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IoT Tips

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    About   This is part of a ThingBerry related blog post series.         ThingBerry is ThingWorx installed on a RaspBerry Pi, which can be used for portable demonstrations without the need of utilizing e.g. customer networks. Instead the ThingBerry provides its own custom WIFI hotspot and allows Things to connect and send / receive demo data on a small scale.   In this particual blog post we'll discuss on how to connect a ESP8266 module to the ThingBerry WIFI hotspot and send data from a DHT-11 sensor via the MQTT protocol.   As the ThingBerry is a highly unsupported environment for ThingWorx, please see this blog post for all related warnings.   Install MQTT broker on the ThingBerry     To install mosquitto as a MQTT broker, log in to the ThingBerry and run     sudo apt-get install mosquitto   This will provide a basic broker installation, which is good enough for this example. MQTT clients (including ThingWorx) will connect to this broker to exchange messages. There will be no added security like encrypted traffic shown in this example, it's however good practise to secure MQTT broker / client connections.   While the ESP8266 module is publishing information, ThingWorx will subscribe to the corresponding topics to update its internal property values with what is sent by the ESP8266 module.   For more information on MQTT, how to configure it for ThingWorx or more security relevant information also see   Configure the ESP8266     There are too many instructions on the web already on how to initially setup the ESP8266 and use it with the Arduino IDE. I'll therefore just refer to Google which covers the topic more extensively than I ever could.   All coding in this example is done in the Arduino IDE and is pushed to the ESP8266 (NodeMCU) via USB. For this you might need to install a CH340g USB driver for the NodeMCU.   In the Arduino IDE under Tools, I have set my environment to   Board: NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) CPU Frequency: 80 MHz Flash Size: 4M (3M SPIFFS) Upload Speed: 115200 Port: COM3   Under Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries add / install the following libraries:   DHT sensor library by Adafruit Adafruit Unified Sensor by Adafruit PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary   These bring the libraries necessary to read data from the DHT-11 sensor and to configure the ESP8266 as MQTT client.     Wiring the DHT-11 sensor     The following image shows the PINs on the ESP8266     I'm using a DHT-11 sensor with cables included and already fixed to a board with 3 PINs. In case you're using a different version, there might be additional components and wiring required, like a resistor etc. Google might help here as well.     Ensure that neither board nor sensor are plugged in, and the ESP8266 is powered off.   To hook the sensor up to the ESP8266, join   ( - ) to GND ( + ) to 3.3V (out) to D3   After all the connections are made, connect the ESP8266 via USB to a computer / laptop with the Arudino IDE configured.   Coding   In the Arduino IDE use the following code - adjust the WIFI settings and the MQTT broker configuration. Ensure to rename the ESP_xx name / topic to something more meaningful, e.g. a specific device name (or just leave it as is if in doubt).   Use the ssid and wpa_passphrase from the hostapd.conf used to configure the ThingBerry as WIFI hotspot.   Copy&paste the code below into the Arduino IDE, verify it and upload it to the ESP8266.     If searching for a WIFI connection, the device's blue LED will blink. A successful connection to the broker and publishing the values will result in a static blue LED. In case the LED is off, the connection to the broker is lost or messages cannot be published.   For troubleshooting, use the Serial Monitor function (at 115200 baud) in the Arduino IDE. In case sensor data cannot be read but the wiring is correct and the code addressing the correct PIN verify the sensor is indeed working. It took me a long time to figure out that the first sensor I used was a defective device.   The current configuration sends updates every 10 seconds - longer intervals might make more sense, but can trigger a timeout for the MQTT broker. In this case the program will re-connect automatically and log corresponding messages in the Serial Monitor. This might seem like an error, but is indeed intended behavior by the code and the MQTT broker.     Configure MQTT Thing in ThingWorx     Create a new Thing in ThingWorx based on the MQTT Template. Add two properties:   temperature humidity   Both set to persistent and logged and Data Change Type to ALWAYS. Also configure a Value Stream to log a history of values.   In the configuration, add two more subscriptions. Activate the "subscribe" checkbox and map name (local property) to topic (MQTT topic), e.g.   name = temperature; topic = ESP_xx/temp name = humidity; topic = ESP_xx/hum   Ensure the correct servernames, ports etc. are configured (an empty servername will use the localhost).   Save the configuration. Property values should now be updated from the MQTT broker, depending on what the device is sending.   Code   #include "DHT.h" #include "PubSubClient.h" #include "ESP8266WiFi.h"   /* * * Configure parameters for sensor and network / MQTT connections * */   // setup DHT 11 pin and sensor   #define DHTPin D3 #define DHTTYPE DHT11   // setup WiFi credentials   #define WLAN_SSID "mySSID" #define WLAN_PASS "WIFIpassword"   // setup MQTT   #define MQTTBROKER "mqttbrokerhostname" #define MQTTPORT 1883   // setup built-in blue LED   #define LED 2   /* * ============================================================ * * DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW * (unless you know what you're doing) * */   // initiate DHT   DHT dht(DHTPin, DHTTYPE);   // initiate MQTT client   WiFiClient wifiClient; PubSubClient client(MQTTBROKER, MQTTPORT, wifiClient);   /* * setup */   void setup() {     // switch off internal LED     pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);   digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);     // start serial monitor     Serial.begin(115200);     // start DHT     dht.begin();     // start WiFi     WiFi.begin(WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PASS);   }   /* * the loop */   void loop() {     // while not connected to WiFi, print "."   // after connection exit the loop   // blink LED while having no WiFi signal     boolean wifiReconnect = false;     while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {       digitalWrite(LED, LOW);       delay(200);       Serial.print(".");       digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);       delay(300);       wifiReconnect = true;     }     // if WiFi has reconnected, print new connection information and turn on LED     if (wifiReconnect == true) {       // print connection information and local IP address, mac address       Serial.println();     Serial.println("WiFi connected");     Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());     Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress());     Serial.println();       // turn on built-in LED to indiciate successful WiFi connection       digitalWrite(LED, LOW);     }     // if MQTT client is not connected, connect again   // turn on built-in LED to indicate a successful connection     if (!client.connected()) {       Serial.println("Disconnected from MQTT server... trying to connect");       if (client.connect("ESP_xx")) {         Serial.println("Connected to MQTT server");       Serial.println("Topic = ESP_xx");         digitalWrite(LED, LOW);       } else {         Serial.println("MQTT connection failed");         digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);       }       