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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for the multitenancy and platform security. It  discusses the available security levels, necessary basic resources, as well as provides information on the system user, and also includes several examples on how-to. It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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  The data in your industrial IoT application is only valuable if it tells a story. As a developer, you need to consider the logical connections between graphical elements and business data and determine how users want to consume the information. With the Mashup Builder in ThingWorx, you can rapidly create a custom visualization that displays data from your connected devices. These easy-to-configure widgets deliver real-time data functionality at your fingertips - streamlining, processing, and displaying valuable information for your application users.   In this video, you'll learn how to create immersive, interactive visualizations by utilizing dynamic charts and graphs in your GUI. ThingWorx technical engineer Jason Wyatt demonstrates how to: Create a UI with ThingWorx Composer and Mashup Builder Incorporate visual displays that highlight business data requirements Supply data to components in your Mashup leveraging pre-built widgets and services Implement the Time Series Chart, Pie Chart, Open Street Map, Location Picker, Auto Refresh, Textbox, and Button widgets Watch the recording above, and download this sample Mashup containing all the data and entities shared in the video.   Q&A   We didn’t have time to get to all of the questions during the live webcast, but we’ve answered them here on our blog. Have any additional questions? Please leave us a comment. THIS UI CAPABILITY CLEARLY IS USEFUL FOR PROTOTYPING. AT WHAT SCALE AND / OR COMPLEXITY DO YOU RECOMMEND USING TRADITIONAL PROGRAMMING METHODS? The ThingWorx platform does not require users to utilize the Mashup Builder to create a frontend for their application. Some PTC customers use ThingWorx for the backend and rely on a traditional HTML team to design a custom UI. In that scenario, ThingWorx provides the Edge connectivity and backend storage/organization/business-logic. But, that said, the Mashup Builder can be used to develop production-level sites, especially if you customize State and Style definitions and create a Master mashup. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GETIMPLEMENTINGTHINGS VS. GETIMPLEMENTINGTHINGSWITHDATA VS. QUERYPROPERTYHISTORY? GetImplementingThings provides a list of all Things instantiated from a particular Thing Template. GetImplementingThingsWithData provides the current property values associated with the Things. QueryPropertyHistory provides historical Property values. WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE SCENARIOS WHERE SERVICEINVOKECOMPLETED CAN BE TRIGGERED? ServiceInvokeCompleted is an Event that occurs when a Mashup Data Service completes. We recommend you use it in any situation where timing is important for proper application execution. For instance, in the application created for the webinar, I wanted QueryPropertyHistory to run after SetProperties was complete. Therefore, I used ServiceInvokeCompleted to trigger the second Service. IS THERE ANY WAY TO DISPLAY TWO INFO TABLE DATA IN SINGLE GRID? This isn't possible by default, but as a workaround you could make a custom Service to combine two InfoTables into one; and then you could apply the combined data to the Grid Widget. CAN I RESIZE MY WIDGETS DURING RUNTIME? You can change any Widget Property at runtime that accepts an incoming data-bind. You can tell which Widget Properties accept dynamic data by looking at the Property itself in the bottom-left section of the Mashup Builder. If the Property has a left arrow pointing at the Property name, then you can bind it to dynamic data and change it during runtime. For Widget Properties where this isn't possible (such as some Widgets' Width and Height), you can apply custom CSS. IS THERE AN UNDO FEATURE AVAILABLE ON MASHUP BUILDER? Currently, no, but I believe Undo is a feature request on the R&D radar. HOW DO YOU GET MASHUP INFORMATION UP TO THE MASTER MASHUP? You can pass information between two Mashups when one Mashup pushes a change down to a Thing, then the other Mashup may read that data from that same Thing. Additionally, Mashup Parameters and Session Variables can act like Global Variables that are accessible across multiple Mashups. DOES THE OPAQUE OR MAKING BG COLOR TRANSPARENT WORK? You may set certain Widgets' style in such a way that the Widget itself is visible, but the background of the Widget is transparent. CAN YOU SHOW AGAIN HOW YOU ADDED THE TEXTBOX TO THE PROPERTIES OF SERVICES? You can view the recording of the webinar to see how I made an invisible TextBox set the MaxItems Property of the QueryPropertyHistory Mashup Data Service. I used an invisible TextBox to get a static number, then applied that number to the MaxItems Parameter of QueryPropertyHistory in order to change the Service's functionality. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE FOR SETPROPERTIES? SetProperties is one of several Mashup Data Services that sends information from the Mashup to the backend. DO WE HAVE FILTERS ON THE PIE CHART FOR CHANGING THE VIEW WHEN A VALUE IS SELECTED IN THE FILTER? Yes, there are several operations you may perform when a section of a Pie Chart is selected. I had originally intended to show how you can change the displayed color when you select a particular section of the Pie Chart, but I unfortunately ran out of time. In addition, all three of the display Widgets were tied together: when I selected a section of the Pie Chart, the same piece of data was selected on the Map and Time Series (and vice versa for clicking on the other two). You can import the sample Mashup into your Composer to view the configuration settings. IS THERE WAY TO SET PROPERTIES AND GET DATA THROUGH EMAIL USING THINGWORX? Yes, there are several ways to push information to the ThingWorx backend. For instance, you could have an entirely external process which strips data from an e-mail and then makes a REST call to ThingWorx to archive the data or trigger some Service. And, yes, ThingWorx supports sending and receiving e-mail through an Extension which you may download for free from the ThingWorx Marketplace. CAN THE MAXITEMS OF THE QUERYPROPERTYHISTORY BE APPLIED TO A COMBO BOX / LIST, WHICH CAN BE SELECTED FROM THE MASHUP SCREEN ONLINE? If I'm understanding correctly, you're asking whether or not the MaxItems Parameter of the QueryPropertyHistory Mashup Data Service can be set dynamically. The answer is yes. For instance, that TextBox which I made invisible could have been left visible and given a Label of "Max Items to Display". It would still be tied to the QueryPropertyHistory Service in the same way. But when the TextBox has a new value entered, then that would change the Parameter configuration of QueryPropertyHistory to show whatever had been entered. You would still have to figure out how to call the QueryPropertyHistory Service again. Changing a Parameter just sets up how the Service will