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PTC Community Monthly Stand-Out November 2022

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PTC Community Monthly Stand-Out November 2022

See the Top Community Engagers and the Top Noteworthy posts for the month of November.


Top November 2022 Community Engagers: 


@Werner_E @TomU @VladimirN @MartinHanak  @ttokoro  @Cornel @tbraxton  @LucMeekes 

@ValeryOchkov    @avillanueva    @CW_9181033   @EdvinTailwind @N.Barnes @Dale_Rosema 

@Brndn4 @StephenW @BenLoosli  @HelesicPetr @rleir   @ptc-4937106   @evandenbrink   @FriedhelmK





Below are some of the top engaging or most viewed PTC Community topic threads for November 2022!  See if your community username made this list!  Or, read more about a topic that interests you!


1.  Creo: @EdvinTailwind asked about Corner Chamfer Workflow.  Thank you @MartinHanak  @pausob  , @kdirth @BenLoosli and @tbraxton for contributing to the conversation!


2. Creo:  The topic Anysys Simulate for Study of bolt pretension was started by @PS_10114112 

Great dialogue with @skunks and @Chris3 


3.  Creo:  @DCG received an accepted solution from @tbraxton for the topic Rotate text around circle

Contributions by @kdirth @StephenW and @pausob


4.  Creo:  @Patriot_1776 was asking for more advice on how to be more efficient in the realm of Drawing mark ups/ redlines  This doesn't seem to be resolved from a Creo standpoint but @Constantin seemed to have given the most satsifactory answer.  Thank you, @KenFarley @kdirth @TomU and @StephenW for contributing to the conversation!


5.  ThingWorx:  @pjbiocco received an accepted solution for the topic How to prevent Custom widget resizing from Mashup Builder from @VladimirRosu 



6.  ThingWorx: Another accepted solution was received by @VladimirRosu for the topic Working with JSON and Arrays started by  @jensc @VladimirN provided a helpful support article as well!




7.  ThingWorx@gch asked about  Another accepted solution was received by @VladimirRosu for the topic IoT Hub Connector & Ports @pshashipreetham and @VladimirN also contributed to the conversation!


8.  ThingWorx: @wcui provided some great troubleshooting and advice for the question Run EMS as background job posted by @VR_10133499


9.  ThingWorx: @Rishabh345 asked a question about Unable to use JSON stringify0 on a JSON 

Thank you @SachinSharma for contributing to the conversation!


10.  Vuforia:  @AndreaT bumped up a topic posted in August from PTC Wayfinder Widget Open Beta!

with a follow up question. Great feedback from @AmberWright


11.  Vuforia:  @Pietro_Padovan received an accepted solution from @ClayHelberg 

Thank you,  @RolandRaytchev for contributing as well!
12.  Vuforia:  @Aditya  received an accepted solution from @RolandRaytchev for the topic
  Displaying multiple 3D Images after a particular interval in Vuforia Studio


13.  Vuforia@AlexK  posted the topic  Hide Tagalong Button of 3D Panel
thank you @ClayHelberg 
for contributing to the conversation and @RolandRaytchev for the accepted solution..
14.  Windchill:  @Nicholas.G  posted the topic Published PDF  and received an accepted solution from    @Ajit_Kulkarni  Thank you @MikeLockwood @HJ1 @Marco_Tosin 



15.  Windchill@AG_10330040 asked about  want to move the data from one context to another context through Customization  Thank you  @Ajit_Kulkarni @BenLoosli @rleir and @bhushan.d for contributing to the conversation.


16. Mathcad:  Lots of creativity being inspired by the topic started by @ValeryOchkov titled New Oval-an ellipse  @Werner_E  thank you for adding to the fun and entertainment of this post!


17.  Mathcad@PEAH is getting help with his inquiry  Mathcad Prime 8 is very slow - Tips or tricks to increase speed?  from @Werner_E @VladimirN and @terryhendicott 


18. Mathcad:  @JXBWk received an accepted solution from @AlanStevens for the topic ODE solve give very spiky response  Thank you @ValeryOchkov @Werner_E @prop_design and @LucMeekes


19.  Windchill SSE (Integrity): @VladimirN sent @PM_10327162    a knowledge help article to help with Facing issue to Import Reqif issue to Import Reqif


20.  FlexPLM:@kkari got some great feedback from salder for the videos posted in the  Adobe Illustrator Plugin 2.x:  Update an existing design











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