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Solution Central and Azure Active Directory Written by: Tori Firewind, IoT EDC   As we’ve said in a previous post, Solution Central (SC) is a crucial part of any mature dev ops pipeline. In its latest version (3.1.0), it manages custom solutions even more easily due to the SC API. However, this comes with a few requirements that can be a little tricky.   One of the more complex configuration pieces for using this new API involves a cloud-hosted Active Directory (AD) application within Azure AD. In order to make use of the new API, your organization’s users must exist on an Azure AD tenant that is separate from the PTC tenant. Most PTC customers are placed on this PTC-owned tenant by default, so additional configuration may be required to set up the AD instance within Azure before the SC API can be used. The type of tenant has to be Azure, of course, as that is what PTC uses: a multi-tenancy Azure infrastructure for all authentication.   In this usage, “tenant” is a cloud-hosting, infrastructure term which essentially refers to an Azure VM hosting an Active Directory server, as well as managing the many AD components that would otherwise require a lot of oversight. Users within that AD server are grouped so that only those solutions published by their own organizations are visible within Solution Central. In this way, the term “tenant” can also refer to a partition of some kind of data; a Solution Central tenant includes the users, the solutions, and is sort of like a sub-tenant of the larger PTC infrastructure. PTC uses a global Solution Central tenant for deployment of its own solutions, like DPM (Digital Performance Management), which is therefore available to every user in the PTC Azure AD tenant or a tenant which has been connected using the tutorial below.   There are good reasons to want to use your own Azure AD integrated into Solution Central that do not involve using the SC API. For one thing, it allows for direct control over the users that have access; otherwise, a ticket to PTC support is necessary every time a user needs access granted or removed. The tutorial below is a great reference for anyone using Solution Central, with steps 1-4 offering an easy guide for integrating your own Azure AD and simplifying your user management.   To use the SC API, however, there are additional steps required to create an application for retrieving an oauth token. This application needs the “solution-publisher” role or else bad request/forbidden errors will pop up. This role is automatically available in your Azure AD tenant once it is linked to the PTC AD tenant, but it does have to be manually assigned to the application, whose sole function is to request this access token for authenticating requests against the SC server.   The Azure application you need to create is essentially a plugin with permission to publish solutions against the SC API. It functions a little like a “login” in database terminology, serving the function of authenticating to an endpoint (in this case not tied to a user or any kind of identity). This application must be able to request an access token successfully and return that to the scripts which call upon it in order to perform the project creation and publication requests. The tutorial below steps you through how to create this application and request all of your solutions via the SC API.   Tutorial: Create Azure AD Application to Access SC via API Create a new tenant in Azure AD for users who will have access to the SC API Create a ticket with PTC to provide the tenant ID and begin the onboarding process Once that process completes, you will receive an email with a custom link to login to the Solution Central portal for your organization, where only your solutions exist Users will then need to be added as “Custom Global Administrators” on the SC enterprise application within Azure Portal to grant them access to login to Solution Central in a browser In order for us to be able to use the SC API, however, more work needs to be done; an application to request an oauth token for requests must be created in Azure Portal Navigate to “App Registrations” from the Azure AD page in Azure Portal and then click “New registration” Enter the application name (ours is called “gradle-plugin-tokenfetcher” in the examples shown here), and select the “single tenant” radio button Enter a URL for redirect URI and for “Select a platform” select “Web” Click “Register”, and wait for the application created notification Now we need to add permissions to see Solution Central Open the app from under “App registrations” and select the “API permissions” tab Click “Add a permission” and in the pop-up window that appears, select the “APIs my organization uses” tab, which should have PTC Solution Central listed, if this tenant has been linked to the PTC tenant per step 2 above Select “Application Permissions” and then check the “solution-publisher” role Click “Add permissions” The application now has access to Solution Central as a publisher, able to send solution publications over the API and not just via the Platform interface   The application is ready now, so we can create a request to test that it has access to SC Using Windows Powershell or something similar, create a script to make a couple of cURL requests against first the Azure AD and then the Solution Central API (attached as well): The tenant ID and the directory ID are the same value (listed on the tenant under “Overview”), and the client ID and application ID are the same as well (listed on the application, shown here), so don’t be confused by terminology The client app secret is the “Value” provided by the system when a new client secret is created under “Certificates & Secrets” (remember to copy this as soon as it is made and before clicking away, as after that, it will no longer be visible): The Solution Central app ID can be found under “App registrations”, listed within the details for the “solution-publisher” role: This access token request piece must be done before every request to the SC API, so this secret should be kept in some kind of password management tool (or a global environment variable in GitLab) so that it isn’t found anywhere in the source code If the script pings the SC API successfully, then a list of solutions will be returned
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The DPM User Experience Written by Tori Firewind, IoT EDC Team   As discussed in a previous post, DPM is a tool designed to be beneficial at all levels of a company, from the operators monitoring automated data on production events from the factory machines themselves, to the production supervisors who need to establish, task out, and track machine maintenance and improvement measures. DPM also engages the continuous improvement and plant leadership, by providing a standardized way to monitor performance that ultimately rolls up to the executive level. The end users of DPM are therefore diverse both in how they access DPM, and how they make use of its various features.   One of the perks to building DPM on top of the ThingWorx Foundation is that many of the webpages (called “mashups”) within ThingWorx are already responsive, and any  which aren’t responsive OOTB can be modified and custom designed for different size viewing screens to ensure that if necessary, end users can access DPM   from a variety of locations and devices. Most of the time, end users will be accessing mashups from hard-wired dashboards mounted on the actual devices,    or from wireless laptops which have standard size screens with standard resolutions. For use cases involving phones or tablets, however, it may be necessary to see how DPM will perform across a variety of bandwidth and latency conditions. Often, cellular or satellite connection is a must to facilitate field team cooperation, and 5G networks often result in worsened performance.   So, to demonstrate the influence of bandwidth and latency on the responsiveness of DPM, the Production Dashboard was loaded in the Google Chrome browser repeatedly under varying conditions. This dashboard is the webpage most operators and field users would access to log event information and production details (so it is widely used by end users). This provides a sort of benchmark of the DPM solution, something which indicates what can be expected and tells us a few things about how DPM should be deployed and configured.   Latency was introduced by hosting the servers involved in the test in different regions (all Azure cloud hosted servers, one in US East, one US West, and one in Japan East). Bandwidth was introduced using a tool on the PC with either no bandwidth or 4 megabits/second.   Browser caching was turned on and off as well, to simulate the difference between new and return users; new users would not have the webpage cached, so their load times are expected to be longer. Tomcat compression was also configured in half of the runs to demonstrate the importance of compression for optimal performance.   Each of these 24 scenarios was then tested 10 times from each location, and the actual data can be found in the attached benchmark document (a working  solution benchmark, which is not designed to be referenced directly, as matters of infrastructure may influence the exact performance of the solution).  Even with bandwidth, every region sees better performance for return users versus new users, which may be important to note. However, because DPM field users most commonly access DPM often, the return user time is a better indicator of adoption, and those numbers look great in our simulations. Notice the top line which shows the very worst of mobile performance, what happens over networks with bandwidth when Tomcat Compression is not enabled. Load times vary only slightly for regular networks when Tomcat Compression is enabled, and they vastly improve performance across regions and on mobile networks, so it is highly recommended (instructions on how to enable are below).   Key Takeaways Latency and bandwidth impact DPM performance in exactly the way one would expect of a web application. While any DPM server can be accessed from any region, regions with more latency will experience delays proportional to the amount of latency. In the chart here, find the three regions represented three times by three different colors (different from the charts above): The three different shades of each color represent the different regions Green represents the optimal configuration settings (Tomcat compression enabled, caching turned on) for returning users with bandwidth limitations (i.e. mobile networks like 5G) Blue shows first-time page visitors with no bandwidth limitations Purple shows first-time visitors that do have bandwidth limitations The uncompressed first-time load for mobile users (those with bandwidth limitations imposed) within the same region is also given to demonstrate the importance of enabling Tomcat Compression (load times only get worse without compression the farther the region) Notice how the green series has lower load times across the board than the blue one, meaning that return users even with bandwidth limitations have better performance across every region than new users. Also notice how the gap is larger between lighter colors and darker colors, where the darker the color, the farther the region from the DPM servers. This indicates that network latency has a more significant influence on performance versus bandwidth, with only longer running transactions like file uploads seeing a significant performance hit when on a network with bandwidth limitations.  Find out how to enable tomcat compression  and review the full solution benchmark in the document attached.  
