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Key Functional Highlights ThingWorx 8.1 covers the following areas of the product portfolio: ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Utilities and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Core, Connection Server and Edge capabilities. Highlights of the release include: ThingWorx Foundation Next Generation Composer: Embedded Mashup Builder enables codeless development of web visualization. New ability to manage and push configurations for KEPServerEX Notifications: Create SMS and Email notifications natively in Next Generation Composer Support for localized and dynamic content with tokens Protocol Adapter Toolkit: Encrypted communication between edge devices and the Connector over HTTPS or WSS. Encrypted communication between the Connector and ThingWorx Core (WSS). Ability to define a mapping of outbound messages from ThingWorx Core using a Codec to an edge-bound message. Authentication of edge devices 3 rd Party Platform Connectivity: Azure IoT Connector v2.0 § Model data from Azure IoT using the Thing Model § Utilize data from Azure IoT as properties in the Thing Model § Utilize services and events through Azure IoT § Utilize Azure file storage ThingWorx for Predix v1.0 § Synchronize data from Predix to ThingWorx § Enable SSO between Predix & ThingWorx C SDK: Framework for custom functionality to be added to C SDK-based applications at runtime License Management: Simple, automated, licensing system for collection, storage, reporting, management and auditing of licensing entitlements. Deprecated the SQUEAL functionality ThingWorx Analytics Categorical and Ordinal Goals: Adds use of unordered text (categorical) and ordered text (ordinal) goals to predictive analytics.  Create and score models with the new goal types. Virtual Sensor: Adds support for time-series predictions when historical data is not available.  Allows machine learning predictions to take the place of physical sensors and simplifies predictions like time to failure and probability of failure. Tighter platform integration: Analytics Server is more tightly integrated with ThingWorx Core, providing native control and access to analytics programming interfaces. New, simplified API: The new Analytics Server 2.0 API pattern is simpler, more modern, and easier to use. Microservices-based Architecture: Conversion to microservices sets the stage for High Availability and improved distributed installations. Native Linux installer: Docker is no longer required to run on Linux-based systems. Analytics Manager: Several enhancements, including: Simulation-driven data framework allows external providers to send data as if they were a physical Thing. Time Series Data Inputs improves the ability to share time series data with external providers. Thing Connect / Disconnect makes it easier to connect specific Things with external providers. Analytics Builder: Ease of use enhancements including: New UI support for time series models. Easier access to / use of Signals and Profiles. Simplified models for Boolean goals. Easier installation, no longer requires UploadThing. ThingWorx Utilities Software Content Management (SCM): Define package dependencies where the deployment of a package requires the presence of one or more other packages. ThingWorx Trial Edition ThingWorx Trial Edition will be available to internal PTC resources at launch and will be made available externally on the Developer Portal shortly after launch. Developer Enablement: Enhancements have been made to the Trial Edition installation tool, providing a native installation process of the ThingWorx platform including: ThingWorx Foundation ThingWorx Utilities ThingWorx Analytics ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity Documentation ThingWorx 8.1 Reference Documents ThingWorx Analytics 8.1 Reference Documents ThingWorx Core 8.1 Release Notes ThingWorx Core Help Center ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Installation Guide ThingWorx Analytics Help Center ThingWorx Trial Edition User Guide Additional information ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal ThingWorx Marketplace Download The following items are available for download from the PTC Software Download site. ThingWorx Platform – Select Release 8.1 ThingWorx Utilities – Select Release 8.1 ThingWorx Analytics – Select Release 8.1
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Preface This guide applies to a clean installation of the CentOS 7 Minimal distribution. This is labeled as "Minimal ISO" on the website and the filename of the iso image used to install the operating system will resemble "CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1611.iso." The machine used in this guide was a virtual machine created using Oracle VirtualBox but the same steps should apply to any machine with a clean CentOS 7 Minimal install. It is however possible that some installations may encounter slight variations due to hardware configurations. Before starting Unzip the downloaded "".  Inside the unzipped directory you will find a file called "". Before running step number 10, upload that file to your CentOS machine using a SFTP SCP tool of your choice. Configuration and installation steps Step 1: Install Docker with the following commands (these steps are presented at😞 yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 yum-config-manager --add-repo yum makecache fast yum -y install docker-ce Step 2: Create a group called docker (If this command reports the group already exists, that is ok. You can move to the next step): groupadd docker Step 3: Add your non-root user to the docker group, in this example my non-root user is called "thingworx", please replace with the correct username: usermod -aG docker thingworx Step 4: Start the Docker service and enable it to auto start after reboot: systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker Step 5: Verify that docker is working: docker ps Step 6: After running the above command you should see a single line output that resembles the following: "CONTAINER ID        IMAGE              COMMAND            CREATED            STATUS              PORTS              NAMES" Step 7: Disable selinux with the two following commands. Note by doing this you will want to make sure if this is a public facing server that you take appropriate security measures to lock down the system. setenforce 0 sed -i -e 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/sysconfig/selinux Step 8: Set the hostname of your machine to something otherthan the default which is "localhost.localdomain".  In this case I am using the name "centos", this can be replaced with a name of your choosing: hostname centos echo "centos" > /etc/hostname Step 9: Allow traffic through the default CentOS firewall.  Note that in a production environment, the firewall should be configured more granular to allow incoming traffic to only the required ports (5432, 2181 and 8080). Please refer to CentOS documentation and consult security best practices within your organization for more information. The following commands will completely disable the CentOS firewall. systemctl disable firewalld systemctl stop firewalld Step 10: Ensure the ThingWorx Analytics Server installer is executable then run the installer. You may have to change to the directory where the installer was uploaded to the machine, in this case I have it in the home directory of the user named thingworx.  Please replace that path with the correct path for your machine.  Note below are 3 separate commands. cd /home/thingworx chmod +x ./ Step 11: Verify that the ThingWorx Analytics Server installation is successful. Note that it may take a few minutes for the system to become available. Retry the command after a few minutes if an error is initially encountered. curl NOTE: The response from the above command should resemble the following: {"implementationVersion":"8.0.0"}
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By Tim Atwood and Dave Bernbeck, Edited by Tori Firewind Adapted from the March 2021 Expert Session Produced by the IoT Enterprise Deployment Center The primary purpose of monitoring is to determine when your application may be exhausting the available resources. Knowledge of the infrastructure limits help establish these monitoring boundaries, determining straightforward thresholds that indicate an app has gone too far. The four main areas to monitor in this way are CPU, Memory, Networking, and Disk.   For the CPU, we want to know how many cores are available to the application and potentially what the temperature is for each or other indicators of overtaxation. For Memory, we want to know how much RAM is available for the application. For Networking, we want to know the network throughput, the available bandwidth, and how capable the network cards are in general. For Disk, we keep track of the read and write rates of the disks used by the application as well as how much space remains on those.   There are several major infrastructure categories which reflect common modes of operation for ThingWorx applications. One is Bare Metal, which relies upon the traditional use of hardware to connect directly between operating system and hardware, with no intermediary. Limits of the hardware in this case can be found in manufacturing specifications, within the operating system settings, and listed somewhere within the IT department normally. The IT team is a great resource for obtaining these limits in general, also keeping track of such things in VMware and virtualized infrastructure models.   VMware is an intermediary between the operating system and the hardware, and often its limits are determined based on the sizing of the application and set by the IT team when the infrastructure is established. These can often be resized as needed, and the IT team will be well aware of the limits here, often monitoring some of the performance themselves already. This is especially so if Cloud Providers are used, given that these are scaled up virtualizations which are configured in easy-to-use cloud portals. These two infrastructure models can also be resized as needed.   Lastly Containers can be used to designate operating system resources as needed, in a much more specific way that better supports the sharing of resources across multiple systems. Here the limits are defined in configuration files or charts that define the container.   The difficulties here center around learning what the limits are, especially in the case of network and disk usage. Network bandwidth can fluctuate, and increased latency and network congestion can occur at random times for seemingly no reason. Most monitoring scenarios can therefore make due with collecting network send and receive rates, as well as disk read and write rates, performed on the server.   Cloud Providers like Azure provide VM and disk sizing options that allow you to select exactly what you need, but for network throughput or network IO, the choices are not as varied. Network IO tends to increase with the size of the VM, proportional to the number of CPU cores and the amount of Memory, so this may mean that a VM has to be oversized for the user load, for the bulk of the application, in order to accommodate a large or noisy edge fleet. The next few slides list the operating metrics and common thresholds used for each. We often use these thresholds in our own simulations here at PTC, but note that each use case is different, and each situation should be analyzed individually before determining set limits of performance.   