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Today we're going to learn how to use the Axeda Platform SDK v2 APIs to upload a file to the platform and create a software package.  This document is a work in progress, but we're going to show you everything you need to get started.  In my case I am using the very useful and easy to use Postman REST Client app available from the Chrome Store.  I'll be using some terms below (API Object Names) that can be found in the documents listed in the bibliography at the end of this article. Assumptions (Replace these with your own versions): username:  joe, password: password1! platform instance: First things first, we need to authenticate to the platform and get a session id (header x_axeda_wss_sessionid). (Note: Postman does not automatically URL encode query parameters - this can be especially important for the password) GET:! You'll receive a response like this following: <ns1:WSSessionInfo xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns1:WSSessionInfo">     <ns1:created>2015-06-02T15:16:49 +0000</ns1:created>     <ns1:expired>false</ns1:expired>     <ns1:sessionId>1a5XXXXX-d9aa-47f2-ac4f-28765ce5dbc5</ns1:sessionId>     <ns1:sessionTimeout>1800</ns1:sessionTimeout> </ns1:WSSessionInfo>                Excellent, now we have a session id! For the rest of the API calls (unless otherwise indicated), all of the following headers are set to the following: x_axeda_wss_sessionid: 1a5XXXXX-d9aa-47f2-ac4f-28765ce5dbc5 Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml The next step is to get our ModelReference: POST: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ModelCriteria xmlns=""> <modelNumber>MyModelName</modelNumber> </ModelCriteria>          Which will return output like: <v2:Model xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi=""         id="MyModelName" systemId="6141" label="managed" detail="MyModelName"         restUrl="">     <v2:name>MyModelName</v2:name>     <v2:modelNumber>MyModelName</v2:modelNumber>     <v2:autoRegisterAssets>false</v2:autoRegisterAssets>     <v2:type>MANAGED</v2:type> ... </v2:Model>          The key piece of information we need from that request is the systemId. A little bit about our file (lorem-ipsum.txt): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. File-size: 307 MD5 Sum: 22b229c7ecc49cfa11255beb06c7f4fe The next step is to create a FileUploadSession and upload our file.  This will create for us the FileInfoReference we need to create our SoftwarePackage. PUT: BODY: <?xml version="1.0"?> <FileUploadSession xmlns=''>   <files>     <file xmlns:xsi='' xsi:type='FileInfo'>       <filename>lorem-ipsum.txt</filename>       <md5>22b229c7ecc49cfa11255beb06c7f4fe</md5>       <filesize>307</filesize>       <contentType>application/text</contentType>     </file>   </files>   <expirationDate/>   <status/>   <updatedDate/>   <username/>   <version/> </FileUploadSession>              And our response if all goes OK (HTTP 200) looks like the following: <v2:ExecutionResult xmlns:v2=""         xmlns:xsi="" successful="true" totalCount="1">     <v2:succeeded>         <v2:success xsi:type="v2:FileUploadSessionSuccessfulOperation">             <v2:ref>16265</v2:ref>             <v2:id>16265</v2:id>             <v2:uploadUri>sftp://DISABLED</v2:uploadUri>             <v2:session systemId="16265" label="16265" detail="16265"                 restUrl="">                 <v2:files>                     <v2:file xsi:type="v2:FileInfo" id="1068731" systemId="1068731"                         label="lorem-ipsum.txt" detail="1068731"> ... </v2:success> </v2:succeeded> </v2:ExecutionResult>         In this case, we just need the value of <v2:file systemId>, which is 1068731. TIME TO UPLOAD THE FILE CONTENTS!!! PUT: Extra Headers: X-File-Name: lorem-ipsum.txt X-File-Size: 307 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW BODY:  There needs to be a mime-part called 'file-content' that contains the contents or lorem-ipsum.txt ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-content"; filename="cfk-lorem-ipsum.txt" Content-Type: text/plain ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW         Note:  If using Postman, SoapUI or other automated tool, this will be handled automatically for you - do not specify a Content-Type header in this case. And our response, assuming an HTTP 200: <v2:ExecutionResult xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi="" successful="true" totalCount="1">     <v2:succeeded>         <v2:success>             <v2:ref>1068731</v2:ref>             <v2:id>1068731</v2:id>         </v2:success>     </v2:succeeded>     <v2:failures /> </v2:ExecutionResult>        This is just confirming our success!  Excellent.  Now we come to the SoftwarePackage.  We need two key pieces of information, the ModelReference (6141) and the FileInfoReference (1068731): POST: Headers: Our defaults, Content-Type and x_axeda_wss_sessionid BODY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SoftwarePackage xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">   <name>TEST-REST-PACKAGE</name>   <model systemId="6141" />   <version></version>   <primaryAgentsOnly>true</primaryAgentsOnly>   <retriesEnabled>true</retriesEnabled>   <instructions>     <instruction xsi:type="DownloadFileInstruction">       <file xsi:type="FileInfo" systemId="1068731"/>       <destinationDirectory>C:\temp</destinationDirectory>       <compressed>false</compressed>       <executable>false</executable>       <pathRelative>false</pathRelative>       <overwriteExistingEnabled>true</overwriteExistingEnabled>     </instruction>   </instructions> </SoftwarePackage>        And our results: <v2:ExecutionResult xmlns:v2=""          xmlns:xsi="" successful="true" totalCount="1">     <v2:succeeded>         <v2:success>             <v2:ref>TEST-REST-PACKAGE||</v2:ref>             <v2:id>45863</v2:id>         </v2:success>     </v2:succeeded>     <v2:failures /> </v2:ExecutionResult>        And PROOF! I hope this helps you in your projects, and helps demystify the Axeda Platform REST API a little for you. Regards, -Chris Bibliography (Documents available from Support Portal): Axeda v2 API/Services Developer's Reference Guide_6.8 Axeda Platform Web Services Developer Reference v2REST_6.8 Change History: 2015-09-24 : Change HTTP Methods of session create and content send to PUT from POST
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  GUIDE CONCEPT   This guide introduces connecting an Allen-Bradley PLC to ThingWorx Kepware Server.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Create and run a simple ladder logic application on an Allen-Bradley PLC Connect the PLC to ThingWorx Kepware Server   NOTE: The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.      Step 1: Learning Path Overview   Assuming you are using this guide as part of the Rockwell Automation Learning Path, then you have now completed each of the following installations:        1. Connected Components Workbench       2. ThingWorx Kepware Server       3. ThingWorx Foundation (for Windows)   In this continued step, you'll now connect an Allen-Bradley PLC to Connected Components Workbench and then to ThingWorx Kepware Server.   In a later guide, we'll propogate that information further from ThingWorx Kepware Server into ThingWorx Foundation.   NOTE: Both Rockwell Automation's Connected Components Workbench and ThingWorx Kepware Server are time-limited trials. If significant time has passed while persuing this Learning Path, you may need to reinitialize them. Consult the Troubleshooting step of this guide for more information.       Step 2: Setup PLC   This guide uses an inexpensive Allen-Bradley Micro820 PLC as a demonstration.   ThingWorx Kepware Server offers drivers for hundreds of devices, making this step the only one that contains device-specific instructions.   Read and understand installation instructions before making any electrical connections to the PLC.   1. Connect the postive lead of a 24V power supply along with a 6" test lead to Terminal 1 of the output terminal block.   2. Connect the negative lead of the power supply to Terminal 2.     3. Confirm the test lead is secure from making contact with anything conductive; it will be  connected to +24V. Power on the supply and confirm the LEDs briefly light.       4. Carefully touch the test lead to the Input 1 terminal and confirm the indicator LED for Input 1 turns on.     5. Power off the supply before continuing to the next step.       Step 3: Create PLC Project   In this step, you will create a simple PLC application. This application will connect to a ThingWorx Mashup in subsequent guides in the Learning Path.    1. After opening Connected Components Workbench, click New... in the Project section.   2. Enter ThingWorxGuide in the Name field and click Create.   3. Browse to the PLC model you are using and click Select, then Add to Project.     4. Right-click Program, then left-click Add > New LD: Ladder Diagram     5. Double-click Prog1 to open the ladder window.     Ladder Logic   You will create a simple application that will turn on output 2 when there is a signal on input 2.    1.. Right-click in the box to the left of the rung, hover over Insert Ladder Elements, then click on Direct Coil   .     2. Click the I/O - Micro820 tab towards the right and select an output coil - this guide uses _IO_EM_DO_02. Then click OK                  3. Add an input contact by right-clicking in the box to the left of the rung, hover over Insert Ladder Elements, then click on Direct Contact.   4. Click the I/O - Micro820 tab and scroll down to select an input - this guide uses _IO_EM_DI_02. Then click OK.        5. The program window should now look like this:     Upload   Next, you will propagate the program to the PLC.   1. Secure the test lead then apply power to the PLC.   2. Connect an ethernet cable directly between the PLC and your Windows computer.   3. Click Device > Connect to connect to the PLC; a pop-up will appear saying the project does not match the program in the controller.     NOTE: When either your PLC or computer are restarted, they may be assigned a new IP address, requiring you to reconfigure the connection. Click the tab labled with your PLC, then click the pencil icon next to connection path, click Browse, expand the Ethernet driver, highlight the active controller, and click OK. Click Close and then Connect.       4. Click Download current project to the controller   5. Confirm overwriting any program in the controller by clicking Download.   6. After your project is downloaded, run it on the controller by clicking Yes.     7. Touch the test lead to the I-02 terminal, and your program will turn on the #2 output. You can confirm your project is working by both hearing the soft click from the PLC and seeing the output indicator turn on.       Step 4: Configure ThingWorx Kepware Server   Now that you have a simple project running on the PLC, you need to configure ThingWorx Kepware Server to monitor it.   1. Open ThingWorx Kepware Server, right-click on Connectivity, and click New Channel.   