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I recently had a customer who wanted to run services on ThingWorx from Power BI to retrieve existing operational data, and we were a bit stumped on how to pass the API key over in the headers, so I did a bit of Googling and pieced together the solution. It's not quite intuitive on the Power BI side, so I thought it would be helpful to share. If you have any other experience with integrating ThingWorx with Power BI, feel free to add a comment.    Prepare ThingWorx Create an Application Key that has Run Time execution access to the services you need. Understand the inputs needed for the service you would like. I'll have examples of none, one, an InfoTable, and multiple inputs.   Power BI Following the following steps in Power BI: 1. In Power BI, create a new blank query   2. On the left, right click on Query1 and go to the Advanced Editor:   3. Replace all of the body content with the following, replacing your API key, appropriate end point, and base URL as needed (this is an example with NO input parameters, I'll follow with examples of other parameters):     let appKey = "your-application-key-here", endpoint = "Things/YourThingNameHere/Services/YourServiceNameHere", baseUrl = "https://YourServerNameHere/Thingworx/", url = Text.Combine({baseUrl,endpoint}), body = "", request = Web.Contents( url, [ Headers = [ appKey = appKey, #"Content-Type" = "application/json", Accept = "application/json" ], Content = Text.ToBinary(body) ] ), Source = Json.Document(request) in Source       4. Click "Done", and now you'll have a warning about how to connect. Click the "Edit Credentials" button. 5. Leave it on Anonymous and click "Connect":   6. You should now see the return data coming from ThingWorx.   Note that I had a little trouble with this authentication initially and it saved the wrong method. To clear that out, go to the ribbon bar item "Data source settings" and select the server and clear it out.   Other Examples Here is an example for sending a single string parameter:   let appKey = "your-application-key-here", endpoint = "Things/YourThingNameHere/Services/YourServiceNameHere", baseUrl = "https://YourServerNameHere/Thingworx/", url = Text.Combine({baseUrl,endpoint}), body = "{""InputParameter"": ""InputValue""}", request = Web.Contents( url, [ Headers = [ appKey = appKey, #"Content-Type" = "application/json", Accept = "application/json" ], Content = Text.ToBinary(body) ] ), Source = Json.Document(request) in Source     Here's an example of sending a string and an integer: let appKey = "your-application-key-here", endpoint = "Things/YourThingNameHere/Services/YourServiceNameHere", baseUrl = "https://YourServerNameHere/Thingworx/", url = Text.Combine({baseUrl,endpoint}), body = "{""InputString"": ""Hello, world!"", ""InputNumber"" : 42}", request = Web.Contents( url, [ Headers = [ appKey = appKey, #"Content-Type" = "application/json", Accept = "application/json" ], Content = Text.ToBinary(body) ] ), Source = Json.Document(request) in Source   Here is an example for sending an InfoTable. Note that you must supply the dataShape with fieldDefinitions. If you're using an existing Data Shape, you can get the JSON by using the service GetDataShapeMetadataAsJSON() that is on the data shape.     let appKey = "your-application-key-here", endpoint = "Things/YourThingNameHere/Services/YourServiceNameHere", baseUrl = "https://YourServerNameHere/Thingworx/", url = Text.Combine({baseUrl,endpoint}), body = "{""propertyNames"": { ""rows"": [ { ""name"": ""FirstEntityName"", ""description"": ""The first entity"" }, { ""name"": ""SecondEntityName"", ""description"": ""The second entity"" }], ""dataShape"": { ""fieldDefinitions"": { ""name"": { ""name"": ""name"", ""aspects"": { ""isPrimaryKey"": true }, ""description"": ""Entity name"", ""baseType"": ""STRING"", ""ordinal"": 0 }, ""description"": { ""name"": ""description"", ""aspects"": {}, ""description"": ""Entity description"", ""baseType"": ""STRING"", ""ordinal"": 0 } } } }}", request = Web.Contents( url, [ Headers = [ appKey = appKey, #"Content-Type" = "application/json", Accept = "application/json" ], Content = Text.ToBinary(body) ] ), Source = Json.Document(request) in Source       If I find any more interesting ways to use Power BI with ThingWorx services, I'll add them on here.  
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Announcing: ThingWorx Solution Central 3.1.0 and its New API Written by: Tori Firewind of the IoT EDC   Solution Central 3.1.0 ThingWorx Solution Central (SC) is the solution management tool for ThingWorx and Digital Performance Management (DPM), the latest version of which (DPM 1.1) can now be deployed directly from the PTC Solutions menu of SC. Streamlining packaging strategies and ensuring efficient solution deployment can now be done for all kinds of ThingWorx solutions, even those with heavy customization. The new API allows for updated building blocks from within the PTC Solutions menu to be easily discovered and deployed right alongside custom solutions. Even the most advanced developers can now house their deployment management process within SC.   As discussed in a previous article, Solution Central forms a necessary part of a mature DevOps pipeline, usually as a set of services within Foundation which finalize and publish the solution to the Solution Central servers. The recommendation to utilize Solution Central from within Foundation remains a best practice for ThingWorx DevOps because the vast majority of solutions benefit from using the ThingWorx APIs, which scan and check for dependencies and proper XML formatting on each included entity.   Packaging and publishing the solution from within ThingWorx is the easiest and most straightforward way recommended by PTC, but it is now possible to publish to Solution Central using a standard API for those who need to publish from Jenkins or other build jobs. If there are legacy extensions, 3rd party tool dependencies, or other customizations within the ThingWorx application, then it may be beneficial to use this new API instead.   The new API also allows for editable extensions and entities within a published solution, though PTC still recommends avoiding this as a general practice. It is usually better for purposes of maintainability and ease of upgrades to just publish the solution again (with an incremented) version each time any changes are made.   How to Use the API Within Solution Central, a new menu option has been added to review the API, with information about the different types of requests and their parameters and responses. To access this within the Solution Central UI, open the help menu and navigate to “Public APIs” (see the image on the right). To see a sample response, select a request type and scroll down to the “Responses” section (shown below). Examples of error responses are also provided, and it’s important to ensure that whatever makes these requests can properly report or log any errors for troubleshooting and maintenance of the DevOps process.   The general steps for making use of this API are as follows: Create the solution resource with a POST Add some files to that solution with PUTs First, create the solution archive with the right Solution Identifiers; this should contain at least one project XML and all of the entities belonging to that ThingWorx project Next, compute MD5 using a tool like DigestUtils on the contents of the archive; this checksum is required for Solution Central Compute the SHA hash on the archive and save it; this will need to be provided along with the archive in the PUT requests Compute MD5 on the hash file also Finally, make the two PUT requests, one for the archive and one for its hash; for example cURL requests, see the Help Center Publish the solution using a PUT So, with a little more work it is now possible to make use of SC in a more custom DevOps process. It is now possible to build JSON or XML solutions using development tools outside of ThingWorx and still publish these customizations to Solution Central. The process of DevOps Management just became more versatile, and with the ease of deployment of DPM and other PTC building blocks as well, ThingWorx is now more accessible and easy to use than ever before.
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MachNation  Podcast Replay: Enterprise-Specific Implementation Testing a podcast, by Mike Jasperson,  VP of the IoT EDC   MachNation, a company   exclusively dedicated to testing and benchmarking Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, end-to-end solutions, and services, has conducted a recent podcast series featuring our very own Mike Jasperson, Vice President of the IoT Enterprise Deployment Center here at PTC. Performance IoT    is a podcast series that brings together experts who make IoT performance testing and high-resiliency IoT part of their IoT journey. Mike Jasperson's podcast is episode 5 in the series, titled:   Enterprise-Specific Implementation Testing .  Enjoy!