Generally, you will want to monitor: % utilization of all CPU cores, leaving plenty of room for spikes in  activity; total and used memory, ensuring total memory remains constant throughout and used memory remains below a reasonable percentage of the total, which for smaller systems (16 GB and lower) means leaving around 20% Memory for the OS, and for larger systems, usually around 3-4 GB.    For disks, the read and write rates to ensure there is ample free space for spikes and to avoid any situation that might result in system down time;  and for networking, the send and receive rates which should be below 70% or so, again to leave room for spikes.   In any monitoring situation, high consistent utilization  should trigger concern and an investigation into  what’s happening. Were new assets added? Has any recent change caused regression or other issues?    Any resent changes should be inspected and the infrastructure sizing should be considered as well. For ThingWorx specific monitoring, we look at max queue sizes, entries performed, pool sizes, alerts, submitted task counts, and anything that might indicate some kind of data loss. We want the queues to be consistently cleared out to reduce the risk of losing data in the case of an interruption, and to ensure there is no reason for resource use to build up and cause issues over time. In order for a monitoring set-up to be truly helpful, it needs to make certain information easily accessible to administrative users of the application. Any metrics that are applicable to performance needs to be processed and recorded in a location that can be accessed quickly and easily from wherever the admins are. They should quickly and easily know the health of the application from a glance, without needing to drill down a lot to be made aware of issues. Likewise, the alerts that happen should be  meaningful, with minimal false alarms, and it is best if this is configurable by the admins from within the application via some sort of rules engine (see the DGIS guide, soon to be released in version 9.1). The  monitoring tool should also be able to save the system history and export it for further analysis, all in the name of reducing future downtime and creating a stable, enterprise system.     This dashboard (above) is a good example of how to  rollup a number of performance criteria into health indicators for various aspects of the application. Here there is a Green-Yellow-Red color-coding system for issues like web requests taking longer than 30s, 3 minutes, or more to respond.   Grafana is another application used for monitoring internally by our team. The easy dashboard creation feature and built-in chart modes make this tool  super easy to get started with, and certainly easy to refer to from a central location over time. Setting this up is helpful for load testing and making ready an application, but it is also beneficial for continued monitoring post-go-live, and hence why it is a worthy investment. Our team usually builds a link based on the start and end time of tests for each simulation performed, with all of the various servers being monitored by one Grafana server, one reference point.   Consider using PTC Performance Advisor to help monitor these kinds of things more easily (also called DynaTrace). When most administrators think of monitoring, they think of reading and reacting to dashboards, alerts, and reports. Rarely does the idea of benchmarking come to mind as a monitoring activity, and yet, having successful benchmarks of system performance can be a crucial part of knowing if an application is functioning as expected before there are major issues. Benchmarks also look at the response time of the server and can better enable  tracking of actual end user experience. The best  option is to automate such tests using JMeter or other applications, producing a daily snapshot of user performance that can anticipate future issues and create a more reliable experience for end users over time.   Another tool to make use of is JMeter, which has the option to build custom reports. JMeter is good for simulating the user load, which often makes up most of the server load of a ThingWorx application, especially considering that ingestion is typically optimized independently and given the most thought. The most unexpected issues tend to pop up within the application itself, after the project has gone live.   Shown here (right) is an example benchmark from a Windchill application, one which is published by PTC to facilitate comparison between optimized test systems and real life performance. Likewise, DynaTrace is depicted here, showing an automated baseline (using Smart URL Detection) on Response Time (Median and 90th percentile) as well as Failure Rate. We can also look at Throughput and compare it with the expected value range based on historical throughput data. Monitoring typically increases system performance  and availability, but its other advantage is to provide faster, more effective troubleshooting. Establish a systematic process or checklist to step through when problems occur, something that is organized to be done quickly, but still takes the time to find and fix the underlying problems. This will prevent issues from happening again and again and polish the system periodically as problems occur, so that the stability and integrity of the system only improves over time. Push for real solutions if possible, not band-aids, even if more downtime is needed up front; it is always better to have planned downtime up front than unplanned downtime down the line. Close any monitoring gaps when issues do occur, which is the valid RCA response if not enough information was captured to actually diagnose or resolve the issue.   PTC Tech Support developed a diagnostic data gathering query for Oracle that customers can use, found in our knowledgebase. This is an example of RCA troubleshooting that looks at different database factors, reporting on which queries perform the worst  based on inputted criteria. Another example of troubleshooting is for the Java JVM, where we look at all of the things listed here (below) in an automated, documented process that then generates a report for easy end user consumption.   Don’t hesitate to reach out to PTC Technical Support in advance to go over your RCA processes, to review benchmark discrepancies between what PTC publishes and what your real-life systems show, and to ensure your monitoring is adequate to maintain system stability and availability at all times.  
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Thing Subscription This post is intended for novice ThingWorx users who wants to understand what the definition of Thing Subscription is and the overall purpose of using Thing Subscriptions.   Definition of a Thing Subscription? A Thing subscription is a script(JavaScript) that is called each time an event occurs. Events are property states which are of end users interest (e.g. temperature) and therefore indicators to kick off some functionality in a Thing subscription when any action needed. Events can e.g. be triggered by an Alert that detects a change or an anomaly in property values. The Thing subscription is explicitly linked to an event and when the event is fired the data is being passed to the subscriber.    Why Use a Thing Subscription? Imagine your machine is running 24 hours 7 days a week with supervised human interaction. If a pump temperature exceeds accepted value it needs to be regulated by the manufacturing department. But no one in the department knows when the temperature will exceed accepted value or drop suddenly therefore, the machines is always sporadically physically supervised by humans which leads to heavy costs for the manufacture. With a Thing Subscription a notification alert email can be sent directly to the department manager who acts based on the email notification.   Thing Subscription must have A Thing subscription must have defined a rule which gets executed when an event occurs. The definition of the rule may accommodate any appropriate business logic.   Thing Subscription example process In this scenario Thing subscription is using a predictive analytics model to detect Data Change or any anomaly values going through a Thing Property. So, based on historical data including failure information, a predictive analytics model begins to analyze run-time values from individual Things/properties to the analytics server. The predictive analytics model detects a pattern which detects past failures, when the analytics model predicts a failure/event based on the analyzed patterns an action is being fired via a Thing subscription. That action could be for ThingWorx to create a service ticket or send a notification email to the service department.   Example of a simple Thing Subscription set-up without using Analytics model to analyze data but instead a build-in ThingWorx alert Below example of Thing Subscription will send a notification email when temperature exceeds defined values from ThingWorx alert configuration. Prerequisites; it is necessary to have a mail server extension imported into the ThingWorx Composer this enables the service department to receive the email notification when an event have occurred. The extension can be downloaded from the marketplace. 1. Create a Thing with the MailServer[i] as the Base Thing template.     2. Create a new Thing and add Properties together with an alert that is triggered when the value exeeds user defined temerature.   3. Enable the Thing Subcriptions by Select Subscription and click +Add Make sure to mark the checkbox Enabled Selecting your Event name and your Property name In the right side of the screen you can enter your script/function that will notify ThingWorx email service to create the email notification Select Done and Save   4. Enable Email notification by selecting Services Provide an name Select Me/Entities Mark Other entity Find your Thing where the MailServer is the Thing Template   5. Then find the SendMessage snippet/script and fill out the snippet with your personal information.   [i] View this blog for more information on how to install the MailServer
