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This post covers how to build and operationalize a time series model using Thingworx Analytics. A lookback window is used to read multiple previous rows before the current one, and base the prediction on those lookback rows.   In this example we use time series data to predict water flow for different water pumps in a system.   There is a full explanation of the method attached, also all necessary resources are included in the attached files.
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Overview This document is targeted towards covering basic PostgreSQL monitoring and health check related system objects like tables, views, etc. This allows simple monitoring of PostgreSQL database via some custom services, which I'll attach at the end of this document, from the ThingWorx Composer itself. I'll also try to cover short detail on some of the services that are included with the Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck which implements Database ThingTemplate   Pre-requisite The document assumes that the user already has ThingWorx running with PostgreSQL as a Persistence Provider.   How to install Usage for this is fairly straight forward, import the Entities.twx and it will create required Thing which implements Database ThingTemplate and some DataShapes. Each Service under the Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck has its own DataShape. Feel free edit these services / DataShapes if you are looking to use output of these services  as part of your mashup(s).   Make sure to edit the PostgeSQL's JDBC Connection String, Username & password under the configuration section in order to connect to your PostgreSQL instance under the Thing PostgreSQLHealthCheck which will be created when Entities.twx is imported (attached with this blog)   Note : Users can use these services to query non-ThingWorx related database created with PostgreSQL as part of the external JDBC connection.   Reviewing Services from Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck   1. DescribeTableStructure - Takes two inputs **Table Name** and the **Schema Name** in which the ThingWorx database tables exists both inputs have default values that can be modified to match your PostgreSQL schema setup and required table name - It provides information on a Table's structure, see below     2. GetAllPSQLConfig - Provides runtime details on all the configurations done in the postgresql.conf which are in-effect - For detail on pg_settings see Postgresql 9.4 Doc     3. GetAllPSQLConfigLimited Similar to GetAllPSQLConfig, however with limited information   4. GetAllPSQLRoles - Lists all the database roles/users - Also lists their access rights permissions together with OID - Helpful in identifying if the role is active/inactive or carries any limitation on the DB connections     5. GetPG_Stat_Activity - Part of the Statistics Collector subsystem for the PostgreSQL DB - Shows current state of the schema e.g. connections, queries, etc. - For more detail on the output refer to the PostgreSQL 9.4 doc   6. GetPSQLDBLocksInformation - Shows the kind of locks in effect on which database and on which relation (table) - Particularly useful in identifying the relations and what lock mode is enabled on them     7. GetPSQLDBStat - Shows database wide statistics - Like Commits, reads, block reads, tupples (rows) fetched, inserted, deadlocks, etc - For more detail refer to PostgreSQL 9.4 doc   8. GetPSQLLogDesitnation - Checks where the PostgreSQL server logs are directed to - I.e. stderr, csvlog or syslog - Default is stderr   9. GetPSQLLogFileName - Fetches the log PostgreSQL log file name and the filename format - E.g. postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log    10. GetPSQLLoggingLocation - Fetches the location where the logs are stored for PostgreSQL - e.g. pg_log, which is also the default location - Desired location for the logs can be done in the postgresql.conf file   11. GetPSQLRelationIndexes - Gets information on the Indexes - Information like index size, number of rows, table names on which the index is created   12. GetPSQLReplicationStat - Shows information related to the Replication on PostgreSQL DB - Applicable to the PostgreSQL DBs where replication is enabled   13. GetPSQLTablespaceInfo - Takes tablespace name as input (String DataType), service defaults to 'thingworx' - modify if needed - Fetches information like owner oid, tablespace ACL     14. GetPSQLUserIndexIO - Fetches index that are created only on the User created DB objects - Shows relations (table) vs index relations ids (index on table), together with their names - Also shows additional info like number of disk blocks read from this index & number of buffer hits in this index     15. GetPSQLUserSequencesIOStats - Fetches informtion on Sequence objects used on user defined relations (tables) - Number of disk blocks read from this sequence & buffer hits in this sequence     16. GetPSQLUserTableIOStat - Fetches disk I/O information on the user created tables     17. GetPSQLUserTables - Fetches all the user created tables, together with their name, OID Disk I/O Last auto vacuum , vacuum Also lists the amount of rows each relation (table) has   Finally The attached entity has some additional service not yet covered in this blog, as they are minor services. Therefore for brevity of this blog I've left them out for now, feel free to explore or enhance this. I will continue to look for any additional services and will enhance this document and the entities belong to this.    If you are looking to enhance this feel free to fork from twxPostgreSqlHealthCheck over Github.
