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Pre-built apps for manufacturing operations that rapidly deliver value.   Overview   Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast   Getting started on an industrial IoT project can be daunting, especially deciding where and how to begin. After collecting the experiences gained by working with over 1500 companies on IIoT applications, PTC has made the process to get up and running easier. By grouping IIoT capabilities together in functionally oriented programs, PTC built out-of-the-box applications that rapidly deploy and scale across new or existing system infrastructure. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use ThingWorx ready-to-configure apps to quickly lay the foundation for industrial transformation and implement IIoT solutions in as little as 90 days. ThingWorx Apps offer a comprehensive, basic IIoT scheme to connect to your equipment, collect real-time data, create notification work flows, deliver role based dashboards, and more. Need something more tailored to your operation? No problem. You can iteratively extend and customize ThingWorx Apps into additional use cases for continuous innovation.     Manufacturing Apps   Manufacturers are under constant pressure to minimize downtime, improve quality, and respond faster to individual customer requirements, all while lowering costs. The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are pre-built solutions that can be tried in less than 60 minutes without disrupting production. These apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into factory floor operations, from individual PLCs to assets to plants to enterprise-wide operations.   ThingWorx Connected Work Cell   Connected Work Cell streamlines how information is delivered to frontline workers by aggregating critical data from multiple data siloes into a simplified visual application. It presents step-by-step work instructions with accurate, up-to-date information to drive efficiency, links instructions to work orders, assigns resources, and validates proper execution to ensure quality. Capabilities Lite work instruction authoring with multiple step types and versioning Workpiece routes editor and work order scheduling Step-by-Step tracking of operator execution  Smart tool configuration Work station dashboard display File storage and document management Benefits Present accurate, up-to-date work instructions using 3D models Aggregate work requirements from multiple sources into one simplified display at the work station Increase workforce flexibility by reducing upfront training before being assigned to a new work cell Improve quality by collecting actual tool use data Rapid implementation and fast time to value   ThingWorx Real-Time Production and Performance Monitoring   Real-Time Production and Performance Monitoring provides manufacturing executives and plant managers with top-down, real-time visibility into consistent KPIs such as overall equipment effectiveness, mean time between failure, and mean time to repair.   Capabilities Connect existing assets and gather real-time data View overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), mean time between failure (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR) in real-time  Compare geographically separated assets, lines, or products based on date, time, shift or crew Benefits Improve operational performance of existing assets by increasing throughput and decreasing waste Balance labor vs. capital expenditures to meet production needs Determine true overall equipment effectiveness for multiple facilities   ThingWorx Asset Monitoring and Utilization   Asset Monitoring and Utilization helps manufacturers connect to existing assets, remotely monitor them in real-time, generate alerts based on abnormal conditions, and deliver critical insights with data trending and analysis tools.   Capabilities Performance Dashboards with real-time access to open alarms Email and SMS distribution rules for messaging and alarm acknowledgment Integration to maintenance systems Detailed screens showing asset health, configuration parameters, and sensor trends  Benefits Quickly identify anomalous data trends and perform Root Cause Analysis Maximize asset uptime and availability with alerts on critical issues before they impact performance Rapidly connect to and catalog existing assets Quickly Identify Anomalous Data Trends and perform Root Cause Analysis  
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Build an Equipment Dashboard Guide Part 1   Overview   This project will introduce you to the principles of ThingWorx Foundation by creating an eqipment dashboard. Following the steps in this guide, you will create the building blocks of your first IoT application, including Things and Streams. We introduce the basics for creating an IoT application. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 2 parts of this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview   This guide explains the steps to create an Industrial Eqipment Dashboard, and is part of the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path. You can use this guide independently from the full Learning Path. If you want to learn the basics of creating an eqipment dashboard with ThingWorx, this guide will be useful to you.When used as part of the Industrial Plant Learning Path, you should already have ThingWorx Kepware Server installed, and it should be sending data to ThingWorx Foundation. You also need to have previously created the Thing Shape and Thing Template used for this dashboard. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Create Thing   A Thing is used to digitally represent a specific component of your application in ThingWorx. In Java programming terms, a Thing is similar to an instance of a class. In this step, you will create a Thing that represents an individual Pump using the Thing Template we created in the previous guide. Using a Thing Template allows you to increase development velocity by creating multiple Things without re-entering the same information each time. In ThingWorx Foundation, navigate to Browse > Modeling > Things. Click + New. In the Name field, type MyPump. NOTE: This name, with matching capitalization, is required for the data display created in a later step.       4. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject.       5. In the Base Thing Template field, search for and select the previously-created PumpTemplate.       6. At the top, click Save.          Manage Property Bindings At the top, click Properties and Alerts. At the top, click Manage Bindings. In the top-left Local > Search Things field, search for and select IndConn_Tag1. Drag-and-drop Simulation_Examples_Functions_Random3's + symbol onto the watts Property on the right. At the bottom-right of the pop-up, click Done. Note how the Tag from ThingWorx Kepware Server is now bound to the the watts Property. Click Save. Click Refresh repeatedly to confirm the watts Property value is changing.     Step 3: Store Data in Value Stream   Now that you have created the MyPump Thing to model your application in ThingWorx, you need a storage Entity to record changing Property values. This step shows how to save time-series data in a Value Stream already created in a previous guide. To learn more, refer to the Methods for Data Storage guide. Navigate to Browse > Modeling > Thing Templates. Click the previously-created PumpTemplate Thing Template to open it. Confirm you are on the General Information tab. If necessary, click Edit to allow changes. In the Value Stream field, search for and select IndConn_ValueStream. Click Save.   Step 4: Create Application UI   ThingWorx Foundation is used to create customized web applications that can display and interact with data from multiple sources. These web applications are called Mashups and are created using the Mashup Builder. The Mashup Builder is where you create your web application by dragging and dropping Widgets such as Grids, Charts, Maps, and Buttons onto a Canvas. All of the user interface elements in your application are Widgets. We will build a web application with three Widgets: Image showing a picture of the pump Value Display showing the pump serial number Line Chart showing the value of watts Property trend over time.   Create New Mashup   Navigate to Browse > Visualization > Mashups.   Click + New.   Keep the defaults and click OK.   In the Name field, type pump-dashboard. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. Click Save.   At the top, click Design.   Define Mashup Areas   At the top-left, ensure the Layout tab is selected. Click Add Bottom to split your UI into two halves.   Click the newly-created bottom-half to select it. Click Add Left.   Click the bottom-left container to select it. In the top-left Layout section, scroll down and select Fixed Size.   Type 200 in the Width text box that appeared, then press your keyboard’s Tab key to record your entry.   Add Widgets   In the top-left, click the Widgets tab.   In the Filter field, type image.   Drag-and-drop an Image Widget onto the lower-left area of the central Canvas. This Widget will show an image of the pump in use. 4. In a similar manner to what was just done with the Image Widget, drag-and-drop a Value Display Widget onto the top area. 5. Likewise, drag-and-drop a Line Chart Widget onto the lower-right area.   6. Click Save.          Click here to view Part 2 of this guide. 
