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  Connect a Raspberry Pi to ThingWorx using the Edge Micro Server (EMS).   Guide Concept   This project will introduce you to the Edge MicroServer (EMS) and how to connect your ThingWorx server to a Raspberry Pi device.   Following the steps in this guide, you will be able to connect to the ThingWorx platform with your Raspberry Pi. The coding will be simple and the steps will be very straight forward.   We will teach you how to utilize the EMS for your Edge device needs. The EMS comes with the Lua Script Resource, which serves as an optional process manager, enabling you to create Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions for a remote device on the ThingWorx platform.   You'll learn how to   Set up Raspberry Pi Install, configure and launch the EMS Connect a remote device to ThingWorx   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL parts of this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Setup Raspberry Pi   Follow the setup instructions to get your Raspberry Pi up and running with the Raspberry Pi OS operating system. Ensure that your Pi has a valid Ethernet or Wifi connection. If your Pi is connected to a monitor/keyboard, run ifconfig from the Command Line Interface (CLI) to determine the IP address. If you are connecting remotely, probe your local network to find your Pi using one of these methods to determine the IP address. Log into your Raspberry Pi using the userid/password combination pi/raspberry.   Step 2: Install the EMS Download the attached here directly to the Raspberry Pi, or transfer it using a SFTP application such as WinSCP. After downloading the EMS zip file, unzip the archive in a suitable location on the Pi using the command below. Use the Tab key to automatically complete file names. unzip / After unzipping the distribution, a sub-directory named /microserver will be created inside the parent directory. Verify that microserver directory was created with the command ls -l   Switch into the microserver directory with the command cd microserver The microserver directory includes the following files.        File Name                    Description wsems An executable file that runs the Edge MicroServer luaScriptResource The Lua utility that is used to run Lua scripts, configure remote things, and integrate with the host system     Step 3: Create Application Key   In this step, you will be using the ThingWorx Composer to generate an Application Key. The Application Key will be used to identify the Edge Agent. The Application Key is tied to a user and has the same entitlements on the server.   Using the Application Key for the default User (Administrator) is not recommended. If administrative access is absolutely necessary, create a User and place the user as a member of the SecurityAdministrators and Administrators User Groups.   Create the User the Application Key will be assigned to.   On the Home screen of Composer click + New.   In the dropdown list, click Applications Key.   Give your Application Key a name (ie, MyAppKey). Set the User Name Reference to a User you created.   Update the Expiration Date field, otherwise it will default to 1 day. Click Save.   Step 4: Configure the EMS   The EMS consists of two distinct components that do slightly different things and communicate with each other. The first is the EMS which creates an AlwaysOn™ connection to the ThingWorx server. It binds things to the platform and automatically provides features like file transfer and tunneling.   The second is the Lua Script Resource (LSR). It is used as a scripting language so that you can add properties, services, and events to the things that you create in the EMS. The LSR communicates with your sensors or devices. The LSR can be installed on the same device as the EMS or on a separate device. For example, one LSR can be a gateway and send data from several different things to a single EMS.     Open a terminal emulator for the Raspberry Pi. Change directory to microserver/etc. cd microserver/etc Create a config.json file. EMS comes with two sample config files that can be used as a reference for creating your config.json file. The config.json.minimal file provides minimum and basic options for getting started. The config.json.complete provides all of the configuration options.   Create the config.json file in the etc folder. sudo nano config.json Edit the config.json file ws_servers - host and port address of the server hosting the ThingWorx Platform. If you are using a Developer Portal hosted server, your server hostname is listed on the dashboard. {"host":"<TwX Server IP>", "port":443} http_server - host and port address of the machine running the LSR. In this case it will be your localhost running on the raspberry pi. {"host":"","port":8080, "use_default_certificate": true,"ssl": false, "authenticate": false} appKey - the application key generated from the ThingWorx server. Use the keyId generated in the previous step "Create Application Key". "appKey":"<insert keyId>" logger - sets the logging level for debugging purposes. Set to log at a DEBUG level. ("level":"INFO"} certificates - for establishing a secure websocket connection between the ThingWorx server and the EMS. A valid certificate should be used in a production environment but for debugging purposes you can turn off validation and allow self signed certificates. {"validate":false, "disable_hostname_validation": true} NOTE: To ensure a secure connection, use valid certificates, encryption and HTTPS (port : 443) protocol for establishing a websocket connection between the EMS and the ThingWorx Platform. 5. Exit and Save. ctrl x   Sample config.json File   Replace host and appKey with values from your hosted server.   { "ws_servers": [{ "host": "", "port": 443 }], "appkey": "2d4e9440-3e51-452f-a057-b55d45289264", "http_server": { "host": "", "port": 8080, "use_default_certificate": true, "ssl": false, "authenticate": false }, "logger": { "level": "INFO" }, "certificates": { "validate": false, "disable_hostname_validation": true } }     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide. 
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/* Define a DataShape used in an InfoTable Parameter for this service call */ twDataShape* sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs = twDataShape_Create(twDataShapeEntry_Create("ColumnA",NO_DESCRIPTION,TW_STRING)); twDataShape_AddEntry(sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs,twDataShapeEntry_Create("ColumnB",NO_DESCRIPTION,TW_NUMBER)); twDataShape_AddEntry(sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs,twDataShapeEntry_Create("ColumnC",NO_DESCRIPTION,TW_BOOLEAN)); twDataShape_SetName(sampleInfoTableAsParameterDs,"SampleInfoTableAsParameterDataShape");      /* Define Input Parameter that is an InfoTable of Shape SampleInfoTableAsParameterDataShape */ twDataShapeEntry* infoTableDsEntry = twDataShapeEntry_Create("itParam",NULL,TW_INFOTABLE); twDataShapeEntry_AddAspect(infoTableDsEntry, "dataShape", twPrimitive_CreateFromString("SampleInfoTableAsParameterDataShape", TRUE));    twDataShape* inputParametersDefinitionDs = twDataShape_Create(infoTableDsEntry);   /* Register remote function */ twApi_RegisterService(TW_THING, SERVICE_INTEGRATION_THINGNAME, "testMultiRowInfotable", NO_DESCRIPTION,   inputParametersDefinitionDs, TW_NOTHING, NULL, PlatformCallsServiceWithMultiRowInfoTableServiceImpl, NULL); /* Note that you will have to manually create the datashape in ThingWorx before attempting to add this remote service to your Thing. */