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Now that ThingWorx 9.3 is live, let’s take a closer look at some of our new features we released for Composer and Mashup Builder.   Referenced By Find where entities, code references, and project dependencies are used in your existing projects using the new “Referenced by” report feature. This feature is not automatically enabled because it is intended to be used during development, since it can call upon all of the entities in your project and can impact your load times in production. That being said, this is your friendly reminder to turn off this feature during production.     How to enable: Go to the relationship subsystem and tick the check box to enable during development.   How it works: The “Referenced By” feature finds any entity that is referenced in your ThingWorx environment based on the supplied search characteristics. You can run this “Referenced By” report in the Composer or via a ThingWorx service “GetWhereUsed”.  When you use the “Referenced By” feature on an entity, you can find all of the references in the system for that entity in Mashup bindings, service script references, thing property bindings, and more.     Grid Widget The new grid widget component, which was available for preview in ThingWorx 9.2, is now complete, so it’s time to get your grid on! We have improved styling and performance capabilities with this new widget, including greater support for inline editing, autocreation of columns based on infotables, and adding new footer areas. You can also configure the grid using the property editor in Mashup Builder, where previously we had plain text entry.   Style Migration The new Style Migration is a game changer. It allows you to retain the same look and feel of your Mashups as you upgrade from previous versions of ThingWorx to the newest web components and features available in 9.3. Improved from our previous migrator, this allows you to move to the latest platform version and capabilities without having to re-implement or redesign your applications and widgets.     How it works: When you upgrade to the latest version of ThingWorx, you will see a pop-up window appear if you have any legacy widgets or layouts in your Mashup. The window will have the option for you to apply one of three style themes to your Mashup: PTC Convergence Theme (the new ThingWorx Default theme), Legacy Styles Theme (the old ThingWorx theme, from version 8.0 and earlier), or Custom Theme (choose from custom themes you defined using the Theme Editor and Style Theme that will appear when custom theme is selected in the pop-up). Depending on how you already styled or would like to style your Mashups, select an option and click migrate. This migrator maintains previous coloring, spacing, and other design properties better than previous migrators. You, of course, have the option to not upgrade your Mashup, but we recommend that you migrate, especially where we have new widgets available to replace legacy versions. If there are any issues with your migration, you can always click “Undo” in the toolbar.   Things to Consider: This migration will work best with ThingWorx default styling, out of the box styling, and Mashups with widgets that we now have replacements for (these are marked legacy in the builder). Always make sure you review your Mashups to make sure bindings and properties remained. Note that custom CSS will not be migrated, and custom widgets developed outside the standard platform installation will remain the same on the new Mashup.   Other Bonus Features That’s not all we rolled out in ThingWorx 9.3. You will also see Composer enhancements for test execution on ThingTemplates and dynamic use of Master Mashups to allow for swapping out Masters at run time based on predefined conditions based on your users. Plus, we now have truncation support for the breadcrumb component and tabs component, which utilizes an ellipsis pattern for long  text for a more user-friendly application.  With enhancements to our charts, you can now show/hide legends and format axis in new ways. We also support localization for our new web component widgets, .   How has your experience been building solutions with the latest updates to Composer and Mashup Builder? How can we continue to build upon these enhancements? Let us know what you think.   Stay connected, Rachel
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Introduction to Digital Performance Management (DPM) Written by: Tori Firewind, IoT EDC   “Digital Performance Management (DPM) is a closed-loop, problem solving solution that helps manufacturers identify, prioritize, and solve their biggest loss challenges, resulting in reduced cost, increased revenue, and improved service levels.” – DPM Help Center What is DPM? Digital Performance Manager (DPM) is an application which improves factory efficiency across a variety of different areas, namely “the four P’s” of Digital Transformation: products, processes, places, and people. Each performance issue in a factory can be mapped to at least one of these improvement categories in a new strategy for Continuous Improvement (CI) founded by PTC.   Figure 1 – Each performance issue in a factory can be mapped to at least one of 4 fundamental improvement categories: products, processes, places, and people. PTC’s new, industry-leading strategy for continuous improvement (CI) in factories is a “best practice” approach, taking the collective knowledge of many customers to form a focused, prescriptive path for success. 11 Closing the Loop Across Products, Processes, People, and Places, Manufacturing Leadership Journal   At PTC, CI in factories is driven by a “best practice”  approach, with years of experience in manufacturing solutions combining with the collective knowledge of the many diverse use cases PTC has encountered, to generate a focused, prescriptive path for improvement in any individual factory. Figure 2 – DPM is a closed loop for continuous improvement, a strategy built around industry standard best practices and years of experience.  PTC is also defining new industry standards for OEE analysis by using time as a currency within DPM. This standardization technique improves intuitive impact assessment and allows for direct comparison of metrics (see the Help Center for details on how each metric is calculated).   DPM creates a closed loop for CI, from the monitoring phase performed both automatically and through manual operator input, to the prioritization and analyzation phases performed by plant managers. DPM helps plant managers by tracking metrics of factory performance that often go overlooked by other systems. With Analytics, DPM can also do much of the analysis automatically, finding the root causes much more rapidly. Figure 3 – All levels of the company are involved in solving the same problems effectively and efficiently with DPM. Instead of 100 people working on 100 different problems, some of which might not significantly improve OEE anyway, these same 100 people can tackle the top few problems one at a time, knocking out barriers to continuous improvement together. Production supervisors who manage the entire production line then know which less-than-effective components on the line need help. They can quickly design and redesign solutions for specific production issues. Task management within DPM helps both the production manager and the maintenance engineer to complete the improvement process. Using other PTC tools like Creo and Vuforia make the path to improvement even faster and easier, requiring less expert knowledge from the front-line workers and empowering every level of participation in the digital transformation process to make a direct, measurable impact on physical production.       How Does DPM Work? DPM as an IoT application sits on top of the ThingWorx Foundation server, a platform for IoT development that is extensible and customizable. Manufacturers therefore find they rarely have to rip and replace existing systems and assets to reap the benefits of DPM, which gathers, aggregates, and stores production data (both automatically and through manual input on the Production Dashboard), so that it can be analyzed using time as a currency. DPM also manages the process of implementing improvements (using the Action Tracker) based on the collected data, and provides an easy way to confirm that the improvements make a real difference in the overall OEE (through the Performance Analysis Dashboard). Because the analysis occurs before and after the steps to improve are taken, manufacturers can rest assured that any resources invested on the improvements aren’t done so in vain; DPM is a predictive and prescriptive analysis process.   DPM makes use of an external SQL Server to run queries against collected data and perform aggregation and analysis tasks in the background, on a separate server location than the thing model and ingestion database. This ensures that use cases involving real-time alerts and events, high-capacity ingestion, or others are still possible on the ThingWorx Foundation server.   The IoT EDC is focusing in on DPM alone for a series of  technical briefs which provide insight and expert level recommendations regarding DPM usage and configuration.  Stay tuned into the PTC Community for more updates to come.