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Learning Paths combine guides into one experience to teach related skills efficiently from start to finish. Begin your learning journey to reduce time to proficiency to get up and running with ThingWorx quickly.   Featured Learning   Utilizing ThingWorx to Secure Your Aerospace and Defense Systems Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Vehicle Predictive Pre-Failure Detection with ThingWorx Platform   Industry Solutions   Complex and Automatic Food and Beverage Systems Connect and Configure Industrial Devices and Systems Medical Device Service Monitor Factory Supplies and Consumables Using an Allen-Bradley PLC with ThingWorx   Learn ThingWorx   Getting Started on the ThingWorx Platform Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications Azure MXChip Development Kit    
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Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS), Foundation, and Analytics to engineer a Smart, Connected Products play for the Automotive segment.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 240 minutes.   1. Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to Connect to ThingWorx  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 2. Use the EMS to Create an Engine Simulator  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 3. Engine Simulator Data Storage  Part 1 Part 2 4. Build an Engine Analytical Model  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 5. Manage an Engine Analytical Model  Part 1 Part 2 6. Engine Failure-Prediction GUI 7. Enhanced Engine Failure Visualization  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Challenges Manufacturers of factory equipment often rely on manual processes to maintain adequate supply levels of consumables in equipment at customer sites. But a clipboard-and-pen process for ordering supplies are error prone, and can quickly grow wrought with problems that often go unreported until they affect assembly line production, resulting in unexpected costs—such as overnight shipping charges—and risking downtime, which ultimately leads to customer dissatisfaction.   Solution One such manufacturer implemented ThingWorx to connect to equipment installed at customer sites, and created a custom web application using ThingWorx Foundation to remotely monitor supply levels. ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity provides the bi-directional connection to send data that is displayed in graphs on the web application created using ThingWorx Mashup Builder. Features of ThingWorx Analytics were used to generate alerts before maintenance problems affected production.   Outcomes The manufacturer is able to monitor supply levels to more effectively anticipate when consumables will need to be replenished. Supplies are now consistently ground shipped on time to meet assembly line demand, reducing interruptions to operations and allowing expansion to multiple plants with improved service level.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 120 minutes.   1. Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions  Part 1 Part 2 2. Build a Predictive Analytics Model  Part 1 Part 2
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  Create an Engine Failure Prediction GUI to warn about customer issues.   GUIDE CONCEPT   This guide will use ThingWorx Foundation's Mashup Builder to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to display results from Analytics Manager comparisons of your analytical model to real-time data.   Following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to utilize Widgets and backend data to quickly visualize customer failure conditions.     YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Create a Mashup Add Widgets to represent different data Bring Backend Data into the Mashup Tie data to Widgets View Analytical Results in a convenient GUI   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete all parts of this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Scenario   In this guide, we're finishing up with the MotorCo scenario where an engine can fail catastrophically in a low-grease condition.   In previous guides, you've gathered and exported engine vibration-data from an Edge MicroServer (EMS) and used it to build an engine analytics model. You've even put that analytical model into service to give near-immediate results from current engine-vibration readings.   The goal of this guide is to create a GUI to visualize those predicted "low grease" conditions to facilitate customer warnings.     GUI-creation to visualize analytical model deployment can be extremely helpful for the automative segment in particular. For instance, each car that comes off the factory line could have an EMS constantly sending data from which an analytical model could automatically detect engine trouble.   This could enable your company to offer an engine monitoring subscription service to your customers.   This guide will show you how to visualize the results of an engine analytic model for a "smart, connected products" play.     Step 2: Create Mashup   Mashups are ThingWorx Foundation's method of creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).   Mashups are created through the Mashup Builder interface.   Before you can use this drag-and-drop interface, you must first create a new Mashup.      1. In ThingWorx Foundation Composer, click Browse > Visualization > Mashups.      2. Click + New.        3. Leave the defaults and click OK.        4. In the Name field, type EFPG_Mashup.      5. If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.        6. At the top, click Save.        7. At the top, click Design. You are now in the Mashup Builder interface, where you can drag-and-drop graphical elements (Widgets) to create your GUI.      8. At the top-left, click the Layout tab.        9. Change Positioning to Static. This removes any auto-positioning or dynamic-sizing from our Mashup, so that we can place and size Widgets manually.      10. At the top, click Save again.       Step 3: Add Widgets   We now want to add several Widgets to our Mashup by dragging-and-dropping them into the central Canvas area.   Return to the Widgets tab in the top-left.       2. In the Filter Widgets field, type label.        3. Drag-and-drop five (5) Label Widgets onto the central Canvas area.      4. Select the Label Widgets, go to the Properties in the bottom-left, and change the Label's LabelText to s1_fb1 through s1_fb5.         5. Filter Widgets for text field, and then drag-and-drop five (5) Text Field Widgets onto the central Canvas area.        6. Drag-and-drop two (2) more Label Widgets onto the central Canvas area.      7. Change their LabelText Properties to Result_low_grease and Result_low_grease_mo.        8. Drag-and-drop two (2) more Text Field Widgets onto the central Canvas area.        9. In the top-left Widget's tab, change Category to Legacy.      10. Drag-and-drop an Auto Refresh Widget onto the Canvas.        11. At the top, click Save.         Step 4: Add Data   Now that we have a rough set of Widgets in place to display Data in our Mashup, we need to bring in backend Data from Composer.      1. In the top-right, ensure the Data tab is active.      2. Click the green + button.        3. In the Entity Filter field, search for and select EdgeThing.      4. In the Services Filter field, type getprop.      5. Click the right-arrow beside GetProperties.      6. On the right, check Execute on Load.        7. In the bottom-right, click Done.      8. On the right, expand GetProperties.        9. At the top, click Save.       Step 5: Bind Data   Now that backend Data is accessible inside Mashup Builder, we need to bind it to the various Widgets.   Drag-and-drop Data > Things_EdgeThing > GetProperties > s1_fb1 to the top-left Text Field under the s1_fb1 Label Widget.           2. On the Select Binding Target pop-up, click Text.         3. Repeat for s1_fb2 through s1_fb5 on the 2nd-5th Text Field Widgets.       4. Drag-and-drop Data > Things_EdgeThing > GetProperties > Result_low_grease to the top-right Text Field under the Result_low_grease Label Widget, and select Text on the Binding pop-up.       5. Repeat for Result_low_grease_mo on the Text Field just below.       6. Click the Auto Refresh Widget to select it.       7. In the bottom-left Properties, set RefreshInterval to 1.         8. With the Auto Refresh Widget still selected, click the top-left corner to reveal a drop-down.       9. Drag-and-drop the Refresh Event onto Things_EdgeThing > GetProperties.       10. On the right, click the GetProperties Mashup Data Service to reveal all of its interactions in the bottom-center Connections window.              11. At the top, click Save.       Step 6: View Mashup   In the last guide, we disabled the Analysis Event after confirming that appropriate analytical jobs were being created and completed whenever new data from our EMS Engine Simulator entered Foundation.   We now need to re-enable that Event so that we can see the results in our Mashup.       1. Return to Analytics > Analytics Manager > Analysis Events.       2. Select the Event, and click Enable.   View Analytical Results   With the Analysis Event enabled, we can now view our Mashup to watch engine-failure-predictions be displayed in real time.       1. Return to EFPG_Mashup.       2. At the top, click View Mashup.       3. Wait and notice how the refresh occurs every second, including both true and false analytics results for the "low grease" condition.      4. When you are satisfied that you have observed enough true/false results, return to Analytics > Analytics Manager > Analysis Events and Disable the event.   Through this Learning Path, you have done all of the following:   Connect a remote device to Foundation using the Edge MicroServer (EMS) Fed relevant product-data to the Foundation backend Formatted and exported that data in a manner which Analytics could understand Imported that data and used it to build an Analytics Model of your remote device Started feeding real-time remote data into the model to achieve immediate failure-prediction results Create a GUI to easily visualize those results   You now have a completed Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a Service Play with MotorCo's new engines.   These new engines may have a known-failure condition, but (because you've instrumented those engines to provide constant data) you can monitor them and predict failures before they actually happen.   This could easily be an up-sell scenario for MotorCo's customers. They could simply purchase the engine. Or they could both purchase the engine and enroll in a service contract where you notified them of impending issues.   What was originally a single-point source of income is now ongoing        Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations. You've completed the Engine Failure-Prediction GUI guide. In this guide you learned how to:   Create a Mashup Add Widgets to represent different data Bring Backend Data into the Mashup Tie data to Widgets View Analytical Results in a convenient GUI   The next guide in the Vehicle Predictive Pre-Failure Detection with ThingWorx Platform learning path is Enhanced Engine Failure Visualization.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions Guide   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Analytics Manager Help Center