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  PLEASE NOTE DataConnect has now been deprecated and no longer in use and supported.   We are regularly asked in the community how to send data from ThingWorx platform to ThingWorx Analytics in order to perform some analytics computation. There are different ways to achieve this and it will depend on the business needs. If the analytics need is about anomaly detection, the best way forward is to use ThingWatcher without the use of ThingWorx Analytics server. The ThingWatcher Help Center is an excellent place to start, and a quick start up program can be found in this blog. If the requirement is to perform a full blown analytics computation, then sending data to ThingWorx Analytics is required. This can be achieved by Using ThingWorx DataConnect, and this is what this blog will cover Using custom implementation. I will be very pleased to get your feedback on your experience in implementing custom solution as this could give some good ideas to others too. In this blog we will use the example of a smart Tractor in ThingWorx where we collect data points on: Speed Distance covered since last tyre change Tyre pressure Amount of gum left on the tyre Tyre size. From an Analytics perspective the gum left on the tyre would be the goal we want to analyse in order to know when the tyre needs changing.   We are going to cover the following: Background Workflow DataConnect configuration ThingWorx Configuration Data Analysis Definition Configuration Data Analysis Definition Execution Demo files   Background For people not familiar with ThingWorx Analytics, it is important to know that ThingWorx Analytics only accepts a single datafile in a .csv format. Each columns of the .csv file represents a feature that may have an impact on the goal to analyse. For example, in the case of the tyre wear, the distance covered, the speed, the pressure and tyre size will be our features. The goal is also included as a column in this .csv file. So any solution sending data to ThingWorx Analytics will need to prepare such a .csv file. DataConnect will perform this activity, in addition to some transformation too.   Workflow   Decide on the properties of the Thing to be collected, that are relevant to the analysis. Create service(s) that collect those properties. Define a Data Analysis Definition (DAD) object in ThingWorx. The DAD uses a Data Shape to define each feature that is to be collected and sends them to ThingWorx Analytics. Part of the collection process requires the use of the services created in point 2. Upon execution, the DAD will create one skinny csv file per feature and send those skinny .csv files to DataConnect. In the case of our example the DAD will create a speed.csv, distance.csv, pressure.csv, gumleft.csv, tyresize.csv and id.csv. DataConnect processes those skinny csv files to create a final single .csv file that contains all these features. During the processing, DataConnect will perform some transformation and synchronisation of the different skinny .csv files. The resulting dataset csv file is sent to ThingWorx Analytics Server where it can then be used as any other dataset file.     DataConnect configuration   As seen in this workflow a ThingWorx server, DataConnect server and a ThingWorx Analytics server will need to be installed and configured. Thankfully, the installation of DataConnect is rather simple and well described in the ThingWorx DataConnect User’s guide. Below I have provided a sample of a working dataconnect.conf file for reference, as this is one place where syntax can cause a problem:   ThingWorx Configuration The platform Subsystem needs to be configured to point to the DataConnect server . This is done under SYSTEM > Subsystems > PlatformSubsystem:     DAD Configuration The most critical part of the process is to properly configure the DAD as this is what will dictate the format and values filled in the skinny csv files for the specific features. The first step is to create a data shape with as many fields as feature(s)/properties collected.   Note that one field must be defined as the primary key. This field is the one that uniquely identifies the Thing (more on this later). We can then create the DAD using this data shape as shown below   For each feature, a datasource needs to be defined to tell the DAD how to collect the values for the skinny csv files. This is where custom services are usually needed. Indeed, the Out Of The Box (OOTB) services, such as QueryNumberPropertyHistory, help to collect logged values but the id returned by those services is continuously incremented. This does not work for the DAD. The id returned by each services needs to be what uniquely identifies the Thing. It needs to be the same for all records for this Thing amongst the different skinny csv files. It is indeed this field that is then used by DataConnect to merge all the skinny files into one master dataset csv file. A custom service can make use of the OOTB services, however it will need to override the id value. For example the below service uses QueryNumberPropertyHistory to retrieve the logged values and timestamp but then overrides the id with the Thing’s name.     The returned values of the service then needs to be mapped in the DAD to indicate which output corresponds to the actual property’s value, the Thing id and the timestamp (if needed). This is done through the Edit Datasource window (by clicking on Add Datasource link or the Datasource itself if already defined in the Define Feature window).   On the left hand side, we define the origin of the datasource. Here we have selected the service GetHistory from the Thing Template smartTractor. On the right hand side, we define the mapping between the service’s output and the skinny .csv file columns. Circled in grey are the output from the service. Circled in green are what define the columns in the .csv file. A skinny csv file will have 1 to 3 columns, as follow: One column for the ID. Simply tick the radio button corresponding to the service output that represents the ID One column representing the value of the Thing property. This is indicated by selecting the link icon on the left hand side in front of the returned data which represent the value (in our example the output data from the service is named value) One column representing the Timestamp. This is only needed when a property is time dependant (for example, time series dataset). On the example the property is Distance, the distance covered by the tyre does depend on the time, however we would not have a timestamp for the TyreSize property as the wheel size will remain the same. How many columns should we have (and therefore how many output should our service has)? The .csv file representing the ID will have one column, and therefore the service collecting the ID returns only one output (Thing name in our smartTractor example – not shown here but is available in the download) Properties that are not time bound will have a csv file with 2 columns, one for the ID and one for the value of the property. Properties that are time bound will have 3 columns: 1 for the ID, one for the value and one for the timestamp. Therefore the service will have 3 outputs.   Additionally the input for the service may need to be configured, by clicking on the icon.   Once the datasources are configured, you should configure the Time Sampling Interval in the General Information tab. This sampling interval will be used by DataConnect to synchronize all the skinny csv files. See the Help Center for a good explanation on this.   DAD Execution Once the above configuration is done, the DAD can be executed to collect properties’ value already logged on the ThingWorx platform. Select Execution Settings in the DAD and enter the time range for property collection:   A dataset with the same name as the DAD is then created in DataConnect as well as in ThingWorx Analytics Server Dataconnect:     ThingWorx Analytics:   The dataset can then be processed as any other dataset inside ThingWorx Analytics.   Demo files   For convenience I have also attached a ThingWorx entities export that can be imported into a ThingWorx platform for you to take a closer look at the setup discussed in this blog. Attached is also a small simulator to populate the properties of the Tractor_1 Thing. The usage is : java -jar TWXTyreSimulatorClient.jar  hostname_or_IP port AppKey For example: java -jar TWXTyreSimulatorClient.jar 8080 d82510b7-5538-449c-af13-0bb60e01a129   Again feel free to share your experience in the comments below as they will be very interesting for all of us. Thank you
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    Build extensions quickly and extend your application functionality with the Eclipse Plugin.   GUIDE CONCEPT   Extensions enable you to quickly and easily add new functionality to an IoT solution. Extensions can be service (function/method) libraries, connector templates, functional widgets, and more.   The Eclipse Plugin for ThingWorx Extension Development (Eclipse Plugin) is designed to streamline and enhance the creation of extensions for the ThingWorx Platform. The plugin makes it easier to develop and build extensions by automatically generating source files, annotations, and methods as well as updating the metadata file to ensure the extension can be imported.   These features allow you to focus on developing functionality in your extension, rather than worrying about getting the syntax and format of annotations and the metadata file correct.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Install the Eclipse Plugin and Extension SDK Create and configure an Extension project Create Services, Events and Subscriptions Add Composer entities Build and import an Extension   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete all parts of this guide is 60 minutes.   Step 1: Completed Example    Download the attached file needed for this tutorial:   The file provided to you contains a completed example of the scenario you will be walk through in the following steps. Utilize this file if you would like to see a finished example as a reference or if you become stuck during this guide and need some extra help.     Step 2: Download Plugin and SDK    The ThingWorx Extension SDK provides supported classes and APIs to build Java-based extensions. The APIs included in this SDK allow manipulation of ThingWorx platform objects to create Java based extensions that can extend the capability of the existing ThingWorx platform.   The Eclipse Plugin assists in working with the Extension SDK to create projects, entities, and samples. Download the Eclipse Plugin. Download the Extension SDK.. Make a note of the directory where the plugin and the extension SDK are stored. The path of the directory will be required in upcoming steps. Do not extract the zip files.     Step 3: Install and Configure   Before you install the plugin, ensure that software requirements are met for proper installation of the plugin. Open Eclipse and choose a suitable directory as a workspace. Go to the menu bar of the Eclipse window and select Help->Install New Software… After the Install window opens, click Add to add the Eclipse Plugin repository. Click Archive… and browse to the directory where the Eclipse Plugin zip file is stored and click Open. Enter a name (for example, Eclipse Plugin).     Click OK. NOTE: Do not extract this zip file. Ensure that the Group items by category checkbox is not selected. Select ThingWorx Extension Builder in the items list of the Install window. Click Next and the items to be installed are listed Click Next and review the license agreement. Accept the license agreement and click Finish to complete the installation process.   NOTE: If a warning for unsigned content is displayed, click OK to complete the installation process. Restart Eclipse. When Eclipse starts again, ensure that you are in the ThingWorx Extension perspective. If not, select Window->Perspective->Open Perspective->Other->ThingWorx Extension, then click OK.      NOTE: Opening any item from File->New->Other…->ThingWorx will also change the perspective to ThingWorx Extension.     You are ready to start a ThingWorx Extension Project!     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.  