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Background Getting a performance benchmark of your running application is an important thing to do when deploying and scaling up an application in production.  This not only helps focus in on performance issues quickly, but also allows for safely planning for scaling up and resource sizing based on real concrete data.   I recently created a tool and made a post about capturing and analysing ThingWorx utilisation statistics to do such an analysis, as well as identifying potential performance bottlenecks. Although they are rich and precise, utilisation statistics fall short in a number of areas however - specifically being able to count and time specific service executions, as well as identifying and sorting based on the host executing the service.   Tomcat Access Log Analysis As ThingWorx is a Tomcat web application, Tomcat logs details of the requests being made to the application server and ThingWorx REST API.  The default settings include the host (IP address), date/timestamp, and request URI; which can be decoded to reveal relevant details like the calling entities and service executions.   Adding 3 key additional variables (%s %B %D) to the server.xml access log value also gives us the HTTP response code, service execution time, and bytes returned from Tomcat.  This is super useful as we can now determine exact time of service executions, and run statistics on their execution totals and execution time.     Once you have an access log file looking like the one above, you can attempt to load it into the access_log sheet in the analysis Excel workbook that I created.  You do this by click on the access_log table, then selecting "Data > Get Data > Data Source Settings".  You'll then be prompted with the following or similar pop-up allowing you to navigate to your access_log file to select and then load.     It should be noted that you'll have to Refresh the table after selecting the new access_log.txt file so that it is read in and populates the table.  You can do this by right-clicking on the table and saying Refresh, or using the Data > Refresh button.   This workbook relies on a number of formulas to slice and dice the timestamp, and during my attempts at importing I had significant issues with this due to some of the ways that Excel does things automatically without any manual options.  You really need to make sure that the timestamps are imported and converted correctly, or something in the workbook will likely not work as intended.  One thing that I had to do was to add 1 second to round up 00:00:00 for the first entries as this was being imported as a date without the time part, and then the next lines imported as a date/time.   Depending on how many lines your file is, you'll likely also have to "Fill Down" the formulas on the right side of the sheet which may be empty in the table after importing your new data set.  I had the best results by selecting the cells in question on the last row, then going down to the bottom corner, pushing and holding Shift, clicking on the last cell bottom right, and then selecting Home > Fill > Down to pull the formulas down from the top.   Once the data is loaded, you'll be able to start poking around.  The filters and sorting by the named columns is really helpful as you can start out by doing things like removing a particular host, sorting by longest execution times, selecting execution times greater than 4 seconds, or only showing activity aimed at a particular entity or service.     You really need to make sure that the imported data worked fine and looks perfect, as the next steps will totally break if not.  With the data loaded, you can now go to the Summary Data table and right-click on one of the tables and select Refresh.  This is reload the data in into the pivot table and re-run their calculations.   Once the refresh is complete, you should see the table summary like shown here; there are Day, Hour, and Minute expand/collapse buttons.  You should also see the Day, Hour, Month fields showing in the Field Definitions on the right.  This is the part that is painful -- if the dates are in the wrong format and Excel is unable to auto-detect everything in the same way, then you will not get these automatically created fields.     With the data reloaded, and Pivot Tables re-built, you should be able to go over to the Dashboard sheet to start looking at and analysing the graphs.  This one is showing the Top 10 services organised into hourly buckets with cumulated service execution times.     I'm not going to go into all of the workbooks features, but you can also individually select a set of key services that you want to have a look at together across both the execution count and execution time dimensions.     Next you can see the coordinated view of both total service execution time over number or service executions.  This is helpful for looking for patterns where a service may be executing longer but being triggered the same amount of times, compared to both being executed and taking more time.  I've created a YouTube video (see bottom) which goes through using all of the features as well as providing other pointers to using it.     Getting into a finer level of detail, this "bonus" sheet provides a Pivot Table and Pivot Chart which allows for exploring minimum, maximum and average execution time for a specific service.  Comparing this with the utilisation subsystem metrics taken during the same period now provide much deeper insight as we can pinpoint there the peaks were, how long they lasted, and where the slow executions were in relation to other services being executed at that time (example: identifying many queries/data processing occurring simultaneously).     Without further ado, you can download and play with my ThingWorx Tomcat Access Log Analysis Excel Workbook, and check out the recorded demonstration and explanation for more details on loading and analysis use. [YouTube] ThingWorx Tomcat Access Logs - Service Performance Analysis
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As of Dec. 23, 2021, ThingWorx 9.3.0 is available for download and on Jan. 7, 2022, it will be available for Cloud Services.   What’s new in ThingWorx 9.3? Composer and Mashup Builder  Enhanced ability to find entities, code references, and project dependencies with a new Referenced by report feature. New Grid widget allows for improved visualization of row/columnar type data, with improved performance, styling, and configuration experiences.  Composer enhancements allow for faster configuration and application management in the areas of test execution and dynamic use of Master Mashups.    Analytics  New configuration parameters (binningStrategy and allowOverlap) available for profiles to tailor application of the algorithm to meet needs of domain use cases.  New option to utilize K-Fold cross validation to improve quality of predictive models created on limited data sets using industry standard technique.  Automate treatment of missing values to reduce data preparation before application of advanced analytics algorithms.    Foundation  Query performance improvements with indexing enables performance of quick “search” queries across thousands of connected assets and pre-filtering of query resultsets for better overall query performance.  Upgrade script improvements for logging, script execution and error handling which simplify the upgrade process.    Remote Access and Control  Improvements to Remote Access and Control includes Auto & Click to Launch capabilities that streamline the remote access startup process by starting the support application you need for you. New connectivity options enable user control and selection of local IP and Port addresses used in the session creation.    Software Content Management  Instructions can now be configured to execute either Synchronously or Asynchronously for a streamlined execution process. Added support for data migration of older, from the audit data table information into a format to the new audit database.    View release notes here and be sure to upgrade to 9.3!   Stay Connected, Rachel
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Distributed Timer and Scheduler Execution in a ThingWorx High Availability (HA) Cluster Written by Desheng Xu and edited by Mike Jasperson    Overview Starting with the 9.0 release, ThingWorx supports an “active-active” high availability (or HA) configuration, with multiple nodes providing redundancy in the event of hardware failures as well as horizontal scalability for workloads that can be distributed across the cluster.   In this architecture, one of the ThingWorx nodes is elected as the “singleton” (or lead) node of the cluster.  This node is responsible for managing the execution of all events triggered by timers or schedulers – they are not distributed across the cluster.   This design has proved challenging for some implementations as it presents a potential for a ThingWorx application to generate imbalanced workload if complex timers and schedulers are needed.   However, your ThingWorx applications can overcome this limitation, and still use timers and schedulers to trigger workloads that will distribute across the cluster.  This article will demonstrate both how to reproduce this imbalanced workload scenario, and the approach you can take to overcome it.   Demonstration Setup   For purposes of this demonstration, a two-node ThingWorx cluster was used, similar to the deployment diagram below:   Demonstrating Event Workload on the Singleton Node   Imagine this simple scenario: You have a list of vendors, and you need to process some logic for one of them at random every few seconds.   First, we will create a timer in ThingWorx to trigger an event – in this example, every 5 seconds.     Next, we will create a helper utility that has a task that will randomly select one of the vendors and process some logic for it – in this case, we will simply log the selected vendor in the ThingWorx ScriptLog.     Finally, we will subscribe to the timer event, and call the helper utility:     Now with that code in place, let's check where these services are being executed in the ScriptLog.     Look at the PlatformID column in the log… notice that that the Timer and the helper utility are always running on the same node – in this case Platform2, which is the current singleton node in the cluster.   As the complexity of your helper utility increases, you can imagine how workload will become unbalanced, with the singleton node handling the bulk of this timer-driven workload in addition to the other workloads being spread across the cluster.   This workload can be distributed across multiple cluster nodes, but a little more effort is needed to make it happen.   Timers that Distribute Tasks Across Multiple ThingWorx HA Cluster Nodes   This time let’s update our subscription code – using the PostJSON service from the ContentLoader entity to send the service requests to the cluster entry point instead of running them locally.       const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "appKey": "INSERT-YOUR-APPKEY-HERE" }; const url = ""; let result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostJSON({ proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */, headers: headers /* JSON */, ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, workstation: undefined /* STRING */, useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */, proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */, url: url /* STRING */, content: {} /* JSON */, timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */, proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */, password: undefined /* STRING */, domain: undefined /* STRING */, username: undefined /* STRING */ });   Note that the URL used in this example - - is the entry point of the ThingWorx cluster.  Replace this value to match with your cluster’s entry point if you want to duplicate this in your own cluster.   Now, let's check the result again.   Notice that the helper utility TimerBackend_Service is now running on both cluster nodes, Platform1 and Platform2.   Is this Magic?  No!  What is Happening Here?   The timer or scheduler itself is still being executed on the singleton node, but now instead of the triggering the helper utility locally, the PostJSON service call from the subscription is being routed back to the cluster entry point – the load balancer.  As a result, the request is routed (usually round-robin) to any available cluster nodes that are behind the load balancer and reporting as healthy.   Usually, the load balancer will be configured to have a cookie-based affinity - the load balancer will route the request to the node that has the same cookie value as the request.  Since this PostJSON service call is a RESTful call, any cookie value associated with the response will not be attached to the next request.  As a result, the cookie-based affinity will not impact the round-robin routing in this case.   Considerations to Use this Approach   Authentication: As illustrated in the demo, make sure to use an Application Key with an appropriate user assigned in the header. You could alternatively use username/password or a token to authenticate the request, but this could be less ideal from a security perspective.   App Deployment: The hostname in the URL must match the hostname of the cluster entry point.  As the URL of your implementation is now part of your code, if deploy this code from one ThingWorx instance to another, you would need to modify the hostname/port/protocol in the URL.   Consider creating a variable in the helper utility which holds the hostname/port/protocol value, making it easier to modify during deployment.   Firewall Rules: If your load balancer has firewall rules which limit the traffic to specific known IP addresses, you will need to determine which IP addresses will be used when a service is invoked from each of the ThingWorx cluster nodes, and then configure the load balancer to allow the traffic from each of these public IP address.   Alternatively, you could configure an internal IP address endpoint for the load balancer and use the local /etc/hosts name resolution of each ThingWorx node to point to the internal load balancer IP, or register this internal IP in an internal DNS as the cluster entry point.