behave the next time it is called. DO YOU HAVE TIPS FOR MAKING A PRINT-FRIENDLY MASHUP? My only real recommendation would be to use a Static Mashup with a specific resolution (to ensure that everything fit on the page while still looking good), while also setting the Style of various Widgets such that everything was in gray-scale (or something similar) that would be easy on your printer's ink cartridge. HOW WELL DO THE STYLE DEFINITIONS AND CSS WORK WITH TWITTER'S BOOTSTRAP? I'm unfamiliar with Twitter's Bootstrap, but I do know that with Style Definitions and the new CSS functionality, you have a lot of control over exactly how your Mashup looks. So you should be able to configure your Mashup to comply if Twitter has some particular requirements. WHY DO WIDGETS NOT STICK TO THE MASHUP WHEN YOU DRAG THEM INTO A BUSY UI? I HAVE HAD WIDGETS 'FLY' BACK TO THE WIDGET LIST AND HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO GET THEM TO STICK. Unfortunately, that's a known issue. It has something to do with the fact that you're not allowed to drag-and-drop a new Widget on top of an existing Widget. Which is a little strange considering that you explicitly *ARE* allowed to stack Widgets on top of one another after they've been placed in the central Canvas areas. I believe that R&D is investigating. CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENT OPTIONS FOR MASHUP? I believe that this question has something to do with the options in the pop-up when you first create a new Mashup. A Responsive Mashup grows and shrinks to match the viewing-resolution, while Static stays at the resolution you specify. The other options, (Page vs. Template vs. Shape), have to do with a specific setup where you have a Mashup-in-Mashup design. For instance, you could subdivide a Responsive Mashup just as I did in the webinar, and then have one of those sub-sections be an entirely different Mashup. Template and Shape Mashups are used when you have the scenario I describe above with Mashup-in-Mashup, but you want the sub-Mashup to change based off some other metric, such as the selection of a Thing listed in a Grid Widget. You could use some Mashup Data Service like GetImplementingThings. That would return a list of every Thing instantiated from a Thing Template. You could then have a Grid which displays a list of every Thing returned by the GetImplementingThings Service. You could then have a Template Mashup stored within every Thing instantiated from that Template. Whenever a Thing is selected from the Grid, it displays the Template Mashup for that specific Thing. HOW DO YOU HIDE TOOLBAR WHICH ALLOW USER TO SELECT "SHOW/HIDE LOG", "SHOW/HIDE LOG", "RELOAD", ETC. ON YOUR MASHUP SCREEN? Many Widgets have a ""Visible"" Property which may be dynamically set via some other criteria. For instance, you could have a Checkbox Widget, which is great for Boolean values like the Visible Property. You could tie the State Property of the Checkbox Widget to a different Widget's Visible Property. When the Checkbox is checked, the other Widget is visible. When the Checkbox is unchecked, then the other Widget becomes invisible. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE CHALLENGES IN RESPONSIVE MASHUPS VS. STATIC MASHUP DEVELOPMENT. ALSO NEED THE LIST OF WIDGETS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE RESPONSIVE MASHUPS. WHAT IS NEW IN THINGWORX 8.2 FOR RESPONSIVE MASHUPS? The main challenge of a Responsive Mashup is that it's almost necessary to test the Mashup at each resolution that you believe your users may be viewing the page. Responsive does a good job of stretching and shrinking… but this can also lead to undesirable situations where you have scroll bars because the viewing-resolution is too small for everything to fit. The main challenge of a Static Mashup is that it really only works at the specific resolution you set. If you have a 300x200 px Static Mashup, it will essentially be unreadable on a 4k display. As for a list, some Widgets *AREN'T* Responsive. The TextBox Widget will not grow and shrink as the viewing-resolution changes, for instance, but you can still use a TextBox in a Responsive Mashup. The big new item for Mashups in 8.2 was the inclusion of CSS and the Collections Widget. Either or both may be used in any Mashup, regardless of whether it's Responsive or Static.
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This is a follow-up post on my initial document about Edge Microserver (EMS) and Lua Script Resource (LSR) security. While the first part deals with fundamentals on secure configurations, this second part will give some more practical tips and tricks on how to implement these security measurements.   For more information it's also recommended to read through the Setting Up Secure Communications for WS EMS and LSR chapter in the ThingWorx Help Center. See also Trust & Encryption Theory and Hands On for more information and examples - especially around the concept of the Chain of Trust, which will be an important factor for this post as well.   In this post I will only reference the High Security options for both, the EMS and the LSR. Note that all commands and directories are Linux based - Windows equivalents might slightly differ.   Note - some of the configuration options are color coded for easy recognition: LSR resources / EMS resources   Password Encryption   It's recommended to encrypt all passwords and keys, so that they are not stored as cleartext in the config.lua / config.json files.   And of course it's also recommended, to use a more meaningful password than what I use as an example - which also means: do not use any password I mentioned here for your systems, they might too easy to guess now 🙂   The luaScriptResource script can be used for encryption:   ./luaScriptResource -encrypt "pword123" ############ Encrypted String AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw== ############   The wsems script can be used for encryption:   ./wsems -encrypt "pword123" ############ Encrypted String AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw== ############   Note that the encryption for both scripts will result in the same encrypted string. This means, either the wsems or luaScriptResource scripts can be used to retrieve the same results.   The string to encrypt can be provided with or without quotation marks. It is however recommended to quote the string, especially when the string contains blanks or spaces. Otherwise unexpected results might occur as blanks will be considered as delimiter symbols.   