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Events   Timers and Schedulers both come with a specific Event inherited from the Thing Template: Timer ScheduledEvent Both have a Data Shape allowing to capture the timestamp of when the Event was actually fired. Events in ThingWorx are triggered when a specific condition is met. In this context the condition is met and the Event is fired when a Timer has expired or a Scheduler's time is reached. Once an Event is triggered, Subscriptions will take care of executing custom Services to react to the Event. Subscriptions   Subscriptions listen to Events and can be used to react to certain Events with running custom Service scripts. To follow-up on Timers and Schedulers, a new Subscription must be created, listening to any related Event fired. Add a new Subscription to the Thing with       As the Subscription is usually listening to the Thing that it is configured on, the Source has to be left empty. When listening to other Entities' Subscriptions the corresponding Entity can be picked in the Source Entity picker. Ensure to check the Enabled checkbox to actually enable the Subscription and allow it for executing code in the Script area. The following Script will log into the ScriptLog once the Timer Event is fired     The following Script will log into the ScriptLog once the ScheduledEvent Event is fired  
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Timers and Schedulers can also be created and configured programmatically via custom services. The following service, which can be created on any Thing, will create a new Timer using the following Inputs:         // create new Thing var params = { name: ThingName /* STRING */, description: undefined /* STRING */, thingTemplateName: "Timer" /* THINGTEMPLATENAME */, tags: undefined /* TAGS */ }; Resources["EntityServices"].CreateThing(params); // read initial configuration // result: INFOTABLE var configtable = Things[ThingName].GetConfigurationTable({tableName: "Settings"}); // update configuration with service parameters configtable.updateRate = updateRate configtable.runAsUser = user // set new configuration table var params = { configurationTable: configtable /* INFOTABLE */, persistent: true /* BOOLEAN */, tableName: "Settings" /* STRING */ }; Things[ThingName].SetConfigurationTable(params);   This code is an example which could also be used to create a new Scheduler. The configuration table for a Timer has the following attributes: updateRate enabled runAsUser The configuration table for a Scheduler has the following attributes: schedule enabled runAsUser  
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This is a useful trick for rolling up metrics in Thingworx across various levels of a hierarchy by using Networks, ThingShapes, and recursive service definitions. Say that you have a hierachy of Things in your model such as a Global view, a Region view, and a Store view -- this could be a Mfg Plant, a Building, an Asset, etc; whatever the core metric producing Thing is in your model -- where your Store has KPIs that you want to roll up across regions and globally. First, create a template for each of your hierarchical levels. In my case it is a GlobalTemplate, RegionalTemplate, and StoreTemplate. Add a property to your StoreTemplate that will be the KPI. Now, create a Thing for the Globe, and each of your Regions and Stores. Add them to a hierachical Network as such: Now, we need to create a ThingShape to aggregate our KPIs and apply it to the Global, Regional, and Store template. Now we will define a recursive funciton on our ThingShape called GetKPI ​and define it with the following: //define our base case, when the thing template we are on is the lowest level of our hierarchy, in this case the StoreTemplate if (me.thingTemplate == "StoreTemplate") {     //in our base case, the result is just the property for the metric we want to aggregate     result = me.someMetric } else {     //otherwise, we are at some other level in the hierarchy and we need to get our child connections from the network     //this gets all the things below us in the network     var params = {         name: /* STRING */     };     // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: NetworkConnection     var network = Networks["Network"].GetChildConnections(params);     //loop through each of the things below us in the hierarchy and recursively add the result of GetKPI() to our result     result = 0;     for each (var row in network.rows) {             result += Things[].GetKPI();     } } This is a simple case of just summing up a single property, but we can take this further using the Union and Aggregate snippets provided by thingworx to do other kinds of summarization. First add a new property called someAvgMetric ​to our StoreTemplate, and define a new service GetKPIProperties as such, with an InfoTable result, on the StoreTemplate varparams = {     propertyNames: {"items": ["someMetric", "someAvgMetric"]} /* JSON */ }; // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined" var result = me.GetNamedProperties(params); Now, define a new service on our ThingShape to utilize this service as our base case, and aggregate the resulting InfoTable when necessary. We'll call this service GetKPIAggregates: //define our base case if (me.thingTemplate == "StoreTemplate") {     //this function will be on the StoreTemplate, and returns the base infotable     result = me.GetKPIProperties() } else {     //grab our network     var params = {         name: /* STRING */     };     // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: NetworkConnection     var network = Networks["Network"].GetChildConnections(params);     //need to create an empty infotable to union into. I glossed over this, but you'll need a datashape here     //create empty infotable     var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape({ infoTableName: "InfoTable", dataShapeName: "KPIDataShape" });     //loop through and union each of our results to our new infotable     for each (var row in network.rows) {         var params = {             t1: result /* INFOTABLE */,             t2: Things[].GetKPIAggregates() /* INFOTABLE */         };         var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Union(params);     }     //aggregate each of our fields     var params = {         t: result /* INFOTABLE */,         columns: "someMetric,someAvgMetric" /* STRING */,         aggregates: "SUM,AVERAGE" /* STRING */,         groupByColumns: undefined /* STRING */     };     // result: INFOTABLE     var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].Aggregate(params);     //need to loop through each of our field names and make them match our base infotable     // infotable datashape iteration     var dataShapeFields = result.dataShape.fields;     for (var fieldName in dataShapeFields) {         var stringName = dataShapeFields[fieldName].name;         var params = {             t: result /* INFOTABLE */,             from: stringName /* STRING */,             to: stringName.split("_")[1] /* STRING */         };         // result: INFOTABLE         var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].RenameField(params);     } } Now, in our mashups, we can use a DynamicThingShape and call our GetKPIs service at any level in our network, and our data will be aggregated correctly for whatever level we are at in the hierarchy!