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In a recent post, I gave an overview of the types of Building Blocks that are available with the ThingWorx Platform. As a reminder, Building Blocks are a collection of entities packaged together for modular software development. They are intended to be reusable, repeatable, and scalable, and they are the fastest way to either build your own solution or customize a pre-made PTC solution, like ThingWorx Digital Performance Management. There are four types of Building Blocks we will talk about for the development of IIoT applications and solutions on the ThingWorx platform: Connectors, Domain Models, Business Logic, and UI. In this post, we are going to do a deep dive on Connectors, which improve application performance and the transfer of data from disparate devices and systems.   What does a Connector look like in ThingWorx? All ThingWorx Building Blocks follow the same naming convention of CompanyName.BuildingBlockName, so any PTC-created Connectors will appear as PTC.Connector. Connectors in ThingWorx are external integrations that can come in through an industrial system, like an MES that could be connected to with ThingWorx Kepware, or business system, like a CRM that could be connected to via ThingWorx Flow or REST APIs. It could also be a connection to an external database. These are your data connections, so their structure will be somewhat dependent upon your database and assets.   What does a Connector look like in use in a PTC Solution? If we use the example of Digital Performance Management (DPM), one of the connectors we use is a Database Manager(ptc.DBConnection.Manager). It pulls information from the database that is being used from the implementation of DPM. If you think of Building Blocks like bricks, Connectors are the foundation. In this case, the Database Manager sits at the bottom layer of bricks to connect the asset data to the next layer of bricks (Domain Models, which I will cover in the next post) and allows you to pull any information you need.   How can you use a Connector in your solutions? As mentioned above, a Connector is the foundation building block for most solutions. It is what aggregates and transfers your solution-related data into the ThingWorx platform for use. The Connectors we currently have available on the ThingWorx platform will “talk” to your database and the other building blocks you use in your solutions, so for your own solutions, a Connector will be the entry point of your data into your solution.   How can you adapt a Connector for your own solutions? Because all PTC building blocks are built with JavaScript in the ThingWorx Mashup Builder, you can leverage existing Connectors on the ThingWorx platform and extend these same Connectors for your unique use case or build your own. You can view the code we used to create Connectors, so if they don’t pull data into your solution the way you want it to flow, you can override the Connector’s functions with your own capabilities.   The ThingWorx PM team is here to listen to your thoughts and feedback, so tell us: What questions do you have about Connectors and how they can improve your experience building solutions in the ThingWorx platform? Or, if you are waiting for the full deep dive into Building Blocks, keep an eye out for our next post on Domain Models, where we will cover the next “layer up” of the types of Building Blocks for use in ThingWorx.   Stay Connected, Rachel  
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ThingWorx DevOps with Azure: The Comprehensive DevOps Guide Written by Tori Firewind, IoT EDC   As promised in a previous post,  attached here is a comprehensive guide to DevOps in ThingWorx, including tutorials and instructions for creating a continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD) process for application development.  There are also updated scripts and entities attached, including an entire sample application for importing, exporting, and testing an application in ThingWorx. From Docker and Github to Azure DevOps and Solution Central, this guide has it all. Learn how to perform your role in the DevOps process whether an administrator or a developer, automate your deployments and testing, and create a more efficient process  for publication changes to production.  A complete DevOps process like this really does facilitate faster and easier updates with fewer risks, fewer delays, and a better pathway to success.  
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Hey Community Members – I have exciting news to share! Last week, PTC announced that ThingWorx was recognized as a frontrunner IIOT Platform in four leading analyst research reports on the industrial software market.   In alphabetical order, the reports PTC/ThingWorx was named in were: ABI Research’s Smart Manufacturing Platforms Competitive Ranking The Forrester Wave™: Industrial IoT Software Platforms, Q3 2021 The Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Industrial IoT Platforms IDC MarketScape for Industrial IoT Platforms and Applications for Manufacturing Not only is PTC the only company included in all four reports, but it also placed as a leader in all four, which hopefully makes you feel confident in your choice to use ThingWorx. The research criteria the analyst firms use to make selections is unique to each firm, but to us, all of them measure the value ThingWorx can bring to an industrial business.   What value does ThingWorx bring to you?   Stay connected, Rachel               Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Industrial IoT Platforms, Alfonso Velosa, Ted Friedman, Katell Thielemann, Emil Berthelsen, Peter Havart-Simkin, Eric Goodness, Matthew Flatley, Lloyd Jones, Kevin Quinn, 18 October 2021 Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. (this will be soon updated in our Policy as well)  
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The long-awaited manufacturing solution,  ThingWorx Digital Performance Management (DPM), has arrived! Announced at PTC’s  Manufacturing Live event, DPM provides key use cases around overall equipment effectiveness and real-time performance monitoring, while delivering insights with analytics and automated bottleneck identification tools. DPM gives customers clear insight into where and what to fix to drive efficiencies. Composed of modular building blocks with a foundation on the ThingWorx platform, DPM is easily configurable and customizable for closed-loop problem solving that drives productivity.   Let’s take a deeper look into what DPM is and how you can implement it to ensure your investment in the ThingWorx platform and digital transformation delivers business impact.   Monitor in real-time with Production Dashboard The Production Dashboard allows for automated or manual data entry of reason codes with a simple interface for limited disruption. Rather than providing front-line workers with the typical, difficult to understand, percentage based KPIs, Production Dashboard standardizes all losses, so operators can proactively resolve issues during production. You can configure this dashboard to collect granular data and allow opportunities for continuous improvement in process tracking.     Focus with Bottleneck Analysis Bottleneck analysis automatically identifies bottlenecks across the manufacturing process. Identifying bottlenecks can help you prioritize the highest-impact opportunities in the business process. This saves you having to manually identify and analyze potential issues and frees you up to work on other projects.   Prioritize with Time Loss Waterfall and Analyze with Loss Reason Pareto Monitor and analyze performance with data visualizations that help you pinpoint root causes and suggest improvements. Bring together your siloed data into one system and create a standard for how performance is measured and reported.   Improve with Action Tracker Action Tracker allows you to create continuous improvement actions tied to real production losses, to ensure your actions are having positive impact and return.  Create a digital workspace for teams to collaborate and learn from each other. Plus, you can track the improvements delivered through each individual action, so you can drill down and create transparency of work being done.   Confirm value delivered with Scorecard (Available in Later Versions) With the Scorecard feature, you can leverage a standard scorecard for enterprise wide KPIs to summarize factory health and compare similar factory operations. Use the scorecard to create trending and reporting that can be filtered based on the audience you are presenting data to. The scorecard gives you a consistent view that measures performance across the network and drives visibility and accountability across your business.   How do you plan to leverage DPM or the building blocks that make it up? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the first manufacturing solution from PTC.   Stay connected, Rachel   
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To simplify the development of IIoT applications and solutions on the ThingWorx platform, we introduce the concept of Building Blocks. The intent of Building Blocks is to ease the creation of your own solutions and customization of PTC’s solutions. These Building Blocks are domain specific business logic pre-made for reusability, which means you won’t need to build from scratch on ThingWorx and can accelerate your time to value. What do we mean by Building Blocks? Building Blocks are premade components that enable modular software development. They are reusable, replaceable packages of functionality that can be connected into an architecture framework. Building Blocks allow for quicker development and customization of solutions and applications. What are the different types of Building Blocks?   Connectors  Leverage the same connectors we use for PTC solutions for better overall application performance and seamless transfer of data from disparate devices and systems. Identify the devices and systems you would like to monitor and let the connector do the rest.   Domain Models  Incorporate behavior and data from your devices and systems into a conceptual model of the domain, which is prepackaged based on common use cases. You can also leverage our out of the box models to connect and build dependencies between domains.   Business Logic  Encode real-world business rules that determine how data can be created, stored, and changed. Create KPIs for your devices and systems with these rules and create alerts based on your unique parameters.   UI  Construct widgets to view or analyze key data points in a graphical user interface that you can customize and leverage to extend functionality. Created with manufacturing and service use cases in mind, UI are predesigned to make it easy to view and understand data.   Building Blocks build upon the ThingWorx platform and are the base of all of PTC’s current and future solutions. We will continue to discuss Building Blocks in future posts, but in the meantime: How will you leverage building blocks in your own solutions? Is there more you want to know?   Stay connected, Rachel  