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In this blog I will be inspecting the setup below, using the REST APIs exposed by the different components (log-analysis-free guaranteed).   The components are started in stages, and I will do some exploration between each stages : EMS only EMS + LSR 1 EMS + LSR 1 + LSR 2    The REST APIs   Edge MicroServer (EMS) REST API This API is very similar to the ThingWorx platform REST API, see REST APIs Supported by WS EMS for specificity. I will be monitoring the EMS using the LocalEms virtual Thing (EMS only) ThingWorx Platform REST API This is the well known ThingWorx Core REST API -  see REST API Core Concepts I will be monitoring the EMS, from the platform, using an EMSGateway thing. The EMSGateway exposes on the platform some of the LocalEms services (like GetEdgeThings). I'm also inspecting the remote properties / services / events exposed on the things using the RemoteThing::GetRemoteMetadata service. Lua Script Resource (LSR) REST API This API largely differs from the ones above, the API documentation is served by the LSR itself (e.g. http://localhost:8001/)   I will use it to list the scripts loaded by the LSR process.  Configuration   See above diagram - Platform is listening on port 8084, no encryption, EMS and LSRs on the same host...   Platform configuration : for each edge thing, a corresponding remote thing was manually created on the platform EMSGateway1 as a EMSGateway Thing Template EMSOnlyThing as a RemoteThingWithFileTransfer LUAThing2 as a RemoteThing LUAThing1 as a RemoteThing LUAOnlyThing as a RemoteThing   EMS configuration : /etc/config.json - listening on default port 8000   {     "ws_servers": [{             "host": "tws74neo",             "port": 8084         }     ],     "appKey": "xxxxxx-5417-4248-bc01-yyyyyyy",     "logger": {         "level": "TRACE"     },     "ws_connection": {         "encryption": "none"     },     "auto_bind": [{             "name": "EMSGateway1",             "gateway": true         }, {             "name": "EMSOnlyThing",             "gateway": false         }, {             "name": "LUAThing2",             "host": "localhost",             "port": 8002,             "gateway": false         }, {             "name": "LUAThing1",             "gateway": false         }     ],     "file": {         "virtual_dirs": [{                 "emsrepository": "E:\\ptc\\ThingWorx\\EMS-5-3-2\\repositories\\data"             }         ],         "staging_dir": "E:\\ptc\\ThingWorx\\EMS-5-3-2\\repositories\\staging"     } } LSR process (1) : /etc/config.lua - listening on default port 8001 (using the out of the box sample Lua scripts)   scripts.log_level = "INFO"   scripts.LUAThing1 = {     file = "thing.lua",     template = "example", }   scripts.sample = {   file = "sample.lua" } LSR process (2) : /etc/config2.lua - listening on port 8002 (using the out of the box sample Lua scripts) This LSR process is started with command "luaScriptResource.exe -cfg .\etc\config2.lua"   scripts.log_level = "INFO" scripts.script_resource_port = 8002 scripts.LUAThing2 = {     file = "thing.lua",     template = "example", }   scripts.LUAOnlyThing = {     file = "thing.lua",     template = "example", }   Stage 1 : EMS only     ThingWorx REST API   Request: Call the GetEdgeThings service on the EMSGateway1 thing POST  twx74neo:8084/Thingworx/Things/EMSGateway1/Services/GetEdgeThings Response: As expected, only the remote things flagged as auto_bind are listed   name host port path keepalive timeout proto user accept EMSGateway1   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json EMSOnlyThing   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json LUAThing1   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json LUAThing2 localhost 8002.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json                                                               Request: Call the GetRemoteMetadata service on the LUAThing1 thing POST  twx74neo:8084/Thingworx/Things/LUAThing1/Services/GetRemoteMetadata Response: As expected, remote properties / services and events are not available since the LSR associated with this thing is off.   Unable to Invoke Service GetRemoteMetadata on LUAThing1 : null   EMS REST API   Request: Call the GetEdgeThings service on the LocalEms virtual thing POST  localhost:8000/Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/Services/GetEdgeThings Response: output is identical to the gateway thing on the platform   { "name": "EMSGateway1", "host": "", "port": 8001, "path": "/",  "keepalive": 60000, "timeout": 30000, "proto": "http", "user": "", "accept": "application/json" }, { "name": "EMSOnlyThing", "host": "", "port": 8001, "path": "/", "keepalive": 60000, "timeout": 30000, "proto": "http", "user": "", "accept": "application/json" }, { "name": "LUAThing1", "host": "", "port": 8001, "path": "/", "keepalive": 60000, "timeout": 30000, "proto": "http", "user": "", "accept": "application/json" }, { "name": "LUAThing2", "host": "localhost", "port": 8002, "path": "/", "keepalive": 60000, "timeout": 30000, "proto": "http", "user": "", "accept": "application/json"}            LSR REST API N/A - no LSR process started yet.   Stage 2 : EMS + LSR 1 (8001)     ThingWorx REST API   Request: Call the GetEdgeThings service on the EMSGateway1 thing POST  twx74neo:8084/Thingworx/Things/EMSGateway1/Services/GetEdgeThings Response: LUAThing1 is associated to an LUA script   name host port path keepalive timeout proto user accept EMSGateway1   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json EMSOnlyThing   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json LUAThing1 localhost 8001.0 /scripts/Thingworx 60000.0 15000.0 http   application/json LUAThing2 localhost 8002.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json   Request: Call the GetRemoteMetadata service on the LUAThing1 thing POST  twx74neo:8084/Thingworx/Things/LUAThing1/Services/GetRemoteMetadata Response: Now that the Lua script for LUAThing1 is running, remote properties / services and events are available   {"isSystemObject":false,"propertyDefinitions":{"Script_Pushed_Datetime":{"sourceType":"ThingShape","aspects":{"isReadOnly":false,"dataChangeThreshold":0,"defaultValue":1495619610000,"isPersistent":false,"pushThreshold":0,"dataChangeType":"VALUE","cacheTime":0,"pushType":"ALWAYS"},"name":"Script_Pushed_Datetime","description":"","category":"","tags":[],"baseType":"DATETIME","ordinal":0},"Pushed_InMemory_Boolean":{"sourceType":"ThingShape","aspects":....   EMS REST API      LocalEms::GetEdgeThings returns same output as EMSGateway::GetEdgeThings   LSR REST API (port 8001)   Request: List all the scripts running in the first LSR GET  localhost:8001/scripts?format=text/html Response: We find our sample script and the script associated with LUAThing1 (the Thingworx script is part of the infrastructure and always there)   Name Status Result File LUAThing1 Running   E:\ptc\ThingWorx\EMS-5-3-2\etc\thingworx\scripts\thing.lua sample Running   sample.lua Thingworx Running   E:\ptc\ThingWorx\EMS-5-3-2\etc\thingworx\scripts\   Stage 3 : EMS + LSR 1 (8001) + LSR 2 (8002)     ThingWorx REST API   Request: Call the GetEdgeThings service on the EMSGateway1 thing POST  twx74neo:8084/Thingworx/Things/EMSGateway1/Services/GetEdgeThings Response: LUAOnlyThing is now listed and LUAThing2 is associated with a LUA script   name host port path keepalive timeout proto user accept EMSGateway1   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json EMSOnlyThing   8001.0 / 60000.0 30000.0 http   application/json LUAOnlyThing localhost 8002.0 /scripts/Thingworx 60000.0 15000.0 http   application/json LUAThing1 localhost 8001.0 /scripts/Thingworx 60000.0 15000.0 http   application/json LUAThing2 localhost 8002.0 /scripts/Thingworx 60000.0 15000.0 http   application/json   EMS REST API      LocalEms::GetEdgeThings returns same output as  EMSGateway::GetEdgeThings   LSR REST API (port 8002)   Request: List all the scripts running in the second LSR GET  localhost:8002/scripts?format=text/html Response: Returns the status of all the scripts currently loaded   Name Status Result File LUAOnlyThing Running   .\etc\thingworx\scripts\thing.lua LUAThing2 Running   .\etc\thingworx\scripts\thing.lua Thingworx Running   .\etc\thingworx\scripts\thingworx.lua
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This zip file contains my slides and buildable project from my Liveworx 207 developer chat presentation featuring the Thing-e Robot and raspberry pi zero integration with ThingWorx using the C SDK.