2. Select Allen-Bradley Micro800 Ethernet from the drop-down, then click Next.       3. Click Next to accept the defaults, and click Finish to create Channel2.   4. Click Click to add a device below Channel2, enter myPLC in the name field, and click Next.   5. Enter the IP address of your PLC, then click Next. The IP address of your PLC is shown in Connected Components Workbench in Device > Configure.       NOTE: The IP address of the PLC may change when it is power cycled and must be updated in ThingWorx Kepware Server to match   6. Click Next to accept default values for each pop-up, and click Finish to create the myPLC device.       7. Click the Click to add a static tag message.   8. Enter Coil2 in the Name field, _IO_EM_DO_02 in the Address field, change the Data Type drop-down to Boolean, and click OK.  The address must exactly match a variable name in the PLC.       9. Create a second tag by right-clicking on myPLC again and clicking New Tag.   10. Enter Coil3 in the Name field, _IO_EM_DO_03 in the Address field, select Boolean from the Data Type drop-down, and click OK.         Step 5: Troubleshooting   1. If the connection to the PLC stops working and there is a Thumbs Down icon next to your Properties, the ThingWorx Kepware Server trial edition drivers are not connected to your PLC. The trial edition stops running after 2 hours and must be stopped and restarted. Right-click on ThingWorx icon in system tray.     Click Stop Runtime service. Wait a minute for the process to stop, then click Start Runtime service.   2.  If Connected Components Workbench does not connect to PLC, check the IP address of the PLC using RS Linx Classic software that was installed as part of Connected Components  Workbench. RS Linx Classic is located Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > RSLinx Classic Click AB_ETHIP-1, Ethernet and IP addresses of connected PLCs will be discovered   NOTE: A changed PLC IP Address (typically seen through Connected Components Workbench) will require an IP Address change in ThingWorx Kepware Server settings.       Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC tutorial. You've learned how to:   Create and upload a simple ladder logic application to a PLC Connect a PLC to ThingWorx Kepware Server   The next guide in the Using an Allen-Bradley PLC with ThingWorx learning path is Create an Application Key.   Learn More   Capability Resource Analyze Monitor an SMT Assembly Line     Additional Resources   For additional information on ThingWorx Kepware Server:   Resource Link Website Connecting & Managing Industrial Assets Documentation Kepware documentation Support Kepware Support site
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This blog post has been written in collaboration with nexiles GmbH, a PTC Software Partner   The Edge Micro Server (EMS) and the LUA Scripting Resource (LSR) allow for an easy connection of sensors and / or data to the ThingWorx Platform.   Connections are usually established through the HTTP protocol and a REST API which sends unencrypted data and user specific credentials or ThingWorx application keys. This could be fine for a non-production environment. However in a more secure environment or in production, encryption and authentication should be used wherever and whenever possible to ensure the safety and integrity of the data.       In this scenario a user, client machine or remote device can utilize the LUA endpoints via the REST APIs endpoints. For this an authentication mechanism with credentials is required to only allow authenticated sessions. Invokation of services etc. are all protected and encrypted via HTTPS. A default HTTP connection would transfer the credentials as clear text which is most likely not desired.   The LSR then communicates via HTTPS to the EMS.   The EMS communicates to the ThingWorx platform via the AlwaysOn protocol using an encrypted websocket on the platform side.   Prerequisite   ThingWorx is already fully configured for HTTPS. See Trust & Encryption Theory and Hands On for more information and examples   Securing the EMS   EMS to ThingWorx connection   The config.json holds information on the complete EMS configuration. To add a trusted and secure connection to the ThingWorx platform, the servers, connection type and certificates have to be adjusted.   Check the config.json.complete for more information and individual settings.   As an example the following configuration could be a rough outline.   Switch the websocket server port to 443 in ws_servers Declare the connection to the websocket as SSL / TLS in wc_connection Declare the certificate used by the ThingWorx platform in certificates Validate the certificate In case you're using a self-signed certificate, allow using it - otherwise just say "false" If not using a self-signed certificate, but a certificate based on a chain of trust, point to the full chain of trust in the cert_chain parameter I used the client certifcate in X509 (PEM) formatted .cer file I used the client certificate's private key as PKCS #8 (PEM) and encrypted it with the super-secure password "changeme" (no really, change it!)   With this the EMS can connect securely to the ThingWorx platform websocket.   EMS as HTTP(S) server   To secure incoming connections to the EMS, it first of all needs to act as a HTTP server which is then configured to use a custom certificate.   In config.json add the http_server section Define the host and port as well and set SSL to true The full path of the certificate (.cer file) must be provided   With this the EMS can receive client requests from the LSR through a secure interface, protecting the (meta) data sent from the LSR to the EMS.   For my tests I'm using a self-signed certificate - created in the Keystore Explorer and exported as X509 (PEM) formatted .cer file. The private key is not required for this part.   Authentication   To further secure the connection to the EMS acting as HTTP(S) server, it's recommended to use user and password for authentication.   With this, only connections are accepted, that have the configured credentials in the HTTP header.   config.json   {      "ws_servers": [ { "host": "", "port": 443 } ],        "appKey": "<#appKey>",        "http_server":  {           "host": "localhost",           "port": 8000,           "ssl": true,           "certificate": "C:\\ThingWorx\\ems.cer",           "authenticate": true,           "user": "EMSAdmin",           "password": "EMSAdmin",           "content_read_timeout": 20000      },        "ws_connection": { "encryption": "ssl" },        "certificates": {           "validate": true,           "allow_self_signed": true,           "client_cert": "C:\\ThingWorx\\twx70.cer",           "key_file": "C:\\ThingWorx\\twx70.pkcs8",           "key_passphrase": "changeme"      }   }   Securing the LSR   LSR to EMS connection   All connections going from the LSR to the EMS are defined in the config.lua with the rap_ parameters.   To setup a secure connection to the EMS, we need to provide the server as defined in the config.json in the http_server section (e.g. the default localhost:8000). Define the usage of SSL / TLS as well as the certificate file.   Client to LSR connection   All connection going to the LSR from any client are defined in the config_lua witht the script_resource_ parameters.   To ensure that all requests are done via authenticated users, setup a userid and password. Configure the usage of SSL / TLS to encrypt the connection between clients and the LSR. A custom certificate is not necessarily required - the LSR provideds its own custom certificate by default.   Now opening https://localhost:8001 (default port for the LSR) in a browser will open an encrypted channel forcing authentication via the credentials defined above.   Of course this needs to be considered for other calls implementing e.g. a GET request to the LSR. This GET request also needs to provide the credentials in its header.   Authentication   It's recommended to also configure the LSR for using a credential based authentication mechanism.   When setting up the LSR to only accept incoming requests with credentials in the header, the script_resource_userid and script_resource_password can be used for authentication.   When connecting to an EMS using authentication, the rap_userid and rap_password can be used to authenticate with the credentials configured in the config.json   config.lua   The following configuration can be posted anywhere in config.lua - best place would be just below the log_level configuration.   scripts.rap_host = "localhost" scripts.rap_port = 8000 scripts.rap_ssl = true scripts.rap_deny_selfsigned = false scripts.rap_cert_file = "C:\ThingWorx\ems.cer" scripts.rap_server_authenticate = true scripts.rap_userid = "EMSAdmin" scripts.rap_password = "EMSAdmin" scripts.script_resource_userid = "admin" scripts.script_resource_password = "admin" scripts.script_resource_ssl = true   EMS specific configuration: rap LSR specific configuration: script_resource   Other considerations   When configuring the EMS and LSR for authentication and encrypted traffic, the configuration files hold information that not everyone should have access to.   Therefore the config.json and config.lua must be also protected from an Operating System point of view. Permissions should only be granted to the (process) user that is calling the EMS / LSR. Ensure that no one else can read / access the properties and certificates to avoid password-snooping on an OS level.   It's best to grant restricted access to the whole microserver directory, so that only privileged users can gain access.   You're next...   This blog should have given some insight on what's required and how it's configured to achieve a more secure and safer EMS / LSR integration in a real-life production environment. Of course it always depends on the actual implementation, but use these steps as a guideline to secure and protect your (Internet of) Things!
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Thingworx provides the capability to use JDBC to connect to Relational Databases. What would be the steps to take? 1. Find the proper JDBC JAR file, this can be easily located by keeping in mind your database and its version and doing an online search. 2. Download the JDBC Extension Creator from the Marketplace 3. Follow the instructions to create the actual JDBC extension you will be using 4. Create a Thing based on the ThingTemplate from the JDBC extension - This represents your actual connection to the database 5. Set up the configuration:      a. Connection String - Usually I use to find that      b. Validation String - This has to be a VALID SQL statement within the context of the database you are connecting to (Like SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL for Oracle)      c. Proper User Name and Password as defined in the database you are connecting to 6. SAVE 7. To check if you are properly connected, go back into Edit mode and go to Services, create a new SQL Query or Command and check Tables and Columns Tab. Actual Tables should show up now. 8. If it doesn't work, check your application log.
