   dataItems?.each {di -> "dataitem: ${} = ${di.value} = ${di.timestamp}" }   def dataItemMap = [:]   dataItems.each{ dataItemMap[] = it }   DevicePropertyFinder dpf = new DevicePropertyFinder (context.context)   dpf.type = PropertyType.DEVICE_TYPE =   DeviceProperty dp = dpf.findOne()   List<Property> props = dp.getProperties()   props.each {Property prop->     if (dataItemMap.containsKey( {       prop.value = dataItemMap[].value?.toString()       // "Setting ${} to ${dataItemMap[].value?.toString()}"     }   } }
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This is a reference document on how to move existing or fresh install ThingworxStorage location. Note: As of Thingworx 7.0 the platform-settings.json file has changed and therefore the newest version needs to be used  to change the location of the folders. Please refer to this guide pg.45-46 to see the new .json file.  A sample json is attached at the bottom of this document. Here are the main bullet points that need to be kept in mind when performing a migration process: ThingworxPlatform directory has to be in the same partition as where the Tomcat is installed. I.e. if your tomcat is in /apps, the ThingworxPlatform should also be in /apps, not in root. Note: if ThingworxPlatform will be placed in a different partition than the tomcat, create a THINGWORX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS environmental variable that will point to the correct location. Refer to the Installation Guide for details. Before modifying the location of the platform-settings.json, stop tomcat. There is no need to undeploy the Thingworx app, but do rename the existing folders (as a way of copying/preserving data if any exists) “ThingworxStorage” to “ThingworxStorageCopy” and “ThingworxBackupStorage” to “ThingworxBackupStorageCopy”. If this is a fresh install, proceed to step 3.. Modify the platform-settings.json to have desired locations for the ThingworxStorage folders. Start the tomcat. New ThingworxStorage and ThingworxBackupStorage will be created in the new location. Note: if there is any data in the ThingworxStorage (see ThingworxStorageCopy and ThingworxBackupStorageCopy from step 2), stop the tomcat and place the contents of the original folders into the new ones or just replace the directories. For Postgresql  scenarios: Ensure postgresql database is running. If fresh install/no need to preserve data,  and in case of 401 error, clean the existing database via the script and run the two scripts to install and setup DB and Schema. Start tomcat and verify connection. If data does need to be preserved, then run the schema update script to update from 6.5 to 6.6. then to 7.0 and 7.1 respectively, depending on which version you are starting with. To change the location of where postgresql would write data, find the script open it to edit: tablespace_location="/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage" Then re-run the DBsetup and Schema setup while tomcat is stopped. For assistance in resolving any difficulties related to the migration process, please contact Thingworx Technical Support.
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When an Expression Rule of type Alarm, AlarmExtendedDataChange, AlarmSeverityChange or AlarmStateChange calls a Groovy script, the script is provided with the implicit object alarm.  This example shows how the alarm object can be used. This Expression Rule uses the CountAlarmsSinceHours Groovy script to check the number of alarms in the past number of hours, and escalate the alarm if more than three alarms have occurred: IF    ExecuteCustomObject("CountAlarmsSinceHours", 1) < 3 THEN SetAlarmState("ACKNOWLEDGED", "Less than three alarms in the past hour") ELSE  SetAlarmState("ESCALATED", "THREE OR MORE alarms in the past hour") Here is the definition of the CountAlarmsSinceHours Groovy script.  The script uses the parameter 'hours' passed from the expression rule and the implicit object 'alarm'.  It returns the number of times the current alarm has occurred within 'hours' hours. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import java.util.Calendar import com.axeda.common.sdk.jdbc.DateQuery // get Date object for an hour ago Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance() cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, -parameters.hours.toInteger()) Date sinceTime = cal.getTime() HistoricalAlarmFinder findAlarms = new HistoricalAlarmFinder (Context.create()) findAlarms.device = alarm.device findAlarms.setAlarmName( = DateQuery.after(sinceTime) List matchingAlarms = findAlarms.findAll()
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This code snippet shows how to add an existing Device to an existing DeviceGroup using a custom Groovy script executed by the Scripto web service. To call the script create a URL of the following form: http://<HOST>/services/v1/rest/Scripto/execute/addDeviceToDeviceGroup?us... NOTE: Text in angled brackets (< >) indicates a variable. Alternatively, this script can be called by an Expression Rule using the following form: If: Registration.first Then: ExecuteCustomObject("addDeviceToDeviceGroup","<ASSET_ID>","<GROUP_NAME>") It is worth noting that it is important when creating the Groovy script that the parameters be created in the order of the parameter list. import net.sf.json.JSONObject import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceGroupFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceGroup import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder def response = [:], status try {   if (parameters.assetId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter 'assetId' was not provided.")