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It usually happens that we need to copy a large file to ThingWorx server periodically, and what's worse, the big file is changing(like a log file). This sample give a simpler way to implement. The main idea in the sample is: 1. Lower the management burden from ThingWorx server and instead it put all the work in edge SDK side 2. Save network burden with only uploading the incremented file and append it to the older file on ThingWorx server   Java SDK version in this sample: 6.0.1-255
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Hello! I have just written a tutorial on how to set up Lua to be run from the command line. As many already know, there is no good way to debug Lua scripts as they are used in package deployment in Software Content Manager, and building such a debugger is a vast and difficult undertaking. As an alternative, running small portions of code in the command line to ensure they will work as expected is one way to verify the validity of the Lua syntax prior to attempting a deployment. Here are the steps to set up Lua as a command line tool:   Grab the GCC compiler called TDM-GCC Run the exe file and follow the install instructions Remember the install directory for this, as the attached install script will need to be configured in a later step Default location in the install file is "C:\Program Files\TDM-GCC\" Note: leaving the "Add to PATH" selected will allow you to compile C code on the command line as well by typing "gcc" (this is not required for this set-up) Download the Lua source code ​This comes as a ".tar.gz" file, which can be tricky to extract in Windows Download 7zip for freeware which can unzip this type of archive Extract the Lua source code and navigate to the top level directory which should just contain one folder named like "lua-x.x.x" where the x's refer to the version Download and extract the attached zip file containing the build file Copy the "build.cmd" file from this to the top level directory of the Lua source code Modify the configuration as needed: Version number default is 5.3.4 (parameter is called lua_version) GCC install path default is "C:\Program Files\TDM-GCC\bin" (parameter is called lua_build_dir) Double click the "build.cmd" file A console window will appear with installation details If you see the following, then it worked successfully: The "lua\" directory will be created in the same folder as the "build.cmd" file Copy the "lua\" directory to "C:\Program Files\" Open "Computer" > "System Properties" > "Advanced system settings" Click "Environment Variables" > "New..." Call the variable "LUA" and make the value "C:\Program Files\lua\bin" Find the "Path" variable and click "Edit..." At the end of what is already there (do NOT delete anything that is already there), add "%LUA%" (make sure there is a ";" between the previous path and this entry) Click "Ok" Open a new command prompt (has to be new to load the new path) and type "lua" to see if it works Example syntax test from Lua command line:   I hope this is helpful to people! Let me know if you have any questions!
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This document is a general reference/help with configuring and troubleshooting google email account with the ThingWorx mail extension. To start with the configuration: SMTP: 587, TLS checked.  If SSL is being used, the port should be 465. POP3: 995 To test, go to "Services" and click on "test" for the SendMessage service. Successful request will show an empty screen with green "result" at the top. Possible errors: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 587 with nothing else in the logs. Check your Internet connection to ensure it's not being blocked. <hostname:port>/Thingworx/Common/locales/en-US/translation-login.json 404 (Not Found) Check your gmail folders for incoming messages regarding a sign-in from unknown device. The subject will be "Someone has your password", and the email  content will include the device, location, and timestamp of when the incident occurred. Ensure to check the "this was me" option to prevent from further blocking. This may or may not be sufficient, sometimes this leads to another error - "Please log in via your web browser and 534-5.7.14 then try again. 534-5.7.14 Learn more at 534 5.7.14..." The error can be resolved by: Turning off “less secure”  feature in your Gmail settings. You have to be logged in to your gmail account to follow the link:​ Changing your gmail password afterwards. I don't have a valid explanation as to why, but this is a required step, and the error doesn't clear without changing the password.
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  Part I – Securing connection from remote device to Thingworx platform The goal of this first part is to setup a certificate authority (CA) and sign the certificates to authenticate MQTT clients. At the end of this first part the MQTT broker will only accept clients with a valid certificate. A note on terminology: TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the new name for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).  Requirements The certificates will be generated with openssl (check if already installed by your distribution). Demonstrations will be done with the open source MQTT broker, mosquitto. To install, use the apt-get command: $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto $ sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients Procedure NOTE: This procedure assumes all the steps will be performed on the same system. 1. Setup a protected workspace Warning: the keys for the certificates are not protected with a password. Create and use a directory that does not grant access to other users. $ mkdir myCA $ chmod 700 myCA $ cd myCA 2. Setup a CA and generate the server certificates Download and run the script to create the certificate authority (CA) files, generate server certificates and use the CA to sign the certificates. NOTE: Open the script to customize it at your convenience. $ wget . $ bash ./ The script produces six files: ca.crt, ca.key,, myhost.crt,  myhost.csr,  and myhost.key. There are: certificates (.crt), keys (.key), a request (.csr a serial number record file (.slr) used in the signing process. Note that the myhost files will have different names on your system (ubuntu in my case) Three of them get copied to the /etc/mosquitto/ directories: $ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ $ sudo cp myhost.crt myhost.key /etc/mosquitto/certs/ They are referenced in the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file like this: After copying the files and modifying the mosquitto.conf file, restart the server: $ sudo service mosquitto restart 3. Checkpoint To validate the setup at this point, use mosquitto_sub client: If not already installed please install it: Change folder to ca_certificates and run the command : The topics are updated every 10 seconds. If debugging is needed you can add the -d flag to mosquitto_sub and/or look at /var/logs/mosquitto/mosquitto.log. 4. Generate client certificates The following openssl commands would create the certificates: $ openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048 $ openssl req -new -out client.csr  -key client.key -subj "/CN=client/" $ openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt  -CAkey ca.key -CAserial ./ -out client.crt  -days 3650 -addtrust clientAuth The argument -addtrust clientAuth makes the resulting signed certificate suitable for use with a client. 5. Reconfigure Change the mosquitto configuration file To add the require_certificate line to the end of the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file so that it looks like this: Restart the server: $ sudo service mosquitto restart 6. Test The mosquitto_sub command we used above now fails: Adding the --cert and --key arguments satisfies the server: $ mosquitto_sub -t \$SYS/broker/bytes/\# -v --cafile ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key To be able to obtain the corresponding certificates and key for my server (named ubuntu), use the following syntax: And run the following command: Conclusion This first part permit to establish a secure connection from a remote thing to the MQTT broker. In the next part we will restrict this connection to TLS 1.2 clients only and allow the websocket connection.
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This project is developed out of curiosity of how ThingWorx communicates with sensors and vice versa. Immediately a Smart Parking system idea struck to our mind and I started working on it. While heading from home to office I always worry about car parking space in office especially in rainy season. This project will help user in getting parking space. This project has 4 sections as follows, 1) Smart Parking system: A system application developed in ThingWorx guides user to find empty car parking space. Sensors placed at each car parking slot senses the presence of car. A program running on Raspberry Pi board collects sensor information and sends that information to the Smart Car Parking System application in ThingWorx. The data received through sensor is displayed on ThingWorx dashboard/mashup. 2) Live Traffic: This inherits a Google Map and shows the traffic around user's current location. 3) Traffic Blog: If user is visiting a place and have questions regarding parking, traffic condition etc., then user can post their questions here and people around that area can answer it. Questions are not restricted for parking related questions but like best places to visit in areas, restaurant, shops etc. 4) Automobile Wiki: This page provides an documented help regarding anything related to automobile e.g. how to change car tyres?, how to change car wipers? etc.