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In this post we will take a look at using an existing JavaScript Library. The library will we will use is agGrid  which provides a very extensive Grid UI component. The objectives are To see how to add the library Use an external source to populate the grid Provide a click action when a user selects a row (Part 2) (see attachments - import AAGridExtensionExample as an extension and import as File PTC-ExternalSources-Entities ) Previous Posts for reference Widget Extensions Introduction Widget Extensions Click Event Widget Extensions Date Picker Widget Extensions Google Bounce We will not worry about CSS - I'm working on a post for that using Thingworx 8.2 CustomClass (CSS) feature. Also I will assume you have worked through the Widget Extensions Introduction The image below image below shows the resulting UI after grid population and a user clicked a row The following provides the high level areas of interest Steps 1. Create a Working Folder for example  AGGrid as in previous posts setup your ui folder and metadata file 2. Think of a name for the Extension - we will use aggrid and add a folder with this name under ui folder 3. create the required files as per previous posts - Note the jslibrary folder is where aagrid resides     Below shows the jslibrary folder the main file we care about is the ag-grid (we could use the min file but initially have the full makes debugging easier) 4. Setup the metadata file 5. Understand some of the agGrid requirements To create a grid we need to use the function agGrid which comes from the ag-grid.js       myGrid = new agGrid.Grid(gridContainer, gridOptions ); The gridContainer is where the grid will be placed in the DOM and the gridOptions is a definition object that holds all the settings for the grid before it is created. Using a init function inside the runtime.js (see previous posts for runtime)  we can get the gridContainer  by using a snippet like this document.getElementById(gridElementId); The gridOptions takes the form of a json object - note there are many options please refer to the agGrid documentation for more info. Our focus will be  columnDefs , rowData to start with. These 2 define the layout and the contents of the grid The columnsDefs takes the form of an Array of JSON basically headerName: and field The image below shows a hard-coded approach I took initially To make this more generic I created a Thingworx datashape and used a service script GetColumndefs to populate and output the columnDefs service script example uses a PTC-ExternalSourcesHelper thing below is the GetColumnsDefs service The next point of focus will be the gridOptions and the rowData (JSON  array of data ) based on the same definition as the columnDefs Both the columnDefs and the GridDataAsJSON (which turns into rowData)  shown below are setup in the ide.js file (see previous posts for ide) Returning back to the services we need to get some Grid data from an external source. For that we will create a GetRSSFeed and use that inside GetRSSAsJSON The GetRSSFeed  looks like this and uses the url input More Top Stories - Google News The GetRSSAsJSON looks like this looking back at the code maybe I should changed to result.rows when returning the GridData  but for now it works. The last thing is getting the data from the services and we use the updateProperty ( previous posts for ide ). Here we check for the property and set and pass the RawData to the drawaggrid function The drawaggrid takes in the rowData and uses the columnDefs to understand the format. Also the last thing the drawaggrid  function is create the actual grid. (Finally!) 5. lat but not least - Wire it all up in a Mashup! The first set is to zip up the Extension and Import  (see previous posts) The next is to create a Mashup and add the PTC-ExternalSourcesHelper entity and wire up the GetColumsDefs and the GetRSSAsJSON to the agGrid widget and then preview and hopefully it all works - I will upload the Extension and Entities shortly See you in Part 2 not yet created! (see attachments - import AAGridExtensionExample as an extension and import as File PTC-ExternalSources-Entities )
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Design and implement a full application that runs without human interaction in the food and beverage world   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 3 hours.     1. ThingWorx Solutions in Food Industry Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 2. Factory Line Automation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 3. Automated Distribution and Logistics  Part 1 Part 2 4. Securing Industry Data 
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Official name: DataStax Enterprise, sometimes referred as Cassandra. Note: DBA skills required, free self-paced training can be found here Training | DataStax The extension package can further be obtained through Technical Support. Thingworx 6.0 introduces DSE as a backend database scaling to much greater byte count, ad Neo4j performance limitations hit at 50Gbs. Some of the main reasons to consider DSE are: 1. Elastic scalability -- Alows to easily add capacity online to accommodate more customers and more data when needed. 2. Always on architecture -- Contains no single point of failure (as with traditional master/slave RDBMS's and other NoSQL solutions) resulting in continious availability for business-critical applications that can't afford to go down. 3. Fast linear-scale performance -- Enables sub-second response times with linear scalability (double the throughput with two nodes, quadruple it with four, and so on) to deliver response time speeds. 4. Flexible data storage -- Easily accommodates the full range of data formats - structured, semi-structured and unstructured -- that run through today's modern applications. 5. Easy data distribution -- Read and write to any node with all changes being automatically synchronized across a cluster, giving maximum flexibility to distribute data by replicating across multiple datacenters, cloud, and even mixed cloud/on-premise environments. Note: Windows+DSE is currently not fully supported. Connecting Thingworx: Prerequisite: fully configured DSE database. 1. Obtain the dse_persistancePackage 2. Import as an extension in Composer. 3. In composer, create a new persistence provider. 4. Select the imported package as Persistence Provider Package. 5. In Configuration tab:      - For Cassandra Cluster Host, enter the IP address set in cassandra.yaml or localhost if hosted locally      - Enter new of existing Cassandra Keyspace name      - Enter Solr Cluster URL      - Other fields can be left at default (*) 6. Go to Services and execute TestConnectivity service to ensure True response. 7. When creating new Stream, Value Stream, or a Data Table, set Persistence Provider to the one created in previous steps. Currently all reads and writes are done through Thingworx and all Thingworx data is encoded in DSE.  Opcenter still allows to see connectes streams, datatables, valuestreams. *SimpleStrategy can be used for a single data center, or NetworkTopologyStrategy is recommended for most deployments, because it is much easier to expand to multiple data centers when required by future expansion. Is there a limit of data per node? 1 TB is a reasonable limit on how much data a single node can handle, but in reality, a node is not at all limited by the size of the data, only the rate of operations. A node might have only 80 GB of data on it, but if it's continuously hit with random reads and doesn't have a lot of RAM, it might not even be able to handle that number of requests at a reasonable rate. Similarly, a node might have 10 TB of data, but if it's rarely read from, or there is a small portion of data that is hot (so it could be effectively cached), it will do just fine. If the replication factor is above 1 and there is no reads at consistency level ALL, other replicas will be able to respond quickly to read requests, so there won't be a large difference in latency seen from a client perspective.
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The Axeda Platform has long had the ability to write custom logic to retrieve, manipulate and create data.  In the current versions of the Platform, there are two classes of API, Version 1 (v1) and Version 2 (v2).  The v1 APIs allow a developer to work with data on the Platform, but all of the APIs are subject to the maxQueryResults configuration property, which by default limits the number of results per query to 1000. For some subsets of data, this can be inadequate to process data.  In comes the v2 API, which introduces pagination. One of the first things a new user does when exploring the V2 API, is something like the following: HistoricalDataItemValueCriteria criteria = new HistoricalDataItemValueCriteria() criteria.assetId = '9701' criteria.startDate = '2014-07-23T12:33:00Z' criteria.endDate = '2014-07-23T12:44:00Z' DataItemBridge dbridge = com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.dataItemBridge FindDataItemValueResult results = dbridge.findHistoricalValues(criteria)           And they get frustrated when they only get the same 100 rows of data.  Repeat after me: V2 API invocations (find operations) are limited to batches of 100 results at a time! But that's not the end of the story.  With a small change, the query above can be tuned to iterate through all results that match the search criteria:  HistoricalDataItemValueCriteria criteria = new HistoricalDataItemValueCriteria() criteria.assetId = '9701' criteria.startDate = '2014-07-23T12:33:00Z' criteria.endDate = '2014-07-23T12:44:00Z' criteria.pageNumber = 1 criteria.pageSize = 100 // Default. DataItemBridge dbridge = com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.dataItemBridge FindDataItemValueResult results = dbridge.findHistoricalValues(criteria) tcount = 0 while ( (results = dbridge.findHistoricalValues(criteria)) != null  && tcount < results .totalCount) {   results.dataItems.each { res ->     tcount++   }   criteria.pageNumber = criteria.pageNumber + 1 }    I currently recommend that people avoid using the count() or countDomainObjectByCriteria() functions if you're then going to call a find.  Currently both the count*() and find functions compute total results, and doubles execution time of just those two calls.  Total count is only computed when running the first find() operation, so the code pattern above is so far the most efficient way I've seen to run these operations on the platform. So having covered how to do this in code (custom objects), let's turn our attention to the REST APIs - the other entry-point for using these capabilities.  The REST API doesn't offer a count*() function, but the first find() invocation (if using XML) brings back totalCount as part of the result set.  You can use this in your application to decide how many times to call the REST end-point to retrieve your data.  So for the example above: POST: HEADERS: Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml BODY: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <HistoricalDataItemValueCriteria xmlns="" pageSize="100" pageNumber="1"> <assetId>9701</assetId> <StartDate>2014-07-23T12:33:00Z</StartDate> <endDate>2014-07-23T12:35:02Z</endDate> </HistoricalDataItemValueCriteria>      RESULTS: <v2:FindAssetResult totalCount="1882" xmlns:v2="" xmlns:xsi="">    <v2:criteria pageSize="100" pageNumber="1">       <v2:name>*</v2:name>       <v2:propertyNames/>    </v2:criteria>    <v2:assets>    </v2:assets> </v2:FindAssetResult>      Or JSON: POST: HEADERS: Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml BODY: {   "id":  9701,   "startDate": "2014-07-23T12:33:00Z",   "endDate": "2014-07-23T12:35:02Z",   "pageNumber": 1,   "pageSize": 2 }      And that's how you work around the maxQueryResults limitation of the v1 APIs.  Some APIs do not currently have matching v2 Bridges (e.g. MobileLocation and DataItemAssociation), in which case the limitation will still apply.  Creative use of the query Criteria will allow you to work around these limitations as we continue to improve the V2 API. Regards, -Chris