LSR Configuration   In the config.lua there are two sections to be configured:   scripts.script_resource which deals with the configuration of the LSR itself scripts.rap which deals with the connection to the EMS   HTTP Server Authentication   HTTP Server Authentication will require a username and password for accessing the LSR REST API.     scripts.script_resource_authenticate = true scripts.script_resource_userid = "luauser" scripts.script_resource_password = "pword123"     The password should be encrypted (see above) and the configuration should then be updated to   scripts.script_resource_password = "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw=="   HTTP Server TLS Configuration   Configuration   HTTP Server TLS configuration will enable TLS and https for secure and encrypted communication channels from and to the LSR. To enable TLS and https, the following configuration is required:     scripts.script_resource_ssl = true scripts.script_resource_certificate_chain = "/pathToLSR/lsrcertificate.pem" scripts.script_resource_private_key = "/pathToLSR/key.pem" scripts.script_resource_passphrase = "keyForLSR"     It's also encouraged to not use the default certificate, but custom certificates instead. To explicitly set this, the following configuration can be added:     scripts.script_resource_use_default_certificate = false     Certificates, keys and encryption   The passphrase for the private key should be encrypted (see above) and the configuration should then be updated to     scripts.script_resource_passphrase = "AES:A+Uv/xvRWENWUzourErTZQ=="     The private_key should be available as .pem file and starts and ends with the following lines:     -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----     As it's highly recommended to encrypt the private_key, the LSR needs to know the password for how to encrypt and use the key. This is done via the passphrase configuration. Naturally the passphrase should be encrypted in the config.lua to not allow spoofing the actual cleartext passphrase.   The certificate_chain holds the Chain of Trust of the LSR Server Certificate in a .pem file. It holds multiple entries for the the Root, Intermediate and Server Specific certificate starting and ending with the following line for each individual certificate and Certificate Authority (CA):     -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -----END CERTIFICATE-----     After configuring TLS and https, the LSR REST API has to be called via https://lsrserver:8001 (instead of http).   Connection to the EMS   Authentication   To secure the connection to the EMS, the LSR must know the certificates and authentication details for the EMS:     scripts.rap_server_authenticate = true scripts.rap_userid = "emsuser" scripts.rap_password = "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw=="     Supply the authentication credentials as defined in the EMS's config.json - as for any other configuration the password can be used in cleartext or encrypted. It's recommended to encrypt it here as well.   HTTPS and TLS   Use the following configuration establish the https connection and using certificates     scripts.rap_ssl = true scripts.rap_cert_file = "/pathToLSR/emscertificate.pem" scripts.rap_deny_selfsigned = true scripts.rap_validate = true     This forces the certificate to be validated and also denies selfsigned certificates. In case selfsigned certificates are used, you might want to adjust above values.   The cert_file is the full Chain of Trust as configured in the EMS' config.json http_server.certificate options. It needs to match exactly, so that the LSR can actually verify and trust the connections from and to the EMS.   EMS Configuration   In the config.lua there are two sections to be configured:   http_server which enables the HTTP Server capabilities for the EMS certificates which holds all certificates that the EMS must verify in order to communicate with other servers (ThingWorx Platform, LSR)   HTTP Server Authentication and TLS Configuration   HTTP Server Authentication will require a username and password for accessing the EMS REST API. HTTP Server TLS configuration will enable TLS and https for secure and encrypted communication channels from and to the EMS.   To enable both the following configuration can be used:   "http_server": { "host": "<emsHostName>", "port": 8000, "ssl": true, "certificate": "/pathToEMS/emscertificate.pem", "private_key": "/pathToEMS/key.pem", "passphrase": "keyForEMS", "authenticate": true, "user": "emsuser", "password": "pword123" }   The passphrase as well as the password should be encrypted (see above) and the configuration should then be updated to   "passphrase": "AES:D6sgxAEwWWdD5ZCcDwq4eg==", "password": "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw=="   See LSR configuration for comments on the certificate and the private_key. The same principals apply here. Note that the certificate must hold the full Chain of Trust in a .pem file for the server hosting the EMS.   After configuring TLS and https, the EMS REST API has to be called via https://emsserver:8000 (instead of http).   Certificates Configuration   The certificates configuration hold all certificates that the EMS will need to validate. If ThingWorx is configured for HTTPS and the ws_connection.encryption is set to "ssl" the Chain of Trust for the ThingWorx Platform Server Certificate must be present in the .pem file. If the LSR is configured for HTTPS the Chain of Trust for the LSR Server Certificate must be present in the .pem file.   "certificates": { "validate": true, "allow_self_signed": false, "cert_chain" : "/pathToEMS/listOfCertificates.pem" } The listOfCertificates.pem is basicially a copy of the lsrcertificate.pem with the added ThingWorx certificates and CAs.   Note that all certificates to be validated as well as their full Chain of Trust must be present in this one .pem file. Multiple files cannot be configured.   Binding to the LSR   When binding to the LSR via the auto_bind configuration, the following settings must be configured:   "auto_bind": [{ "name": "<ThingName>", "host": "<lsrHostName>", "port": 8001, "protocol": "https", "user": "luauser", "password": "AES:A26fBYKHJq+eMu0Fm2FlDw==" }]   This will ensure that the EMS connects to the LSR via https and proper authentication.   Tips   Do not use quotation marks (") as part of the strings to be encrypted. This could result in unexpected behavior when running the encryption script. Do not use a semicolon (:) as part of any username. Authentication tokens are passed from browsers as "username:password" and a semicolon in a username could result in unexpected authentication behavior leading to failed authentication requests. In the Server Specific certificates, the CN must match the actual server name and also must match the name of the (EMS) or script_resource_host (LSR) In the .pem files first store Server Specific certificates, then all required Intermediate CAs and finally all required Root CAs - any other order could affect the consistency of the files and the certificate might not be fully readable by the scripts and processes. If the EMS is configured with certifcates, the LSR must connect via a secure channel as well and needs to be configured to do so. If the LSR is configured with certifcates, the EMS must connect via a secure channel as well and needs to be configured to do so. For testing REST API calls with resources that require encryptions and authentcation, see also How to run REST API calls with Postman on the Edge Microserver (EMS) and Lua Script Resource (LSR)   Export PEM data from KeyStore Explorer   To generate a .pem file I usually use the KeyStore Explorer for Windows - in which I have created my certificates and manage my keystores. In the keystore, select a certificate and view its details Each certificate and CA in the chain can be viewed: Root, Intermediate and Server Specific Select each certificate and CA and use the "PEM" button on the bottom of the interface to view the actual PEM content Copy to clipboard and paste into .pem file To generate a .pem file for the private key, Right-click the certificate > Export > Export Private Key Choose "PKCS #8" Check "Encrypted" and use the default algorithm; define an "Encryption Password"; check the "PEM" checkbox and export it as .pkcs8 file The .pkcs8 file can then be renamed and used as .pem file The password set during the export process will be the scripts.script_resource_passphrase (LSR) or the http_server.passphrase (EMS) After generating the .pem files I copy them over to my Linux systems where they will need 644 permissions (-rw-r--r--)
