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ThingWorx 8.4 is here!   We know you’ve been patient, as we’ve released sneak peeks on Ask Kaya of various new or updated features, including: InfluxDB as New Time Series Data Persistence Provider Responsive Mashup Layout with New Layout Editor ThingPresence to Address Assets that Always Appear Offline Functions to Allow Expression & Validator Widgets to No Longer Crowd Canvases at Design Time Property Transforms to Do Statistical Transforms for Property Values No longer are you forced to sit idly as we give you glimpses of the new functionality without the ability to play with it. Now that it’s available, go run with the wind!   To discover even more features and details, check out the release notes.   ThingWorx 8.4 can be downloaded here.   Let us know what you think of the new release below!   - Kaya
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Style theming is a Beta feature that allows you to customize the look of your mashups and widgets.   A style theme is a set of styling properties for elements such as text, colors, and lines that you can apply to a mashup. You can manage styles for multiple mashups more easily by using style themes. Style theme apply on a mashup level, unlike style definitions, which apply on a widget level. When you apply a style theme to a mashup, all embedded widgets and mashups will derive styling properties from the style theme for the top level mashup. You can perform the following tasks:   • Create and modify style themes. • Apply a style theme to one or more mashups. • Reuse a style theme by using Import/Export. • Define custom CSS for a style theme. CSS rules are applied to all mashups that use the style theme.   Style theme support is limited to the following types widgets: • New widgets — You can only apply a style theme to these widgets. • Hybrid widgets — You can use style definitions or a style theme to style these widgets.   NOTE: You can enable or disable style themes for hybrid widgets by using the (BETA) UseThemeForHybrids property in the mashup properties panel. However, you cannot use style definitions with web component widgets.   To read more about Base Theme, Creating, and Modifying Style Themes, refer to our ThingWorx Help Center.
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ThingWorx offers Docker based installations utilizing existing PostgreSQL databases. In newer releases ThingWorx Docker installers also offer using other databases.   Personally I'm using a certain method of deployment where I can just easily exchange some files, create new images and have a H2 based environment running for some quick tests.   As H2 is a built-in database, I will not dive into setting up the platform-settings.json for other connectivity. However other databases can be connected to by adjusting the platform-settings.json. This might also require an internal Docker Network structure which I will not elaborate on here.   Note: the following procedure is not fully supported as it's not using the deployment methods provided by the installers!   Create the Directory Structure   My Directory structure looks the following (expanded for the 8.2.x branch):   /home/ts/docker/ twx.8.0.x.h2 twx.8.1.x.h2 twx.8.2.x.h2 Dockerfile settings platform-settings.json <license_file> storage Thingworx.war twx.8.3.x.h2   I have a directory for every version I want to test with.   In each directory there's the Dockerfile - the recipe file I'm using. There's also the version specific Thingworx.war file as well as two directories: settings and storage which I will map to the ThingWorx directories inside the image later.   The Recipe File   FROM tomcat:latest MAINTAINER LABEL version = "8.2.0" LABEL database = "H2"  RUN mkdir -p /ThingworxPlatform RUN mkdir -p /ThingworxStorage RUN mkdir -p /ThingworxBackupStorage ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 ENV JAVA_OPTS="-server -d64 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.timezone=GMT -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseG1GC -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Thingworx/WEB-INF/extensions COPY Thingworx.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps VOLUME ["/ThingworxPlatform", "/ThingworxStorage"] EXPOSE 8080   I change the version label to keep track of the versions for each recipe.   Deploying   Build the Docker Image by navigating to the directory where the recipe file is based in   sudo docker build -t twx.8.2.x.h2 .   Create a Docker Container and start it   sudo docker run -d --name=twx.8.2.x.h2 -p 82:8080 -v /home/ts/docker/twx.8.2.x.h2/storage:/ThingworxStorage -v /home/ts/docker/twx.8.2.x.h2/settings:/ThingworxPlatform twx.8.2.x.h2   I change the name of the Image and the Container as well as the external port to distinguish all the different versions. The -v option maps the paths in my Operating System to the paths in the Docker Container, so I can browse the ThingworxStorage and ThingworxPlatform folder without connecting inside the Container. That's quite handy to check the logs, or place the license file.   Starting and Stopping   I can fire up and shut down Containers I need with the following commands:   sudo docker start twx.8.2.x.h2 sudo docker stop twx.8.2.x.h2   What next   That's just my basic setup. Usually I copy & paste a working directory for deploying another version and adjust what needs to be changed. You could use this as a basis for quick and easy deployment where even additional features could be added, i.e. HTTPS configuration or auto-deploying certain ThingWorx Extensions via a REST API call.   To ensure starting with a clean Image, for building new Images I delete the contents of the storage folder and only leave the platform-settings.json in the settings folder (I copy the license later after generating it with my new Device ID).