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This example provides the ability to generate a simple entity structure and some historical data for each entity. Historical data is run through a ThingWorx service to generate histogram data for display in a bar chart.  The provided ThingWorx entities and PDF document provide the example as well as documentation.
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This Blog presents a simple Java utility to validate the deployment of ThingWatcher. It is important to note that the utility used is not a real life situation, the intent was to keep it as simple as possible in order to achieve its aim: validation of the deployment. An understanding of Java IDE (such as Eclipse) is necessary in order to run the utility with relevant dependency and classpath setup. Those are beyond the scope of this posting. We will cover the following points: Pre-Requisites Using the sample utility Code walk through Validate training job creation Validate model job creation Update for ThingWorx Analytics 8.0 Pre-requisites A strict adherence to the ThingWatcher deployment guide is recommended in order to first deploy training and model microservices as well as to familiarize yourself with ThingWatcher APIs. Prior to testing ThingWatcher, both the training and model microservices should be up and running The media for ThingWatcher (including model and training micro-service) should be downloaded from PTC Software Download page . The commands to deploy the micro-services will vary depending on the platform used and are presented in the ThingWatcher deployment guide. As a reference example, on Windows the command will be similar to the following: Start Docker: Start > Program > Docker > Docker Quick Start Terminal Load model micro service tar $ docker load < "D:\PTC\MED-61147-CD-522_F000_ThingWorx-Analytics-ThingWatcher-52-2\components\ModelService\ModelService\model-service.tar"     3. Install model service: $ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v '/d/TWatcherStorage/model:/data/models' -v '/d/TWatcherStorage/db:/tmp/' twxml/model-service:1.0 -jar maven/model-1.0.jar server maven/standalone-evaluator.yml     4. Load training micro service tar file                         $ docker load < "D:\PTC\MED-61147-CD-522_F000_ThingWorx-Analytics-ThingWatcher-52-2\components\TrainingService\TrainingService\training-service.tar"     5. Install training service                         $ docker run -d -p 8090:8080  twxml/training-service:1.0.0  -Dmodel.destination.uri=model:// -jar maven/training-standalone-1.0.0-bin.jar server /maven/training-standalone-single.yml Note: the -Dmodel.destination.uri points here to the model micro-service host. To find the ip address, enter docker-machine ip on the model micro-service docker machine.     6. Validate micro-services deployment: Execute docker ps  and confirmed that both services are up, as in the following example: CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                      CREATED            STATUS              PORTS NAMES 5b6a29b95611        twxml/training-service:1.0.0  "java -Dmodel.destina"  13 days ago        Up 44 minutes      8081/tcp,>8080/tcp  modest_albattani 8c13c0bc910e        twxml/model-service:1.0        "java"      2 weeks ago        Up 44 minutes>8080/tcp, 8081/tcp  thirsty_ptolemy   Using the sample utility Download the attachment Import into Eclipse (or IDE of choice) with the ThingWatcher dependencies added in classpath. Update the trainingBaseURI (see below) to points to the training micro-services. The utility should be ready to execute. Code walk through The code declares a thingwatcher in the following snippet: ThingWatcher thingwatcher = new ThingWatcherBuilder() .certainty(90.0) .trainingDataDuration(60) .trainingDataDurationUnit(DurationUnit.SECOND) .trainingBaseURI("") .getThingWatcher(); In the above code it is important to update the trainingBaseURI argument with the correct ip address and port for the training micro-service host. The code then loops 10000 times and sends a new value, which simulates the sensor data, at a simulated 100 ms interval. The value is computed as Math.sin(i) for the whole calibrating phase and most of the monitoring phase too. We artificially introduce an anomaly by sending a value of Math.incremetExact(i) between the 9000 th and 9900 th iterations. During the Monitoring phase, the code logs the value, the anomalous status and the thingwatcher state. It is advised to save the output to a file in order to review the logging once the utility has run. In Eclipse this can be done by selecting the with right mouse button > Run As… > Run Configuration > Common and tick Output File under the Standard Input and Output, and specify a location for the output file. A review of the output log file will shows that somewhere between timestamp 900000 and 990000, the isAnomalousValue is true. Note that this does not starts and ends exactly at 900000 and 990000, as ThingWatcher needs a few occurrences before reporting it as anomaly. Sample output indicating an anomalous state: [main] INFO - Value = 901700,9017.0,-9016.403802019577 [main] INFO - isAnomalousValue = true [main] INFO - ThingWatcherStat = MONITORING As part of validating the successful deployment of ThingWatcher, it is recommended to validate the correct creation of a training and model job. Validate training job creation In order to validate the successful creation of a training job, execute a GET request to the training micro service : (update the ip address to the one on your system) This should return a COMPLETED job whose body starts with something similar to: Validate model job creation In order to validate the successful creation of a model job, execute a GET request to (update the ip address to the one on your system) to see all the models that have been created. For example: Alternatively, click (or use) the URI reported in the training job output, here, to see the complete model definition. The output will be similar to: When this sample test runs correctly, the ThingWatcher deployment has been validated. Update for ThingWorx Analytics 8.0 Deploying the microservices, see Video Link : 1937 Updated Java code: see Does anyone know how to use java api to achieve anomaly detection with Thingwatcher8.0? To Note: The utility provided is for testing purpose only. The code does not represent any kind of best practice and is not meant to be a perfect java coding example. It is provided as is with no guarantee.