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Back in 2018 an interesting capability was added to ThingWorx Foundation allowing you to enable statistical calculation of service and subscription execution.   We typically advise customers to approach this with caution for production systems as the additional overhead can be more than you want to add to the work the platform needs to handle.  This said, these statistics is used consciously can be extremely helpful during development, testing, and troubleshooting to help ascertain which entities are executing what services and where potential system bottlenecks or areas deserving performance optimization may lie.   Although I've used the Utilization Subsystem services for statistics for some time now, I've always found that the Composer table view is not sufficient for a deeper multi-dimensional analysis.  Today I took a first step in remedying this by getting these metrics into Excel and I wanted to share it with the community as it can be quite helpful in giving developers and architects another view into their ThingWorx applications and to take and compare benchmarks to ensure that the operational and scaling is happening as was expected when the application was put into production.   Utilization Subsystem Statistics You can enable and configure statistics calculation from the Subsystem Configuration tab.  The help documentation does a good job of explaining this so I won't mention it here.  Base guidance is not to use Persisted statistics, nor percentile calculation as both have significant performance impacts.  Aggregate statistics are less resource intensive as there are less counters so this would be more appropriate for a production environment.  Specific entity statistics require greater resources and this will scale up as well with the number of provisioned entities that you have (ie: 1,000 machines versus 10,000 machines) whereas aggregate statistics will remain more constant as you scale up your deployment and its load.   Utilization Subsystem Services In the subsystem Services tab, you can select "UtilizationSubsystem" from the filter drop down and you will see all of the relevant services to retrieve and reset the statistics.     Here I'm using the GetEntityStatistics service to get entity statistics for Services and Subscriptions.     Giving us something like this.      Using Postman to Save the Results to File I have used Postman to do the same REST API call and to format the results as HTML and to save these results to file so that they can be imported into Excel.   You need to call '/Thingworx/Subsystems/UtilizationSubsystem/Services/GetEntityStatistics' as a POST request with the Content-Type and Accept headers set to 'application/xml'.  Of course you also need to add an appropriately permissioned and secured AppKey to the headers in order to authenticate and get service execution authorization.     You'll note the Export Results > Save to a file menu over on the right to get your results saved.   Importing the HTML Results into Excel As simple as I would like to hope that getting a standard web formatted file into Excel should be, it didn't turn out to be as easy as I would have hoped and so I have to switch over to Windows to take advantage of Power Query.   From the Data ribbon, select Get Data > From File > From XML.  Then find and select the HTML file saved in the previous step.     Once it has loaded the file and done some preparation, you'll need to select the GetEntityStatistics table in the results on the left.  This should display all of the statistics in a preview table on the right.     Once the query completed, you should have a table showing your statistical data ready for... well... slicing and dicing.     The good news is that I did the hard part for you, so you can just download the attached spreadsheet and update the dataset with your fresh data to have everything parsed out into separate columns for you.     Now you can use the column filters to search for entity or service patterns or to select specific entities or attributes that you want to analyze.  You'll need to later clear the column filters to get your whole dataset back.     Updating the Spreadsheet with Fresh Data In order to make this data and its analysis more relevant, I went back and reset all of the statistics and took a new sample which was exactly one hour long.  This way I would get correct recent min/max execution time values as well as having a better understanding of just how many executions / triggers are happening in a one hour period for my benchmark.   Once I got the new HTML file save, I went into Excel's Data ribbon, selected a cell in the data table area, and clicked "Queries & Connections" which brought up the pane on the right which shows my original query.     Hovering over this query, I'm prompted with some stuff and I chose "Edit".     Then I clicked on the tiny little gear to the right of "Source" over on the pane on the right side.     Finally I was able to select the new file and Power Query opened it up for me.     I just needed to click "Close & Load" to save and refresh the query providing data to the table.     The only thing at this point is that I didn't have my nice little sparklines as my regional decimal character is not a period - so I selected the time columns and did a "Replace All" from '.' to ',' to turn them into numbers instead of text.     Et Voila!   There you have it - ready to sort, filter, search and review to help you better understand which parts of your application may be overly resource hungry, or even to spot faulty equipment that may be communicating and triggering workflows far more often than it should.   Specific vs General Depending on the type of analysis that you're doing you might find that the aggregate statistics are a better option.  As they'll be far, far less that the entity specific statistics they'll do a better job of giving you a holistic view of the types of things that are happening with your ThingWorx applications execution.   The entity specific data set that I'm showing here would be a better choice for troubleshooting and diagnostics to try to understand why certain customers/assets/machines are behaving strangely as we can specifically drill into these stats.  Keep in mind however that you should then compare these findings with the general baseline to see how this particular asset is behaving compared to the whole fleet.   As a size guideline - I did an entity specific version of this file for a customer with 1,000 machines and the Excel spreadsheet was 7Mb compared to the 30kb of the one attached here and just opening it and saving it was tough for Excel (likely due to all of my nested formulas).  Just keep this in mind as you use this feature as there is memory overhead meaning also garbage collection and associated CPU usage for such.
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Persistent vs. Logged Properties By Mike Jasperson, VP of IoT EDC   Executive Summary ThingWorx provides several different “aspects” (or storage options) for how property values are saved.  These options each have different implications for performance and scalability.  Understanding those implications is important for designing a scalable IOT solution.   Persistent Properties are best used for non-telemetry data which will change infrequently (for example only a few times in a day) and where historical values are not required.  When overused, Persistent properties can put significant pressure on the database layer of your ThingWorx implementation, leading to poor performance of your IOT application.  As the number of Things in your IOT application scales up, the quantity or frequency of persistent properties per Thing needs to be carefully considered.   Logged Properties are best used for telemetry data where historical values need to be retained, but also for any other value that is expected to change frequently.  Logged properties can create some additional requirements: a process for handling null/default values after restarts, more disk space, and a data retention policy. There are benefits as well, though, like more flexibility and scalability for the ingestion of larger volumes of data.   Persistent + Logged Properties perform database operations of both aspects.  Combined use should be very limited – only properties that update infrequently (a few times a day), and that must be in-memory in the event of a ThingWorx restart.   In-Memory Only Properties are neither persistent nor logged – they are not stored to the database.  These properties can greatly improve scale for values that need to be available for the application to drive UIs or compute other derived values that will be stored.  However, high-frequency updates of in-memory properties can create scale challenges in HA (high availability) ThingWorx configurations where memory state needs to be constantly shared between multiple ThingWorx nodes.     Find a complete summary as well as example cases in the document attached.