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Excited to announce ThingWorx 8.1 is officially available in our Support Portal. Please find the release notes below. The following feature enhancements and bug fixes exist in ThingWorx 8.1.0: Enhancements Platform: • Metrics Reporting is enabled by default, which allows usage, performance, and diagnostics data to be sent to a PTC server daily. For more information about this setting, see Platform Subsystem. • You can add and configure Notifications in New Composer. For more information, see Adding Notifications. • License files are now instance specific.. • Security for application keys has been enhanced. The defualt expiration date has been changed to 24 hours if it is not explictly set. • Additional capability has been added to New Composer. • Improvements to anomaly detection accuracy have been added. As a result, data collection restart is no longer necessary after a long gap and the H2 database that installs with the Training Microservice is stored in memory, not as a persisted file. For more information, see Anomaly Detection. • You can now load configuration/project files from KEPServerEX instances Bug Fixes Platform • Fixed an issue where Tomcat failed to start when using SAP HANA. TW-22191 • Fixed an issue that was preventing ThingWorx from starting after the File Transfer Subsystem was disabled. TW-22177 • Fixed an issue where the change history of a Mashup was automatically updated even if no changes were made. TW-22114 • Fixed an issue that was preventing the ServiceInvokeCompleted event from working after performing an in-place upgrade. TW-21784 • Fixed an issue where alert notifications were not being sent to recipients after removing a recipient. TW-21585 • Fixed an issue where the Add button in the Services page did not display after creating a Data Table. TW-21518 • Fixed an issue with alert notifications for entities containing periods in the name. TW-21347 • Fixed an issue that was causing connected assets to display as disconnected in ThingWorx Utilities. UTL-4698 • Fixed an issue where data bind was lost after changing Read-Only settings to Read/Write in Composer. TW-23506 • Fixed an issue that was causing a MetricsReportingTask error after enabling ThingWorx Performance Advisor. TW-21141 • Fixed an issue with the ThingWorx authentication window when specifying the site while using FF and IE. TW-21271 Mashup Builder • Fixed an issue with the List widget that was causing incorrect tooltips to display. TW-24012 TW-23961 TW-23038 • Fixed an issue where Chrome was automatically retrying Remote Service calls when a timeout occurred. TW-23828 • Fixed an issue after restarting the ThingWorx web app where the Runtime or Composer’s index.html were missing. TW-23984 • Fixed an issue where closing a modal dialogue did not remove the disabled state from an element. TW-11217 • Fixed an issue when creating a popup with the Navigation widget. The tab sequence of the popup was dependent on the original mashup. TW-11151 • Fixed an issue with localized values of data columns when using the Data Filter widget. TW-11059 Extensions  • Fixed an issue where CSV parser extension import failed if the text file that was being imported did not include a new line character at the end of the last line of text. TW-21863 • Fixed an issue with the Advanced Grid widget where the Reset button was not localized. TW-21457 • Fixed an issue with the jQuery library used by the WebSocketTunnel_ExtensionPackage widget. Note If you are using the WebSocketTunnel_ ExtensionPackage, you will need to upgrade to version 3.0.2 if you are upgrading to ThingWorx 8.1.0. To upgrade the extension, go to the Web Sockets Tunnel Widget and Library page of the ThingWorx Marketplace. TW-24465 End of Life Information SQUEAL functionality has been discontinued in 8.1. System requirements: Installation guide: ThingWorx 8.1 Cross Platform Highlights: Security ThingWorx 8.1 Cross Platform Highlights and Q&amp;A: Licensing
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ThingWorx Manufacturing Tips & Tricks Webinar is a weekly opportunity to hear PTC Subject Matter Experts present on various topics related to the manufacturing space and applications.   Agenda for this week's recorded session - - Manufacturing Apps Overview - Christine Bahmer - PTC Sigma Tile IoT Starter Kit, Presented by Serge Romano    
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Background: Firewall-Friendly Agents can be configured for server certificate authentication in the Axeda Builder project or via the Axeda Deployment Utility. When server certificate authentication is configured, the Agent will compare the certificate chain sent by the Platform to a local copy of the CA certificate chain stored in the SSLCACert.pem file in the Agent’s home directory. The certificate validation compares three things: Does the name of the Platform certificate match the name in the request? Does the CA certificate match the CA certificate that signed the Platform certificate? Is the Platform or CA certificate not expired? If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, then connection is refused and the Agent does not communicate further with the Platform. To determine if certificate trouble is an issue, see the Agent log: EKernel.log or xGate.log. Recommendation: For Agent-Platform communications, we recommend always using SSL/HTTPS. If the Agent is not configured to validate the server certificate (via the trusted CA certificate), the system is vulnerable to a number of security attacks, including “man in the middle” attacks. This is critically important from a security perspective. Note: For on-premise customers, if the Platform certificate needs to change, always update the SSLCACert.pem file on all Agents before updating the Platform certificate. (If the certificate is changed on the Platform before it is changed on the Agents, communications from the Agent will stop.) Note: Axeda ODC automatically notifies on-demand customers about any certificate updates and renewals. At this point, though, Axeda ODC certificate updates are not scheduled for several years. Finally, it is recommended that your Axeda Builder project always specify “Validate Server Certificate” and set the encryption level to the strongest level supported by the Web server. Axeda recommends 168 bit encryption, which will use one of the following encryption ciphers: AES256-SHA or DES-CBC3-SHA. Need more information? For information about configuring and managing Agent certificate authentication, see Using SSL with Axeda® Platform Guide.