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How to score new data with ThingWorx Analytics ?   The following is valid starting with ThingWorx Analytics (TWA) 8.3.0   Overview   Once a training model has been created, one of the main objective is to score new data to predict the value for the goal ThingWorx Analytics can score new data in 2 ways: Batch scoring Real time scoring Batch scoring   Batch scoring will be used when a large amount of data needs to be scored. To perform a batch scoring we will usually follow steps similar to the below ones: Upload the historic data Create a new model with this historic data Upload new data – the one to be scored Perform a prediction job to score those new data Retrieve the prediction job result Uploading the new data can be done in different ways. If using a large amount of data, it can be easier to upload the data via a csv file in a similar way as the historic data. This is the way used in ThingWorx Analytics Builder. If the amount of data is more limited this can be sent in the body of the scoring request. The post Analytics: Prediction Methods Mashup  shows a good example of how to do this using the PredictionThing.BatchScore service. We are focusing below on ThingWorx Analytics Builder, that is uploading new data via a csv file. In order to perform the scoring job only on the new data in step 4 above, we need to be able to filter those added data. If the dataset has already suitable column/feature such as a timestamp for example, we can use this to score only new data after timestamp > newdate, assuming all data are in chronological order. If the dataset has no such feature, we will have to add one  beforehand when we first upload the historic data in step 1 above. We often use a new column/feature named record_purpose to this effect. So initial data can take a value of training for this record_purpose feature since they are used to create the initial model. Then new added data to be scored can get any value that identify those rows only. It is important to note that this record_purpose feature needs to be set with the optType INFORMATIONAL so as to not be taken into account by the learning algorithms.   The video below shows those steps while using ThingWorx Analytics Builder   Real time scoring   Real time scoring is better suited for small amount of data. The process for real time scoring can be done either via the Analytics Server PredictionThing RealTimeScore service or using the Analytics Manager framework. The posts How to work with ordinal and categorical data in ThingWorx Analytics  and Analytics: Prediction Methods Mashup do give  examples of the use of the RealTimeScore service.   We will concentrate below on the Analytics Manager. The process involves the following steps: In Analytics Manager Create an Analysis Provider that uses the AnalyticsServerConnector connector Publish the model created in ThingWorx Analytics Builder to Analytics Manager Enable the model created Create an Analysis Event Map the properties to the datashape field Enable the Event In ThingWorx Composer Relevant properties of the Thing used in the Analysis Event are updated in someway This trigger the analysis job to be executed The scoring result is populated into the result property mapped in the Analysis event The Help Center has got more detailed about this process. The following video shows those steps Following articles can also be of interest for this topic: How to use ThingPredictor in release 8.3 of ThingWorx Analytics Server ? Publish model from Analytics Builder into Analytics Manager using TW.AnalysisServices.AnalyticsServer.AnalyticsServerConnector Creating Template For Thing, And Configure Analysis Event For Real-Time Scoring via Analytics Manager Note that the AnalyticsServerConnector connector in release 8.3 replaces the ThingPredictor connector from previous releases.
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To help explain some of the different ways in which a prediction can be triggered from a Thingworx Analytics Model, I've built a mashup which allows you to easily trigger these types of prediction:   - API Realtime Prediction - Analytics Manager: Event - API Batch Prediction   For information on setting up this environment to use the mashup with some sample data, please see the attached instructions document: Prediction-Methods-Mashup.pdf. The referenced resource files can be found inside   For more information on prediction scoring please see this related post: How to score new data with ThingWorx Analytics 8.3.x
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Previously Installing & Connecting C SDK to Federated ThingWorx with VNC Tunneling to the Edge device Installing and configuring Web Socket Tunnel Extension on ThingWorx Platform Overview     Using the C SDK Edge client configuration we did earlier, we'll now create above illustrated setup. In this C SDK Client we'll push the data to ThingWorx Publisher with servername : TW802Neo to ThingWorx Subscriber servername : TW81. Notice that the SteamSensor2 on the pulisher server is the one binding to the C SDK client and the FederatedSteamThing on subscriber is only getting data from the SteamSensor2. Let's crack on!   Content   Configure ThingWorx to publish Configure ThingWorx to subscribe Publish entities from Publisher to the Subscriber Create Mashup to view data published to the subscriber Pre-requisite Minimum requirement is to have two ThingWorx servers running. Note that both ThingWorx systems can be publisher & subscriber at the same time.   Configure ThingWorx Publisher   Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Federation subscribers this server publishes to, i.e. all the server you want to publish to from this server. Refer to the Federation Subsystem doc in the Help Center to check detail description on each configurable parameter.   