Serial.println();     }     // read temperature and humidity from sensor     float t = dht.readTemperature();   float h = dht.readHumidity();     if (isnan(t) || isnan(h)) {       // if temperature or humidity is not a number, print error       Serial.println("Failed retrieving data from DHT sensor");     } else {       // print temperature and humidity       Serial.print(t);     Serial.print("° - ");     Serial.print(h);     Serial.print("%");     Serial.println();       // only send values to MQTT broker, if client is connected       if (client.connected()) {         // boolean to check for errors during payload transfer         bool isError = false;         // create payload and publish values via MQTT client       // use buffer to convert float to char*         char buffer[10];         dtostrf(t, 0, 0, buffer);         if (client.publish("ESP_xx/temp", buffer)) {             Serial.print("  published /temp  ");           } else {             Serial.print("  failed /temp  ");         isError = true;           }            dtostrf(h, 0, 0, buffer);         if (client.publish("ESP_xx/hum", buffer)) {             Serial.print("  published /hum  ");           } else {             Serial.print("  failed /hum  ");         isError = true;           }         Serial.println();         // on error, turn off LED         if (isError == true) {           digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);         } else {             digitalWrite(LED, LOW);           }       }     }     // sleep for 10 seconds   // if sleep > default mosquitto timeout : a reconnect is forced for each update-cycle     delay(10000);   }
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Platform Support Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows 2012 R2, and Cent OS 7.1 (paid version only) are recommended and fully tested for production. Server Support • KEPServerEX v6.2, which includes the ThingWorx Native Interface. Note: Non-Kepware OPC Servers servers and earlier versions of KEPServerEX can be connected to KEPServerEX v6.2, functioning as an aggregator (OPC UA Server). KEPServerEX and ThingWorx can be installed on the same machine. However-- for production-- separate machines are recommended. • ThingWorx 8.0 with PostgresSQL 9.4.10-1 database, Express • ThingWorx 8.0, with the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps imported as a ThingWorx extension Minimum recommended hardware • OS — Windows 2008R2 • SP1 / Windows 2012R2 • Disk Space — 100 GB • RAM — 7 GB • CPU — 3 Core Client Browser Support - Paid Version • Chrome 44 • Firefox 35+ • Safari 6.1.6+ • Internet Explorer 11+ For more information on the installation requirements, see the Product Requirements section of the install guide here: Not authorized to view the specified document 3992
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Hi everyone, As everyone knows already, the main way to define Properties inside the EMS Java SDK is to use annotations at the beginning of the VirtualThing class implementation. There are some use-cases when we need to define those properties dynamically, at runtime, like for example when we use a VirtualThing to push a sensor's data from a Device Cloud to the ThingWorx server, for multiple customers. In this case, the number properties differ based on customers, and due to the large number of variations, we need to be able to define programmatically the Properties themselves. The following code will do just that: for (int i = 0; i < int_PropertiesLength; i++) {     Node nNode = device_Properties.item(i);     PropertyDefinition pd;     AspectCollection aspects = new AspectCollection();     if (NumberUtils.isNumber(str_NodeValue))     {         pd = new PropertyDefinition(nNode.getNodeName(), " ", BaseTypes.NUMBER);     }     else if (str_NodeValue=="true"|str_NodeValue=="false")     {         pd = new PropertyDefinition(nNode.getNodeName(), " ", BaseTypes.BOOLEAN);     }     else     pd = new PropertyDefinition(nNode.getNodeName(), " ", BaseTypes.STRING);     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DATACHANGETYPE,    new StringPrimitive(;     //Add the dataChangeThreshold aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DATACHANGETHRESHOLD, new NumberPrimitive(0.0));     //Add the cacheTime aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_CACHETIME, new IntegerPrimitive(0));     //Add the isPersistent aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISPERSISTENT, new BooleanPrimitive(false));     //Add the isReadOnly aspect     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISREADONLY, new BooleanPrimitive(true));     //Add the pushType aspect     aspects.put("pushType", new StringPrimitive(;     aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_ISLOGGED,new BooleanPrimitive(true));     //Add the defaultValue aspect if needed...     //aspects.put(Aspects.ASPECT_DEFAULTVALUE, new BooleanPrimitive(true));     pd.setAspects(aspects);     super.defineProperty(pd); }  //you need to comment initializeFromAnnotations() and use instead the initialize() in order for this to work. //super.initializeFromAnnotations();   super.initialize(); Please put this code in the Constructor method of your VirtualThing extending implementation. It needs to be run exactly once, at any instance creation. This method relies on the manual discovery of the sensor properties that you will do before this. Depending on the implementation you can either do the discovery of the properties here in this method (too slow), or you can pass it as a parameter to the constructor (better). Hope it helps!
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In this video we cover: a short introduction of Thingworx Analytics Builder The import of the Thingworx Analytics Builder extension   This video applies to ThingWorx Analytics 52.1 till 8.1   Updated Link for access to this video:  Installing Thingworx Analytics Builder:  Part 1 of 3
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Connecting to other databases seemed to be a hot desirable from our training feedback. So we've just added a video tutorial in the Wiki for connecting ThingWorx to SQL Server (or SQL Server Express). See topic 7.04 or go to the Video Appendix. In essence connecting to other databases like mySQL or Oracle will work the same way except you will have to change the Database URL and JDBC reference. Also let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed holiday season!
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Style theming is a Beta feature that allows you to customize the look of your mashups and widgets.   A style theme is a set of styling properties for elements such as text, colors, and lines that you can apply to a mashup. You can manage styles for multiple mashups more easily by using style themes. Style theme apply on a mashup level, unlike style definitions, which apply on a widget level. When you apply a style theme to a mashup, all embedded widgets and mashups will derive styling properties from the style theme for the top level mashup. You can perform the following tasks:   • Create and modify style themes. • Apply a style theme to one or more mashups. • Reuse a style theme by using Import/Export. • Define custom CSS for a style theme. CSS rules are applied to all mashups that use the style theme.   Style theme support is limited to the following types widgets: • New widgets — You can only apply a style theme to these widgets. • Hybrid widgets — You can use style definitions or a style theme to style these widgets.   NOTE: You can enable or disable style themes for hybrid widgets by using the (BETA) UseThemeForHybrids property in the mashup properties panel. However, you cannot use style definitions with web component widgets.   To read more about Base Theme, Creating, and Modifying Style Themes, refer to our ThingWorx Help Center.