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Use Rockwell Automation's Connected Components Workbench to connect an Allen-Bradley PLC for use with the ThingWorx Platform. This Learning Path will guide you through installation of Rockwell Automation and ThingWorx applications, connecting ThingWorx to the Allen-Bradley PLC, and how to configure, monitor, and control the PLC from ThingWorx.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 240 minutes.   This learning path assumes that ThingWorx has already been installed   1, Install Rockwell Connected Components Workbench 2. Install ThingWorx Kepware Server 3. Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC 4. Create An Application Key 5. Model an Allen-Bradley PLC 6. Visualize an Allen-Bradley PLC  Part 1 Part 2
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Install ThingWorx Kepware Server Guide    Overview   This guide will walk you through the steps to install ThingWorx Kepware Server. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview   This guide is the first on the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path, and it explains how to get up and running with ThingWorx Kepware Server. If you want to learn to install ThingWorx Kepware Server, this guide will be useful to you, and it can be used independently from the full Learning Path. In the next guide on the Learning Path, we will create an Application Key which is used to secure the connection between Kepware Server and ThingWorx Foundation. Later in the Learning Path, we will send information from ThingWorx Kepware Server into ThingWorx Foundation. In other guides in this Learning Path, we will use Foundation's Mashup Builder to construct a website dashboard that displays information from ThingWorx Kepware Server. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Install ThingWorx Kepware Server   ThingWorx Kepware Server includes over 150 factory-automation protocols. ThingWorx Kepware Server communicates between industrial assets and ThingWorx Foundation, providing streamlined, real-time access to OT and IT data — whether that data is sourced from on-premise web servers, off-premise cloud applications, or at the edge. This step will download and install ThingWorx Kepware Server. Download the ThingWorx Kepware Server executable installer. Select your Language and click OK 3. On the "Welcome" screen, click Next.        4. the End-User License Agreement and click Next.   5. Set the destination folder for the installation and click Next.   6. Set the Application Data Folder location and click Next. Note that it is recommended NOT to change this path. 7. Select whether you'd like a Shortcut to be created and click Next. 8. On the "Vertical Suite Selection" screen, keep the default of Typical and click Next. 9. On the "Select Features" screen, keep the defaults and click Next. 10. The "External Dependencies" screen simply lists everything that will be installed; click Next. 11. On the "Default Application Settings" screen, leave the default of Allow client applications to request data through Dynamic Tag addressing and click Next. 12. On the “User Manager Credentials” screen, set a unique strong password for the Administrator account and click Next. Note that skipping setting a password can leave your system less secure and is not recommended in a production environment. 13. Click install to begin the installation. 14. Click finish to exit the installer.     Step 3: Open ThingWorx Kepware Server   Now that ThingWorx Kepware Server is installed, you will need to open it. In the bottom-right Windows Taskbar, click Show hidden icons. 2. Double-click on the ThingWorx Kepware Server icon. 3. ThingWorx Kepware Server is now installed. 4. For additional information on ThingWorx Kepware Server, click Server Help on the Menu Bar.   Step 4: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Install ThingWorx Kepware Server guide. In this guide, you learned how to:   Download, install, and open ThingWorx Kepware Server   The next guide in the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment learning path is Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation.    The next guide in the Using an Allen-Bradley PLC with ThingWorx learning path is Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC. . 
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  Step 7: Set-up and Run Demo   The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector download includes a Java application that simulates a device connecting to your Azure IoT Hub. A ThingTemplate is also included and can be imported into ThingWorx.   Import Demo Templates   In ThingWorx Composer, click Import/Export menu, then click From File and browse to ../demo/edgedevice- demo/platform/entities/CPUDemo_AllEntities.xml   Click Import then click Close when the import successful message is displayed. Create a new Thing using the imported template azureDemo1, enter a name for your Thing and click Save. NOTE: You will enter this name in the demo config file in the next step. Configure Demo Application   In the ../demo/edge-device-demo/conf subdirectory, open the edge-device.conf file with a text editor. Edit the deviceId to be the name of the Thing you created in step 3. Edit the iotHubHostName to use the name of your hub plus the domain: For example, Edit the registryPolicyKey property to use the Primary Key for the registryReadWrite policy in the Azure IoT Hub. Below is an example configuration: azure-edge-device { deviceId = "alstestedgething" iotHubHostname = "" registryPolicyName = "registryReadWrite" registryPolicyKey = "pzXAi2nonYWsr3R7KVX9WuzV/1234567NZVTuScl/Kg=" }   Run Demo Script   Open a shell or Command Prompt, set the EDGE_DEVICE_DEMO_OPTS environment variable to refer to the file you just edited: Linux - export EDGE_DEVICE_DEMO_OPTS="-Dconfig.file=../conf/edge-device.conf" Windows - set EDGE_DEVICE_DEMO_OPTS="-Dconfig.file=../conf/edge-device.conf" Launch the demo from the ../demo/edge-device-demo/bin subdirectory, using the edge-device-demo command. Return to the ThingWorx Composer and open the Properties page of the Azure Thing that you created previously. Click the refresh button to see the properties change every five seconds. Open the azure-iot-demo Mashup and view the Load Average and CPU gauges, and the increases in the values of the Cycle and Uptime fields. NOTE: If the edgedevice-demo is running on Windows, the Load Average does not register.   Step 8: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Connect Azure IoT Hub to ThingWorx Quickstart. By following the steps in this lesson, you imported a device created in Azure into ThingWorx and saw how data from an Azure device could be used in a ThingWorx Mashup.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   If you're following the Azure MXChip Development Kit learning path, the next guide is Create a Thing Shape.    Capability     Guide Connect Choose a Connectivity Method Build Design Your Data Model Experience Create Your Application UI   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:  Resource       Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Getting Started with ThingWorx        
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    Step 7: Access Data   Now that we have a basic display in-place, we need to access the backend data.   To do so, we'll make use of built-in Mashup Data Services.   At the top-right, ensure that the Data tab is selected.   Click the green + button.   In the Entities Filter field of the Add Data Pop-up, search for and select MDSD_Thing. In the Services Filter field, type getprop. Click the arrow beside GetProperties. Note that the GetProperties() Service has been added to the right section. Check the Execute on Load checkbox.   At the bottom-right of the pop-up, click Done. Note how the GetProperties() Mashup Data Service has been added to the top-right under the Data tab.   Bind Info Table Property   Now that we have access to the Data Service within the Mashup, we'll use it to pull backend data into the Mashup (specifically, the aggregated Info Table Property), and then bind it to the Grid Widget.   Expand the GetProperties Service.   Drag-and-drop MDSD_InfoTable_Property onto the Grid Advanced Widget.   On the Select Binding Target Pop-up, select Data.   Note how the bottom-center Connections Window indicates that the aggregated Info Table Property is now bound to the grid.   Access the Aggregation Service   Because we selected the Execute on Load option for GetProperties(), the Service will grab the information from the aggregated Info Table Property and propagate that into the Grid Advanced Widget on initially opening the Mashup in a web browser.   However, we currently have no way to call our custom aggregation Service besides diving into the backend as we did when we first created it and performed testing.   Instead, we want the Mashup itself to have the ability to call the aggregation Service.   We'll do so via the Button Widget's Clicked Event, but we first need to gain access to our custom Service in the Mashup.   