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The following is valid  for ThingWorx Analytics (TWA) 52.0.2 till 8.0 For release 8.3.0 and above see How to score new data in ThingWorx Analytics 8.3.x ?   Overview The main steps are as follow: Create a dataset Configure the dataset Upload data to the dataset Optimize the dataset Create filters for training and scoring data Train the model Execute scoring on existing data Upload new data to dataset Execute scoring on new data TWA models are dataset centric, which means a model created with one dataset cannot be reused with a different dataset. In order to be able to score new data, a specific feature, record purpose in the below example, is included in the dataset. This feature needs to be included from the beginning when the data is first uploaded to TWA. A filter on that feature can then be created to allow to isolate desired data. When new data comes in, they are added to the original dataset but with a specific value for the filtered feature (record purpose), which allows to discriminate and score only those new records. Process Create a dataset This example uses the beanpro demo dataset Create dataset is done through a POST on datasets REST API as below 2. Configure dataset This is done through a POST on <dataset>/configuration REST API 3.      Upload data         4.      Optimize the dataset         5.      Create filters The dataset includes a feature named record purpose created especially to differentiate between the rows to be used for training and the rows to be used for scoring. New data to be added will have record purpose set to scoringnew, which will allow to execute a scoring job limited to those filtered new rows Filter for training data: Filter for new scoring data        6.      Train the model This is done through a POST on <dataset>/prediction API        7.      Score the training data This is done through a POST on <dataset>/predictive_scores API. Note the use of the filter TrainingData created earlier. This allow to score only the rows with training as value for record purpose feature. Note: scoring could also be done without filter at this stage, in which case all the data in the dataset will be scored and not just the ones with training fore record purpose   Retrieving the scoring result show all the records in the dataset:   8.      Upload new data The newly uploaded csv file should only contains new record. This will be appended to the existing ones.   Note that the new record (it could be more than one) has a value scoringnew for the record purpose feature: This will allow to use the previously created filter ScoringNewData so that a new scoring job will only take into account this new record.   9.      Scoring new data A POST on API predictive_scores is executed however using the filter ScoringNewData. This results in only the newly added data to be scored and therefore a much quicker execution time too. Retrieving the scoring result shows only the new record:
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In this post, I show how you can downsample time-series data on server side using the LTTB algorithm. The export comes with a service to setup sample data and a mashup which shows the data with weak to strong downsampling.   Motivation: Users displaying time series data on mashups and dashboards (usually by a service using a QueryPropertyHistory-flavor in the background) might request large amounts of data by selecting large date ranges to be visualized, or data being recorded in high resolution. The newer chart widgets in Thingworx can work much better with a higher number of data points to display. Some also provide their own downsampling so only the „necessary“ points are drawn (e.g. no need to paint beyond the screen‘s resolution). See discussion here. However, as this is done in the widgets, this means the data reduction happens on client site, so data is sent over the network only to be discarded. It would be beneficial to reduce the number of points delivered to the client beforehand. This would also improve the behavior of older widgets which don’t have support for downsampling. Many methods for downsampling are available. One option is partitioning the data and averaging out each partition, as described here. A disadvantage is that this creates and displays points which are not in the original data. This approach here uses Largest-Triangle-Three-Buckets (LTTB) for two reasons: resulting data points exist in the original data set and the algorithm preserves the shape of the original curve very well, i.e. outliers are displayed and not averaged out. It also seems computationally not too hard on the server. Setting it up: Import Entities from LTTB_Entities.xml Navigate to thing LTTB.TestThing in project LTTB, run service downsampleSetup to setup some sample data Open mashup LTTB.Sampling_MU: Initially, there are 8000 rows sent back. The chart widget decides how many of them are displayed. You can see the rowcount in the debug info. Using the button bar, you determine to how many points the result will be downsampled and sent to the client. Notice how the curve get rougher, but the shape is preserved. How it works: The potentially large result of QueryPropertyHistory is downsampled by running it through LTTB. The resulting Infotable is sent to the widget (see service LTTB.TestThing.getData). LTTB implementation itself is in service downsampleTimeseries     Debug mode allows you to see how much data is sent over the network, and how much the number decreases proportionally with the downsampling.   LTTB.TestThing.getData;   The export and the widget is done with TWX  9 but it's only the widget that really needs TWX 9. I guess the code would need some more error-checking for robustness, but it's a good starting point.  