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Let's assume I collect Timeseries Data of two temperature sensors, located next to each other. This is done for redundancy and ensuring the quality of measures. Each of the sensors is logged into its Property in ThingWorx and I can create a Timeseries for the individual sensors. However I would like to create a combined InfoTable that holds information for both sensors, but averages out their values.   Instead of reading values from a stream, I just create some custom data for both InfoTables. After this I use the UNION function to combine the two tables and sort them. Once they are sorted, the INTERPOLATE function allows to group the InfoTable by timestamp.   With this, I have combined the two sensor result into on result set. Taking the average of numbers will give closer results to the real value (as both sensors might not be 100% accurate). In case one sensor does not have data for a given point in time, it will still be considered in the final output.   InfoTable1:   2018-12-18 00:00:00.000 2 2018-12-19 00:00:00.000 3 2018-12-20 00:00:00.000 5 2018-12-21 00:00:00.000 7   InfoTable2:   2018-12-18 00:00:00.000 1 2018-12-19 12:00:00.000 2 2018-12-20 00:00:00.000 3 2018-12-21 00:00:00.000 4   Combined Result:   2018-12-18 00:00:00.000 1.5 2018-12-19 00:00:00.000 3 2018-12-19 12:00:00.000 2 2018-12-20 00:00:00.000 4 2018-12-21 00:00:00.000 5.5     This can be done with the following code:   // Required DataShape "myInfoTableShape": "timestamp" = DATETIME, "value" = NUMBER // The Service Output is an InfoTable based on the same DataShape var params = { infoTableName : "InfoTable", dataShapeName : "myInfoTableShape" }; // Create two InfoTables, representing the data of each sensor var infoTable1 = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); var infoTable2 = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); var newEntry = new Object(); // Create custom data for InfoTable1 newEntry.timestamp = 1545091200000; newEntry.value = 2; infoTable1.AddRow(newEntry); newEntry.timestamp = 1545177600000; newEntry.value = 3; infoTable1.AddRow(newEntry); newEntry.timestamp = 1545264000000; newEntry.value = 5; infoTable1.AddRow(newEntry); newEntry.timestamp = 1545350400000; newEntry.value = 7; infoTable1.AddRow(newEntry); // Create custom data for InfoTable2 newEntry.timestamp = 1545091200000; newEntry.value = 1; infoTable2.AddRow(newEntry); newEntry.timestamp = 1545220800000; newEntry.value = 2; infoTable2.AddRow(newEntry); newEntry.timestamp = 1545264000000; newEntry.value = 3; infoTable2.AddRow(newEntry); newEntry.timestamp = 1545350400000; newEntry.value = 4; infoTable2.AddRow(newEntry); // Combine the two InfoTables via the UNION function var unionTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Union({ t1: infoTable1, t2: infoTable2 }); // Optional: Sort the table by timestamp var sortedTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Sort({ sortColumn: "timestamp", t: unionTable, ascending: true }); // Interpolate the (sorted) table by Interval and take average values and build the result var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Interpolate({ mode: "INTERVAL", timeColumn: "timestamp", t: sortedTable, ignoreMissingData: undefined, stats: "AVG", endDate: 1545609600000, columns: "value", count: undefined, startDate: 1545004800000 });  
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  Create compelling, modern application user interfaces in ThingWorx with the latest enhancements to our Mashup visualization platform - Collection and Custom CSS.   In this webinar with IoT application designer Gabriel Bucur, we'll show how the new Collection widget makes it easy to replicate visual content in your UI for menu systems, dashboards, tables, and more. You'll learn about several of the 60+ configuration properties available for collections, many of which offer input/output bindings for dynamic flexibility.   Gabriel will also demonstrate the styling and UX power of the latest feature in the Next Gen Composer, which allows you to write classes and CSS for your Mashups, masters, and widgets.   Watch the recording above, and download this sample Mashup containing all the data and entities shared in the video.   Q&A   We didn’t have time to get to all of the questions during the live webcast, but we’ve answered them here on our blog. Have any additional questions? Please leave us a comment.   WILL PTC CONTINUE SUPPORT FOR THE REPEATER WIDGET IN THINGWORX 8.2, OR WILL IT BE REMOVED? The Repeater Widget will not removed. However, due to limited performance in various browsers, switching to the Collection is highly recommended.   WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REPEATER AND COLLECTION, AND ARE THERE PROS AND CONS FOR EACH WIDGET? The Collection is an advanced widget that allows you to contain a series of repeated Mashups within a collection. Its functionality is similar to the Repeater Widget, but contains more properties that provide additional options and better performance, especially when handling large amounts of data.   IS IT POSSIBLE TO ADD A DRAG AND DROP ACTION TO LISTS OR REPEATERS, E.G. DRAGGING AN ELEMENT FROM ONE CONTAINER TO ANOTHER? Drag and drop functionality is not available in the Collection Widget at this time. It is, however, in consideration for future ThingWorx releases.   IN THE EVENT I HAVE MORE THAN ONE MASHUP (FOR EXAMPLE, MASHUP A AND MASHUP B), CAN I BIND DIFFERENT PROPERTIES TO THE SAME MASHUP PARAMETER ACCORDING TO THE MASHUP NAME? The MashupName row goes to the MashupNameField in the collection, where you’ll  have a dropdown after you populate it with the InfoTable that contains the MashupName. You can put all the bindings there, even if you don't use them in all the Mashups. For example: {"valueA":"MashupA","valueB":"MashupB"}   IS IT POSSIBLE TO ORDER SECTIONS HORIZONTALLY IN THE COLLECTION? Sections can only be ordered vertically at this time.   WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GLOBAL PROPERTIES AND SESSION VALUES? Global Properties are only available within the Collection. These properties offer a way to control Things from other widgets with which the Collection is displaying.   IF THERE ARE MULTIPLE COLLECTIONS, DO THEY SHARE THE SAME SET OF GLOBALPARAMETERS? No. If you defined a Boolean on your Collection, when you drag the Boolean output from a checkbox on the Collection you will see that you can bind it to that defined Boolean in the GlobalParameters.   WHEN USING CUSTOM CSS, DO YOU HAVE TO DEFINE STYLING FOR EACH ELEMENT, OR CAN YOU CREATE A STYLE THING WITH CSS? Widgets differ in functionality, so the same class might not apply to the same widget. However, if you define a styling in CSS for a button, for example, you can apply that class on any button you want.   DOES CUSTOM CSS ALWAYS OVERRIDE THE WIDGET STYLES? Yes. That is the essential purpose of custom CSS integration – to rewrite styles.   IF YOU HAVE TWO CONFLICTING STYLES – ONE IN CSS AND THE OTHER IN A STYLE DEFINITION – WHICH ONE TAKES PRECEDENCE? CSS will typically rewrite the ThingWorx styles; however, it depends on the specificity of the CSS target definition. For example: “.button-element" will be overwritten by ".default-button .button-element". Visit for more details regarding this topic.   CAN I RESIZE MY WIDGETS DURING RUNTIME? The size of the widget is determined by the CSS, and how it renders in ThingWorx. While you can bind different sizing classes to the CustomClass property of the widget, resizing with your mouse is not available at Runtime.