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Create a new Thing using the Timer Thing Template. The Timer Thing will fire a Timer Event when the Timer's Update Rate has expired. The event is automatically present and does not need to be added manually. Configuration   The Timer Configuration is quite straightforward. It can be accessed via the Thing's Entity Configuration. Configuration allows for Enabling the Timer on Thing-Startup - whenever the Thing is started, e.g. when restarting ThingWorx or via the RestartThing Generic Service, also the Timer is enabled and will fire Events. Changing the Update Rate - in which intervall the Events will be fired (by default every minute [60000 milliseconds]). Changing the User Context - in which the Events will be handled. The user will need visibility and permission on e.g. executing Services or depending Things, which are required to run the Service triggered by the Event.           Services   Timer Things inherit two Services by default from the Thing Template DisableTimer EnableTimer These will activate / de-activate the Timer and allow / disallow firing Events once the Update Rate has expired If a Timer is currently enabled or disabled can be seen in its properties  
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This document contains information that should be reviewed before installing or upgrading to the latest version ThingWorx for both new and existing customers. Note that many of the links in this document require that you have created and validated an account on the PTC website. Account Creation For users who do not yet have an active maintenance agreement, an account can be created by accessing the Basic Account Creation page.  With a basic account, you will have access to the ThingWorx Community, product documentation, and support articles. Also, a basic level account will grant access to our new Developer eSupport Portal, which is a great resource for users of all levels to become more proficient with ThingWorx and the emerging world of IoT in general.  For more details on the new Developer eSupport Portal, please refer to our Getting Started with the New eSupport Portal guide. For users having an active maintenance agreement with PTC that have not yet created an account on the PTC website, a new customer account can be created by accessing the New Customer Account page.  With a customer-level account, you will have access to all basic account links listed above, plus access to download all licensed PTC products.  You will also have access to our dedicated application support team.  In order to create a customer account, you will be asked to provide your Customer Number, and one of either your Service Contract Number (SCN), Sales Order Number (SON), or Site Number.  This information will have been included in documentation sent to your company by your PTC Sales Representative. If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the account creation process, please contact us using the Web Account Case Logger. Document Structure Throughout this document, references will be made to specific documentation related to the ThingWorx Platform.  A listing of links to this supporting documentation will be provided at the end of this article for all supported releases of the ThingWorx Platform. Please reference this link to review documentation specific to the release version being installed in your local environment. Overview of Changes For a complete listing of new features and enhancements introduced in the latest version of the ThingWorx Platform, please refer to the Release notes documentation, which is included within the platform downloadable zip file. In addition to providing brief descriptions of each enhancement, this document indicates where you can find more comprehensive coverage where applicable. Release notes are also available online for review.  For a complete listing of release notes for all supported releases of ThingWorx, please refer to the link at the end of this document. Required Software The following table lists the files that are required for a complete installation of the ThingWorx Platform: Component Link Oracle JDK Oracle JDK Download Page Apache Tomcat Apache Tomcat Download Page PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Download Page Full details on installing and configuring the above files are provided in the ThingWorx Installation Guide for all supported OS environments.  Please also take note of any version requirements for the above files based on the version of the ThingWorx Platform being installed.  Version requirements are noted in the ThingWorx System Requirements guide. ThingWorx Installation Files The desired version of the ThingWorx platform can be obtained through the PTC eSupport Site (reminder: maintenance agreement required). The file is provided in a zip format, that starts with a name "MED-XXXXXX-CD...”, where X is some digit.  Once the directory is unarchived, the Tomcat-deployable file is Thingworx.war.  Release notes are included within the zip archive. Installation and Reference Documentation In addition to the listing at the end of this guide, all installation and reference documentation is also available online from the PTC Reference Documents page. To locate documentation within this link related to the latest release of ThingWorx, follow these steps. Set the Product field to ThingWorx. Set the Reported Release appropriately. Narrow the search results by setting the Document Type field if desired, or leave this set to All Document Types. Leave the User Role field set to the default All User Roles selection. It is strongly recommended to review the following documents at minimum: ThingWorx Platform System Requirements Installing ThingWorx (For new installations) Upgrading ThingWorx (For customers migrating from an older release) Upgrade Planning for Returning Customers For existing customers who are upgrading from a prior release of the ThingWorx Platform, PTC offers an Upgrade Planning Guide that can help in preparing for the upgrade process. This guide provides a checklist of activities that are critical to performing a successful upgrade to the latest version of ThingWorx. PTC recommends reviewing this guide for assistance in planning for the upgrade process. Additional References and Troubleshooting The following table lists common reference material and troubleshooting material involving the installation of the platform. General Functionality Frequently Seen Errors upon launching the ThingWorx application Link "HTTP Status 401 - Could not handle request" error when attempting to access a new PostgreSQL-based installation of ThingWorx Link Contacting Technical Support Should you have any questions about the installation process, or if you encounter any issues during the process, our qualified team of technical support engineers are available to assist you. With an active maintenance agreement for ThingWorx, you will have access to web-based technical assistance as well as live phone-based support. Contact details vary, depending on you region. For comprehensive information on how to obtain technical support, please refer to our online Customer Support Guide. Links to Documentation for Supported Releases of ThingWorx For links to supporting documentation for current and legacy releases of ThingWorx, please refer to the following article: Where to Find ThingWorx Documentation
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  Today on Ask Kaya, I have a riddle.   I was effective and trendy, but now I can be annoying. I sometimes tend to look out of place and I get in others’ space. I look easy to learn, but few have truly mastered my intricacies. Am I the floss dance?   No, I’m not the floss dance. I’m the expression and validator widgets.   It’s time to say goodbye to those pesky widgets that were super useful but super annoying. Yep, those widgets that littered your design canvas but were “Invisible at Runtime.”     I’m talking about expressions, validators, status messages and event routers. In our next release, expression and validator widgets will no longer appear on the canvas at build time.   You may remember from the previous post titled “Ask the Expert: What are the top three features in ThingWorx 8.4 that I might not know about?” In the post, we discussed the concept of Data Helpers, now known as “Functions.”   What do Functions do? Functions give you the ability add custom logic and bindings to improve UI application functionality. Before we describe how to configure them, let’s first explain what they are.   An expression widget runs any expression you give it. That piece of logic might be something like result = a +  b. While an expression can run any type of logic—not just numbers—you must specify the output base type to be the same as the input base type.    Expressions can also be used to run a different service based on an event. For example, a user may write an expression to run a service if a value changes. They may not care about the value itself but rather just want to know that the value changed.   A validator widget is similar to an expression widget; the key difference is that a validator only outputs a Boolean. When their result is true, you bind to one service, when false, another. Unlike an expression widget, the validator widget does not have to have matching input and output datatypes because the output datatype will always be Boolean.   The input for a validator can be anything. You can create a scenario in which a validator widget outputs a status message that reads “the value is within the acceptable range” when the validator returns true or “the value is outside of the acceptable range” when the validator returns false.   Ready for the extra good stuff? We’re introducing a new editor for you to create, add and configure expressions and validators.   How can I use Functions? Let’s walk through an example using the following these steps.   Create a new Mashup. You’ll see a new tab called “Functions,” which, on default, appears in the bottom right panel.                 Click the “+” arrow in the top right of the “Functions” panel. Choose “expression.” Use the new Functions editor to write your expression. In this example, we’ll say that result = a + b; New Functions Editor  We’ll then set the default values for a and b to be 2 and 3, respectively, to output a result of 5.     Expressions are just as powerful as they were before, but they no longer take up space on your mashup during design time, and they can now be configured in our brand new editor! (To spread the joy even more, the same holds true for validator widgets.)   Reach out with any questions or thoughts below!   Stay connected and keep floss dancing, Kaya
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Events   Timers and Schedulers both come with a specific Event inherited from the Thing Template: Timer ScheduledEvent Both have a Data Shape allowing to capture the timestamp of when the Event was actually fired. Events in ThingWorx are triggered when a specific condition is met. In this context the condition is met and the Event is fired when a Timer has expired or a Scheduler's time is reached. Once an Event is triggered, Subscriptions will take care of executing custom Services to react to the Event. Subscriptions   Subscriptions listen to Events and can be used to react to certain Events with running custom Service scripts. To follow-up on Timers and Schedulers, a new Subscription must be created, listening to any related Event fired. Add a new Subscription to the Thing with       As the Subscription is usually listening to the Thing that it is configured on, the Source has to be left empty. When listening to other Entities' Subscriptions the corresponding Entity can be picked in the Source Entity picker. Ensure to check the Enabled checkbox to actually enable the Subscription and allow it for executing code in the Script area. The following Script will log into the ScriptLog once the Timer Event is fired     The following Script will log into the ScriptLog once the ScheduledEvent Event is fired  
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1. Use Postman or any other software for Rest Api call to the ThingWorx. 2. Create a query in Postman with following parameters: Type: POST URL: https://<IP>:<PORT>/Thingworx/Users/<UserName>/Services/AssignNewPassword <IP>: IP of the server where ThingWorx is installed. <PORT>: Port on which ThingWorx is running (if required). <UserName>: User Name of the user whom Password is to be reset. Headers: appkey : Your Administrator App key or App key of user having Permission for AssignNewPassword Service for the user. Content-Type: application/json Body: {     "newPassword":"NewPasswordHere",     "newPasswordConfirm":"NewPasswordHere" } 3. Send the Query. 4. Login using new Password.