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to be published   1. Navigate back to the Composer home page and select the entity which you'd like to publish 2. In this case I'm using SteamSensor2 which is created to connect to the C SDK client 3. To publish edit the entity and click on Publish checkbox, like so 4. Save the entity   Configure ThingWorx Subscriber     Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Refer to help center doc on Federation Subsystems should you need more detail on the configurable parameter If you only want to use this server as a subscriber of entities from the publishing ThingWorx Server, in that case you don't have to Configure the section Federation subscribers this server publishes to, I've configured here anyway to show that both servers can work as publishers and subscribers   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to subscribe to a published Thing 1. Subscribing to an entity is fairly straight forward, I'll demonstrate by utilizing the C SDK client which is currently pushing values to my remote thing called SteamSensor2 on server https://tw802neo:443/Thingworx 2. I have already Published the StreamSensor2, see above section Configuring a Thing to be published 3. Create a Thing called FederatedStreamThing with RemoteThingWithTunnels as ThingTemplate, 4. Browser for the Identifier and select the required entity to which binding must be done, like so   5. Navigate to the Properties section for the entity, click Manage Bindings to search for the remote properties like so for adding them to this thing:     6. Save the entity and then we can see the values that were pushed from the client C SDK     7. Finally, we can also quickly see the values pulled via a Mashup created in the subscriber ThingWorx , below a is a simple mashup with grid widget pulling values using QueryPropertyHistory service  
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ThingWorx 8.3 covers the following areas of the product portfolio:  ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Utilities, and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Connection Server and Edge capabilities.   Highlights of the release include:   ThingWorx Foundation Next Generation Composer: Now default admin and developer interface Full Feature parity with legacy Composer New capability for User and Group administration, Authorization and permissions, Export, Monitoring and Logging. More in Helpcenter Localization support for German and French Mashup Builder: JQuery 3 upgrade Grid Advanced Extension now supports Cell Editing and Footers Platform: Active Directory (AD) Integration enhancements for larger AD forests and user extension field mapping Upgrade in-place enhancements for Java SDK developers Developer Enablement Capture the usage statics such as time taken to execute a ThingWorx service, # of times a service runs in ThingWorx using Service Utilization Statistics functionality powered by all new and efficient Utilization Subsystem. Collect ThingWorx system data such as ESAPI configuration, ThingworxStorage logs, licensing, and JVM information to better diagnose system issues Service Utilization Statistics: ThingWorx Support Package tool Administrator Password and Password Length New installations of ThingWorx will be required to supply the initial Administrator password of the installer’s choice. That password must be supplied via a new entry in the platform-settings.json file. After the initial installation, the Administrator password should then be changed to a strong password to be used going forward. Additional information. As a step toward industry best practices, the Administrator password and all new passwords will need to be at least 10 characters.  When upgrading to 8.3, passwords from older versions of the platform will not need to be modified, but any new passwords being created will need to be at least 10 characters long. See the installation instructions for complete details.   ThingWorx Analytics New Descriptive Services  Core statistics (min, max, deviation, etc.), data distribution (binning), confidence intervals, and other useful calculations. Frequency analysis and transformation (via fast Fourier transform) for troubleshooting use cases and predictive analytics applications Improves users’ ability to apply logic and derive the following insights from streaming data without constructing complex models or accessing machine learning: Enables platform developers to easily process platform data in their applications and prepare the data for predictions. Statistical Process Control (SPC) Services Provides industry-standard calculations that allow IoT developers to implement SPC “control chart rules” in their applications.  Useful in manufacturing and in monitoring equipment and processes. Supports a wide assortment of rules, including number of points continuously above / below a range, in and out of range, increasing or decreasing trends, or alternating directions. Analytics Workbench Bundles the two Analytics interfaces (Analytics Builder and Manager) into a new Analytics section in Composer. Predictive Analytics Improvements Reduces overall install and administration complexity. Improves handling of time dseries data when used in predictive scoring. Includes a new learner, Support Vector Machines, enhancing the platform’s utility in building Boolean predictions. Includes a new ensemble method, Majority Vote, that improves generated model accuracy. Provides redundancy filtering which can optionally remove redundant information to improve explanatory analytics (Signals) and predictive model training. Now supports time series lookahead configuration, simplifying this type of prediction. Replaces ThingPredictor predictive scoring in Analytics Manager with native Analytics Server scoring: Improves scalability of concurrent jobs. Axeda Compatibility Package IDM Connector Support o   ACP v1.1.0 introduces the IDM Connector which enables Axeda customers to connect their Axeda IDM agents to the ThingWorx platform.  The IDM Connector provides support for registration requests, property updates, faults, events, file uploads and downloads.  Axeda ThingWorx Entity Exporter Update o   ACP v1.1.0 also includes an updated version of Axeda-ThingWorx Entity Exporter (ATEE) which now supports exporting Axeda IDM assets from the Axeda application into a format that can be imported in the ThingWorx Platform.  