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Prerequisite Download the .NET SDK from the PTC Support Portal and set up the SteamSensor Example according the directions found in the ThingWorx Help Center SDK Steam Sensor Example In ThingWorx Create a Remote thing using the RemoteThingWithFileTransfer template (SteamSensor1 in example) Create a file repository and execute the CreateFolder service to create a folder in the repository folder in ThingworxStorage (MyRepository in example) In SteamThing.cs At the top of the file, import the file transfer class using com.thingworx.communications.client.things.filetransfer;” Create a virtual thing that extends FileTransferVirtualThing E.g. using steam sensor Thing public class SteamThing : FileTransferVirtualThing Edit SteamThing as follows {               public SteamThing(string name, string description, string identifier, ConnectedThingClient client, Dictionary<string, string> virtualDirectories)             : base(name, description, client, virtualDirectories) } In Client.cs Create a new Dictionary above the Steam Things. Select any name you wish as the virtual directory name and set the directory path. In this example, it is named EdgeDirectory and set to the root of the C Drive. Dictionary<string, string> virtualDirectories = new Dictionary<string, string>()             {                 {"EdgeDirectory", "C:\\"}             }; Modify the SteamThing to include your newly created virtual directories in the SteamThing parameters // Create two Virtual Things SteamThing sensor1 = new SteamThing("SteamSensor1", "1st Floor Steam Sensor", "SN0001", client, virtualDirectories); SteamThing sensor2 = new SteamThing("SteamSensor2", "2nd Floor Steam Sensor", "SN0002", client, virtualDirectories); To send or receive a file from the server, it is recommended that the built in GetFile and Send File are used. Create a remote service in the SDK containing either GetFile or SendFile GetFile — Get a file from the Server. sourceRepo — The entityName to get the file from. sourcePath — The path to the file to get. sourceFile — Name of the file to get. targetPath — The local VIRTUAL path of the resulting file (not including the file name). targetFile — Name of the resulting file in the target directory. timeout — Timeout, in seconds, for the transfer. A zero will use the systems default timeout. async — If true return immediately and call a callback function when the transfer is complete if false, block until the transfer is complete. Note that the file callback function will be called in any case. E.g. GetFile("MyRepository", "/", "test.txt", "EdgeDirectory", "movedFile.txt", 10000, true); SendFile — Sends a file to the Server. This method takes the following parameters: sourcePath — The VIRTUAL path to the file to send (not including the file name). sourceFile — Name of the file to send. targetRepo — Target repostiory of the file. targetPath — Path of the resulting file in the target repo (not including the file name). targetFile — Name of the resulting file in the target directory. timeout — Timeout, in seconds, for the transfer. A zero will use the systems default timeout. async — If true return immediately and call a callback function when the transfer is complete if false, block until the transfer is complete. Note that the file callback function will be called in any case. E.g. SendFile("/EdgeDirectory", "test.txt", "MyRepository", "/", "movedFile.txt",  10000,  true); From Composer, bring in the Remote Service on the SteamSensor thing and execute it. Files can now be transferred to or from the .NET SDK
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Hello Developer Community, We are pleased to announce pre-release availability of the ThingWorx Edge SDK for Android! The Android SDK beta is built off the Java SDK code base, but replaces the Netty websocket client with Autobahn for compatibility with Android OS.  Those familiar with the Java SDK API will feel very much at home in the Android SDK.  We recommend beginning with the included sample application.  Please watch this thread for upcoming beta releases.  b4 adds file transfers between the ThingWorx platform and Android devices and an example application. We welcome your questions and comments in the thread below!  Happy coding! Regards, ThingWorx Edge Products Team
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The ThingWorx EMS and SDK based applications follow a three step process when connecting to the Platform: Establish the physical websocket:  The client opens a websocket to the Platform using the host and port that it has been configured to use.  The websocket URL exposed at the Platform is /Thingworx/WS.  TLS will be negotiated at this time as well. Authenticate:  The client sends a AUTH message to the platform, containing either an App Key (recommended) or username/password.  The AUTH message is part of the Thingworx AlwaysOn protocol.  If the client attempts to send any other message before the AUTH, the server will disconnect it.  The server will also disconnect the client if it does not receive an AUTH message within 15 seconds.  This time is configurable in the WSCommunicationSubsystem Configuration tab and is named "Amount of time to wait for authentication message (secs)." Once authenticated the SDK/EMS is able to interact with the Platform according to the permissions applied to its credentials.  For the EMS, this means that any client making HTTP calls to its REST interface can access Platform functionality.  For this reason, the EMS only listens for HTTP connections on localhost (this can be changed using the setting in your config.json). At this point, the client can make requests to the platform and interact with it, much like a HTTP client can interact with the Platform's REST interface.  However, the Platform can still not direct requests to the edge. Bind:  A BIND message is another message type in the ThingWorx AlwaysOn protocol.  A client can send a BIND message to the Platform containing one or more Thing names or identifiers.  When the Platform receives the BIND message, it will associate those Things with the websocket it received the BIND message over.  This will allow the Platform to send request messages to those Things, over the websocket.  It will also update the isConnected and lastConnection time properties for the newly bound Things. A client can also send an UNBIND request.  This tells the Platform to remove the association between the Thing and the websocket.  The Thing's isConnected property will then be updated to false. For the EMS, edge applications can register using the /Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/Services/AddEdgeThing service (this is how the script resource registers Things).  When a registration occurs, the EMS will send a BIND message to the Platform on behalf of that new resource.  Edge applications can de-register (and have an UNBIND message sent) by calling /Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/RemoveEdgeThing.
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When using the Auto-bind section of an EMS configuration it is very important to note the difference between "gateway":true and "gateway":false. Using either gateway value, when used with a valid "name" field, will result in the EMS attempting to bind the Thing with the ThingWorx platform, and will allow the EMS to respond to file transfer and tunnel services related to the auto-bound things, but this is around where the similarities end. Non-Gateway: This type of auto-bound thing can be thought of as a placeholder because the EMS will still require a LuaScriptResource to be bound in order to respond to property/service/event related messages. There must be a corresponding Thing based on the RemoteThing template (or any RemoteThing derived template e.g. RemoteThingWithFileTransfer) on the ThingWorx server in order for the bind to succeed. There are many reasons to use this type of auto-bound thing, but the most common is to bind a simple thing that can facilitate file transfer and tunnel services but does not need any custom services, properties, or events that would be provided by custom lua scripts within the LuaScriptResource. Gateway: An auto-bound gateway can be bound to the ThingWorx platform ephemerally if there is no Thing present to bind with on the platform. To clarify, if no Things exist with the matching Thing Name on the platform, and the EMS is attempting to bind a Gateway, a Thing will be automatically created on the platform to bind with the auto-bound gateway. This newly created ephemeral thing will only be accessible through the ThingWorx REST API, and once the EMS unbinds the gateway the ephemeral thing will be deleted If there is a pre-existing Thing on the ThingWorx server, then it must be based off of the EMSGateway template in order for the bind to succeed. The EMSGateway template, used both normally and ephemerally, will provide some gateway specific services that would otherwise be inaccessible to a normal remote thing. See EMSGateway Class Documentation for more details.
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This Zip file contains the Axeda patch (axeda-jms-plugin-<version>-machine-streams) required for proper installation and configuration of an Apache ActiveMQ server to use with the Axeda Machine Streams service (which is supported for Axeda Platform v6.8 and later). Note: Information about the Axeda Machine Streams feature is provided in the Axeda Features Guide available from the Axeda Support site, This patch overlay needs to be applied to the v5.8.0 ActiveMQ server installed as the Axeda Machine Streams endpoint broker, so that Axeda Platform can send streamed content to that server endpoint. Complete instructions for installing and configuring an Apache ActiveMQ server for Axeda Machine Streams are provided in the reference, Axeda® Machine Streams: A Guide to Setting Up Broker Endpoints. This guide is available with all Axeda product documentation from the PTC Support site.