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Exciting news! ThingWorx now has improved support for Docker containers to help you manage CI/CD, improve development efficiency in your organization and save costs. Check out these FAQs below and, as always, reach out to me if you have any additional questions.   Stay connected, Kaya   FAQs: ThingWorx Docker Containers   What are Docker Containers? From “a Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings”. Learn more here.   What's the difference between Docker containers and VMs? Containers are an abstraction at the app layer that packages code and dependencies together, whereas Virtual Machines (VMs) are an abstraction of physical hardware turning one server into many servers. Here are some great discussions on it on Stack Overflow. Containers vs. VMs   How can I build ThingWorx Docker images? Check out the Building ThingWorx 8.3 Docker Images Guide or watch this video to instruct you on how to build and test Docker containers. (view in My Videos)   How does PTC support building ThingWorx Docker images? PTC provides the ability for customers and partners to build ThingWorx Docker images. A customer can download the Dockerfiles and scripts packaged as a zip folder from the PTC Software Downloads Portal under “ThingWorx Platform,” then “Release 8.3”  then“ThingWorx Dockerfiles.” (Please note that you must be logged in for the link to function properly.) PTC Software Downloads PortalThe zip folder contains the Dockerfiles, template jar, and scripts to fetch Tomcat, and ThingWorx WAR files using CLI. Java must be downloaded manually from the vendor's website. We also provide an instructional guide called “Build ThingWorx Docker Images” available on the Reference Documents page on the Support Portal.   How are ThingWorx Docker images different from the usual delivery media of WAR files? The WAR file delivery is typically accompanied by an installation guide that contains the manual steps for creating the VM or bare-metal environment. That guide includes instructions for the administrator to manually install the prerequisites, including Tomcat, Java, and ThingWorx platform settings files. To deploy and run the WAR file, the administrator follows the guide to create the runtime environment on an OS. In contrast, the Dockerfile build in this delivery automates the creation of a Docker image once supplied with the prerequisites.   Do you have any reference deployment and guidance? Yes, you can refer to our blog post to learn how to deploy and run ThingWorx Docker containers on your existing Kubernetes environment.   Is there any recommendation on which Container Orchestrator as a Service (CaaS) a customer should run ThingWorx Foundation Docker container images on? You can use Docker-Compose for testing, but it is generally not suggested for production deployment use cases. In a production environment, customers should use container orchestrators such as Kubernetes, OpenShift, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS), to deploy and manage ThingWorx Docker images.   What are the skill sets required? Familiarity with OS CLI and Docker tools is required to build building the ThingWorx Docker images. Familiarity with Docker-compose to run the resulting Docker containers is needed to test the resulting builds. We don’t recommend Docker-Compose for production use, but when using it for local testing and demo purposes, users can rapidly install ThingWorx and get it up and running in minutes. We expect PTC partners and customers who want to run ThingWorx containerized instances in their production environment to possess the required skill sets within their DevOps team.   How is ThingWorx licensing handled with the Docker images? By default, the container created from these Docker images starts up in a limited mode with no license supplied. You can configure your username and password for the PTC licensing portal to automatically load a license via environment variables passed into the container on startup. Additionally, you can mount a volume to the /ThingworxPlatform directory, which contains your license file, or to retrieve a license request. To keep your Host ID consistent, ensure that the /ThingworxStorage and /ThingworxPlatform directories are persisted and not removed with individual container restarts. More detailed instructions can be found in the build guide or in a Kubernetes blog post .   Is Docker free? What version of Docker does PTC support for ThingWorx? Docker is open-source and licensed under the Apache 2 license. Information on Docker licensing can be found here. The following Docker versions are required: Docker Community Edition (docker-ce) Version 18.05.0-ce is recommended. To install the Docker Community Edition on your system, follow the instructions for your operating system on the Docker website here. Docker Compose (docker-compose) Version 1.17.1 is recommended. To install the Docker Compose on your system, follow the instructions for your operating system on the Docker website here. What persistence providers are currently supported? PTC provides the ability to build ThingWorx Foundation containers for the following supported persistence providers: H2 Microsoft SQL Server PostgreSQL Additional persistence providers will be added to the Docker build delivery as the ThingWorx Foundation Platform releases support for those new databases in future releases.   What are some of the security best practices? For production use, customers are strongly advised to secure their Docker environments by following all the recommendations provided by Docker. Review and implement the best practices detailed at   Can we build Docker images for ThingWorx High Availability (HA) architecture? Yes. ThingWorx Dockerfiles are provided for both basic ThingWorx deployment architecture and HA ThingWorx deployment architecture.   How easy is the rehosting and upgrading of ThingWorx releases on Docker with existing data? In Kubernetes environment, data is kept in a separate volume and can be attached to different containers. When one container dies, the data can be attached to a different container and the container should start without issue. For more information, please refer to the upgrade section of the Building ThingWorx 8.3 Docker Images Guide.   Is it okay to use the Docker exec and access the bash shell to make config changes or should I always rebuild the image and re-deploy?­ Although using Docker exec to gain access to the container internals is useful for testing and troubleshooting issues, any changes made will not be saved after a container is stopped. To configure a container's environment, variables are passed in during the start process. This can be done with Docker start commands, using compose files with environment variables defined, or with helm charts. More detailed instructions can be found in the build guide or in this blog post .   What if there are issues? Should I call PTC Technical Support? We are providing the scripts and reference documents solely to empower our community to build ThingWorx Docker images. We believe that customers using Docker in their production processes would have expertise to manage running Docker containers themselves. If there are any issues or questions regarding the build scripts provided in the PTC official downloads portal, then customers can contact PTC Technical Support at 1-800-477-6435 or visit us online at: PTC does not provide support for orchestration troubleshooting.   What can you share about future roadmap plans? As we are enabling our customers and partners to build ThingWorx Foundation Platform Docker images, we plan to do the same for upcoming products such as ThingWorx Integration & Orchestration, ThingWorx Analytics, upcoming persistence providers such as InfluxDB, and many more. We also plan to provide additional reference architecture examples and use cases to help developers understand how to use Docker containers in their DevOps and production environments.   Where can I learn more about Docker containers and container orchestrators? See these resources below for additional information:
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Starting with the 8.1 release, the architecture of ThingWorx Analytics has changed from being a single sever to being split into several independent microservices.  This has been done to allow services to run concurrently. It also prevents issues with one microservice from affecting the others. Overview The new Analytics Server Architecture consists of a suite of 9 microservices: Data Clustering Profiling Signals Training Prediction Validation Presciptive Results All of the microservices work together to create a similar experience for users as it was in the past. The data that is uploaded and generated by the Analytics Server is stored directly in a file system, instead of a Postgres Database like it was in the past. Closer Integration with ThingWorx Please note that ThingWorx Foundation is required to be installed and operating before Installing Analytics.  During the install you will be asked to supply IP Address of the ThingWorx Instance that will be used for Analytics.  At this step, the AnalyticsServerThing is configured which allows the user to interact with Analytics Server through ThingWorx.  All of the configured microservices are represented as Things under the AnalyticsServerThing. This is because ThingWorx Analytics has become a native part of ThingWorx Foundation functionality and is dependent on ThingWorx for user interaction.  Because of these changes, there is no longer a direct ThingWorx Analytics Server REST API. Support for accessing the services via REST calls is now provided through the ThingWorx Core REST API layer.  Because of this, a new URI pattern is required moving forward. One other update from the older versions is that the requirement to use application keys and Application IDs are no longer necessary.  This should come as a welcome relief as the Application keys and IDs were the source of issues for users who may have misplaced them etc. Less Data-Centric In the old versions, jobs, models, signals, etc. were all tied to the dataset.  So there was no way to a model from one dataset to the other. With the new architecture, this is no longer the case you are able to move a model from one dataset to the other seamlessly.  Please note that when moving a model from one dataset to the other, it must have the same metadata between each of the datasets.  This is because a model created to increase efficiency in a factory would provide no insight on a dataset that monitors the soil moisture in a corn field. Updates to Metadata Although going over the exact changes to the Metadata is out of scope for this post, it is worth mentioning. For more details on the changes, please follow this link. Summary In conclusion, the new architecture of ThingWorx Analytics was done to increase scalability and to produce a more robust system.  The new release is much more integrated into the ThingWorx Platform to increase the ease of use from the previous releases.  It is much less data-centric than it was in the past and geared more to the solutions themselves. 