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Overview This document is targeted towards covering basic PostgreSQL monitoring and health check related system objects like tables, views, etc. This allows simple monitoring of PostgreSQL database via some custom services, which I'll attach at the end of this document, from the ThingWorx Composer itself. I'll also try to cover short detail on some of the services that are included with the Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck which implements Database ThingTemplate   Pre-requisite The document assumes that the user already has ThingWorx running with PostgreSQL as a Persistence Provider.   How to install Usage for this is fairly straight forward, import the Entities.twx and it will create required Thing which implements Database ThingTemplate and some DataShapes. Each Service under the Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck has its own DataShape. Feel free edit these services / DataShapes if you are looking to use output of these services  as part of your mashup(s).   Make sure to edit the PostgeSQL's JDBC Connection String, Username & password under the configuration section in order to connect to your PostgreSQL instance under the Thing PostgreSQLHealthCheck which will be created when Entities.twx is imported (attached with this blog)   Note : Users can use these services to query non-ThingWorx related database created with PostgreSQL as part of the external JDBC connection.   Reviewing Services from Thing: PostgreSQLHealthCheck   1. DescribeTableStructure - Takes two inputs **Table Name** and the **Schema Name** in which the ThingWorx database tables exists both inputs have default values that can be modified to match your PostgreSQL schema setup and required table name - It provides information on a Table's structure, see below     2. GetAllPSQLConfig - Provides runtime details on all the configurations done in the postgresql.conf which are in-effect - For detail on pg_settings see Postgresql 9.4 Doc     3. GetAllPSQLConfigLimited Similar to GetAllPSQLConfig, however with limited information   4. GetAllPSQLRoles - Lists all the database roles/users - Also lists their access rights permissions together with OID - Helpful in identifying if the role is active/inactive or carries any limitation on the DB connections     5. GetPG_Stat_Activity - Part of the Statistics Collector subsystem for the PostgreSQL DB - Shows current state of the schema e.g. connections, queries, etc. - For more detail on the output refer to the PostgreSQL 9.4 doc   6. GetPSQLDBLocksInformation - Shows the kind of locks in effect on which database and on which relation (table) - Particularly useful in identifying the relations and what lock mode is enabled on them     7. GetPSQLDBStat - Shows database wide statistics - Like Commits, reads, block reads, tupples (rows) fetched, inserted, deadlocks, etc - For more detail refer to PostgreSQL 9.4 doc   8. GetPSQLLogDesitnation - Checks where the PostgreSQL server logs are directed to - I.e. stderr, csvlog or syslog - Default is stderr   9. GetPSQLLogFileName - Fetches the log PostgreSQL log file name and the filename format - E.g. postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log    10. GetPSQLLoggingLocation - Fetches the location where the logs are stored for PostgreSQL - e.g. pg_log, which is also the default location - Desired location for the logs can be done in the postgresql.conf file   11. GetPSQLRelationIndexes - Gets information on the Indexes - Information like index size, number of rows, table names on which the index is created   12. GetPSQLReplicationStat - Shows information related to the Replication on PostgreSQL DB - Applicable to the PostgreSQL DBs where replication is enabled   13. GetPSQLTablespaceInfo - Takes tablespace name as input (String DataType), service defaults to 'thingworx' - modify if needed - Fetches information like owner oid, tablespace ACL     14. GetPSQLUserIndexIO - Fetches index that are created only on the User created DB objects - Shows relations (table) vs index relations ids (index on table), together with their names - Also shows additional info like number of disk blocks read from this index & number of buffer hits in this index     15. GetPSQLUserSequencesIOStats - Fetches informtion on Sequence objects used on user defined relations (tables) - Number of disk blocks read from this sequence & buffer hits in this sequence     16. GetPSQLUserTableIOStat - Fetches disk I/O information on the user created tables     17. GetPSQLUserTables - Fetches all the user created tables, together with their name, OID Disk I/O Last auto vacuum , vacuum Also lists the amount of rows each relation (table) has   Finally The attached entity has some additional service not yet covered in this blog, as they are minor services. Therefore for brevity of this blog I've left them out for now, feel free to explore or enhance this. I will continue to look for any additional services and will enhance this document and the entities belong to this.    If you are looking to enhance this feel free to fork from twxPostgreSqlHealthCheck over Github.
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One of the signature features of the Axeda Platform is our alarm notification, signalling and auditing capabilities.   Our dashboard offers a simplified view into assets that are in an alarm state, and provides interaction between devices and operators.  For some customers the dashboard may be too extensive for their application needs.  The Axeda Platform from versions 6.6 onward provide a number of ways of interacting with Alarms to allow you to present this data to remote clients (Android, iOS, etc.) or to build extended business logic around alarm processing. If one were to create a remote management application for Android, for example, there are the REST APIs available to interact with Assets and Alarms.  For aggregate operations where network traffic and round-trip time can be a concern, we have our Scripto API also available that allows you to use the Custom Object functionality to deliver information on many different aggregating criteria, and allow developers to get the data needed to build the applications to solve their business requirements. Shown below is a REST API call you might make to retrieve all alarms between a certain time and date. POST:   https://INSTANCENAME/services/v2/rest/alarm/find <v2:AlarmCriteria xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi="">    <v2:date xsi:type="v2:BetweenDateQuery">     <v2:start>2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z</v2:start>     <v2:end>2015-01-31T23:59:59.000Z</v2:end>   </v2:date>   <v2:states/> </v2:AlarmCriteria>   In a custom object, this would like like the following: import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* def q = new q.start = new Date() q.end = new Date() ac = new AlarmCriteria(date:q) aresults = alarmBridge.find(ac)   Using the same API endpoint, here's how you would retrieve data by severity: <v2:AlarmCriteria xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi="">    <v2:severity xsi:type="v2:GreaterThanEqualToNumericQuery">     <v2:value>900</v2:value>   </v2:severity>   <v2:states/> </v2:AlarmCriteria>   Or in a custom object: import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.*   def q = new q.value = 900 ac = new AlarmCriteria(severity:q) aresults = alarmBridge.find(ac)   Currently the Query Types do not map properly in JSON objects - use XML to perform these types of queries via the REST APIs. References: Axeda v2 API/Services Developer's Reference Guide 6.6 Axeda Platform Web Services Developer Reference v2 REST 6.6 Axeda v2 API/Services Developer's Reference Guide 6.8 Axeda Platform Web Services Developer Reference v2 REST 6.8
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Background: Customer machines create files containing data, configuration, log data, etc. These files may contain critical information for service technicians about the asset and its data. How can you make sure you get this important information to the Cloud as soon as it’s available? Use File Watcher, a standard tool available with Firewall-Friendly Agents. You can configure File Watcher to monitor a directory or file specification and automatically upload the file(s) to the Axeda Cloud. By monitoring selected directories and files on the device, the File Watcher determines which files have changed or appeared and then upload those files to the Axeda Cloud Server. Sometimes the size of the file being written or copied into the file watch target is large enough that it takes time to complete. Without taking the right precautions, the file upload may try to start before the file creation process is completed. Recommendations: To ensure that large files don’t cause problems, we recommend using a “move” or “rename” operation instead of a file copy operation to place your file into a watched directory. Unlike a “copy” operation, using autonomous operations like move or rename will ensure that the Agent doesn’t detect a file is in the midst of growing and prematurely begin to upload that operation. In situations when it isn’t possible to use the autonomous “move” or “rename” operations, you can implement a delay. Setting a delay in the File Watcher configuration will prevent the Agent from sending files to the Axeda CloudServer before those files have transferred completely to the watched file directory. Finally, use file compression wisely. You need to balance the benefits from compressing files before sending with the potential adverse impact that compression will have on the Agent. Compressing very large files BEFORE sending to the Platform will affect the Agent; however, compressing smaller files can be beneficial. If the Agent’s computer is of lower power, the CPU may have to work overtime to compress huge files or to send huge uncompressed files. As a general rule, compressing files before sending is recommended. However, depending on your Agent and network setup, it may prove more beneficial to stream uncompressed files rather than compress first and then send. Need more information? For information about configuring and using file watchers, see the Axeda® Builder User’s Guide (PDF) or the online help in Axeda Builder.