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Previously Installing & Connecting C SDK to Federated ThingWorx with VNC Tunneling to the Edge device Installing and configuring Web Socket Tunnel Extension on ThingWorx Platform Overview     Using the C SDK Edge client configuration we did earlier, we'll now create above illustrated setup. In this C SDK Client we'll push the data to ThingWorx Publisher with servername : TW802Neo to ThingWorx Subscriber servername : TW81. Notice that the SteamSensor2 on the pulisher server is the one binding to the C SDK client and the FederatedSteamThing on subscriber is only getting data from the SteamSensor2. Let's crack on!   Content   Configure ThingWorx to publish Configure ThingWorx to subscribe Publish entities from Publisher to the Subscriber Create Mashup to view data published to the subscriber Pre-requisite Minimum requirement is to have two ThingWorx servers running. Note that both ThingWorx systems can be publisher & subscriber at the same time.   Configure ThingWorx Publisher   Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Federation subscribers this server publishes to, i.e. all the server you want to publish to from this server. Refer to the Federation Subsystem doc in the Help Center to check detail description on each configurable parameter.   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to be published   1. Navigate back to the Composer home page and select the entity which you'd like to publish 2. In this case I'm using SteamSensor2 which is created to connect to the C SDK client 3. To publish edit the entity and click on Publish checkbox, like so 4. Save the entity   Configure ThingWorx Subscriber     Configuring Federation Subsystem   1. Navigate to ThingWorx Composer > Subsystems > Federation Subsystems and configure the following highlighted sections   Essentially its required to configure the Server Identification, i.e. My Server name (FQDN / IP) , My Server Description (optional) Refer to help center doc on Federation Subsystems should you need more detail on the configurable parameter If you only want to use this server as a subscriber of entities from the publishing ThingWorx Server, in that case you don't have to Configure the section Federation subscribers this server publishes to, I've configured here anyway to show that both servers can work as publishers and subscribers   2. Save the federation subsystem   Configuring a Thing to subscribe to a published Thing 1. Subscribing to an entity is fairly straight forward, I'll demonstrate by utilizing the C SDK client which is currently pushing values to my remote thing called SteamSensor2 on server https://tw802neo:443/Thingworx 2. I have already Published the StreamSensor2, see above section Configuring a Thing to be published 3. Create a Thing called FederatedStreamThing with RemoteThingWithTunnels as ThingTemplate, 4. Browser for the Identifier and select the required entity to which binding must be done, like so   5. Navigate to the Properties section for the entity, click Manage Bindings to search for the remote properties like so for adding them to this thing:     6. Save the entity and then we can see the values that were pushed from the client C SDK     7. Finally, we can also quickly see the values pulled via a Mashup created in the subscriber ThingWorx , below a is a simple mashup with grid widget pulling values using QueryPropertyHistory service  
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Hello everyone,   After a recent presales experience, I wanted to make my knowledge available to you. The core of this article is to demonstrate how you can format a Flux request in Thingworx and post it to InfluxDB, with the aim of reporting the need for performance in calculations to InfluxDB. The following context is renewable energy. There is no detail about Kepware and how to connect to InfluxDB. As a prerequisite, you may like to read this article: Using Influx to store Value Stream properties from... - PTC Community     Introduction   The following InfluxDB usage has been developped for an electricity energy provider We deal with Wind farm, Solar farm and Battery Storage.   Technical Context Kepware is used as a source of data. A simulation for Wind assets based on excel file is configured, delivering sata in realtime. SQL Database also gather the same data than the simulation in Kepware. It is used to load historical data into InfluxDB, addressing cases of temporary data loss. Once back online, SQL help to records the lost data in InfluxDB and computes the KPIs. InfluxDB is used to store data overtime as well as calculated KPIs. Invoicing third party system is simulated to get electricity price according time of the day.   Orchestration between TWX and InfluxDB Thingworx v9.4.4 Set the numeric property to log Maintain control over execution logic Format Flux request with dynamic inputs to send to Influx DB  InfluxDB Cloud v2 Store logged property Enable quick data read Execute calculation Note: Free InfluxDB version is slower in write and read, and only 30 days data retention max.     Thingworx model and services   Thingworx context Due to the fact relevant numeric properties are logged overtime, new KPIs are calculated based on the logged data. In the following example, each Wind asset triggered each minute a calculation to get the monetary gain based on current power produced and current electricity price. The request is formated in Thingworx, pushed and executed in InfluxDB. Thus, Thingworx server memory is not used for this calculation.   Services breakdown CalculateMonetaryKPIs Entry point service to calculate monetary KPIs. Use the two following services: Trigger the FormatFlux service then inject it in Post service. Inputs: No input Output: NOTHING FormatFlux _CalculateMonetaryKPI Format the request in Flux format for monetary KPI calculation. Respect the Flux synthax used by InfluxDB. Inputs: bucketName (STRING) thingName (STRING) Output: TEXT PostTextToInflux Generic service to post the request to InfluxDB, whatever the request is Inputs: FluxQuery (TEXT) influxToken (STRING) influxUrl (STRING) influxOrgName (STRING) influxBucket (STRING) thingName (STRING) Output: INFOTABLE   Highlights - CalculateMonetaryKPIs Find in attachments the full script in "CalculateMonetaryKPIs script.docx". Url, token, organization and bucket are configured in the Persitence Provider used by the ValueStream. We dynamically get it from the ValueStream attached to this thing. From here, we can reuse it to set the inputs of two other services using “MyConfig”.   Highlights - FormatFlux_CalculateMonetaryKPI Find in attachments the full script in "FormatFlux_CalculateMonetaryKPI script.docx". The major part of this script is a text, in Flux synthax, where we inject dynamic values. The service get the last values of ElectricityPrice, Power and Capacity to calculate ImmediateMonetaryGain, PotentialMaxMonetaryGain and PotentialMonetaryLoss.   Flux logic might not be easy for beginners, so let's break down the intermediate variables created on the fly in the Flux request. Let’s take the example of the existing data in the bucket (with only two minutes of values): _time _measurement _field _value 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z WindAsset1 ElectricityPrice 0.12 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z WindAsset1 Power 100 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z WindAsset1 Capacity 150 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 ElectricityPrice 0.15 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 Power 120 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 Capacity 160   The request articulates with the following steps: Get source value Get last price, store it in priceData _time ElectricityPrice 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z 0,15 Get last power, store it in powerData _time Power 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z 120 Get last capacity, store it in capacityData _time Capacity 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z 160 Join the three tables *Data on the same time. Last values of price, power and capacity maybe not set at the same time, so final joinedData may be empty. _time ElectricityPrice Power Capacity 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z 0,15 120 160 Perform calculations gainData store the result: ElectricityPrice * Power _time _measurement _field _value 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 ImmediateMonetaryGain 18 maxGainData store the result: ElectricityPrice * Capacity lossData store the result: ElectricityPrice * (Capacity – Power) Add the result to original bucket   Highlights - PostTextToInflux Find in attachments the full script in "PostTextToInflux script.docx". Pretty straightforward script, the idea is to have a generic script to post a request. The header is quite original with the vnd.flux content type Url needs to be formatted according InfluxDB API     Well done!   Thanks to these steps, calculated values are stored in InfluxDB. Other services can be created to retrieve relevant InfluxDB data and visualize it in a mashup.     Last comment It was the first time I was in touch with Flux script, so I wasn't comfortable, and I am still far to be proficient. After spending more than a week browsing through InfluxDB documentation and running multiple tests, I achieved limited success but nothing substantial for a final outcome. As a last resort, I turned to ChatGPT. Through a few interactions, I quickly obtained convincing results. Within a day, I had a satisfactory outcome, which I fine-tuned for relevant use.   Here is two examples of two consecutive ChatGPT prompts and answers. It might need to be fine-tuned after first answer.   Right after, I asked to convert it to a Thingworx script format:   In this last picture, the script won’t work. The fluxQuery is not well formatted for TWX. Please, refer to the provided script "FormatFlux_CalculateMonetaryKPI script.docx" to see how to format the Flux query and insert variables inside. Despite mistakes, ChatGPT still mainly provides relevant code structure for beginners in Flux and is an undeniable boost for writing code.  