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JMeter for ThingWorx Overview Apache JMeter is an open-source tool designed for load testing and measuring the performance of a web application. JMeter has a wide range of features to facilitate this testing, including support for a variety of server and protocol types, a full-featured testing IDE with the ability to record the test steps from both a browser or a native application, and built-in debugging tools. Information about JMeter can be found on Apache’s website.   Working with JMeter is not always intuitive, but it also isn’t that much harder than regular software development. Take some time to explore the official Apache JMeter Documentation and figure out where things go and how to mechanically make use of the JMeter IDE. Then step through this tutorial to create a basic test that logins to ThingWorx, accesses a mashup, and clicks on a few widgets. This is the first in a series to come, courtesy of IoT EDC Engineer Tim Atwood ( @atwood ) and the whole EDC team.   Installation Download JMeter from Apache’s website. Unpack the archive and copy the files to a desired location. Run the application by double clicking on the “ApacheJMeter.jar” file within the bin directory. JMeter is now installed and ready to use. Creating a Test Set up a proxy in your browser of choice (or on the OS in settings).   Select the green “templates” icon in JMeter, and then select “Recording” for the template.   Configure the recording template to point towards your ThingWorx Navigate or Foundation server, then click “Create”. Hit “Start” under the “HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder” tab of the new JMeter project. Make sure the port is set correctly under Global Settings.   A pop-up box will appear that always stays visible on top of the active browser window, so that the recording can be controlled and stopped at any time. Leave the “Transaction name” field empty so that each transaction recorded by the software is automatically named after the web request (this helps differentiate one from the other, and they can each be renamed later).   Open your browser, and navigate (via direct URL if possible, to keep things simple) to the mashup you wish to test. Login and let the page load. Click on anything you’d like on the mashup to capture the activity of that test. Then click “Stop” on the pop-up recorder window to stop the recording. Each transaction will be assigned an index as well, and the source code behind each of these transactions can be reviewed and manually modified in the main JMeter window. Here is the login request for instance:   The HTTP Authorization Manager is used to automatically authorize a defined user login for the thread to any of the Base URLs listed. In this case, though, there are two separate servers being accessed during the test, and one may need to be added manually:   Save the project before continuing, as manual modifications come next.   Within the task page as you do the recording, a set of parameters or body data will be recorded. Modifying this is how you want to parametrize the test scenario, variables like the username and password. To simulate logging in as other users, you have to parameterize this, and not rely on the administrator account name and password entered into the browser.   Rename the task controller to “MyTasks” or something more easily identified than the long string it has now:   Some recorded items like static images and stylesheets will be non-essential, things the browser processes for better graphical representation, but which are often cached and do not greatly affect the scalability results of the test. These can be highlighted and disabled all at once:   Also ensure that any cascading stylesheets have been disabled. Enable the “View Results Tree” to ensure you can review the results of the test script during the editing phase. However, this “Listener” element has a high memory footprint during test execution, so it should be disabled before running an actual scale test.   Next we need to parametrize the user login information and pull it from a csv file.   The colon means that “Administrator” is the default user to use for login.   You can add other properties as well, like ramp up time, run time, number of users, and protocols to use. The ramp up time determines how quickly the threads are allocated for the test, which if done slowly enough, prevents the thundering herd scenario. In more complex scenarios, logic controllers can be inserted to control the flow of the test. This allows for options such as if-then conditions for different user permissions, or parameter-based routes for better randomization of actions in different threads. This will be covered in more detail in a future article.   Pre- and Post-Processors can be used as well, with the latter being used here much more than the former, to extract information from the response, in order to then use that as part of the variables going into one of the follow up requests. For example, see the script in this image: This one has a variable that it extracts from the object number property, defined in the CSV file, and converts it into another variable that is used in subsequent scripts. This script uses the object number reference to pull the name out of the body data and make the request, which is then post-processed by a bunch of these extractors. One is a JSON extractor which is trying to get an ID out of the JSON response. There is a regular expression extractor and a bean shell post-processor, which populates some variables based on what it responded with. Once it extracts all of the variables from the response to this particular request (GetSearchResults in this case), it then tailors the additional requests based on these. -   Customize the script according to the needs of your own application. Alternate between recording and manually modifying the recording code to ensure the test performs exactly as required and from the perspective of different users with different permissions. Also vary the type of activity performed on the mashup. Highlight the “View Results Tree” tab and click the green start button at the top of the window to see the results appear.     If you are getting an unauthorized message, ensure that the scope is right for the login information, which may require moving the “HTTP Authentication Manager” component around in the project. Be sure to check the URLs and credentials entered for each type of user. Occasionally the recorder will insert a long authentication string into the URL, and you want to manually set the URL for the credentials to the most generic URL possible for the server. This can be parametrized too: Referencing the CSV file defined here: Which looks like this for a more complicated scenario (covered in the future):  The columns here represent the username, password, object number in Windchill, and object name in Windchill, as well as the wait time used to vary the way the logic is executed and some extra variables which differentiate for the switches what to do to create a more varied and realistic test.   Conclusion Following these steps again and again on the various mashups throughout an application can ensure that a script for each web page and each type of user on each web page is created and added to the testing suite. This results in a load test that is perfectly representative of the real-world user load placed on an application. Load testing is a critical part of the development lifecycle in any application, and ThingWorx is no exception. Any further questions about the capabilities of JMeter not covered here, can be answered by the whole JMeter user manual, found on the Apache website. Future articles will include some basic scripts that test basic things, which can serve as an example for more complex ThingWorx JMeter script development. Here is an example of one tool PTC uses for internal QA of ThingWorx, designed to load test a Navigate application (specifically its built-in mashups):   Something similar to this tool may be available for public use later this summer. In the meantime, feel free to use the tutorial above to create scripts of your own. Any issues building your custom load tests in JMeter can be discussed right here on this thread with our JMeter experts. Happy developing!
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  Hi, everyone!   We’re actively working towards the ThingWorx 9.0 release and we’re ready to provide a sneak peek into the biggest feature of 9.0: Active-Active Clustering for High Availability configuration.   You may be wondering: doesn’t ThingWorx already offer High Availability?   Yes, ThingWorx already supports a High Availability configuration. Previous versions of ThingWorx, such as ThingWorx 8.X version releases, support Active-Passive configuration, where one “active” ThingWorx server performs all processing and maintains the live connections to other systems such as databases and connected assets. Meanwhile, in parallel, there is a second “passive” ThingWorx server that is a mirror image and regularly updated with data but does not maintain active connections to any of the other systems. If the “active” ThingWorx server fails, the “passive” ThingWorx server is made the primary server, but this can take a few minutes to establish connections to the other systems.   So, how is ThingWorx Active-Active different?   Active-Active configuration differs from Active-Passive in that all the ThingWorx servers in the cluster are “active.” Not only is data mirrored across all ThingWorx servers, but all of the servers, instead of only one, maintain live connections with the other systems. This way, if any of the ThingWorx servers fail, the other ThingWorx servers take over instantaneously with no recovery time.   Since all ThingWorx servers are active, they are processing in parallel and, as a result, the cluster can process more data than that of a single server or a cluster with an Active-Passive configuration. Simply put, multiple servers working together outperform a single server. This allows customers to scale their deployment by simply adding more ThingWorx servers to the cluster (horizontally scaling), which does not have the same limitations of scale that is achieved by increasing the performance of the server itself.   What does that mean for me? Higher Availability - You can avoid single points of failure and configure the ThingWorx Foundation platform in an Active-Active cluster mode to achieve the highest availability for your IIoT systems and applications. Increased Scalability - Now, you can horizontally scale from one to many ThingWorx servers to easily manage large amounts of your IIoT data at scale more smoothly than ever before.   Stay tuned! We’ll be posting more information on Active-Active Clustering—how it's achieved in ThingWorx, architectural component overviews, and what it means for your ThingWorx deployment!   In the meantime, we're running the Active-Active Clustering Beta Program. Interested in participating? Reach out to Ryan Servais ( or Ayush Tiwari ( to learn more about participation!   Stay connected! Kaya
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The term ‘Extension’ or ‘Plugin’ often has many different meanings. For example, from the point of view of a Product Manager it often means an ‘easy’ way to add additional functionality to an existing piece of software. In contrast, from the point of view of a Software Developer it often means new syntax to memorize, extensive amounts of API documentation to read and very often weeks or even months of trial and error to make this ‘easy’ addition of functionality.  We at ThingWorx recognized that in order to be a true Platform we need to take action to make the creation of Extensions easier at all phases of the process. Our development team took on the challenge of understanding what it is that normally makes this such a difficult process, and try and find solutions. We took to the open source community looking for a Platform that could offer our Extension developers a wide array of functionality that was easily accessible and familiar. This is where the Eclipse IDE comes in. We were able to create a Plugin of our own for the Eclipse IDE that makes it easy for an Extension Developer to create an Extension Project, generate ThingWorx specific code, manage all the project configuration and build files and also package the Extension. We can do all of this without having a developer read any API documentation or manually write any code, leaving the Extension Developer to focus on what they are best at, which is adding that additional functionality we mentioned earlier. Extensibility and the true nature of a Platform Extensibility is a core aspect of any true Platform as it allows users to add functionality at any time to meet new and changing requirements. The capabilities of extensions are almost endless but here are a few examples: Adding new UI Widgets to be used to visualize data Adding any custom third party Libraries to be used seamlessly in ThingWorx Easily accessing REST APIs outside of ThingWorx Creating helper Resources to be used across the entire platform Add custom Entities easily to multiple ThingWorx instances Provide custom Authenticators and Directory Services As you can see, it is possible to do practically anything that you or our community might find useful for the Internet of Things. This is the nature of a true ‘Platform’. How do I get started developing an extension? There are three steps that will help you dive into Extension Development quickly. First, an instance of ThingWorx Foundation and the ability to navigate the UI, called Composer. Second, a basic understanding of the ThingWorx Model, or “Thing Model”, is necessary. Finally, you will need an installation of the Eclipse IDE with the ThingWorx Eclipse Plugin installed to get started developing your extension. 1)  Getting familiar with ThingWorx Foundation The easiest way to get started playing with the ThingWorx platform is to head over to the Developer Portal and spin up a hosted ThingWorx Foundation server. This is as easy as clicking the ‘Create Foundation Server’ button and a 30-day hosted instance will be created for you to start using as your own personal development playground. If you prefer to set up and work in your own environment, you can also download a Developer Trial Edition to host on your own machine. In order to get familiar with ThingWorx Foundation, I recommend going through our ThingWorx Foundation Quickstart Guide that introduces you to the core building blocks of the platform as well as guide you through a typical scenario of creating a simple IoT application. 2)  Understanding the Thing Model Basics If you are already familiar with the Thing Model and know the basics of using the ThingWorx Platform, then you can probably skip over this section. If you aren’t, or just want a refresher, I’ll go over the basics here. The Thing Model is a collection of Entities that define your solution or business model in ThingWorx. You need a Thing Model for a few reasons.  For those in software development, the Thing Model and its benefits are very similar to those of the Object Oriented programming model.  A good model allows you to maximize reusability, maintainability, and encapsulation.  Having a sound Thing Model means that the future of your IIoT solution will be minimally affected by things like migration, iterative changes, permission changes and security vulnerabilities. The three most commonly used and most important Entities within your model are Things, Thing Templates, and Thing Shapes. These entity types will be the main building blocks for your Thing Model. These are only a few of the Entity Types provided by ThingWorx. It is not necessary but definitely recommended, to have a more comprehensive understanding of the Thing Model, and to work with the entire collection of Entity Types within the ThingWorx Platform by going through the ThingWorx Foundation Quickstart Guide on the Developer Portal. 3)  Dive into the Eclipse Plugin and develop your own extension Lastly, if you don’t have Eclipse IDE installed, head over to the download page and get one installed on your machine. Once you have that, you can find the Eclipse Plugin on our Marketplace here. In a next step, you will want to create a new Extension Project. We added a ThingWorx Extension perspective that enables all of the custom functionality.   Once in the correct perspective, we tried to make our plugin as intuitive as possible. We did this by following as many of the Eclipse usability standards as we could, which means that if you are familiar with the Eclipse IDE you should be able to find most of the ThingWorx functionality on your own. For Example, a simple ‘File’ >> ‘New’ will show you all the options for creating a Project. Creating a new ThingWorx Extension project requires a Name and a ThingWorx Extension SDK (found on the ThingWorx Marketplace) of the version of ThingWorx that you are building your extension for.   By utilizing the capabilities of the Eclipse IDE, we were able to automate the creation of many of the artifacts that had slowed extension developers down. The wizard allows the plugin to handle creating and managing a build file and a metadata.xml as well as manage all of the project dependencies. Once you have an Extension Project, you can use the ThingWorx menus to create your Entities. These actions will create the necessary Java files and manage their applicable entry within the metadata.xml of your project.   After creating your Entity, you can right click the applicable java file which will show you the ‘ThingWorx Source’ menu. This houses the options to generate the code for additional characteristics (Services, Properties, etc.) making the need to learn all of the custom annotations and method signatures a much less daunting process.   Once you have generated some code with the Plugin, it is time to get started implementing your solution - This is the point where my expertise ends and yours begins! If you are interested in getting some more in-depth information on this topic, check out these additional resources: Tutorial: We have created a tutorial that guides you step-by-step through the entire process of developing a ThingWorx extension. Webcast: Watch this 60-minute, interactive deep-dive into IIoT development and learn how to use the Eclipse Plugin to rapidly create a custom ThingWorx extension. Head over to the Developer Portal and start bringing all of your great ideas to life!