In the top-right Data tab beside Things_MDSD_Thing, click the green </> button. Note that the Add Data Pop-up opens with the MDSD_Thing pre-selected.   On the left of the Add Data Pop-up, expand Select Service Category, and choose **Uncategorized**. Note our custom MDSD_Aggregation_Service.   Beside MDSD_Aggregation_Service, click the right arrow to add it to the Selected Services section. Note that we do NOT want to check "Execute on Load", because don't want the Service called upon initially opening the Mashup in a web browser.   At the bottom-right, click Done. Note the MDSD_Aggregation_Service has been added to the far-right Data tab.   Bind Button to Aggregation Service   Now that we can reference the aggregation Service in the Mashup, we'll bind it to pressing the Button Widget.   Click the Button Widget to select it.   Click the top-left of the Button Widget to reveal the Drop Down Menu.   Drag-and-drop the Clicked Event onto the MDSD_Aggregation_Service under the Data Tab.   On the bottom-right, with the MDSD_Aggregation_Service selected, drag-and-drop the MDSD_Aggregation_Service's ServiceInvokeCompleted Event onto GetProperties in the Data Tab. This causes the completion of the aggregation Service to re-call GetProperties, which updates the grid; as such, a new entry into the Info Table Property created by the custom Service will immediately show up in the Grid Widget. In the top-right, click the GetProperties Service to see all of its interactions in the bottom-center Connections window.   At the top, click Save.       Step 8: Test Application   Our MVP MRI Service Application is now complete.   Let's test it.   At the top, click View Mashup. Note the pre-existing single entry from our Service test which we executed directly from the backend.   Click Retrieve MRI Statistics.   Wait a moment and click Retrieve MRI Statistics again. Note that each click adds another entry to the Grid Widget.   Each time that you press the Button Widget, what you're really doing is calling our custom aggregation Service in the Foundation backend.   This Service then goes out and pulls in information from our various EMS-connected Edge sub-systems.   To add additional sub-systems (maybe a "friction" detection on the patient-bed indicating that it needs additional grease) all you would have to do is repeat the steps in this Learning Path, i.e. connect the additional sub-system with the EMS, add another Field Definition to the Data Shape, and modify the aggregation Service to retrieve that info and store it in the Info Table Property.   In addition, you may wish to improve the GUI. Rather than using a Positioning: Static Mashup, you could utilize a Responsive setup, sub-divide the Canvas into various sections, and then add items such as your company's logo. This would also make the GUI more friendly to different screen resolutions.   You can even add business logic to the Mashup itself. For instance, the Auto Refresh Widget (Legacy) can effectively be used as a "timer". In the same way that the Button Widget's Clicked Event calls the aggregation Service, the Auto Refresh Widget could be used to trigger the Service call at a set interval. Then, as long as the Mashup was open, the Button Widget would only be needed when you wanted an immediate status update.   For more information on implementing additional business logic, refer to the Create Custom Business Logic guide.   Or the Time Selector Widget could be used to restrict the information in the Grid Widget to only the timeframe you wanted to investigate.       Step 9: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Medical Data Storage and Display guide, and learned how to:   Create a Data Shape and Info Table Property to store Medical Data Create a Service to combine data from multiple Edge devices into a single, logical Thing Create a Mashup to view and retrieve Medical data   This is the last guide in the Medical Device Service learning path.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:    Capability     Guide Build Methods for Data Storage Experience Create Your Application UI   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:    Resource       Link Community Developer Community Forum Support ThingWorx Help Center  
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    Step 8: Verify Connectivity   The EMS is now attempting to talk to ThingWorx Foundation.   However, ThingWorx does not have detailed information about the Edge device that is attempting to connect to it, so it will show up in the Unbound category of Remote Things.   Open ThingWorx Composer.     On the left, click Monitoring.   Click Status -> Remote Things.     Click Unbound.     Confirm that you see the PiThing listed in the Unbound section. NOTE: The name PiThing comes from the config.lua script. PiThing is simply the name that is in that script, hence the name that you see in ThingWorx. To change the name of the device, you could stop both wsems and luaScriptResource, edit config.lua to use a different Thing name other than PiThing, and then restart both of the EMS programs. At that point, the Thing showing up in Remote Things -> Unbound would be whatever name you changed to in config.lua.   Create a Remote Thing   Now that the EMS is communicating with ThingWorx Foundation, let's create a Remote Thing to which Foundation can tie said connection.   In ThingWorx Composer, click Browse > Modeling > Things.     At the top-left, click + New.       In the Name field, enter PiThing. Note that the name must match the spelling and capitalization of the Thing's name that you entered in the EMS's config.lua for it to auto-connect.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template field, search for remotethingwith.     Select RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer. At the top, Click Save. Note the status-indication pop-up indicating that PiThing is now connected.       Use Services to Explore EMS Files   Now that your Remote Thing is Saved and Connected, we can use some of the built-in Services to explore the EMS folders and files which we previously created for testing purposes.   At the top of PiThing, click Services.   Under the Execute column, click the Play Symbol for BrowseDirectory.   In the top-left path field, type / and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the other and tw folders which we previously created for testing.   In the top-left path field, type /tw and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the tw_test_01.txt file which we previously created for testing.     As the tw_test_01.txt file (and its parent folder) were items which we custom-created for this guide, you should now be 100% convinced that connectivity between Foundation and the EMS is dynamically working.   If so desired, you could explore into other folders (or even add additional files to these folders), run the BrowseDirectory Service again, and confirm that Foundation is now aware of the EMS and actively communicating.     Step 9: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Setup a Raspberry Pi as an IoT Device guide, and learned how to:   Set up Raspberry Pi Install, configure, and launch the EMS Connect a remote device to ThingWorx   The next guide in the Medical Device Service learning path is Medical Data Storage and Display.    Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Manage Data Model Introduction Connect Connect Industrial Devices and Systems   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support ThingWorx Edge MicroServer (EMS) Help Center External Raspberry Pi Documentation
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Utilize Foundation and the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to connect and monitor remote Medical Devices for service-applications.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 180 minutes.   1. Create An Application Key 2. Use the Edge MicroServer (EMS) to Connect to ThingWorx  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 3. Setup a Raspberry Pi as an IoT Device Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 4. Medical Data Storage and Display  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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    Step 5: Create Event   Events are automatic analysis jobs which are submitted based on a pre-defined condition. In this step, we'll configure an Analysis Event which will execute automatically whenever there is a datachange in our simulated engine.   On the ThingWorx Composer Analytics tab, click ANALYTICS MANAGER > Analysis Events.   Click New....   In Source, search for and select AMQS_Thing. In Event, select DataChange. In Property, select FlipFlop. In Provider Name, select Vibration_Provider. In Model Name, select the published Model.   Click Save.     Map Event Data   Map the Properties of AMQS_Thing, to the fields required to evoke an Analysis Job.   Select the previously-created Event, and click Map Data....   Click Inputs Mapping.   In Source Type, select Thing. In Source, search for and select AMQS_Thing.   On the left, select s1_fb1, one of the sub-fields of AMQS_Thing's InfoTable Property. On the right, select _s1_fb1, the first frequency band required for the Model to make a prediction.   Click the Map button in the center.   Repeat this mapping process for for s1_fb2 through s1_fb5.   Map causalTechnique in the same manner. This is a String Property in AMQS_Thing with a Default Value of FULL_RANGE, the same technique we used in our earlier true/false testing. Map goalName to goalField in the same manner. This is a String Property in AMQS_Thing with a Default Value of low_grease, the same goal we used in our earlier testing.   Click Results Mapping on the left.   Map _low_grease to Result_low_grease.   Map _low_grease_mo to Result_low_grease_mo.   Click Close to close the mapping pop-up.   Enable Event   Now that we've done the mapping from Foundation to Analytics, let's confirm that everything is correct.   If so, we'll then Enable the Analysis Event so that it can automatically generate and process Analysis Jobs.   Select the mapped Analysis Event.   Click View....   Click Inputs Mapping and confirm that all mappings are correct.   Click Results Mapping and confirm that all mappings are correct.   