eMessage Connector Improvements o   Additionally, ACP v1.1.0 includes support for instruction based Software Content Management packages for the eMessage Connector which allows you to download file(s), execute instruction(s) and optionally restart the agent.  The Axeda Compatibility Extension (ACE) has new entities to support the IDM Connector and SCM for the eMesssage Connector.  o   Finally, updated versions of the Axeda Compatibility Extensions (ACE) and the Connection Services Extension (CSE) are included in ACP v1.1.0 and provide an improved workflow for granting permissions to the eMessage and IDM Connectors. ThingWorx Extension Updates Websocket Tunnel Extension Update The Websocket Tunnel Extension was updated for 8.3 to support the upgrade to jQuery3 Grid Advanced 4.0.0 comes with 2 key features: Editing - we now have cell editing support for all basetypes. The previous version had boolean editing; 4.0.0 now includes support for all basetypes. Footers - A footer section can now be added to the Grid to display rolled-up Grid totals. You can perform client-side calculations like count, min, max and average, and it includes support for custom functions. Note - Grid Advanced 4.0.0 only supports ThingWorx 8.3 and above. Custom Charts 3.0.1 12 Bug Fixes Google Maps 3.0.1 General Bug Fixes ThingWorx Utilities With the 8.3 Release, ThingWorx Utilities functionality are being repackaged into ThingWorx Foundation and ThingWorx Asset Advisor.  ThingWorx Workflow will now be available with Foundation.  The functionality from the Asset and Alert Management Utilities will be delivered in ThingWorx Asset Advisor.  ThingWorx Software Content Management capabilities will continue to be available for customer to manage the delivery of Software to their Connected Products.  The naming of “Utilities” is being phased out of the ThingWorx Platform packaging but the key functionality formerly described as ThingWorx Utilities continues to be delivered with version 8.3.   ThingWorx 8.3 Reference Documents ThingWorx Analytics 8.3 Reference Documents ThingWorx Platform 8.3 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Installation Guide     ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal PTC Marketplace   The following items will be available for download from the PTC Software Download site on June 8, 2018. ThingWorx Platform – Select Release 8.3 ThingWorx Utilities – Select Release 8.3 ThingWorx Analytics – Select Release 8.3 ThingWorx Extensions – Select Individual Extensions for download.  Will be available with the next Marketplace refresh
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Thing Subscription This post is intended for novice ThingWorx users who wants to understand what the definition of Thing Subscription is and the overall purpose of using Thing Subscriptions.   Definition of a Thing Subscription? A Thing subscription is a script(JavaScript) that is called each time an event occurs. Events are property states which are of end users interest (e.g. temperature) and therefore indicators to kick off some functionality in a Thing subscription when any action needed. Events can e.g. be triggered by an Alert that detects a change or an anomaly in property values. The Thing subscription is explicitly linked to an event and when the event is fired the data is being passed to the subscriber.    Why Use a Thing Subscription? Imagine your machine is running 24 hours 7 days a week with supervised human interaction. If a pump temperature exceeds accepted value it needs to be regulated by the manufacturing department. But no one in the department knows when the temperature will exceed accepted value or drop suddenly therefore, the machines is always sporadically physically supervised by humans which leads to heavy costs for the manufacture. With a Thing Subscription a notification alert email can be sent directly to the department manager who acts based on the email notification.   Thing Subscription must have A Thing subscription must have defined a rule which gets executed when an event occurs. The definition of the rule may accommodate any appropriate business logic.   Thing Subscription example process In this scenario Thing subscription is using a predictive analytics model to detect Data Change or any anomaly values going through a Thing Property. So, based on historical data including failure information, a predictive analytics model begins to analyze run-time values from individual Things/properties to the analytics server. The predictive analytics model detects a pattern which detects past failures, when the analytics model predicts a failure/event based on the analyzed patterns an action is being fired via a Thing subscription. That action could be for ThingWorx to create a service ticket or send a notification email to the service department.   Example of a simple Thing Subscription set-up without using Analytics model to analyze data but instead a build-in ThingWorx alert Below example of Thing Subscription will send a notification email when temperature exceeds defined values from ThingWorx alert configuration. Prerequisites; it is necessary to have a mail server extension imported into the ThingWorx Composer this enables the service department to receive the email notification when an event have occurred. The extension can be downloaded from the marketplace. 1. Create a Thing with the MailServer[i] as the Base Thing template.     2. Create a new Thing and add Properties together with an alert that is triggered when the value exeeds user defined temerature.   3. Enable the Thing Subcriptions by Select Subscription and click +Add Make sure to mark the checkbox Enabled Selecting your Event name and your Property name In the right side of the screen you can enter your script/function that will notify ThingWorx email service to create the email notification Select Done and Save   4. Enable Email notification by selecting Services Provide an name Select Me/Entities Mark Other entity Find your Thing where the MailServer is the Thing Template   5. Then find the SendMessage snippet/script and fill out the snippet with your personal information.   [i] View this blog for more information on how to install the MailServer