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A user can make a direct REST call to Thingworx platform, but when it comes to a website trying to make a REST call. The platform server blocks the request as it is a Cross-Origin request. To enable this feature, the platform server needs to allow Cross-Origin request from all/specific websites. Enabling Cross-Origin request can be done by adding CORS filter to the server. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) specification enables the cross-origin requests from other websites deployed in a different server. By enabling CORS filter, a 3rd party tool or a website can retrieve the data from Thingworx instance. Follow the below steps inorder to update the CORS filter: Update web.xml file (located in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml) For Minimal Configurations, add the below code: <filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>   <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping>   <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>         // "*" opens platform to all URL patterns, recommended to use limited patterns. </filter-mapping> NOTE: the url-pattern - /* opens the Thingworx application to every domain. For advanced configuration, follow the below code: <filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value> </param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.allowed.methods</param-name> <param-value>GET,POST,HEAD,OPTIONS,PUT</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.allowed.headers</param-name> <param-value>Content-Type,X-Requested-With,accept,Origin,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Access-Control-Allow-Credentials</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>cors.preflight.maxage</param-name> <param-value>10</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/* </url-pattern>   // "*" opens platform to all URL patterns, recommended to use limited patterns. </filter-mapping> NOTE: update the cors.allowed.origin parameter with the desired web address Save web.xml file Restart tomcat For additional information, please follow the official tomcat reference document: Tested this using an online Javascript editor (jsfiddle) and executing the below script <script> var data = null; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://localhost:8080/Thingworx/Things", true); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.send(); </script> The request was successful and list of things are returned.
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Get Started with ThingWorx for IoT Guide Part 2   Step 4: Create Thing   A Thing is used to digitally represent a specific component of your application in ThingWorx. In Java programming terms, a Thing is similar to an instance of a class. In this step, you will create a Thing that represents an individual house using the Thing Template we created in the previous step. Using a Thing Template allows you to increase development velocity by creating multiple Things without re-entering the same information each time. Start on the Browse, folder icon tab on the far left of ThingWorx Composer. Under the Modeling tab, hover over Things then click the + button. Type MyHouse in the Name field. NOTE: This name, with matching capitalization, is required for the data simulator which will be imported in a later step. 4. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. 5. In the Base Thing Template text box, click the + and select the recently created BuildingTemplate. 6. In the Implemented Shapes text box, click the + and select the recently created ThermostatShape. 7. Click Save.     Step 5: Store Data in Value Stream   Now that you have created the MyHouse Thing to model your application in ThingWorx, you need to create a storage entity to record changing property values. This guide shows ways to store data in ThingWorx Foundation. This exercise uses a Value Stream which is a quick and easy way to save time-series data.   Create Value Stream   Start on the Browse, folder icon tab on the far left of ThingWorx Composer. Under the Data Storage section of the left-hand navigation panel, hover over Value Streams and click the + button. Select the ValueStream template option, then click OK. Enter Foundation_Quickstart_ValueStream in the Name field. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject.   Click Save.   Update Thing Template   Navigate to the BuildingTemplate Thing Template. TIP: You can use the Search box at the top if the tab is closed.       2. Confirm you are on the General Information tab.       3. Click Edit button if it is visible, then, in the Value Stream text entry box, click the + and select Foundation_Quickstart_ValueStream               4. Click Save     Step 6: Create Custom Service   The ThingWorx Foundation server provides the ability to create and execute custom Services written in Javascript. Expedite your development with sample code snippets, code-completion, and linting in the Services editor for Things, Thing Templates, and Thing Shapes. In this section, you will create a custom Service in the Electric Meter Thing Shape that will calculate the current hourly cost of electricity based on both the simulated live data, and the electricity rate saved in your model. You will create a JavaScript that multiplies the current meter reading by the cost per hour and stores it in a property that tracks the current cost. Click Thing Shapes under the Modeling tab on the left navigation pane; then click on MeterShape in the list. Click Services tab, then click + Add and select Local (Javascript). Type calculateCost into the Name field. Click Me/Entities to open the tab. Click Properties. NOTE: There are a number of properties including costPerKWh, currentCost and currentPower. These come from the Thing Shape you defined earlier in this tutorial. 6. Click the arrow next to the currentCost property. This will add the Javascript code to the script box for accessing the currentCost property. 7. Reproduce the code below by typing in the script box or clicking on the other required properties under the Me tab:           me.currentCost = me.costPerKWh * me.currentPower;           8. Click Done. 9. Click Save. NOTE: There is a new ThingWorx 9.3 feature that allows users to easily Execute tests for ‘Services’ right from where they are defined so users can quickly test solution code.    Click here to view Part 3 of this guide. 