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New Generation Composer is available from ThingWorx 7.4 and later. Each subsequent release of ThingWorx will contain additional New Composer features/functionalities. This video is focused on the layout change and new features implemented from ThingWorx 7.4.     How to enable the new Composer? 1. In the top right-hand corner, click on the User Menu and select the Preferences option                Figure 1 2. Click the check box for Turn on New Composer Features. 3. Click Done. A New Composer link is added to the menu bar at the top of the Composer window.     Figure 2   4. Click the New Composer link to open a new tab for the New Composer view   Figure 3   What's the layout change in New Composer?     Three areas layout   Figure 4     Menu bar on the left (Area 1) Set Project Context to set default project name for new entities Two views: Recent and Browse Recent view will quickly locate the recent access entities Browse is almost the same to the old menu navigation bar Could be sizable or hidden, and the main idea here is to increase screen real-estate to allow bigger view/edit area Main area for listing and feeding entities in the middle (Area 2) It provides you a wider area to edit entities (author services, mashup builder, etc.) An extra area on the right for preview, properties/events editing, etc. (Area 3) It gave you an easier and handy way to get a glance of an entity’s basic information   Layout change in an entity’s editing page When you create a new Thing, you will find all the facets (general information, properties, services, events, subscriptions) of the Thing are listed in a dropdown list Figure 5       By doing so it will save more area for the feeding   Properties and Alerts Properties and Alerts are now listed separately (in two different Tabs) Figure 6 Figure 7  Properties and Alert are now edited on the right area of the page (See Figure 4 Area 3 Services and Subscription A bigger editor area Events Events are edited on right area of the page (See Figure 4 Area 3)   What's the main function/features change in New Composer   Industrial Connections The Industrial Connections entity allows you to connect with and configure industrial things in ThingWorx. With the “Discover” feature, you could easily bind the Industrial device’s (e.g., Kepware) Tags to a ThingWorx Entity Figure 8 From ThingWorx 8.0.0, Anomaly Alert type is supported An anomaly alert is only useful if you have configured Anomaly Detection to monitor a stream of data Anomaly metrics settings are allowed to be configured in the Alert edit page Figure 9 Subscriptions You could now manually remove a subscription permanently from the system in New Composer which is impossible in old Composer Services New Composer provided assistant scripting tools like static code analysis, String search or replace, etc Figure 10   How could I switch back to the Old Composer when editing an entity? It is so easy! As long as you have opened an ThingWorx Entity, you will notice there is a button “Edit in Composer”; it will lead you back to the old Composer, and all the editing that have been saved will be logged in the old Composer.     Video demonstration for the New Composer is also available now. Feel free to review from: New Composer Video
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Background: The frequency with which an Agent checks its connection to the Axeda Cloud Server is called the Agent “ping rate” (also known as heartbeat). (For Axeda IDM Agents, ping rate is referred to as “poll rate”; the meaning is the same.) Pings are a very important aspect of Firewall-Friendly communication. All communication between the Agent and the Cloud Server is initiated by the Agent. In addition to indicating the Agent is still active, the Ping also gives the Cloud Server an opportunity to send commands back to the Agent on the Ping acknowledgement. The ping rate effectively defines how long users must wait before they can deliver a command or request to an Agent. Typical commands may include setting a data item, starting an Access Session, or running a script. The place where Ping rate is most noticeable to system users is when requesting a remote session. When a session request has been submitted by the user, the Cloud Server waits for the next Agent ping in order to send down the command to begin the session process. A longer ping rate means the remote session takes longer to get started. (Note that the same is true of any command initiated from the Axeda Cloud Server.) Ping traffic comprises the majority of inbound traffic to the Cloud Server. The higher the ping rate, the more resources are consumed on the Server and the greater the requirements for network bandwidth for the customer. Unnecessarily high ping rates will result in an increase in network traffic on your customer's network. By default, the ping rate for Firewall-Friendly Agents is 60 seconds, or every 1 minute. The Agent ping rate is set using Axeda Builder when configuring the project. The ping rate can also be set via an action from the Axeda Cloud Server. When set via an action, the new ping rate is in effect until the next Agent restart (at which time the Agent will go back to the default ping rate set in the project). The Axeda Cloud Server also uses Agent ping rate to determine when assets are missing. One of the model settings is to define how many missed pings (or missed pings and time) will cause a device to be marked as missing. The default setting for new models is to mark assets as missing after they’ve missed 3 consecutive pings. Recommendations: Make sure that your Agents’ ping rates are set to reasonable frequencies. The ping rate should be set based on use case and not necessarily volume. The recommended practice is to make sure the ping rate is never set less than 60 seconds. Where possible the ping rate should be set to 2 minutes or higher. In the end, it is often user expectations around starting Access sessions that drives the ping rate value. If only occasional user access is required, one recommendation is to dynamically adjust the ping rate when conditions require expedited communication with the Cloud Server. One use case is to expedite a remote session when a device is in alarm condition or when an end user needs assistance. In this case you would temporarily increase the ping rate. This can be done using an action from the Cloud Server, by downloading a software package ping rate update, or by Agent extension using the SDK. (For information about using the Agent SDK, see the Axeda® Platform Extending Axeda® Agents PDF.) You can configure alerts to indicate if an asset is missing. Axeda recommends that you configure the alert to a reasonable time given your resources and the expense of tracking every missing asset. A reasonable missing alert for your organization may be 1-2 days, meaning the Server generates the missing asset alert only after the asset has been missing for one or two days, based on its ping rate, and an asset should be marked as missing only after 15 missed pings or 30 minutes (whichever is less). The most common cause of a missing asset is not an issue with the device but rather the loss of Internet connectivity. Note: Any communication from an Agent also serves the function of a Ping. E.g., if the ping rate is set to 30 minutes and the device is sending a data value every 5 minutes, the effective Ping rate is 5 minutes. Need more information? For information about specifying Agent ping rate, see the online help in Axeda® Builder (Enterprise Server Settings). If setting the ping rate from Platform actions or verifying Agent ping rates, see the online help of the Axeda® Connected Management Applications.