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As of May 24, 2023, ThingWorx 9.4.0 is available for download!  Here are some of the highlights from the recent ThingWorx release.   What’s new in ThingWorx 9.4? Composer and Mashup Builder  New Combo chart and Pie chart based on modern Web Components architecture along with several other widget enhancements such as Grid toolbar improvements for custom actions, highlighting newly added rows for Grid widget and others Ability to style the focus on each widget when they are selected to get specific styling for different components Absolute positioning option with a beta flag to use by default is available now Several other Mashup improvements, such as Export function support is made available; improved migration dialogue (backported to 9.3 as well) to allow customers to move to new widgets; and legacy widgets language changes   Foundation  Heavily subscribed events could now be distributed across the ThingWorx HA cluster nodes to be scaled horizontally for better performance and processing of ThingWorx subscriptions. Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flex Server GA support with ThingWorx 9.4.1 for customers deploying ThingWorx Foundation on their own Azure Cloud infrastructure Improved ThingWorx APIs for InfluxDB to avoid Data loss at a high scale with additional monitoring metrics in place for guardrails Several security fixes and key third-party stack updates   Remote Access and Control (RAC) Remote Service Edge Extension (RSEE) for C-SDK, currently under Preview and planned to be Generally Available (GA) by Sept 2023, would allow ThingWorx admins to use Remote Access and Control with the C-SDK based connected devices to use Global Access Server (GAS) for a stable, secure, and large number of remote sessions With 9.4, a self-signed certificate or certificate generated by the trusted certificate authority can be used for RAC with the ThingWorx platform Ability to use parameter substitution to update Auto Launch commands dynamically based on data from the ThingWorx platform is now available   Software Content Management  Support for 100k+ assets with redesigned and improved performance on Asset Search Better control over package deployment with redesigned package tracking, filtering, and management Improved overall SCM stability, performance, and scalability and a more user-friendly and intuitive experience   Analytics  Improvements to the scalability of property transforms to enable stream processing of the larger number of properties within a ThingWorx installation Refactoring of Analytics Builder UI to use updated widgets and align with the PTC design system Updates to underlying libraries to enable the creation and scoring of predictive models in the latest version of PMML (v4.4) End of Support for Analytics Manager .NET Agent SDK     View release notes here and be sure to upgrade to 9.4!     Cheers, Ayush Tiwari Director, Product Management, ThingWorx      
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The ThingWorx EMS and SDK based applications follow a three step process when connecting to the Platform: Establish the physical websocket:  The client opens a websocket to the Platform using the host and port that it has been configured to use.  The websocket URL exposed at the Platform is /Thingworx/WS.  TLS will be negotiated at this time as well. Authenticate:  The client sends a AUTH message to the platform, containing either an App Key (recommended) or username/password.  The AUTH message is part of the Thingworx AlwaysOn protocol.  If the client attempts to send any other message before the AUTH, the server will disconnect it.  The server will also disconnect the client if it does not receive an AUTH message within 15 seconds.  This time is configurable in the WSCommunicationSubsystem Configuration tab and is named "Amount of time to wait for authentication message (secs)." Once authenticated the SDK/EMS is able to interact with the Platform according to the permissions applied to its credentials.  For the EMS, this means that any client making HTTP calls to its REST interface can access Platform functionality.  For this reason, the EMS only listens for HTTP connections on localhost (this can be changed using the setting in your config.json). At this point, the client can make requests to the platform and interact with it, much like a HTTP client can interact with the Platform's REST interface.  However, the Platform can still not direct requests to the edge. Bind:  A BIND message is another message type in the ThingWorx AlwaysOn protocol.  A client can send a BIND message to the Platform containing one or more Thing names or identifiers.  When the Platform receives the BIND message, it will associate those Things with the websocket it received the BIND message over.  This will allow the Platform to send request messages to those Things, over the websocket.  It will also update the isConnected and lastConnection time properties for the newly bound Things. A client can also send an UNBIND request.  This tells the Platform to remove the association between the Thing and the websocket.  The Thing's isConnected property will then be updated to false. For the EMS, edge applications can register using the /Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/Services/AddEdgeThing service (this is how the script resource registers Things).  When a registration occurs, the EMS will send a BIND message to the Platform on behalf of that new resource.  Edge applications can de-register (and have an UNBIND message sent) by calling /Thingworx/Things/LocalEms/RemoveEdgeThing.
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Load Testing through Remote Device Simulation   Designing an enterprise-ready application requires extensive testing and quality assurance. This includes all sorts of tests, of course, from examining the user interface for flaws to verifying there is correct logic in all background services. However, no area of testing is more important than scalability. Load testing is how to test the application to ensure it still functions as desired when remote things are connected and streaming information to the Platform.   Load testing is considered a critical component of the change management process. It is mentioned numerous times throughout PTC best practice documentation. This tutorial will step you through designing a load test using Kepware as a simulator. Kepware is free to download and use in short demos, making it the perfect tool for this type of test.   Start by acquiring the latest version of Kepware from the download site. Click “Download Free Demo” if a license was not included in your PTC product package. The installation of Kepware is simple, and for details, see the Kepware Installation Guide. The tutorial shown here uses Kepware version 6.7 and ThingWorx version 8.4.4. Given that we are testing a ThingWorx application, this tutorial assumes ThingWorx is already installed and configured correctly.   Once Kepware is installed, follow these steps: (This tutorial was developed by Desheng Xu and edited by Victoria Tielebein. Exact specifications of the equipment used in both large scale and local tests are given in step VI, which discusses the size of the simulation)   Understand how to configure Kepware as a simulator Go to the Help menu within Kepware, and click on “Driver Help” Select “Simulator” in the pop-up window, and click “OK” Expand “Address Descriptions” and then “Simulation Functions” Select “Ramp Function” to review details about the function needed for this tutorial, as well as information about function syntax Close the window once this information has been reviewed Create a new project in Kepware Click “File” > “New” In case you are connected to runtime, Kepware will allow you to choose to edit this project offline Add a channel in Kepware Channels represent threads which Kepware will use to contact ThingWorx Under “Connectivity”, click “Click to add a channel.” From the drop-down list, select “Simulator” Use all the default settings, selecting “Next” all the way down to “Finish” Next, add one device to the channel Highlight the new channel and click “Click to add a device” (which will appear in the center of the screen) Once again, use the default settings, selecting “Next” all the way down to “Finish” Add a tag to this device Within Kepware, tags represent properties which bind to remote things on the Platform and update with new information over time. Each device will need several tags to simulate remote property updates. The easiest way to add many tags for testing is to create one, and then copy and paste it. Highlight the device created in the previous step and click “Click to add static tag”, which appears in the center of the screen For “name” type “tag1” For Address, enter the Ramp function: RAMP(1000,1,2000000,1) The first parameter is the update rate given in milliseconds The next two parameters are the range of values which can be sent The last parameter is the increment or step Together this means that every 1 second, this tag will send a new value that is 1 higher than the previous value to the Platform, starting at 1 and ending at 2 million Ensure the Data Type is given as “DWord” or any type which will be read as a “Number” (and NOT an “Integer”) on the Platform Change the Scan Rate to 250 Then click “OK” Add more devices to the test The most basic set-up is now done: if this project connected to the Platform, one remote thing with one remote property could be used to simulate property updates. That is not very useful for load testing, however. We need many more things than this, and many more properties. The number of tags on each device should match the expected number of remote properties in the application itself. The number of devices in each channel should be large enough that when more channels are created, the number of total devices is close to the target for the application. For example, to simulate 10,000 things, each with 25 remote properties, we need 25 tags per device, 200 devices per channel, and 50 channels. This would require a lot of memory to run and should not be attempted on a local machine. A full test of 40 channels each with 10 devices was performed as shown in the screenshots here. This simulates 10,000 writes per second to the Platform total, or about 400 remote device connections. This test used the following hardware specifications: Kepware machine running Windows 2016 64-bit, 2 cores, 8G ThingWorx Platform machine running Ubuntu 16.04, 4 cores, 16G PostgreSQL 9.6 machine running Ubuntu 16.04, 4 cores, 16G Influx 1.6.3 machine running Ubuntu 16.04, 4 cores, 16G A local test was also run on Windows 10 (64-bit), using the H2 database, with Kepware and ThingWorx running side by side on the machine, 4 cores, 16G. This test made use of only 2 channels, with 10 devices each. For local tests to see how the simulation works, this is fine, but a more robust set-up like the above will be needed in a true load test. If there is not enough memory on the machine hosting Kepware, errors like this will appear in the Kepware logs: One or more value change updates lost due to insufficient space in the connection buffer. Once you decide on the number of tags and devices needed, follow the steps below to add them.  