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  DevOps. It’s not just a buzzword. It’s a true development methodology that can make all the difference in your application quality and release time. Today, I’ll walk you through how you can continuously integrate and deploy your ThingWorx applications to achieve CI/CD objectives as part of a DevOps-focused culture. At the end, I’ll provide you a sneak peek of what you can expect in a future release (hint: we’re working on some awesome new CI/CD functionality). Overview of ThingWorx DevOps and Common Tools I’ll start by providing an overview of the DevOps cycle, and then I’ll provide more details around each step of the cycle. Before we can start, you’ll need to define your high-level architecture and functional requirements as part of the “Plan” phase.   Now, let’s build your ThingWorx app. Ready? Here we go!   Code As with any software platform, developers can start working in any number of areas of the IoT application—from edge, to visualization, rules authoring to data modelling. For the purpose of this article, we’ll start with the UI, but much of the same steps can be applied in any order. Also, we’ll just call out high level steps of development, but for more info on building out each aspect of your application, please visit   In ThingWorx Composer, build out your user interface with Mashups. Starting with UI can help you think about the types of data you want to collect from devices and systems and how you want to solve your unique requirements for the business. Starting at this point can also help you show live POCs and functional mockups to stakeholders. Once you’ve built some starter screens and a skeleton of app navigation, you can start adding in data through configuration in Composer by creating your Things, Templates, properties and services. [Optional] We offer 65 out-of-the-box widgets for the UI in the ThingWorx platform. There are times when you have specific visualization requirements for your application and the out-of-the-box widgets don’t quite satisfy them. We have a path for that, through our custom widget extensions. If you choose to develop your own widget extensions, you can do so through other IDEs like Eclipse or WebStorm. Custom development and extensions are not just for UI. We also allow you to define Thing entities and their custom services in Java. If you are developing extensions in this way, we’d recommend you do so using Eclipse to code and Gradle to build and drive tests. For instructions on how to create your own extension, see “Creating Customized ThingWorx Widgets” on page 42 of the ThingWorx Application Development Guide posted on Ask Kaya. With a good start on the data model, business logic and UI, some quick testing and validation is in order. You’ll probably also want to save all of this work also to share with colleagues or move to other integration environments. Capture all of your entity and code artifacts (Mashups, style definitions, Thing shapes, Thing templates, JavaScript, etc.) by using the “Export to Source Control” feature from ThingWorx Composer to write entities to the file system. You can use Git or other source systems to monitor the file system and push to the remote repository of your choice (e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.). Again, if you are developing extensions outside of Composer, you’ll want to source control those items, too, from Eclipse or the file system directly. Build [Optional] You can build an application package as an extension with all entities and code from Eclipse using the ThingWorx Eclipse plugin. When you build the project, it will create an extension zip file. Again, more info in the Application Development Guide. Make your life easy by using tools like Gradle or Maven. ThingWorx is very similar to other Java development systems, so Gradle and Maven track your dependencies and create a package with all of the referenced extensions you may be using and put them into one single zip file package. Once you have a package built, you can import it into test or integration environments. For added automation, create repeatable tasks like a job in Jenkins so that every time your code is changed in the source repository (e.g. Git), it triggers a job to increment the version, build the project and create the package deliverables. Consider also configuring the Jenkins jobs to push artifacts to a central repository like Artifactory. Test Once your code has been built, we can’t forget about testing! Automation is king for DevOps! For ThingWorx apps, you should still design a test strategy for your application, and then define and create your tests. These can run in your local developer environment, as well as be triggered via build tasks/changes in the source repository. Tools like JUnit for your entities and Java-backed services or Selenium for testing the Mashup UIs can be used. You can create separate jobs in Jenkins along with the build to run the integration and unit tests against an instance of ThingWorx that has the latest artifacts deployed into it. You can also do static code analysis using tools like PMD to find bugs, check style issues or identify inefficient code paths. To round out your app also with performance and load testing, JMeter is one tool that you can leverage. Release Releasing is the culmination of the team’s great work! If the test results pass and the builds are green, you are good to go, and it’s time to establish your release build. Make sure that you consider a versioning scheme for your application and its artifacts. Semantic versioning is a pattern that can be implemented for your ThingWorx application. Correct versioning of ThingWorx packages affects your upgrade plans and is a signal to your users on the intent and content of the release. Again, see the Application Development Guide. Once a release milestone is met, you can create a source branch in Git for that milestone, which will have all the changes encompassed in that release. Configure a Jenkins job to create builds from that milestone branch for maintenance purposes. Deploy + Operate + Monitor   If you’ve tested and released your application, it’s time for production and real users! Using the build and testing infrastructure you’ve set up earlier in the development process, you can also deploy your release builds to your target staging and production ThingWorx environments with Jenkins jobs, Artifactory and automated steps. Finally, as with anything, it is important to measure success and monitor performance via KPIs, trends and logs. You can also extract application insights and recommendations from the PTC System Monitor (PSM) tool, which uses Dynatrace; here is a guide on how to install and deploy PSM.  There are many different paths through the platform and options for developers to match your local team processes and tools—this was simply a quick overview. Congrats! You’re now equipped to build ThingWorx apps while leveraging software best practices and incorporating a DevOps culture!   What can I expect in a future release of ThingWorx? Coming in a near-term release of ThingWorx, we’ll make it easier for you to continuously integrate and deploy your ThingWorx applications. How? Through new functionality that bolsters our packaging concepts, new cloud services to assist in deployment to environments and an error-proof way to integrate applications with an automated dependency awareness.   Stay tuned for more info about this exciting new deployment and application management functionality targeted for Fall 2019!   Reach out with any questions and stay connected.   -Kaya
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We are excited to announce ThingWorx 8.4 is now available for download!    Key functional highlights ThingWorx 8.4 covers the following areas of the product portfolio: ThingWorx Analytics and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Connection Server and Edge capabilities.   ThingWorx Foundation Next Generation Composer: File Repository Editor added for application file management New entity Config Table Editor to enable application configurability and customization Localization support fornew languages: Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Chinese/Taiwan, Chinese/Simplified Mashup Builder: Responsive Layout with new Layout Editor 13 new and updated widgets (beta) Theming Editor (beta) New Functions Editor New Personalized Workspace Platform: Added support for AzureSQL, a relational database-as-a-service (DBaaS) as the new persistence provider A PaaS database that is always running on the latest stable version of SQL Server Database Engine and  patched OS with 99.99% availability.   Added support for InfluxData, a leading time series storage platform as the new ThingWorx persistence provider Supports ingesting large amounts of IoT data and offers high availability with clustering setup New extension for Remote Access and Control Supports VNC, RDP desktop sharing for any remote device HTTP and SSH connectivity supported An optional microservice to offload the ThingWorx server by allowing query execution to occur in a separate process on the same or on a different physical machine. Installers for Postgres versions of ThingWorx running on Windows or RHEL AzureSQL InfluxDB Thing Presence feature introduced which indicates whether the connection of a thing is “normal” based on the expected behavior of the device. Remote Access Extension Query Microservice: Click and Go Installers for Windows and Linux (RHEL) Security: Major investments include updating 3rd party libraries, handling of data to address cross-site scripting (XSS)  issues and enhancements to the password policy, including a password blacklist. A significant number of security issues have been fixed in this release. It is recommended that customers upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements. Docker Support  Added Dockerfile as a distribution media for ThingWorx Foundation and Analytics Allows building Docker container image that unlocks the potential of Dev and Ops Note:  Legacy Composer has been removed and replaced with the New Composer.   Documentation: ThingWorx 8.4 Reference Documents ThingWorx Platform 8.4 Release Notes ThingWorx Platform Help Center ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center  
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Let's consider that we have two Streams Stream1 and Stream2 with same DataShape StreamDS. DataShape StreamDS has two fields Id (number) and Name (string). We want to copy all the entries from Stream1 to Stream2. Steps: 1. Open Stream1 Stream in Composer and run GetStreamEntriesWithData service. 2. In the popup click on Create DataShape from Result option to create a new DataShape GetStreamEntriesDS. 3. Create a Service and use JavaScript like below (Added Comments for Details): // Create Temporary Infotable to hold output of GetStreamEntriesWithData Service var paramsForInfotable = {   infoTableName: "InfoTable" /* STRING */,   dataShapeName: "GetStreamEntriesDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */ }; // result: INFOTABLE var InfotableForCopy = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(paramsForInfotable); //Save output of GetStreamEntriesWithData Service to Temporary Infotable InfotableForCopy var paramsForGetStreamEntriesWithDataService = {   oldestFirst: false /* BOOLEAN */,   maxItems: 10000 /* NUMBER */ }; // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "GetStreamEntriesDS" InfotableForCopy = Things["Stream1"].GetStreamEntriesWithData(paramsForGetStreamEntriesWithDataService); // Read the data from Infotable row by row and add it to new Stream var tableLength = InfotableForCopy.rows.length; for (var x = 0; x < tableLength; x++) {   var row = InfotableForCopy.rows ; // values:INFOTABLE(Datashape: StreamDS) var values = Things["Stream2"].CreateValues(); values.Id = row.Id; //NUMBER values.Name = row.Name; //STRING var paramsForAddStreamEntryService = {   sourceType: row.sourceType /* STRING */,   values: values /* INFOTABLE*/,   location: row.location /* LOCATION */,   source: row.source /* STRING */,   timestamp: row.timestamp /* DATETIME */,   tags: row.tags /* TAGS */ }; // AddStreamEntry(tags:TAGS, timestamp:DATETIME, source:STRING, values:INFOTABLE(StreamDS), location:LOCATION):NOTHING Things["Stream2"].AddStreamEntry(paramsForAddStreamEntryService); } var result = InfotableForCopy;
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In the evolving landscape of software development, ensuring support for the latest, most secure versions of programming languages is essential. At PTC, we continuously evaluate our technology stack, and Java is no exception. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing secure and high-performing products, we’re announcing some important updates to the Java support plans for ThingWorx.   Current Java Support in ThingWorx (Through Version v9.1.X - v9.6.X)   As of ThingWorx v9.6, Java 11 is the only supported version. This version has been a mainstay of our IoT platform, ensuring stability and performance across various use cases. However, Java 11 entered Extended Support in September 2023, meaning its standard support phase has ended. While this version will continue to receive security updates for a while, its lifecycle is winding down.   Introducing Java 21 Support in ThingWorx v9.7 (Planned Release: December 2024)   With ThingWorx 9.7, releasing in December 2024, we will introduce support for Java 21, the next Long-Term Support (LTS) version of Java. This upgrade brings key benefits, including improved performance, enhanced garbage collection, and increased security, ensuring that ThingWorx remains optimized for enterprise-scale IoT deployments. (More details: The Arrival Of JAVA 21) Given the diversity of our customer base, we know that some are still using Java 11, while others are ready to move to Java 21. ThingWorx 9.7 will support both versions, allowing customers the flexibility to upgrade to the latest ThingWorx version while preparing their environments for Java 21.   The Road to Java 21-Only: What to Expect in ThingWorx v10.0 (Planned Release: June 2025)   As we assess the adoption of Java 21 following the ThingWorx 9.7 release, our goal is to phase out support for Java 11 with ThingWorx 10.0, scheduled for release in June 2025. Starting with ThingWorx 10, Java 21 will be the only supported version, marking the end of Java 11 support for the core platform.   This is driven by the need to stay aligned with modern standards and best practices, including support for third-party technologies such as Tomcat v10 and Spring Framework v6, which require latest Java versions. These updates will ensure that ThingWorx continues to benefit from the latest advancements in the Java ecosystem. Next steps for ThingWorx users   As we approach the release of ThingWorx 9.7, we encourage customers to begin planning for the move to Java 21. While ThingWorx 9.7 will support both Java 11 and Java 21, we recommend upgrading to Java 21 to take full advantage of the enhancements it offers. For more detailed information on overall third party support, do check Release Advisor Vineet Khokhar Principal Product Manager, IoT Security   Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the release of ThingWorx v9.7, and as always, in case of issues, feel free to reach out to <>  This post on ThingWorxTM status & roadmap is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with ThingWorx. This post contains intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the ThingWorxTM product. The information is furnished for information use only and is not intended to be binding upon ThingWorx to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. Please note that this document is subject to change and may be changed by ThingWorx at any time without notice; accordingly, you should not rely on this data for production or purchasing decisions. ThingWorx assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document.