At the top-left, expand the Actions... drop-down.   Select Enable.   Now that you have enabled the Analysis Event, whenever AMQS_Thing's InfoTable Property changes, the new data will be submitted to Analytics Manager.   An Analysis Job will automatically run, with a predictive score sent back and stored in AMQS_Thing's Result_low_grease (Boolean) and Result_low_grease_mo (Number) Properties.       Step 6: Test Model   In this step, we'll confirm that the automatic analysis of information coming from remote devices is operational.   On the ThingWorx Composer Analytics tab, click ANALYTICS MANAGER > Analysis Jobs.   Uncheck Filter Completed Jobs.   Select a Job and click View.... Click Results. NOTE: You will see true or false, just as when you manually tested the Model, so you know that Analytics Manager is now automatically submitting and completing jobs with a resulting prediction. Test Mashup   Follow these steps to confirm that the results are being sent back to ThingWorx Foundation in a way in an actionable way.   Return to the AMQS_Mashup browser tab. Wait at least ~20 seconds to see multiple cycles of good and bad data (which should generate a false or true result from Analytics Manager). Note the Text Field Widgets on the right now have data.   This analytical result is coming from Analytics Manager, and is the exact same output you saw in ANALYSIS JOBS.   Using this technology, you could create a paid customer service, where you offered to monitor remote engines, in return for automatically shutting them down before they experience catastrophic engine failure.   For that example implementation, you would utilize the AMQS_Thing.Result_low_grease BOOLEAN Property to trigger other actions.   For instance, you could create an Alert Event which would be triggered on a true reading.   You could then have a Subscription which paid attention to that Alert Event, and performed an action, such as sending an automatic shutdown command to the engine when it was experiencing a likely low grease event.   NOTE: We recommend that you return to the ThingWorx Composer Analytics > ANALYTICS MANAGER > Analysis Events tab and Disable the Event prior to continuing. Since the simulator generates an Event every ~10 seconds, this can create a large number of Events, which can fill up your log.       Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations. You've completed the Operationalize an Analytics Model guide. In this guide you learned how to:   Define an Analysis Provider that uses the built-in Analytics Server Connector Publish a Model from Analytics Builder to Manager Create an Analysis Event which takes data from ThingWorx Foundation and decides whether or not a failure is likely   This is the last guide in the Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics learning path.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:       Capability Guide Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions Guide   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:       Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Analytics Manager Help Center
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Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics Learning Path   Design and implement your data model, create logic, and operationalize an analytics model.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 390 minutes.    Data Model Introduction  Design Your Data Model Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Data Model Implementation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Create Custom Business Logic  Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions Part 1 Part 2  Build a Predictive Analytics Model  Part 1 Part 2 Operationalize an Analytics Model  Part 1 Part 2  
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  How to Display Data in Charts Guide Part 3   Step 6: Configure Charts   You now have a test Thing that has an Info Table Property and Time Series Property with values appropriate for display in various Chart Widgets, as well as a Mashup with those charts inside. However, in order for the Widget to display data, you need to bind it to the data source.   Bring Data into the Mashup   Select the Data tab in the top-right section of Composer.   Click the green + button under Data.   In the Entity Filter field, search for and select DDCThing. In the Services Filter field, type GetProperties. Click the right-arrow beside GetProperties The GetProperties Service will now appear on the right under Selected Services. Check the Execute on Load box under Selected Services. This will cause the GetProperties Service to execute as soon as the Mashup is loaded.   6. In the Services Filter field, type QueryPropertyHistory. 7. Click the right-arrow beside QueryPropertyHistory. 8. Check the Execute on Load box under Selected Services. 9. Click Done to close the Add Data pop-up window.   Drag-and-Drop Data Bindings   Under the Data tab, expand the Things_DDCThing > GetProperties service.   Drag GetProperties > InfoTableProperty to the Pie Chart Widget in the top-left section of the Canvas.           3. On the Select Binding Target pop-up, select Data. 4. Repeat steps 2-3 for the Label, Proportional, and Bubble charts. Note that the Bubble chart will be bound to DataSource1 rather than Data.     5. Drag-and-drop QueryPropertyHistory > Returned Data > All Data to the Line Chart Widget in the bottom-middle section of the Canvas. 6. On the Select Binding Target pop-up, select Data. 7. Repeat steps 5-6 for the Event Chart in the bottom-right of the Canvas.   Configure Chart Properties   Click the Pie Chart in the top-left of the Canvas to select it. In the bottom-left section of Composer, showing the Properties of the Pie Chart, type LabelField in the Filter Properties field. For the LabelField drop-down, select Label.   In the Filter Properties window, type ValueField. In the ValueField drop-down, select Value.       Repeat steps 1-5 for each of the other charts, making the following Widget Property changes: Chart Property Setting Label XAxisField XAxis Label DataField1 Data Proportional XAxisField XAxis Proportional DataField 1 ASensor Proportional DataField 2 BSensor Proportional DataField 3 CSensor Bubble XAxisField1 XValue Bubble YAxisField1 YValue Bubble BubbleValueField1 BubbleValue Line XAxisField timestamp Event XAxisField timestamp Event LabelField TimeSeriesProperty 7. At the top, click Save. 8. Click View Mashup.     Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations!  In this guide, you learned how to:   Create a Data Shape to format an Info Table Create a Value Stream to record Property Value changes Create a Thing with an Info Table Property and a Time Series Property Create a Mashup with various Chart Widgets Link your Thing's Properties to the Chart Widgets   This is the last guide in the Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications learning path.    Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Widget Help Center    
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How to Display Data in Charts Guide Part 1   Overview   This project will introduce various Chart Widgets. Following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to graphically represent multiple data points simultaneously. We will teach you how to utilize the Pie, Label, Proportional, Bubble, Time Series, and Event Charts. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete ALL 3 parts of this guide is 60 minutes.    Step 1: Introduction   As an IoT application developer, there are times when you want to display multiple data points simultaneously. In this situation, it is often helpful to make use of one of the various Chart Widgets. This guide will discuss the following Chart Widget options: *Old widget = no web component replacement Pie – old widget Label (Legacy) Proportional – old widget Bubble – old widget Line – new web component Event – old widget Before you can display this information in your UI, you need to first configure the ThingWorx system to store those values. For the time-series charts (including both the Line and Event Charts), you need to store information in a time-series friendly manner. In this case, we’ll use a Value Stream to store Property value changes. We’ll use an Info Table (similar to a spreadsheet) to track the values for the non-time-series charts (Pie, Label, Proportional, and Bubble).   Step 2: Create Data Shape   Many data structures in ThingWorx require a Data Shape to format their values. This is true for a Stream, a Data Table, and an Info Table. We'll be using an Info Table in this example. NOTE: Any time you use an Info Table, you must first define a Data Shape. From the Browse tab of ThingWorx Composer, click Modeling > Data Shapes, + New.   In the Name field, enter DDCDataShape.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.  At the top, click Field Definitions.   Click + Add. In the Name field, enter PrimaryKey. Change Base Type to INTEGER. Check the Is Primary Key box. The primary key is used to uniquely identify a row of data. DataShapes used for DataTable configuration must have a primary key. 9. Click the "Check with a +" button for Done and Add. 10. In the Name field, enter Label. 11. Leave Base Type as the default of STRING. 12. Click the "Check with a +" button for Done and Add. 13. Repeatedly add additional fields, each with a Base Type of NUMBER, until all of the following Field Definitions have been entered: Value XAxis Data ASensor BSensor CSensor XValue YValue BubbleValue Note that you'll want to click the "Check" button for Done after entering the last definition. 14. Click Save.    Step 3: Create Value Stream   An easy way to record changes to a Thing Property is via enabling the Logged functionality. However, without a place in which to log the changes, logging the Property does nothing. One way in which to create a storage location for Property changes is a Value Stream. On the ThingWorx Composer Browse tab, click Data Storage > Value Streams, + New.   In the Choose Template pop-up, select ValueStream and click OK.   In the name field, enter DDCValueStream.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject.  At the top, click Save.   Click here to view Part 2 of this guide. 