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  Send voice and text messages with Twilio.   GUIDE CONCEPT   This project will demonstrate how you can create applications that provide information to users, even when they are away from their computer. Users who are on the go can benefit from your application by receiving text and voice messages.   Following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to configure and use the Twilio Widget and explore it’s ability to send messages.   We will teach you how data can be used to send pertinent information to any cell phone.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Download and import the Twilio Widget extension Create a Thing using the Twilio Thing Template Configure the Twilio Thing to use your Twilio account Send text messages using a Service   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Install Twilio Extension   Download the Twilio Extension from Note:  IQNOX is a PTC Partner and will be maintaining and supporting specific extensions going forward.  It will be necessary to create an account on the IQNOX website, but the ThingWorx extensions are free. In the lower-left side of Composer, click Import/Export, then Import.   In the Import From File pop-up, under Import Option select Extension from the drop-down, then click Browse. Navigate to the .zip file you downloaded.   Click Import in the Import From File pop-up, then click Close after file is successfully imported.     Step 2: Create Twilio Thing   In this step, you will create a Thing that represents a connection with the Twilio service.   Start on the Browse, folder icon tab on the far left of ThingWorx Composer.  Under the Modeling tab, hover over Things then click the + button. Type twilio-connector in the Name field.   NOTE: This name, with matching capitalization, is required for the example code which will be entered in a later step. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template text box, click the + and select Twilio.     Click Save.     Step 3: Configure Twilio Thing   Now that we have created a Thing to represent the Twilio connection, we will configure it with your Twilio account credentials.   When the Twilio Extension is installed, it does not include the Twilio account credentials required to send messages.   You will need Twilio account credentials to complete this step. If you do not already have a Twilio account, you can click on this link to create a Twilio account.   Open the twilio-connection Thing if it is not already open. Click on the Configuration tab. Click the pencil icon next to the authToken field.   Copy your AUTH TOKEN from your Twilio account dashboard.   Paste your AUTH TOKEN into the New Password and Confirm Password fields under authToken.   Click the pencil icon next to the accountSID field. Copy your ACCOUNT SID from your Twilio account dashboard, and paste it into the New Password and Confirm Password fields under accountSID. Follow the steps in your Twilio account dashboard to get a trial phone number.   Copy your PHONE NUMBER from your Twilio account dashboard, and paste it into the callerID field.   Click Save.     Step 4: Test Twilio Thing   Now that we have created a Thing to represent the Twilio connection and configured it with Twilio account credentials, we will confirm that everything is working.   Click the Services tab at the top of the twilio-connector Thing.     Click the link to the SendSMSMessage Service in the Services Name column. Enter a phone number in the to field. Enter a test message in the text field.   Click the Execute button to send the SMS message. The service should execute without any errors within a couple of seconds and the phone number will receive your message. Click Close to end testing the service.     Step 5: Sample Alerting App   At this point, you have created and tested a Thing that can send text messages. This step will demonstrate sending a message when a Property Value is out of the desired range.   Import Simulated Freezer Thing   Download and unzip the attached sample In Composer, click the Import/Export icon at the lower-left of the page.   Click Import. Leave all default values and click Browse to select the Things_freezer.twx file that you just downloaded. Click Open, then Import. When you see the success message, click Close.   Explore Imported Entities   Navigate to the freezer Thing by using the search bar at the top of the screen. Click the Subscriptions tab.   Click reportFreezer under Name. Open the Subscription Info tab. Select the Enabled checkbox.   Click Done then Save to save any changes.   Verify Data Simulation   Open the freezer Thing and click Properties and Alerts tab. Click the Set value in the alertedPhone Property row, in the Value column.   Enter a phone number to receive the SMS alert, then click the Check icon above where you entered the phone number. Click the pencil icon in the temp Property row, in the Value column. Enter a value for the temp property that is greater than 30, and click the Check icon. In a couple seconds, the phone number you entered will receive an alert that includes the value you entered.      Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations!   In this guide, you learned how to:   Create a Thing using the Twilio Thing Template Configure the Twilio Thing to use your Twilio account Send text messages using a Service   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Twilio Extension Help Center
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    Step 4: Write Data to External Database You’ve connected to the database, you’re able to query the database. Now let’s handle inserting new data into the database. The update statements and data shown below are based on the table scripts provided in the download. Examples of how the ThingWorx entity should look can be seen in the SQLServerDatabaseController and OracleDatabaseController entities. Running an Insert Follow the steps below to set up a helper service to perform queries for the database. While other services might generate the query to be used, this helper service will be your shared execution service. In the DatabaseController entity, go to the Services tab.   Create a new service of type SQL (Command) called RunDatabaseCommand. Keep the Output as Integer. Add the following parameter:  Name           Base Type       Required command String True 5. Add the following code to your new service: <<command>> 6. Click Save and Continue. Your service signature should look like the below example. You now have a service that can run commands to the database. Run your service with a simple insert. There are two ways to go from here. You can either query the database using services that call this service, or you can create more SQL Command services that query the database directly. Let’s go over each method next, starting with a service to call the helper. In the Services tab of the DatabaseController entity, create a new service of type JavaScript. Name the service JavaScriptInsert_PersonsTable. Set the Output as InfoTable, but do not set the DataShape for the InfoTable. Add the following code to your new service: try { var command = "INSERT INTO Persons (person_key, person_name_first, person_name_last, person_email, person_company_name, " + "person_company_position, person_addr1_line1, person_addr1_line2, person_addr1_line3, person_addr1_city, person_addr1_state, " + "person_addr1_postal_code, person_addr1_country_code, person_addr1_phone_number, person_addr1_fax_number, person_created_by, " + "person_updated_by, person_created_date, person_updated_date) VALUES ('" + key + "', '" + name_first + "', '" + name_last + "', '" + email + "', '" + company_name + "', '" + company_position + "', '" + addr1_line1 + "', '" + addr1_line2 + "', '" + addr1_line3 + "', '" + addr1_city + "', '" + addr1_state + "', '" + addr1_postal_code + "', '" + addr1_country_code + "', '" + addr1_phone_number + "', '" + addr1_fax_number + "', '" + created_by + "', '" + updated_by + "', '" + created_date + "', '" + updated_date + "')"; logger.debug("DatabaseController.JavaScriptInsert_PersonsTable(): Query - " + command); var result = me.RunDatabaseCommand({command: command}); } catch(error) { logger.error("DatabaseController.JavaScriptInsert_PersonsTable(): Error - " + error.message); } 5. Add the following parameter:  Name                                   Base Type           Required key String True name_first String True name_last String True company_name String True company_position String True addr1_line1 String True addr1_line2 String True addr1_line3 String True addr1_city String True addr1_state String True addr1_postal_code String True addr1_country_code String True addr1_phone_number String True addr1_fax_number String True created_by String True updated_by String True created_date String True updated_date String True 6. Click Save and Continue. Any parameter, especially those that were entered by users, that is being passed into a SQL Statement using the Database Connectors should be fully validated and sanitized before executing the statement! Failure to do so could result in the service becoming an SQL Injection vector. Now, let’s utilize a second method to create a query directly to the database. You can use open and close brackets for parameters for the insert. You can also use <> as a method to mark a value that will need to be replaced. As you build your insert statement, use [[Parameter Name]] for parameters/variables substitution and <<string replacement >> for string substitution. In the Services tab of the DatabaseController entity, create a new service of type SQL (Command).   