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There are many choices in life and ThingWorx offers some persistence provider options as well. As of ThingWorx release 8.2, five Database options are provided. 1 PostgreSQL  9.4.5 minimum 2 DataStax Enterprise Edition 4.6.3,5 3 SAP HANA  SPS 11, 12 4 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and later 5 H2 (version info is not available, maybe because it's an embedded?) H2 is for small scale, mainly for testing purpose, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server are for middle scale and finally DataStax Enterprise Edition is for big scale. I don't have enough information about SAP HANA so would like to leave it untouched in my comment... I don't have a number as to how many customers are using which database but my gut feeling tells me that PostgreSQL is a popular option, especially cost-wise. PostgreSQL offers powerful tools, such as logging and utilities, to troubleshoot issues.   In this post I would like to cover some useful information you can retrieve by using pgstattuple and pgstatindex of contrib module. By default, PostgreSQL takes a good care of fragmentation and reindex by itself. But in some cases, there's a situation that you want to review status of the database to narrow down the cause of your troubleshooting issue. There are many ways to achieve it but contrib module is provided to review stats of tables and indexes. As explained in this article, it is recommended to keep the number of records in value_stream and stream less than 100,000. That means you'll insert and delete many records when running ThingWorx. What happens then? If you delete(/update) a record in a table, PostgreSQL keeps the previous record in a page but mark it as deleted(and inserts a new record when it's update operation) If the number of those logically deleted records increases, PostgreSQL needs to access many pages of the table to obtain records which meets the criteria user might experience slow performance because of this Those logically deleted records will be ultimately removed from pages when vacuum is run   If you have installed contrib module and enabled it, you can review stats of tables by command below; select * from pgstattuple('stream');                             //This returns the stats of stream table select * from pgstatindex('stream_id_time_index');    //This returns the stats of an index on stream table   pgstattuple returns information below (I modified the format to make it more readable in this post) and meaning of each items are explained in the document .   table_len tuple_count tuple_len tuple_percent dead_tuple_count dead_tuple_len dead_tuple_percent free_space free_percent  8192 1 33 0.4 3  97 1.18 8004 97.71   Before obtaining the stat, I Inserted 4 records and Deleted 3 records and therefore it shows that tuple_count (the active record is 1) and dead_tuple_count (the logically deleted records are 3) and dead_tuple_percent is 1.18. If dead_tuple_percent is high, that means the table is not vacuumed or many DML were executed after the last vacuum operation and this could be the cause of the slow ststem performance.   * IMPORTANT: pgstattuple, pgstatindex consumes resources so it's recommended to run them during the maintenance window.   Takaaki
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Datasets with ordinal or categorical goal cannot currently be used in ThingWorx Analytics Builder. However this is only a UI limitation, ThingWorx Analytics Server can handle those data. It does simply require to use the services from the AnalyticsServer-Training and AnalyticsServer-Prediction things to perform the operations.   This can be done using a mashup or via Rest API call (see ) . The below video expands on the mashup solution. Attached are also the entities used during the video and a sample dataset with ordinal goal.     Update for ThingWorx 9.0  The API has changed in 9.0, use the entities Entities-90-3Jun2020.xml for release 9.0  
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ThingShape   Much like the ThingTemplate, ThingShapes are one of the basic entities for modeling the business logic within the ThingWorx composer. They are best used for describing the relationships between the objects within your IoT model being designed in ThingWorx platform. See ThingShape in Help Center for more   Note: Additional helpful read ThingTemplate : Nuances, Tips & Tricks   ThingShape vs ThingTemplate   While both ThingShape and ThingTemplate are basic building blocks for IoT model in ThingWorx platform; they differ to an extent in terms of the usage and logic   ThingShapes could be seen as bit more basic building block compared to the ThingTemplate ThingTemplates can implement one or more ThingShapes, this is not possible vice versa ThingShapes are ought to be used for implementing more generalised business logic as opposed to ThingTemplate There's no requirement to select ThingTemplate while creating a ThingShape A Thing inherits a ThingShape via the ThingTemplate which it is implementing   ThingShape vs DataShape   While ThingShape is used for defining the relationships within your IoT model in ThingWorx, DataShapes are targeted towards structuring and giving shapes & definition to the data model and how it will be represented. DataShapes are also used for describing a data set e.g. when there's a requirement on fetching result in a specific format when querying InfoTable.   