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    Guide Concept   This project will introduce how to get your application ready for usage by actual users or ready to collect data.   Following the steps in this guide, you will be ready to present your finished application to users so they can benefit from its functionality. Deploying your application provides the ability for users to access it from anywhere, anytime and enables your edge devices to communicate with your application 24/7.   We will teach you how to deploy your ThingWorx IoT application to be ready for whatever experience you've molded it to be.     You'll learn how to   Create login screens, users and user groups Define security permissions Deploy application Identify and troubleshoot issues   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes     Step 1: Completed Example   Download the CompletedApplication.xml attached to this guide.  Within the downloaded file, you will find Entities referenced in this lesson, including a finished application that will be used for the deployment exercise. Import and utilize this file to see a finished example and return to it as a reference if you become stuck during this guide and need some extra help or clarification.   Keep in mind, this download uses the exact names for entities used in this tutorial. If you would like to import this example and also create entities on your own, change the names of the entities you create.       Step 2: Define Organization   In order to control access to your application, you first need to create an Organization. Think of the organization entity as your company or department. Once you define the organization, you will create Users and User Groups.   Organizations are hierarchical structures that allow you to assign visibility to entities in the ThingWorx Model. You can add users and group to each level within this structure.   Organizational Structure   This is the organization defined within the sample application download for this guide.  Entity Name                Entity Type      Description Constructors Organization High level of an organization. UpperManagement User Group Executives in the organization. HR User Group HR department in the organization. Management User Group First and second tier management in the company. Laborers User Group Skilled trade workers in the organization. ConstructorsGroup User Group Security group for all employees in the company. j.general User HR Department Employee a.jones User Skilled Laborer j.lewis User Manager i.jorden User CEO default_user User User used in trial version for all company roles.      Create Organization   Follow the steps below to create an Organization and make it login ready. Once your Organization is saved, you are provided with a login screen. Customize the login page to your liking with the General Information tab of the Organization after creating it.   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen.     Select Organization in the dropdown.     Name your Organization Constructors. Set the Project field (ie, PTCDefaultProject) and click Save     Click Edit and select the Organization tab to see the hierarchy. With the top organization selected, in the Members search bar, search for the user you have created yourself and add them. Keep track of the user you added, they will be needed to log into the application later in this guide.            View Organization   From the Home page of Composer, filter for and select the Constructors Organization. The General Information tab shows the configurations for the login screen and resetting passwords. For more information on password resets, see the Password Reset Help Page. The Login Image is where you would put your logo or an image you would want users to see when they are logging into your application. The Home Mashup is the page you would like users to go to after they have passed the login prompt. The Login Style and Login Button Style are Style Definition properties. NOTE: If you keep these fields blank, the default configurations will be applied. You can create your own Style Definitions by following steps in our Styles and States Guide.   Create Organizational Units   Let's create the structors for our Organization. With the Constructors Organization open, follow the directions below:   Click the green + button under the structure you would like to expand. Name your Organization unit UpperManagement In the Members search bar, search for the user or user group you created and add it.     Click Save. Repeat the steps to create the full hierarchy of the organization and its members.     Setup Entity Visibility   Visibility is a simple form of access control. If an entity is visible to members of an organizational unit, then its members have access to the entity.   Select the Permissions tab of any Thing you created in Composer.     Filter and select Constructors in the Search Organizations field. Click Save.         Step 3: Security and Permissions   By Default, new Users have no permission configurations. Permissions can be defined for any Entity created on the ThingWorx platform. All Entities have permission control for both design time and run time.   Design time is the period in which changes can be made to the Entity in Composer. Run time is the period in which the application is running and calls are made.   Permissions should be set for each and every Entity within the application in order to keep it secure and maintain access to services.   Select the Permissions tab of any Thing you created in Composer (ie, ConstructorsBlog).   Select the Design Time or Run Time tab.   After selecting one, filter and select a User or UserGroup to set their permissions. Set the Allow, Deny or Inheritence markers to set permissions respectively.   The Inherit category allows a user to inherit permissions from the user group it belongs to.       Step 4: Deploy Application   ThingWorx Composer is set up to allow deployment in very simple steps. An application can run locally on a computer or remotely on a server as long as an Apache Tomcat server is installed on the same machine. Simply copy the URL that is generated when you click View Mashup within Composer. That is the URL to share with users so they can access your application.     If you plan to use a Login Screen, use the View Mashup URL generated from the Login Mashup you create. To view the login page of your application, type the following URL: [server]/Thingworx/FormLogin/ (ie, localhost/Thingworx/FormLogin/Constructors).   The login page for the sample application can be found at: [server]/Thingworx/FormLogin/Constructors.     To log in using this screen, type in the username and password of a user that is in the organization.   To use one of the example Users, set their password in the Composer and test it within the login prompt. Based on the permissions you set, users will have a different view of the application when they log in.         Step 5: Logging and Troubleshooting   There are two mechanisms that enable you a view into your application and what is happening behind-the-scenes, through the ThingWorx Composer Monitoring and the ThingWorx filesystem.   ThingWorx Composer Monitoring   ThingWorx provides pages to see all logs and communications between your ThingWorx instance, your applications, and edge devices using the Monitoring drop-down in the top navigation toolbar of your Composer. To see this page click Monitoring on the left menu, then select the option you would like to see.      Resource                  Usage Application Log This page will show you the log for your application and information on the processing running. Communication Log This page is used to show communication between your ThingWorx instance and outside sources. Configuration Log This page provides information into what is happening behind the scenes for your ThingWorx Composer and how it has been configured. Security Log This page highlights any information around access to the application, composer, or any security updates Script Log Logging information you have set for scripts running in your ThingWorx instance. Error Log Details for errors within your ThingWorx instance. Remote Things This page provides the list of Entities that are able to connect to edge devices, connected to your application, and even Entities that are currently disconnected.   ThingWorx File System   Log files for ThingWorx and your application can be found in the [Root]\ThingworxStorage\logs directory. The ROOT DIRECTORY is the folder in which ThingWorx has been running (ie, C:\ThingworxStorage\logs for Windows or /ThingworxStorage/logs for Mac or Linux).   Each log file corresponds to some of the content you can see in the Monitoring dropdown in the ThingWorx Composer.       Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations you have completed the Deploy an Application How-To, and learned how to:   Create login screens, users and user groups Define security permissions Deploy application Identify and troubleshoot issues   The next guide in the Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications learning path is How to Display Data in Charts.    Additional Resources   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:    Capability    Guide Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions Secure Configure Permissions     If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:    Resource       Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Help Center  
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  Implement reusable Mashup Templates and Shapes in your IoT application.     Guide Concept   This guide will introduce you to creating your own advanced responsive ThingWorx user interface templace. You’ll learn some best practices and tips for creating a UI for your IoT application. With Mashup templates, you’re able to quickly and easily build pages that will look alike and have some of the same functionality already programmed.   Following the steps in this guide, you will create reusable content and develop scalable user interfaces.   We will teach you how to make UI development easier and more efficient for all of your IoT application needs.     You'll learn how to   Utilize ThingWorx using best practices for UI design Create Entities to make development faster and scalable    NOTE: The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes     Step 1: Completed Example Files   Download and import GiftedReusability.xml attached to this case. Within the file you imported, you will find Entities referenced in this lesson, including a finished application. Import and utilize this file to see a finished example and return to it as a reference if you become stuck during this guide and need some extra help or clarification. Keep in mind, this download uses the exact names for entities used in this tutorial. If you would like to import this example and also create entities on your own, change the names of the entities you create.     Step 2: Create Reusable Mashup   A reusable Mashup can be embedded in another Mashup in order to enable common components. Follow the steps below to create a reusable Mashup.   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen.   Select Mashup Template in the dropdown.   Select Responsive for the layout option. Click Ok.   Enter a name for the Mashup Template, such as MashupTemplateExample. Set the Project field (ie, PTCDefaultProject). Click Save then click Design to get to the Mashup canvas.   