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ThingWorx DevOps By Victoria Firewind,  IoT EDC This presentation accompanies a recent Expert Session, with video content including demos of the following topics:   found here!   DevOps is a process for taking planned changes through development, through testing, and into production,   where they can be accessed by end users.   One test instance typically has automated tests (integration testing) which ensure application logic is preserved in spite of whatever changes the developers are making, and often there is another test instance to ensure the application is usable (UAT testing) and able   to handle a production load (load testing).   So, a DevOps Pipeline starts with a task manager tasking out planned changes, where each task will become a branch in the repository. Each time a new branch is created, a new pipe is needed, which in this case, is produced by Docker Hub.   Developers then make changes within that pipe, which then flow along the pipe into testing. In this diagram, testing is shown as the valve which when open (i.e. when tests all pass) then   allows the changes to flow along the pipe into production.   A good DevOps process has good flow along the various pipelines, with as much automated or scripted as possible to reduce the chances for errors in deployments.   In order to create a seamless pipeline, whether or not it winds up automated, several third party tools are useful:       b                  Container software is a very good way to improve the maintainability and updatability of a ThingWorx instance, while minimizing the amount of resources needed to host each component.   n  1. Create Docker Image Consult the Help Center if need be. Update your YML file with everything you need before starting the image: see the example in the PTC community.   License the instance using the license management website. Follow the instructions from Docker for installing those tools: Docker itself (docker) and Docker Compose (docker-compose).   n   2. Save Docker Image in Docker Repo Docker Hub has some free options, and if a license is purchased,   can host more than a single Docker image and tag. It is also possible to set up your own Docker registry.           n 3. Access the image in Docker Desktop Download Docker Desktop and sign-in to the Docker account which hosts the repository.   Create some folders for storing the h2.env file and the ThingworxStorage and ThingWorxPlatform mounted folders.   Remember to license these containers as well. Developers login to the license management site themselves and put those into the ThingWorxPlatform mounted folder (“license_capability_response.bin”).         Git is a very versatile tool that can be used through many different mediums, like Azure DevOps or Github Desktop.  To get started as a totally new Git user, try downloading Github Desktop on your local machine and create a local repository with the provided sample code.    This can then be cloned on a Linux machine, presumably whichever instance hosts the integration ThingWorx instance, using the provided scripts (once they are configured).  Remember to install Git on the Linux machine, if necessary (sudo apt-get install git).     A sample ThingWorx application (which is not officially supported, and provided just as an example on how to do DevOps related tasks in ThingWorx) is attached to this post in a zip file, containing two directories, one for scripts and one for ThingWorx entities.   Copy the Git scripts and config file into the top level, above   the repository folder, and update the file with the URL for your Git repository and your login credentials. Then these scripts can be used to sync your Linux server with your Git repository, which any developer could easily update from their local machine. This also ensures changes are secure, and enables the potential use of other DevOps procedures like tasks, epics, and corresponding branches of code.     Steps to DevOps using the provided code as an example: Clone the repository into the SystemRepository or any other created repository, use the provided scripts in a Linux environment. Import the DeploymentUtilities entity, which again is scripted for Linux or for use with a development IDE with bash support. Then import the ThingWorx application from source control or use the script (which itself makes use of that DeploymentUtilities entity). Now create some local changes, add things, etc. and try out the UpdateApplication script or export to source control and then push to the Git repo. Data and localization table exports are also possible. Run the tests using the provided IntegrationTester thing or create your own by overriding the IntegrationTestTS thing shape, or use the TestTwxApplication script from a Linux terminal. Design a process for your application which  allows for easy application exports and updates to and from a repository, so that developers can easily send in their changes, which can then be easily loaded and tested in another environment.   In Conclusion: DevOps is a complex topic and every PTC customer will have their own process based around their unique requirements and applications. In the future, more mature pipeline solutions will be covered, ones that involve also publishing to Solution Central for easier deployment between various testing instances and production.        
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Is your team operating an effective DevOps pipeline? DevOps is an important part of a mature, enterprise ready application, but the process isn’t simple.   This expert session will focus on how a full DevOps pipeline looks like and how PTC can help to build a seamless pipeline. Join us for our upcoming Expert Session to learn how to create a Docker image, integrate Azure with Docker and Git, and set up a seamless DevOps pipeline.   When? Thursday, September 30th 2021 | 11 AM EST Host: Tori FIrewind, Senior Engineer in PTC IOT Enterprise Deployment Center Registration link: 
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Thundering Herd Scenarios in ThingWorx Written by Jim Klink, Edited by Tori Firewind   Introduction The thundering herd topic is quite vast, but it can be broken down into two main categories: the “data flood” and the “reconnect storm”. One category involves what happens to the business login (the “data flood” scenario) and affects both Factory and Connected Products use cases. The other category involves bringing many, many devices back online in a short time (the “reconnect storm” scenario), which largely influences Connected Products scenarios.   Citation: Think of Connected Products as a thundering stampede of many small buffalo, which then makes a Factory thundering herd scenario a stampede of a couple massive brontosaurus, much fewer in number, but still with lots of persisted data to send back in. This article focuses in on how to manage the “reconnect storm” scenario, by delaying the return of individual buffalo to reduce the intensity of the stampede. Find here the necessary insights on how to configure your ThingWorx edge applications to minimize the effect of a server down scenario.    The C-SDK will be used for examples, but the general principles will apply to any of the ThingWorx edge options (EMS, .Net SDK, Java SDK).  This article also references the ExampleAgent application which is built using the C-SDK. The ExampleAgent is available for download as an attachment to this post.  It offers an easily configurable edge solution for Windows and Linux that can be used for the following purposes: Foundation for rapid development of a robust custom edge application based on the ThingWorx C-SDK for use by customers and partners. Full featured, well documented, ‘C’ source code example of developing an application using the ThingWorx C-SDK. A “local” issue is one which affects a single agent, a loss of connectivity due to hardware malfunction or local network issues. Local issues are quite common in the IoT world, and recovery usually isn’t too much of a challenge. A “global” issue occurs when many agents disconnect simultaneously, usually because there is an issue with the ThingWorx server itself (though the Load Balancer, Connection Server, or web hosting software could also be the source). Perhaps it is a scheduled software update, perhaps it is unexpected downtime due to issues, but either way, it’s important to consider how the fleet of agents will respond if ThingWorx suddenly becomes unavailable.   There are two broad issues to consider in a situation like this. One is maintaining the agent’s data so that it can be sent when the connection becomes available again. This can be done in the C-SDK using an offline file storage system, which includes properties, events, and services. Offline storage is configured in the twConfig.h file in the C SDK.  The second issue the number of Agents seeking to reconnect to the server in a short period of time when the server is available.    Of course, if revenue is based on uptime, perhaps persisting data is less critical and can be lost, making things simple. However, in most cases, this data will need to be stored on the edge device until reconnect. Then, once the server comes back up, suddenly all of this data comes streaming in from all of the many edge devices simultaneously.   This flood of both data and reconnection of a multitude of agents can create what is called a “thundering herd” scenario, in which ThingWorx can become backlogged with data processing requests, data can be lost if the queues are overwhelmed, or worst-case, the Foundation server can become unresponsive once again. This is when outages become costly and drag on longer than necessary. Several factors can lead to a thundering herd scenario, including the number of agents in the fleet, the amount of stored data per agent, the amount of data ordinarily sent by these devices, which is sent side-by-side with the stored data upon reconnection, and how much processing occurs once all of this data is received on the Foundation server.   The easiest way to mitigate a potential thundering herd scenario, and this is considered a ThingWorx best practice as well, is to randomize the reconnection of devices. Each agent can be configured to delay itself by a random amount of time before attempting to reconnect after a loss of connectivity. This random delay then distributes the number of assets connecting at a time over a longer period, thus minimizing the impact of the reconnections on ThingWorx. There are several configuration settings that help in this regard.   Configuring the Herd (C-SDK) The C-SDK is great at managing agent connectivity, having a lot of options for fine-tuning the connections. The web-socket connection is managed by the SDK layer of the edge device (which also manages the retry process). To review the source code for how connections are made, see the C-SDK file found here: src\api\twApi.c, specifically the function called twApi_Connect().   The ExampleAgent uses custom configuration files to manage this process from the application layer, a more robust and complete solution. Detailed here are the configuration options in the ExampleAgent attached to this post, most of which can be found in its ws_connection.json configuration file: connect_timeout is used throughout the C-SDK as the time to wait for a web-socket connection to be established (i.e. the ‘timeout’ value). This is the maximum delay for the socket to be established or to send and receive data. If it is established sooner, then a success code is returned. If a connection is not established in the configured timeout period, then an error is returned. Setting this value to 10 seconds is reasonable, for reference. connect_retries is the number of times the SDK will attempt to establish a connection before the twApi_Connect() function returns an error. Setting this to -1 will trigger the SDK to stay in the loop infinitely until a connection is established. connect_retry_interval is the delay between connection retries. max_connect_delay is used as a delay before even entering the loop, that which uses the connect_retries and connect_retry_interval parameters to establish the connection. The SDK function twAddConnectionDelay() is called, which delays by a random amount of time between 0 seconds and the value given by this parameter. This random delay is only used once per call to twApi_Connect().  This is therefore the parameter most critical to preventing thundering herd scenarios (as discussed above). Configuring the SDK agents to reconnect in this way is critical, but there are also some drawbacks, namely that while the twApi_Connect() function is running, there is no clean way of shutting the agent down. Likewise, the agent only does ONE randomized delay per call of the twApi_Connect() function, meaning that if reconnection cannot occur immediately, it’s still possible for many agents to try to reconnect at once. Consider this when determining what values to assign to these parameters.   ExampleAgent Design The ExampleAgent provided here is a fully implemented, configurable application, like the EMS in terms of functionality, but containing only simulated data. The data capture component is missing here and has to be custom developed. Attached alongside this source code is extensive documentation that explains how to get the application set up and configured. This isn’t meant to be used directly in a production environment.   Please note that the ExampleAgent is provided as-is; it is not an officially released product by PTC.   This disclaimer includes the ExampleAgent source code, build process, documentation, deliverables as well as any ExampleAgent modifications to the official releases of the C-SDK or the SCM extension product. Full and sole responsibility for the use, deployment, reliability, and accuracy of any ExampleAgent related code, documentation, etc. falls to the user, and any use of the ExampleAgent is an implicit agreement with this disclaimer.   The ExampleAgent was developed by PTC sales and services to help in the Edge application development process.  For assistance, support, or additional development, an authorized statement of work is needed.  Please Note:  PTC support is not aware of the existence of the ExampleAgent and cannot provide assistance.    Because of the small downside to configuring the twApi_Connect() function directly as discussed above, there is alternative approach given here as well. The ExampleAgent module ConnectionMgr.c controls the calling of the twApi_Connect() on a dedicated connection thread. The ConnectionMgrThreadFunction() contains the source code necessary to understanding this process.   The ConnectionMgr.c workflow and source code visualization via Microsoft Visual Studio are in the diagrams below. The ExampleAgent defines its own randomized delay to mitigate the thundering herd scenario while still deploying an edge system that responds to shut down requests cleanly. In this case, the randomized delay is configured by the parameter reconnect_random_delay_seconds in the agent_config.json file. Since the ConnectionMgrThreadFunction() controls the calling of twApi_Connect(), the ConnectionMgrThreadFunction() will delay the randomized value EVERY time before calling this reconnect function. A separate thread is created to call the reconnect function so that there are still resources available for data processing and to check for shutdown signals and other conditions.   Recommended Values These recommendations are based around managing the reconnection process from the application layer. These may be different if the C-SDK is configured directly, but creating application layer management is recommended and provided in the ExampleAgent attached. The ExampleAgent is configured by default to simplify the SDK layer’s involvement.   These configuration options tell the SDK layer to try to connect just once, after just 1 second: There is no official recommendation for the above values due to the fact that every use case is different and will require different fine tuning to work well.   Then this setting here handles the retry process from within the application layer of the ExampleAgent: Conclusion To reduce the chances of a thundering herd scenario, configure the fleet to reconnect after differing random delays. The larger the random delay times, the longer it takes for the fleet to come back online and fleet data to be received. While more complex ThingWorx deployment architectures (such as container-based deployments like Kubernetes or Thingworx High Availability (HA) clusters) can also help to address the increased peak load during a thundering herd event, randomized reconnect delays can still be an effective tool.        