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This is a slide deck I created while learning how to post data from an Arduino to ThingWorx using MQTT protocol.
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Attached (as PDF) are some steps to quickly get started with the Thingworx MQTT Extension so that you can subscribe / publish topics.
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ThingWorx offers Docker based installations utilizing existing PostgreSQL databases. In newer releases ThingWorx Docker installers also offer using other databases.   Personally I'm using a certain method of deployment where I can just easily exchange some files, create new images and have a H2 based environment running for some quick tests.   As H2 is a built-in database, I will not dive into setting up the platform-settings.json for other connectivity. However other databases can be connected to by adjusting the platform-settings.json. This might also require an internal Docker Network structure which I will not elaborate on here.   Note: the following procedure is not fully supported as it's not using the deployment methods provided by the installers!   Create the Directory Structure   My Directory structure looks the following (expanded for the 8.2.x branch):   /home/ts/docker/ twx.8.0.x.h2 twx.8.1.x.h2 twx.8.2.x.h2 Dockerfile settings platform-settings.json <license_file> storage Thingworx.war twx.8.3.x.h2   I have a directory for every version I want to test with.   In each directory there's the Dockerfile - the recipe file I'm using. There's also the version specific Thingworx.war file as well as two directories: settings and storage which I will map to the ThingWorx directories inside the image later.   The Recipe File   FROM tomcat:latest MAINTAINER LABEL version = "8.2.0" LABEL database = "H2"  RUN mkdir -p /ThingworxPlatform RUN mkdir -p /ThingworxStorage RUN mkdir -p /ThingworxBackupStorage ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 ENV JAVA_OPTS="-server -d64 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.timezone=GMT -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseG1GC -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Thingworx/WEB-INF/extensions COPY Thingworx.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps VOLUME ["/ThingworxPlatform", "/ThingworxStorage"] EXPOSE 8080   I change the version label to keep track of the versions for each recipe.   Deploying   Build the Docker Image by navigating to the directory where the recipe file is based in   sudo docker build -t twx.8.2.x.h2 .   Create a Docker Container and start it   sudo docker run -d --name=twx.8.2.x.h2 -p 82:8080 -v /home/ts/docker/twx.8.2.x.h2/storage:/ThingworxStorage -v /home/ts/docker/twx.8.2.x.h2/settings:/ThingworxPlatform twx.8.2.x.h2   I change the name of the Image and the Container as well as the external port to distinguish all the different versions. The -v option maps the paths in my Operating System to the paths in the Docker Container, so I can browse the ThingworxStorage and ThingworxPlatform folder without connecting inside the Container. That's quite handy to check the logs, or place the license file.   Starting and Stopping   I can fire up and shut down Containers I need with the following commands:   sudo docker start twx.8.2.x.h2 sudo docker stop twx.8.2.x.h2   What next   That's just my basic setup. Usually I copy & paste a working directory for deploying another version and adjust what needs to be changed. You could use this as a basis for quick and easy deployment where even additional features could be added, i.e. HTTPS configuration or auto-deploying certain ThingWorx Extensions via a REST API call.   To ensure starting with a clean Image, for building new Images I delete the contents of the storage folder and only leave the platform-settings.json in the settings folder (I copy the license later after generating it with my new Device ID).