You've now created a Mashup template that can be utilized to create other Mashups faster and easier. After saving, you will have the regular Mashup design window as shown below.     Play around and have some fun with this new Mashup. With the Workspace view in the Default option, you can see how simple it is to add sections and layout configurations within the page. You can also see that there is functionality for adding Widgets and data to the template. Let's add containers.   Let's add some containers to our UI. This will allow for easier grouping of UI components or to allow users an easy comparison of charts and graphs.   Select the Main layout and click Add Left. Do this a second time. Select the left most container and select Add Bottom. Select the right most container and select Add Top. Select the top section that was just added and click Add Right.   You should have something like the image above. Now that you have formulated these sections, you can use the standard methods to add Widgets, styles, and data. In the Nested Container section, you can decide on how these containers should be sized as your add new sections to your page.   If you make any changes to this Mashup Template, you are then able to create new Mashups based off of this Mashup after select Responsive as the layout option. We will be making some of these changes in the next steps.       Step 3: Configure Mashup   There are two Thing Templates provided. AirHandler is a top level template with several direct implementations (FanA, FanB, FanC, etc.). There is also a HeatHandler Thing Template. This template inherits from the AirHandler Thing Template and has 2 direct implementations.   The AirHandlerTemplate Mashup can be used with either direct AirHandler implementations, or indirect implementations such as implementations of the HeatHandler Thing Template. This Mashup can also be reused further with implementations of another Thing Template.   Open the AirHandlerTemplate Mashup, which contains the layout that will be used in this example. Drag and drop a Property Display Widget onto the left column in the layout on the canvas.   Drag and drop an Image Widget onto the bottom right space of the canvas.   Drag and drop a Checkbox Widget onto the top part space of the of the canvas.   Click the + button in the Data panel.   Check the Dynamic checkbox. Select the AirHandler in the Select Entity text box. Filter for and find the GetPropertyValues service, then click the arrow.   Check the Execute on Load checkbox. Click Done.   You've just created a Mashup Template that will utilize the AirHandler entity for data and property values. This will allow you to continuously create new Mashups with a head start. In the next steps, we will connect the data values of the AirHandler template to the Widgets in the screen.         Step 4: Define Entity Parameter   Mashups come with a parameter named Entity. This parameter is a BaseType of ThingName and often used in dynamic Mashups as an input to Services or outlets of information. In our example, the Entity parameter is used to tell the Mashup which implementation of the AirHandler we should present.   With the updated AirHandlerTemplate Mashup still open, follow the directions below:   Select the Mashup in the Explorer pane. Select the Settings icon in the Widget properties panel.   The Configure Mashup Parameters pop-up will appead. Add a parameter named Entity with a Base Type of Thing Name. Select Done.   In the Mashup Property panel, drag the Entity parameter to the EntityName field of the DynamicThingTemplates_AirHandler data source.   Select All Data from the GetPropertyValues Service and drag it to the Property Display Widget. When prompted, select Data from the Select Binding Target pop-up.   Expand the All Data section of the GetPropertyValues service. Drag the FanStatus field to the Checkbox Widget. When prompted, select State from the Select Binding Target pop-up.   Drag the HandlerImage field from AllData section to the Image Widget. When prompted, select SourceURL.    With the Mashup selected in the Workspace pane. Drag the EntityChanged event from the Widget Properties panel to drop GetPropertyValues service. This ensures that the GetPropertyValues service will be called at runtime when the Mashup shows a new Entity.    Click Save.   NOTE: You can configure the Property Display Widget to display only certain properties. To do this, select the Property Display Widget in the Workspace pane, click the dropdown arrow and select Configure Widget. Uncheck the fields you do not want to see (for example, name, description, tags, and HandlerImage) and click Done.   You have just created a reusable Mashup to display information based on the particular incoming AirHandler. At this point, clicking View Mashup will not display any data. Proceed through the remainder of this exercise to connect it as a Contained Mashup.       Step 5: Use Mashup Template as Component   This HandlerExample Mashup is not a Mashup Template. It will be used later to contain a Mashup Template. It already contains the layout that will be used in the example.   Adding Service   The below steps are based on the HandlerExample Mashup. This completed version can be found in the provided download.   Create a new Mashup named Handler and add a column. Drag and drop a List Widget onto the left column of the Mashup layout.    Drag and drop a Contained Mashup Widget onto the right column of the Mashup layout. In the Name property for the Contained Mashup Widget, filter and select the AirHandlerTemplate Mashup.    Click the + button in the Data pane. Select AirHandler in the Select Entity search box. Filter for and find the GetImplementingThings service, then click the blue arrow.   Check the Execute on Load checkbox. Click Done.   Configuring Data Input   Select All Data from the GetImplementingThings service and drag it to the List Widget. When prompted, select Data.    Expand the Selected Row(s) section of the GetImplementingThings service. Drag the name field to the Contained Mashup Widget. When prompted, select Name.    Select the List Widget in the Workspace pane. In the Properties section, set the DisplayField and ValueField properties to name.    With the List Widget still selected, check the AutoSelectFirstRow property. Click Save, then View Mashup.    You will see Fans and Heaters in the list because they are both implementations for the AirHandler template. The Mashup can be used for both scenarios and will show the property fields for both. The AirHandlerTemplate can be used with other templates because it is only a Mashup Template.   Based on the properties of the other Thing Templates used with this particular template, determines whether an image will be shown in the right layout.   The FinishedExample Mashup is a finished example of this exercise.       Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations on completing the guide!   The next guide in the Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications learning path is Deploy an Application.    If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:    Resource       Link Build Application Development Tips & Tricks Community Developer Community Forum Support Help Center  
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    Step 4: Create and Implement State Definitions   A state definition is a collection of style definitions, along with rules for when to apply each style definition. The rule plus the style definition is a state.   In the HelloWorldPlayground Mashup, if the Gauge Widget goes to 10 and the Increment the Count button is clicked once again, the Gauge starts back at 0. This value change is displayed in the Line Chart when it is refreshed. Nevertheless, it would be helpful to have a way to show a user that they’re encroaching 10 and will have to restart, such as the Gauge changing colors in the section. This and many other uses is where State Definitions become useful and go hand and hand with Style Definitions.     Create Style Definition to Represent State Change   First, let’s create Style Definitions to represent the changes in the count. The default Style Definition for a Gauge is the DefaultGaugeFaceStyle Style Definition. We can simply duplicate and update the new Style Definition for our own purposes.   Filter and click the checkbox next to the DefaultGaugeFaceStyle Style Definition. Click Duplicate.   Name the Style Definition UpdatedGaugeFaceStyle. Click Style Information.   Set the Display String property as AlarmingCount. Change the Background Color to light red (color code #D60000 is used in this example).   Change the Secondary Background Color to a darker red (color code #960A0A is used in this example). The inside line of the Gauge Widget is very thin. As an additional exercise, update the Line Thickness property and/or Line Color to see the effect.     Configure State Definition   Now let’s create a State Definition that will use both the default Gauge Style Definition and the one we just created.   In the ThingWorx Composer, click the + New at the top of the screen.   Select State Definitions in the dropdown.   Set the Project (ie, PTCDefaultProject). Name the State Definition GaugeCount. Click States Information.   Set the Apply States dropdown to Numeric.   Set the following values for the default state: Property Value Operator Less than (<) Value 10 Display Name Under 10 Style DefaultGaugeFaceStyle 8. Click the Add State button to create the other states to match the below image:   9. Click Save.   You’ve now created a State Definition. If the value is below 10, the default Gauge format will be applied. Once the value reaches 10, notice the state-based changes you defined are displayed in the appearance of the Gauge.     Implement State Definition in Mashup   Update HelloWorldPlayground Mashup to incorporate the State-based formatting.   Select the Gauge Widget in the Workspace pane and click the ValueFormatter property.   Select the State-based Formatting radio button. Choose Count_Property for the Dependent Field drop-down and select the GaugeCount State Definition that we just created.   Click Done and Save the Mashup. Click View Mashup. If you used the color schemes mentioned, your new HelloWorldPlayground Mashup should look like this.   Click the Increment the Count button to see the state changes. The Gauge now displays a visual indication for when the count is approaching 10.     Enhance State Definition   To further enhance the user experience, you could add another color that warns the user in advance before the threshold is reached. For this example, we will update our State Definition and create a Style Definition that uses the color yellow.   Duplicate the UpdatedGaugeFaceStyle Style Definition.   Name the Style Definition UpdatedGaugeFaceStyle2. Click Style Information.   Set the Display String property to AlarmingYellowCount. Set the Background Color property to yellow (color code #F9EF6B is used in this example).    Set the Secondary Background Color property to a darker yellow (color code #D2CD0E is used in this example). Open the States Information tab of the GaugeCount State Definition. Update the State Definition to fit the image below and utilize the Style Definition we just created: Click Save and View Mashup to see the updated runtime appearance of the application.       