Name the service SQLInsert_PersonsTable. Add the following code to your new service: INSERT INTO Persons (person_key ,person_name_first ,person_name_last ,person_email ,person_company_name ,person_company_position ,person_addr1_line1 ,person_addr1_line2 ,person_addr1_line3 ,person_addr1_city ,person_addr1_state ,person_addr1_postal_code ,person_addr1_country_code ,person_addr1_phone_number ,person_addr1_fax_number ,person_created_by ,person_updated_by ,person_created_date ,person_updated_date) VALUES ([[key]] ,[[name_first]] ,[[name_last]] ,[[email]] ,[[company_name]] ,[[company_position]] ,[[addr1_line1]] ,[[addr1_line2]] ,[[addr1_line3]] ,[[addr1_city]]]] ,[[addr1_state]] ,[[addr1_postal_code]] ,[[addr1_country_code]] ,[[addr1_phone_number]] ,[[addr1_fax_number]] ,[[created_by]] ,[[updated_by]] ,[[created_date]] ,[[updated_date]]); 4. Add the following parameter:  Name                                  Base Type       Required key String True name_first String True name_last String True company_name String True company_position String True addr1_line1 String True addr1_line2 String True addr1_line3 String True addr1_city String True addr1_state String True addr1_postal_code String True addr1_country_code String True addr1_phone_number String True addr1_fax_number String True created_by String True updated_by String True created_date String True updated_date String True 5. Click Save and Continue. Examples of insert services can be seen in the provided downloads.   Step 5: Executing Stored Procedures There will be times when a singular query will not be enough to get the job done. This is when you'll need to incorporate stored procedures into your database design. ThingWorx is able to use the same SQL Command when executing a stored procedure with no data return and a SQL query when executing a stored procedure with an expected result set. Before executing these services or stored procedures, ensure they exist in your database. They can be found in the example file provided. Execute Stored Procedure Now, let's create the service to handle calling/executing a stored procedure. If you are expecting data from this stored procedure, use EXEC to execute the stored procedure. If you only need to execute the stored procedure and do not expect a result set, then using the EXECUTE statement is good enough. You're also able to use the string substitution similar to what we've shown you in the earlier steps. In the DatabaseController entity, go to the Services tab. Create a new service of type SQL (Command) called RunAssignStudentStoredProcedure. Add the following parameter:  Name                      Base Type        Required student_key String True course_key String True 4. Add the following code to your new service: EXECUTE AddStudentsToCourse @person_key = N'<<person_key>>', @course_key = N'<<course_key>>';   You can also perform this execute in a service based on JavaScript using the following code: try { var command = "EXECUTE AddStudentsToCourse " + " @student_key = N'" + student_key + "', " + " @course_key = N'" + course_key + "'"; logger.debug("DatabaseController.RunAssignStudentStoredProcedure(): Command - " + command); var result = me.RunDatabaseCommand({command:command}); } catch(error) { logger.error("DatabaseController.RunAssignStudentStoredProcedure(): Error - " + error.message); } 5. Click Save and Continue. Execute Stored Procedure for Data Let's create the entity you will use for both methods. This can be seen in the example below:   In the DatabaseController entity, go to the Services tab. Create a new service of type SQL (Query) called GetStudentCoursesStoredProcedure. Set the Output as InfoTable, but do not set the DataShape for the InfoTable. Add the following parameter:  Name                    Base Type        Required course_key String True 5. Add the following code to your new service: EXEC GetStudentsInCourse @course_key = N'<<course_key>>'   You can also perform this execute in a service based on JavaScript using the following code: try { var query = "EXEC GetStudentsInCourse " + " @course_key = N'" + course_key + "'"; logger.debug("DatabaseController.GetStudentCoursesStoredProcedure(): Query - " + query); var result = me.RunDatabaseQuery({query:query}); } catch(error) { logger.error("DatabaseController.GetStudentCoursesStoredProcedure(): Error - " + error.message); } 6. Click Save and Continue. You've now created your first set of services used to call stored procedures for data. Of course, these stored procedures will need to be in the database before they can successfully run. Step 6: Next Steps Congratulations! You've successfully completed the guide for External Database, and learned how to use the ThingWorx Platform to connect to database, query for data, and write new data. Learn More We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:  Capability       Guide Build Design Your Data Model Build Configure Permissions Additional Resources If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:  Resource           Link Community Developer Community Forum
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  Step 5: Bind Industrial Tag   Now that you've established a connection, you can use ThingWorx Foundation to inspect all available information on ThingWorx Kepware Server.   ThingWorx Kepware Server includes some information by default to assist you with verifying a valid connection with ThingWorx Foundation.   Create New Thing   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Modeling > Industrial Connections.   Click IndConn_Server. At the top, click Discover. The Discover option is exclusive to Things inheriting the IndustrialGateway Thing Template and displays information coming from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   Expand Channel1. Click Device1. On the right, you’ll see Tag1 and Tag2, which are pre-defined Tags to assist with connectivity testing.   Click the checkbox next to Tag1. Click Bind to New Entity.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select RemoteThing and click OK.   Finalize New RemoteThing   You’ll now be in an interface to create a new Thing with a predefined Property based on ThingWorx Kepware Server Tag1.   Type IndConn_Tag1 in the Name field. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Thing with a property fed from an Kepware Server Tag. The Base Thing Template has been automatically set to RemoteThing. The Implemented Shapes has been automatically set to IndustrialThingShape.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.   Click Save.   Test Connection   The IndConn_Tag1 Thing you created now has a Property with a value that will change with each update from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   The Tag1 we utilized is a 'ramp' and therefore, the value will increase at regular intervals.   At the top, click Properties and Alerts. Under Inherited Properties, you will see entries for both RemoteThing and IndustrialThingShape. The Property isConnected is checked, indicating a connection from Foundation to ThingWorx Kepware Server. The Property IndustrialThing has been automatically set to IndConn_Server. Notice the predefined Property named Channel1_Device1_Tag1.   Click Refresh repeatedly. You’ll see the value increase with each Refresh. This represents data being simulated in ThingWorx Kepware Server.   Step 6: Log to Value Stream   Now that you have explored the Properties of IndConn_Tag1, you’ve seen how ThingWorx Kepware Server feeds information to ThingWorx Foundation.   To get an even better indication of changes and confirm continued connectivity, we will log the changes to a Value Stream in order to record the values with a TimeStamp.   Create Value Stream   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Data Storage > Value Streams.   Click + New.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select ValueStream. Click OK. Type IndConn_ValueStream in the Name field. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Value Stream to record changes from ThingWorx Kepware Server. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. Click Save.   Bind Value Stream   Return to the IndConn_Tag1 Thing. At the top, select General Information. In the Value Stream field, search for and select IndConn_ValueStream.   At the top, select Properties and Alerts.   Click Channel1_Device1_Tag1. A new set of options will expand from the right.   Check the box for Persistent. Check the box for Logged.   In the top-right, click the Check button to close the expanded options. Click Save.   All changes to the Tag1 Property fed from ThingWorx Kepware Server are now stored and TimeStamped to the IndConn_ValueStream.     Step 7: Visualize the Data   We'll now create a Mashup to visualize the record of information from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Visualization > Mashups.   Click +New.   In the New Mashup pop-up, leave the default selections and click OK.   In the Name field, type IndConn_Mashup. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.  At the top, click Save.   At the top, click Design.   At the top-left, ensure the Widgets tab is selected.   In the Filter Widgets field at the top-left, type line. Drag-and-drop a Line Chart onto the central canvas area.     Add Data   At the top-right, ensure the Data tab is active.   Click the + button.   In the Entity Filter field, search for and select IndConn_Tag1. In the Services Filter field, type queryprop. Click the right-arrow button beside QueryPropertyHistory. The QueryPropertyHistory Service of the IndConn_Tag1 Thing will appear on the right in the Selected Services field. Check the box under Execute on Load in the Selected Services field.   Click Done. Note that the QueryPropertyHistory Service now appears on the right side Data tab. On the top-right Data tab, expand Things_IndConn_Tag1 > QueryPropertyHistory > Returned Data.   