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To help explain some of the different ways in which a prediction can be triggered from a Thingworx Analytics Model, I've built a mashup which allows you to easily trigger these types of prediction:   - API Realtime Prediction - Analytics Manager: Event - API Batch Prediction   For information on setting up this environment to use the mashup with some sample data, please see the attached instructions document: Prediction-Methods-Mashup.pdf. The referenced resource files can be found inside   For more information on prediction scoring please see this related post: How to score new data with ThingWorx Analytics 8.3.x
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Previously Installing & Connecting C SDK to Federated ThingWorx with VNC Tunneling to the Edge device Installing and configuring Web Socket Tunnel Extension on ThingWorx Platform Overview     Using the C SDK Edge client configuration we did earlier, we'll now create above illustrated setup. In this C SDK Client we'll push the data to ThingWorx Publisher with servername : TW802Neo to ThingWorx Subscriber servername : TW81. Notice that the SteamSensor2 on the pulisher server is the one binding to the C SDK client and the FederatedSteamThing on subscriber is only getting data from the SteamSensor2. Let's crack on!   Content   Configure ThingWorx to publish Configure ThingWorx to subscribe Publish entities from Publisher to the Subscriber Create Mashup to view data published to the subscriber Pre-requisite Minimum requirement is to have two ThingWorx servers running. Note that both ThingWorx systems can be publisher & subscriber at the same time.   Configure ThingWorx Publisher   Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Federation subscribers this server publishes to, i.e. all the server you want to publish to from this server. Refer to the Federation Subsystem doc in the Help Center to check detail description on each configurable parameter.   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to be published   1. Navigate back to the Composer home page and select the entity which you'd like to publish 2. In this case I'm using SteamSensor2 which is created to connect to the C SDK client 3. To publish edit the entity and click on Publish checkbox, like so 4. Save the entity   Configure ThingWorx Subscriber     Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Refer to help center doc on Federation Subsystems should you need more detail on the configurable parameter If you only want to use this server as a subscriber of entities from the publishing ThingWorx Server, in that case you don't have to Configure the section Federation subscribers this server publishes to, I've configured here anyway to show that both servers can work as publishers and subscribers   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to subscribe to a published Thing 1. Subscribing to an entity is fairly straight forward, I'll demonstrate by utilizing the C SDK client which is currently pushing values to my remote thing called SteamSensor2 on server https://tw802neo:443/Thingworx 2. I have already Published the StreamSensor2, see above section Configuring a Thing to be published 3. Create a Thing called FederatedStreamThing with RemoteThingWithTunnels as ThingTemplate, 4. Browser for the Identifier and select the required entity to which binding must be done, like so   5. Navigate to the Properties section for the entity, click Manage Bindings to search for the remote properties like so for adding them to this thing:     6. Save the entity and then we can see the values that were pushed from the client C SDK     7. Finally, we can also quickly see the values pulled via a Mashup created in the subscriber ThingWorx , below a is a simple mashup with grid widget pulling values using QueryPropertyHistory service  
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Thing Subscription This post is intended for novice ThingWorx users who wants to understand what the definition of Thing Subscription is and the overall purpose of using Thing Subscriptions.   Definition of a Thing Subscription? A Thing subscription is a script(JavaScript) that is called each time an event occurs. Events are property states which are of end users interest (e.g. temperature) and therefore indicators to kick off some functionality in a Thing subscription when any action needed. Events can e.g. be triggered by an Alert that detects a change or an anomaly in property values. The Thing subscription is explicitly linked to an event and when the event is fired the data is being passed to the subscriber.    Why Use a Thing Subscription? Imagine your machine is running 24 hours 7 days a week with supervised human interaction. If a pump temperature exceeds accepted value it needs to be regulated by the manufacturing department. But no one in the department knows when the temperature will exceed accepted value or drop suddenly therefore, the machines is always sporadically physically supervised by humans which leads to heavy costs for the manufacture. With a Thing Subscription a notification alert email can be sent directly to the department manager who acts based on the email notification.   Thing Subscription must have A Thing subscription must have defined a rule which gets executed when an event occurs. The definition of the rule may accommodate any appropriate business logic.   Thing Subscription example process In this scenario Thing subscription is using a predictive analytics model to detect Data Change or any anomaly values going through a Thing Property. So, based on historical data including failure information, a predictive analytics model begins to analyze run-time values from individual Things/properties to the analytics server. The predictive analytics model detects a pattern which detects past failures, when the analytics model predicts a failure/event based on the analyzed patterns an action is being fired via a Thing subscription. That action could be for ThingWorx to create a service ticket or send a notification email to the service department.   Example of a simple Thing Subscription set-up without using Analytics model to analyze data but instead a build-in ThingWorx alert Below example of Thing Subscription will send a notification email when temperature exceeds defined values from ThingWorx alert configuration. Prerequisites; it is necessary to have a mail server extension imported into the ThingWorx Composer this enables the service department to receive the email notification when an event have occurred. The extension can be downloaded from the marketplace. 