To add more tags, copy and paste the existing tag (ctrl+c  and ctrl+v  work in Kepware for convenience) until there as many tags as desired To add more devices, highlight the device in Kepware and copy and paste it as well (click on the channel before pasting) Then, copy and paste the entire channel until the number of channels, devices, and tags totals the desired load (be sure to click on “Connectivity” before hitting paste this time)  Configure the ThingWorx connection Right click on Project in the left-hand navigation bar and in the pop-up window that appears, highlight ThingWorx Change the “Enable” field to “Yes” to activate the other fields Fill in the details for “Host”, “Port”, “Application Key”, and “Thing name” Note that the application key will need to be created in ThingWorx and then the value copied in here The certificate and encryption settings may also need to be adjusted to match your environment For local set-ups, it is likely that self-signed and all certificates will need to be accepted, so both of those fields will likely need to be set to “Yes” (Encryption may need to be disabled as well). In production systems, this should not be the case  Save the project It doesn’t matter too much if this project is saved as encrypted or not, so either enter a password to encrypt the save or select “No encryption” Connect to ThingWorx Click “Runtime” > “Connect…” A pop-up will appear asking if you want to load this project, click “Yes” The connection status should then appear in the bottom portion of the window where the logs are displayed Configure in ThingWorx Login to the ThingWorx Platform Under “Industrial Connections” a thing should appear which is named as indicated in the Kepware configuration step above Click to open this thing and save it Also create a new thing, a value stream for ingesting data from Kepware Create remote things in ThingWorx Import the provided entity into ThingWorx (should appear as a downloadable attachment to this post) Open the KepwareUtil thing and go to the services tab Run the AutoKepwareCreate service to generate remote things on the Platform Give the name of the stream created above so each thing has a place to store property information The IgnoreTemplate flag should be set to false. This allows for the service to create a thing template first, which is then passed to the remote devices. The only reason this would be set to true is if the devices need to be deleted and recreated, but the template does not (then set the flag to true). To delete the devices, use the AutoKepwareDelete service also provided on the KepwareUtil thing Note that the AutoKepwareCreate service is asynchronous, so once it is executed, close the window and check the script logs to see when it completes. The logs will look like: KepwareUtil AutoKepwareCreate task finished!!! Check status of remote things Once the things are created, they should automatically connect to the Platform Run the TotalDeviceByTemplateWithTemplate service to see if the things are connected The template given here could be the one created by the AutoKepwareCreate service, or just give it RemoteThings if this is a small local set-up without many remote things on it The number of devices will equal the number of devices per channel times the total number of channels, which in the test shown here, is 400 isConnected will be checked if all of the devices are connected without issue If some of them are not connected, verify in the logs if there are any errors and resolve those before moving on View Ingestion Rate Once the devices are created, their tags should show as numbers (NOT integers), and they should already be updating with new values every second To view the ingestion rate, run the KepwareUtil service AutoKepwareRateSummary Give the thing template name that is created by the AutoKepwareCreate service, which will look like the name of the Kepware thing itself with a “T-“ in the front The start time should be close to the current time, and the periodInMinutes should be large enough to include some of the test (periodInMinutes is used to calculate the end time within the service) Note in the results here that the Average Write Per Second is only 9975 wps, which is close but not exactly what we would expect. This means that there are properties not updating correctly, which requires us to look at the logs and restart some things. If nothing shows up here, despite the Total Connected Things showing correctly, then look at the type of the tags on one of the remote devices. The type must be NUMBER for the query within this service to work, and not INTEGER. If the type of the tags is incorrect, then the type of the tags within Kepware was probably given as something which is not interpreted as a number in ThingWorx. Ensure DWord is used for the tags in Kepware Within the script log, look for any devices which show errors as seen in the image below and restart them to get their properties updating correctly Once the ingestion rate equals what is expected (in the case of the test here, 10,000 wps), use the AutoKepwareIngestionStat service on the KepwareUtil thing to see details about each remote device The TimeGapAvg in this service represents the gap between two ingestions in milliseconds, showing any lag that may be present between Kepware and ThingWorx The TimeGapSTD shows the standard deviation of the time gap between two ingestions on any given thing, also indicating lag (the lower this number, the better) The StartTime and EndTime show the first and last timestamp observed in the ThingWorx database during the given duration The totalCount shows the total number of ingested records during the sampling cycle The StartValue and EndValue fields show the first and last value ingested into the tag during the given duration If the ingestion rate is working as expected, and the ramp function is actually sending an update on time (in this case, once each second), then the difference between the EndValue and StartValue should always be equal to the totalCount plus 1. If this doesn’t match up, then there may be data loss or something else wrong with the property updates, which will show as a checked box in the valueException column. It is not enough to ensure that the ingestion rate is correct, as sometimes the rate may fluctuate only by 1 or 2 wps and appear perfect, even while some data is lost. That is why it is important to ensure that there are no valueException boxes showing as checked in the test of the application. If none of these are marked as having failed, then the test was successful and this ingestion rate is acceptable for the application   This tutorial is a very basic way to simulate many remote devices ingesting data into the Platform. For this to be a true test of the application, the remote things created in this test will need to be given business logic tasks as well. The AutoKepwareCreate service can be modified to give any template (and not just RemoteThing) to the thing template which is created and subsequently passed into the demo devices. Likewise, the template itself can be created, and then manually modified to look like the actual remote device template in the application, before the rest of the things are created (using the IgnoreTemplate flag in the creation and deletion services, as discussed above).   Ensure that events are triggered as expected and that subscriptions to property updates are in place on the thing template before creating the demo things. Make use of the subsystem monitor to ensure that the event, value stream, and stream queues do not grow so large that the Platform cannot keep up with the requests (for details about tuning the stream and value stream processing subsystems, see PTC’s best practice documentation). Also be sure to load some of the mashups to see how they perform while the ingestion test is happening. This will test whether or not the ingestion rate and business logic of the application can function side by side without errors, data loss, or performance issues.
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In the following scenario (for redhat in this case), running the dbsetup script results in the error: ./ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:1: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: CREATE TABLESPACE :"tablespace" OWNER :"username" location :... ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:3: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLESPACE :"tablespace" to :"userna... ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:5: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: GRANT CREATE ON TABLESPACE :"tablespace" to public; ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:14: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: CREATE DATABASE :"database" WITH ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:16: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE :"database" to :"username"; Given that the installed components match the requirements guide (tomcat 8, Postgresql 9.4.5+ for Thingworx 7.x), run the following command: Run this directly from bin directory of postgres deployment – psql -q -h localhost -U twadmin -p 5432 -v database=thingworx -v tablespace=thingworx -v tablespace_location=/app/navigate/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage -v username=twadmin That must get into command line interface. From there  run the following with full qualified path to the sql file on disk (replace FULLPATH with the path to sql file ) \i ./FULLPATH/thingworx-database-setup.sql If you are experiencing the above-mentioned syntax error, then likely the output will be: psql: FATAL:  database "twadmin" does not exist. Then from postgres bin directory, run the following: ./psql postgres \set Then the second command; \q psql -q -h localhost -U twadmin -p 5432 -v database=thingworx -v tablespace=thingworx -v tablespace_location=/app/navigate/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage -v username=twadmin \set   We see the following outputs: ./psql postgres Password: psql.bin (9.4.11) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \set AUTOCOMMIT = 'on' PROMPT1 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT2 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT3 = '>> ' VERBOSITY = 'default' VERSION = 'PostgreSQL 9.4.11 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-55), 64-bit' DBNAME = 'postgres' USER = 'postgres' PORT = '5432' ENCODING = 'UTF8' postgres=# \q -bash-4.1$ psql -q -h localhost -U twadmin -p 5432 -v database=thingworx -v tablespace=thingworx -v tablespace_location=/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage -v username=twadmin Password for user twadmin: twadmin=# \set AUTOCOMMIT = 'on' QUIET = 'on' PROMPT1 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT2 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT3 = '>> ' VERBOSITY = 'default' VERSION = 'PostgreSQL 8.4.20 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17), 64-bit' database = 'thingworx' tablespace = 'thingworx' tablespace_location = '/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage' username = 'twadmin' DBNAME = 'twadmin' USER = 'twadmin' HOST = 'localhost' PORT = '5432' ENCODING = 'UTF8' Note, even though Postgresql 9.4.5 has been installed by the system administrator, there are still traces of Postgresql 8.4.20 present in the system that cause the syntax error issue (possibly as part of  the default OS packaging). Removing the 8.4.20 rpms will resolve the problem.
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This document is a general reference/help with configuring and troubleshooting google email account with the ThingWorx mail extension. To start with the configuration: SMTP: 587, TLS checked.  If SSL is being used, the port should be 465. POP3: 995 To test, go to "Services" and click on "test" for the SendMessage service. Successful request will show an empty screen with green "result" at the top. Possible errors: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 587 with nothing else in the logs. Check your Internet connection to ensure it's not being blocked. <hostname:port>/Thingworx/Common/locales/en-US/translation-login.json 404 (Not Found) Check your gmail folders for incoming messages regarding a sign-in from unknown device. The subject will be "Someone has your password", and the email  content will include the device, location, and timestamp of when the incident occurred. Ensure to check the "this was me" option to prevent from further blocking. This may or may not be sufficient, sometimes this leads to another error - "Please log in via your web browser and 534-5.7.14 then try again. 534-5.7.14 Learn more at 534 5.7.14..." The error can be resolved by: Turning off “less secure”  feature in your Gmail settings. You have to be logged in to your gmail account to follow the link:​ Changing your gmail password afterwards. I don't have a valid explanation as to why, but this is a required step, and the error doesn't clear without changing the password.