Methods to create ThingShape   There are quite a few possibilities to create ThingShape   Via the ThingWorx Composer Navigate to the ThingWorx Composer > New > ThingShape Add an unique name to the ThingShape Notice during creation there's no ThingTemplate needed for selection, however behind the scene all Things in ThingWorx draw from base template called GenericThing Under Properties and Alerts section add required properties Finally, Save the entity Creating ThingShape via ThingWorx Composer Via the custom ThingWorx Service within the Composer ThingShape can also be created via the OOTB available JavaScript service under the Resources > Entity Service > CreateThingService. To use this service Navigate to a Thing > Services > Snippets > Search for ThingShape And add the CreateThingShape service, which will look like this var params = { name: "DemoThingShape" /* STRING */, description: "Custom ThingShape Creation Script" /* STRING */, tags: undefined /* TAGS */ }; // no return Resources["EntityServices"].CreateThingShape(params); Via the ThingWorx Extension SDK as custom extension for ThingWorx ThingWorx Extension SDK allows users to extend and add functionalities to ThingWorx that may not be available OOTB.   @ThingworxBaseTemplateDefinition(name = "GenericThing") public class DemoThingShape102 extends Thing { /** * custom thingShape created using Extension SDK to display most basic * structure for the class. * Note that the class is annotated with ThingworxBaseTemplateDefinition to * define GenericThing Template */ public DemoThingShape102() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } } This simple example can be extended by adding couple of properties, similar to what's defined in the ThingShape created in ThingWorx Composer. Properties are defined with annotation ThingworxPropertyDefinitions like so :   @ThingworxPropertyDefinitions(properties = { @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "Prop1", description = "defined in Extension SDK ; and is persistent", category = "", baseType = "STRING", isLocalOnly = false, aspects = { "isPersistent:true", "dataChangeType:VALUE" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "Prop2", description = "defined in Extension SDK", category = "", baseType = "NUMBER", isLocalOnly = false, aspects = { "dataChangeType:VALUE" }) }) Putting it all toegther :   @ThingworxBaseTemplateDefinition(name = "GenericThing") @ThingworxPropertyDefinitions(properties = { @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "Prop1", description = "defined in Extension SDK ; and is persistent", category = "", baseType = "STRING", isLocalOnly = false, aspects = { "isPersistent:true", "dataChangeType:VALUE" }), @ThingworxPropertyDefinition(name = "Prop2", description = "defined in Extension SDK", category = "", baseType = "NUMBER", isLocalOnly = false, aspects = { "dataChangeType:VALUE" }) }) public class DemoThingShape102 extends Thing { /** * */ public DemoThingShape102() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } }   Tips & Tricks   Adding new entities while developing custom extension via the Extension SDK would require adding those entities to the metadata.xml Failing to appropriately update metadata.xml will lead to either failure in importing the extension whithin ThingWorx or Entities might not appear correctly Custom extension development process can be greatly accelerated and extension project correctly configured using the Eclipse Plugin for ThingWorx Extensions available for download from ThingWorx Marketplace Eclipse Plugin for ThingWorx Extensions ensures that custom entities are correctly organized under metadata.xml - this update to the metadata.xml file is applied automatically as the user go about creating entities within the project's scope Users might prefer to write custom entities over creating them in ThingWorx for the reasons custom entities and code used for creating custom services under the extension - are hidden when they are built into an extension and imported into ThingWorx Other related reads Remote properties, services and events can be created on a ThingShape, but they won't properly, unless the ThingShape is applied to a RemoteThing How  can I update  the  thing template's properties or  thing shape's  properties by C SDK? How to create ThingShapes and ThingTemplates in an Extension ThingShape in ThingWorx Help Center
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Create a new Thing using the Scheduler Thing Template. The Scheduler Thing will fire a ScheduledEvent Event when the configured schedule is fired. The event is automatically present and does not need to be added manually. Configuration   The Scheduler Configuration is quite straightforward and allows for an exact setup of schedule based on units of time, e.g. seconds, minutes, hours, days of week etc. It can be accessed via the Thing's Entity Configuration   Configuration allows for Changing the runAsUser context - in which the Events will be handled. The user will need visibility and permission on e.g. executing Services or depending Things, which are required to run the Service triggered by the Event. Changing the Schedule - in which time the Events will be fired (by default every minute). The schedule is displayed in CRON String notation and can be changed and viewed in detail by clicking on "More". The CRON String will be generated automatically based on the inputs. Schedules can be configured in Manual mode - allowing for full configuration of each and every time based attribute. Schedules can be configured for a specific time Type - allowing for configuration only based on seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years. Below screenshots show schedules running every minute and every Saturday / Sunday at 12:00 ("Every Weekend Day").     Services   Scheduler Things inherit two Services by default from the Thing Template DisableScheduler EnableScheduler These will activate / de-activate the Scheduler and allow / disallow firing Events once a scheduled time is reached If a Scheduler is currenty enabled or disabled can be seen in its properites  
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Original Post Date:      June 6, 2016   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating an InfoTable through a service, creating and adding a Data Shape adding rows to the Infotable through a service, adding rows to an InfoTable property and querying the InfoTable.    
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Original Post Date:     June 6, 2016   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating a DataTable with a DataShape, and adding and retrieving an entry.  