1. Create a Thing with the MailServer[i] as the Base Thing template.     2. Create a new Thing and add Properties together with an alert that is triggered when the value exeeds user defined temerature.   3. Enable the Thing Subcriptions by Select Subscription and click +Add Make sure to mark the checkbox Enabled Selecting your Event name and your Property name In the right side of the screen you can enter your script/function that will notify ThingWorx email service to create the email notification Select Done and Save   4. Enable Email notification by selecting Services Provide an name Select Me/Entities Mark Other entity Find your Thing where the MailServer is the Thing Template   5. Then find the SendMessage snippet/script and fill out the snippet with your personal information.   [i] View this blog for more information on how to install the MailServer
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Create a new Thing using the Scheduler Thing Template. The Scheduler Thing will fire a ScheduledEvent Event when the configured schedule is fired. The event is automatically present and does not need to be added manually. Configuration   The Scheduler Configuration is quite straightforward and allows for an exact setup of schedule based on units of time, e.g. seconds, minutes, hours, days of week etc. It can be accessed via the Thing's Entity Configuration   Configuration allows for Changing the runAsUser context - in which the Events will be handled. The user will need visibility and permission on e.g. executing Services or depending Things, which are required to run the Service triggered by the Event. Changing the Schedule - in which time the Events will be fired (by default every minute). The schedule is displayed in CRON String notation and can be changed and viewed in detail by clicking on "More". The CRON String will be generated automatically based on the inputs. Schedules can be configured in Manual mode - allowing for full configuration of each and every time based attribute. Schedules can be configured for a specific time Type - allowing for configuration only based on seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years. Below screenshots show schedules running every minute and every Saturday / Sunday at 12:00 ("Every Weekend Day").     Services   Scheduler Things inherit two Services by default from the Thing Template DisableScheduler EnableScheduler These will activate / de-activate the Scheduler and allow / disallow firing Events once a scheduled time is reached If a Scheduler is currenty enabled or disabled can be seen in its properites  
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Original Post Date:      June 6, 2016   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating an InfoTable through a service, creating and adding a Data Shape adding rows to the Infotable through a service, adding rows to an InfoTable property and querying the InfoTable.    
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Pushbullet is a lightweight notifications platform and can be a way to explore Alerts and Subscriptions Basically create an an Alert on a property and Subscribe to that Alert Adding Alert to Property Humidity Adding Subscription The PTC-PushBulletHelper is just a generic Thing with a service called PushNotification var json = {     "body": Message,     "title":"Temperature fault",     "type":"note" }; var accessHeader = {     "Access-Token": "o.Hnm2DeiABcmbwuc7FSDmfWjfadiLXx2M" }; var params = {      proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,     headers: accessHeader /* JSON */,      ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      workstation: undefined /* STRING */,      useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,      url: '' /* STRING */,      content: json /* JSON */,      timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */,      proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,      password: undefined /* STRING */,      domain: undefined /* STRING */,      username: undefined /* STRING */ }; // result: JSON var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostJSON(params); You can test the Helper PushNotification service Next you can test the subscription
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If you ever tested mashup rendering on mobile phones, you probably experienced that the mashup was not sizing to fit your mobile display. This "MobileHeader" extension enables to auto adapt the mashup to mobile displays.   It adds the following parameters to the HTML header: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">   In the composer just drop the "MobileHeader" extension into a section of the mashup.   This extension was tested until version 7.4.
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Disclaimer: example was provided by Hatcher Chad -   //   // For this example, we'll have an Math service   // which takes two numbers, and an operation.   // The result will be that operation performed on the two inputs.       //   // We either need an Application Key,   // or user credentials to perform the reads and writes.   // App keys are a little safer.   // In this demo, we'll store it on the Entity as a Property.   var appKey = me.appKey;       //   // The service name needs to be unique and not already in use.   var serviceName = "MyMath";       //   // What are the inputs to the service?   // We'll define them nicely here, but manipulate this object later.   var parameters = {   "op" : "STRING",   "x" : "NUMBER",   "y" : "NUMBER"   };       //   // What datatype does the service return?   // If it's an infotable,   // then you'll also have to specify the data shape   // as part of the resultType's aspect,   // but I won't demonstrate that here.   var output = "NUMBER";       //   // What is the actual service script?   // We'll define it here as an array of lines, and then join them together.   var serviceScript = [   "var result = (function() {",   " switch(op) {",   " case \"add\": return x + y;",   " case \"sub\": return x - y;",   " case \"mult\": return x * y;",   " case \"div\": return x / y;",   " default: return op in Math ? Math[op](x, y) : 0;",   " };",   "})();",   ].join("\n");       ////////       //   // Let's convert the friendly parameter definition   // into the structure that ThingWorx uses:   var parameterDefinitions = Object.keys(parameters).reduce(function(parameterDefinitions, parameterName, index) {   var parameterType = parameters[parameterName];   parameterDefinitions[parameterName] = {   "name": parameterName,   "aspects": {},   "description": "",   "baseType": parameterType,   "ordinal": index   };   return parameterDefinitions;   }, {});       //   // Now let's set up our service definition and implementation.   