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Here is a demo that uses repeater widget and smart grid widget to display a nested table. Note: This demo is for testing use. Create a datashape for  the nested datatable named DataTableStructure Create DataShape named InfoStructure for Obj Create the nested datatable named DataTableTest as below Create a service named AddObjInput as below in this datatable Crate a Mashup named RepeaterMsh Add widgets like textbox, label, button and smart grid on the mashup There are some parameters we added before, please bind them to the widgets that we just added to the mashup Add DataTableTest service AddOrUpdateDataTableEntry to the mashup. Bind textbox and smart grid edited table to AddOrUpdateDataTableEntry parameter. Bind button click event to trigger the service AddOrUpdateDataTableEntry The smart grid widget need a special attribute named TableDefinition This demo sample is{"columns":[{"name":"PrimarySchool","type":"text","display":"PrimarySchool"},{"name":"SecondarySchool","type":"text","display":"SecondarySchool"},{"name":"HighSchool","type":"text","display":"HighSchool"}]} Create mashup which has repeater widgets The mashup over view is like below The first part is aimed to add a new record, the second part (repeater widget)is aimed to display table data, and also update data. In the first part, there are textboxs, labels, smart grid and button widget. They are banded to the service named AddDataTableEntry, aimed to add a new record in the table. (Smart grid is used to add the nested table data) There is a button named AddRecords, bind it’s clicked event to AddDataTableEntry service. And bind the AddDataTableEntry service’s event ServiceInvokeCompleteted to GetDataTableEntries The smart grid widget in here is an empty grid, but it should have a structure at beginning. That’s why to create a service named AddObjInput in step2. It returns an empty table but with the datashape. The second part is a repeater widget. Repeater widget has an attribute named Mashup, bind the mashup Repeatermsh. Bind GetDataTableEntries all data to the repeater widget. There should be some parameters that need to bind like gender, InfoTable, Sname… Testing the demo Note: Smart Grid widget is not a ThingWorx OOTB functionality The smart grid widget can be edited flexible. Please download with is Link There is a thread teach how to use smart grid:
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Parquet Data Format used in ThingWorx Analytics   Starting ThingWorx Analytics Version 8.1 Data storage will no longer require the installation of a PostgreSQL database. Instead, uploaded CSV data is converted to the optimized  Apache Parquet format and stored directly in the file system. This Blog explains some the features of Apache Parquet justifying this transition in ThingWorx Analytics Data Storage. features What is Apache Parquet: Apache Parquet is a column-oriented data store of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. It is compatible with most of the data processing frameworks in the Hadoop environment. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk. Below is an illustration of the Columnar Storage model: Apache Parquet Features and Benefits: Apache Parquet is implemented using the record shredding and assembly algorithm taking into account the complex data structures that can be used to store the data. Apache Parquet stores data where the values in each column are physically stored in contiguous memory locations.  Due to the columnar storage, Apache Parquet provides the following benefits: Column-wise compression is efficient and saves storage space Compression techniques specific to a type can be applied as the column values tend to be of the same type Queries that fetch specific column values need not read the entire row data thus improving performance Different encoding techniques can be applied to different columns Some advantages of using Parquet for ThingWorx Analytics: Apart from the above benefits of using Parquet which amount to higher efficiency and increased performance, below are some advantages that apply specifically to ThingWorx Analytics This change in ThingWorx Analytics from using a Database to using Parquet removes the limitations on the number of data columns the system can handle. It also allows for streamlining the dataset creation process. Since the data is converted to a Parquet format, there is no need to separately optimize the dataset. Even when new data is appended to an existing dataset, a new partition is added and re-optimization is optional but not required. Data could be appended easily so there is no longer a need to re-load the full Dataset when new Data values are added The illustration below shows the transition from Row-based Data Storage model VS the columnar based Storage of Parquet
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This simple example creates an infotable of hierarchical data from an existing datashape that can be used in a tree or D3 Tree widget.  Attachments are provides that give a PDF document as well as the ThingWorx entities for the example.  If you were just interested in the service code, it is listed below: var params = {   infoTableName : "InfoTable",   dataShapeName : "TreeDataShape" }; // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(TreeDataShape) var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); var NewRow = {}; NewRow.Parent = "No Parent"; NewRow.Child = "Enterprise"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Enterprise"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Enterprise"; NewRow.Child = "Site1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Wilmington Plant"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molding"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Preform Staging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molder"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line1.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Bottle Unscrambler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filling"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Rinser"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line2.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Capper"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packaging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Printer Labeler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packer"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site1.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site1.Line3.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Palletizing"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Enterprise"; NewRow.Child = "Site2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Mobile Plant"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molding"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Preform Staging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Blow Molder"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line1"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line1.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Bottle Unscrambler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filling"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Rinser"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Filler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line2.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Capper"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packaging"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3.Asset1"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Printer Labeler"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3.Asset2"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Packer"; result.AddRow(NewRow); NewRow.Parent = "Site2.Line3"; NewRow.Child = "Site2.Line3.Asset3"; NewRow.ChildDescription = "Palletizing"; result.AddRow(NewRow);
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Original Post Date:     June 6, 2016 Description: This tutorial video will walk you through the installation process for the PostgreSQL-based version of the ThingWorx Platform in a Windows environment.  All required software components will be covered in this video.    