}   if (parameters.groupName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter 'groupName was not provided.")}   final def CONTEXT = Context.create(parameters.username)   def dgf = new DeviceGroupFinder(CONTEXT)   dgf.setName(parameters.groupName)   def group = dgf.find()   if (group == null) {     logger.error "could not retrieve group with name of '${parameters.groupName}'"     throw new Exception("could not retrieve group with id of '${parameters.groupName}'")   }   def df = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)   df.setId(new Identifier(parameters.assetId))   def device = df.find()   if (device == null) {     logger.error "could not retrieve asset with id of '${parameters.assetId}'"     throw new Exception("could not retrieve asset with id of '${parameters.assetId}'")   }   group.addDevice(device)   // do a check to make sure the device is associated with the group.   group = dgf.find()   def devices = group.getDevices()   status = devices.contains(device) ? "success" : "failure"   // prepare the response.   response = [parameters: parameters, status: status] } catch (def e) {   logger.error e.getMessage()   response = [faultcode: e.getCause(), faultstring: e.getMessage()] } return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(response).toString(2)];
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This groovy script will return a list of users based off a given UserGroup and allows for filtering by username. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import static* import static* import net.sf.json.JSONObject import groovy.json.* import* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.UserFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User import com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.UserGroupFinder //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example of getting Users from a User Group and filtering by username // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def response = [:] def result = [] try {     final def CONTEXT = Context.create(parameters.username)       UserFinder uFinder = new UserFinder(CONTEXT)     UserGroupFinder ugFinder = new UserGroupFinder(CONTEXT)     List userGroups = getUserGroupsList(ugFinder, "*Demo*")     List SmithsInDemoGroup = userGroups.collect{ usergroup ->         usergroup.getUsers().findResults{ user ->             if (user.username =~ /Smith/){                                      user                                      }                      }     }.flatten()     SmithsInDemoGroup.each{ u ->         result << u.fullName     }   response = [     result: [             items: result     ]   ] } catch (Exception e) {     def m = ""     e.message.each { ex -> m += ex }     response = [                 faultcode: 'Groovy Exception',                 faultstring: m             ]; } return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(response).toString(2)];   def getUserGroupsList(UserGroupFinder ugFinder, String name){     ugFinder.setName(     def userGroup = ugFinder.findOne()     List userGroups = new ArrayList();     userGroups.add(userGroup);     return userGroups }
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This script dumps all the alarms for a model or asset to JSON. Parameters (one or the other must be provided): modelName - (OPTIONAL) String - name of the model assetId - (OPTIONAL) String - id of the asset import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategory import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditMessage import com.axeda.drm.sdk.scripto.Request import groovy.json.* import net.sf.json.JSONObject import import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import import import import import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import import import import import import import com.axeda.sdk.v2.bridge.MobileLocationBridge import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.MobileLocationFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.CurrentMobileLocationFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.mobilelocation.MobileLocation import import import import import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DataItem import import import import import import /** * GetModel_Or_Asset_Alarms.groovy * ----------------------- * * Returns assets with organizations, alarms, and current mobile location. * * @params * modelName (OPTIONAL) Str - the name of the model to retrieve assets * assetId (OPTIONAL) Long - the id of the asset - one of the two is REQUIRED * * * @author sara streeter <> * */ /** * initialize our global variables * json = the contents of our response * infoString = a stringBuilder used to collect debug information during the script * contentType = the content type we will return * scriptname = The name of this Script, used in multiple places */ def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder() def infoString = new StringBuilder() def contentType = "application/json" def scriptName = "GetModel_Or_Asset_Alarms.groovy" def root = [:] def timings = [:] timings.dataItemList = 0 timings.currentdata = 0 timings.histdata = 0 timings.wholescript = 0 timings.alarms = 0 timings.loop = 0 timings.filter = 0 timings.devices = 0 timings.geocode = 0 wholestart = System.currentTimeMillis() final def Context CONTEXT = Context.getSDKContext() def deviceList List<Device> devices try {     /* BUSINESS LOGIC GOES HERE */       def modelName = Request.parameters.modelName     def assetId     def alarms     AlarmFinder alarmFinder = new AlarmFinder(CONTEXT)       if (Request.parameters.assetId != null && Request.parameters.assetId != ""){         assetId = Request.parameters.assetId         DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT, new Identifier(assetId as Long));         def device = deviceFinder.find()         if (device){             alarmFinder.setDevice(device)             modelName =         }     }     else if (modelName){               try{         modelName = new URLDecoder().decode(modelName)         }         catch(e){ }         if (modelName != null && modelName !=""){             ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)             modelFinder.setName(modelName)             Model model = modelFinder.find()                      if (model){                 modelName = model?.name                 alarmFinder.setModel(model)             }         }      }       alarms = alarmFinder.findAll()     // build the json from the models          root = [              "result": [              "model": modelName,              "assetId": assetId,              "alarms":alarms?.inject([]){ aList, alarm ->                    aList << [                         "deviceId": alarm.device?.id?.value,                        "deviceName":,                        "deviceSerial": alarm.device.serialNumber,                         "name":,                         "id":,                         "state":,                         "description": alarm.description,                         "severity": alarm.severity,                         "timestamp":                    ]                                      aList               }             ]          ]     /* BUSINESS LOGIC ENDS HERE */ } catch (Exception e) {     def errorCode = "123456"     processException(scriptName,json,e,errorCode) } finally {     timings.wholescript = System.currentTimeMillis() - wholestart     root += [params: Request.parameters]     root += [timings: timings] } return ['Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content': JSONObject.fromObject(root).toString(2)] /* * * ACTIVE CODE ENDS HERE * */ //---------------------------------------------------------------// /* * * HELPER METHODS START BELOW * */ /** * Wrap-up the response in our standard return map * @param contentType The global contentType variable * @param response The contents of the response (String ONLY) */ private def createReturnMap(String contentType, String response) {     return ["Content-Type": contentType,"Content":response] } /*     Processes the contents of an Exception and add it to the Errors collection     @param json The markup builder */ private def processException(String scriptName, JsonBuilder json, Exception e, String code) {     // catch the exception output     def logStringWriter = new StringWriter()     e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(logStringWriter))     logger.error("Exception occurred in ${scriptName}: ${logStringWriter.toString()}")     /*         Construct the error response         - errorCode Will be an element from an agreed upon enum         - errorMessage The text of the exception      */     json.errors  {         error {             errorCode   "${code}"             message     "[${scriptName}]: " + e.getMessage()             timestamp   "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"         }     }     return json } /*     Log a message. This will log a message and add it to info String     @param logger The injected logger     @param scriptName The name of the script being executed     @param info The infoString to append to     @param message The actual message to log */ private def logMessage(def logger, String scriptName, StringBuilder info, String message) {     info.append(message+"\n") } /*     Audit a message. This will store a message in the Audit log, based on the supplied category.     @param category The category for this audit message. One of: "scripting", "network", "device" or "data". Anything not recognized will be treated as "data".     @param message The actual message to audit     @param assetId If supplied, will associate the audit message with the asset at this ID */ private def auditMessage(String category, String message, String assetId) {     AuditCategory auditCategory = null     switch (category) {         case "scripting":             auditCategory = AuditCategory.SCRIPTING;             break;         case "network":             auditCategory = AuditCategory.NETWORK;             break;         case "device":             auditCategory = AuditCategory.DEVICE_COMMUNICATION;             break;         default:             auditCategory = AuditCategory.DATA_MANAGEMENT;             break;     }     if (assetId == null) {         new AuditMessage(Context.create(),"com.axeda.drm.rules.functions.AuditLogAction",auditCategory,[message]).store()     } else {         new AuditMessage(Context.create(),"com.axeda.drm.rules.functions.AuditLogAction",auditCategory,[message],new Identifier(Long.valueOf(assetId))).store()     } } def findOrCreateExtendedMap(String