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The Protocol Adapter Toolkit (PAT) is an SDK that allows developers to write a custom Connector that enables edge devices to connect to and communicate with the ThingWorx Platform.   In this blog, I will be dabbling with the MQTT Sample Project that uses the MQTT Channel introduced in PAT 1.1.2.   Preamble All the PAT sample projects are documented in detail in their respective This post is an illustrated Walk-thru for the MQTT Sample project, please review its for in depth information. More reading in Protocol Adapter Toolkit (PAT) overview PAT 1.1.2 is supported with ThingWorx Platform 8.0 and 8.1 - not fully supported with 8.2 yet.   MQTT Connector features The MQTT Sample project provides a Codec implementation that service MQTT requests and a command line MQTT client to test the Connector. The sample MQTT Codec handles Edge initiated requests read a property from the ThingWorx Platform write a property to the ThingWorx Platform execute a service on the ThingWorx Platform send an event to the ThingWorx Platform (also uses a ServiceEntityNameMapper to map an edgeId to an entityName) All these actions require a security token that will be validated by a Platform service via a InvokeServiceAuthenticator.   This Codec also handles Platform initiated requests (egress message) write a property to the Edge device execute a service without response on the Edge device  Components and Terminology       Mqtt Messages originated from the Edge Device (inbound) are published to the sample MQTT topic Mqtt Messages originated from the Connector (outbound) are published to the mqtt/outbound MQTT topic   Codec A pluggable component that interprets Edge Messages and converts them to ThingWorx Platform Messages to enable interoperability between an Edge Device and the ThingWorx Platform. Connector A running instance of a Protocol Adapter created using the Protocol Adapter Toolkit. Edge Device The device that exists external to the Connector which may produce and/or consume Edge Messages. (mqtt) Edge Message A data structure used for communication defined by the Edge Protocol.  An Edge Message may include routing information for the Channel and a payload for Codec. Edge Messages originate from the Edge Device (inbound) as well as the Codec (outbound). (mqtt) Channel The specific mechanism used to transmit Edge Messages to and from Edge Devices. The Protocol Adapter Toolkit currently includes support for HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT, and custom Channels. A Channel takes the data off of the network and produces an Edge Message for consumption by the Codec and takes Edge Messages produced by the Codec and places the message payload data back onto the network. Platform Connection The connection layer between a Connector and ThingWorx core Platform Message The abstract representation of a message destined for and coming from the ThingWorx Platform (e.g. WriteProperty, InvokeService). Platform Messages are produced by the Codec for incoming messages and provided to the Codec for outgoing messages/responses.   Installation and Build  Protocol Adapter Toolkit installation The media is available from PTC Software Downloads : ThingWorx Connection Server > Release 8.2 > ThingWorx Protocol Adapter Toolkit Just unzip the media on your filesystem, there is no installer The MQTT Sample Project is available in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt Eclipse Project setup Prerequisite : Eclipse IDE (I'm using Neon.3 release) Eclipse Gradle extension - for example the Gradle IDE Pack available in the Eclipse Marketplace Import the MQTT Project : File > Import > Gradle (STS) > Gradle (STS) Project Browser to <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt, then [Build Model] and select the mqtt project     Review the sample MQTT codec and test client Connector : mqtt > src/main/java > com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.codec.MqttSampleCodec decode : converts an MqttEdgeMessage to a PlatformRequest encode (3 flavors) : converts a PlatformMessage or an InfoTable or a Throwable to a MqttEdgeMessage Note that most of the conversion logic is common to all sample projects (websocket, rest, mqtt) and is done in an helper class : SampleProtocol The SampleProtocol sources are available in the <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\connector-api-sample-protocol project - it can be imported in eclipse the same way as the mqtt. SampleTokenAuthenticator and SampleEntityNameMapper are also defined in the <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\connector-api-sample-protocol project. Client : mqtt > src/client/java > com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.MqttClient Command Line MQTT client based on Eclipse Paho that allows to test edge initiated and platform initiated requests. Build the sample MQTT Connector and test client Select the mqtt project then RMB > Gradle (STS) > Task Quick Launcher > type Clean build +  [enter] This creates a distributable archive (zip+tar) in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\build\distributions that packages the sample mqtt connector, some startup scripts, an xml with sample entities to import on the platform and a sample connector.conf. Note that I will test the connector and the client directly from Eclipse, and will not use this package. Runtime configuration and setup MQTT broker I'm just using a Mosquitto broker Docker image from Docker Hub​   docker run -d -p 1883:1883 --name mqtt ncarlier/mqtt  ThingWorx Platform appKey and ConnectionServicesExtension From the ThingWorx Composer : Create an Application Key for your Connector (remember to increase the expiration date - to make it simple I bind it to Administrator) Import the and extensions available in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\requiredExtensions  Connector configuration Edit <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\src\main\dist\connector.conf Update the highlighted entries below to match your configuration :   include "application" cx-server {   connector {     active-channel = "mqtt"     bind-on-first-communication = true     channel.mqtt {       broker-urls = [ "tcp://localhost:1883" ]       // at least one subscription must be defined       subscriptions {        "sample": [ "com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.codec.MqttSampleCodec", 1 ]       }       outbound-codec-class = "com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.codec.MqttSampleCodec"     }   }   transport.websockets {     app-key = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"     platforms = "wss://thingWorxServer:8443/Thingworx/WS"   }   // Health check service default port (9009) was in used on my machine. Added the following block to change it.   health-check {      port = 9010   } }  Start the Connector Run the Connector directly from Eclipse using the Gradle Task RMB > Run As ... > Gradle (STS) Build (Alternate technique)  Debug as Java Application from Eclipse Select the mqtt project, then Run > Debug Configurations .... Name : mqtt-connector Main class:  com.thingworx.connectionserver.ConnectionServer On the argument tab add a VM argument : -Dconfig.file=<protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\src\main\dist\connector.conf Select [Debug]  Verify connection to the Platform From the ThingWorx Composer, Monitoring > Connection Servers Verify that a Connection Server with name protocol-adapter-cxserver-<uuid> is listed  Testing  Import the ThingWorx Platform sample Things From the ThingWorx Composer Import/Export > From File : <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\mqtt\src\main\dist\SampleEntities.xml Verify that WeatherThing, EntityNameConverter and EdgeTokenAuthenticator have been imported. WeatherThing : RemoteThing that is used to test our Connector EdgeTokenAuthenticator : holds a sample service (ValidateToken) used to validate the security token provided by the Edge device EntityNameConverter : holds a sample service (GetEntityName) used to map an edgeId to an entityName  Start the test MQTT client I will run the test client directly from Eclipse Select the mqtt project, then Run > Run Configurations .... Name : mqtt-client Main class:  com.thingworx.connector.sdk.samples.MqttClient On the argument tab add a Program argument : tcp://<mqtt_broker_host>:1883 Select [Run] Type the client commands in the Eclipse Console  Test Edge initiated requests     Read a property from the ThingWorx Platform In the MQTT client console enter : readProperty WeatherThing temp   Sending message: {"propertyName":"temp","requestId":1,"authToken":"token1234","action":"readProperty","deviceId":"WeatherThing"} to topic: sample Received message: {"temp":56.3,"requestId":1} from topic: mqtt/outbound Notes : An authToken is sent with the request, it is validated by a platform service using the SampleTokenAuthenticator (this authenticator is common to all the PAT samples and is defined in <protocol-adapter-toolkit>\samples\connector-api-sample-protocol) EntityNameMapper is not used by readProperty (no special reason for that) The PlatformRequest message built by the codec is ReadPropertyMessage   Write a property to the ThingWorx Platform In the MQTT client console enter : writeProperty WeatherThing temp 20   Sending message: {"temp":"20","propertyName":"temp","requestId":2,"authToken":"token1234","action":"writeProperty","deviceId":"WeatherThing"} to topic: sample Notes : An authToken is sent with the request, it is validated by a platform service using the SampleTokenAuthenticator EntityNameMapper is not used by writeProperty The PlatformRequest message built by the codec is WritePropertyMessage No Edge message is sent back to the device   Send an event to the ThingWorx Platform   In the MQTT client console enter : fireEvent Weather WeatherEvent SomeDescription   Sending message: {"requestId":5,"authToken":"token1234","action":"fireEvent","eventName":"WeatherEvent","message":"Some description","deviceId":"Weather"} to topic: sample Notes : An authToken is sent with the request, it is validated by a platform service using the SampleTokenAuthenticator fireEvent uses a EntityNameMapper (SampleEntityNameMapper) to map the deviceId (Weather) to a Thing name (WeatherThing), the mapping is done by a platform service The PlatformRequest message built by the codec is FireEventMessage No Edge message is sent back to the device   Execute a service on the ThingWorx Platform ... can be tested with the GetAverageTemperature on WeatherThing ... Test Platform initiated requests     Write a property to the Edge device The MQTT Connector must be configured to bind the Thing with the Platform when the first message is received for the Thing. This was done by setting the bind-on-first-communication=true in connector.conf When a Thing is bound, the remote egress messages will be forwarded to the Connector The Edge initiated requests above should have done the binding, but if the Connector was restarted since, just bind again with : readProperty WeatherThing isConnected From the ThingWorx composer update the temp property value on WeatherThing to 30 An egress message is logged in the MQTT client console :   Received message: {"egressMessages":[{"propertyName":"temp","propertyValue":30,"type":"PROPERTY"}]} from topic: mqtt/outbound   Execute a service on the ThingWorx Platform ... can be tested with the SetNtpService on WeatherThing ...
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