var definition = {   "isAllowOverride": false,   "isOpen": false,   "sourceType": "Unknown",   "parameterDefinitions": parameterDefinitions,   "name": serviceName,   "aspects": {   "isAsync": false   },   "isLocalOnly": false,   "description": "",   "isPrivate": false,   "sourceName": "",   "category": "",   "resultType": {   "name": "result",   "aspects": {},   "description": "",   "baseType": output,   "ordinal": 0   }   };       var implementation = {   "name": serviceName,   "description": "",   "handlerName": "Script",   "configurationTables": {   "Script": {   "isMultiRow": false,   "name": "Script",   "description": "Script",   "rows": [{   "code": serviceScript   }],   "ordinal": 0,   "dataShape": {   "fieldDefinitions": {   "code": {   "name": "code",   "aspects": {},   "description": "code",   "baseType": "STRING",   "ordinal": 0   }   }   }   }   }   };       ////////       //   // Here are the URLs we'll need in order to make updates.   // You can change the thing name ('ServiceModifier' here)   // to something else.   // If you use credentials instead of an app key,   // then you can remove the appKey parameter here,   // but you'll have to add the username and password   // to the two ContentLoaderFunctions calls.   var url = {   export : ""+appKey,   import : ""+appKey   };       //   // We can download the entity to modify as a JSON object.   // Older versions of ThingWorx might not support this.   var config = Resources.ContentLoaderFunctions.GetJSON({   url : url.export,   });       //   // We have to modify both the 'effectiveShape',   // as well as the 'thingShape'.   config.effectiveShape.serviceDefinitions[serviceName] = definition;   config.effectiveShape.serviceImplementations[serviceName] = implementation;       config.thingShape.serviceDefinitions[serviceName] = definition;   config.thingShape.serviceImplementations[serviceName] = implementation;       // Finally, we can push our updates back into ThingWorx.   Resources.ContentLoaderFunctions.PutText({   url : url.export,   content : JSON.stringify(config),   contentType : "application/json",   });       // The end.
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Sampling Strategy​ This Blog Post will cover the 4 sampling Strategies that are available in ThingWorx Analytics.  It will tell you how the sampling strategy runs behind the scenes, when you may want to use that strategy, and will give you the pros and cons of each strategy. SAMPLE_WITH_REPLACEMENT This strategy is not often used by professionals but still may be useful in certain circumstances.  When you sample with replacement, the value that you randomly selected is then returned to the sample pool.  So there is a chance that you can have the same record multiple times in your sample. Example Let’s say you have a hat that contain 3 cards with different people’s names on them. John Sarah Tom Let’s say you make 2 random selections. The first selection you pull out the name Tom. When you sample with replacement, you would put the name Tom back into the hat and then randomly select a card again.  For your second selection, it is possible to get another name like Sarah, or the same one you selected, Tom. Pros May find improved models in smaller datasets with low row counts Cons The Accuracy of the model may be artificially inflated due to duplicates in the sample SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is the default setting in ThingWorx Analytics and the most commonly used sampling strategy by professionals.  The way this strategy works is after the value is randomly selected from the sample pool, it is not returned.  This ensures that all the values that are selected for the sample, are unique. Example Let’s say you have a hat that contain 3 cards with different people’s names on them. John Sarah Tom Let’s say you make 2 random selections. The first selection you pull out the name Tom. When you sample without replacement, you would randomly select a card from the hat again without adding the card Tom.  For your second selection, you could only get the Sarah or John card. Pros This is the sampling strategy that is most commonly used It will deliver the best results in most cases Cons May not be the best choice if the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset UPSAMPLE_AND_SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is useful when the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset.  The features that represent the desired outcome of the goal are copied multiple times so they represent a larger share of the total dataset. Example Let’s say you are trying to discover if a patient is at risk for developing a rare condition, like chronic kidney failure, that affects around .5% of the US population.  In this case, the most accurate model that would be generated would say that no one will get this condition, and according to the numbers, it would be right 99.5% of the time.  But in reality, this is not helpful at all to the use case since you want to know if the patient is at risk of developing the condition. To avoid this from happening, copies are made of the records where the patient did develop the condition so it represents a larger share of the dataset.  Doing this will give ThingWorx Analytics more examples to help it generate a more accurate model. Pros Patterns from the original dataset remain intact Cons Longer training time DOWNSAMPLE_AND_SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is also useful when the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset. In downsample and sample without replacement, some features that do not represent the desired goal outcome are removed. This is done to increase the desired features percentage of the dataset. Example Let’s continue using the medical example from above.  Instead of creating copies of the desired records, undesired record are removed from the dataset.  This causes the records where patients did develop the condition to occupy a larger percentage of the dataset. Pros Shorter training time Cons Patterns from the original dataset may be lost
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