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As it is not available in Please provide Creo View and Thing View Widget Documentation or guide to view 3D Object in custom mashup/UI except for the ThingWorx Navigate app.   I am posting this request to the community. Not for this ThingWorx developers portal after discussing it with PTC technical support. Please refer to article CS291582.   LeighPTC, I have no option to do move to the community again. But this had happened.   The post Creo View and Thing View Widget Documentation to view 3D Object in custom mashup/UI. was moved by LeighPTC.   Please don't move this request to the ThingWorx developers portal.    So that PTC Customer can have Creo View and Thing View Widget Documentation to view 3D Object in custom mashup/UI. As it is not available.   Many thanks, Rahul
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1. Create a network and added all Entities that implement from a specific ThingShape in the network 2. Create a ThingShape mashup as below Note: Bind the Entity parameter to DynamicThingShapes_TracotrShape's service GetProperties input EntityName. Laso bind mashup RefreshRequested event to that service 3. Create a mashup named ContentShape, add Tree widget and ContainedMashp in it 4. Bind Service GetNetworkConnection's Selected Row(s) result and Selected RowsChanged event to ContainedMashup widget Note: Master can total replace ThingShape mashup. Suggest to use Master after ThingWorx 6.0
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The following Expert Session videos are now available for viewing within the ThingWorx Community: ThingWorx Analytics Installation - This Expert Session will walk you through the complete installation of ThingWorx Analytics from the Prerequisites to Confirming the Installation is successful and all steps in between. The first half of the video gives a breakdown of the components and the process of the installation with the second half being an actual Demo of the Installation.     ThingWorx Analytics API Overview - This Expert Session is designed to help beginners get up and running with ThingWorx Analytics. It covers basic concepts like: What are APIs, how to configure the metadata file, and a live Demo that shows you how to interact and use ThingWorx Analytics in real time. This Expert Session would also be useful for experienced users who need a refresher course.   Decision Tree, ThingWorx Analytics Builder - This Expert Session reviews the concept of “Decision Trees” and the functionality that is available in ThingWorx Analytics Builder. First, you will learn how to create and upload a dataset in ThingWorx Analytics Builder.  After that, it shows you how to train a model and score on the model that was just generated. It then goes into detail on how the prediction learner "Decision Tree" operates and classifies inputs.   Use Case Identification - This Expert Session goes over ways to identify and develop a successful use case for ThingWorx Analytics. The example use case presented here is on employee retention in a fictional company with the goal of maximizing employee retention . This presentation will provide you with all the fundamentals you need to develop your own ThingWorx Analytics use cases from the ground up.   ThingWorx Analytics Signals - This Expert Session will provide you with an in depth explanation behind how Signals are calculated in ThingWorx Analytics, what purpose they serve, and why we use them.  Some basic mathematical concepts are discussed so viewers will have a better idea of how ThingWorx Analytics operates behind the scenes.   Related Links For more information, you can visit a new space dedicated to these helpful technical videos.   Additional Expert Sessions will be highlighted here in the ThingWorx Community every few weeks. Visit the Online Success Guide to access additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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  Whether your ThingWorx instances are deployed on premise, in the cloud or a hybrid of the two, I’d like you to imagine: You have a super cool app. You want to deploy it securely. You’re not a security expert. What do you do? How do you know how to securely deploy your app? Where do you go for security best practices? Introducing the new ThingWox Secure Deployment Hub!   The ThingWorx Secure Deployment Hub is a new section of our support site that will introduce you to the ThingWorx security landscape and direct you to security resources pertaining to the Edge, the platform and beyond.   From permissions and provisioning, to subsystems and SSO, the hub is packed with our recommendations and best practices for you to deploy your app in a secure fashion.   Happy deploying! Kaya
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The Squeal functionality has been discontinued with ThingWorx 8.1, see ThingWorx 8.1.0 Release Notes   There might be scenarios where it should be disabled in earlier versions as well. This can be achieved e.g. with Tomcat Security Constraints. To add such a constraint, open <Tomcat>\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\web.xml At the end of the file add a new constraint just before closing the </web-app> tag:   <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Forbidden</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/Squeal/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint/> <user-data-constraint> <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint> Save the file and restart Tomcat. Accessing the /Thingworx/Squeal resource now will result in an error message:   HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied   One scenario to be aware of is when the web.xml changes, e.g. due to updating ThingWorx or other manual changes. In such a case, ensure that the filter is still present in the file and taken into account.
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Reminder (and for some, announcement!) that the new ThingWorx 8 sizing guide is available here
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Presentation associated with the November 10, 2107 Tips & Tricks Webinar.
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Background: Axeda Agents can be configured with standard drivers to collect event-driven data, which is then sent to the Platform. Axeda provides many standard event-driven data (EDD) drivers for use with the Axeda Agent (as explained in Axeda® Agents EDD Toolkit Reference (PDF)). All EDD  drivers are configured by an xml file and enabled in Axeda Builder, through the Agent Data Items configuration. You can configure an EDD driver to send important information from your process to the Agent, including data items, events and alarms. The manner in which you configure your drivers will affect the ability for your project to operate efficiently. Recommendation: Use drivers to reduce the amount of data sent to the platform. Instead of sending data items to the Platform, which then generates an event or alarm, it is possible to use the drivers to scan for specific data points or conditions and send an event or alarm. Before you can configure your agents, you first need to determine how often you will need your agent to send data to the Enterprise server. Two example workflows and recommendations: If you want to monitor a data item every second or two, configure the Agent to do the monitoring If you want to trend information once per day, perform that logic at the Enterprise Server. These examples may address your actual use case or your needs may fall somewhere in between. Ultimately, you want to consider that time scale (how often you want to monitor or trend data) and resulting data volume should drive how your system handles data. More data is available at the Agent, and at a higher frequency, then that needed at the Platform. Processing at the Agent ensures that only the important results are communicated to the Platform, leading to a “cleaner” experience for the Platform. Using this guidance as a best practice will help reduce network traffic for your customers as well as ensure the best experience for Enterprise users using server data in their dashboards, reports, and custom applications. Need more information? For information about the standard EDD Drivers, see the Axeda® Agents: EDD Drivers Reference (PDF).