Drag-and-drop All Data from the QueryPropertyHistory Service from the right onto the Line Chart in the center.   In the Select Binding Target pop-up, select Data.   Configure Chart Properties   Click the Line Chart to select it. In the bottom-left Properties, type xaxisfield in the filter. Expand the drop-down for XAxisField.   Select timestamp. At the top, click Save. Click View Mashup. (You may have to enable pop-ups in your browser.)   The IndConn_Mashup will show you the recorded history of Property changes that came from ThingWorx Kepware Server.   Because the Tag1 Example is a ramp, you’ll notice a slowly-increasing value in the Line Chart.   Reload the Mashup's browser-tab to see the value increase even further.   NOTE: If the Mashup visualization is blank, confirm your connection to ThingWorx Kepware Server. Return to the Test Connection section of the "Bind Industrial Tag" step.     Step 8: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect Industrial Devices and Systems guide.   You've learned how to:   Connect ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Secure the connection with an Application Key Create an IndustrialGateway Thing Map ThingWorx Kepware Server Tags to ThingWorx Foundation Thing Properties Visualize Data from connected digital assets   Learn More   Capability Resource Connect Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC   Additional Resources   For additional information on ThingWorx Kepware Server:   Resource Link Documentation Kepware documentation Support Kepware Support site
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  Connect Devices and Equipment Using Industry-Standard Protocol Drivers in ThingWorx   GUIDE CONCEPT   This guide has step-by-step instructions for connecting ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation.   This guide will demonstrate the ease of connecting edge industrial equipment to ThingWorx Foundation without installing any software on production equipment.   We will also show how connecting different systems and devices improves operations through the creation of business intelligence.     YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Connect ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Secure the connection with an Application Key Create an IndustrialGateway Thing Map ThingWorx Kepware Server Tags to ThingWorx Foundation Thing Properties Visualize Data from connected digital assets   Note: The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes     Step 1: Installation   Download the ThingWorx Kepware Server executable application from MyKepware. If you desire installation instructions, you may find them in the attached guide: . Navigate to START -> PTC. Click ThingWorx Kepware Server 6 Configuration.                           For additional information on ThingWorx Kepware Server, click Help -> Server Help on the Menu Bar.         Step 2: Create Gateway   To make a connection between ThingWorx Kepware Server and Foundation Server, you must first create a Thing.   WARNING: To avoid a timeout error, create a Thing in ThingWorx Foundation BEFORE attempting to make the connection in ThingWorx Kepware Server.   In ThingWorx Foundation Composer, click Browse > Modeling -> Things.   Click + NEW. In the Name field, type IndConn_Server, including matching capitalization. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Industrial Gateway Thing to connect to ThingWorx Kepware Server. If the Project field is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template field, search for and select IndustrialGateway.   Click Save.     Step 3: Create an AppKey   To secure the connection between ThingWorx Foundation and ThingWorx Kepware Server, you need to utilize an Application Key.   In ThingWorx Foundation, click Browse > Security -> Applications Keys.   Click + New. In the Name field, type IndConn_AppKey. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. Set User Name Reference to the Administrator User. Click Yes on the warning pop-up.   Assign an Expiration Date that is far enough in the future to not interfere with your trial.   Click Save.   Under Key ID, click the page icon to the right of the Application Key string to copy it.     Step 4: Connect to Foundation   Now that you’ve created an IndustrialGateway Thing and an Application Key, you can configure ThingWorx Kepware Server to connect to ThingWorx Foundation.   Return to the ThingWorx Kepware Server Windows application. Right-click Project. Select Properties….   In the Property Editor pop-up, click ThingWorx. In the Enable field, select Yes from the drop-down. In the Host field, enter the IP address or URL of your ThingWorx Foundation server. Enter the Port number. If you are using the "hosted" Developer Portal trial, enter 443.     In the Application Key field, copy and paste the Application Key you just created. In the Trust self-signed certificates field, select Yes from the drop-down. In the Trust all certificates field, select Yes from the drop-down. In the Disable encryption field, select No from the drop-down if you are using a secure port. Select Yes if you are using an http port. Type IndConn_Server in the Thing name field, including matching capitalization. If you are connecting with a remote instance of ThingWorx Foundation and you expect any breaks or latency in your connection, enable Store and Forward. Click Apply in the pop-up. Click Ok.   In the ThingWorx Kepware Server Event window at the bottom, you should see a message indicating Connected to ThingWorx.     NOTE: If you do not see the "Connected" message, repeat the steps above, ensuring that all information is correct. In particular, check the Host, Port, and Thing name fields for errors.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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  Step 6: Building the Data Model   You can build your data model using different methods. You can build your data model where the Data Shapes match with your tables, but what you'll realize over time is that you will often need custom Data Shapes. When you query for data, you will often need data from differing tables to be in one result set. Because of this, I suggest against making your data model based on the tables. You can start the basis for your model with the tables in mind, but know that this won't be the basis for long.   Create Data Shapes   Let's start by setting up two queries and the Data Shapes to match. The first query will be to find the list of classes a student is assigned to and query will be completed here. The second query will be to find all student in an active class and we'll ask you to create it based on how we did the first one.   1. In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New button in the top left.    2. In the dropdown list, click Data Shapes.   3. Name the Data Shape DataShape.StudentCourses   4. Add the set of fields below. You may notice, we included information from the Person table that we might already have. This is perfectly fine based on how much data you expect to come back. This will allow you to reuse this database for other purposes later where the person information might change. This can be very beneficial when you're calling a service with this Data Shape (or InfoTable based on this Data Shape). Allowing you to keep the input simple.    Name Base Type  Additional Info   id  STRING Primary Key   person_key  STRING  N/A  person_name_first  STRING  N/A  person_name_last  STRING  N/A  course_key  STRING  N/A  course_name  STRING  N/A  course_professor  STRING  N/A   Let's add in our database query and use our new Data Shape.    1. Open the DatabaseController.Facilities entity and go to the Services tab. If you have not done so as yet, add the configuration information to allow your queries to connect to a database. 2. Create a new service of type SQL (Query) called GetStudentEnrollment. 3. Click Save and Continue to save your changes.   4. Add a parameter to the service title email. It will have a String base type and be required. 5. Add the following query to the canvas.         SELECT person_key, person_name_first, person_name_last, course_key, course_name, course_professor FROM Person person INNER JOIN PersonCourses pc ON person.person_key = pc.person_key INNER JOIN Courses courses ON courses.course_key = pc.course_key WHERE person.person_email = [[email]]​           6. For the output of the service, InfoTable should be there by default. If not, switch the output to be an InfoTable. For the Data Shape, set it to the Data Shape we just created, DataShape.StudentCourses.   You now have a database where you can run your queries and use the responses to bind to Widgets in Mashups.    We have our database connection and a data model setup to handle our current queries. This might be where you begin to question if you would like to add Data Tables. This is more of a design choice. You might want to keep datasets in a Data Table for quick access or separation. Nevertheless, if you already have you database, you won't need many (if any) Data Tables.     Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the guide for Connecting to an External Database, and learned how to use the ThingWorx Platform to connect to database, query for data, and write new data.   The next guide in the Utilizing ThingWorx to Secure Your Aerospace and Defense Systems learning path is Low Level Device Connection.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Build Design Your Data Model Build Configure Permissions   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum
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