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  Whether you’re new to ThingWorx or you’re a seasoned user, understanding the Thing Model is key to accelerating your IoT development. Today, I’ll dive into what ThingShapes, ThingTemplates and Things are and how to use them to accelerate development.   Before I dive into the definitions of these concepts, let’s first consider the wide array of machines that exist out there in world. The variety is huge—there’s MRI machines, 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, tractors, and so much more.   At their core, all MRI machines share similar properties and capabilities—they have a name, a physical location, a magnetic strength, a radio frequency current, and the ability to visually display what’s going on inside the human body. There are, however, different types of MRI machines, and, while they are fundamentally the same type of machine, there are notable differences as well. When creating our IoT app, it’s important that we have a way to model these differences so that we can cascade changes across entities and reduce development time.   Let’s walk through an example using MRI machines. Consider the various MRI machines that exist today; there’s the traditional closed MRI machine, the open MRI machine and the standing/sitting MRI machine.   To represent the fundamental properties (i.e., characteristics or readings) and services (i.e., functionality) of a generic MRI machine—name, location, magnetic strength, etc.—we’ll create a ThingTemplate. The ThingTemplate is the general definition/representation of the real-world physical thing (i.e. the MRI machine) that is being modeled. You can think of a ThingTemplate as a blueprint of what you’re modeling. A ThingTemplate defines what a Thing is; if you’re familiar with object-oriented programming, a ThingTemplate is similar to the concept of inheritance; it defines a “is a” relationship. Using our ThingTemplate, we’re able to create multiple instances of the template that inherit the properties and services from that template. If you have 100 MRI machines in a particular region, rather than updating each one separately, simply updating the template will allow you to propagate these changes.   Let’s say that, of our 100 MRI machines, 40 are traditional closed machines, 30 are open machines and 30 are standing/sitting machines. The traditional machines have a specific diameter of the opening where the patient goes in to lay down and the sitting/standing machine may have a particular height of the seat where the patient sits. Due to the nature of the machines having unique components/parts, the different types of machines have difference maintenance service.   To model each of these “add-on” properties, we’ll want to create a ThingShape. A ThingShape is a representation of particular properties or services that may optionally come in some versions of the machine but not others. The ThingShape is a single feature or piece of the physical thing that’s being modeled. You can think of a ThingShape as a reusable part, or a set of properties/services that comes with some versions, but not all. A ThingShape defines what a Thing has; if you’re familiar with object-oriented programming, a ThingShape is similar to the concept of composition; it defines a “has a” relationship. So, for our MRI example, we could create one ThingShape for the standing MRI and a second ThingShape for the closed MRI. The StandingMRIThingShape would have a property of “SeatHeight” and a service of “StandingMRIMaintenanceService.” The ClosedMRIThingShape would have a property of “opening diameter” and a service of “ClosedMRIMaintenanceService.” Just like a ThingTemplate, the properties and services that make up a ThingShape are also inherited by the instances that use that ThingShape.   Finally, Things. A Thing is simply an instance of a ThingTemplate with (optionally) ThingShapes added for additional unique properties/services.   Let’s say we want to model a single closed MRI machine. We’ll represent the machine as a Thing that inherits from Templates and Shapes. We’ll start with the MRIMachineThingTemplate so that we can create an MRI Machine Thing (i.e., instance).   Since this is a closed MRI machine and has the additional property of opening diameter, we’ll want to make sure we include that property. To do this, we’ll add the ClosedMRIThingShape.   Viola! We now have a digital twin of our closed MRI machine with all the base properties of an MRI machines from our MRIMachineThingTemplate and all the special add-ons of the closed version with our ClosedMRIMachineThingShape.   Here’s a visual recap of what we just modeled.   If you’re looking for even further guidance on how to model your data with the Thing Model, check out the Data Model Introduction guide on the Developer Portal to get started and the Design Your Data Model guide to learn even more.   Happy data modeling!   Stay connected, Kaya  
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Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation Guide Part 1   Overview   This guide has step-by-step instructions for connecting ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation. This guide will demonstrate how easily industrial equipment can be connected to ThingWorx Foundation without installing any software on production equipment. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 2 parts of this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview     This guide explains the steps to connect ThingWorx Kepware Server with ThingWorx Foundation and is part of the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path. You can use this guide independently from the full Learning Path. If you want to learn to connect ThingWorx Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation, this guide will be useful to you. When used as part of the Industrial Plant Learning Path, you should have already installed ThingWorx Kepware Server and created an Application Key. In this guide, we will send information from ThingWorx Kepware Server into ThingWorx Foundation. Other guides in this learning path will use Foundation's Mashup Builder to construct a website dashboard that displays information and from ThingWorx Kepware Server. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Create Gateway   To make a connection between ThingWorx Kepware Server and Foundation Server, you must first create a Thing. WARNING: To avoid a timeout error, create a Thing in ThingWorx Foundation BEFORE attempting to make the connection in ThingWorx Kepware Server. In ThingWorx Foundation Composer, click Browse. On the left, click Modeling -> Things.   Click + NEW. In the Name field, enter IndConn_Server, including matching capitalization. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Industrial Gateway Thing to connect to ThingWorx Kepware Server.   In the Base Thing Template field, enter indus, then select the IndustrialGateway Thing template from the sorted list. Click Save.   Step 3: Connect to Foundation   Now that you’ve created an IndustrialGateway Thing and an Application Key, you can configure ThingWorx Kepware Server to connect to ThingWorx Foundation. Return to the ThingWorx Kepware Server Windows application. Right-click Project. Select Properties….       4. In the Property Editor pop-up, click ThingWorx.       5. In the Enable field, select Yes from the drop-down.       6. In the Host field, enter the URL or IP address of your ThingWorx Foundation server, Do not enter http://       7. Enter the Port number. If you are using the "hosted" Developer Portal trial, enter 443. 8. In the Application Key field, copy and paste the Application Key you just created. 9. In the Trust self-signed certificates field, select Yes from the drop-down. 10. In the Trust all certificates field, select Yes from the drop-down. 11. In the Disable encryption field, select No from the drop-down if you are using a secure port. Select Yes if you are using an http port. 12. Type IndConn_Server in the Thing name field, including matching capitalization. 13. If you are connecting with a remote instance of ThingWorx Foundation and you expect any breaks or latency in your connection, enable Store and Forward. 14. Click Apply in the pop-up. 15. Click Ok. In the ThingWorx Kepware Server Event window at the bottom, you should see a message indicating Connected to ThingWorx.   NOTE: If you do not see the "Connected" message, repeat the steps above, ensuring that all information is correct. In particular, check the Host, Port, and Thing name fields for errors.   Step 4: Bind Industrial Tag   Now that you've established a connection, you can use ThingWorx Foundation to inspect all available information on ThingWorx Kepware Server. ThingWorx Kepware Server includes some information by default to assist you with verifying a valid connection with ThingWorx Foundation. Create New Thing Return to ThingWorx Foundation. Click Browse. Click Modeling -> Industrial Connections.   Click IndConn_Server. At the top, click Discover.   The Discover option is exclusive to Things inheriting the IndustrialGateway Thing Template and displays information coming from ThingWorx Kepware Server. Expand Simulation Examples. Click Functions.   On the right, you’ll see several pre-defined Tags to assist with connectivity testing. Click the checkbox next to Random3. Click Bind to New Entity.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select RemoteThing and click OK.   Finalize New RemoteThing   You’ll now be in an interface to create a new Thing with a predefined Property based on ThingWorx Kepware Server Tag1. Type IndConn_Tag1 in the Name field. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, such as Thing with a property fed from an Kepware Server Tag. The Base Thing Template has been automatically set to RemoteThing. The Implemented Shapes has been automatically set to IndustrialThingShape. 4. Click Save.   Test Connection   The IndConn_Tag1 Thing you created now has a Property with a value that will change with each update from ThingWorx Kepware Server. The Tag1 we utilized is a 'ramp' and therefore, the value will increase at regular intervals. At the top, click Properties and Alerts. Under Inherited Properties, you will see entries for both RemoteThing and IndustrialThingShape. The Property isConnected is checked, indicating a connection from Foundation to ThingWorx Kepware Server. The Property IndustrialThing has been automatically set to IndConn_Server. Notice the predefined Property named Simulation_Examples_Functions_Random3.   Click Refresh repeatedly. You’ll see the value increase with each Refresh. This represents data being simulated in ThingWorx Kepware Server. Click  here to view Part 2 of this guide.  
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Original Post Date:     June 6, 2016 Description: This is a video tutorial on creating a Value Stream, adding the Value Stream to a Remote Thing, adding, binding and querying the (remote) properties.      