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Pushbullet is a lightweight notifications platform and can be a way to explore Alerts and Subscriptions Basically create an an Alert on a property and Subscribe to that Alert Adding Alert to Property Humidity Adding Subscription The PTC-PushBulletHelper is just a generic Thing with a service called PushNotification var json = {     "body": Message,     "title":"Temperature fault",     "type":"note" }; var accessHeader = {     "Access-Token": "o.Hnm2DeiABcmbwuc7FSDmfWjfadiLXx2M" }; var params = {      proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,     headers: accessHeader /* JSON */,      ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      workstation: undefined /* STRING */,      useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,      proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,      url: '' /* STRING */,      content: json /* JSON */,      timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */,      proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,      password: undefined /* STRING */,      domain: undefined /* STRING */,      username: undefined /* STRING */ }; // result: JSON var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostJSON(params); You can test the Helper PushNotification service Next you can test the subscription
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Initial Objective statements This post is about getting D3 connected as an extension to Thingworx. There are a number of existing extensions using D3 but I wanted to explore a simple use case to make it easier to get into and bring out 2 additional points Using an infotable as data input Resize The output looks like the image below and the data was generated by a Timer based random value generator that set the values on a Thing every minute. The data into the Widget is from a core service QueryHistory (a wrapped service that uses QueryProperyHistory) In this example I will use temp as the variable in focus If you have never created an extension take a look at Widget Extensions Introduction which provides a start to understanding the steps defined below, which are the core points to keep it relatively short. The extension will be called d3timeseries and will use the standard design pattern Create a folder called d3timeseries and create a subfolder ui and a add a metadata.xml file to the d3timeseries From there create the files and folder structure define the metadata.xml using CDN url for D3 url url="" legend url = "" Also check out which provides documentation and examples for D3 For the initial set of Properties that control the D3 will use DataAsINFOTABLE (Data coming into d3) Title XLegendTitle YLegendTitle TopMargin BottomMargin LeftMargin RightMargin Note: we are not using Width and Height as in previous articles but setting 'supportsAutoResize': true, Below shows the general structure will use for the d3timeseries.ide.js properties After deploying the extension  (take look at Widget Extensions Introduction to understand the how) we can see its now possible to provide Data input and some layout controls as parameters From there we can work in the d3timeseries.runtime.js file to define how to consume and pass data to D3. There a 4 basic function that need to be defined this.renderHtml this.afterRender this.updateProperty this.resize renderHtml afterRender updateProperty resize The actual D3 worker is drawChart which I will break down the highlights I use an init function to setup where the SVG element will be placed The init is called inside drawChart Next inside drawChart the rowData incoming parameter is checked for any content we can consume the expected rows object Next the x and y ranges need to be defined and notice that I have hardcoded for d.timestamp and d.temp these 2 are returned in the infotable rows The last variable inputs are the layout properties Now we have the general inputs defined the last piece is to use D3 to draw the visualization (and note we have chosen a simple visualization timeseries chart) Define a svg variable and use D3 to select the div element defined in the init function. Also remove any existing elements this helps in the resize call. Get the current width and height as before Now do some D3 magic (You will have to read in more detail the D3 documentation to get the complete understanding) Below sets up the x and y axis and labels Next define x and y scale so the visualization fits in the area available and actually add the axis's and ticks, plus the definition for the actual line const line = d3.line() Now we are ready for the row data which gets defined as data and passed to the xScale and yScale using in the const line = d3.line() After zipping up and deploying and using in a mashup you should get a D3 timeseries chart. Code for the QueryHistory logger.debug("Calling "+ + ":QueryHistory"); // result: INFOTABLE var result = me.QueryPropertyHistory({ maxItems: undefined /* NUMBER */, startDate: undefined /* DATETIME */, endDate: undefined /* DATETIME */, oldestFirst: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, query: undefined /* QUERY */ }); Thing properties example Random generator code me.hum = Math.random() * 100; me.temp = Math.random() * 100; message = message + "Hum=" + me.hum+ " "; message = message + "Temp=" +me.temp+ " "; logger.debug( + "  RandomGenerator values= " + message ); result = message; Previous Posts Title Widget Extensions Using AAGRID a JS library in Developer Community Widget Extensions Google Bounce in Developer Community Widget Extensions Date Picker in Developer Community Widget Extensions Click Event in Developer Community Widget Extensions Introduction in Developer Community
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Sometimes the following error is seen filling up the application log: "HTTP header: referrer". It does not cause noticeable issues, but does fill up the log. This article has been updated to reflect the workaround: To clear the error, locate the ​inside the ThingworxStorage\esapi directory. Then  change the values of both Validator.HTTPHeaderValue_cookie and Validator.HTTPHeaderValue_referer to: Validator.HTTPHeaderValue_cookie= ^.*$ Validator.HTTPHeaderValue_referer= ^.*$
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Previous blogs Widget Extensions Introduction Widget Extensions Click Event This blog we will take a quick look at making a new Date Picker Widget I'm not going to worry about styles just the basics of getting the widget defined and able to place in the Composer canvas. As in previous blogs we have to decide on a name, we will use DatePicker Because we don't want to write all of the logic that has been written many times will use a jquery datepicker which has a lot options. The simple syntax is $(#myDate).datepicker() which will do most of the work. The $ is the jquery reference an the  #myDate is the id where the datapicker will render and the datepicker is the function worker. Before we get into the renderHtml I realize I need to quickly talk about the widgetProperties function in the ide.js. This where we set what properties can be defined and whether they are dynamic. For example the thought it useful to have a Title , Date and some simple css style configurable options. Inside the widgetProprties we have properties section (json) and the basic  pattern is PropertyName baseType defaultValue isBindingTarget Setting the isBindTarget to true allows for dynamic setting in the composer. Below is the complete definition for the widgetProperties Next we set up the design time (ide)  renderhtml And finally we define the  runtime renderHtml which looks like this Deploy it and you have a basic Data Picker. There is more work to do on this to provide better styling but  its a start!