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ThingWorx Docker Overview and Pitfalls to Avoid    by Tori Firewind of the IoT EDC Containers are isolated and can run side-by-side on the same machine, but they share the host OS, making them more efficient in terms of memory usage and scalability.   Docker is a great tool for deploying ThingWorx instances because everything is pre-packaged within the Docker image and can be stored in a repository ready for deployment at any time with little configuration required.  By using a different container for every component of an application, conflicting dependencies can be avoided. Containers also facilitate the dev ops process, providing consistent application deployments which can be set up, taken down, and tested automatically using scripts.   Using containers is advantageous for many reasons: simplified configuration, easier dev ops management, continuous integration and deployment, cost savings, decreased delivery time for new application versions, and many versions of an application running side-by-side without any wasted resources setting them up or tearing them down. The ThingWorx Help Center is a great resource for setting up Docker and obtaining the ThingWorx Docker files from the PTC Software Downloads website. The files provided by PTC handle the creation of the image entirely, simplifying the process immensely. All one has to do is place the ThingWorx version and all of the required dependencies in the staging folder, configure the YML file, and run the build scripts. The Help Center has all of the detailed information required, but there are a few things worth noting here about the configuration process.   For one thing, the platform-settings.json file is generated based on the options given in the YML file, so configuration changes made within this configuration file will not persist if the same options aren’t given in the YML file. If using Docker Desktop to run an image on a Windows machine, then the configuration options must be given in an ENV file that can be referenced from the command used to start the image. The names of the configuration parameters differ from the platform-settings.json file in ways that are not always obvious, and a full list can be found here.   For example, if extension imports need to be enabled on a ThingWorx instance running in Docker, then the EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ENABLED option must be added to the environment section of the YML file like this:     environment: - "CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms2g -Xmx4g" # NOTE: TWX_DATABASE_USERNAME and TWX_DATABASE_PASSWORD for H2 platform must # be set to create the initial database, or connect to a previous instance. - "TWX_DATABASE_USERNAME=dbadmin" - "TWX_DATABASE_PASSWORD=dbadmin" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ENABLED=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_JARRES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_JSRES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_CSSRES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_JSONRES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_WEBAPPRES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_ENTITIES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_ALLOW_EXTENTITIES=true" - "EXTPKG_IMPORT_POLICY_HA_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL=WARN" - "DOCKER_DEBUG=true" - "THINGWORX_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=Pleasechangemenow"   Note that if the container is started and then stopped in order for changes to the YML file to be made, the license file will need to be renamed from "successful_license_capability_response.bin" to "license_capability_response.bin" so that the Foundation server can rename it. Failing to rename this file may cause an error to appear in the Application Log, and the server to act as if no license was ever installed: "Error reading license feature info for twx_realtime_data_sub".   In Docker Desktop on a Windows machine, create a file called whatever.env and list the parameters as shown here: Then, reference this environment file when bringing up the machine using the following command in Powershell:      docker run -d --env-file h2.env -p 8080:8080 -v ${pwd}/ThingworxPlatform:/ThingworxPlatform -v ${pwd}/ThingworxStorage:/ThingworxStorage -it <image_id>     Notice in this command that the volumes for the ThingworxPlatform and ThingworxStorage folders are specified with the “-v” options. When building the Docker image in Linux, these are given in the YML file under the volumes section like this (only change the path to local mount on the left side of the colon, as the container mount on the right side will never change):      volumes: - ./ThingworxPlatform:/ThingworxPlatform - ./ThingworxStorage:/ThingworxStorage - ./tomcat-logs:/opt/apache-tomcat/logs     Specifying the volumes this way allows for ThingWorx logs and configuration files to be accessed directly, a crucial requirement to debugging any issues within the Foundation instance. These volumes must be mapped to existing folders (which have write permissions of course) so that if the instance won’t come up or there are any other issues which require help from Tech Support, the logs can be copied out and shared. Otherwise, the Docker container is like a black box which obscures what is really going on. There may not be any errors in the Docker logs; the container may just quit without error with no sign of why it won’t stay up. Checking the ThingWorx and Tomcat logs is necessary to debugging, so be sure to map these volumes correctly.   Once these volumes are mapped and ThingWorx is successfully making use of them, adding a license file to the Docker instance is simple. Use the output in the ThingworxPlatform folder to obtain the device ID, grab a valid license file, and put it right back into that ThingworxPlatform folder, exactly the same way as on a regular instance of ThingWorx. However, if the Docker image is being used for a dev ops process, a license may not be necessary. The ThingWorx instance will work and allow development for a time before the trial license expires, which normally will be enough time for developers to make their changes, push those changes to a repository, and tear the container down.   Another thing worth noting about ThingWorx Docker image creation is that the version of Java supplied in the staging folder must match the compatibility requirements for each version of ThingWorx. This is the version of Java used by the container to run the Foundation server. In versions of ThingWorx 9.2+, this means using the Amazon Corretto version of Java. The image absolutely will not start ThingWorx successfully if older versions of Java are used, even if the scripts do successfully build the image.   Also note that in the newer versions of ThingWorx Docker, the ThingWorx Foundation version within the build.env file is used throughout the Docker image creation process. Therefore, while the archive name can be hard-coded to whatever is desired, the version should be left as is, including any additional specifications beyond just the version number. For example, the name of the archive can be given as (a prettier version of the archive name than is used by default), but the PLATFORM_VERSION should still be set to 9.2.0-b30 (which should be how it appears within the build.env file upon download of the ThingWorx Docker files).   Paying attention to every note in the Help Center is critically important to using ThingWorx Docker, as the process is extensive and can become very complicated depending on how the image will be used. However, as long as the volumes are specified and the log files accessible, debugging any issues while bringing up a Docker-contained ThingWorx instance is fairly straightforward.     Credits: Images borrowed from ThingWorx Docker Containerization Tech Talk by Adrian Petrescu
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