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Licensing summary, installing 8.1: - Now instance specific license used which prevents license sharing and protects our intellectual property further - 2 paths for getting up and running with a license:          -Connected: platform-settings configuration only          -Disconnected: text file generated, self-serve creation from PTC support portal, license_capability_response.bin generated to be placed in platform folder   Connected / Disconnected mode LicensingSubsystem::GetLicenseState returns : UNINITIALIZED in disconnected mode LICENSE_EXISTS in connected mode   User Journey Refer to Licensing ThingWorx 8.1 and Later for specific instructions for generating a license for your instance   NOTE: Each instance needs a valid license file to be running.   Troubleshooting: - If any misconfiguration or connection failures occur, error messages will be thrown to Application log Example: unable to fetch license file with device id; Unable to connect to the PTC license server. Please make sure the LicensingConnectionSettings settings... - Connection attempt will occur upon ThingWorx startup. If connection can't be made, instance will be following disconnected scenario  -Make sure Pop Up Blockers are turned off     Platform Settings - Licensing License Connection Settings (in platform-settings.json - plain text sample) -new section for licensing connection strings: -user name - used to connect to ptc support portal -password - encrypted (recommended) or plain text password used to connect to ptc support portal   "LicensingConnectionSettings": { "username":"<PTC_support_portal_username>", "password":"<PTC_support_portal_password>" }    New Services on Licensing Subsystem - GetInstanceID - returns instance/device ID which is created at startup - WriteLicenseUsageData - writes encrypted license usage (same as system data table) to ThingworxStorage\reports\LicenseUsageReport folder   Instance ID The license file is now bound to the platform Instance ID aka Device ID - (unlike most other PTC products where the license is bound to the hardware : CPUID, MAC, ...) This Instance ID is generated during first startup and stored in the database Instance ID is accessible in composer with LicensingSubsystem::GetInstanceID   Q: What happens when license files are bad or missing? A: If there is an invalid license file, with 8.0 valid license.bin needs to be in the folder before starting up; tomcat will crash. In 8.1 no need for license file as long as connected (platform-settings.json), no need to take an extra step, dynamic connection.  In disconnected scenario, ThingWorx will run for 30 days in limited mode with monitoring mashup accessible to check logs.   Q: Where is the InstanceID stored ? A: It's stored in the database   Q: Will the instanceID change during updates (minor 8.1.0 to 8.1.1) A: Device id's don't change.   Q: What will happen in disconnected scenario if there is no valid license after 30 days? The application will not start anymore or user is not able to login? A:  It shuts down, so there is no more "limited" mode. However, a user can come along on day 55 (for example) and can drop in a valid license and start the web app to get it fully running.   Q: What happens if the customer has to reinstall the platform after the license has been fetched ? Is it possible to "return" the license ? A: Reinstalling the platform results in the generation of a new Device ID, therefore a new license file will need to be generated.  
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About This is the second part of a ThingBerry related blog post series. ThingBerry is ThingWorx installed on a RaspBerry Pi, which can be used for portable demonstrations without the need of utilizing e.g. customer networks. Instead the ThingBerry provides its own custom WIFI hotspot and allows Things to connect and send / receive demo data on a small scale. In this particual blog post we'll discuss on how to setup the ThingBerry as a WIFI hotspot to directly connect with mobile devices or other Raspberry Pis. As the ThingBerry is a highly unsupported environment for ThingWorx, please see this blog post for all related warnings. In case this guide looks familiar, it's probably because it's based on WIFI Hot Spot As the ThingBerry is currently connected via ethernet we can utilize the Raspberry Pi's WIFI connection to create a private network where all the wireless devices can connect to, e.g. another Raspberry Pi or a ESP8266 First we need to install dnsmasq and hostapd. Those will help setting up the access point and create a private DNS server to dynamically assign IP-addresses to connecting devices. sudo apt-get install dnsmasq hostapd Interfaces We will need to configure the wlan0 interface with a static IP. For this the dhcpcd needs to ignore the wlan0 interface. sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf Paste the following content to the end of the file. This must be ABOVE any interface lines you may have added earlier! denyinterfaces wlan0 Save and exit. Let's now configure the static IP. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Comment out ALL lines for the wlan* configurations (e.g. wlan0, wlan1). By default there are three lines which need to be commented out by adding a # at the beginning of the line. After this the wlan0 can be pasted in: allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static   address netmask network broadcast Save and exit. Now restart the dhcpcd service and reload the wlan0 configuration with sudo service dhcpcd restart sudo ifdown wlan0 sudo ifup wlan0 Hostapd Hostapd is used to configure the actual WIFI hot spot, e.g. the SSID and the WIFI password (wpa_passphrase) that's required to connect to this network. sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf Paste the following content: interface=wlan0 driver=nl80211 ssid=thingberry hw_mode=g channel=6 wmm_enabled=1 ieee80211n=1 country_code=DE macaddr_acl=0 ht_capab=[HT40][SHORT-GI-20][DSSS_CCK-40] auth_algs=1 ignore_broadcast_ssid=0 wpa=2 wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_passphrase=changeme rsn_pairwise=CCMP If you prefer another SSID or a more secure password, please ensure updating above configuration! Save and exit. Check if the configuration is working via sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf It should return correctly, without any errors and finally show "wlan0: AP-ENABLED". With this you can now connect to the "thingberry" SSID. However there's no IP assigned automatically - so that sucks​ can be improved... Stop hostapd with CTRL+C and let's start it on boot. sudo nano /etc/default/hostapd At the end of the file, paste the following content: DAEMON_CONF="/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf" Save and exit. DNSMASQ Dnsmasq allows to assign dynamic IP addresses. Let's backup the original configuration file and create a new one. sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.orig  sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf Paste the following content: interface=wlan0 listen-address= bind-interfaces dhcp-range=,,,12h Save and exit. This will make the DNS service listen on and assign IP addresses between and with a 12 hour lease. Next step is to setup the IPV4 forwarding for the wlan0 interface. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf Uncomment the following line: You can search in nano with CTRL+W net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 Save and exit. Hostname translation To be able to call the ThingBerry with its actual hostname, the hostname needs to be mapped in the host configuration. sudo nano /etc/hosts Search the line with your hostname and update it to the local IP address (as configured in the listen-address above), e.g. thingberry Save and exit. Please note that this is the hostname and not the SSID of the network! Finalizing the Configuration Run the following command to enable the fowarding and reboot. sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" sudo reboot Optional: Internet Access The ThingBerry is independent of any internet traffic. However if your connected devices or the ThingBerry itself need to contact the internet, the WIFI connection needs to route those packages to and from the (plugged-in) ethernet device. This can done through iptables sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT All traffic will be internet related traffic will be forwarded between eth0 and wlan0 and vice versa. To load this configuration every time the ThingBerry is booted, it needs to be saved via sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat" Run this file by editing sudo nano /etc/rc.local Above the line exit 0 add the following line: iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat Save and exit. Verification Connect to the new WIFI hotspot via the SSID and the password configured earlier through any WIFI capable device. When connecting to your new access point check your device's IP settings (in iOS, Android or a laptop / desktop device). It should show a 192.168.0.x IP address and should be pingable from the ThingBerry console. Connect to or http://<servername>/Thingworx to open the Composer.