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Preface   In this blog post, we will discuss how to Start and Stop ThingWorx Analytics, as well as some other useful triaging/troubleshooting commands. This applies to all flavors of the native Linux installation of the Application.   In order to perform these steps, you will have to have sudo or ROOT access on the host machine; as you will have to execute a shell script and be able to view the outputs.   The example screenshots below were taken on a virtual CentOS 7 Server with a GUI as ROOT user.     Checking ThingWorx Analytics Server Application Status   1. Change directory to the installation destination of the ThingWorx Analytics (TWA) Application. In the screenshot below, the application is installed to the /opt/ThingWorxAnalyticsServer directory   2. In the install directory, there are a series of folders and files. You can use the ​ls​ command to see a list of files and folders in the installation directory.     a. You will need to go navigate one more level down into the ./ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/bin​ ​directory by using command ​cd ./bin​     b. As you can see above, we used the ​pwd​ command to verify that we are in the correct directory.   3. In the ./ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/bin directory, there should be three shell files:,, and     a. To run a status check of the application, use the command ./ status           i. This will provide a list of outputs, and a few warning messages. This is normal, see screenshot below:      b. You will have a series of services, which will have a green active (running) or red not active (stopped).           i. List of services: twas-results-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Results Microservice twas-data-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Data Microservice twas-analytics-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Analytics Microservice twas-profiling-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Profiling Microservice twas-clustering-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Clustering Microservice twas-prediction-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - PredictionMicroservice twas-training-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Training Microservice twas-validation-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Validation Microservice twas-apirouter.service - ThingWorx Analytics - API Router twas-edge-ms.service - ThingWorx Analytics - Edge Microservice   Starting and Stopping ThingWorx Analytics   If you encounter any errors or stopped services in the above, a good solution would be to restart the TWA Server application.   There are two methods to restart the application, one being the restart ​command, the other would be using the stop​ and ​start​ commands.   Method 1 - Restart Command:   1. In the same ./ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/bin​ ​directory, run the following command: ./ restart     a. The output of a successful restart will look like the following: 2. The restart should only take a few seconds to complete   Method 2 - Stop / Start Commands:   1. In the same ./ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/bin​ ​directory, run the following command: ./ stop 2. After the application stops, run the following command: ./ start   Note: You can confirm the status of the TWA Server application by following the steps in the "Checking ThingWorx Analytics Server Application Status" section above.
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      Thingworx extensions are a great place to explore UI ideas and get that special feature you want.   Here is a quick primer on Widgets (Note: there is comprehensive documentation here which explores the complete development process ).The intention is not to explain every detail but just the most important points to get you started. I will explore more in additional posts. I also like images rather than lost of words to read. I have attached the simple Hello Word example as a start point and  I'm using Visual Code as my editor of choice.   The attached zip when unzipped will contain a folder called ui and metadata xml file. Within the ui folder there needs to be a folder that has the same name as the widget name. In this case its helloworld.   Metadata file - The 3 callouts are the most import. Package version: is the current version and each time a change is made the value needs to be updated. name: a unique name used through out the widget definition UIResources: The source locations for the widget definition. The UIResources files are used to define the widget in the ide (Composer) and runtime (Mashup). These 2 environments ide and runtime have matching pairs of css (cascading style sheets)  and a js (javascript) files.   The js files are where most of the work is done. There a number of functions used inside the javascript file but just to get things going we will focus on the renderHtml function. This is the function that will generate the HTML to be inserted in the widget location.   renderHtml(helloWorld.ide.js) In this very simple case the renderHtml in the runtime is the same as in the ide renderHtml (helloWorld.runtime.js)   Hopefully you can see that the HTML is pretty easy just some div and span tags with some code to get the Property called Salutation.   So we have the very basics and we are not worried to much about all the other things not mentioned. So to get the simple extension into Thingworx we use the Import -> Extensions menu option. The UI and metadata.xml file needs to be zipped up (as per attachment).  Below is a animated gif that shows how to import and use the widget   Very Quick Steps to import and use in mashup. Video Link : 2147   The next blog will explore functions and allow a user to click the label and display a random message. This will show how to use events   Widget Extensions Click Event
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ThingWorx 7.4 ThingWorx 8.0 ThingWorx 8.1 Installation Guide Installation Guide Installation Guide In the Java Options field, add the following to the end of the options field: -Dserver -Dd64 -XX:+UseG1GC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.library.path=<path to Tomcat>\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\extensions Place the license.bin file in your ThingworxPlatform folder Obtain the license.bin file from the PTC Support site: a. Log into the PTC Support site. b. Click Manage Licenses. c. Click PTC ThingWorx>PTC Licensing Tool. d. Click Download. Obtain your license Activation ID(s). Activation IDs are provided to new customers in the entitlement letter. Existing customers can visit the PTC Support site to obtain. Rename the file to license.bin and place it in the ThingworxPlatform folder Open the platform-settings.json file and add the following inside the "PlatformSettingsConfig": "LicensingConnectionSettings":{ "username”:”PTC Support site user name", "password”:”PTC Support site password", "activationIds":"XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" } NOTE: You must have an Activation ID to ensure your license is current. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma. Simple example for platform-settings.json: {     "PersistenceProviderPackageConfigs": {         "PostgresPersistenceProviderPackage": {             "ConnectionInformation": {                 "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/thingworx",                 "password": "password",                 "username": "twadmin"             }         }     },     "PlatformSettingsConfig": {        "LicensingConnectionSettings": {           "username":"usernameForPTC",           "password":"password",           "activationIds":"activationIDsuppliedhere"         }     } }
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