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Design Your Data Model Guide Part 2   Step 4: Data Sources – Component Breakout   Component Breakout     Once you have a full list of Things in your system (as well as requirements for each user), the next step is to identify the information needed from each Thing (based on the user's requirements). This involves evaluating the available data and functionality for each Thing. You then align the data and functionality with the user's requirements to determine exactly what you need, while eliminating that which you do not. This is important, as there can be cost and security benefits to only collecting data you need, and leaving what you don't. NOTE: Remember from the Data Model Introduction that a Thing's Components include Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions.   Factory Example   Using the Smart Factory example, let’s go through the different Things and break down each Thing's components that are needed for each of our users.   Conveyor Belts   The conveyor belt is simple in operation but could potentially have a lot of available data. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the belt and if it has any alerts emergency shutdown (service) machine state (on/off) (property) serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date(property) power consumption (property) belt speed (property) belt motor temp (property) belt motor rpm (property) error notification (event) auto-generated maintenance requests (subscription) Operator - needs to know if the belt is working as intended belt speed (property) alert status (event) Production Manager - wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Robotic Arm   The robotic arm has 3 axes of rotation as well as a clamp hand. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the arm and if it has any alerts time since last pickup (property): how long it has been since the last part was picked up by this hand? product count (property): how many products the hand has completed emergency shutdown (service) machine state (on/off) (property) serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date (property) power consumption (property) arm rotation axis 1 (property) arm rotation axis 2 (property) arm rotation axis 3 (property) clamp pressure (property) clamp status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) maintenance requests (subscription) Operator - needs to know if the robotic arm is working as intended clamp status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) product count (property): How many products has the hand completed? Production Manager - wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Pneumatic Gate   The pneumatic gate has two states, open and closed. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the gate and if it has any alerts emergency shutdown (service) machine state (on/off) (property) serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date (property) power consumption (property) gate status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) auto-generated maintenance requests (subscription) Operator - needs to know if the pneumatic gate is working as intended. gate status (open/closed) (property) error notification (event) The Production Manager wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Quality Control Camera   The QC camera uses visual checks to make sure a product has been constructed properly. Maintenance Engineer - needs to know granular data for the camera and if it has any alerts machine state (property): on/off serial number (property) last maintenance date (property) next scheduled maintenance date (property) power consumption (property) current product quality reading (property) images being read (property) settings for production quality assessment (property) error notification (event) auto-generated maintenance requests (subscription) product count (property): how many products the camera has seen Operator - needs to keep track of the quality check results and if there are any problems with the camera setup settings for production quality assessment (property) error notification (event) bad quality flag (event) product count (property): how many products the camera has seen Production Manager - wants access to the data the Operator can see but otherwise has no new requirements   Maintenance Request System Connector   Determining the data needed from the Maintenance Request System is more complex than from the physical components, as it will be much more actively used by all of our users. It is important to note that the required functionality already exists in our system as is, but it needs bridges created to connect it to a centralized system. Maintenance Engineer - needs to receive and update maintenance requests maintenance engineer credentials (property): authentication with the maintenance system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) get unfiltered list of maintenance requests (service) update description of maintenance request (service) close maintenance request (service) Operator - needs to create and track maintenance requests operator credentials (property): authentication with the maintenance system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) create maintenance request (service) get filtered list of maintenance requests for this operator (service) Production Manager - needs to monitor the entire system - both the creation and tracking of maintenance requests; needs to prioritize maintenance requests to keep operations flowing smoothly production manager credentials (property): authentication with the maintenance system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) create maintenance request (service) get unfiltered list of maintenance requests (service) update priority of maintenance request (service)   Production Order System Connector   Working with the Production Order System is also more complex than the physical components of the lines, as it will be more actively used by two of the three users. It is important to note that the required functionality already exists in our existing production order system as is, but it needs bridges created to connect to a centralized system. Maintenance Engineer - will not need to know anything about production orders, as it is outside the scope of their job needs Operator - needs to know which production orders have been set up for the line, and needs to mark orders as started or completed operator credentials (property): authentication with the production order system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) mark themselves as working a specific production line (service) get a list of filtered production orders for their line (service) update production orders as started/completed (service) Production Manager - needs to view the status of all production orders and who is working on which line production manager credentials (property): authentication with the production order system endpoint configuration for connecting to the system (property) get a list of production lines with who is working them (service) get the list of production orders with filtering options (service) create new production orders (service) update existing production orders for quantity, and priority (service) assign a production order to a production line (service) delete production orders (service)   Step 5: Data Sources – Thing-Component Matrix     Now that you have identified the Components necessary to build your solution (as well as the Things involved in enabling said Components), you are almost ready to create your Data Model design. Before moving onto the design, however, it is very helpful to get a good picture of how these Components interact with different parts of your solution. To do that, we recommend using a Thing-Component Matrix. A Thing-Component Matrix is a grid in which you will list Things in rows and Components in columns. This allows you to identify where there are overlaps between Components. From there, you can break those Components down into reusable Groups. Really, all you're doing in this step is taking the list of individual Things and their corresponding Components and organizing them. Instead of thinking of each item's individually-required functionality, you are now thinking of how those Components might interact and/or be reused across multiple Things.   Sample Thing-Component Matrix   As a generic example, look at the chart presented here.   You have a series of Things down the rows, while there are a series of Components (i.e. Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions) in the columns. This allows you to logically visually identify how some of those Components are common across multiple Things (which is very important in determining our recommendations for when to use Thing Templates vs. Thing Shapes vs. directly-instantiated Things). If we were to apply this idea to our Smart Factory example, we would create two sections of our Thing-Component Matrix, i.e. the Overlapping versus Unique Components. NOTE: It is not necessary to divide your Thing Component Matrix between Overlapping vs Unique if you don't wish to do so. It is done here largely for the sake of readability.   Overlapping Matrix   This matrix represents all the overlapping Components that are shared by multiple types of Things in our system:   Unique Matrix   This matrix represents the Components unique to each type of Thing:     Step 6: Model Breakdown         Breaking down your use case into a Data Model is the most important part of the design process for ThingWorx. It creates the basis for which every other aspect of your solution is overlaid. To do it effectively, we will use a multi-step approach. This will allow us to identify parts we can group and separate, leading to a more modular design.   Entity Relationship Diagram   To standardize the represention of Data Models, it is important to have a unified view of what a representation might look like. For this example, we have developed an Entity Relationship Diagram schematic used for Data Model representation. We will use this representation to examine how to build a Data Model.   Breakdown Process   ThingWorx recommends following an orderly system when building the specifics of your Data Model. You've examined your users and their needs. You've determined the real-world objects and systems you want to model. You've broken down those real-world items by their Component functionality. Now, you will follow these steps to build a specific Data Model for your application. Step Description 1 Prioritize the Groups of Components from your Thing-Component Matrix by each Group's Component quantity. 2 Create a base Thing Template for the largest group. 3 Iterate over each Group deciding which entity type to create. 4 Validate the design through instantiation. In the next several pages, we'll examine each of these steps in-depth.   Click here to view Part 3 of this guide.   
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