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  Question: What are some best practices around building IIoT solutions with ThingWorx?   Meet Ward. Ward works on the product management team for our Manufacturing Apps (i.e. Asset Advisor, Operator Advisor, Production Advisor, etc.). He’s a super cool and smart guy, and he always has an answer to my ThingWorx questions. He has so many answers, in fact, that he worked closely with other ThingWorx experts like Sangeeta to create the ThingWorx Application Development Guide.   I sat down with him to hear his top few tips from the guide. And, just in case we don’t have enough fun around here on “Ask Kaya,” we decided to list his top tips not by “1”-“2”-“3”, but by “W”-“A”-“R”-“D”.   Without further to do, here are Ward’s top tips from the ThingWorx Application Development Guide.   Whitelist your IPs for application keys. (See page 67.) Auto Refresh widget vs. GetProperties service? How should I update live data to my mashup? (See page 25.) Reuse components to increase efficiency and improve your application design. (See page 69.) Don’t use a Thing Template when you really should use a Thing Shape. (See page 10.)   To see more, check out the full ThingWorx Application Development Guide here!   Look out for our next release of the App Development Guide in July! It’ll feature our Manufacturing Apps to share even more ThingWorx best practices!   Reach out with any questions and stay connected! - Kaya
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One of the interesting features of ThingWorx Analytics Manager is its ability to run distributed models created in Excel (and more of course).  Most people having been tasked with understanding data have built models in Excel and have sometimes built quite complex models (or even applications) with it.   The ability to tie these models to real data coming from various systems connected through ThingWorx and operationalise their execution is a really simple way for people to leverage their existing work and I.P. on a connected analytics journey.   To demonstrate this power and ease of implementation, I created a sample data set with historical data, traffic profile, and a simple anomaly detection model to execute with Analytics Manager.  (files are attached)   The online help center was quite helpful in explaining the process of Creating the Excel Workbook, however I got stuck at the XML mapping stage.  The Analytics and Excel documentation both neglect to mention one important detail -- you must be using the Windows version of Excel in order to get the XML Source functionality (and I use Mac).  Once using Windows, it was easy to do - here is a video of the XML mapping part of the process (for the inputs and results).   
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Video Author:                    Christophe Morfin Original Post Date:            June 9, 2017 Applicable Releases:        ThingWorx Analytics 8.0   Description: In this video we go through the steps to install ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.0.    
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The accuracy of a predictive model can be boosted in two ways: Either by embracing Feature engineering or by applying boosting algorithms straight away. There are multiple boosting algorithms like Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, AdaBoost, Gentle Boost etc. Every algorithm has its own underlying mathematics and a slight variation is observed while applying them. While working with boosting algorithms, we have come across two frequently occurring buzzwords: Bagging and Boosting. Bagging: It is an approach where you take random samples of data, build learning algorithms and take simple means to find bagging probabilities. Boosting: Boosting is similar, however the selection of sample is made more intelligently. We subsequently give more and more weight to hard to classify observations. Below are Default Algorithms used in Predictive Models generated in ThingWorx Analytics: Decision Tree Gradient Boost Linear regression Neural Net Random Forrest Logistic Regression Gradient boosting is a machine learning technique for regression and classification problems, which produces a prediction model in the form of an ensemble of weak prediction models, typically decision trees. It builds the model in a stage-wise fashion like other boosting methods do, and it generalizes them by allowing optimization of an arbitrary differential loss function. Let’s begin with an easy example: Assume, you are given a previous model M to improve on. Currently you observe that the model has an accuracy of 80% (any metric). How do you go further about it? One simple way is to build an entirely different model using new set of input variables and trying better ensemble learners. On the contrary, we have a much simpler way to suggest. It goes like this: Y = M(x) + error What if we are able to see that error is not a white noise but have same correlation with outcome(Y) value. What if we can develop a model on this error term? Like:error = G(x) + error2 Probably, we will see error rate will improve to a higher number, say 84%. Let’s take another step and regress against error2: error2 = H(x) + error3 Now we combine all these together: Y = M(x) + G(x) + H(x) + error3 This probably will have a accuracy of even more than 84%. What if we can find an optimal weights for each of the three learners: Y = alpha * M(x) + beta * G(x) + gamma * H(x) + error4 How Gradient Boosting Works: 1. Loss Function: The loss function used depends on the type of problem being solved. It must be differential, but many standard loss functions are supported and you can define your own. A benefit of the gradient boosting framework is that a new boosting algorithm does not have to be derived for each loss function that may want to be used, instead, it is a generic enough framework that any differential loss function can be used. 2. Weak Learner: Decision trees are used as the weak learner in gradient boosting. Specifically regression trees are used that output real values for splits and whose output can be added together, allowing subsequent models outputs to be added and “correct” the residuals in the predictions. Trees are constructed in a greedy manner, choosing the best split points based on purity scores like Gini or to minimize the loss. 3. Additive Model: Trees are added one at a time, and existing trees in the model are not changed. A gradient descent procedure is used to minimize the loss when adding trees. we have weak learner sub-models or more specifically decision trees. After calculating the loss, to perform the gradient descent procedure, we must add a tree to the model that reduces the loss. Improvements to Basic Gradient Boosting: 1. Tree Constraints: It is important that the weak learners have skill but remain weak. Below are some constraints that can be imposed on the construction of decision trees: Number of trees: ​Generally adding more trees to the model can be very slow to over fit. The advice is to keep adding trees until no further improvement is observed. Tree depth: Deeper trees are more complex trees and shorter trees are preferred. Generally, better results are seen with 4-8 levels. Number of nodes or number of leaves: like depth, this can constrain the size of the tree, but is not constrained to a symmetrical structure if other constraints are used. Number of observations per split: Imposes a minimum constraint on the amount of training data at a training node before a split can be considered Minimum improvement to loss: Is a constraint on the improvement of any split added to a tree. 2. Weighted Updates: The contribution of each tree to this sum can be weighted to slow down the learning by the algorithm. This weighting is called a shrinkage or a learning rate. "Each update is simply scaled by the value of the “learning rate parameter v". 3. Stochastic Gradient Boosting: At each iteration a sub sample of the training data is drawn at random (without replacement) from the full training data set. The randomly selected sub sample is then used, instead of the full sample, to fit the base learner. 4. Penalized Gradient Boosting: The additional regularization term helps to smooth the final learnt weights to avoid over-fitting. Intuitively, the regularized objective will tend to select a model employing simple and predictive functions.