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Thread Safe Coding, Part 1: The Java Extension Approach Written by Desheng Xu and edited by @vtielebein    Overview Time and again, customers report that one of their favorite ThingWorx features is using However, the Javascript language doesn't have a built-in semaphore locker mechanism, nothing to enable thread-safe concurrent processing, like you find in the Java language. This article demonstrates why thread safe coding is necessary and how to use the Java Extension for this purpose. Part 2 presents an alternative approach using database lockers.   Demo Use Case Let's use a highly abstracted use case to demo thread-safe code practices: There are tens of machines in a factory, and PLC will emit a signal to indicate an issue happens during run-time. The customer expects to have a dashboard that shows today's total count of issues from all machines in real-time. The customer is also expecting that a timestamp of each issue can be logged (regardless of the machine). Similar use cases might be to: Show the total product counts from each sub-line in the current shift. Show the total rentals of bicycles from all remote sites. Show the total issues of distant cash machines across the country.   Modeling Thing: DashboardCounter, which includes: 1 Property: name:counter, type:integer, logged:true, default value:0 3 services: IncreaseCounter(): increase counter value 1 GetCounter(): return current counter value ResetCounter(): set counter value to 0 1 Subscription: a subscription to the data change event of the property counter, which will print the new value and timestamp to the log.   GetCounter var result = me.counter;   IncreaseCounter me.counter = me.counter + 1; var result = me.counter;   ResetCounter me.counter = 0; var result = 0;   Subscription MonitorCounter":"+eventData.newValue.time.getTime());   ValueStream For simplicity, the value stream entity is not included in the attachment. Please go ahead and assign a value stream to this Thing to monitor the property values.   Test Tool A small test tool mulreqs is attached here, along with some extensions and ThingWorx entities that are useful. The mulreqs tool uses a configuration file from the OS variable definition MULTI_REQUEST_CONFIG.   In Linux/MacOS: export MULTI_REQUEST_CONFIG="./config.json" in config.json file, you can use the following configuration:       { "host":"", "port":443, "protocol":"https", "endpoint":"/Thingworx/Things/DashboardCounter/services/IncreaseCounter", "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "AppKey":"5cafe6eb-adba-41df-a7d6-4fc8088125c1" }, "payload":{}, "round_break":50000, "req_break":0, "round_size":50, "total_round":20 }       host, port, protocol, headers are very identical to define a ThingWorx server. endpoint defines which service is called during the test. payload is not in use at this moment but you have to keep it here. total_round is how many rounds of the test you want to run. round_size defines how many requests will be sent simultaneously during each round. round_break is the pause time during each round in Microseconds, so 50000 in the above example means 50ms. req_break is 0, this is the delay between requests. "0" means requests to the server will happen simultaneously.   The expectation from the above configuration is service execution a total of 20*50 times, 1000 times. So, we can expect that if the initial value is 0, then counter should be 1000 at the end, and if the value stream is clean initially, then the value stream should have a history from 1 to 1000.   Run Test Use the following command to perform the test: .<your path>/mulreqs Execution output will look like:   Check Result You will be surprised that the final value is 926 instead of 1000. (Caution: this value will be different in different tests and it can be any value in the range of 1 and 1000). Now, look at the value stream by using QueryPropertyHistory. There are many values missing here, and while the total count can vary in different tests, it is unlikely to be exactly the last value (926). Notice that the last 5 values are: 926, 925, 921, 918. The values 919, 920, 922, and 923 are all missing. So next we check if there are any errors in the script log, and there are none. There are only print statements we deliberately placed in the logs. So, we have observed two symptoms here: The final value from property counter doesn't have the expected value. The value stream doesn't have the expected history of the counter property changes. What's the reason behind each symptom, and which one is a thread-safe issue?   Understanding Timestamp Granularity ThingWorx facilitates the collection of time series data and solutions centered around such data by allowing for use of the timestamp as the primary key. However, a timestamp will always have a minimal granularity definition when you process it. In ThingWorx, the minimal granularity or unit of a timestamp is one millisecond.   Looking at the log we generated from the subscription again, we see that several data points (922, 923, 924, 925) have the same timestamp (1596089891147), which is GMT Thursday, July 30, 2020, 6:18:11.147 AM. When each of these data points is flushed into the database, the later data points overwrite the earlier ones since they all have the same timestamp. So, data point 922 went into the value stream first, and then was overwritten by data point 923, and then 924, and then 925. The next data point in the value stream is 926, which has a new timestamp (1596089891148), 1ms behind the previous one. Therefore, data points 925 and 926 are stored while 922, 923, 924 are not. These lost data points are therefore NOT a thread-safe issue.   The reason why some of these data points have the same timestamp in this example is because multiple machines write to the same value stream. The right approach is to log data points at the individual machine level, with a different value stream per machine.   However, what happens if one machine emits data too frequently? If data points from the same machine still have a timestamp clash issue, then the signal frequency is too high. The recommended approach would be to down-sample the update frequency, as any frequency higher than 1000Hz will result in unexpected results like these.   Real Thread Safe Issue from Demo Use Case The final value of the counter being an arbitrary random number is the real thread-safe coding issue. if we take a look at the code again: me.counter = me.counter + 1; This piece of code can be split into three-piece: Step 1: read current value of me.counter Step 2: increase this value Step 3: set me.counter with new value. In a multi-threaded environment, not performing the above three steps as a single operation will lead to a race issue. The way to solve this issue is to use a locking mechanism to serialize access to the property, which will acquire the lock, perform the three operations, and then release the lock. This can be done using either the Java Extension or the database thing to leverage the database lock mechanism.   Use Java Extension to Handle Thread Safe Challenge This tutorial assumes that the Eclipse plug-in for ThingWorx extension development is already installed. The following will guide you through creating a simple Java extension step by step: Create a Java Extension Project Choose the minimal ThingWorx version to support and select the corresponding SDK. Let's name it JavaExtLocker, though it’s best to use lower-case in the project name. Add a ThingWorx Template in the src Folder Right-click the src folder and a a Thing Template. Add a Thing property Right click on the Java source file created in the above step and click the menu option called Thingworx Source, then select Add Property. Add Three Services: IncreaseCounter, GetCounter, ResetCounter Right click the Java source file and select the menu option called Thingworx source, then select Add Service. See above for the IncreaseCounter service details. Repeat these same steps to add GetCounter and ResetCounter: (Optionally) Add a Generated Serial ID Add Code to the Three Services @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "IncreaseCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer IncreaseCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: IncreaseCounter"); int current_value = ((IntegerPrimitive (this.getPropertyValue("Counter"))).getValue(); current_value ++; this.setPropertyValue("Counter", new IntegerPrimitive(current_value)); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: IncreaseCounter"); return current_value; } @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "GetCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer GetCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: GetCounter"); int current_value = ((IntegerPrimitive)(this.getPropertyValue("Counter"))).getValue(); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: GetCounter"); return current_value; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "ResetCounter", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {"isAsync:false" }) @ThingworxServiceResult(name = "Result", description = "", baseType = "INTEGER", aspects = {}) public synchronized Integer ResetCounter() throws Exception { _logger.trace("Entering Service: ResetCounter"); this.setPropertyValue("Counter", new IntegerPrimitive(0)); _logger.trace("Exiting Service: ResetCounter"); return 0; }​ The key here is the synchronized modifier, which is what allows for Java to control the multi-threading to prevent data loss. Build the Application Use 'gradle build' to generate a build of the extension. Import the Extension into ThingWorx Create Thing Based on New Thing Template Check the New Thing Property and Service Definition Use the Same Test Tool to Run the Test Again { "host":"", "port":443, "protocol":"https", "endpoint":"/Thingworx/Things/DeoLockerThing/services/IncreaseCounter", "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "AppKey":"5cafe6eb-adba-41df-a7d6-4fc8088125c1" }, "payload":{}, "round_break":50000, "req_break":0, "round_size":50, "total_round":20 } ​ Just change the endpoint to point to the new thing.  Check the Test Result Repeat the same test several times to ensure the results are consistent and expected (and don't forget to reset the counter between tests). Summary of Java Extension Approach The Java extension approach shown here uses the synchronized keyword to thread-safe the operation of several actions. Other options are to use a ReentryLock or Semaphore locker for the same purpose, but the synchronized keyword approach is much cleaner.   However, the Java extension locker will NOT work in 9.0 horizontal architecture since Java doesn't a have distributed locker. IgniteLocker wouldn't work in the current horizontal architecture, either. So if using a thread-safe counter in version 9.0+ horizontal architecture, then leverage the database thing, as discussion below.
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<p>We live in a connected world where we can (want!) to receive instant updates and notifications. ThingWorx leverages the power of Web 2.0 and its Always-On technology to deliver that, but our friendly SMS providers have also provided an easy and powerful way that can be used to deliver SMS notifications right to your phone. Email to Text!</p><div>Set up a 'notification' Thing using our MailServer Template, set up your outgoing e-mail server and you are now ready to invoke the 'SendMessage' service on a given event. All you need now is the email address of your SMS number, which you can find by following this link: <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-size:8.5pt;line-height:115%;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;">List of e-Mail to SMS  addresses</span></a></div><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p><div><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p></div><p></p>
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You can control the Tracking Indicator that is used to mark the ThingMark position. The Tracking Indicator is a green hexagon, in the screenshot below the red arrow points to it. You can control the display of this tracking indicator via the Display Tracking Indicator property of the ThingMark widget: But you can also get fancier. Here is an exmaple that shows the tracking indicator for 3 seconds when the tracking has started and then hides it automatically. To achieve such a behavior you'll have to use a bit of Javascript. We'll first create a function hideIn3Sec() in the javascript section of our view and then add it to the javascript handler of the Tracking Acquired event of the ThingMark widget. Step 1: Here is the code for copy/paste convenience: $scope.hideIn3Sec=function(){   // The $timeout function has two arguments: the function to execute (defined inline here)   // and the time in msec after which the function is invoked.   $timeout( function hide(){     // you may have to change 'thingMark-1' by the id of the ThingMark in your own experience     $['Home'].wdg['thingMark-1']['trackingIndicator']=false;   },   3000); } Step 2: That's it. Have fun!
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