name){        // should take a name of Extended Map and output an object of type Extended Map, if it outputs null we throw an Exception        def outcome = [:]        outcome.extendedMap        ExtendedMap extendedMap = extendedMapBridge.find(name)        if (!extendedMap){             extendedMap = new ExtendedMap(name: name)            extendedMapBridge.create(extendedMap)        }        if (extendedMap) {         ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()         result.setSuccessful(true)         result.setTotalCount(1)         outcome.result = result         outcome.extendedMap = extendedMap        }        else {            ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()            result.setSuccessful(false)            result.setTotalCount(1)            outcome.result = result        }         return outcome    }    def retrieveModels(){       // retrieves the list populated by a separate script        def outcome = [:]        outcome.modelList        ModelCriteria modelCriteria = new ModelCriteria()        modelCriteria.type = ModelType.STANDALONE        FindModelResult modelResult = modelBridge.find(modelCriteria)        if (modelResult.models.size() > 0){         ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()         result.setSuccessful(true)         result.setTotalCount(1)         outcome.result = result         outcome.modelList = modelResult.models        }        else {            ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()            result.setSuccessful(false)            result.setTotalCount(1)            outcome.result = result        }         return outcome    }    def returnModelsWithAssets(List<> modelList){        def outcome = [:]        outcome.modelList        outcome.message        if (!modelList || modelList?.size() ==0){            ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()           result.setSuccessful(false)           result.setTotalCount(1)           outcome.result = result           outcome.message = "returnModelsWithAssets: Model list was not supplied or was of size zero."           return outcome        }        DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(CONTEXT)        ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(CONTEXT)        List<com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model> sortedList = modelList.inject([]){ target, amodel ->             modelFinder.setName(amodel.modelNumber)            com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model bmodel = modelFinder.find()            deviceFinder.setModel(bmodel)            def numAssets = deviceFinder.findAll().size()            if (numAssets > 0 ){                   target << bmodel             }             target        }.sort{ amodel, bmodel -> <=>}        if (sortedList.size() > 0){         ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()         result.setSuccessful(true)         result.setTotalCount(1)         outcome.result = result         outcome.modelList = sortedList        }        else {           ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult()           result.setSuccessful(false)           result.setTotalCount(1)           outcome.result = result       }         return outcome    }     def addMapEntry(String mapName, String key, String value){        def outcome = [:]         outcome.key         outcome.value         ExecutionResult result = extendedMapBridge.append(mapName, key, value)         outcome.result = result         if (result.successful){             outcome.key = key             outcome.value = value         }         return outcome    }
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This script finds an existing Expression Rule and applies it to an asset (via asset includes). Parameters: model - model name serial - serial number exprRuleName - name of the Expression Rule import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import net.sf.json.JSONObject import com.axeda.drm.sdk.scripto.Request import import import import import import /* * ApplyExpRuleToAsset.groovy * * Finds an existing Expression Rule and includes an asset into it. * * @param model        -   (REQ):Str model of the asset. * @param serial        -   (REQ):Str serial number of the asset. * @param exprRuleName        -   (REQ):Str name of the Expression Rule. * * @author Sara Streeter <> */ def response = [:] def root = [:] try {    AssetCriteria assetCriteria = new AssetCriteria()    assetCriteria.modelNumber = Request.parameters.model    assetCriteria.serialNumber = Request.parameters.serial    def findAssetResult = assetBridge.find(assetCriteria)    def asset = findAssetResult.assets[0]    ExpressionRuleCriteria expressionRuleCriteria = new ExpressionRuleCriteria() = Request.parameters.exprRuleName    def expressionRuleFindResult = expressionRuleBridge.find(expressionRuleCriteria)    def expressionRule = expressionRuleFindResult.expressionRules[0]   def expAssets =  expressionRule.includedAssets.add(asset)   expressionRuleBridge.update(expressionRule)   response = [        "expressionRule",       "includedAsset": asset.serialNumber        ] } catch (Exception e) {      response = [             faultcode: 'Groovy Exception',             faultstring: e.message     ]; } return ["Content-Type": "application/json","Content":JSONObject.fromObject(response).toString(2)]
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