Step 5: Implementing Event-Based State Changes   The State and Style Definition you just implemented enables the Gauge to show users when the data property value is approaching the defined threshold. To increase the effectiveness of your application, you can define Event Handling processes that alert the user. In this section we will explain two ways to handle the Event when the count is nearing the threshold value. One, with a Service that gets called whenever the Button Widget is clicked, and the other by using Expression Widgets.   Using a Service to Handle Events In this part of the exercise, we will configure the Mashup so that once the Count hits 9, we will display a more drastically changed Gauge.   Adding Data Service   The below sections are based on the HelloWorldPlayground Mashup.   Select the Gauge Widget in the Workspace pane. Click the Copy button in the toolbar.   Select the Container in the Workspace pane. Click the Paste button in the toolbar. If you Gauge Widgets will not go on top of one another, set the Z-index value of the new Gauge to a smaller number and set the Container Layout Position to static.   Click the green Add Service button in the Data tab next to Things_Hello_World_Thing1 to add two services from you Things_Hello_World_Thing1 Entity. NOTE: You just copied and pasted a Widget inside of a Mashup. While the Mashup retains the same property configurations and style definitions, the pasted Gauge will not have the same connections as the original Widget. You still need to define the inputs/outputs. For this new Gauge, we will only need to connect to the GetPropertyValues service. 6. Add the UnderWarningValue and WarningValueReached Services with the Execute on Load checked for both. 7. Click Done.   Binding Data and Event   With the original Gauge selected, scroll to the Visible property value. Drag and drop the UnderWarningValue service result to the Visible property.   With the new Gauge selected, scroll to the Visible property value. Drag and drop the WarningValueReached service result to the Visible property.   Select the Button Widget in the Workspace pane. Drag and drop the Clicked Event to the UnderWarningValue and WarningValueReached services.   This will ensure the other Services are run whenever the Increment the Count button is clicked.   The UnderWarningValue service will return true if the Count property is under 9. The WarningValueReached service will return true if the Count property is equal to or above 9. The result sent to the original Gauge controls whether the Gauge is visible to users or not.   You could choose to implement a pop-up, alert, or another visual indicator to the UI that would inform your application users. 7. Select the new Gauge in the Mashup or Explorer pane. 8. Clear the GaugeFaceStyle Style Definition and replace it with the DefaultChartStyle11.   9. Click Save and View Mashup to see the changes. Using Expression Widgets to Handle Events   Expression Widgets are a great asset to handle information being passed around inside of a Mashup and also events occurring within a Mashup. In this scenario, we will use the Count property value to create changes in the UI.   Setup Expression Widget   In the Functions Tab in the bottom right. Add a new function.   Set the Function Type to Expression and name it HighCount.   Click Next Click Add Parameter and add a Count (Number) parameter. Set the Expression property to output = Count >= 9;.   Check the Auto Evaluate and Fire on First Value checkboxes. Click Done.     Bind and Evaluate Event   In the Functions Tab in the bottom right, click the bind button of our new Function.   Click the dropdown by the Count input parameter. Click Add Source.   Select Data, then the Count_Property from the GetPropertyValues service.   Redo the past steps for a second Function. Name this function GaugeVisibility with a parameter of type Boolean with the name Visibility. Update the second Expression Widget’s Expression property to output = Visibility != true;. Ensure the checkboxes are checked and bind to the output of our last Function.   Connect the output of this Function to the second Gauge. Click Save and View Mashup.   NOTE: Move the Gauges from on top of one another if necessary to set values and parameters. The first Expression will show the newest Gauge Widget when Count hits 9. The other Expression Widget will show the original Gauge based on the evaluation of the first Expression Widget results.   Click the Increment the Count button to see how the display changes in the Mashup at runtime.   Step 6: Next Steps   The next guide in the Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications learning path is Object-Oriented UI Design Tips.    Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Style & Themes Help Center  
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Build, customize, and deploy IoT applications with ThingWorx.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 270 minutes.   1. Create Your Application UI  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 2. Basic Mashup Widgets  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 3. Define Your UI Style  Part 1 Part 2 4. Object-Oriented UI Design Tips 5. Deploy an Application 6. How to Display Data in Charts  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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  Create Your Application Guide UI Part 5    Step 7: Test Your GUI   At this point in the lesson, your Mashup now contains: Graphics to represent data Data Logical connections between the graphical elements and the data   Run Application   Execute the following steps to test that your application works as expected. Click the View Mashup button at the top. You may have to disable your pop-up blocker to load the Mashup in a new browser tab.   2. Wait and observe the Mashup for at least 20 seconds, clicking the Manually Retrieve Counts button regularly. NOTE: The values in the Mashup will increase roughly every 10 seconds, after you press the button to manually retrieve them. This happens because the Thing you imported earlier is simulating data and the work already done by the Edge and Backend Developers in this scenario. In this simulation, different production lines are continually producing new inventory, and that information is being fed into ThingWorx Foundation. As the count for each production line reaches 100, the batch is shipped out, and the count resets to 0 for the next iteration. 3. Check the Gears Manually Set Checkbox, change the Gears Count Text Field to read 7, and click the Manually Set Counts button. After 10+ seconds have passed, click the Manually Retrieve Counts button again. NOTE: This simulates a situation where an IoT sensors in the inventory warehouse has failed. Maybe it's over or under-counting inventory. Maybe there's a network issue. Maybe the sensor has simply stopped working entirely. Regardless, the warehouse floor has contacted a user of your GUI, and asked them to manually set the inventory to the correct amount. Performing Step 4 is all that is required to do so. As long as the Gears Manually Set checkbox is active, the inventory does not increase on the 10 second timer. This is to prevent a malfunctioning sensor from providing incorrect data to your GUI. 4. Uncheck the Gears Manually Set Checkbox and click Manually Set Counts. NOTE: The Gears Count starts increasing again after 10 seconds have passed. Remember to click the Manually Retrieve Counts button to see this change. This represents the previously-malfunctioning IoT sensor having been repaired.   Spend some time interacting with your Mashup GUI to get a better sense of its functionality. For the purposes of this exercise, this is a Minimum Viable Product. After testing it and getting feedback from your users, you would likely make further enhancements.   Collect Feedback   When testing your GUI, it is a best practice to collect feedback from users regarding your design, so that you can improve the experience with your application. Example User Feedback Possible Resolution Manually Set Counts button is too easy to accidentally press. Implement a Confirmation pop-up. Manually Retrieve Counts button is not ideal, should automate Remove the manual button and implement auto-update functionality instead. Manually Set Checkboxes have confusing names. Change the text to read Disabled, indicating that the sensor-input is being ignored. User wants to use your GUI on their smartphone and on a desktop computer. Re-implement the GUI using a Responsive (rather than Static) Mashup, so that there isn’t as much dead space on larger-resolution screens. User wants a visual indication of each inventory line amount at which the pallet is shipped out. Instead of using TextBoxes to show the current inventory counts, you could implement them as Gauges, showing a minimum and maximum amount that is easy to see at-a-glance.   Now that we've gotten some feedback, let's implement one such change-request as an example.   Enhance your GUI   Set up GetProperties to automatically update whenever data changes instead of using a button to manually retrieve the data. Close your MVP Mashup browser-tab and return to the Mashup Builder. Click the button-manual-retrieve Widget to select it.   Hit your keyboard's Delete key.   Click Yes in the Remove the selected widgets? pop-up window.   Click the green </> button beside Things_MBQSThing in the top-right Data tab.   6. In the Services Filter field, type getprop. 7. Click the right-arrow beside GetProperties. Be sure to select GetProperties, not GetPropertyValues. 8. Check the Execute on Load checkbox. 9. Click Done. 10. In the Data tab on the top-right, expand the newly-added GetProperties Service. 11. Drag-and-drop Gears_Count onto textbox-gears-count. 12. On the Select Binding Target popup, click Text. 13. On the Confirm Binding Replace pop-up, click Yes. 14. Repeat steps 11-13 for Pistons_Count and Wheels_Count onto their respective TextBox Widgets. 15. Drag-and-drop Gears_Count_Manually_Set onto checkbox-gears-manual. 16. On the Select Binding Target popup, click State. 17. On the Confirm Binding Replace pop-up, click Yes. 18. Repeat steps 15-17 for Pistons_Count_Manually_Set and Wheels_Count_Manually_Set onto their respective Checkboxes. 19. Click the GetProperties Service to select it. 20. In the bottom-right Data Properties section, check the Automatically update values when able box. 21. Click Save. 22. Click View Mashup.   You have now enhanced your MVP Mashup based on user feedback. The Counts in each TextBox will automatically update whenever there is a change in the Property values, as requested. ThingWorx Foundation provides a platform that allows you to quickly create a GUI for your IoT application in an extremely flexible and agile manner. The options to continue to improve your GUI are entirely up to you.   Step 8: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Create Your Application UI guide, and learned how to: Create new Mashups Choose a Static or Responsive layout Add Widgets to your Mashup Bind data Services to Widgets in your Mashup Create a functional GUI with applied usage of Widgets and Service   The next guide in the Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications learning path is Basic Mashup Widgets.    Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience: Capability Guide Build Data Model Introduction   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to: Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Mashup Builder Support Help Center    
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