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Welcome to the Thingworx Community area for code examples and sharing.   We have a few how-to items and basic guidelines for posting content in this space.  The Jive platform the our community runs on provides some tools for posting and highlighting code in the document format that this area is based on.  Please try to follow these settings to make the area easy to use, read and follow.   At the top of your new document please give a brief description of the code sample that you are posting. Use the code formatting tool provided for all parts of code samples (including if there are multiple in one post). Try your best to put comments in the code to describe behavior where needed. You can edit documents, but note each time you save them a new version is created.  You can delete old versions if needed. You may add comments to others code documents and modify your own code samples based on comments. If you have alternative ways to accomplish the same as an existing code sample please post it to the comments. We encourage everyone to add alternatives noted in comments to the main post/document.   Format code: The double blue arrows allow you to select the type of code being inserted and will do key word highlighting as well as add line numbers for reference and discussions.
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We will host a live Expert Session: "Top 5 Thingworx environment monitoring best practices" on March 25th, 10h00 EST.   Please find below the description of the expert session and the registration link.   Expert Session: Top 5 Thingworx environment monitoring best practices Date and Time: March 25th, 10h00 EST Duration: 1 hour Host: Tori Firewind, Tim Atwood and Dave Bernbeck from Enterprise Deployment Center - Enterprise Deployment Center Registration Here:    In this session, we will be reviewing the main monitoring practices to keep a heathy environment and discuss the main issues from the audience. Bring your questions!.   Existing Recorded sessions can be found on support portal using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’. You can also suggest topics for upcoming sessions using this small form.   Here are some recorded sessions that might be of your interest. You can find recordings for the full library of webinars using the keyword ‘Expert Sessions’ in PTC support portal search   Thingworx Active Active Clustering This session will cover the main aspects of the High Availability Clustering feature launched with the ThingWorx 9.0 release.   Recoding Link Upgrade to Thingworx 9 – How to Plan / Evaluate Impacts This session highlights the key points you should evaluate to properly plan your upgrade to Thingworx 9. Recording Link Top 5 items to check for Thingworx Performance Troubleshooting How to troubleshoot performance issues in a Thingworx Environment? Here we cover the top 5 investigation steps that will help you understand the source of your environment issues and allow better communication with PTC Technical Support     Recording Link
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How to Scale Vertically and Horizontally, and When to Use Sharding Written by Mike Jasperson, VP of IOT EDC   Deployment architecture describes the way in which an IOT application is deployed, or where each of the components are hosted on the network. There are deployment architecture considerations to make when scaling up an application. Each approach to deployment expansion can be described by the “eggs in a basket” analogy: vertical scale is like one person carrying a bigger basket, horizontal scale is like one person carrying more baskets, and sharding is like more than one person carrying the baskets (see below).   All of these approaches result in the eggs getting from point A to point B (they all satisfy the use case), but the simplest (vertical scale) is not necessarily the best. Sure, it makes sense on paper for one person to carry everything in one big basket, but that doesn’t ensure that all of the eggs arrive intact. Selecting the right deployment architecture is a way to ensure the use cases are satisfied in the best and most efficient ways possible, with the least amount of application downtown or data loss.   Vertical Scale - a.k.a. "one person carrying a bigger basket" The most common scalability approach is to simply size the IOT server larger, or scale up the server. This might mean the server is given additional CPU cores, faster CPU clock speeds, more memory, faster disks, additional network bandwidth or improved network cards, and so on. This is a very good idea  when the application logic is increased in complexity, when more data is therefore needed in memory at a time, or when the processing of said data has to occur as quickly as possible. For example, adding additional devices to the fleet increases the size of the “Thing Model” in the process and will require additional heap memory be available to the Foundation server.   However, there are limitations to this approach. Only so many concurrent operations and threads can be performed at once by a single server. Operations trying to read and write to the disks at once can introduce bottlenecks and reduce server performance. Likewise, “one person, one basket” introduces a single-point-of-failure operating risk. If for some reason the server’s performance does degrade or cease altogether, then all of the “eggs” go down with it. Therefore, this approach is important, but usually not sufficient on its own for empowering an enterprise level deployment.   Horizontal Scale - a.k.a. "one person, with two or more baskets" As of ThingWorx version 9.0, Foundation servers can be deployed in clusters, meaning more baskets to carry the eggs. More baskets means that if even one of these servers is active, the application remains up in the event of an individual node failure or maintenance. So clustered deployments are those which facilitate High Availability.   Clustered servers save on some resources, but not others. For instance, every server in a cluster will need to have the same amount of memory, enough to store the entire Thing Model. Each of the multiple baskets in our analogy has to have the same type of eggs. One basket can’t have quail eggs if the rest have chicken eggs. So, each server has to have an identical version of the application, and therefore enough memory to store the entire application.   Also keep in mind that not all application business logic can scale horizontally. Event queues are local to each ThingWorx node, so the events generated within each node are processed locally by that particular node, and not the entire network (examples are timer and scheduler-based activities). Likewise, data ingestion done through an extension or other background process, like MQTT, emits events within a node that therefore must be processed by that particular node, since that's where the events are visible. On the other hand, load distribution that happens external to ThingWorx in either the Connection Server (for AlwaysOn based data coming from ThingWorx SDKs, EMS, eMessage agents, or Kepware) or REST API calls through a load balancer (i.e. user activity) will be distributed across the cluster, facilitating greater scaling potential in terms of userbase and mashup complexity. Also note that batched data will be processed by the node that received it, but different batches coming through a connection server or load balancer will still be distributed.   Another consideration with clusters pertains to failure modes. While each node in the cluster shares a cache for many things, Stream and Value Stream queues are only stored locally. In the event of a node failure, other nodes will pick up subsequent requests, but any activity already queued on the failed node will be lost. For use cases where each and every data point is critical, it is important to size each node large enough (in other words, to vertically scale each node) such that queue sizes are constantly kept low and the data within them processed as quickly as possible. Ensuring sufficient network and database throughput to handle concurrent writes from the many clustered nodes is key as well.   Once each node has enough resources to handle local queues, the system is highly available with low risk for outages or data loss. However, when multiple use cases become necessary on single deployments, horizontal scaling may no longer be enough to ensure things run smoothly. If one use case is logic-heavy, something non-time-critical which processes data for later consumption, it can use too many resources and interfere with other, lighter but more time-critical use cases. Clustering alone does not provide the flexibility to prioritize specific operations or use cases over others, but sharding does.   Sharding - a.k.a. "more than one person carrying baskets" “Sharding” generally refers to breaking up a larger IOT enterprise implementation into smaller ones, each with its own configuration and resources. More server maintenance and administration may be required for each ThingWorx implementation, but the reduction in risk is worth it. If each of the use cases mentioned above has its own implementation, then any unexpected issues with the more complex, analytical logic will not affect the reaction time of operators to time-sensitive matters in the other use case. In other words, “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”.   The best places to break up an implementation lie along logical boundaries already accepted by the business. Breaking things down in other ways might look nice on paper, but encouraging widespread adoption in those cases tends to be an uphill battle.   In connected products use cases, options for boundaries could be regional, tied more towards business vertical, or centered around different products or models.  These options can be especially beneficial when data needs to stay in particular countries or regions due to regulatory requirements. In connected operations use cases, the most common logical boundaries would be site-based, with smaller IOT implementations serving just a smaller number of related factories in a particular area. Use-case or product-line boundaries can also make sense here, in-line with the above comments about keeping production-critical or time-sensitive use cases isolated from interference from business-support and analysis use cases.     Ideally, a shard model will put the IOT implementation “closer” to both the devices communicating with it and the users that interact with the data. This minimizes the amount of data to be sent or received over long distances, reducing the impact from bandwidth and latency on performance. When determining which approach is best, consider that smaller, more focused implementations offer more flexibility, but are harder to manage. Having different versions of the same applications deployed in multiple places can easily become a maintainability nightmare. It’s therefore best not to combine a regional model with a use case model when it comes to determining sharding boundaries. Also consider using deployment automation tools like Solution Central. These enable tracking and managing version-controlled deployments to multiple IOT implementations, whether they are deployed on-premise, or in the cloud, giving one central location of all source code.   Another benefit to sharding is the focused investment of server resources in a more targeted way. For instance, if one region is larger than another, it may need more CPU and memory. Or, perhaps only part of an application requires High Availability, the time-critical use cases which are best suited to small, clustered deployments. The larger, analysis-centered use cases can then remain non-clustered (but still vertically scaled of course). Sharding can also make access control simpler, as those who need access to only one region or use case can just be given a user account on that particular shard.   However, certain use cases need data from more than one shard in order to operate, turning the data storage and access control benefits into challenges. Luckily, ThingWorx has an excellent toolkit for overcoming such issues. For one thing, REST API calls are readily available in ThingWorx, allowing each shard to exchange information with each other, as well as other enterprise data systems, like ERP or Service Ticketing. Sometimes, lower-level data replication strategies are the way to go, say if downsampling or data transfer from one store to another is necessary, and built-in database tools can more easily handle the workload. Most of the time, however, REST API calls are used to define the business logic within the application layer so that copying data actively between shards is unnecessary, using fewer resources to control what information is shared overall.   There are several design approaches for REST API communication between shards, the two most common being the “peer” model and the “layered” model. In a peer model, one shard may call upon another shard using REST whenever it needs more information. In a layered model, there are “front-line” shards which handle most (if not all) of the device communication and time-critical use cases, things which require only the information in one shard to operate. Then there are also “back-line” shards that aggregate data from the many front-line shards, performing any operations that are less time-sensitive and more complex or analytical.   For any of these approaches, it remains important to keep your data archival and purge strategy in mind. It is a best practice in ThingWorx to only retain as much data as is absolutely necessary, purging the rest periodically. If the front-line shards only ever need the last 7 days of raw data for 5 properties, plus the last 52 weeks of min/max/average data, then implementing an approach where each shard computes the min/max/average values and then archives the older data to a shared “data lake” before purging it would be ideal. This data lake then serves as the data store for all back-line shard operations.   There is also the option to consider sharing some infrastructure between ThingWorx instances when using sharding in a deployment, which can create more flexible, scalable architectures, but can also introduce issues where more than one shard is affected when issues occur on only one shard. For instance, a common shared infrastructure piece is at the database level; each ThingWorx instance needs its own database, but a single database server instance (such as a PostgreSQL HA cluster) could serve separate database namespaces to multiple ThingWorx instances. This is an attractive option where an existing enterprise-scale database infrastructure with experienced DBAs is already in place.   Similarly, load balancers can often be configured to manage load for multiple servers or URLs. If properly configured, an experienced load balancer could direct traffic for multiple applications, but it can also create a bottleneck for inbound connections if not properly sized. Load balancers designed for High Availability can also be considered. Apache Zookeeper is another tool often deployed once for an entire cluster to monitor the health and availability of individual components, or to vote them in or out of operations if problems are detected. With all of these options, remember that sharing infrastructure increases the chances of sharing issues from one ThingWorx system to the next, which can reduce the overall infrastructure complexity at the cost of increased administrative complexity.   Bringing it All Together Vertical and Horizontal scale are both effective ways to add more capacity and availability to software implementations, but there are typically some diminishing returns in the investment of additional infrastructure. For example, consider two large, vertically-scaled implementations – one running on a VM with 64 vCPUs and 256 GiB RAM, and another running on a VM with 96 vCPUs and 384GiB of RAM. While the 96-core server has 1.5 times the compute capacity, in sizing tests with 1 million simulated assets, these two systems tend to fall behind on WebSocket execution at approximately the same point.     In a horizontal scale example, with two nodes each sized the same (64 vCPU and 256GiB RAM), one would expect High Availability to occur, where one node picks up the other’s slack in a failover scenario. However, what if that singular node can’t handle the entire workload? Should both machines be sized vertically such that either can take on the full load, and if so, then what is the cost-benefit of that? It would be less expensive in this case to have a third server.     Optimizing the deployment architecture for a ThingWorx application will therefore usually involve a blended approach. With more than two nodes, High Availability is more readily obtained, as two servers can almost certainly share the load of the third, failed node. Likewise, some workload aspects do not scale well until multiple additional nodes are added. For instance, spreading out the user load from mashup requests across multiple nodes to give the singleton more resources for the tasks it alone can perform doesn’t have much benefit if there are just two nodes.   However, with horizontal scaling alone, the servers may still need to be vertically scaled larger than is ideal in terms of cost. Each one has to hold the entire Thing Model in memory, which means that sometimes, some of the nodes may be oversized for the tasks actually performed there. Sharding allows for each node to have a different Thing Model as necessary based around what boundaries are selected, which can mean saving on costs by sizing each server only as large as it really needs to be.   So, a combination of approaches is typically the best when it comes to deployment architecture. The key is to break things up as much as possible, but in ways that make sense. Determine where the boundaries of the shards will be such that each machine can be as light and focused as possible, while still not introducing more work in terms of user effort (having to access two system to get the job done), application development (extra code used to maintain multiple systems or exchange information between them), and system administration (monitoring and maintaining multiple enterprise systems).   Find the right balance for your systems, and you’ll maximize your cost-benefit ratio and get the most out of your ThingWorx application. Happy developing!
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